Fun with cards

Published on Feb 3, 2023



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Fun With Cards


Michael J. Eddington

More Than I Asked For.....

:Chapter One:

It was for the longest time I wanted to get into Billy's pants. All through my Junior year in High School he and I had some similar classes, and three times a day I had the opportunity to sit near him, catch a glance or two and fantasize.

One day walking home from school he came up on me from behind and asked me if I wanted to suck his dick. First thing I did was look around to see if any of his 'friends' were there, but he was alone. The only thing I could do was say no. I was afraid he'd break my face for me, and that was something I certainly didn't want. It seems that he knew full well what was racing through my mind because he asked me to follow him home. I made some lame excuses why I couldn't but he wouldn't take no for an answer.

So, with my heart beating a mile a minute I followed Billy home that day into an experience that I never thought I'd get into.

When we got to the house, Billy was actually friendly to me for the first time all year. "Want something to drink?" he asked me. I was grateful for the offer. My mouth felt like it was filled with cotton since I was so nervous. "Okay then, suck me off", came his reply. He assured me that there wouldn't be anyone home for several hours and that we had the house to ourselves. "Right here?" I asked since we were standing in the kitchen. "We'll go upstairs then, we'll be more comfortable there."

We got to Billy's room and as soon as we stepped in he closed the door behind him, turned, and opened his pants and pulled out his dick. "Well, here it is, you've been looking for this all year" he said to me as I dropped to my knees in front of him. I nervously took his dick in my mouth, feeling his warmth and tasting his sweat. My head began to spin. Slowly his dick became stiff, filling my mouth, as I regained control of myself. I began to concentrate fully on the matter at hand knowing that this opportunity might never come again. The more relaxed I became, the further I could take him down my throat. He moved his hands to either side of my head and began to fuck my face. All I had to do was sit there and let him take over. I still couldn't believe this was happening. I opened my eyes and looked up at him to make sure it wasn't a dream. His eyes were closed, head tilted back, mouth slightly open as his tongue licked his lips. Then I felt his entire body stiffen, and knew that he was about to shoot his load. I wanted every drop. I wanted to savor every last atom of his cum, and I wasn't disappointed. As he came he held my head tightly against his crotch. I gulped and drank, and tried not to gag too much. It was wonderful.

Spent, he released my head but I was not too eager to release my lips from his dick. I love to feel it go soft in my mouth after cumming. A few minutes went by and he finally pulled his dick out of my mouth. I sat there on my knees waiting for him to say something. "Well, are you satisfied?" he asked me as he stuffed his dick back in his pants. "Yes Bill. Thanks, I needed that." was the only thing I could say in reply.

By this time I was hard as a rock myself, and felt that overpowering need to get my own rocks off, and I wanted him to help. "Do you mind if I jerk off here?" I asked him expecting him to toss me out of the house. "Sure, go ahead. Wanna look at my dick while you do it?" He said. "No, I'd rather you be a bit more involved." I said back to him. "What do you want me to do? I ain't suckin' you if that's what you mean." "No Bill, maybe you could abuse me a little, make me do some things." At this he began to smile again " Do things? Like what kind of things?" Ah, he was into this. Good. "Well, like lick your shoes or kiss your ass or something." I said starting to feel a bit embarrassed. " Y' know, and if I don't do them you punish me." "Whip your ass with a belt?" he said. "And maybe even my dick and balls too if you want. I'll put myself in your complete control. do with me what you want, the stranger the better." I replied. "You're fuckin' crazy!" he said looking a bit bemused, but I felt things were going to get hot in that room. They did.

"You're in my complete control? I can make you do ANYTHING I want, and if you don't I can torture you for not doing it?" "Yes." I said and then added that he should punish me even if I did what he wanted, and continue until I finally did it. Billy stood back across his room, looked down at me ( I was still on my knees ) and smiled. "Okay, he said smiling, "take off your pants. We're gonna have some fun! But remember, you asked for it!"

