TG - It started with an ear-ring

By Katrin Thomas

Published on Mar 16, 2000




"Why don't you want to wear an ear-ring?" asked Claudia and purred like a kitten. She fondled Tony's earlobe between index finger and thumb and as though she wanted to intensify her question she pinched the sensitive flesh with her nails. Tony turned his head away and said, "Gee ... Claudia, ear-rings are girls stuff. What will my mates say? None of them does wear an ear-ring." "Come on," she said and tried to grasp his earlobe again, "it's just because no one has given it a start yet. So many men have pierced ears. Just look around, I could easily number at least ten guys who you know as well. Some of them have even pierced both their ears." Tony rolled his eyes. He was a little bit embarrassed about Claudia's request. It wasn't the first time she had raised the matter, but never before she had pestered him so much. Of course she was right, when saying that it's not a big deal for a young man to have an ear pierced, but somehow he was afraid of his mates would call him names or tease him for wearing a kind of jewelry that's traditionally sorted in as so much girlish. "I'll think about that." He said, hoping she would leave him alone eventually. "Think about, think about ... what does it mean?" Claudia said disappointed. "It means I will think about that, nothing else." "O.K.," Claudia stood up, "I don't want to disturb you while you are thinking about." She emphasized the last words and went to the door. "Where do you want to go?" Tony asked surprised. "Home." Came her short reply. "Are you telling me you won't stay overnight with me just because of a silly ear-ring? Claudia that's stupid." He said, almost a little bit angrily. "Stupid? Really? What's stupid in being well groomed and in vogue. I want my boyfriend to wear an ear-ring and that's my last word. Phone me when you have made your decision." Claudia shut the door behind her with a bang. Tony was dumbfounded. Was she really in earnest? Would she really finish their relationship just because of a silly ear-ring? The thought kept him awake almost the whole night. Again and again he considered the pro and cons. 'What does that matter to have a little stud in the left ear?' He said to himself finally, 'it's hardly going to notice and if Claudia is really insisting in it I'll give it a go.' Next morning, when he went to work, he had almost decided to phone Claudia in the afternoon and tell her, that she can have her wish, if it's really so important for her. But during the day his mood changed more than once. When he went to lunch with Tamara, one of his colleagues, he took up all his courage and told her about Claudia's demand and asked what she would say to it. Her comment did surprise him. "It's great," she said without a trace of astonishment in her voice, "I think a small golden hoop would suit you at best." "Oh really?" He answered looking at her in disbelief. Tamara grabbed his chin and turned his head slightly to both sides. "You've got a nice cut face," she continued, "I bet wearing hoops in both your ears would suit you very well too and a little diamond stud further up the left lobe too." "Oh no, that's too much at once." Tony said frightened. Tamara shrugged her shoulders. "You've asked me, and if you were my boyfriend, I would encourage you to have it the way I said." "Don't you think it would be a little overdone for a man?" "Come on Tony, we are not living in the 19th Century. The fashion-limits between the genders are dissolving. Women wear trousers and men ear-rings. What does that matter? Some of the most eccentric fashion-designers have already created skirts for men." Tony laughed and their talk changed to other, less embarrassing themes. Though he was already quite convinced, he asked his colleague and mate Philip when he was back in the office, what he's thinking about a man wearing an ear- ring. "Fine," came his answer, "do you want to have one?" "Oh, no ... yes ... Claudia wants me," Tony stammered. "Well, tell me whether it hurts, I've thought about myself, but I haven't had the time yet." The unrestrained answer of the friend turned the scales eventually. Later that afternoon Tony phoned Claudia and told her, that he had changed his mind and would agree to have his left earlobe pierced. Claudia was pleased and since she didn't want to let him time to change his mind once more, she asked him to meet her outside the shopping mall at five o'clock sharp. He got a weak feeling in his belly when he reached the mall. The imagination of a penetrating needle piercing his ear in no time and wearing a piece of sparkling jewelry from now on permanent, made his knees tremble a little bit. Claudia was in a good mood, when she found her boy friend already waiting for her. She grabbed his arm and dragged him to the escalator. In spite of the encouraging reactions of his colleagues he followed her with some inner reluctance. Then he saw the large neon-advertisement "PIERCING CENTRE". "Oh no, can't we do it at home?" He said quietly but Claudia ignored it. Tony had finally seen where he was being led. It wasn't a real jeweler's store, rather it was much more a kind of round desk in the middle of the mall's third floor. All around the desk where displays, showing thousands of ear- rings in any style. Inside the round desk a young sales girl, not older than 20 years of age, was waiting for customers. Next to her, Tony saw a chair which was seemingly a little bit elevated. Doubtless the place where many girls before had taken seat to get their ears pierced and in just a couple of moments he would be presented at the same place and any customer who came along would be a witness when the girl fastened the jewelry into his ear. "My boyfriend here would like to have his ears pierced." Claudia said with a smile to the girl. Tony blushed. 