Skate Park Rendezvous


Published on Jan 21, 2022



Towering pines sat atop the grassy, but dark cliffs on either side of the road. The road followed the path the creek had carved over hundreds, if not thousands of years. My date's car was sleek, or it would have been a few years prior. We sat in the sedan, but we felt at home among the trees.

Up the road we sped, on towards Idaho City. The closer we got, the more anxious we became to get out and stretch our legs. It was a rather dreary day; the clouds threatened a drizzle every now and then. It had been years since I'd last been up that way. I forgot just how unwelcoming some mountain towns can feel. But then, I've always been nervous around strangers.

That was one thing that was very attractive about my date: he put me at ease. Eventually, he'd turn out to be one of those naturally disarming personalities that knows how to butter someone up a little too well. He was also just effortlessly, assertively, carnally attractive.

His short, dark hair complimented his rich, walnut skin tones. His eyes, although brown, were not to be outdone. They caught the light and sparkled--even on the cloudiest of grey days. He took meticulous care of his skin and hair. He was hygienic to a T. All of these things are shockingly uncommon in even gay Idahoan men.

His teeth were a shining white, his eyebrows were freshly threaded, and his cologne was more of a perfume...but no less intoxicating. Either he was vastly impressive, or I was vastly easy to impress. I don't know how else to put it.

We passed through the historic section of town, which was intriguing--but somewhat shabbier than one would expect. Idaho City had been the capitol of the state once, and an eccentric mining community for much longer. Now it was merely a wide spot in the road made into a seasonal tourist attraction.

Most city-slickers don't like to spend time in mountain towns when it's wet and cold. That didn't bother us a bit. We were already infatuated with one another, and we welcomed the solitude that the rain gave us.

Less than a mile out of town, across from the increasingly muddy rodeo staging area, there sat a small but respectable skate park, tucked just behind some pines and a dirt bike hill or two. We were astonished at how empty the whole landscape was, with only the occasional passing car to punctuate the relative quiet. It wasn't long before we'd forgotten all external things and entered our own private domain. Somewhere we could be ourselves, as loudly and as strangely as we pleased. Somewhere we could share ourselves and know each other.

Reaching the top of the dirt bike mounds, we saw the ground give way to an empty concrete basin, splattered with the telltale graffiti of desperately bored teens in a backwater town. Their juvenile expressions were surprisingly compelling. Perhaps they helped us to feel younger?

Before long, we noticed each other's gazes settling more and more on ourselves. I was basking in his presence and he in mine. My memory blurs quite a bit from this point on, but I think he must have taken me in his arms. Or perhaps we clasped hands as we made our way to the ledge of the incline? There we sat right next to one another and felt each other's warmth rising.

He leaned his head on my shoulder. When I looked down at him with a smile, he blinked, and lifted his head back up. He held the back and side of my head with his rigid hand as he kissed me vigorously.

Taking deep, shuddering breaths in between kissing, I could feel the emotion bleeding out of him. I wondered if he could feel mine. The way he kissed me--this time circumventing my twisting, taught neck--told me he could. We exchanged our bodies like this for a time, our emotional selves on full display. The crickets hummed and a songbird chirped somewhere up in the trees.

It started to drizzle once again. We didn't notice. Or if we did, we said nothing, and only welcomed it. As I slipped deeper and deeper into the sanctuary of pleasure we were creating, I almost fell away from my physical senses altogether. Slowly moving his hand up my thigh, until he was gently gripping my pulsing dick through my shorts, he jolted me back to alertness.

Pausing for a moment, to lose myself again--this time in his eyes--I returned to my trance-like state and started to graze his lower neck and shoulder with my teeth. I teased the lowest extremities of his jawline and earlobe with my eager tongue. Our collective trembling was more pronounced now--our bodies were thrumming with anticipation.

Before I knew it, his hand had moved to my belt buckle. He undid it more quickly than I had ever seen someone undo a belt buckle. Sensing what direction things were headed in, I stopped him and lifted myself off the ledge, coming to rest partway down the cement incline. Without a word he followed suit, and we were both completely out of sight of the road as well as the parking lot.

My belt already undone, his fingers searched desperately for my shirt hem as our kisses deepened in passion. I removed my shirt for him. It didn't slow us up at all. His soft, assertive hands caressed my body all over as he removed his lips from my lips to attend to my neglected torso. Holding me by the sides, his kisses slowly descended from my shoulders to my chest, down my shuddering abdomen, and finally to my waistline.

I could hardly pay attention to sound at this point, but I registered that my breathing was becoming shallower. I tipped my head back in ecstatic resignation as he dug his hands into waistband and pulled my clothes away from my body. My shirt was still around the back of my neck and shoulders, and my shorts, along with my slightly dampened underwear, sat around my ankles. He kissed my waistline once or twice more before swallowing half of my dick in one, desperate gulp.

Once I had ridden out the burst of pleasure that this brought on, I went to look at him adoringly. He, however, was very focused on the task at hand. I let my head rest back on the cold, colorful concrete. I closed my eyes and focused on the incredible sensations seizing my body. My ever-hardening cock was twitching more and more vigorously as his nose moved closer and closer to my pubes. All at once, I could feel the kickstarting of a hormonal crescendo. It would be the grand finale to our relatively quiet production.

I opened my eyes, saw the branches of pine trees swaying gently above me. I felt the wind on my face as I raised my hand to the back of his head and pulled him off of my leaky cock. He caught his breath and hovered over my crotch, drooling on me lazily for lubrication. My entire body contracted as he slid his hand up and down my saliva-coated shaft. I moaned involuntarily as my hips buckled and my vision went splotchy. He'd timed his strokes perfectly; forceful ropes of cum exploded in his hands.

Just before my sight returned to me, I felt his lips close over my dickhead one more time. He gulped back the last drops as my unbelievably sensitive body writhed uncontrollably.

We caught our breath for a minute. I put my clothes back on quickly but calmly. We looked around at the darkening sky. I checked the horizon for people and cars. Nothing. He kissed me, and I could smell my own scent on his lips. We smiled at each other the whole way back to the car. I slept like a baby on the drive back to Boise.

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