Now, I wasn't so sure i wanted to go through with it. I was getting scared. he looked all too serious and I didn't know if his jock brain knew that there were limits in life, especially with MY balls. "So, get your pants off, what are you waiting for?" He said, this time with more energy. "What will you do to me if I don't?" I asked him, testing him. He told me that he'd thoroughly whip the shit out of my ass until I begged him to stop. "Well you're going to have to whip me." I told him. He immediately began to take his belt out and told me to bend down over the edge of the bed. I complied.

He swung. I yelped out. Thanking that 1/8 of an inch of fresh denim that was still covering my ass. He swung again, I yelled again. He was taking this seriously. He continued to swing his belt across my ass and I tried to take as much as I could without wearing myself out for what was certainly more to come. After 10 lashes or so, I told him that I'd take my pants off for him now, and he said I could, but because I didn't do so right away I would get 5 more on my bare ass. I had no choice but to go along with him.

I pulled off my sneakers, stepped out of my pants and stood there awaiting his next order. " Didn't I tell you to take your underwear off also?" he yelled at me. "Yes Billy you did," I said knowing full well that he hadn't. I stripped them off also. Now, there I was standing half naked in front of him with my dick standing out straight in front of me. "Boy, you're really enjoying this aren't you?" was the only thing he could say. I was. "Okay, now for 5 on your bare ass, bend over." One! two! three! four! five! He wasn't swinging too hard, but they hurt. Alot.

When he was done he told me to turn around and lay on my back on the floor so that I could lick the bottom of his sneakers. I did as I was told realizing how vulnerable I was now. He pulled a chair over and placed it near my head, sat down, and put his sneaker on my face. "Lick!" I began to do as he ordered, and realized I was enjoying this as much as the blow job I had given him earlier. When he was satisfied with the first, he wiped it on my dick and balls, then stuck the other in my face. When I was done I asked him what he would have done to me if I didn't do as he had asked. " New rules," he said, "for every word you say from now on I'll do to your balls what I did to your ass!" He was serious. How far was this guy going to go? I was curious enough to find out.

"Okay faggot, on your knees. Let's try something a little more difficult. I didn't take a shower after practice this afternoon and my ass needs some cleaning. Ready?" He stood up from the chair, dropped his pants and underwear, turned around and bent over, telling me it had better be CLEAN when I was done. "I'm not into that," I told him, forgetting about his threats to my balls until it was all too late. "Did I hear the faggot talk? Did I hear a faggot say four words that were not asked for? As soon as your done licking my ass squeaky clean I'm gonna whip your balls with my belt four times." I was stuck. He turned around and pulled his cheeks apart. I hesitated a bit, but he urged me on with another threat to double the torture if I didn't hurry. I brought my face up to his ass and let the aroma fill my lungs. I really didn't want to do this, but with the threat of intense pain facing me I stuck out my tongue and went to work. Once I was passed the initial taste it was not so bad. I could feel him squeezing his ass on my tongue and I licked even deeper. Actually it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, and I realized my dick was harder now than it had probably ever been. I went to work like crazy. Licking, sucking, slurping and cleaning that jock ass of his, taking in as much of that rich aroma as I could. He must have really liked it because we went on like this for quite some time.

When he finally tired of it, he stood up and asked me if I liked the way his ass tasted. I didn't answer for obvious reasons and he got angry saying that I should answer him. "Yes" I said, " I liked the taste of your ass." He then ordered me to lay on my back on the bed hanging my legs off the end. He stepped up between them, spreading them apart and handling his belt. I was scared and thought of asking him not to do it, but before i got a chance he brought his belt down onto my balls. I screamed in pain even though he had lashed them rather lightly. It was a combination of surprise as well as the pain. I went to cover my balls with my arms and he told me that if I even thought of it he'd double the 5 lashes I was going to get anyway. Then came the second, the third, the fourth and then, finally the fifth and last. My balls felt like they were on fire. My stomach was cramped up and I felt slightly ill. I knew that he hadn't put any effort into it at all. He really just let the belt fall onto my nuts, but there was SOME force behind it.

