Stuff Happens

By jonjon thewriter

Published on Mar 28, 2002



This is my first story, please send all comments, good or bad, to Let me know what you think. Also, if anyone is interested in being a proof reader, let me know. I would love to have someone look over my work, to make sure that it is readable.

Legal Disclaimer:

I do not know Nsync, nor do I know of their private lives. I do not know anything about their sexual orientation either, I am just one of a million fans that exist out there in the world.

Dungeons And Dragons is an exclusive trademark of Wizards of the Coast

Everquest is an exclusive trademark of Sony Entertainment Online

Stuff Happens Chapter 1

"Shit, why do I let myself get talked into these things?", not really expecting an answer, I stare straight ahead as I drive down the road. "I mean, come ON! I would have rather spent my time alone, on the computer." My friends decided that I spent to much time by myself, and wanted me to go to a part with them. I hate parties, and I hate Saturday night parties. They all seem to be about getting drunk, and getting laid. Since I don't do either, it kind of takes all the fun out of the evening. I can't stand drinking, the idea of purposefully making myself fuzzy headed was in no way appealing. I don't have a problem with sex, but I just don't believe in meaningless sex. I believe it should be about love and caring, not a one night stand.

I guess I need to describe myself, I'm about 5'11" tall about 200lbs with dark brown hair that tries to be straight, curly, and wavy all at the same time and ends up just being cut to about an inch length, for easier combing. And to top the list, goofy hazel eyes. I say goofy because they tend to not stay the same color, the angrier I am, the greyer they are, and the happier I am, the greener they are. I'm not impressed with how I look, I am still a bit on the heavy side, but its better than it has been, as a senior in High School, I weighed 340lbs, and very little of it muscle, and I would say that losing 140lbs in 3 years is a good accomplishment when you have a chemical imbalance, that makes burning fat difficult.

Not only do they want me to spend my Saturday night at a party, a Saturday night I would have rather spent either at home playing Everquest, or even playing some Dungeons and Dragons with some other friends of mine, but they want me to drive to Dallas to do it!. Oh well, they just want the best for me. I'm driving down I-35 currently, hoping to get there before midnight, its already dark, much to my dislike, since I have problems driving at night, but it is also icy. Why am I driving to Dallas in the dark, on the ice, to go to some party you ask? Because I promised my friends that I would NOT let anything stop me from going to this party they are throwing, and that was before the ice. I do not go back on my word. So here I was, driving my poor little Ford to Dallas, besides, I had my cell phone, in case anything happened.


"Its on your bunk!", screamed Lance, knowing that Joey was wanting to know where his laptop is.

"How did you know what I was wanting?", as Joey pulled it off his bunk, looking confused.

"Because its time for you cyber date you've been teasing us about for the last two days!", said Justin, sneaking up behind Joey, enjoying the startled look in his bandmate's face. Lance just continues to stare at his book.

"Hey Poofu, where are we going agian?"

"Dallas, for the 10th time, we are going to Dallas, Justin."

"Oh, ok. Why?"

"Because we can, and we have a function there we need to attend. We might as well spend the couple of days off before the function, relaxing."

"This just in, traffic report shows that a drunk driver driving a maroon pickup, heading northbound on I-35 fell asleep at the wheel, and jumped the median into the southbound lane and hit a tour bus of the musical group, Nsync. The bus driver was unable to regain control of the bus, until it had already knocked a third vehicle, a Ford Festiva, off of the road. Both the driver of the pickup and the car are listed in critical condition, and bus driver as well as the members of Nsync were treated for minor cuts and bruises right there, but all were taken to the Dallas Hospital, just to be safe.

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