Short Story- Letters to My Garbage Can

By Jessica Taylor

Published on May 29, 2001



Hi all. This is Jess, with something a little different, a purely 'N Sync story. And it focuses on James and Josh... More commonly known as Lance and JC. (I just have this thing where I like calling them by their given names and not their psudeo-names... but that's just me.) Right now, for those of you that are wondering what in the world happened to Picking Up the Pieces, well twelve is coming along, and hopefully I'll get it out before the end of June... hehe... and at the end is a small preview of Pieces 12... just for your enjoyment.

... Oh yeah before I forget, NOOOOO this isn't the actual portrayal of Lance and JC from 'N Sync. And as much as I wish they were lovers and I had them locked away in my basement..... it's ain't happening!

And who here loved the 'Making the Video' 'N Sync did today, but could do without the video? raises hand sheepishly

Letters to My Garbage Can Lance/Josh

Sailing through the air, the crumpled ball of paper landed well short of it's intended target, the lone tin garbage can in the room, but it still landed among the other dozens of similar yellow crumpled balls that were on the floor.

At first he thought it would have been an easy thing to do, hell he could write songs that made it onto their albums, so how tough could it be to write one simple letter? But that assurance was slipping little by little as one letter after another sailed in a crumpled heap to the garbage can.

As to the reason he was writing the letter? He was too chickenshit to say it outright. The person he was writing the letter to? Lance. Yup, JC Chasez was too chicken shit to say what he wanted to Lance, simple as that. Too chicken shit to say three simple words, `I love you.' Well four if you if you add his name. So he had figured the best way to tell him was to write a letter.

It had actually taken him a long time to realize what he felt for his friend was more than just brotherly affection. Hell, they were all affectionate to each other in one form or another, so hugs or kisses of comfort were not unusual to them. On any night you could probably find at least two of them up at some ungodly hour providing some form of comfort for each other. But as to when it started being more than just brotherly affection for Lance JC would have to guess it had started when Lance had been in the hospital after that cursed Disney special they had done while Lou still had them under his pudgy little thumb.

All of the guys had been worried when Lance had collapsed backstage and was rushed to the hospital. They had known that Lance shouldn't have performed, his skin was a paler shade than his normally pallor tone, making him look almost ghost-like in appearance; and when they had been practicing for the show, he was always tripping up, and exhausted after every song. They went to Johnny and told him to go tell Lou the gig was off, Lance was too sick to do it. Johnny had been watching the guys and agreed that Lance couldn't perform, so he went to go plead their case. Of course, Lou being the money grubbing ass that he was, refused, and the guys had to go on. Then Lance had collapsed and their world had been hectic for the three days he had been in the hospital. For those three days Josh didn't remember much except staying by Lance's bedside and being forced to go back to the hotel to change and shower, because as Joey and Justin had put it so eloquently, "You stink C!"

But when Lance had finally been released from the hospital and was healthy again... relief was the only word JC could use to describe how he felt. Immense relief. Then the doting mother syndrome took over and Josh was making sure Lance was feeling okay at every turn. Finally Lance told JC to "Back the fuck off," and JC did. Josh and everyone else knew that if a curse passed that southerner's lips, then that boy meant business.

But that didn't mean that Josh didn't watch Lance, oh no. JC just did it more secretively than he had been. That's when he started to realize that he was fantasizing, and down right staring at Lance at any particular time. He would imagine himself being held by the strong arms that lay hidden just beneath Lance's shirts, or kissing those soft pink lips, or kissing the hollow of Lance's neck and hearing him purr like the cat that JC knew was hiding there.

So here he was, Joshua Scott Chasez, at a crossroads. Does he ignore his feelings for Lance, bottle them up and pretend they never exist, or does he act on those feelings and possibly get hurt? He still wasn't too sure he wanted to give it to Lance, but he at least wanted to write his feelings down and see what he did from there.

That's where he was now. Writing down his feelings... rather unsuccessfully.

It seemed that every time he tried to write them down, they either sounded way too sappy, or they just plain didn't sound right.