"All right faggot, are you sorry?" All I could muster was a rather weak "Yes Billy, I'm sorry. It won't happen again." He then told me he was going into the bathroom to make sure that his ass was REALLY clean and that if it wasn't I was going to PAY. As he left he told me to stay on the bed and not to move a muscle. I did as he told me.

:Chapter Two:

While Billy was out of the room I heard him run down the stairs and then return. He was gone longer than I thought he'd be. When he finally returned he told me that I had done a pretty good job and that my balls were all the luckier for it. He also returned with a tall plastic cup, the kind you get at the 7-11. "Are you still thirsty?" he asked me. I answered that I was thinking that he would fill the cup with water. He did in a way. Billy ordered me to my knees, pulled out his dick and pissed into that large cup filling it almost to the top. "Drink!" he ordered me, "and you'd better swallow each and every drop!" I didn't want to drink his piss. I hadn't done anything like that before, and didn't really want to start then. My hesitation must have given him some pleasure because he smiled, turned and opened a drawer near his desk. He pulled out a length of nylon cord and told me to get back on the bed. He took the cup from my hands, put it on a table, and came back to tie my balls up with one end of the cord. He had wrapped it around them several times stretching them, then tied it tight. He then ordered me to the floor, took the other end in his hand, stood over me and started to jerk on the rope. "When you're really thirsty just let me know" he said.

After the belt whipping, and a few good jerks with the rope my balls were really beginning to hurt. "Okay Billy, I'll drink it" I said knowing that now my fate was sealed. He tugged on my balls a few more times, then handed me the cup. I held it close to my mouth and nose so I could smell his piss. It was like nothing I had ever smelled before. I could tell he hadn't pissed in quite some time that day because the color was a deep yellow. I held my breath and began to drink as fast as I could. No matter, there was just too much. I had to breath, and I had to taste it. He'd tug on that rope from time to time to keep me on my best, and I proceeded to drink every last drop. It felt good to have so much of him inside of me. When I was done I handed him the back the cup, and he proceeded to empty what was left in his bladder back into the cup. Before he handed it back to me he spit in it. "A piss cocktail for you!" He said. As I took the cup I heard the doorbell ring. I was startled and looked up at him for some advice. "DRINK IT!" he said. I drank. When I was done he took the rope and passed it between my legs and ordered me to put my hands behind my back. He then tied my wrists with the rope, and left the room closing the door behind him. Shit. I was hoping it was just the paper boy at the door and that he'd be back in a minute. I'd never been tied before and I didn't like it.

In a moment I heard Billy come back up the stairs, but this time I heard two other voices with him! I was scared shitless! Who? Why would he do this to me? (the answer was obvious, he'd always hated me). Just then the door opened and Billy walked in with Steve Mc Nally and Tim Richards, two friends of his that I had seen him hanging around with. I was mortified. Embarrassed beyond belief. "Well faggot, you said I could do anything I wanted with you so I decided to spread the wealth around!" he said laughing. Tim and Steve both looked down at me and began to laugh. "So, you finally got that little asshole. he's been staring at your crotch all semester" Steve said to Bill. " So I see you've decided to teach him a little lesson? What have you been doing to him?" Billy told him that he'd have to wait and find out, that they were ALL going to have some fun with his new slave.

"All right faggot get down there and kiss their feet!" With my hands tied behind my back I had to fall over on my side to comply with his order. I began to kiss And lick at Steve's shoes, and then do the same with Tim's boots. Billy got down behind me and untied my hands, swatting my ass with the belt for emphasis. "On your back asshole!" was the next order. He had Tim sit in the chair and push his boots in my face so I could lick the bottoms of them, and then Steve do the same with his sneakers. When I was done I was ordered to lay back on the bed like before but this time, on my stomach.

