Blues Brothers

By Mazer114

Published on Sep 21, 1997



Blues Brothers b/b celeb

by Mazer114

What you should know: Ok, to whom it may concern, this is a Power Rangers story. Specificly, the series latest incarnation, Power Rangers Turbo. It focuses on the CURRENT Blue Ranger. Not Billy (Seduction of the Blue Ranger, a straight story) [incidentally, there are rumors of David Yost being bisexual, but that's a horse of another color] or Rocky (Descent of Rocky) but Justin, the new blue ranger, a 13 year old kid. Justin is played by Blake Foster. This story is based firmly in the Second Season of Power Rangers Turbo, the entire former cast of Zeo, including Tommy, Katherine, Adam, Rocky, Tanya, and Billy have left and been replaced by TJ, Carlos, Ashley and Cassie. This story takes place right after the Episode 'The Phantom Phenomenom' featuring the introduction of the Phantom Ranger. It also featured a deepening of the friendship between Justin and Nico, a hispanic kid he'd met the previous episode. This reminded me quite a bit of myself at that age and.. well... Kids? (who woulden't be reading this OF COURSE rolls eyes) my major regret in life is that I wasn't sexually active earlier in life. Know all that stuff Adults tell you about waiting till you're old enough? Bullshit, go with your heart. Don't do anything that makes you uncomfortable, But if you don't act out of fear, I can virtually guarantee you'll regret it later in life.

Um, digressing from the point a bit here... Power Rangers and all related characters, events, and concepts are the exclusive property of Saban Entertainment They are used here without permission. The contents of this story are purely for reader enjoyment and do in no way represent the sexual orientation of the characters or actors involved. This story is not intended for children under 18 years of age (or 21 depending on the number of republicans voting in your region) If you are under the age or consent in your area (which can be suprisingly low in Texas, digressing again...) you can't read this story because you're obviously not a reasoning individual. Similarly, do not procede beyond this point if you have a bias against homosexual contact between underage males, Japan to American sentai transtlations, vertigo, nausea, pregnancy... wait a minute... damnit, stipid digressions... you get the point. That having been said (and at great legenth might I add) Read on.

"You really believe me?"

"Yeah, no question!"

Nico nodded thoughtfully. Meanwhile, Justin sighed in relief.

Justin Stewart was 13 years old, short for his age, an amateur soccer player, and, unbeknownst to the world at large, a Power Ranger.

He'd become the Blue Turbo Ranger when the former Ranger, Rocky DeSantos, had been injured, and had needed a replacement in a hurry. Justin had filled the requirements perfectly, probably aided more than a little by the fact that Rocky had been doped up on pain medication when he'd made the choice. Nico, the kid next to him, was Justin's new best friend. He'd been having problem's forming friendships, he'd tested out of 2 years of junior high and entered high school earlier this year, there weren't many friends his own age. He'd met Nico a week ago, when he'd asked him to join his soccer team. Justin had the raw talent, and they'd gotten along perfectly.

Here was Justin's problem, earlier today, the forces of Divatox, a galactic pirate, had attacked a spaceship crashed in the Angel Grove Woods next to the soccer field. He and Nico had been observing it for a few days. Nico was an alien nut, and he'd been more than a little hurt when the first aliens he'd met had taken him hostage to use as a bargaining chip against the new Phantom Ranger whose ship he'd been observing. Nico'd been rescued of course, but Justin felt guilty, no one else believed his story, and Justin couldn't corroborate it without blowing his secret identity.

Sometimes, he concluded, being a superhero really sucked. Especially when it meant lying to your best friend. Still... there was an even bigger concern. When he was morphed in battle, Justin had given off one of his trademark crys of enthusiasm, and Nico'd heard. He'd looked at him funny... did he know?

"So..." fumbled Justin, "What was it like meeting the Power Rangers?"

Nico smiled widely, "It was awesome, they saved my life, they gotta be watching everyone to know when just one little kid's in trouble."

"Um, yeah." Justin blushed. He loved the way Nico talked. An exaggerated, 'just so exact' dictum that seemed to turn every word into an imperative. Nico was Hispanic, not a particularly rare thing in the mixed city of Angel Grove, and the way he talked seemed to try and blot out any trace of an accent, but ended up just making it more obvious. "So then what happened?"