"God damn it!" He cursed to himself. "Why is this so tough?"

Josh was brought out of his revere by the squeak of a door. "Hey C, wanna go to lunch? Hey what're these?" Lance said as he quickly bent down and took one of the crumpled balls on the floor.

"Shit, Lance no..." Josh trailed off as he saw Lance read one of the notes. "Crap."

"What's this C? A love note? To me?" Lance said bewildered as he bent down and looked at some of the other notes. "Josh do you care to explain yourself?"

"Yeah, um funny story... ya see I've got this friend, and she has a friend named Lance too... and she's in love with him... and she wanted me to help her write him a love note. So here I am." Josh rambled, trying to cover his embarrassment.

Lance collapsed onto JC's bed in a fit of laughter. "Okay C. First of all, you have no girl friends that have another friend named Lance. I'm the only one you got." Lance said as he pointed to himself. "Second of all, you're a terrible liar. Don't quit your day job." He said as he smiled. "And if they're for me, why didn't you just tell me?" he whispered as he stared straight into Josh's bright blue eyes, eyes that were right now trying desperately look anywhere else except for right back at his green eyed friend.

"What..." Josh said as he gulped down the sudden frog in his throat. "What was that?"

"I said," Lance said as he moved closer to JC on his bed, "If they were for me, you could have just told me."

"So you mean I could just say I..."

"I love you." Lance whispered as he kissed Josh. Their first kiss was tentative, slow, and everything Josh thought it would be.

"Wow." Josh whispered.

"Yeah, wow." Lance smiled as he sat back onto the bed.

"So, I didn't have to go through all that notebook paper?" Josh wondered.

"Nope." Lance smiled.

"And I could have just come and told you?" Josh looked at Lance.


"Well there goes my shot at being a romantic." JC laughed.

"Like I said pretty boy." Lance said as he took JC's hand and started leading him away from his desk. "Don't quit your day job."

Josh pulled Lance back and kissed him one more time. "Sounds like a deal." He smiled. "Now what was this you said about lunch? You treating me?"

"If that's what it'll take to get you out of this room then yes. Joshua Chasez, will you go on a lunch date with me?"

"All ya had to do was say it cowboy." Josh smiled as he closed the door to his hotel room, leaving his letters on the floor to be picked up later for the trash.

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...PREVIEW of Picking Up The Pieces Chapter 12...The Story of Kyle:

To say that the other four members of the Backstreet Boys were floored would have been an understatement at that moment. Too shocked to form actual sentences, the four were completely silent, which made Kevin even more uncomfortable than he was at that moment.

His cousin was the first one to try and form actual sentences, "Kevin... wow... um... what happened?"

Kevin looked to his cousin. "You don't remember Kyle do you?"

"Nope." Brian said, as his eyes were still locked with his cousin's.

Kevin sighed. "Kyle was my best friend, hell he was practically the only friend I had in elementary school. He used to come over everyday to play with me, and sometimes him, Tim, Jerald and I would play touch football while you were banging pots and pans outside with our moms."

Brian couldn't help but blush slightly when Kevin mentioned what he used to do as a child. And if anyone was of their right mind right now, especially a certain tattooed bandmate, Brian knew that he would be teased mercilessly for it. He just hoped no one really remembered it when this whole story was over. "Wait a second... Did he kinda look like Nicky?" Brian said, remembering faded images of a kid about Kevin's height at the time, with short, spiky dark blonde hair and deep brown eyes.

Kevin shook his head in the affirmative. "Yeah."

"I had wondered what happened to him. But I kinda forgot him."

"I wish I could." Kevin sighed as his head was still in his hands.

"Okay... for those of us not of the Littrell-Richardson bloodline, can someone please tell us who this Kyle was?" AJ asked.

"Like I just said, Kyle was my best friend. We lived practically down the street from each other and did everything together. We were in the same kindergarten class, same gym classes, practically the same everything. But when we got to the summer of sixth grade, things started to change..."

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