Billy straddled my back facing the foot of the bed, and told Tim and Steve to hold me down. They were both eager to comply. Then he began to lash into by ass with the belt, about the same force as before, but the embarrassment combined with the whipping made it all the more painful. Billy continued to whip me perhaps 15 or 20 times. Then he told Tim to switch places with him and Tim began to whip me. Tim was not as kind with the belt as Billy was. I sensed Billy knew this, for after only five lashes he told Steve to take his shots. Steve was nervous and didn't land his too hard, but after 30 lashes my ass felt like fire.

Billy then reached under me, turned me over on my back and told the guys to hold me down like before. Tim grabbed my arms at the head of the bed, and Steve held my legs down. Billy stood off to the side, raised the belt, and let it fall onto my nuts. I screamed. The other guys thought this rather amusing and egged him on for more. Billy hit me twice more in the balls before handing the belt to Steve, but reminding him not to go too hard. Steve lashed my balls twice, and then Tim got his chance, heeding Bills words on the first, but NOT on the second one!

"All right!" said Steve as he watched me thrash under their arms. Billy then told them to stand me up, but to hold me tightly. He went over to his closet and pulled out a pair of sneakers. "Well, looks like we're gonna have a dick sandwich here," as he clapped the sneakers on either side of my hard on at the same time. CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! My dick never hurt so much. He then offered them to the other guys in turn, and they both accepted with pleasure.

When Tim was done with his turn, they let go of me and I fell to the floor panting and breathing hard. Even touching my dick and my balls hurt. "Now what do we do with him?" Steve asked. Billy told them to think up some tasks they could make me do and some punishments if I didn't do them. After some joking around they decided that we should all play cards. Billy pulled out a deck.

"Here's the rules. A Spade means a torture to his ass, a diamond a torture to his dick, a heart one to his tits, and a club to his balls. Note the number. A 6 of spades means 6 swats on his ass. The picture cards will be ten times plus a task! A Jack ten times and one task. A queen, ten times, a task and then again, a king, the whole thing three times." Tim and Steve nodded in agreement. Tim asked what an ACE would mean and Steve said, if you draw an ace you get to fuck him up the ass, and the Ace of Spades will end the game! "But, to keep it interesting," Billy said,"you can't use the same task or punishment in the same turn". The game was on.

Billy shuffled the deck a few times, as they all sat on the floor around me, still curled up in a ball form the earlier episode. "Okay, we'll go in alphabetical order, and I'll go first." Billy said as he drew the top card. Billy drew the 8 of Diamonds. HE ordered me onto my knees, took a sneaker and flicked the head of my dick the required 8 times. Steve then drew the 10 of hearts, ordered me to lift off my shirt, and began to pinch my nipples between his fingers as he slowly counted to ten. Tim then drew the 7 of diamonds and I knew my dick was in for more. He took the piece of rope that was on the floor, wrapped it around my dick twice, and proceeded to tug on the ends seven times.

Then it was Billy's turn again. This time he drew the Queen of Diamonds, and the first tasks of the game. He picked up both sneakers and began to rub them on my dick, one on either side, pretty hard as he, and the other guys gleefully counted to ten. Now for my first task. Billy then told me to put my hand out and he spit in it, telling the others to do the same. When they were done I was told to lick it up from my hand. I slowly brought my hand to my face and did what I had been told. Then Billy took the rope, folded it over a few times and began to whip the underside of my dick ten times, and told me my second task would be to lick his ass, and not to remove my tongue from his hole until he said to, or he'd stomp my balls through the floor. I went eagerly back to the ass I had fell in love with before. This wasn't so bad this time until he farted. I began to pull my tongue out, then thought better. He farted again while the others laughed, and then told me I could stop.

