Alien Encounter

By The Master

Published on Mar 21, 1998





It was a Sunday night that found me driving toward home on old country roads through wooded hills. I was returning from a weekend at a friend's cabin. A bunch of us had decided to meet for the weekend. It was that kind of time that you don't want to end and we all had hung around until the last minuet; trying to make it last that much longer. As it was, I hadn't left until it was almost dark. It was about midnight when I realized I wouldn't be able to continue driving long enough to make it home, so I decided to stop at the next Inn I could find. I didn't have to wait long. I must have been making better time than I thought, for I reached the one town that I remembered on the way far sooner than I thought I possible . It was a very small town and, if not for the fact that people liked to vacation in these hills, wasn't likely to have an Inn. As it was, there was just one. The "Motel" wasn't the cleanest looking place but I was too tired to care. Likewise, I was too tired to worry about waking the proprietors. I asked for a room, signed the register, and accepted the key without much thought at all. I was so tired by that point that I don't even recall the proprietor. The Motel was one of those that spread out in an "L" shape, with all the rooms accessible from the great outdoors. I forced myself to find my room and opened the door without much trouble from the key. I didn't bother to bring anything in, I just laid down on the bed and fell asleep.

I awoke at four o'clock that morning. I remember the time because there was a rather huge digital clock on the bed-side table. I lay there a little while trying to figure out what had awoken me. I had an odd feeling that I had missed something. A sound maybe. I gave up on it a decided to take a shower so that I could relax and return to sleep. I was still fully dressed, not having bothered to remove my clothing before laying down. My things were still in my car, so I felt around on the bed for the room key, found it, and headed outside to my car.

It was foggy. Very foggy! I had no idea where my car was in relation to the doorway; in which I still stood. I cursed myself for my lack of attention and decided to shut the door. There was no way I was going to spend the time it would take to feel around the parking lot for my car and I doubted that I'd be able to find the room again. I could still take a shower. I wasn't opposed to sleeping nude.

I let the water run and shut the door to the bathroom while I undressed in the other room. The mirror was steamed up and the small bathroom was nice and warm when I entered. Just what I had wanted. I adjusted the hot water to a tolerable level and stepped into the shower. It was one of those showers/baths with only a curtain to hold in the heat. Fortunately there was no cold air left in the bathroom. I stood under the water, enjoying the feel of it running down my body as I attempted to unwrap one of the tiny bars of soap. I could feel a wave of relaxation follow the water down my body. I hadn't realized that I was so tense. It had something to do with the way I woke up and the fog hadn't helped. Once more I thought on what had awoken me and I still couldn't come up with an answer. That didn't last long, the hot water washed the annoying thoughts away.

I had soaped over half my body and was just contemplating jacking off, mostly to help me sleep, when it happened again. That thing that woke me up! It wasn't a sound. It was a feeling. I suddenly stood stock-still. I strained to listen for something that would confirm or, better yet, disprove what I was feeling. If you truly can feel that you're being watched, then this was feeling like you're being studied with malevolence. It felt like forever, but was probably only a minuet or so, before I rallied myself to take a look. As I reached for the edge of the curtain, a small wave of cold air washed over me. The door was open! I stopped for a second and grabbed one of the small bottles of complimentary shampoo. The tiny shampoo bottle wasn't likely to help me much but I had decided it was best to surprise this intruder and it was better than the bar of soap. I gripped the bottle like a weapon and jerked the curtain open. Hoping most of all that I was just imagining things. I wasn't! What I saw when I opened the curtain rocked me. I was dumbfounded! There wasn't much time to take it all in before I fainted dead-away; which is something I had never done before. The only thing that really registered in my mind was that this thing I was seeing was in no way human!

I recall the fog of semi-consciousness and beginning to struggle to awake. There was a sharp pain in my neck after which I stopped my mental struggle and just floated in the fog of my mind. I seem to recall movement after that. A vague recollection of being moved; carried maybe. I must have fallen into true sleep after that for I remember nothing more until I woke up.

