Simon and Haley

Published on Mar 4, 2022



Simon and Haley

All characters, acts, and places in this standalone story are fictional: any resemblance to those living or dead is purely coincidental. All language, places, and descriptions used in this story are meant to give a sense of time and atmosphere, no offense is intended.

I do not have anything to do with the commercial Anuncio TV "IMPARABLES"- Fundaci"n Josep Carreras. I do not know the actor who played the young boy or the nurse at the desk. This story in no way represents the characters sexualities.

This story is based on the advertisement featuring a boy going home after his battle with cancer who apparently has a crush on one of the nurses at the hospital. I thought that was cute and was inspired to write this story after watching it again a few more times. I decided to name the boy Simon and the nurse at the desk Haley.

If this type of story is illegal in your area or if you are not of the legal age to read it, then I ask you to leave this page. I do not condone the subject matter or actions in it whatsoever.

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Simon & Haley

© James Jenkins 2022

Simon learned he had cancer during his physical examination while trying to keep a brave face on the matter. He was 11, a small, slender, fun-loving boy with a mischievous character and a rebellious air. The brunette nurse who he especially liked and passed by at the Help Desk was young, passionate, and had spent her post med school years single. Haley was 21.

Their paths crossed often while other kids at the hospital were battling the Big C, and Haley would see him over a period of five months into his treatment and recovery. Simon was living with his family in Atlanta and his mother asked if Haley could be his personal nurse and stay with him for a week to give her and his dad much needed relief time. Haley thought it was the least she could do for such a lovable kid.

As the hard period progressed, Simon looked better than Haley expected. He was bald from the chemotherapy, but he didn't appear bashful or sad about it as his fellow patients didn't have a hair on their heads either. He had lost about three pounds yet looked energetic but was in high spirits. "Chemo Conquered," he said, with a show of triumphant pride, "I can't wait to grow my hair back." Haley was less confident but still was touched by his helpful boast.

The first two days they were together, the two talked as if they were relatives who hadn't seen each other in a few years and sometimes watched movies. Haley made sure to get a decent meal for him – some of the hospital foods fell under the YUCK factor, they joked. Some nights Haley slept in a chair in his bedroom, smiling as she watched him slumber.

On her second night there, Haley happened to hear him shudder in the night and rushed into his bedroom to see what the problem was. The kid was having a bad dream, thrashing around in his bed, riled up and sweating. Haley shook him awake, "Simon, please. Wake up. It's just a dream." The bedside light was on in a second.

His greenish-gray eyes snapped opened, and he looked dazed and then, recognizing the friendly nurse, he pulled her close to him and sobbed on her breast. Haley sat down on the bed and cradled his head in her arms and on her lap. "It's those pain meds and the chemo treatments," he said pleadingly. "I've these scary dreams. Even the dark creeps me out." Simon was still trying to regain his composure between sobs and his cheeks were streaked with tears. The bold little man, always so sure of himself, was like a defenseless puppy.

Haley stayed with him until he was sound asleep. Suddenly the nurse became aware that she was in a provocative position. Underneath her hospital attire were violet-colored panties and spaghetti strap bra. She wore it as part of the job, not sexiness, but it was hiked up around her thighs where his head was resting and Haley's breasts -- which were big --- almost suspended out of the top. Simon was wearing pajamas tied around his waist and a few pubic hairs stuck out of the slit down the front. Haley wondered why guys lost the hair on their head after chemo but not their pubic hair.

Being a single young woman who worked in different hospitals in her nursing career, Haley was accustomed to getting an eyeful of guys where and when she caught them. Haley had caught the attention of various kinds of boys in her college days. Simon himself was no stranger to attention. He'd been known around school as one of the cutest boys in his class and he probably still be had it been before his cancer diagnosis.

The next morning, Haley was standing at the bedside bringing in a breakfast tray -- still in her scrubs, but with a lightweight jacket over her shoulders -- when Simon came out of the restroom and hugged her from behind. "Thanks for staying with me last night," he said. "I'm sorry."

Haley turned around and pulled Simon to her and kissed him on the forehead. "You're fighting the Big C, naughty boy. Helping kids like you is my job." As she hugged him, Haley couldn't help but feel the partial erection beneath the thin fabric of his PJ's. Well, Haley mused, he's still a powerhouse even after chemo. Haley mentally slapped herself for the thought, gave Simon another squeeze and felt her breasts pressing against his bare bony chest, and then announced that it was time for him to eat.

They had a fun day and Haley believed, for the first time, that the boy was going to get better. Later that night, they talked and played Trivia as usual, he got into the bed, her on the adjacent chair, but about midnight., she was awakened by the sound of him crying and talking in his sleep. Haley rushed to him and sat down on the bed and, again, cradled his head on her lap. Simon was sweating. Haley got a wet towel and began to wipe away the sweat on his face and shoulders. His breathing calmed as his nerves slowly stilled.

Simon stared up at the nurse from her lap. "Thanks for being here for me. I'm scared going through this alone." One slender arm went up around her neck and Haley leaned forward to kiss him on the forehead. Haley felt the right strap of her bra slip off her shoulder and the breast toppled out and created a protruding sight against her shirt.

"Shit," Haley muttered, trying to pull the strap up.

Simon moved his hand from her neck down to Haley's breast, squeezing it through the fabric. "I can't help but look at your boobs when you come to see me," he said. "Bewbs," the boy snickered as he gave the nurse another squeeze in fascination.