Steve then drew the two of clubs, wrapped the rope around my balls and tugged twice. Tim drew the four of clubs next, grabbed my nuts and squeezed four times. Billy, the five of hearts and he too began to pinch my nipples while the boys counted to five, slowly. Just to make it worse, Steve then drew the 3 of hearts and continued where Billy had left off. Then, Tim drew the Queen of Clubs. My balls ached just thinking about it.

Tim was pleased. This would be HIS time. HIS chance to pay me back for all the times I had been staring at him. "On your back, asshole!" he told me, grinning to his buddies. He then stood up, and began to dig the heel of his boot into my nuts. A little stomp, and a grind. Ten times. My task was to eat out his ass as I had done Billy's. Tim unbuckled his belt, pulled down his pants, bent over and spread his cheeks. I went to work, chewing, licking and sucking on his ass. Tim's ass smelled great. I began to truly enjoy this task until he too farted. This time it was a long one. I thought he'd not stop until he actually shit in my mouth. I continued to lick out his asshole while the others laughed and encouraged him to do it again. I could feel him trying, but he couldn't do it again. He told me to stop and wait for my next task. He then went over to Billy's desk and came back with a candle. He lit it, ordered me to the floor, stood over me and dropped ten drops of wax on my already painful nuts. Each drop shot pain right through me. Eight, Nine, TEN! They counted as each drop landed on a different part of my ballsac. "Okay you slimey shit, open your mouth." he ordered. I did as I was told, as him and the others began to fill it with their spit. I was told to swallow, open and get ready for more. After three mouthsfull of their spit it was Billy's turn to draw.

The two of Spades was his next card. Rolled onto my stomach he brought his hand down twice on each cheek, Steve drew the four of spades and he brought the belt down on each cheek four times. Tim drew the Jack of Spades. He replaced the belt with a sneaker, and ten times to each cheek. As I moaned under the pain his buddies told him to make me cry. Each swat was worse than the one before. By the time he was finished, I could barely breathe. I lay there sobbing. My task was to lick out Steve's ass this time. Steve didn't fart on me, but his ass was dirtier than the others and I could taste the bits of old shit as I licked at them.

Billy then drew the King of Diamonds, and I knew my dick would never be the same. He took the candle, ordered me to stand, and dipped ten drops on the head of my dick. He pulled off his shirt and ordered me to lick out his armpits. The odor was strong since he'd not showered after both gym and practice after school. His ass tasted better than this, but I plodded on. When I was done with both pits he had me lie down again on the floor while he dripped ten more drops of hot wax on the bottom of my dick. This time the pain was even worse. My task was to crawl on my knees before each of the others and beg them to spit in my face. I went to Tim first, then Steve and then finally back to Billy himself who had been churning up quite a load for my face. He really MADE me beg for it. I could see his cheeks swell as he built up a good size wad. Finally he let me have it, drooling it slowly down onto my head and face. Then he took the rope, wrapped it around the underside of the head of my dick and began to pull it from one side to the other ten times. My last task was to suck the guy who had the biggest dick, but I was to guess without actually seeing them first. I knew what Bill's was like so looked at both Steve and Tim to size them up. I nodded that I was ready and he went to his desk and pulled out a ruler. I said that I thought Steve had the biggest dick. Tim had his out first and was stroking it to a full erection. Steve, as always was a bit slower to the task. Bill measured all in turn, and decided that I had been correct. Bill measured in at a little over 6 inches, Tim at 6 and a half and Steve with more than 7.

I went down on Steve immediately. Pulling his dick deep into my throat feeling his heat in my mouth. I sucked at him like crazy. His seven inches were rather thin and easy to give a good workout to. A few minutes later Bill made me stop.