The first thing I saw when I awoke was myself. It was a reflection but it wasn't a mirror. My own sense of balance told me that I was looking upward, so I assumed it was the ceiling. The surface of this ceiling was silver in color and very highly polished, for I could see myself quite clearly. I panicked! It took me a while to swallow the panic down enough to try and figure out what was going on. About the time I calmed down, I remembered what had happened in my Motel bathroom and I began to panic again. How long this went on, I don't know. It could have been a few minuets or a few hours, but I finally got ahold of myself. I began to examine my reflection. To absorb myself in the examination itself. It must have worked for panic began to rise with each new discovery but I was able to control it. I was still quite naked and I was on some sort of table. The table was slanted so that my head looked to be about two feet or more above my feet and it was a dull silver. I couldn't see the table between my legs but I could feel it below them. The table was no more wider than me. I was strapped down with some sort of black material. There were straps around my ankles, thighs, and waist. There were also two straps that began behind my shoulders and criss-crossed down over my chest to terminate at my sides. My arms were out from my side about six inches at the elbow. My elbows were bent so that my arms were at ninety degree angles straight out from my body. They too were strapped at my biceps, wrists, and mid fore-arm. There was some type of metal rod running the length of my arms. I couldn't really see it but I could feel it and there was a round ball of the dull silver under each hand; both of which I was squeezing tightly. There was also a strap around my forehead and it was holding my head down with far more efficiency that looked to be possible; for I couldn't even look down at myself.

I was gagged. From what I could see in the reflection and what I could feel with my tongue, the gag was a black, rubbery material that actually formed around my teeth. I assumed the gag also contributed to holding my head down. There was a hole in the middle of the gag. It seemed designed to hold my mouth open and still allow access. I panicked a little when I realized there could be more uses for the "open gag" than feeding me.

Even more curious, and a bit frightening, was the thing around my cock. It looked like one of those cock pumps but it was rounded at the top and had small tubes coming out of each side at the base. The material it was made of was translucent so I could still see my cock. I couldn't tell how this thing was attached to me but it must have been attached to the table for it didn't waver when I tried to move. Then again, I really couldn't move all that much. Now that I think of it, there must have been something I was not aware of.... a drug or something. The straps didn't account for all of my limited mobility. The way the straps were placed should have allowed more movement than what I was capable of. I tried to examine the rest of the room but my line of sight was extremely limited and the reflection on the ceiling seemed to blur conversely with the distance from my own reflection. I could vaguely make out fuzzy blobs that indicated that there was some other equipment in the room. Nothing moved. Thank God! I was alone in the room. Just how big this room was I didn't know. I could only see directly above me and a little bit around. I couldn't see behind me at all so the room could have been large. It occurred to me that there could be someone behind me, but I didn't pay any attention to myself.

After exploring as much of the environment as I could with my eyes, I had to have something to hold my attention or I would begin to panic again. I closed my eyes and began to focus on feeling. I systematically tested my bonds. The straps didn't feel like cloth or leather. They seemed more like rubber but a lot more rigid, just like the gag. The thing around my cock didn't feel obtrusive or even cold. The table itself, as well as the other supports I could feel, was pleasantly warm. Not at all cold like the metal, I thought it to be, would feel. My body didn't feel cramped and there was no uncomfortable pressure from the restraints. There was something on my ankle I hadn't seen. Opening my eyes to look, I found that there was some sort of metal ring around my left ankle. It was highly polished silver, like the ceiling. I wondered at the thing. It had no purpose that I could detect.

It was then I heard the "swoosh" sound. It immediately reminded me of the sound of the automatic doors on Star Trek. I tensed. I saw the moving blur to my right on the ceiling seconds before he/it came into view. It was the same thing I saw in the Motel bathroom! It move beside me and off toward the right where, I assumed, a wall was. It stood there for a while, it's back toward me. I tried to focus past the panic to examine this being. He looked to be wearing no clothing; at least around his torso. His skin was blue. Have you ever seen one of those movies where someone gets frostbite? Their lips turn an odd shade of blue. That was the color of his skin. His hair was thick and the color of it was a darker blue, than his skin, with a greenish overtone. His hair seemed more like fur for it did not hang off his head as ours does but moved down his back. I'd say it was closer to fur than hair. His back was very muscled but his musclicature seemed odd; not quite like ours but close. When he lifted his arms up where I could see them, I saw that they too were heavily muscled and also had the same "fur" covering them; though not as thickly as that down his back. "Heavily muscled" may not be the right term. He didn't look like a weight-lifter. "Well developed" may be more accurate. He turned around and that's when it hit me! This was an alien! For the second time in my life, I fainted. It must not have lasted very long this time because he was still there when I woke up. He was checking my restraints. This was my first good look at his face. His face was almost human but it was very blocky. I mean that he was what we would call rugged looking; extremely rugged looking. His eyes were a very dark green with yellow irises and they sat deep under a large brow that jutted out just a little too much to be human. His nose was short and stubby with no upturn to it at all. His lips were thin and a shade lighter than his skin. His jaw was almost comically square. His ears weren't close to human, they were like a dog's but set closer to his head. The fur that covered his head moved down around his face and began to thin out as it moved down his thick neck. His actual face had very little hair/fur on it at all. I could see his chest now and it was as well muscled as the rest of him. His chest was also lightly covered in hair/fur in a human fashion; save where it connected at his neck and shoulders to move up to his head and down his arms. The hair tended to thin out on his arms as well and his hands were oddly small. He had three short stubby fingers and a thumb. His finger nails were a very, very dark green - almost black and they curved downward a little past the ends of his fingers. The whole hand itself was too small for his build; as much of it as I could see anyway.

