Troy's story...

By ude.inu.arboc@1583wnednav

Published on Feb 11, 1994



Newsgroups: Message-ID: Distribution: world Organization: University of Northern Iowa Lines: 378

I've already posted this in a.s.stories but I figured I put it here too. This is a story about mutually pleasurable sex between two men that I wrote. Let me know what you think about it... it's my first time be gentle!

Troy's Story...

Nov 13, 1993

Dear Diary,

I'd noticed Troy at work since the beginning of the semester. Something had happened to him over the summer and his body looked great. However, I'd never gotten any sign from him that he was interested in me. Atleast not until this week.

The story begins on Monday afternoon. I dropped by work to check my schedule for the week. As I was standing at the counter writing down my hours I felt a hand lightly brush accross my butt. I turned around to see Troy walking quickly around the corner. There was nobody else around so I knew that it'd been him. I just figure it had been an accident or a joke and tried not to think about it any more.

I didn't work until Wednesday, which gave me plenty of time to think about it and fantasize about all the things Troy and I were going to do to each other, in my mind anyway. I had him bent over and me riding him like a horse and vice versa, me sucking him off and later me fucking his face, etc. I had many awesome wanks to these mental images.

Wednesday after class I had very little time to change and get to work. As I was changing, I played back the messages that had accumulated on my answering machine. There was one anonymous one with a deep, sexy voice saying, "Looking forward to seeing you tonight!" I didn't recognize the voice or have time to play it back again. I ran all the possibilities through my mind as I ran to work. The one I enjoyed most was Troy waiting for me at work. My cock stirred just thinking about it.

Work was pretty boring. Troy was nowhere to be seen and checking the schedule I saw that he'd called in sick. DAMN!! Now I began to wonder who else I hoped it would be. Later, I was in the office finishing up some paper- work when the phone rang.

"Hello, Tower's Dining Center, this is Warren. How may I help you?" I recited from memory.

"Hi Warren," the voice on the other end replied, "This is Troy. I was wondering if I could get a sick tray?"

My heart leapt into my throat just from the sound of his voice. "You need to get somebody to bring down your ID and pick up the tray for you" I informed him in my best supervisorly tone.

"Oh come on," he said, "Nobody's home on my floor and I'm getting really hungry. Can't you just put one together and bring it up to me?"

"Ok," I relented, "What do you want on it?" To which he replied something that sounded an awful lot like "You!", but I was sure my mind was playing tricks on me.

After I hung up the phone I went around getting his food together. One nice thing about being a supervisor is that nobody ever asks you what you're doing.

"Come in!" he yelled when I knocked on the door. Balancing the tray on one hand I openned the door and walked in. Seeing Troy laying on the couch in just his boxer shorts, I almost dropped the tray. Thank the goddess for all mt years of catering and balancing trays. I knew they'd come in handy eventually.

"I hope I brought everything you wanted," I said, trying not to stare and/or drool. And I thought he looked at my crotch as he said, "I see everything I want!"

I was only kidding when I asked if he needed help eating. But, when he said that he was really weak and couldn't sit up and lift a spoon, I sat down on my knees in front of the couch and asked him where he wanted to start.

As the meal progressed we talked and laughed and he coughed and spilled. Which gave me a chance to wipe a wet cloth across his muscular, hairless chest. I couldn't believe this was happening to me. I was in heaven.

When the tray was empty I had to leave. The Dining Center would be closing in about 5 minutes and my coat and room keys were still in there. I really hated to leave and I told Troy that. "Well, why don't you come back later? Your company makes me feel better or atleast helps me forget my aches and pains," he said.

I had a little homework to do that evening but I figured I could take it along and do it in his room. I told Troy I'd be back in about one half of an hour.

I ran through the shower when I got back to my room. Work always makes me feel grimmy. I got all the books I'd need to study and headed back over to Troy's. I'd had such an awesome time with him that afternoon that I'd forgotten all about having sex with him. Now those thoughts came back to me and the prospect of spending the night with Troy nearly blew my mind away.

