Stranger Things to Come

By benjamin winkler

Published on Jul 9, 2023



Stranger Things to Come

The following story, as the title may suggest, involves charactors from the hit Netflix series Stranger Things, primarily Will Byers (played by Noah Schnappe) and Mike Wheeler (played by Finn Wolfhard). I've taken my inspiration from scenes in a couple different episodes of Season 2 and put them together, hopefully in a realistic situation. Obviously, I mean no disrespect to those involved with Stranger Things, whether it be the cast, the crew, or the many fans.

Please note that there will be depictions of sexual activity between Will and Mike, who in season 2 were young teenagers. If that is not something you're interested in, by all means, find another story to your liking; there's plenty to choose from. If you stay and like what you read, though, please drop me a line

Although Noah recently came out as gay and Finn has expressed his support, that does not mean these two talented actors would behave this way. However, since this is fantasy fiction, let's step outside of reality and pretend that they would.

After being gone during practically all of Season 1, Will is finally back and among his friends Mike, Lucas, and Dustin. However, they don't have much time together before Will is taken to the Hawkins Laboratory to be examined. He is currently sleeping, wearing nothing but a hospital gown with no back, white socks that go halfway up his calves, and several wires taped on his head around his face.

Although Will is not normally allowed to have visitors, the doctor allows Mike the opportunity after he makes a scene in the lobby. He is given an hour time limit and told that Will is asleep and probably would be for a while yet but that doesn't phase Mike at all, who insists that as Will's best friend, he is determined to visit regularly whether Will is asleep or not. Eventually, the doctor leaves the two boys alone, one sleeping peacefully while the other sits on a nearby chair.

(Mike's POV)

Poor Will! After everything he's been through, they have to bring him to a place like this to do tests and God only knows what else? Seems to me like they could leave him alone or at least wait until he's had a chance to recover a little bit on his own before dragging him here. Poor guy, I bet he hasn't even had a chance to jack off since he's been back. Man, I bet he's got blue balls like nobody's business! I know that feeling all too well and it's NOT a good one, that's for sure. I haven't seen his dick for a while, I wonder how big it's gotten since I saw it last. He's probably got pubes and I'm pretty sure he can cum by now, too. Heck, if he's anything like me, he probably jacks off at least 2x a day, maybe even more.

Dammit, all this thinking about him jacking off is giving me a raging boner! He's obviously asleep and I have an hour but do I dare risk it? Maybe I could sneak into his bathroom really quick and sit on the toilet. The way I'm feeling right now, I don't think it'll take long, especially since I haven't done it since 2 nights ago.

(Will's POV)

I don't know how long I've been asleep when I wake up to some very distinct sounds coming from my bathroom. Even though I'm a little groggy from the drugs they put me on, I'm fairly certain I've heard these noises before in the middle of the night during our sleepovers. When I look over at the chairs and see a few of Mike's things on and around one of them, everything makes sense. I appreciate him dropping by for a visit but how can he possibly be horny in a place like this?

Actually, maybe that's not so hard to believe; I mean he IS Mike Wheeler, after all. He's always talking about jacking off and cute girls and all that stuff, even during D & D. Sometimes it can actually get to be pretty annoying but he's such a good friend that I don't stay mad at him for long. I mean, he's here now to visit, even though I was asleep, so he gets brownie points, even if he's doing THAT in my bathroom. I think it's best if I just pretend to be asleep until he's done, then 'wake up' once I hear him come back in here. I'm sure it'd be pretty awkward if he knew that I knew what he was doing and that he had woken me up.

(Mike's POV)

I gotta make this quick so I can get back out there before he wakes up. Just the thought that he is in the other room, hardly wearing anything, has got me even more excited than usual. I haven't seen his dick for a couple years so I'm trying to imagine what it looks like, just how big it has grown to be, and what sort of pubes he's got right above it.

I mean, sure, a lot of times the four of us spend the night at each other's houses, especially during the summer after playing D & D for hours, and most of the time we strip down to our whitey tighties around bedtime but a few quick glances at him in his undies right before we go to bed doesn't really tell me what I want to know about his dick and balls.

So you're probably wondering why I'm so interested in my best friend's crotch and I have to admit, I can't say I blame you. Obviously, it's pretty common for boys my age to be curious about other boys so a lot of times they'll compare dick sizes or at least check each other out in the showers or whatever.