He had stopped checking the restraints. He was staring at me. I had been doing okay while he was busy but now that he was paying real attention to me - I was terrified. Fear threatened to overwhelm me, so I closed my eyes. That's when he touched me. My eyes snapped open to find him closer now, just inches from my face. His hand was holding my chin and he was staring straight into my eyes. I was reminded of a mother scolding her child. As odd as it sounds, his touch was comforting. I knew it was real now - that he was real. Besides, I could see no malice in his eyes and his touch was pleasant. He wasn't gripping me hard at all. I could feel the hair on the back of his hands and it was soft. If he had been human, I would have sworn that it was curiosity I could read on his face. A few moments more and he let go and moved off behind me. I thought he was leaving and I wasn't altogether pleased about it. I heard a noise like a lock opening and the table I was on began to move. It pivoted downward causing the slope on which I was laying to sharpen but I felt no discomfort. He reappeared again. I could see better now. I could actually see the floor, though not directly in front of me. He walked over to the wall in front of me and I could now see there was a table there, but I couldn't make out anything on it. Good Lord! From the waist down he looked like nothing human! The thick fur, which I had already seen on his back, tapered straight down to his ass. He was completely nude! The fur thinned out around an oddly muscular ass and continued down his tail. Yes, tail! It was an odd thing, more like a monkey's than the canine type I would have expected. It ended in two finger-like projections. I couldn't see well enough to tell but I guessed that the tail was prehensile. The fur intensified down his legs, though not overly much. His legs were no more hairy than some humans' but the legs themselves bowed oddly. That is to say, they gave the impression that they could bend either way, though he seem to walk in a human manner. His feet were long and, though I couldn't see well enough to count the toes, I got the impression that his toenails ended in the same manner as his fingernails.

When he turned around I was shocked. At first glance he seemed to be neuter. As he came closer I could see his testicles swaying a bit but there was no cock! I had expected something like a dog's cock-sheath to be there but there was nothing. No! No, there was something. His hair hid it until he was just a few feet away but there was a cock head situated an inch above his balls. It was more narrow that a human's but it was definitely human-like. Still, all I could see was a head. I wondered if he had a "cock sheath" that went down inside him instead of hanging out like a dog's. He stopped about two feet away and I looked up. He was staring at me. I realized he had been watching me watching him. He smiled. I wasn't sure if I should have been scared of that or relieved. His teeth were mostly human-like, except the canines! His eye teeth were almost a half inch longer than a human's. It was then I noticed he was carrying something. I didn't get a good look because he quickly moved to my right and laid that "something" down. There must have been a table near me, too near to be in my line of sight, for I heard a `clink'. I didn't have time to contemplate for he quickly move in front of me and bent down. I couldn't see what he was doing but I heard a few clicks and my legs started to move. It must have been some sort of rod system like my arms were fasten to. No wonder I couldn't see any of the table between my legs! He lifted my legs upward and slightly to the sides, bending them back toward me. I heard them click into place and settle there. My God, he's spreading my ass! That was the first time I tried to protest. Absolutely no sound came out of my mouth! The gag was in place but I should have been able to at least grunt. What had he done to me? I couldn't make a sound! I heard a scraping sound and assumed he was pulling the table closer to me. He was within my range of sight now. He deliberately held something up to show me. It was a very skinny translucent tube. He took something that looked like scissors and cut the top off of the tube. He was deliberately showing me this, I realized, but to comfort me or scare me - I didn't know. He moved around in front of me, his hands lowering down to where I thought my ass should be; I still couldn't see it. I felt the tube against my flesh. It was cold! He placed it against my sphincter and began to coax it inside. I couldn't really stop him because of the way my legs were spread. I gathered that was the idea. I felt like crying and was thoroughly angry now! If he had approached me in some different manner and asked for sex, I might have said yes; after all, how many aliens do you get to screw. But this rape was unacceptable. I had never truly felt violated before.

