Slayer Meets a Wolf

By R

Published on Jan 6, 2013



Slayer Meets a Wolf

I would like to start this saying I do not own the rights to Buffy The Vampire Slayer, nor Teenwolf. I do not know the respective celebrities sexual preferences nor am I here to bash them. I do not own any rights what so ever. Thank you I hope you enjoy: (since season 1 of Teenwolf is over this will take place during and prior Season 2)

The story starts out with Buffy's death as her son Luke is forced to watch by a pack of ruthless Vampires. After her death he was forced into an orphanage, his father was never in the picture. He luckily was adopted by a nice family. They soon decided that it was best to move out of Cleveland Ohio where the other hell mouth is located. Luke and his parents moved to beacon hills, this is where the story begins.

Luke: Mom I am not to keen on being here this place doesn't feel right.

Luke's Mom: Nonsense this place is a wonderful community and your father just landed a job here, this is the fresh start you have been looking for. Besides you will make friends fast, it is your sophomore year you know. You have plenty of time to make lots of friends go to many parties, have me ground you.

Luke: I get it mom I am going to get ready for school ok

Mom: Don't take forever.

Luke was a normal teenage boy with his secretes. He never openly told his parents he was gay, or that he fought the supernatural. Luke was about 5'6 with blonde hair, usually trimmed and Auburn eyes. He had somewhat of an appearance of his mother. He has her wits, and cleverness, but most of all he has Buffy's attitude. Though Luke can be submissive in most arguments he is not afraid to stand up for what is right.

As Luke left for school his Adoptive mother shed a little tear. Hoping that this new start will be right for him, that he won't get kicked out of this school like the last 3, that he won't have a problem making friends.

Luke walked to the doors of Beacon High, where he will start his new life.

Stiles: Hi I'm?

Lydia: Don't pay any mind to him (she grabbed Luke by the arm and started walking away) I'm Lydia Martin.

Luke: um Hi I'm Luke Summers

Lydia: Hmm fitting name, not that bad of a body, cute face? do you play any sports?

Luke: Not really, I am more into music

Lydia: like band geek, or brodway fairy?

Luke: How about neither, I just play a few instruments.

Lydia: Hmm Talent, good Well let me describe myself Luke, I am the most popular girl in school and when I see potential I push that potential and make it blossom into something?hmm magnificent.

Luke: That sounds cool and all but I need to go to the principle's office

Lydia: Down the hall to the left his name is Mr. Argent, he is my best friends grandfather good luck.

Luke: Thank you

Lydia: Your welcome, I will see you around.

As Luke left to go to the principles office Jackson pulled Lydia aside and pushed her against a locker

Jackson: who the hell is that!

Lydia: a new kid Jackson

Jackson: stay away from him

Lydia: Listen Jackson you said we are over, I wasn't flirting with him nor was I trying to make something out of nothing. He is a new student and I told him where the principles office is.

Jackson: I'll be watching him

Lydia walked away and went to her first class where she sat next to Allison.

Allison: Are you ok?

Lydia: yes I am fine.

Allison knew Lydia was lying to her, she paid no mind to it Lydia will be Lydia, no one can change that.

Luke walked into the principal's office. He had a slight chill, something was wrong in here he could feel it.

"Are you looking for the Principal?"

Luke: Yes, I am a new student.

"He is in his room, just give a knock"

Luke: Thank you Ms?

Mrs. Argent: it is Mrs. Argent.

Luke: Ok sorry about that.

Mrs. Argent: It is perfectly fine.

Luke walked passed her little cubby hole and knocked on the door.

Gerard: Hello, how can I help you

Luke: Mr. Argent, I am um the new student.

Something felt odd about this man he wasn't like ordinary people.

Gerard: Well lets get your schedule ready

The day progressed with a tour of the school and the occasional meet and greet of teachers and staff

Scott: Hey stiles who is that?

Stiles: Who? The new guy?

Scott: yeah?he smells kinda funny?

Stiles: Hey earth to scott I don't have your senses

Scott: Oh yeah?I just get a weird vibe from him, like he is hiding something.

