Sly's new adventure

By Riku Sora

Published on Apr 16, 2004



Okay, this is a fan fic about Sly cooper, a video game chacter. This story is done in good fun, and not inteeded to break any copyrite laws. I don't know where this story fits into the nifty archives. Probably under sci-fi. But hopefully they'll find somwhere to stick it.

Sly's New Advernture chapter 1

Sly cooper, the last of his family, had finally recoved the lost book his family had left for him. The murders who took his fmaily were now in jial and paying for their crimes.

Sly wasn't a hereo, at least he didn't see it that way. He was a theif and a good one, heck, the best one, but that just meant he was the best at being bad. Not that sly thought of humsef as a bad pers...uh Racoon. He was just not a good guy! He wasn't a murder, or a horrible thing that stocked the night, just a little rough around hte edges. A street thug, but the top of the street thugs! He never hurt anyway, expect for maybe emotonally when they looked at the size of the bank accounts ater he got finished with them!

So it was a surpise to him, when his lady friend told him she needed his help. A fifteen year old boy had been kidnapped, was being held for ransom, but the parents might not be able to come up with it. See, they'd gotten a repuation for being ritch, the lived in a nice home, had expinsive thing, but it was all inhearted. All the money went to other relitives and the home and nice cars were left to them! The were nearly broke! They could seel their things, and make a lot of money, but not what the kidnappers were demanding.

Carleto met Sly on the peer and gave him the lowdown. The boy was a young lion boy in his prime, expected to marry soon, and start his own family. His family wanted to keep up the apearnice they were ritch. And apparently, IT WORKED!!!.

Within days sly had tracked the kidnappers down, and found the young boy stashed in the belly of a ship. He faut his way through the usual gaurds and doggeged all the traps, booby traps, and everything else they had to throw him. Soon he and the young boy were on their way home.

"Boy, it's a good thing I found you. You're parents were worried sick about you, and they don't have the money they need to pay those people back there." Sly said.

The boy staired out the window of the train as the scenary flew by.He didn't seem happy about being rescued. He was happy to be out of those thugs clutches, but didn't seem to happy to be heading home. Sly asked the boy what's the matter. The boy repliied he couldn't wait to see his parents, but he was being forced to marry a young wealthy woman, to restore the family's cash flow.

"You're only 15, you shouldn't be think of marrage." Sly said. "You should be out getting laid by all the pretty girls you can find, and then when one of them shows up with your cub, it's time to get married! Didn't anyway every explain the facts of life to ya?" Sly joked, sayi8ng that's how his mother and father got together:)

The young male smiled at Sly. He looked more like a kitten than a lion! His main had not fully grown in, and only a small tuft of fur running down his back showed any signs that a main would grow someday. He had a cute face and sly was reminded of the Lion King movie when simba was young and cute.

"Well, I've never really got laid that much." The boy said.

"Why not?" Asked sly.

"Because, I just don't get out much and..."The boy started to say something more but stopped,

"...And what?" Sly asked.

"Oh nothin, can't talk about it." The boy said.

"Hey, I saved your life, you can tell me about it!" insisted sly!

"Well..."the boy began, sly urged him on. "Well, I guess it's okay. You see, I don't like girls. I never have, and I can't be with who I really like, cause my family would be disgraced."

Sly was shocked. This proud young thing, was saying that he "That's right." The boy said when sly asked.

"But your so nice and handsome. You could have any girl you wanted, why would you be with guys instead?" Sly asked.

The boy laughed. "You're not gay because no girl will have you, you're gay because you just are, and that's what you want!" The boy explained.

Sly said he thought he understood. The two of them talked more, about fmaily and then the boy had a strange look on his face when the name Cooper was metnioned. "COOPER?" The boy asked. "The theifes?"

"Oh so you've heard of us?" Sly asked with a glem in his eyes.

"Yes I've heard of you! It's becasue of YOU that our uncle didn't have enough money to leave to the WHOLE famliy! It's because of YOU I was kidnapped, and it's because of YOU that I have marry that cold harted bitch and spawn some little demon children so my family can be ritch again!!!" The boy said, flying into a rage!

"Now wait just a second!" Sly yelled. "My family never robbed from anyone who wasn't a theif themselves! If your Uncle was robbed, it was because he was a bad guy, and the money never belonged to him either!"

"No, you don't understand!" The boy yelled. "My uncles' money was stolen by some theif NOT a Cooper, and the cops had nearly tracked down the theif, but by they time they did, the THEIF had been robbed! All they found was a little blue hat!"

Sly's heart sank, his family made it a point to only rob from robbers, but they never gave the money back, and never gave any thought to the victims of all this. Suddenly Sly felt just as bad as those crimianls who broke into his home and murdered his father. After all, he'd avanged his family's death's but what had he done to help others they'd hurt? He'd taken all their treasure, and money, but he hadn't given it back to those it was stolen from!

"I'm sorry boy, that's not how our family works! We're not about honor, or doing the right thing, we're about being the best theives there are! Steeling from those who steel! I'm sorry your family was hurt, but we didn't do it!" Sly explained.

