By ask me and find out

Published on Sep 1, 2005







I couldnt believe it tonight my dream was finally coming true. Tonight I finally get to go and watch a wrestling pay-per-view live. I was in awe. Finally I got to actually watch some of my favorite wrestlers. The only thing wrong with this wish is that a part of me certainly wishes it was under better circumstances.

Hi my name is Ryan Walker I am only thirteen years old and if two weeks ago you had have told me i would be at this arena tonight with a boy i didnt even know watching to see what his future was I would have just laughed at you. I never truly understood how much could really happen in such a short space of time. Two weeks ago I had never met a young eight year old boy by the name of Domonic Guererro But I had been watching his syory on Smackdown for the last month or so. But I obviously assumed the storyline was made up like all of the others. I believed this right up until the day he walked into the foster home where I lived.

To say I was shocked is the biggest understatement known to man. At first I expected him to be a really stuck up little turd. But it didnt take me long to realise just what a sweet young innocent he was and what this family feud was really doing to him. It didnt take long and I was feeling really sorry for him. It was only a few days and we were really starting to grow close, but both of us knew that come Summerslam it would be over. So we wereboth a bit reserved.

We would talk for hours on end about what it was like to be the son of a wrestler. And while I tried hard to avoid it I would occasionally let out a question about what he truly wanted out of what was happening. At first he wouldnt answer me and asked for me to drop it. i always complied not wanting to upset him anymore then he already was. But after a week Domonic really opened up and told me that he would rather die then go to Eddie that he loved Rey and would give anything to stay with him.

Then Domonic had shocked me 2 days before Summerslam by walking into my room and hugging me. While we had hugged each other millions of times before this was different. I looked at him and he had the biggest smile on his face. When I had asked what was up he told me his Dad had agreed to gain me entry to the event. I almost cried and asked if he was serious he told me he was and we were going to Summerslam together.

So here I was the event was about to start, I just couldnt believe I was here. I was here to say goodbye to my newest friend. I still hadnt met Rey Mysterio in person. But Domonic promised that by the end of the night I will have. That was enough for me. But while I hadnt met Rey I had met Eddie. Eddie had somehow found out that I was going to Summerslam with Domonic and Eddie had made me a big offer. A huge offer on something that he knew I had wanted for the last ten years. He had offered to adopt me if I did anything I can to make sure he wins the ladder match. Ever since my parents died when I was 3 i had wanted another set. Now he had made me that offer. And I really didnt know what to do.

The strangest thing happend only minutes before the show was due to start. Vicky Geurerro came up to me and asked to speak to me for a minute. I was scared but still went with her. She told me she knew what Eddie had said and she told me that while she would love to have Domonic and me as her sons. She didnt want me to help her husband. I was even more confused as I went back and sat with Domonic and our case worker. He gave me a peculiar look but I just shrugged my shoulders.

I was having an absolute blast. Denise our case worker made sure we had a great time buying us anything we wanted. Domonic was trying to have fun I could tell but I knew he just wanted this to be over with. I still didnt know what to do. I would give anything to have a father again but I knew how much Domonic wanted Rey as his Dad. And I knew if Rey won the match Eddie would never agree to be my dad. In a way I knew he was only using me but I didnt know if I cared. Then suddenly it was time for the big one.

Tazz and Michael Cole had been commentating for Smackdown for over three years now. But they both struggled to remember a match that had quite this much riding on it. Both guys knew Domonic well and both really liked the kid. They were distraught about what Eddie had been doing to the boy recently. Both were totally on Reys side. Michael having two adopted sons of his own knew how he felt personally. He would do anything for his boys and knew Rey would do the same.

They tried to keep their composure as the match was about to start. They both noticed how when Eddie came out that Domonic had grown almost scared especially when he had aproached the boy.But all that changed when Rey came out. Domonic was all smiles and when Rey came over to have a word with him they shared a brief hug and Rey kissed Domonic on the top of his head.

Then the match was on.

When Rey had come to Domonic just before the match had started I could feel Domonic was happier. Rey had told him that he would do this for him and then they would be together again. Then Rey had looked at me smiled nodded and kissed his son. I wondered whether he knew as well what Eddie had said to me. I still had no idea as to what I should do. But the longer it went on the more I thought I should not intefere and let what happens just happen.