"The good alien? It turned out that his ship wasn't destroyed, it had one of them what do you call its? Ca-loaking Device things, and it was ok. So he took off, and the Rangers made sure I was all right and then they left too." Nico's face fell. "No one else saw 'em, except you, and you ran off before the Rangers showed up."

Justin cursed inwardly. This really sucked. But there was nothing he could do. When he'd been trained in by Kat Hillard, the former Pink Turbo Ranger, she'd been sure to drill in the code of the Power Rangers. Never escalate a battle. Never use the Power for personal gain. And never reveal your identity. Justin knew that last one had been bent more than once, heck, they all had, but he also knew 'to make him feel better' wouldn't be quite enough to justify blowing his cover. "Hey, it doesn't matter what those other guys think, I know you're telling the truth."

"Yeah, I guess you do." Nico looked at Justin again. Justin felt uncomfortable, did he know or didn't he?

"'C'mon, let's go to my place!"

Justin groaned inwardly, God but he loved the way he said that...

"Come on, make yourself comfortable!"

"Woah..." Justin stared around in amazement. "This is your room?"

"Yeah. You like?"

Nico's room was a cramped hole-in-the-wall, that was true, but every available surface was covered with posters. Justin recognized a few from recent and classic movies, as well as a pair of framed 'the truth is out there' X-files posters. Nico'd gotten a first printing when they'd first come out, now valued at a few hundred dollars. The small desk was piled high with literature checked out from the Angel Grove Public Library on aliens, and there were a number of old newspaper clippings that Justin recognized as being from the Aquatian visitation ten years ago. Plastered across the headboard of the bed was a simple green bumper sticker reading 'Abduct Me!'


"I'll take that as a yes." Nico shut the door behind himself and bounced down onto the bed next to Justin.

"This is like... a shrine!"

"Yeah, I guess maybe it is. I'm kinda a nut."

Justin noticed a peanut ad featuring a little green man tucked in the corner of the dresser reading 'All the best nuts come from California', but chose not to comment. "You're not a nut, you're just... different."

"Yeah... different... I guess that's one word for it."

Justin's thoughts drifted as he noticed a black and white poster with the 'Star Wars' Logo on it, and without the reprint logo. Rocky had collected that sort of thing. That was one of the original theatrical release posters. It'd been printed five years before ether of them had been born. "Nico... how do you afford all this?"

Nico smiled. "You mean my collection? I started collecting when I was little, buy, sell, trade. Get 'em cheap, sell em sky high. You'd be surprised what people are willing to pay for some of this stuff." Nico took off his jersey. "You mind? I'm all sweaty from soccer."

"Naw, go ahead." Justin smiled easily as Nico stripped down to nothing, self-consciously keeping his back turned to Justin, and donned a new pair of boxers. It just felt so good to have a friend he could just relax with. Ever since he'd moved to Angel Grove he'd felt out of place. Since he'd met Nico he'd finally begin to feel comfortable.

"Thanks man." Nico sat down next to him in his boxers. "You wanna change?"

"Nah, I didn't bring anything to change into."

"At least shed that shirt man, you be stinking!"

"Hey! I don't- oh, heh, maybe I do." Justin took off his shirt and put it aside. Funny how you never noticed that kind of thing about yourself. "So what do you do when you're here by yourself all the time?"

Nico shrugged. "You know, lie back relax, dream a little. Jerk off a lot. You?" Nico's tone was suddenly very inquisitive.

Justin squirmed a bit uncomfortably. "Yeah, some." he admitted. "But mostly I do like you do- dream that is."

Nico nodded and gave him one of those 'yeah right' looks. "C'mon, lie down, it may not look like much, but the bed's comfortable."

Justin grimaced at little at Nico's phrasing, but he had to admit, it was comfortable. Maybe it was something he'd bought with the money from the poster trading...

Nico lay down next to him, rubbing shoulder to shoulder, and arm to arm against Justin. Unintentionally, he draped his arm over Justin's stomach. Justin felt a little uncomfortable, but he didn't say anything. It only took him a moment to see the major advantage of this position. The afternoon sun shone right through the window and onto the bed. Justin squirmed in pleasure at the feeling of the sunlight on his bare skin. "Aww, that feel soo good..."

"Yeah, it's also useful for getting rid of tan lines." joked Nico.