Once he succeeded in entering me with the tube, I felt a gush of liquid. I've had enemas before - this was not water! This fluid burned. Not painfully but rather like spicy food feels in your mouth. It was a bit uncomfortable though and I was upset already. He withdrew the tube but I felt no fluid follow. Truthfully, I barley felt the tube withdraw. That stuff must have been some sort of lubricant for I vaguely felt oily. He showed me a new object then, and I didn't care what his intent was. I tried to throw all of my anger out threw my eyes at him but he didn't even acknowledge my ire. The object was a translucent and very thin funnel with a rather elongated neck. I knew what he was going to do with it but just what was he going to funnel into my ass?

I felt the funnel slide into place without a bit of resistance. Yeah, that was some type of lubricant all right. He disappeared behind me for a few moments and returned carrying something. I stared. It looked like a snake, maybe one foot long but there were no eyes and the thing was metallic looking. It writhed in his hands and it did have a mouth. He was going to put that thing in me?! Yes, he was, for he started around to my ass as soon as he had made sure I had seen it. He paused a moment directly in front of me, still holding the metal snake. My reaction of dread must have been quite readable by then, for he actually responded to me. He smiled slightly, without opening his mouth, and shook his head from side to side just a bit. Was that supposed to be comforting! He was going to shove a snake up my ass and he wanted me not to worry!! He bent down and I shut my eyes, trying to brace myself. I felt the thing slither up my ass. It was the most disgusting thing I had felt in my life. I was terrified and I thought I was going to die! The feeling of the snake grew more vague as it worked it's way up inside me. Every once in a while there was a sharp pain. I imagine that was when it entered into organs from a direction which they weren't supposed to admit anything. Although the pain was minimal, my fear was horrendous. I kept waiting for the thing to chomp some vital part of me! I began to realize that he was holding my head and I opened my eyes. His hands were at both sides of my head, softly stroking me with his thumbs. He was looking straight into my eyes and frowning slightly. He acted as though he was comforting a sick child. A tear ran down my check and he moved closer and licked it off with his tongue, which was rather long.

He had distracted me from the snake, I wondered if this was intentional, but now I could feel it again and it felt as thought it were in my stomach! I gagged abruptly and was surprised to see the snake shoot quickly out of my mouth, at least I assumed it was my mouth because I had felt no tearing in my flesh. He caught the thing easily with one hand and continued to stroke my cheek with the other. Once I calmed down, he withdrew behind me again. The snake had no longer looked metallic when it came out of my mouth. It was covered in colors of various hues. Some blues, some greens, and some red that reminded me of blood. It didn't worry me though, there was something about the way he had acted that made me think it was genuine concern he showed me. I began to wonder about the purpose of the snake.

He returned shortly and stood before me staring. What was he trying to see? Was he trying to see if I was all right or was he trying to dream up some new torture? I stared back. It suddenly occurred to me that, if we truly evolved from apes, perhaps his kind evolved from canines. Though it wouldn't be any type of canine on this planet, with that blue skin and blue-green hair. He moved over to my far left now, out of my line of sight. I could hear a small sound that reminded me of wheels. It went on for some time before I could see him again. He was pushing a small machine around toward my nether end. I could see it now in the reflection of the ceiling; which was something I had forgotten about. It was a small, boxy thing with dials and knobs that I could barley see. On one side of it was a sort of nozzle. He pushed the machine up between my legs, the nozzle end toward my ass. He moved in, seeming to grab the nozzle and blocked my ability to see what he was doing. I felt something enter me again. Some sort of hose must have been attached to that nozzle. It went up rather far into me but not far enough to be really uncomfortable or hurt.

