Strangers in Dangerous Night .

By yamdev1 yam

Published on Feb 25, 2010



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All the usual disclaimers apply. This is a work of pure fiction and a fetid imagination. If it is illegal to read this where you live, don't read it. If you are under legal age where you live, don't read it.

This story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact between males, adult and minor. It is written for the entertainment of mature adults. Passing through Nifty's main page to get here is your way of saying it is legal for you to be reading it.

Strangers in Night: Chapter 1

Jack came at the exact place where he was called.

"Where the hell those people are?" he said to himself .he was frantically walking on the deserted street.

He never felt so helpless in whole life .until a few weeks back he was a man with perfect family, a decent job and a almost perfect life .now he was standing alone dark, seedy place which is incidentally near to a gay cruising area.

He could some of the gays moving there. Some are with somebody holding their hands. Some gay men are just cruising alone, may be looking for some partner for tonight

He could also hear noise of people grunting, groaning and moaning in dark alley att round the corner of the quiet street.

he was sure some fags got lucky and having good fun tonight. He smiled to himself even when he was under tremendous tension

As night got older the street got more and more bold. Now more couple can be seen. Some are holding each other wrapping their arms around their waste, some were smooching each other and whole scene made Jack blush

Jack was no prude neither he was homophobic. Despite born in a small village .he has seen few gays in his county.

One of his wife's cousin was also gay. Though he didn't understand them he was not also repulsed by thought two guys loving each other .he has seen it in lot of movies and homosexuality is quite common these days but still this was first time he was walking in gay cruising area

He looked at his watch again. It's over fifteen minute he began to panic .why they have not called me yet .whether they have killed Julie and Harry. The even thought of this made his spine chill.

He said to himself "calm down Jack. Calm down .you need to regroup your self .this is moment of crisis .you should get hold of your self. if you will slip just think what will happen to your wife and kid. They are waiting for to get rescued by you ".

"But for the Christ sake here are those rascals .why they have not called him. What they wanted from him .what is so important for them that kidnapped his Wife and kid. What if what if....

His train of though was broken by a voice

"Hey stud","want some cute ass??"

Jack turned around a looked around saw a gorgeous and cute kid who must not be older than 18 .he has slight blonde hair .he Pink as rose cheeks .blue eye and voice of an innocent kid. He was smoking. Jack was so mesmerized by the kid's beauty that for a moment he forgot his problem

The moment he realized what kid is offering to him his fuse goes off

"Get the fuck out of here" he barked at the kid.

To be continued........

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