There was no response when I knocked on his door so I slowly turned the knob and walked in. The lights were out and the moonlight was shining through the window luminating the sleeping god on the couch. I caught my breath at the beauty of this man lying in front of me. Not wanting to disturb him, I sat down on the chair next to the couch and let my eyes wnader over his sleeping form. His shoulder length black hair was spread out like a fan on the pillow, his full lips were shaped into a little pout in dreams, the smooth, hairless muscles of his chest and stomach flexed and relaxed with each little movement of his solid frame. After I'd left he'd pulled a blanket up to his waist and suddenly my eyes spotted the boxer shorts he'd been wearing earlier discarded on the floor. I couldn't help myself, I slid closer and brushed a stray hair away from his face and let my fingers lightly trail down his chest and stomach , stopping momentarily at the blanket but then slowly pulling it off him. I gently touched the light downy hair on his firm legs and cute little toes, then slwoly moved back up to where his beautiful, flaccid manhood lay nested in a bed of curly, black hairs. I longed to touch it but did not want to risk waking him, I had no idea this was what he wanted, so I pulled the blanket back up and sat back in the chair. Not much time passed before his eyes fluttered open, seeing me sitting there he smiled that gorgeous smile and stretched. The last movement caused the blanket to ride down on his hips enough for the head of his semi-erect penis to poke out. Following my stare to his crotch he made some apology about having just had a wonderful massage dream. "Oh," I thought, "If only he knew."

Trying to save myself, I changed the subject, "I don't mind if you lie there and rest," I said, "But, I have some homework I need to do. Can I turn this little light on?"

"Go ahead," he replied, "I didn't realize I was so tired until you left. I just zonked out. I'll just lie here and watch you study. Maybe I'll learn something too," he smiled.

I wondered if he knew what he was doing to me. I pulled out my books and began studying. I noticed out of the corner of my eye that he was indeed watching me study. Except that his eyes roamed all over my body. "Well," I thought to myself, "I hope he gets as much out of it as I got out of exploring his body." My body heat began to rise under his scrutiny. He noticed this and asked if I'd like to change into some shorts. I stood up, grabbed his discarded boxers and quickly changed into them and resumed my studying. I felt much more comfortable. However, now his eyes spent more time exploring my legs.

Over the course of the next hour and one half he dozed off a couple more times and I finished my work. His eyes popped open when I zipped my bag shut. "Are you done?" he asked.

"Yup, "I responded, "How are you doing?"

"I feel ok," he said, "It's just that my body is really sore."

"I could give you a back rub," I volunteered.

"What I could really use," he replied, "Is a full body rub. Would you mind?"

"Not at all," I said, "Where would you like to lie down?"

"I think my bed would be the most comfortable," he said. So we climbed up onto his bed. His naked, firm ass climbing up the ladder in front of me was a glorious sight. And to think that I'd soon be rubbing my hands all over his body. Wow! He lie down and I straddled him, slowly, gently letting my hands run up and down his back. A little moan escaped him, "That feels great," he groaned.

I couldn't wait to see his response once I got into it. I spent quite a bit of time massaging his back muscles, then started in on his legs. He moaned and groaned the entire time. Next I began caressing his beautiful, round ass, it felt awesome in my hands, by this time my cock was rock hard. He was squirming and wiggling under me as I massaged his ass, which wasn't helping my raging cock any.

"Ok, flip," I tolf him. As he rolled onto his back eight inches of thick, hard cock came into view. So that's why he'd been squirming so much. I tried to act like I didn't see it and began massaging his chest and face. In order to position myself for this I had to scoot forward which caused his rock hard cock to be placed directly in line with my ass. He seemed to enjoy grinding his hips in this new position. My cock was straining against my shorts. I felt his hands slide up my legs slowly, aiming for my crotch. I put my hands on his to stop them, "You bad boy," I said, "You're supposed to be sick."

"Oh come on," he said, "I'm not that sick."

But, I insisted, "You need your rest. We can do that some other time, if you still want to."