Stiles: Well I think he is cool, and I think he should be part of our little group, I mean it would be nice to have a guy friend that doesn't go wolf when things go wrong for once. Now that Derek is making his pack bigger why don't we make ours?

Scott: good point?you can hang out with him then

Stiles: ok

Stiles walked away from scott and moved towards Luke

Stiles: Hey Luke what are you doing today?

Luke: after school?

Stiles: yeah

Luke: Umm I believe Lydia Martin asked me to come to Lacrosse practice with her and Allison so they can show me who is worth talking to and who is not?but afterward I believe I am pretty much free.

Stiles: That's perfect (his voice cracked).

Luke: Why is that?

Stiles: Because I play lacrosse and we can just go out from there.

Luke: you play?

Stiles: yeah?not to brag or anything.

"he plays from the bench, watching the game is the most action he gets"

Both of them turn around to see Jackson standing there

Jackson: I'm Jackson I'm the captain of the lacrosse team

Scott: Co-captain I'm scott

Luke: Well Hi, I'm Luke summers

Stiles:So what do you want to do after practice?

Jackson: You're going to play?

Luke: no I can't and I really want to see the rest of the town if you don't mind?

Scott: He doesn't.

Stiles: and he is my voice of reason

Scott pulls stiles aside*

Scott: this is your chance to learn more about him!

Stiles: I forgot about that

Scott: That's why I'm here

They all dispersed and it soon came time for Lacrosse practice. Scott, Jackson and Stiles were all in the locker room getting ready while Lydia and Allison were walking around the school grounds. Meanwhile Luke was in his own little world.

Ughh I'm so stupid~ he thought to himself. Why oh why did I agree to go out tonight, when I have to go on patrol, I need to scope out this town myself, not with an innocent person?especially stiles. Should I tell him? These thought kept running through his head that he didn't realize his phone was blowing up. "Where are you luke!" Luke finally responded saying sorry he will be there in a few minutes. He started walking up to the field when he noticed something running in the woods. "This town gets stranger and stranger." He finally met up with Lydia and Allison.

Lydia: Finally practice is almost over!

Luke: How long was I gone?

Allison: about an hour..and a half

Luke: I'm sorry I'm still getting used to this town

Lydia: Its ok we understand trust me

She bent over and whispered in his ear. "Look Out!" a stray ball was flying towards Lydia, Allison, and Luke. Lydia and Allison ducked and watched with amazement as Luke caught it.

Luke: I'm not that big on Lacrosse but I am pretty sure we are not the net, you guys need to be more careful.

Lydia: Your reflexes are amazing.

Luke: umm thanks.

They sat there for another half hour when Lydia started screaming and freaking out, it sounded like she was speaking a whole other language, which in turn she was.

Lydia: pleh seh si gnimoc

She kept repeating that. To everyone around her she looked as if she was going crazy but to her peter was closing in.

After he little episode she walked off and pretended like she planned that or nothing happened but deep down she knows she needs help but she is too headstrong to accept it.

Stiles: Are you ready to go?

Luke: Where are we going?

Stiles: You know around town to see all the myths and legends Beacon hills offers.

Luke: What kind of myths?

Stiles: You know, like last year little jimmy was taken away by vampires ?(stiles said sarcastically)


Stiles: I was only kidding around lighten up you don't have to be so tense.

The two kept quite from then on out as if an imaginary line was just crossed and neither wanted to make a show of it. They continued their walk until they were on the outskirts of the town.

Stiles: So this is the creepy woods, no one really goes out here unless to drink or do illegal stuff.

Luke: Whose house is that?

Stiles: Oh umm that is, the Hale house, it was burned down a few years ago with only like three surviors or something, but there is only one Hale left but yeah

Luke: Why was it burned down?

Stiles: Some crazy girl liked to play with fire and recruited a team of arsonists or something, the one person that survived seeked vengeance on her and slit her throat a couple months back. Needless to say he died as well.

Luke: who were the other two surviors.