But if I'm being totally honest, for me, it's more than that. I don't know for sure yet but I think I'm starting to think of him as more than just a best friend. I think about him a lot any time we're not together, I always feel bad when he's upset because of something I've done or said, and lately, I've noticed just how cute he is, especially when he's being goofy or laughing at the crazy things we do together. Also, I feel very protective of him and would do anything I could to keep him from getting hurt by a bully or any other jerks, even if I was hurt because of it.

I don't know if he feels the same way about me or not because we don't usually talk to each other about that sort of thing, unless we're teasing, of course. That, and most of the time it's all 4 of us together and I don't think we want to talk about it around Lucas and Dustin, even if they are our best friends.

Sometimes I think he's checking me out during our sleepovers when I'm just in my undies but I'm sure that's either his curiosity making him take a quick peak or it's my imagination or maybe both. I wish I had the balls to just ask him flat out but I don't want to embarrass him, especially in front of Lucas and Dustin. Besides, what if I'm wrong? That would make us both feel bad and I don't think I like that idea.

All of that aside, I'm super horny at the moment so I need to hurry up. I untie the string belt of my shorts, then slide them and my undies all the way down to my ankles before plunking down on the toilet. I take hold of my stiff dick with my right hand and start jacking it while squeezing my balls with my left. In my mind, I'm picturing all the times I've seen him in just his undies at our sleepovers, his thin chest and legs completely bare and smooth while his little bulge and cute butt are only covered by his well-worn whitey-tighties. Since I only saw him from a distance and not for very long, it was hard to determine just how big his dick is so I can only assume it's got to be about the same size as mine. I'd sure like to know if I'm right about that!

(Will's POV)

I don't need to close my eyes right away because I know he's still in the bathroom. I can hear his heavy breathing and grunts of pleasure, just like I've heard a few times during our sleepovers when he thinks the rest of us are asleep. To be fair, Lucas and Dustin sleep like the dead so it would take a lot more sound than what he makes to wake them up. I guess he figures that I'm the same way and so he can get away with it without us finding out. I personally think it's a little wierd to do it at a friend's house but I have to admit that it always gives me a boner, just like it's doing right now.

After maybe about 5 minutes or so, I hear a couple of final grunts and then it goes quiet as he finishes and his breathing returns to regular. Not long after that, I can hear movement as he stands up and flushes the toilet to hide the evidence, a trick I've done a time or two myself. In a way, it's sort of comforting that even though he teases us all the time about jacking off and denies doing it himself, he really does do it and apparently he knows about the advantage of the toilet being an easy way to prevent making a mess.

When I hear footsteps, I quickly close my eyes; there's nothing I can do about my boner right now so I guess I'll just have to hope that he doesn't notice it.

(Mike's POV)

Wow! That was incredible! Good thing I'm sitting down or I might've just fallen over. I don't think I've cum so much for a long time. I guess it's true what they say, the longer you wait, the better it feels. Too bad I don't normally have the patience to wait, though! Well, I better flush the evidence and get back out there in case he wakes up. I came here to visit him, not jack off in his bathroom.

Oh, good, he's still asleep, which means I didn't make too much noise. I guess he really is a deep sleeper like Lucas and Dustin. That's good because I really like doing it at our sleepovers. I don't know why but it feels better at someone else's house than when I'm in my own bed. Not only that, but I think doing it with them in the same room has something to do with it, too. That's probably why I shot so much just now, cuz I wasn't in my own bed and I knew that he was close even though not really in the same room.

But wait a minute, now. What's this? Maybe it's my imagination or maybe I'm still horny but it seems as though he's got a boner! I don't remember his bulge being so full but then again, I WAS more worried about taking care of business so maybe it was but I just didn't realize it. If that's true, I guess I was wrong and he IS bigger than the rest of us.

Dammit! Now I'm curious! Surely there's no harm in taking a little peek. I don't think he's wearing undies or nothing so I'll just lift up the gown enough to see what he's got down there. That's it, though! I just really want to know how big he is, then I'll sit down and wait for him to wake up.

(Will's POV)

I still have my eyes closed, pretending to be asleep, when I hear Mike come out of the bathroom. When he stops next to me instead of going to his chair and sitting down, I begin to panic about my boner and if he's noticed it. Most likely he has because why else would he just be standing there? I'm obviously super embarrassed but there isn't anything I can do. Hopefully he'll just think I'm having a sexy dream or something and leave it at that.