Justin chose to ignore that thought, and almost succeeded in blocking out the accompanying mental image. "So, it's been quite a day for you hasn't it?"

"Oh yeah, what, not for you?"

Justin bit back his natural response. 'Who me? Kidnaped by space aliens? Facing some new and unknown power from another galaxy? Nah just another day in the life of Justin Stewart. In fact, just last week...' "Oh yeah... I've seen those fish things before, they seem to be all over Angel Grove lately. They once attacked a charity carwash I was working at.

But this is the first time I'd ever seen one up close."

"Really?" Nico sounded like his mind's eye was far away. Unconsciously he snuggled up closer up Justin, his hand brushing across his chest. Justin felt an electric tingle where Nico touched him. "You know, I coulda sworn I saw you kick that alien..."

Justin tried very hard not to tense up, Nico would feel it this close. It suddenly occurred to him how almost impossible it was to lie when you were this physically close to a person. Better stick to a half truth. "Yeah well, my dad used to run a martial arts studio. I took some lessons. I just musta gotten lucky and his someplace vulnerable when I was struggling." Justin relaxed. the sunlight on his skin was making his sleepy, and he had to admit, he found Nico's closeness comfortable. It was almost an embrace with the way his arm was draped over Justin's chest.

Nico rolled over a little, even closer to Justin, and leaned in on his ear. His breath tickled as he breathed deep into Justin's ear and spoke in low tones. "You know, it's always been my dream... my fantasy, to meet real life aliens."

"Hey, red letter day for you then!" Justin kept his eyes closed, basking in the sunlight, and Nico's comforting nearness. God... this was the way to relax after a long day as a Ranger. A good nap and a meal could leave him physically renewed, but this... it was almost emotionally renewing. Nico was his best friend. Even if they hadn't known each other long, it was the kind of bond that wasn't easily broken. The kind of connection Justin felt with Nico.. it seemed to connect to a part of Justin's soul, almost a part he didn't even realize was empty until it had been filled.

"Yeah... I guess my fantasy was fulfilled, and you were the only one there too see it, the only one who knew..." Justin's eyes flew open, something about that last sentence sounded wrong... His eyes met Nico's and he was immediately calmed by the calm resolution he saw reflected in then. God, how had he never noticed Niko's eyes before? Such brilliant... no not brilliant, brown couldn't be brilliant, but beautiful... yeah he could call them that. Nico had beautiful eyes. "Justin... you're part of my fantasy, you know that?"

Justin panicked momentarily. This couldn't be happening to him! Nico was a friend- a best friend sure-, but only a friend. Could he really be meaning what he thought he was? "Nico, I don't think-"

"Shh..." whispered Nico, his hand trailing lightly across Justin's chest eliciting a groan of pleasure. "Don't think, just for one in your life Justin... Don't think! Just... act."

For a moment Justin was caught in a quandary of his own thoughts, then Nico's words hit home, and he gave himself up to the emotions welling up inside his small frame. "Oh God... Nico..." Justin reached for him, and Nico welcomed him in open arms. The embrace felt like it went of forever. Just Justin shuddering in Nico's arms as the vast enormity of what he was feeling broke over him. Nico was a best friend, but also more... the connection he felt with him went deeper, much deeper than that.

Nico cradled Justin in his arms, holding his tight, and whispering "It's all right, it's all right..." He was shuddering like a leaf in a strong wind. Justin's reaction had been a bit more... extreme than Nico'd expected. When they'd first met a few days ago, Nico'd been struck, startled enough to invite Justin to join their soccer game. The day had gone beautifully, and he'd almost felt like he was walking on air in Justin's presence. The realization that he had feelings for Justin, maybe loved him... hadn't been easy. Coming from a large Hispanic family... being gay at 13 was just begging to get beaten up. But still... Oh God, and to know that Justin felt the same way... Nico caressed Justin's back as he held him to himself. It felt like a rebirth.

Justin was not crying. He was 13, he hadn't cried since he was 12. He was just... sniffling. Justin moved his body closer to Nico's. Together he felt... complete, like he never even knew he was missing something. His fingers traced their way down Nico's spine, counting out the individual bones. His skin was so smooth. He felt Niko begin to respond, his hands inching across Justin's arms and back, caressing lightly, a- a lover's touch.

They broke from each other, giggling.

