Shock Value

By Marc P

Published on Jun 2, 2002




-by Marc P. (e-mail

The following story contains acts of a sexual nature between adults. If you are offended by heterosexual and/or homosexual acts, by all means continue reading; just be prepared to be offended.

If you are interested in reading more of my work, I encourage you to read "Corrupting A Minor" in the bisexual college section and "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" in the bisexual adult- youth section of the Nifty archives.

Nate settled back into the somewhat uncomfortable bus seat and sighed. He hated long bus rides and preferred to take the train or fly. But times being what they were, the recently laid-off twenty-three-year-old was being forced to use this pedestrian form of travel. Fortunately the trip from New York to Washington was a relatively short one, and he couldn't cancel it; his best friend from high school was getting married and he was the best man.

He purposely took a late bus in the hopes that no one would sit next to him. His luck was always rotten when it came to getting a decent travel companion. He just prayed he didn't end up with some old guy that smelled of gin and cigarettes and piss. But to his chagrin the bus was filling up rapidly, probably due to the holiday weekend.

Nate closed his eyes and made pathetic pleas to the transportation gods that no one sit down next to him. He was situated all the way in the back and it was the last place people tended to go. Yet while he was begging to be spared the hassle, he heard a deep, masculine voice say "Is anyone sitting here?"

Nate sighed and opened his eyes. He was greeted by a figure he hadn't expected to see. The voice he had heard had been deep, but he found himself staring up at a beautiful redheaded boy of barely eighteen. Nate's voice cracked as he told the boy that there was, in fact, no one sitting next to him.

The boy promptly plopped down next to him, put on a set of headphones and slouched down in the seat. Almost immediately he pushed his tattered baseball cap down over his face and closed his eyes. Nate could hear the bass from whatever current popular rap-metal song he was listening too.

And much to Nate's pleasure, the boy stayed that way for over an hour. It was dark on the bus but Nate had put his overhead light on under the auspices of reading, but what he was really doing was taking in the beauty of the boy who sat next to him. He was dressed in a pair of long, baggy cargo shorts that revealed a pair of well-shaped legs, covered in a light dusting of red hair. His sneakers were worn and untied and he wore no socks. Unfortunately his gray hooded sweatshirt was too baggy to show off what he had on the upper half of his body. His complexion was ruddy and he had a little bit of stubble on his chin and jaw-line.

Nate salivated over his travel companion until his pants became tight. Every now and then the boy would stir and brush his leg up against him. Along with his recent layoff, Nate had broken up with his boyfriend a few months earlier and had been forced to content himself with the random Saturday night pickup at the Roxy, or the like, for any form of sexual gratification. And no longer being able to afford the New York club scene, he had even more recently been forced to content himself with his right hand. And it wasn't like he was scrounging the dregs when he did get action. He had played soccer in college so he was well built, bright blue eyes and dirty blond hair, and could pull in a quality lay an evening.

About an hour and half into the trip the boy awoke and shifted position, stretching. He squirmed a bit in his chair, removed his hat to reveal a rumpled head of ginger hair, and pulled off his sweatshirt. Underneath, Nate noticed, he was wearing a plain white t-shirt that was pulled taught over his slight frame, outlining a decent set of pecs. And it looked as though he had a piercing in his left nipple, but Nate couldn't be sure and didn't want to stare too long, especially since he was obviously straight. The boy tossed his sweatshirt underneath the seat, let his headphones slip around his neck, and pulled a vinyl book of CDs from his knapsack.

Nate glanced over as the boy leafed through his CD collection. There was a wide variety of music. Nate noticed everything from modern rock like Sum 41 and Limp Bizkit, to classic rock like the Beatles and Led Zeppelin, to stoner music like Phish and Pink Floyd, to even such cheesy classics as Jimmy Buffet and Neil Diamond. Normally he tried not to talk to his traveling companions, but there was something about this kid sitting next to him that made Nate speak up.

"Quite an eclectic taste in music you have there," he said as nonchalantly as he could.

"Huh?" The boy looked up. In the low lighting Nate couldn't tell if the boy's eyes were green or hazel, but the seemed young and vibrant, if not the slightest bit dazed since he had just awoken.

"I said, quite an eclectic taste in music you have there," Nate repeated.

"A what taste in music?" the boy asked. Well, so he isn't a bright one, Nate mused, but he didn't think that brains were what this boy was going to be banking on to get him through life.

"Eclectic," Nate answered. "Unusual." The boy stared blankly. "I mean you've got everything from Buffet to Floyd. You pretty much run the gamut."