Stiles: Derek and his sister, they really didn't survive they just weren't around when the fire happened.

Luke: Where is Dereks sister?

Stiles: Um she is dead

Luke: Really?

Stiles: Yeah she was in a car accident or something but she was dismembered as she went through the windshield.

Luke: Oh, I feel bad for Derek

Stiles: Why he got what he wants he's the Alpha (he mumbled)

Luke: What was that?

Stiles: Nothing, just thinking.

Luke: So is there anything interesting going on in this town?

Stiles thought about it for a moment, besides crazy werewolves running around, and werewolf hunters not much has gone on besides the occasional Lydia Martin party but nothing much.

Stiles: Nothing much really.

They were walking further and further into the woods, You can hear a distant howl echoing through the trees. Luke's senses were tingling, While stiles was getting a little on edge. A pair of red eyes were watching them from a distance.

Stiles: Maybe its best if we head to my jeep.

Luke: agreed.

The two walked back to the jeep, stiles went to open Luke's door and their hands touched and he turned five shades of red

Stiles: sorry I wasn't?thinking

Luke: it's ok if it helps neither was I.

The two shared a laugh and drove back into town, Stiles dropped Luke off at his house and rounded the corner to go to Scott's. "There's something there" he thought to himself. He bolted in Scott's and ran up the stairs without saying the slightest bit of a hello to Scott's mom.

Stiles: Dude Derek was hunting us.

Scott: What??!!

Stiles: When we were in the woods I noticed a pair or red eyes, those were his eyes I know it for a fact.

Scott: Why would he hunt you?

Stiles: I don't know? can't you use your werewolf abilities and tell what he is thinking?even a little bit?

Scott: If I were Derek I'd want friends

Stiles: Well too bad everyone thinks he is a raging psychotic killer.

Scott: His name was cleared though

Stiles: Yes but having that on your resume just screams friendly person

Scott: Maybe by friends he wants a pack?

Stiles: He wanted to turn me?

Scott: You maybe I don't know

Stiles: What about Luke?

Scott: He might be in danger?

Luke was just leaving or sneaking out of his house when he got a text from stiles asking him what he was up to. Luke responded going on a run. Stiles getting nervous and anxious asked him if he can join. Luke replied he usually runs alone. Luke thought to himself, I can't take him on patrol with me then he will know my secrete. Luke told him he will meet him by Scott's house since he knew he would be there or was there. Stiles accepting what he offered agreed.

Luke started walking through the woods he had at least fifteen minutes to find out what he saw today, from his right corner he could hear something growling. Luke turned around with a stake in his hands to see one of the last few vampires beacon hills has to offer.

Vampire: I don't want any trouble

Luke: Well then you shouldn't have ran into me.

Luke after a little struggled pinned the Vampire down and was about to stake him.

Vampire: Please I am the last Vampire here the Werewolves killed them all.

Luke: What?

With the brief confusion the Vampire was able to escape, he ran into the woods further and further, only to be stopped by a pair of red eyes.

Vampire: Please I'll do anything!

Derek: Really now?

Vampire: Yes

Derek: Too bad.

With that being said Derek beheaded the last Vampire of Beacon Hills

Luke walked away with a minor cut on his cheek. He finally made it to Scott's house. He knocked on the front door.

Stiles: Finally!

Luke: Sorry I got kind of lost.

Stiles: What happed to your face your bleeding were you attacked?

Luke jumped at his reaction could he have known what happened.

Luke: umm no I just tripped when I ran through the woods

Stiles: You were in the woods alone?

Luke: Yeah..

Stiles: well your staying the night it's a Friday so we are going to have a guys night.

Luke: Ok but I..

Scott cut him off

Scott: I stopped by your house when you were running to pick up some belongings

Luke: Thank you

Stiles: we got your back

Luke: is anyone else coming like..Jackson.

Stiles: No he hates us..well by us I mean we not you, but he probably hates you too.

The little group merged to the upstairs where they sat around the room shared laughs and talked about relationships, or at least scott talked about his while the other two just listend. Little did stiles know that the next night was a full moon, he completely forgot.