As the match continued I noticed more and more that every time Rey hit an offensive move Domonic would be up and out of his seat and have a great smile plastered on his face. Then when Eddie would gain the upper hand Domonic would be near tears. It was so blatantly obvious that he wanted to be with Rey. And I once again wondered why Eddie was so hell bent on breaking the two of them up.

In the middle of the match when Eddie drove Reys ribs into the ladder. The last thing I would have ever expected was when Domonic got up and jumped the guard rail. Both Denise and I were stunned motionless as Domonic climbed into the ring to the cheers of the crowd and tried valiantly to shake Eddie off the top of the ladder. When Domonic realised it was useless it was too late. As Eddie came off the ladder staring straight through the boy. Eddie started yelling at Domonic that he was going to be his father whether he liked it or not.

Then luckily when it looked like Eddie was going to strike Domonic Rey stopped him. He ducked out of the ring and came back to us. While she didnt say anything I know Denise wasnt happy. I just stared at Domonic and just looked at me and said. "What, I told you I'd do anything."And it was at that moment I knew I had to do something. But I didnt know what. Then I came up with the idea. I knew it was suicide and it would get me into a hell of a lot of trounle and probably even hurt. But I now knew what I had to do. I had to climb the ladder and get that briefcase.

At the announcers table Tazz and Michael didnt know how this match was going to end. After seeing Domonic come out and try to stop Eddie and have Eddie nearly strike the boy they were solely in Reys corner. But things werent looking the best for the high flyer. There was currently a ladder standing directly below the briefcase. But both men were on the ground barely moving. When suddenly a young kid ran into the ring. "What the hell is this." Tazz proclaims as both men watch the boy who looked only twelve or thirteen look at both of the fallen men then at the ladder.

Neither one knew what to say as the boy looked at a stunned Domonic. Then while both Rey and Eddie were barely moving the boy began to make his way up the ladder. "What on earth is going on here. Who the hell is this kid and whats he doing climbing that ladder." Both men looked at each other and then back at the ring as the boy reached the top. Eddie seemed to be almost smiling as Rey just stared on in shock. The boy reached up and grabbed a hold of the briefcase and to the shock of the world after a bit of a struggle he unclasped it and then he had in his hands the case holding the custody papers to Domonic.

No one knew what to do. The bell sounded and as the boy jumped off the ladder still clutching the case Domonic climbed the barricade and climbed into the ring all the while staring at the boy,

I couldnt believe what I had just done. When I reached the mat the crowd was silent and Rey Eddie and Domonic were all staring at me in disbelief. In a way it felt so awesome. But at the same time I was so scared. After a few moments Eddie started smiling and walked cockily over to me. On request Eddie was thrown a micraphone. He cleared his throat to the booes of the crowd. "Oh man, when i asked for youre help I never expected this. But dont worry now that you have the papers i will keep my promise." I looked at Domonic and Rey, both nearly in tears sensing that I had betrayed them.

I held out my free hand for eddie to give me the mike. He gave it to me but I still held onto the briefcase. I tried to sound manly as I said. "You know thats great to hear." I paused as I realised I was holding everyones atention. "But you know what sounds better then Ryan Geurerro" I paused again as a smirk crossed his face and he asked "what". I looked again at Domonic and Rey gave my evillest grin then I said "My new best friend Domonic Mysterio." And with that I delivered my hardest kick possible directly to Eddies groin bowling him over. Leaving me holding the briefcase staring directly at Domonic and Rey.

I just stood there staringat them, wautung for some sort of reaction, when suddenly Domonic ran at me. For a brief moment I thought he was going to hit mebut then he leapt into my arms and gave me the tightest hug I had ever experienced. All I could smile with tears in my eyes realising what I had just done. I looked over Domonics shoulders and saw Rey was in tears. I broke the embrace with Domonic who looked upset until he saw where I was staring.

I took a few deep breaths then slowly made my way towards Rey. I still had the mike in my hand so I said. "Sir I do believe this now belongs to you. Youve got one hell of a kid there, and Id really like to see him every now and then to hang out if thats at all possible."Rey was still crying as he took my extended hand and shook it while also accepting the briefcase off of me. Domonic overwhelmed with happiness hugged his father while they both stared at me. I was also crying, this is the best night of my life. I made my new friend as happy as can be.