The boy's eyes sparkled with recognition and the most adorable smile crept across his face. "Oh, yeah. I like pretty much everything, ya know? How `bout you?"

"I stick to classic rock, myself," Nate replied. "It's easier to keep up with the new trends, since there aren't any."

"Cool," he said, nodding absently. He closed his CD book and settled comfortably into his seat and into conversation.

"So, why're you going to D.C.?" Nate asked. He was determined to keep this boy talking if it killed him.

"Eminem's at the MCI Center. Me and my cousin are gonna go."

Nate made a grunt of disgust, and he wasn't entirely sure why. He didn't give a rat's ass about Eminem, and offending the boy was the last thing that would keep him talking so Nate could ogle properly. But instead he said, "Do you actually like that crap?"

"Hey," the boy said defensively, "he raps great."

"Yeah, but do you think he's actually quality? Or is it just all for shock value?"

"Shock value?" the boy said, confusedly. Slowly Nate could see a positive turn to this conversation, but he had to play his cards carefully.

"Yeah, shock value. I mean, come on, no one is that offensive."

"It's not offensive. He's real, man. He's street."

Nate chuckled. "Real? Street? Oh give me a break. He's just trying to piss people off."

"He's not trying to piss people off. People just can't handle it. They don't know how it is." Oh, this kid was talking through is ass. And getting a little flushed, too. Nate found that endearing.

"And you do know how it is? Where's your street? Westchester?"

"Dude, you don't know what you're talkin' about."

"Whatever." Nate shrugged his shoulders. "I'm just saying I think it's all show. No one is that misogynistic or that big of a homophobe." There was an awkward silence, so Nate filled it. "Besides, anyone who is that homophobic is trying to hide something."

"Eminem is not a fag." The boy shifted uncomfortably.

"Don't try and tell me he doesn't take it up the ass," Nate answered. "True straight men don't bleach their hair."

"Dude, there's no way Eminem is a cocksmoker."

It was adorable how pissed off he was getting, as if Nate had insulted the boy himself. He quickly softened his approach so the boy wouldn't get too upset. "Ok, you're probably right; he probably doesn't suck cock. But you know he's got a bunch of men lined up on their knees and he loves every second of it."

"Dude," the boy said emphatically, "ain't no way Eminem would let a fag anywhere near his dick."

Nate looked at the boy incredulously. "You don't think so? An oversexed guy like him? I'm almost positive he lets guys suck him off, probably more often than not. I mean, it's common knowledge men give better head. I'm sure he eats that shit up."

The boy shook his head in objection. "Ain't no way Eminem would let a fag anywhere near his dick," he repeated.

"And," Nate continued, ignoring the boy's protests, "they always swallow. Women make a big song and dance about it but fags practically live off cum."

"Dude, there's no way Eminem's into any of that pansy-ass faggot shit."

"Not even for a kickass blowjob?"

"No, dude, no fuckin' way."

"So you wouldn't let a guy suck you off?"

"Ain't no fag coming near my dick."

Nate shrugged again. "Yeah, I can see that. Probably afraid he'd laugh at how small it is." It was low blow, but in retrospect probably the game-winner.

The boy blushed furiously. "My dick ain't small!"

Nate glanced down at the boy's crotch. He couldn't see anything through his baggy cargo shorts but it didn't stop him from reaching over and giving the boy's cock and balls a squeeze through the fabric. They seemed like a decent size.

"Dude!" the boy cried, pushing his hand away. "What the fuck?!"

"I didn't believe you," Nate said nonchalantly, and grabbed the boys cock again. He noticed that his package seemed to have swelled a bit, even in the short time between grabs. The boy made a half-ass attempt to push his hand away again but Nate wouldn't budge. "I bet this keeps your girlfriend happy. I bet she takes every one of your loads, she likes it so much."

Nate stared into the boy's eyes, keeping his hand on the boy's growing manhood. His breathing became more rapid and he didn't answer Nate's question. Nate smirked. "I didn't think so. Too bad you don't let fags anywhere near your dick."

Abruptly he pulled his hand off the boy's crotch and shifted away looking out the window. He could feel the boy's disappointment behind his back. He waited a few seconds but was sure it felt like an eternity for the boy.

Nate turned around. The boy was still staring at him, tense and flushed. Now he could see a noticeable bulge. He glanced around. No one seemed be paying attention; most of the other passengers appeared to be asleep or engrossed in their reading material. Nate looked intently into the boy's eyes. He'd seen that look before. The boy's mind was saying no but his body was practically screaming yes.

"I promise not to tell if you don't," he said, half-smiling. "Lift up your shirt."

