
By Kris Eshleman

Published on Apr 30, 2001



Smile: Lance and JC share a moment during a late night practice session.

Copyright by Kristopher Eshleman

Disclaimer: I don't know the true sexuality of Lance or JC, and I have no affiliation with them or the records or their lives or NSYNC in general. This story is entirely fiction and meant for the enjoyment of the reader. If you are not old enough to read this then go away.

Pairings: Lance Bass/JC Chasez

Rating: NC-17 For graphic descriptions of male/male relationships and sexual activity.

Dedication: This story is for all those people at Nifty who wanted some action in Lance Meets an Angel. Sort of a teaser.

Author's Notes: Don't know if this will ever turn into something more than a simple one-scene story. But who knows... it just might. Let me know what you think. Or if you have any suggestions as to where you might like to see this story go email those as well.


The rhythm and the music, that was all there was. The young man looking at his own reflection in the mirror wasn't aware of anything else. He didn't see himself in truth. He saw someone he hated. He saw someone who couldn't get his body to move the way he wanted it to. He saw someone who couldn't get his act together, someone who was going to embarrass himself in front of millions of people because he couldn't concentrate.

He didn't see the room around himself. He didn't see the door behind him, and he didn't see the person watching him intently. The young man tried to go over the movements again, tried to go through the steps of the dance and keep his mind focused on what he was doing. He had almost gotten through the entire thing when he stumbled.

With a frustrated sigh he closed his eyes and turned around to lean back against the mirror. He drew his knees up to his chest, and put his hands behind his head. He was tired and breathing heavily. His eyes were still closed, and he was so busy berating himself and his own inability that he didn't hear the soft click of the opening door.

He knew why he couldn't concentrate; he just didn't want to admit it to himself. It was because of JC. It was because he couldn't explain to his friend why it was that he could not eat or drink or sleep. Why he could not dance and why he could not keep his mind focused on anything. He didn't know when it started, he couldn't trace it to its origins, and he could only dwell on it.

He wanted to say something, but he didn't have the words. At some point over the time that he had known JC he had started to feel something more than friendship. How do you explain that to someone? How can you say to someone you have known for so long that suddenly for some reason that they mean more to you than have ever told them? Then you have ever let them believe. Maybe even that they had always meant that much and that you had never been able to sort it out for yourself.


A sweet voice cut through his wandering mind. Lance's eyes shot up and met with JC's. For a few moments he couldn't think straight, he couldn't even breathe.

"Josh... hey... what are you doing here?"

"Watching you..."

"What? Why?"

"I was looking for you. You've been acting weird the last couple of days."

"I-I have?"

JC smiled at Lance and brushed his hand against one of the younger male's bare arms. Lance was wearing a sleeveless shirt and nylon running pants, and his body felt like it caught on fire where JC's fingers touched his bare skin.

"Yeah. You don't eat with us anymore, you hardly speak, and you walk around constantly in a daze. You hardly ever smile."

Lance had to tear his gaze away from JC's; he didn't trust himself to speak. Not with JC so close to him.

"I've just been distracted. With the new dance steps and all."

"I could try and give you a few pointers."

"That's okay. I don't think..."

"Come on. Get up. Lets do it."

JC grabbed Lance by both arms and hauled him to his feet. The strength of the lift brought Lance's torso up against JC's and the younger male blushed and looked away, uncomfortable aware of how close the two of them were, all to aware of JC's steadying hands on his sides. He could feel the warmth of those fingers through the thin shirt he was wearing.

"I-I don't think that I want to Josh."

"Why not? Its just me."

Just JC. JC was so much more than he thought. JC was everything to Lance. JC was the reason he got up in the morning, and the reason he went through the motions of life. He couldn't help but smile a bit, the corners of his mouth turning up ever so slightly. JC removed one of his hands from Lance's hips, and brought it up to his face.

"That is something I have missed about you."


"Your smile."

Lance blushed a bit more. He was becoming light headed with JC's soft touch on is lips. His eyes fluttered shut.

"I haven't had a whole lot to smile about."

"You should look harder."

"I'm afraid what I want to smile about won't turn out the way I want it to."

"What is that?"

Lance turned his head away from JC, he couldn't meet that steady gaze anymore, but he couldn't resist when JC's hand came up to his face again, and gently turned it back.

"Smile, for to the world you may be just somebody... but to somebody, you may be the world."

Lance couldn't say anything. He was lost in JC's eyes, in his voice. Reflexively he wrapped his arms around his own body, afraid that if he didn't he would reach out and touch JC, and that he would disappear.

Ever so slowly and gently JC tilted his head up, and brought Lance's lips to his own. There was almost a physical crackle of male-to-male energy that Lance had never thought possible. Another guy had never kissed him. He had never felt the raw physicality that was there. Something more than what he had experienced with a woman, something more symbiotic.

He felt JC's tongue brush pleadingly against his lips, and slowly opened his mouth in response. Again, slowly and gently JC took the initiative. Lance felt JC exploring his mouth, and tentatively met the older male's tongue with his own, then gently forced it back so that he could investigate JC's mouth.

JC willingly obliged and retreated, allowing Lance the room he wanted. The southern-bred boy unwrapped his arms from himself, and brought one hand up to brush through JC's hair, as the other one wrapped around his neck.

Lance felt JC's hands run over his body, eager to touch and feel. They came to the waistband of his nylon pants, and slipped up under his shirt, feeling along his stomach. Lance sighed and broke the contact of their lips, his head lolling back with the pleasure of having JC's hands roaming over his body.