He switched position and I could see in the ceiling reflection again. From somewhere on that machine, he retrieved two clear tubes which he fit into the larger and shorter tubes at the base of the pump-like thing that enveloped cock. He looked at me again without any expression. He paused a moment then bent down to adjust something on the machine. The apparatus on my cock began to fill with some type of fluid. It was clear so I couldn't see it in the ceiling reflection but I could feel it on my cock. When it covered my cock, I began to feel a slight burning sensation in my piss-hole. The sensation was much like the fluid he had shoved up my ass but much less intense. The hose began to.... well, it was doing something. There was a slight vibration coming from the hose he had put up my ass. That vibration spread throughout my body. There was nothing exciting about it but nothing painful either. The closest thing I can equate it to is static electricity. It wasn't exactly like static electricity but I can think of nothing more apt. I was shocked when I felt my erection begin!

This wasn't exciting! I wasn't entirely afraid anymore but I was far from sexually aroused. Okay, I admit that before he had started all this crap - when it was just me looking at him - I had been a little aroused, but that just wasn't the case now. It must have been something in the fluid. That fluid must have been very powerful, for my cock reached new heights of engorgement! At least it looked that way in the ceiling reflection. I barely noticed that he moved something on the machine again before I began to feel something nudging at the tip of my cock. There must have been some detail I had missed when I examined the pump-like thing. A rod or wire or something began pushing it's way past my piss-hole and into my cock. It stung like hell! It didn't go far though and, when it stopped, the burning sensation stopped too. Then I began to feel a vibration coming from whatever it was in my cock. The vibration was the twin of the one coming from the hose in my ass.

This went on for a long while and he stood there and stared at me the entire time. I could discern nothing of his attitude. He seemed intent on betraying no emotion. I thought that perhaps his having emotions was an assumption on my part, but he seemed to show emotion earlier - empathy even if not concern. I began to study him then and to wonder at the purpose of all this. He really didn't seem as though he was intent on causing pain and this certainly didn't seem like a medical experiment. So what was it? It suddenly hit me that his might be his version of an anti-bacterial bath, a sterilization process. Was he only trying to make sure I didn't give him a cold? Was it that simple? I didn't like the idea of it but it made me less angry towards him. Just as this was sinking in, he moved to the machine and fiddled with the controls. The vibrations stopped and I steeled myself as the thing in my cock began to extract. The burning was over quickly. He removed the hose from my ass and began to push the machine away. I relaxed, trying to enjoy the rest for I couldn't begin to guess what was next. When he returned, he began doing something with the pump-like thing on my cock. He removed it and, to my surprise, stroked my cock a few times before he moved away with the contraption. I was still trying to understand that particular move when he returned. To my absolute astonishment, he began to remove my gag! He didn't stop there! One by one, he removed the bonds. He began with my legs (after lowering them) and worked his way up. "Smart move," I thought. The better to be able to elude any attack I might offer. He needn't have worried though, and perhaps he didn't, for I was so worn out that I could never have mustered the strength for a fight. Not that I would have any chance of winning with the way he was built!

The entire experience was so draining that I was emotionally and physically exhausted. I wondered why I had not felt that before now. I slumped to the floor, leaning my back against the struts, that had held my legs, and my head against the table , that I had been strapped to. He squatted down beside me, just staring. We stayed that way for awhile. My gaze lost interest in his face and I found myself staring at his crotch. It was splayed right there in front of me! How could I help looking? I was surprised, though I hadn't the energy to show it, that his cock had emerged from the internal sheath that I had imagined. He was a bout six inches long and not terribly thick but I, somehow, got the impression that this was a semi for him. I was trying to understand why I thought that when he stood. A few seconds later, I looked up. He held his hand out for me, obviously wanting me to stand. I resigned myself to it and accepted his hand.

He led me back behind the table I had been strapped to and I saw the door for the first time. It was round and, when he stepped up to it, parted in the middle and receded into the walls. The door itself had been a very dark gray. I didn't pay much attention to the rest of the little trip, rather I concentrated on putting one foot in front of the other. He led me by the hand down one hallway and another until he found the door he was looking for. He led me into the room and stopped. He got my attention by cupping my chin in his hand. Once he was sure I was looking, he pointed to a rather large pile of pale green objects that looked a bit like sponges. I took the hint and went over to them. They still looked like sponges to me. I looked back at him and he nodded his head forward. I reached down to touch one of the green things. They felt so awfully soft! A bed!? I assumed this was his version of pillows. I stood, looking back at him, and grinned. He actually returned the grin and seemed very pleased. I reclined into that green softness and fell, almost immediately, to sleep. I had time to wonder how I could possibly sleep with an alien standing right there. My mind answered. "You're tired," and I believed it.