"Well than why did you help me?" The boy asked.

"I don't know." Sly snswered. "Maybe a part of me sometimes wants to be a good guy for a change."

The two started at eaother for a whle, and there was a long pause and moment of slince. Then Sly spoke again. "Or it could be I'm trying to get laid by that hot fox lady police!" Sly joked.

The two smiled at eacother, and the mood changed. Sly did feel guilty. Because of his family, a sin long ago, this young boy was beiing forced to marry someone he didn't want to! He didn't love her, WOULD never love her because he was gay! If he were straight they're might be hope that someday he'd grow to love her, and she love him, but that would never happen now. Sly felt guity But all that changed when Sly heard, her last name Coner.

"Coner!" Sly said, nearly screaming the name. "That's the name of a group of theifs who copy cat the Coopers! They tangle with people the Coopers would rather not, and do things the Coopers would never do, and make it look like we're the one's who did it so their enemy's come after OUR family! They make no effort to hide what they've done, cause fankly, they're not very good at it! They're always screw up, and leave cluse, so they started framing our family! Leaving behinde blue hats, or things like that! Don't you see boy, she thinks you're ritch, she's going to marry you and try to steel all your money, and then who knows what will become of you and your family!" Sly explained. "You can NOT marry her!"

Sly decided to do some research, going through the theivious Racconious, his family's history book, and discoved that his faimly had never robbed the theif who had robbed this boys family! It musth have been the Coners! And now they were back to reclaim the other half of the money! Sly told the boy he had a plan.

Later on that night as the train went hurrling donw the tracks, Sly was askwaned in his cabin by the boy, he'd woken up and coudln't get back to sleep. He told sly he wished to thank for all his help. Sly said there was no need. But the boy said he dind't just want to thank sly, he needed something from sly. Something he'd never been able to get. Without anymore words the boy drooped to his knees, and began to bath Sly's crotch area. Sly moaned in surpsie and enjoyment!

"No, wait we can't, I'm not like that." Sly said. "I got a girl back home."

"I know." The boy said. "But please, just for tonight, it won't change you, or make you want guys or something, just let's enjoy ourselves, please Sly!" The boy said.

Sly didn't say anymore, he didn't proteste, he laid back and decided to let the boy do what he would! The boy went back to bathing Sly's pouch, his slick K9 dick slowly poked it's way out of it's protective sheth, and the boy began to bath it. The boy's tonge was rough, and Sly's sestive little prick coudl barly stand it. It felt good, yet too much to hangle, Sly asked him to go back to licking his sheth and balls, and the boy was happy to oblidge!

"Sly, I wanna fuck you!" The boy said. "My hero that saved me from those bad guys, who's saving me from that evil woman back home, I love you Sly!" He said.

Sly had already crossed so many lines tonight, he figured fuck it all, and told the boy to fuck him! The boy climbed on top of him, and lifted the raccon's legs, Sly was a little smaller then this teen cub, he could imagen the day when this boy was full frown, and powerful! The boy told sly it would hurt a little, that cat dicks have barbes on them, which is why female cat's always get mad and someotimes attack a male who's mating with her! IT hurts, because that's how cat sex makes babies!

Sly said he knew that, he'd heard some kittens boys talking in his gym class when he was younger about how to fuck girls, and how it's painful. But sly didn't care anymore, he'd went to new leves tonight! And he wanted to keep going and see this though till the end! Tomorrow might make him wish he'd never been born, but tonite he coudlnt help himself!

The boy inserted his dick, and Sly groned in pain! The barbes dug into him, and produced pain like he'd never known before! But at the same time, it also stimusted his ass and cock in ways he didn't know they could be! It was hot and electrifing, and soon the pain didn't matter, the big cock throbbing in his ass was what was importing at this moment!

The boy grolwed and whispered in Sly's ear. "Oh yeah, take it for me., take my spiny cock up your ass!" Sly coudl hardly belive it, the boy had a little bit of a dirty side! "I wish I could get you pregnat! Wish I could cum up your ass, and you'd grow my kittens in ya! It should be you I get to fuck the rest of my life! I wanna marry you, and fuck you like this all time!"

Sly was lost in a sea of lust, everything this boy did to him exited him and made him want more! "oh fuck kid, I love this!" Sly moaned. The boy continured driving his cock deepinside sly, trying to get as deep inside him as possilbe.

"Oh sly, I'm gonna cum soon, I gotta cum in your ass, don't wanna pull out!" The boy said. Sly nodded his head in responce.

The boy fucked him harder now, deeper, and faster. The need to cum, to make sly his mate drove him. Sly's own cock was throbing and ready to blow! With one final thrust forward, the cat-boy exploded inside sly and unleasheds a mighty flow of kitty cum inside him! Sly's own cock now erupted too like a huge valcano as he was pushed over the edge. The two of them collapesed in a big furry heap, satisfied, and exausted.

To be coninued....

IM me on yahoo messenger gaycartoonkid or e-mail me at

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