Rey asked for the micraphone that I had. I gave it to him. He looked at Domonic then at me and said in a voice shaky with emotions. "Ryan I would love for you to see him anywhere anytime. It would truly be my pleasure. I dont know how to thankyou. I knew Eddie told you he would be youre father if you helped him. And I cant imagine how hard that decision must have been for you. But thankyou." And then for the first time in 8 years an adult male wrapped me tightly in a big hug. I couldnt help myself i cried like a baby. In front of thousands of people and millions watching on tv but I didnt care.

When we broke the embrace, I noticed that Eddie was no where to be seen. I figured he had swallowed what was left of his pride and gone backstage. Rey told Domonic that he had to go and get medical attention. Domonic asked if it wouldbe okay to stay with Denise and me until the end of the show. Rey smiled and said that would be fine. Domonic and I smiled at each other as the medical staff helped Rey away from the ring. As I turned back to where Denise was still sitting stunned I caught out of the corner of my eye something metal. But it was too late as after a resounding crack I could only see black.

Tazz and Michael Cole were both in tears at the emotional scenethat had just taken place before them. To see this kid Ryan, who Domonic had apparently met in the foster home, chose to keep Rey and his son together over gaining a father for himself was unbelievable. They had never witnessed something so touching in all of their lives. Now as they were wrapping up the match preparing to cross back to the "King" and "JR" They saw the two boys remain in the ringas Rey was carried away on a stretcher. But what they didnt see was Eddie climb back into the ring nore did he see the steel chair he was holding.

When they realised it was too late. "Oh my god Cole, its Eddie and hes got that bloody chair what the hell is going to do. Oh no youve got to be kidding me."Both men stared on in complete shock as Eddie Geurerro used his full force to slam the chair accross Ryans head. Both men jumped to their feet immediately. "Oh my god Tazz. That poor kid somebody needs to stop this." As Eddie stood in the ring over Ryan with a smirk on his face. He dropped the chair.

Ryan looked as though he was knocked out. Tazz and Michael Cole both wanted to get in there to stop it. But that would be breaking their contract and they would lose their jobs. They stared in shock as Eddie moved gingerly towards the ring post. "Oh no he couldnt be thinking of what I think hes thinking could he Cole. Come on someone for fucks sake come savethis kid." Tazz was scared of what was going to happen. As Eddie climbed up to the top f the ring apron seemingly about to go for the 'five star frog splash'

Just as Eddie leapt but Domonic layed down on top of Ryan taking the full force of his biological fathers finishing move. Domonic bounced almost a foot off of the mat with the impact. Both boys were now not moving as eddie stood up. At first he looked terrified at what he had done. Then he got the greatest smile on his face. he looked almost proud that his son had got hit. He stared at the two boys. Then he spat at them as he told the lifeless bodies that thats what you get when you mess with the guererros.

Then suddenly when all looked lost. The lights went out, then the gong sounded. Of all the things anyone could have expected to happen this would definitely have not been on that list. Then as the dark music started up and The Undertaker appeared on the entrance ramp the crowd while shocked beyond belief cheered with all their voice. Believing that the Phenom still had a heart and that he was coming to rescue these boys. Eddie didnt know what to do he wanted to run but had no where to go. As the Undertaker reached the ring he stared at the two boys then at Eddie and climbed into the ring.

Once inside the ring he once again looked at the boys. Eddie and Taker were standing toe to toe and then Eddie punched him to the side of the head. But the Undertaker barely even flinched as he picked up Eddie to the roar of the crowd and set him up for the tombstone. When the sound of Eddie hitting the ground brought a wild cheer to the crowd both boys slowly stirred. Ryan was the first one to move and open his eyes. His face was covered in blood from the chair.

When I finally began to come to I saw Eddie laying on the ground accross from me and Domonic laying about a foot away from me. i wasnt clear on what had append except that I now had the biggest headache of my life and I could see blood. But as I looked around at first I couldnt see anyone else in the ring except us three. then I suddenly spotted a dark figure standing above me. When I concentrated harder I realised who it was and I nearly wet myself. The Undertaker had always been my favorite wrestler but now he stood above me and I didnt know whether he was going to help us or hurt us.

Mark Calloway looked at the two boys, smiled to himself slightly as he thought of his own son. Then he bent down and picked up first Ryan then Domonic trying to be careful not to hurt them anymore and he slowly carried them to the backstage area leaving Eddie laying in the middle of the ring.

Well thats it for chapter one. I hope you all enjoyed it. The second chapter will be along very soon. Please send any comments you might have to me at THE1THEONLY88@HOTMAIL.COM. Until next time.

Happy Reading


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