I awoke to find my alien "friend" cuddled up behind me. Spooning me! It wasn't at all unpleasant. The soft fur of his body felt like a comfortable blanket. His arm was hanging loosely around my waist. I felt his arm. The hair was so soft and the corded muscles under it hardened as he began to stir. I turned myself around under his arm to face toward him. When he opened his eyes, I was staring at him - not six inches from his face. He didn't flinch. He smiled and the canine teeth didn't bother me at all. Frankly, I wasn't really looking at them. I smiled back, put my arm around his waist and snuggled up to his chest. He began caressing my back and worked his way up to my neck. Damn, I was so horny! The position I'd contrived for myself didn't really show him that, so I pulled myself closer to him. He could feel my erection against his thigh, but he didn't respond immediately. The things he had put me through were nowhere near my thoughts. The tenderness in his touch, the softness of his fur, and the raw animal scent coming from him were. I can't really describe the way he smelled, it was so... well, alien to anything I knew. Inviting is was, and quite pleasant. He gripped my shoulders and pulled me back up to him. I wasn't sure I wanted to leave my present position but I gave in to him.

We faced one another once more. He licked me. I giggled. Sound actually came out of my mouth! It didn't really matter now. What use was talking to someone who couldn't understand the language. He reacted to my giggle with a puzzled look. I just giggled some more and pulled him closer. I was going to have to teach him to kiss. I just hoped he knew how to be careful with those teeth. I pushed a finger into his mouth to make him open it. His face was still quite puzzled and I smiled a him. He seemed to relax at that. His eyes expanded more than I would have thought possible when I kissed him, but he soon got the idea and started kissing back. His long tongue made kissing far more interesting than ever!

It was a good while before I could convince him to move past kissing. He was like a child with a new toy and he didn't want to stop playing with it. That was just fine but I wanted to play harder! I found his nipples and began to lick and suck on them. He jumped a bit when I bit them; ever so slightly. I looked up to see his reaction to this and he smiled. As I continued to play, orally, with his nipples, I slipped my hand down between his legs and began caressing his balls. He wasn't alarmed at all but he moved his leg to allow me easier access. Within a minuet, his cock began to come out of it's sheath. The dark rod with it's lighter blue head moved up his abdomen and I just couldn't resist it. I had to have a taste. He seemed to be familiar with getting licked but when I swallowed his cock he jumped. I just kept right on going for he settled right down and began to moan softly. I took as much of him as I could but, when it finally stopped extruding itself, his cock was a least a foot long. Well, maybe just eleven inches - but damn big! There was no way on Earth I could have swallowed that whole thing. If I was still on Earth, that is.

I caressed his balls with my left hand, pumped his dick with my right, sucking on the first six inches of his cock.... He groaned terribly, which only made me intensify the treatment. His legs jerked and he let out a `yowl' as his cock shot it's load down my throat. There was too much too fast for me to swallow properly so it gushed out around my mouth and down my chin. When he was still and I couldn't get anymore of that sweet juice out of his engorged member, I turned about to see what he thought. I grinned at him as his cum dripped down my face and neck. He smiled and pulled me to him. He began licking his cum off me. The sensation was wonderful and the implication erotic. I laid down beside him hugging his chest and ready for another nap. He was having none of that! He started kissing again and I was afraid he was going to obsess on it again until I felt his hand slide down my belly to find my cock. We kissed and he fondled me until my cock was rock hard; it didn't take very long.

He moved to imitate me, cupping my balls in one hand while he began to lick the shaft of my cock with his long tongue. I could reach one of his legs so I stroked the soft fur on his thigh and relaxed to let him explore this new avenue of pleasure; for him it was new. His tongue was a delight as it caress my entire shaft and tried to burrow itself into my piss-hole. I moaned softly and he smiled up at me for a moment. Then he swallowed me, every bit of me, right down to my balls. Up and down he went, faster and faster! He was really getting into this. Every once in a while his teeth would lightly graze a small part of me and I would shudder. I didn't mind, for me it only added to the experience and I would have sworn it continued to happen because he wanted it to. When I came, he didn't stop. He actually sped up the process, milking me for everything I had. I swear it was the longest orgasm I've ever had in my life! I almost howled with ecstasy!