But he doesn't! He calls my name a couple of times but I don't respond. Next thing I know, I feel his hand on my right knee! What on earth is he doing?!

(Mike's POV)

When he doesn't respond to me calling his name a couple of times, I figure he really is asleep and so take one of the chairs and scoot it closer to him, then sit down and gently put my hand on his right knee. Nothing. So I grow a little more bold and start to lift the gown, not towards his hips but up into the air so that I can see under it to his crotch.

Ah ha! There it is! Maybe not a full-on boner and probably not as big as Lucas but still a decent size, especially for his age. Damn, it looks nice! Just sort of laying there on his balls, half chubbed up. I can even see his pubes, too! Not bad, bud, not bad at all.

Unfortunately, I can't look at it for long so I drop the gown to cover him up again. I'm about to scoot the chair back to where I got it from but then I have a crazy idea. I still have about 35 minutes left; I just hope that's enough time.

(Will's POV)

I feel a little bit of a draft when his hand lifts my gown up. I'm not wearing my undies so I know he can see my dick and balls, probably even my pubes too. I feel my heart begin to race and thump loudly in my chest, hoping that he can't hear it. I think my dick is starting to pulse a little bit along with my heartbeat, too. I can't believe what's happening and I really don't know why but I certainly don't plan on stopping it! I mean, honestly, would you try to stop it if you were in my place? I doubt it!

But could it possibly be true? There's no way. He's probably just curious to see how mine compares to his own and figures this is a good chance to check. I'm not going to get my hopes up and actually think he's interested in me like that. I'd just be setting myself up for disappointment and put our friendship in jeopardy. Even though I desperately want more than that, I'll have to take what I can get. I know he'll probably never be my boyfriend or anything like that but having him as just a close friend who I get to see in his undies is pretty good, I guess.

(Mike's POV)

Ok, so let's see how far I can take this. He's obviously still asleep so I think I'm good to do a little more. I reach out and put my hand on his knee again. This time, though, instead of lifting up his gown I slide my hand underneath it and up his thigh towards his waist. For a skinny guy, his leg actually feels pretty muscular. I keep looking at his face for any signs that he's about to wake up but so far, nothing. If he does, I'll just play it off like I always do and say I was just messing with him. Believe it or not, I've grabbed his butt a couple of times while wrestling around at sleepovers and even though he sort of looked at me wierd at first, now I do it often enough that he just plays it off, too. If he had woken up just now when I was taking a peek, I could've easily gotten out of that as well.

(Will's POV)

OH. MY. GOD! He just looked at my dick and balls and now he's got his hand on my thigh, UNDER my gown! Is he really going to do what I think he is? His hand is getting pretty close but surely he'll chicken out. He would never touch another guy's dick. I mean, I know he's a little bit crazy with his jokes and grabbing my butt and stuff but that's totally different than what he's doing now. I'm not going to stop him but I'm pretty sure he's not going to do more, even if he IS Mike Wheeler.

(Mike's POV)

I have to stop for just a minute, not because he's made any signs of waking up but because all of a sudden I'm super nervous. My hand is right at the top of his thigh next to his waist and my fingers are pretty close to his ballsack; in fact, I think I can feel the skin of it against my knuckles. It's still smooth and has a nice warmth coming off of it as well.

After taking a deep breath, I move my hand just a little higher up until it's at the top of his hip, then slide it over towards the middle of his belly. I can feel the small amout of pubes he has against my palm, much more coarse and curly than the straight brown hair he has on his head. Since he hasn't made any moves to stop me, I grow bold and curl my fingers around the base of his dick. It feels very similar to my own, stiff but spongy in my grip and also warm. As I hold it, I can feel the pulse of his heart beat and soon it begins to grow. Wow! Maybe Lucas isn't the one with the biggest dick!

(Will's POV)

Ok, so I am literally freaking out right now! I never in a million years ever thought that something like this would happen. I mean, obviously I've jacked off probably about 1,000 times thinking about him, especially in his undies, but I would've been crazy to think he would actually do anything with me. I seriously doubt this will happen again, though, so I better make the most of it. But how do I do that without scaring him off? I guess I'll just have to let it happen and see how far he'll go. If this IS the only time, I want it to last as long as possible.