"I never-"

"I thought you-"

"And it felt-"

"-like everything."

Nico looked into Justin's eyes, so... so beyond description. Absently, Nico brushed the hair from Justin's face, caressing his cheekbone. "Justin, I want... I want to show you something."

Justin grinned widely. "What, more than you have so far?"

"Yeah... this." Nico leaned in, and kissed him. For a moment, Justin was stiff and didn't react, and Nico was afraid it'd been too much, too soon. But then Justin melted into the kiss, returning it, and contributing to it himself.Nico grew more daring, his tongue snaked out and explored Justin's mouth. Justin returned the favor by exploring Nico's body with his hands. Their tongues tangles, pushing against each other, and their bodies entwined, they could feel each other's heat, their need, as they embraced almost savagely without coming up for air, their mouths locked together in a passionate expression of friendship... of love.

Nico broke the kiss, but continued to press his lips to Justin's face, nibbling at his lower lip, his chin, his neck... Justin gasped, his eyes wide, as Nico's lips found his sensitive nipple, sucking, biting... the sensation of his tongue caressing the center was almost beyond what he could bear. And then Nico was moving again, down across his chest, leaving a little wet trail of saliva down his stomach, pausing at the belly button to probe inward and send a fresh gasp of delight through Justin's young body. Justin grasped spastically at Nico's shoulders, caressing his neck, his head. Gods... he'd never felt anything like this before. Suddenly, it was gone. Justin blinked in confusion for a few seconds before looking at Nico,he had a vicious grin on his face, and suddenly Justin knew what he was gonna do. "Nico, no..." he protested weakly.

Slender brown fingers pulled at the waistband of Justin's shorts, and the boxers beneath them, sliding them off. Nico had felt Justin's need, even if Justin had not. Justin groaned, half in fear, half in anticipation, as he helped Nico remove what remained of his clothes. For one brilliant moment, Justin could feel the sunlight over his entire body, and he knew exactly what Nico had meant when he'd said 'no tan lines', he could spend an entire day like this, were it not for the even greater delights awaiting him.

For a moment, Nico just stared at Justin's burgeoning boyhood. Justin was small yet, puberty had not yet hit him, so the spectacle he presented for Nico's enjoyment was simply three inches of beautiful cut boy meat. Nico noticed a clear bead of fluid forming on the piss slit, and was for some reason drawn to it. tentatively, he stuck out his tongue and captured that fluid. Justin gasped, and a shudder passed through his entire body. Nico savored the taste, pleasantly surprised, it was sweet, very sweet. He licked his lips nervously. First hurdle passed, now what?

Nico reached out with his tongue and licked Justin's virtually hairless nut sack. Justin wriggled in pleasure in response. Encourage, Nico licked again, and again, sucking the individual balls into his mouth and feeling their texture and taste. Justin simply lay back and enjoyed the ride as he felt his best friend's- and maybe more- mouth engulf his virgin nut sack. "Oh Go- Nico!" He clutched spastically at Nico's head, unsuccessfully trying to convey some of the pleasure he was feeling.

Nico drew back in surprise for a moment before he realized nothing was wrong. In fact... better than that, he felt great! He was enjoying himself, like feeding a hunger left long unsated. As much as Justin was enjoying this physically, he was receiving emotional enjoyment. Second hurdle passed, what next? Niko licked Justin's cock from base to head in one smooth stroke. For Justin it was like someone had set off an atomic bomb in his spine. "Arrrugh... Nico, please... just finish it..." Justin's thoughts were breaking up into incoherent fragments as the tongue bathing continued. "Just.. just... oh yeah.. that..." Nico gave up on the even strokes and simply engulfed the head of Justin's virgin cock. He sucked hard, twirling his tongue around the base of the head before again bringing it to a triumphant peak at the piss slit, diving in and out and sending Justin's young body into a frenzy.

Justin's body bucked under the rough texture of Nico's tongue. It was all he could do to speak. "Yeah, harder... lower, right there..." Every nerve in his body was afire with the unbelievable warmth of Nico's mouth. He began to buck his hips involuntarily, fucking Nico's face. Oh God... he felt so wonderful. "I'm... ugh... I'm gonna..."

Nico smiled widely, and gave Justin's head one last circular stroke, he felt Justin's entire body tense, and then went all the way down, with his nose stuck in Justin's thin pubic hairs, applying maximum suction.