The weekend hit and the guys decided that they would forget about school work and have some fun.

Luke: So what do you guys want to do? I'm up for anything.

Stiles: Well why don't we play video games.

Scott:How about camping?

Luke: I don't care, but I think we should consider inviting Jackson it wouldn't be right.

Stiles: There is like a billion things wrong with that statement, all of which point to Jackson.

Scott: I kinda agree with Luke?but at the same time I could care less.

Luke: well there is no harm in asking him, just because he doesn't tickle your fancy doesn't mean he should be shunned. He probably just needs friends.

Stiles: He has Danny, who probably sleeps with him when he is alone.

Luke was taken back by that statement and didn't say anything

Scott: That was kinda mean?Danny never did anything to us

Stiles: Yeah your right, I'm sorry, lets invite them both.

Scott: Good Idea

Luke: no harm in asking.

Stiles: Ok Luke since its your Idea you get to ask them

Luke: Fine

Luke walked away and pulled out his phone he called Jackson who was with Danny and asked if they wanted to hang out. At first Jackson didn't want to but reluctantly decided to hang out because Danny has a little crush on Luke.

Luke: Well its settled we are going over Jacksons to play Call of duty. Better bring you're a game boys.

Stiles: Wow that's a first Jackson doesn't want to go out and party.

Luke: Well I wouldn't either there is a full moon, you know how the crazies come out during then.

Stiles: Yeah?

The group disbanded, Luke went home and Stiles was trying to figure out what to do with scott.

Stiles: I cant believe we forgot about the moon.

Scott: Well with meeting a new friend it didn't seem out of the ordinary.

Stiles: Well what should we do?

Scott: Go have fun at jacksons I'll go to Derricks.

Stiles: Are you sure?

Scott: no but I don't think I should be around Jackson, especially tonight.

Stiles: Good point.

Scott: I don't want to hurt anyone.

Stiles: are you positive you cant control it?

Scott: Last time I was able to because of Allison.

Stiles: Well think of her, I rather run for my life from my werewolf best friend then see him slip into the hands of Derrick.

Scott: Maybe, I don't feel like its taking over but I guess we will find out tonight.

Stiles: Sweet, and not so sweet

Scott: I'll pick up some tranquilizer from the vet's just incase it gets bad ok.

Stiles: Ok

As the day went on the three found themselves in Jackson's basement. With surround sound, and high definition the night looked like it was going to be a good one.

Jackson: Ok pussies gather up

He poured each of them a shot of jack daniels

Jackson: Don't go crying to your daddy that we are drinking Stilinski.

Stiles: I'm going to be intoxicated and I'm still going to kick your ass.

The group laughed and the night went on. The bottle was empty and everyone was buzzed.

Scott: I think I should head out

Luke: Are you sure?

Jackson: noble McCall always doing the right thing

Scott: I promised I'd see Allison before I went home.

Luke: The night is young, but we can't make you stay.

Jackson pulled out another bottle.

Danny: seriously dude?

Jackson: It got serious

Scott: Maybe I'll stay.

He walked back down the stairs when his claws started to show.

Scott: (shit I need the tranquilizer) Stiles come here.

Stiles: Yes boss?

Scott: Hit me with it I'm changing.

Stiles: ok here

He pushed the needle into scott's shoulder and scott passed out.

Jackson& Luke: What's wrong with him?

Stiles: too much to drink he is a light weight.

The group drank more and more till eventually everyone started to pass out.

Luke: Jackson where is the bathroom?

Jackson: Up the stairs to the right( he said with slurred words.

Luke made his way up and did his business when he walked out someone was waiting for him.

Luke: he what's up(was all he can muster before he was kissed)

Luke and his assailant began kissing till Luke stumbled over and fell in the tub. He passed out there and the guy that kissed him went back down stairs.

There's a Teen wolf in the closet?I wonder who it can be

Hey Guys, this is my brand new story. I hope you like it and feedback is always welcome if you have questions or concerns don't be afraid to contact me =)

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