A beat passed before their lips met, Simon's head still in her lap, and Haley pushed hard down on him and his head ground upon her crotch. Oh, fuck Haley thought, He's just a kid.

In four seconds, they broke the kiss and he laid back, relaxing, Simon's curious hand running over her breasts, and down Haley's left side to where her jacket was tied around her hips. Haley glanced at his Avengers PJs. His erection was evident, his cock sticking out through the fabric. "I haven't been able to-do it- for five months," he said with slight embarrassment. "I don't know if I can take it anymore."

Haley held him for a long minute as forbidden erotic thoughts raced through her mind. Fuck this sweet innocent kid? Why the Hell am I thinking about it, God this is sick and wrong. Oddly enough she didn't feel predatory or wicked about it.

"I'd love to see you," the boy said, "if I can cum. I've been so tired from the meds that I haven't felt like trying. Been so scared I couldn't. It freaked me out." Haley could feel his bald head rocking back and forth on her lap, caressing her clit and the nurse coursed in sync with him. Her pants were riding up and down waist, while her tits were all but dangling out over his face. Simon's cock was engorged, pushing straight up into the open from his PJs. Haley was resigned -- as she'd been so many times before with previous boyfriends. But he was still a kid!

"Please, don't tease me," he said. "I wanna cum with you." That said, Simon buried his face in the stunned nurse's breasts.

That alleviated her conflicted thoughts. It wasn't rape. It was helping a boy become a man – a brave life-loving boy -- recover in the best way possible from a crippling illness. Haley kept her scrubs on as a final vestige of respectability. Haley nudged the boy over on the bed and laid down beside him, her head at his waist, her hips near his head. Gently, Haley pulled the string to open his PJs and pulled them down over his feet. Simon turned toward her, and Haley took his dick in her hand and felt up and down it, balancing his balls in her hand like dice. Simple stimulation. Nothing wrong with that.

Haley's thought of simple stimulation crumbled instantly when he pulled her hips close to his face, brushed her jacket aside, and Haley felt his mouth and tongue on her stomach, working its way down into her pubic bush. Simon's eager tongue flicked into her Happy Button. "I'm gonna do my very best just for you," he said devotedly.

"Your best is super sweet," Haley said, laughing, her lecherous side fully aroused, her passion for sex awakened. No longer was he a boy; he was a man, attractive like any other and Haley wanted to fuck him. Without warning, she took his cock in her mouth. Simon's hands spread the nurse apart and his tongue thrust deep into her. Haley rolled over on top of him, his cock still in her mouth and began to stoop, her bean seeking his warm tongue out.

Haley wanted to feel his young cock inside her, but I knew this was neither the time nor place for it. Simon wasn't completely hard -- his chemo treatment much to blame for that-- so for now it was bound to be a sixty-nine.

"Please tell me what it's like when I cum," he groaned. "I wanna know if the stuff comes out."

"I think you'll make a nice load." Haley sucked him and enjoyed his tongue in her Devil's Doorbell and when Simon was ready, his breaths growing tense and his strokes fervent, Haley pulled her mouth away from his cock to watch him cum on her awestruck face. It wasn't the most epic spurt she'd ever seen, but it was a sweet amount and she locked down on the boy's cock with her mouth and sucked him for all he was worth. Suddenly Haley came too, his hands on her ass pulling her down onto his outstretched tongue as she shot up and down. Simon pushed his finger up the nurse's ass and that gave her another crackle of wild intermingling sensations.

Haley rolled off Simon spent. She'd always been a frisky wet lover and the bed was covered with her vaginal juices, as was he. She wiped him off with paper towels from the restroom. "I think you're gonna be just fine," she said finally giving him a wink.

"Wow, Haley. You've no idea how many times I dreamed about that. Now I really feel like a man."

"Go to sleep little man," Haley said caressing his right cheek. "You need your rest."

She didn't have to tell him twice. Simon was asleep in a minute. Haley turned the light out, snuggled against him, and he slept like a lioness the rest of the night.

When she woke up the following morning, he was getting on top of Haley as if trying to mount her. "Hold on," Haley said. "You're too bold for your own good. Calm down."

Simon looked at his half-hard cock and said, "Yeah, you're right. Thank you for what you did for me last night."

"Don't mention," Haley said. Somehow, she didn't feel the least guilty. Neither did he. She went home after her shift and ran a few errands that morning before going home. When Haley came back after a coffee break, he was waiting for her. Simon was wearing his PJs, yet she could see the obvious bulge. They kissed and the boy eased her toward the bedroom and by the time they reached the bed Haley had his cock in her hand and he was stripping off her blouse. Once the ward was practically deserted, they fucked -- and every night possible for the rest of the month. Simon was well on to the road of recovery.

That was four months ago. Simon recovered completely from cancer. The experience seemed to cure his doubtful and nervous side and he soon he was home again, playing again with his dog and being a normal boy.

Haley eventually married again to a sweet extrovert male nurse and settled down as a devoted and loving wife. But every so often as she helps more kids fighting cancer, Simon is never far from her thoughts as she imagines the wonderful young man he hopefully has grown into. Her newest patient, a darling 12-year-old Hispanic boy, needed his lunch now and Haley needed a special toy to help ease his frustration, but she enjoyed giving kids the care they needed. Special care.

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