He was rewarded with a rush of cum in the back of his mouth, he could actually feel it at it traveled up the shaft. The first blast of thick, creamy cum caught him by surprise and he gagged. Then came the next, and the next, and the next. He coughed, feeling the gooey substance sticking at the back of his throat, but stayed on.

Justin's eyes rolled back in his head as the orgasm hit. He could feel his entire world narrowing into a tunnel, and the pressure- Then the dam broke, and Justin's entire body rode the currents as he shot lead after load of cum into his best friend's mouth. Justin was shaking as he came down from the incredible orgasmic high. He'd never achieved anything even close to that jerking off.

Nico let Justin's deflating penis fall from his mouth and edged up until he was on top on him, face to face. He smiled widely.

Justin stared with a disbelieving facination as a drop of white cum leaked out the corner of Nico's beautiful smile. "What.. what do I taste like?"

"Let's find out." Nico kissed him. Justin's tongue darted out, tasting for the first time his sweet-salty flavor. He and Nico sucked the last remnents from one mouth to the other, hungrily competing for the taste. Nico was the first to come up for breath. "Well, how do you think you taste?"

Justin smiled lustilly at Nico, "Huh... not bad... Now what I'm wondering..." Justin reached for Nico's boxers. He'd never bothered to remove them, and his boyhood was screaming for attention. His cock sprang up as his boxers went flying. Nico moved to lay down. "No, let's try something different." Justin cupped Nico's buttoks, guiding his hips forward until he was straddling Justin's chest with the tip of his cock under an inch from Justin's face.

Nico grasped his intention immediatly and braced his hands against the wall. "You're sure you want to do this?" Nico struggled to control himself as Justin's warm breath tickled the head of his cock.

Justin stared at Nico's young dick ad it hung before him. 'Four inches for his dining pleasure' the thought went through his mind inanely. He wanted to do this didn't he? He knew how'd it'd felt when Nico'd done this to him. Didn't he want to make Nico feel that way too? Yes, he did, but he was scared too. "Yeah, pretty sure. Could you just... you know, edge forward a bit..."

Nico shifted his hips forward until they brushed Justin's lips. Justin got his first taste of sweet precum and all doubt left him. He opened his mouth fully and let Nico's brown cock enter his lips. He suddenly realized what had been nagging in the back of his mind from the moment he stripped off Nico's boxers. No tanlines.

Nico groaned as he entered Justin's willing mouth. At first Justin seemed uncertian, then he began to suck tenativly, and get some tongue action going. Nico thrust his hips slightly, establishing a steady rythym with Justin's sucking. Soon he was driving himself in and out af Justin's mouth with great enthusiasm as Justin's cascading tongue worked over his dick. Nico looked on Justin's blissful face with great interest ad his dick pistoned in and out of his lips. Justin's eyes were closed, completely immersed in the sensations flowing through him. Nico felt a wash of emotion through him of adoratin- love?- for that face, for Justin. Suddenly a new sensation flooded his cock. Like a low vibration... Justin was humming. The sensation sent shivers up Nico's spine and he groaned in pleasure. Nico began to shiver as the orgasm built in him. He coulden't hold it back. Nico bit his lip and pulled out of Justin's mouth, jetting into the air, all over Justin's face and hair. He half collapsed into Justin's arms as they embraced loosly. Nico giggled as he tried to pick thick ropes of cum out of Justin's thick bowl-cut. They kept slipping through his fingers as he and Justin fought over them. Nico simply decalred the point moot and sucked a thick strand of cum off of Justin's cheek triumphantly.

The just lay there for a while like that, two sweaty bodies entwined in an exhausted embrace. Justin kissed Nico on the forehead, leaving behind a messy cum-stained blotch. "Hey."

"Hey." Nico turned his head up to look Justin in his eyes, Their noses brushed and Justin could taste his breath. "You know?" he said with exagerated slowness, "I think today mighta had two oft my fantasies come true."

Justin melted in his arms. "I- I think I love you Nico."

He smiled. "Me too."

And they held each other that way as the sun made it's way across the horizon, and played it's warm light across their twined bodies.

They kissed, and Justin could taste the flavors of their cum.

You know, he thought, sometimes being a superhero really sucks, and sometimes that's not a bad thing.


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