"Damn," he exclaimed, "You have no idea how much or how long I've wanted to do this. I fell for you the first time I saw you over three years ago when you were friends with my roommate Brad. But, it wasn't until last year that I found out that you were bisexual and it wasn't until this semester that I could admit to myself that I was gay. There, I said it!" he let out a big sigh.

I planted a kiss on his lips and lay myself on top of him with my arms around him. He started crying, "You have no idea how long I've needed to say that to someone. I'm really glad it's you."

We spent the rest of that evening holding eachother and talking. For someone who'd just come out he was surprisingly comfortable with himself and accepting of the whole idea.

I had to get up early, shower and go to class. He was still too weak to make it to class, so I left him still lying in bed. I promised him I'd come back after my classes. I had a hard time concentrating on anything with my mind on Troy.

After class I went back to my room. My roommate was a little curious about where I'd spent the night. I avoided his questions and got to work on my homework. I finished up in time to go eat and then I headed over to Troy's room. I stopped at the flower shop on the way and picked up a rose for him.

When I got to his room I heard some of the guys from his floor in his room with him. I left the rose outside his door and went back to my own room.

I was just hanging out in my room doing little stuff. When the phone rang I jumped on it, but it was only the front desk telling me I had a package.

When I got to the office and they handed me a dozen roses I was so excited. The note attached said:


I was really looking forward to spending

another night with you. Thanks for understanding

about "the guys:. I will call you!


I put them in a vase and went to bed. I was tired from not sleeping the night before. I was almost asleep when the phone rang again. It was Troy. "Hi," he said, "Did you get them?"

"Yes," I replied, "Thank you very much. And don't worry about the guys. I understand completely."

"Thanks," he said, "Did I wake you?"

"No, I was just lying down," I said, "What are you doing?"

"Those guys just left. I was hoping we could talk some more. But, if you're tired that's OK," he said.

"I'd really love to talk some more, but I'm dead," I replied, "How are you feeling?"

"Much better. I think I might even make it to class tomorrow," he said, "I think I'm ready for something else too."

"Good," I laughted, "Hope we can get together tomorrow?"

"Oh we will," he said, "Sleep tight gorgeous."

I fell immediately to sleep with a smile on my face. When I woke up yesterday morning, today being Saturday, I found myself searching for the flowers to make sure I hadn't dreamt the whole thing. Sure enough, there they were!

I just barely made it through classes I was so excited. Then to torture me even more, I had to go into work for a stupid meeting. And wouldn't you know who else happened to be down working? Damn, he had his tightest jeans on and was cleaning the beverage station right by our meeting. It's a good thing I'm not expected to input much at these meetings, be cause he was teasing me, bending over, lifting his shirt up slightly to get at an itch, and arranging himself in that "manly" way. I even caught him winking at me once or twice. He was getting pretty daring.

When the meeting was finally over, he was nowhere to be found so I headed back to my room. There was a note pinned on my door when I got there.


I will come pick you up

around 6:00 tonight. If that's a

bad time, let me know. Don't eat

before and dress semi-casual.

See you then.


It was only 4:00 so I ran through the shower and then did some homework. When 6:00 came around I was a mess. "Where is he?" I wondered. 6:01 ;a knock at the door, it was him. I let him in and he handed me a single red carnation. I gave him a quick kiss and put the flower in with the others. "Where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll see," he responded coyly.

In the car we began talking and before long two and one half hours and passed just like that. "Where the hell are we?" I thought. "Do you know where we are?" I asked him.

He laughed, "Oh ye of little faith. Are you getting hungry yet?"

"A little," I replied. The scenery was starting to look really familiar. Were we travelling north? Were we going to Minneapolis? He wouldn't answer any of my questions. He just kept playing it cute. And he was doing a damn fine job of it too. So, we went back to talking. It soon became very clear that we were going to Minneapolis. How did he know that that was my favorite city? I was getting excited just imagining what we could do there. I remembered him saying that he'd spent the past summer in Miineapolis and loved it. I'd only been there maybe five times with my roommate. I hope Troy knew his was around. And from the way he was driving once we got into the city I'd say he did.