JC took the action as an invitation to taste more of Lance's sweet skin. His mouth coming into contact with Lance's throat, his tongue licking out over his Adam's apple. In two quick motions JC first slid Lance's shirt off over his head, and then lowered him to the floor.

Lance willingly let himself be guided to the mat, swooning under JC's weight pressing down on him. Shivers ran through his body as JC's tongue roamed over his neck and down his chest. He whimpered slightly as contact with first one of his nipples, and then the other was made. His breathing became more erratic as his friend teased them to attention, before slowly moving further down.

Soft and skillful hands, pianist hands, paid silent homage to his body, caressing and touching. Lips and tongue met his stomach and navel, all in a sense rending ecstasy. A small painful gasp escaped Lance's throat as JC moved to remove Lance's shoes and socks, before returning his attentions to Lance's stomach.

JC hooked his fingers under the waistband of the nylon pants, and drew them down and off. Leaving the younger male in only his dark blue silk boxers. Leaning down he kissed first one of Lance's thighs, and then the other, letting his tongue drag across warm skin, his nose brushing the bottom of Lance's boxers.

Lance's eyes fluttered open at the hot touch, and his head lolled to the side. He saw the image of the two of them in the mirror, saw the image of his friend's head so close to his crotch. The image seared into his mind, he felt completely in JC's control. He was practically naked on his back under his friend's complete clothed and skilled body. He watched in rapt attention as JC's fingers hooked the waistband of his boxers, but his hands instinctually reached out to still JC's hands. His body was fully aroused by his friend, and knew that JC could see the effect he was having.



Lance shuddered when he felt JC's hot breath against his legs. His body had begun to ache with his need for the other.


JC pulled his body up so that he was resting on his knees, and starring into Lance's eyes. He knew what Lance was asking, could see it in his downcast eyes. Lance wanted JC to be as unclothed as he was, so that he didn't feel quite so exposed. JC was happy to oblige him. In short order he had pulled of his own shirt, and tossed it to the side. Then with a small smile at Lance's hungry eyes he unbuttoned his jeans and stood so that he could slide them off easier, resting back against the mirror.

While JC was stepping out of his pants Lance slowly got to his knees. Tentatively he brought his lips to JC's stomach, and used one hand to toss the discarded clothing away from them. Hungrily he tasted of the other's body. It was sweet and heady. He trailed up JC's body, stopping to give JC's nipples the same attention JC had given his. He smiled against JC's chest when he heard him gasp with pleasure. Apparently he was doing something right. As he got to JC's mouth one of his hands clasped the nape of his neck as the other went to the growing bulge in his friend's shorts.

He grinned when JC let out an appreciative moan, and extended his tongue further into JC's mouth. Lance however was not ready for JC's response. The older male's lips closed around Lance's tongue and began to suck on it. He felt his eyes roll back in his head even as he felt JC's hands slide under the waistband of his boxers to cup his groin.

Enticingly JC began to stroke him slowly, while his other hand began to caress his balls. Lance was quickly beginning to lose site of what he was doing with his own hands until JC whispered against his neck.

"Please let me go... I can't take that anymore..."

Blushing Lance's hands fell back from JC's crotch.

"Thanks Love."

Love?! Did JC just call him Love? Before he could investigate this new found endearment, JC switched their positions, and Lance found his back against the mirror. He sighed contentedly as JC's tongue traveled down his stomach again, and he barely noticed JC relieving him of the cumbersome garment he still wore. He was however, fully aware of JC's lips closing over his cock. Within a few seconds JC's nose was completely buried in the light dusting of hair at the base of Lance's arousal.

"Ooohhh Josh..."

JC had never felt as he did with Lance in his mouth, with Lance's hands running longingly through his hair. His tongue flicked out and over Lance's erection, eliciting more and more whimpers of pleasure as the younger male's knees began to buckle, and his hips began to thrust instinctually forward.

Lance's head had begun to sway back and forth, and his eyes fluttered open and closed. He couldn't feel anything except JC's warm mouth and tongue around his cock. He didn't want to feel anything else.

"JC... I'm... I'm..."

JC didn't care though, he wanted what was coming. Continued to tease Lance toward it. He had dreamed of this before, had never actually thought that he would have it. With explosive force Lance's body released its tension, and JC took it all in. He continued to suck and tease until Lance's hypersensitive member began to go limp, and the younger boy couldn't stop twitching with the pleasure of what it was doing to him.

"JC.. please... I can't take anymore right now..."

With a small grin JC whipped his mouth off, and let Lance slide to the floor in front of him. Before he say anything though Lance's hands found his crotch again. He shivered as the smooth hands rubbed over his erection, and leaned forward against Lance and the mirror.

Lance drew JC's cock out of his boxers, and began to caress it lightly and teasingly, slowly building speed and pressure. His lips locked around one of his friend's nipples as he leaned his head against the mirror. Before long JC's body was shuddering with the force of his own orgasm.

After they had lain against each other for a while Lance experimentally brought his hand to his mouth to taste the evidence of JC's pleasure. It was salty but not in a bad way. He could feel JC sucking against his neck, and made a small disgruntled noise as his friend with drew a bit and sat up, looking into his eyes.

`That is much better."

"What is?"

"You're smiling again Love."

"I have something to smile about..."


That was my first attempt at a graphic sex scene. Hope you all enjoyed. I wanted to practice before trying it in my other stories. If you wanna see this go somewhere, or have any comments please email me

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