This was the moment. If the boy complied, he was all Nate's. The boy shifted his gaze to the floor, and Nate instantly thought that it was over. But to his surprise the boy started to slowly pull the tight t-shirt up over his stomach, revealing a taught, smooth tummy. In the soft light Nate could see that he either worked out or had a naturally fit and trim body. There was a light trail of reddish blond hair leading from his belly button to the waistband of his low- hanging shorts.

Nate placed his hand on the boy's stomach. He was hot to the touch, but smooth and silky. The boy cringed slightly but let Nate rest his hand. Slowly Nate massaged his belly in circles. He could see the boy's pants stirring in anticipation.

Not wanting to be too exhibitionist, Nate turned off the overhead light and as soon as his eyes adjusted to the darkness he slowly unbuttoned the boy's cargos with his other hand, continually massaging his stomach. The boy's breathing was coarse and ragged. Nate knew he had to take it slow or it would all be over too quickly. He knew the boy would freak out about it as soon as he came, so he wanted it to last as long as possible.

Nate loosened the boy's shorts and slid his fingers into the fly of the boy's cotton boxers, brushing his hand against his shaft. The flesh was even hotter than his stomach had been. Lightly he caressed his balls. They were big and heavy with what felt like very little hair. The boy took in a sharp breath as Nate gave them a gentle squeeze. Slowly he slid his hand upwards, still in the boy's boxers, and wrapped it gently around his dick. After a few strokes he hauled the boy's meat out so he could get a good look at it.

Even in the dim light he could see that this boy's outward beauty extended to his nether regions. His cock was full and hard, about seven inches and of medium thickness. His cockhead was proportioned nicely to his girth and he could see a large vein running down the underside of the shaft. Nate could feel the boy tense up beneath him as he lightly stroked up and down.

He removed his hand from the boy's dick, which caused the boy to look at him, a mixture of confusion and disappointment on his face.

Nate spoke softly. "We're going to do this my way, or not at all, ok?" He waited for the boy's approval. It was clear the boy was trying to figure out exactly what Nate's way was. But whatever it was, the boy had decided he really needed a blowjob. Nate had figured that even if this kid had a girlfriend, he was probably a lot more familiar with his cock than she was, if she'd even had the pleasure of experiencing it, so the offer of a blowjob, even from a fag, was not to be turned down.

The boy slowly nodded his assent.

"Good," Nate said, smiling. "Lift up your shirt more." The boy complied, pulling his shirt up to his neck and revealing a smooth chest with two slightly defined pecs. His nipples were small and dark, compared to his fair complexion, and appeared to be as hard as rocks. And he indeed had a piercing in his left nipple, a small metal ring.

Nate leaned forward and lapped at the ring-less nipple. The boy tensed underneath him. He began to suck and bite on the tender nipple as he slowly began to stroke his shaft again. Nate ran his fingers over the boy's cockhead. The boy was producing a fair amount of precum, which Nate smeared over his mushroom head for lubrication. He couldn't wait to get a taste, but knew he had to take it slow.

After he tired of the boy's right nipple, he licked his way over to the left. His smooth skin was salty with sweat, the sweat of anticipation. For the first time in the evening Nate took a moment out to thank the transportation gods for sending him this boy, an obvious redemption for all the atrocious creatures they had cursed him to sit next to in the past.

Careful not to stroke him too hard and make him come before he'd had a chance to wrap his lips around that sweet boymeat, Nate moved to the boy's piercing. The metal was bitter on his tongue but it was a small price to pay for the chance to tug on that sensitive nub. Nate gripped the ring in his teeth and pulled on it gently. The boy let out a loud grunt of approval mixed with pain. Nate stopped tugging and leaned into the boy's ear.

"Keep it down," he whispered, "or I can't guarantee that this will remain our little secret." The boy tensed again and furtively looked around. But no one had seen. The woman across the aisle was fast asleep and no one else really had a good view. Content, the boy settled back down to enjoy himself.

Nate was a bit surprised he was letting him play with his chest. He would have thought the boy would have considered this too much of a faggot thing. But Nate was quickly learning not to underestimate the power of a teenaged libido.

The boy grunted and moaned as quietly as he could as Nate both stroked his precum-slick cock and tugged and sucked on his nipple, which made it even harder. Nate had meanwhile snaked his free hand around to the boy's back and had begun to run it up and down his smooth skin.

After a few minutes of this, the boy gently pulled Nates mouth off his chest. "Can you suck me off, please?" he asked quietly, almost desperately. Nate decided he was going to toy with the boy some more. He stopped stroking him and shifted back into his seat, leaving the boy with his shirt pulled up to his neck and his cock hanging out of his shorts.