It was about 9:30 when we pulled up in front of what appeared to be some guys house. Upon closer examination I saw that it was a Chinese restaurant set up in somebody's house. The front porch had two tables set up for dinner and a little Chinese man in his late 60's greeted us, sat us down and gave us menus and a bell to ring when we were ready.

Dinner was exquisite. We talked about coming out, and what it was like to have everybody know. He hadn't told anyone but me. Following dinner we headed for a gay club, "The Saloon". He said he'd driven by it alot last summer but could never build up the courage to go in. We walked in the door and I swear everybody stopped what they were doing to stare. Troy handled it beautifully. He put his arm around me and we headed for the bar. You could hear the men groan when he did that. Talk about an ego boost. Not that I'm not attractive but Troy's beauty far surpassed mine. I was soaring. We had a couple drinks, I recognized a few people from my previous trips there, so we talked to them. Later on we even danced together. We're both fairly good dancers and took the floor by storm. At closing time we had numerous offers to go home with guys and have a three-some, and some were quite tempting, but Troy just kept holding my hand and heading for the car.

It was after 2:00 and I was hoping that we weren't planning on driving all the way home. Sure enough, about 20 minutes later we pulled up in front of house. He explained that he'd rented their basement and they'd said he could use it any time he wanted. The basement was one huge room. One corner was blocked off with black curtains, I assumed that was the bedroom. I was heading in that direction but he stopped me. "Stand here for a second and close your eyes." I heard some restling and some soft jazz started playing. "Ok", he said and I openned my eyes. He's stripped to his briefs and asked me to dance. We danced for what seemd hours. Somewhere during it all he undressed me to my briefs as well. Our bare skin felt so good next to eachother.

Soon our lips met and we kissed and our hands started roaming. Next think I knew we both were stripped completely- with his briefs going last, while I sat on the edge of the bed with Troy in front of me. As he lowered his shorts, I leaned forward and caught his penis with my lips. His fluffed-up cock felt wonderful as it filled my mouth. The heat of it felt pleasant against my tonque and the roof of my mouth. It's pulsing inspired me to suck it into my mouth with greater force. I started to fondle his balls as I bobbed my head faster and faster along the length of his penis.

After a few minutes of this, the thrill became more than Troy could stand, so he held my head with both hands and started to fuck my face. His balls slapped against my chin, and I started to twist my head in a corkscrew fashion as both Troy and I were now reaching for the same goal. Faster and faster his cock sought the back of my mouth, the warm skin of his prick rolling against my tongue and the roof of my mouth. Finally Troy moaned and held my head tightly against his groin as his cock filled my mouth with his tasty juice I continued sucking at his cock, getting all of his precious cum until it became unbearable for him to continue. He withdrew his penis, a shiny trail of his semen dangling between his cock and my lips. I lapped up the sweet cum and kissed the head of his softening penis before pulling him into bed and into my arms.

We hugged and exchanged kisses before Troy whispered, "It's your turn to come." He pulled me on top of him and, wrapping his legs around me, asked me to "Please fuck me." He then reached for a tube of KY, lubed himself and my cock, and, lifting his ass off the mattress, lined up my cock with his waiting asshole and pulled me in slowly. We kissed as I gently worked my dick in and out of his beautiful, warm chute. Then he rolled over and told me to fuck him like a man. I pounded his ass so hard the bed banged into the wall and my balls slapped against his ass. Faster and harder I rammed it into him until the passion of the moment and the heat of his chute had me shooting my semen into him. I blasted my cum into his hole and cintinued fucking in and out before the pleasure/pain caused me to stop.

I fell to Troy's side as my cock popped out of his beautiful asshole. Troy turned to me and enfolded me in a tangle of arms and legs. In that embrace we slept for a few minutes, before awakening with our passions renewed. Before we fell asleep for good, we had repeated our oral sex twice (his loads diminishing in size but not in their sweet, nectar-like taste), and I had fucked him once more.

We only slpet a short while because Troy had to work today at noon. We made it back to Cedar Falls around 11:00 o'clock this morning. Troy walked me to my room and gave me a kiss and a hug at the door way.

"I'll talk to you tonight," he said, "And every night until the day I die. I love you!

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