Even though my eyes are closed, I can still sense him looking at me as his hand slowly begins to move up and down on my dick. Unless you've had someone else's hand on your dick, I really can't explain how it feels but just know that it feels so much better than your own!

His fingers are a little cold at first but soon they warm up and after only a couple of minutes, he's moving his hand pretty quickly. Suddenly, I feel a burst of cool air between my legs as he lifts up my gown with his free hand. My ballsack tightens up against me but I doubt he even notices because he's probably still watching me to see if I'll wake up. Little does he know that I'm already awake but I'm certainly not going to spoil the fun by opening my eyes now!

(Mike's POV)

Wow! I knew Lucas and Dustin slept like logs but I think he's got them both beat! And his dick feels AMAZING! Is that a little dribble of whatever it's called, coming out already?! I know it's not cum but that stuff that's supposed to make your dick slippery so you can slide it into a chick easier. Well, whatever it's called, that must be what's making my hand slick now. It does feel a little wierd but I don't have much time so if it helps speed things up, I guess I can deal with it.

I let go of his dick just long enough to allow the stuff to dribble into my palm and make a small puddle, then take him back into my grip and start jacking him off again. I sort of panic a little bit when he starts to shift around but he still hasn't opened his eyes so I guess he's just moving in his sleep, or at least I hope so!

Now that I've moved his gown out of the way, I can watch his face but still glance at his dick in my hand. Sometimes I stop and let go of it for a second so I can see it wet with the slippery stuff and bobbing in the air in time to his heartbeat. I'm not sure I'd call it a monster dick or anything like that but it's certainly bigger than I would've thought, especially now that it's in full boner mode. It actually looks pretty similar to mine, which is also in full boner mode. Dammit! I don't think I'll have time to take care of it again before I have to leave, which means I'll be the one with blue balls instead of him! Oh well. I can always deal with that when I get home. Who knows when HE'LL get a chance to jack off?

(Will's POV)

I try my best to keep still with his hand jacking me off but when I feel the precum dribble out into his palm, I can't stop myself from thrusting my dick up into his grip. I can tell that makes him nervous because he stops for a couple seconds but when I don't do anything else, he continues. He keeps it up for a bit longer, then suddenly I feel the fingertips of his other hand gently wrap around my ballsack. When he has both my balls in his palm and rolls them around like a pair of dice, I instantly lose control and start cumming all over his hand and onto my thighs, some of it I think even landed on the chair betweeen my legs.

(Mike's POV)

DAAAAMMMMNN! Poor guy really WAS backed up! That's a lot so I better hurry and clean him up and then I gotta go. I find some paper towels in the bathroom and do my best to wipe off my hand, his dick and thighs, and the spot on the chair between his legs. Then I put his gown back in place, scoot the chair back to where it was, get my things, and head to the door. Before leaving the room, I glance back at him and smile because he looks so cute and peaceful, still asleep but with a relaxed look on his face. If he wakes up and wonders why he doesn't have blue balls anymore, maybe he'll just figure he had a really good dream and the cum dried on his skin.

I make it to the lobby and before I leave, I thank the doctor for letting me visit and apologize for making a scene earlier. He says that I'm welcome back so long as I don't throw another fit and if I behave, he might even extend the length of my visits. I ask him if maybe my other friends can visit too and he says that if they behave themselves, he doesn't think it should be a problem.

I thank him again and leave the building. All during our conversation, I've had my stuff in front of me to cover my boner. After everything I just did with Will, it's back hardcore and I really need to take care of it.

(Will's POV)

WOW, that was beyond AMAZING! I'm pretty sure I haven't cum that much, EVER! And he even cleaned me up, too?! I mean, I knew he was a good friend and all but, WOW! I really hope he visits again soon. I know it's a little selfish of me but if he's willing to do that once, I wonder if maybe he'll do it again. I certainly hope so because that was honestly 10x better than when I do it myself. But for now, I really have to pee.

I swing my legs over the side of the chair and step down, almost losing my balance because my legs feel weak after what just happened. Once I'm able to stand up, I go to the bathroom and pee, thinking of how he was just in here jacking off not too long ago. I sort of get a boner again imagining that but I'm actually pretty tired so I shake my dick off and go back to my chair. I wish it was a bed but I'm getting used to sleeping in a sitting position so I hop back up onto it and close my eyes again. It takes me a while to fall asleep since I'm still hyped up by his visit but eventually I do manage to drift off until the doctor comes back for another round of tests.

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