"I told you we were doing this my way or not at all," Nate said with mock disgust. The boy looked pained, and terribly disappointed, almost as if he were about to cry. "Kiss me and I'll reconsider," Nate said. But as soon as the words left his mouth he feared he'd blown it. At this point there was no way in hell he wasn't going to be guzzling this boy's creamy load tonight, and didn't want the kid to call his bluff. If he was as homophobic as his idol apparently was, Nate was afraid that he might have killed all his chances.

But fortune smiled. It would have been too much to ask for the boy to have initiated the kiss, but after what appeared to be an extremely tortured decision-making process the boy meekly nodded his assent. Nate placed his hand on the boy's slightly unshaven cheek and pulled him in close. The boy closed his eyes as Nate pressed those soft, supple lips into his own. At first the boy was tense and the kiss was awkward, reminding Nate of his very first kiss with Alice, the girl next door, when he was twelve; they'd snuck out behind Nate's shed one afternoon and had a very bumbling session of smooching and fondling.

Soon after Nate had initiated this boy's first kiss with a man, he loosened up a bit. It may have helped that Nate had gone back to jacking him off. But he didn't care. This boy had his own loins on fire. He'd been hard himself since they'd first stared chatting and now he thought he might seriously blow his own load without even touching his own cock, something he hadn't done since he was in his early teens. The boy's breath was hot, and he'd slackened his lips enough that Nate was able to slide his tongue into the boy's tender mouth.

The boy let Nate explore the inside of his mouth with little protest. At one point the boy even shifted his position so he was facing Nate more and placed his hand on Nate's side, sending a chill up his spine. The boy seemed to be getting into it more and more, and Nate toyed with the idea that the boy had been playing him, instead of the other way around. That as a far-fetched notion, however, and Nate's mind quickly went back to the issue at hand. After sucking and nibbling on the boy's soft lips for awhile, Nate decided he should give the boy what they both wanted.

He slowly nibbled his way down the boy's jawline to his neck, planting wet, sloppy kisses as he went. He licked his way fairly quickly down the center of the boy's chest, down the ridge the separated his pecs, but lingered a bit on his stomach, toying brutally with is young, tortured mind. The boy's cock kept brushing against his cheek, dabbing Nate with sweet, stick precum. The boy placed his hands on Nate's head, snaking his fingers through his thick, blond locks. Gently he pressed Nate's head closer to his cock, indicating that he wanted Nate to go further, yet obviously hesitant not to lose his chances at getting a blowjob.

Nate complied, finally ready for his prize, a prize he felt he had rightly deserved. Most other people would have silently ogled this beautiful specimen, never dreaming they could have had his sweet boycock in their mouths. Not that Nate was a public transportation predator, nor did he frequently make random conquests in bizarre locales. But everything seemed to be falling into place tonight and Nate was well aware that he should always carpe his diem.

So fulfilling his implied promise, Nate slowly wrapped his lips around the tip of the boy's cock. Instantly the boy gasped and tensed as Nate's warm mouth enveloped his dick. It twitched in his mouth, fairly itching to blow. Nate gently massaged the boy's nutsack through his shorts, since he hadn't removed them when he'd removed his penis, all the while forming a tight ring with his lips right below the boy's cockhead. He ran his tongue in circles around the engorged cap, flicking the tip across the boy's large piss- slit and making his legs twitch beneath him. He was aware he was driving this boy crazy and knew full well that it wouldn't be long before he would be blessed with what he hoped would be a powerful and tasty load.

The boy absentmindedly massaged Nate's scalp as he slid his mouth down the throbbing shaft. Soon his nose was pressed against the coarse fabric of the boy's shorts. He could smell the slight aroma of sex emanating from the boy's crotch. He let his throat tighten around the cock that was buried deep within. Again the boy twitched and let out a soft moan. Nate slowly bobbed up and down, nearly pulling his mouth off the boy's meat each time, making sure to lap at the precum that was pouring from the boy's dickhead. It was sweet and tangy and surely an indication of what was hopefully to come.

Every now and then Nate would give the boy's balls a squeeze. He crawled his free hand up the boy's chest, underneath the shirt the boy had let absently fall when he'd grasped Nate's head, and tugged on his nipple ring. The boy was now groaning freely and Nate was positive that others could hear, even over the hum of the bus and the roar of the traffic. Yet he could care less at this point. He'd quickened his pace, determined to suck down every drop of cum that was boiling in this boy's testicles.