Steve was still hard when he drew the King of Clubs. The Death Card. He took the ruler and gave me the first set of ten, square on my balls. By this time the pain was nearly unbearable. "Let's see you drink some cum" He said as the first task. I dove for his dick and sucked HARD. In two minutes he came. He shot deep into my throat while he jammed his dick as far in as he got get it. I gagged and choked but swallowed every drop. I felt his dick go soft in my mouth as he pulled it out, pulled my face up by my hair and spit in my face. The second set of ten shots were given with his hand. ten times he slapped at my very tender nuts. I jerked around with each and every one. More cum followed. This time it was Tim's. The third set he deftly delivered by tying the rope securely around my balls, tied the other end to the foot of the bed then kicked me in the ass ten times. Then it was Bill's cum again. This time I was practiced with him, so I took my time, and gently and slowly brought him off.

My balls ached, my ass cheeks were raw, though there were no welts that I could feel, and I'd probably not be able to jerk off for several days while my dick healed. It was Tim's turn. He drew the Ace of Spades! Finally I could see the end of this torture. I was wrong.

"Ass up on the bed!" he said. "That sure was a good blow job you gave me, but I think I can get it up for you one more time." Tim spit on his hand, rubbed it on his dick and then, i one swift jab he was in. I screamed. This really hurt. There's nothing I hate more than being fucked. Tim kept pushing and fucking, harder and harder. He had a lot of anger to get out. I thought it would last forever when he finally pulled out to be quickly replaced by Bill's 6 incher. This wasn't as bad, but he fucked me harder than Tim had. He used longer strokes, pulling almost all the way out before slamming home again. Tim came around to my face and shoved his dick in my mouth ordering me to suck it clean. I could taste my shit on his dick as I sucked. Bill kept fucking. I could see that Steve had been working on his own dick, and it was true and stiff once again. Bill, pulled out of my ass, Steve replaced him with his long seven inches, and Billy replaced Tim at my mouth.

Steve fucked like an animal. He made the other two look tame. A few times I accidentally bit down on Bill's dick from the pain, only to have him smack me across the head. Finally, Steve came in me. I sucked his dick clean also, just like the others.

Bill, Tim and Steve sat back on the floor leaving me exhausted on the bed. "Are we done with him?" Tim asked Bill. "I think we've got a few more things we can do with him." Bill said. Billy had Tim and Steve turn me over on the bed and hold me down like they'd done so many times before. He straddled my chest facing my feet, and began to flick at my balls with his fingers. These little 'jabs' became increasingly painful. After what seemed like 50 of the he started to smack them around with his hand, and then finally to grab and squeeze them roughly. Tim climbed up on my face, grabbed my nipples and told me to lick his ass some more. The pain in my chest and my balls combined into what was pure hell. Then Bill Stopped the torture to my balls. I was expecting Steve to take his place, but no. Tim continued to pull and pinch my nipples while I licked at his asshole.

"Bring him in the bathroom" Billy said. Tim and Steve lifted me up off the bed and had to drag me into the bathroom letting me fall to my knees in front of the toilet. Billy came in with a shoebox. He lifted the toilet seat and placed the box in the bowl, then lowered the seat. He sat on the toilet and ordered me to suck his dick while he 'made me my dinner'. I became ill at the thought. I could hear the piece of shit as it landed in the box. Much to the delight of the others he stood up, turned around and ordered his ass cleaned. I complied, afraid of the consequences. Then I he lifted the box out of the toilet, handed it to me and commanded me to eat it. I gagged at the THOUGHT of it. "If you don't start eating by the time I count to 10, I'm gonna' let Tim stomp your nuts with his boots as hard as he wants!" I knew he was serious, and Tim looked only too happy to comply.

Just as I put my mouth on the shit in the box, I felt him pull my head back by the hair. "Just wanted to see if I could make ya' eat it" Bill said. Had he not stopped me, I would have. There was a bit of kindness in his voice this time, and I felt better.