When it was over, he returned to me and put his arms around me. I returned the gesture and we kissed for a while before falling asleep.

I woke up to find him propped up beside me on his elbow, staring down at me and running his hand across my chest. I smiled at him and shifted my legs for better comfort. I felt him, totally aroused, against my leg. I looked down and sure enough, his cock was entirely out of it's sheath. I looked back up and smiled at him . He was looking at me with an expression that I've never seen a human accomplish quite so well, a dog's begging stare. Oh, he wanted it and I - sure as hell - wasn't going to say no! I smiled at him again and pulled my legs up to allow him access. He smiled and his eyes lit up, then he moved to accept the offer. Once he was close to being in position, he stopped and looked up to me. He was confused. I guessed that he'd never really tried this position before so I lifted my legs up and placed them on his shoulders. He looked at my legs then back down at me and smiled. He understood, at least, I thought he understood. He moved my legs back down and climbed on top of me, pulling his way up and kissing me again. He lifted my legs up and away a bit while still on top of me and kissing. Now, how he managed this I don't know. His cock was too long for this maneuver and I couldn't really see, but he pulled it off. He began to enter me and I couldn't hold the kiss. He went slowly at first but his cock was so long! I groaned at his first thrust and his second, I continued to groan with every thrust. He felt so good up inside me! He wouldn't stand for the kissing to end for long though. He was very insistent on it so I tried, but he ended up licking my neck as often as kissing me. When he came, he howled. I could feel the warm liquid spurt out of his cock, filling me up. The muscles in his neck strained and I could hear his tail hitting the `pillows' over and over. When his load was spent, he laid back down beside me and wanted to kiss again. My own cock was so hard it hurt, so I didn't put up with the kissing too long. He whimpered when I pulled away but I just smiled at him and grabbed my cock. He looked and smiled as well. He turned over onto his back and pulled up his legs in imitation of me; smiling at me the entire time. I grinned and kissed him once more before I moved into position. I had to caution myself to start slowly for my ache was very strong.

I slid one finger into his hairy hole and found him already moist. His legs were long so I already had a clear shot. I moved into position and began to ease into him. His face registered surprise as I slid on into him. He'd probably had many of those long cocks up his ass but I doubted he'd ever had any as thick as my own. It didn't hurt him though, so I picked up the pace a little. His ass was tight and he rocked in time with my thrusts, making the moment all the more pleasurable. I almost lost the rhythm when I felt his tail at my ass! He was grinning at me. I chuckled a bit and tried to keep the pace. Oh, that tail was fingering my ass! It made my cock ache all the more. Just as I began to think that my balls would bust with the pressure of my own cum - I unloaded into him without slowing down! I felt liquid on my face and realized that I had closed my eyes. While I wasn't looking he had jacked himself off, our orgasms almost in sync. I was drenched in his juices. I laid down, spent. He licked every bit of his sperm off my body and we snuggled down for another nap.

There were a least two more times that we awoke and felt the need. I believe I introduced him to 69, but I can't be sure. The love-making was intense each time and the details seem to blur in my memories. Before we went to sleep for the last time, I do remember his overwhelming need to kiss me. To find every part of my body with his thin lips. I finally convinced him to settle down so we could fall asleep together.

When I next woke, I was in my car. It was startling, to say the least. I was parked along the roadside far closer to home than the Motel in which I had rented a room. I was very disappointed to find that it had all been a dream. An actual depression hit me like a brick. I wanted to cry! It was light outside, lighter than early morning - which meant I was probably latefor work. Damn! I started the car and was about to put it in gear, when I noticed something odd. I reached down to my ankle and felt a ring about it. I was so excited by this that I pulled my leg right up into the seat; I would pay for that later. It was! It was the silver ring that he had put around my ankle. It was then that the announcer on the radio told me what a glorious Thursday it was. I was shocked! I let my ankle fall back to the floor and began to laugh. Three days! Three days and I couldn't help but feel that the silver ring meant that I was tagged. I don't believe any animal has ever been so glad to be marked as I was right then. I'm still pretty glad.

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