The boy started to vocalize now. A few "oh gods" thrown in with a plethora of "oh fucks." Nate could feel his dick swelling in his mouth and he was certain this boy wouldn't last. He slowed down and pulled his mouth off the boy's dick, against his protesting hands, and planted kisses in circles around the boy's belly button. He started to speak but Nate shushed him.

He went back and forth from sucking feverishly on the boy's tool and kissing his belly, bringing him tortuously close to orgasm and then pulling back. His dick was pouring out precum like a leaky faucet and Nate had a hard time located his balls, they were pulled so tightly into his body. His own cock was straining hard against his boxer briefs, also begging for attention. But he liked being kept in this heightened state of arousal. It made the cum taste that much sweeter.

But it wasn't long before Nate himself needed to taste this teenaged nectar, so he redoubled his efforts and sucked harder. He planted his mouth firmly around the boy's cockhead so that his slit was resting on his tongue and while he applied pressure with his lips and lapped at his head, he wraped his free hand around the base of the boy's shaft and jerked feverishly. He could feel the boy's head and shaft swelling, and his whole body began to tense. He dug his fingers into Nate's head and let out a muffled cry, trying his best to be as quiet as possible.

Yet neither he nor Nate seemed to care at this point. The boy was delirious from his extended pre-orgasmic state and Nate was drunk on anticipation of getting a mouthful of creamy sperm. The boy's cock began to twitch violently and he nearly shoved his fingernails into Nate's scalp as he shot his first shot of cum into Nate's awaiting mouth. It so forceful that it flew passed his tongue and he barely had a chance to taste it.

Not that he was to be disappointed. The boy continued to pump his thick, sticky cum down Nate's throat. He tried to savor as much as he could but the kid had such a load built up in his balls that Nate had to swallow rapidly to avoid spilling any. He was fairly successful in that regard. He had clamped down on the boy's dick hard enough that only a small amount of tangy sperm leaked out.

As the boy came down from his orgasm, he slouched down, panting, and pulling Nate off quickly, since apparently his cockhead became very sensitive. Nate obliged and tenderly licked the shaft and rim, making sure to lap up all the sweet, juicy load he so duly deserved. As the boy relaxed his breathing slowed down to a normal rhythm. His cock had begun to soften so Nate lifted his head.

In doing so he glanced across the aisle. The woman seated opposite them had awoken, and was staring wide-eyed. Nate grinned and winked at her, making a show of wiping some stray cum off his lips. After a second a smile of bemusement crossed her face. She shook her head and chuckled, closing her eyes and settling back down.

Nate looked back up at the boy. He was leaning back with his eyes closed, breathing steadily, his cock still sticking out of his pants. Nate tucked the wet, flaccid penis back into his shorts and boxers and zipped him up. He opened his eyes and looked over at Nate, a slight smile on his lips.

"I suppose it would be too much to ask you to return the favor," he said, softly. The boy's look of contentment quickly changed to one of panic. Nate chuckled. "Don't worry about it. I was only kidding. It was my pleasure." Before the boy could answer, Nate turned his back to the boy, closed his eyes and leaned against the window, leaving the boy to his own thoughts. Nate didn't want to confuse him any more than he already was.

The rest of the trip was uneventful. Nate couldn't sleep because his cock was throbbing in his jeans and he didn't want to go to the bathroom to take care of it. So he spent the rest of the journey trying to will it down.

When the bus arrived in Washington and the lights turned on, Nate opened his eyes and looked over at the boy. He had put his sweatshirt and baseball cap back on and he looked even hotter in the full lighting. As they both stood to gather their things the boy leaned over and pressed his mouth against Nate's ear. "Thank you," he whispered.

Nate smiled. "Like I said, it was my pleasure." As they were shuffling down the aisle, Nate got his first look at the boy's ass, tight and round, and even with his baggy pants he could tell it was extremely fuckable, which of course didn't surprise him. He gave it a quick and subtle squeeze. The boy turned around and smiled.

"Enjoy your concert," he said.

"I will," the boy replied. And then after a brief pause, said, "I didn't catch your name."

"And I didn't catch yours." Nate gave him a pat on the ass. "Enjoy your concert," he repeated.

The boy smiled again and bounded off the bus, on top of the world.

The End.


All questions and comments welcome (i.e. I like mail).

This had been a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely unintentional. "Shock Value" is a copyright of the author and my not be used, copied, quoted, recited, performed, sung, chanted, printed out and shredded for kitty litter, buried out in the back yard in soft peat for three months, or used to wipe your ass without the express written consent of aforementioned author. However, feel free to jerk off at will.

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