"Let me stomp 'em anyway!" Tim said, looking for Steve to agree with him. I was happy when Bill said that my balls had suffered enough, but maybe just a little more wouldn't hurt so much. Steve went into the bedroom and came back with the rope. He tied it around my balls in a slip knot, pulled out his dick, and ordered me to drink his piss. As he tugged on that rope I did the best I could to swallow all he was giving me, but I just couldn't and a few drops began to roll down my chin. "You'll pay for that!" Billy said and left the bathroom. When Steve was done, he tugged a few more times on the rope just for emphasis. Billy returned with two large books. I was ordered to sit on the floor. He placed one book under my nuts, pulled them across it with the rope, and placed the other on top. " Go ahead Tim, step on 'em." Tim was only too happy to do so. He placed his booted foot on the top book, and began to slowly increase the pressure. My eyes watered, and I screamed out "PLEASE STOP!". Billy told him to stop. Those were the first words I had spoken since this all began yet I wasn't punished for it this time.

"Okay faggot crawl into the bedroom and get your clothes on" Billy told me. I did as I was told, and as I crawled passed they each kicked me in the ass. I put my clothes on slowly. Even the light touch of my underwear hurt my dick, and the pressure made my balls ache. My pants made matters worse, and I had a mile or so to walk home. Just as I finished the boys came back in the room. "We're not done with you just yet." Tim told me. My heart sunk. Steve told me to lay back on the bed, and to pull my shirt up over my head again. Through the thin cotton of my white T shirt I could see Billy put the clothes pins on my nipples. Flicked them a couple of times, and then tied a rope between them. I was then told to stand. When I did Tim took off one of his boots, and tied a short rope around the loop at the top, and the other end to the rope on between the clothespins. He let it drop. The pain form my tits shot right through my eyes. Steve then took the boot, raised it as far as it would go on the short rope, and he let it drop also. This time the clothes pins came off with the pull and I thought my nipples had gone with them. Luckily they were still there. Billy then came over and started to knead them between his thumbs and forefingers, pulling and twisting. He spit into my face a few times, and pulled me around the room by my nipples. Then pushing me back on the bed, never letting go. He straddled my chest again never letting up on the pressure he was exerting to my tits, and continued to torture them.

" You'll never stare at me again?" "NO never!" I swore to him. " If I want you to eat my shit out of the school toilet you'll do it?" "YES!" My tits felt like they were on fire. "You'll drink my piss and Tim's and Steve's ANYTIME they want?" "YES, YES, YES!"

Billy finally stopped and spit in my face again, getting off my chest he spit in my face again, and Tim smacked me in the balls. I was then led outside to the backyard and was ordered to lie on the floor and pull my pants down to my knees. I did as instructed. Billy came by with the shoe box that had his shit in and let it fall out onto my crotch. "Pull up your pants now." I did so. When I had them fixed Tim stepped on my crotch spreading the shit in good. Steve and Bill followed in suit. Then Bill whipped out his dick and began to piss on me. Tim and Steve joined him. I lie there, with my crotch full of shit, with three guys pissing all over my head, face and body.

When the last drops finally fell, Billy told me to get out of the backyard and to remember what I had promised him. Just as I was leaving Tim called me back, turned me around, grabbed my shoulders and kneed me in the nuts. I doubled over and hit the floor. I felt them all begin to spit on me, and push me towards the gate with their feet, all the while laughing, and I came. I felt it rise from deep within me, and shoot all over the inside of my pants. The cry that came form my lips was a combination of pain and pleasure.

The next day I did not go to school. I feigned illness to my mother. But he truth was that I could not fully function, and I was afraid to run into the boys again. I knew that she would not be home form work until 6:00 that evening. At 2:45 the doorbell rang and I had some company.

This time they went easier on me. But the demands for blow jobs, and drinking piss were great. I did the best I could, grateful for the lack of serious punishment.

For the next 4 months I had to go to Bill's house every Wednesday afternoon for more. Every Wednesday I found myself in a room with three High School jocks who took their pleasure in abusing and humiliating me. When school was over, I only saw Billy once in a while. He took great pleasure in trying to make up for the other two guys who were away until September!

Copywrite (c) 1990 by Michael J. Eddington

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