'What a lie', he thought, 'I would like ... ? You would like me wearing an ear-ring. I've only agreed to get my peace.' "Fine," said the girl facing Tony, "which sort of ear-rings do you prefer?" Her hand made an inviting movement over the displays. "Oh ... it's all the same to me," Tony stammered, "actually it's my girlfriend's idea to have my left ear pierced." He put his hand on Claudia's shoulder. "Well, the left ear, in that case you'll need only a single," she said and wanted to show him a sample of single ear-rings. But Claudia stopped her. "Come on, Tony, why don't have it all at once. I bet when you will get used to the ear-ring you will have the other earlobe pierced as well. So why don't do them both right now?" "Gee, Claudia. Both my ears? That wasn't agreed!" "I think your girlfriend is right," the girl intervened, "when the holes are healed up in a couple of weeks, you can decide whether you will wear an ear- ring in the left or the right or in both your ears, whatever mood you are in." The second time that day he heard the suggestion of piercing both his ears and while he was still hesitating Claudia didn't wait for Tony's answer but started to choose the ear-rings. Very quick she had found a pair and pointed them. "I think these will suit him very well, won't they?" "I think so as well," the girl said and opened a drawer. She took a pair of hoops and put them on a velvet napkin at the desk. They had a diameter of about half an inch and the shiny golden material reflected the lights sparkling. "Will they be all right?," the girl asked Tony. He was still confused. Since he was afraid that the troubles with Claudia would start again if he refused the double piercing, he shrugged his shoulders and said, "If you say they are all right, they're all right. I have no idea what suits me or not." He didn't recognize it, but actually with these words he had given permission to the women to pierce his ears as often as they liked. "Fine, would you please take a seat here." The young girl pointed the elevated chair and opened a small door so he could get inside the desk. She handed him a paper and asked him to read it carefully and sign it afterwards. It was the usual declaration that he was undergoing the piercing voluntarily and that he was explained the risks and the necessary aftercare of the fresh wounds. While he was still reading the paper he couldn't see that Claudia was bending over the desk and whispering something into the girl's ear. She turned her head toward Tony and nodded with a smile. Tony had even sat his signature under the paper when the girl came to him. Her hands were now covered with gloves made of thin rubber. Tony closed his eyes and felt how his lobes were dabbed. A penetrating smell filled his nose. "Ouch" he yelled but within a second he felt the girl's hand let his earlobe go and the little pain decreasing. An odd feeling remained. But there was no time to think about that. Prick - the second ring was inserted and he only felt a slight burning in both his earlobes as a reminder of the jewelry which would become almost a part of his body. He rose his hands to touch his sore ears. "Just a moment," the girl interrupted his movement, "we are not ready yet." Tony had no idea about the procedure and so he suspected nothing. Maybe some disinfectant has still to be applied. But he was wrong. "Ouch" he yelled once more. What was this? The girl must have done a second piercing? His hand went to the right ear. Definitely, the girl had inserted a small stud, further up the first piercing where the golden hoop was hanging. He opened his eyes and even in the same moment Claudia was holding a mirror in front of his face. "You look a sport," she said with pleasure in her voice, "it really suits you the way I had speculated." Though Tony felt tricked by his girl friend he must admit, that it looked really very stylish. The golden hoops moved slightly when he turned his head and the diamond stud sparkled and reflected the lights just like a star, far away at the nightly sky. "Claudia, what have you done to me? We had agreed on one single ear-ring but now ..." "Just words darling," she interrupted him, "tell me, do you like it like I do?" "Yes it looks better than I thought ... but ..." He suppressed further protests, it was done and not to change. Tony suddenly remembered Tamara's suggestion she had made a couple of hours before. Two golden hoops and little stud further up - when all these women did say it would suit him, so it couldn't be wrong completely. "Look Mum, that man has just got ear-rings! Is he becoming a girl now?," Tony suddenly heard from behind the desk. The voice belonged to a little girl, who held her mothers hand. Tony blushed, not daring to look up. The mother seemed to be embarrassed about her daughter's loud spoken question and hissed her to keep silent. But it was too late, his already increased shame burst out again. Claudia paid the sales-girl and took Tony by the hand. When they left the mall he could feel the slight heaviness of his earlobes with each step. Always when they came close to someone Tony tried to hide his new jewelry by turning his head aside. But there was no way to hide all his ear-rings. Even when his right ear was out of sight he was forced to present his left and vice versa. He became aware that nobody was taking notice of him and so he calmed somewhat again. Only now he got time to recognize that his penis was as hard as a rock. Where does that come from? Is it the jewelry? The consciousness of having emasculated ears now? The public humiliation he still felt? Why for Heavens Sake does the ear piercing excite him so much? While these thoughts raced through his mind Claudia continued to praise his patience and paid him compliments. She seemed to be so happy for having got her wish eventually, that she wasn't aware of Tony's silence. Tony had hoped they would go home immediately but he hadn't reckoned that Claudia was crazy about presenting her stylish lover in the open. "Oh no, please not now," he begged when Claudia directed them to a restaurant in which they had dined sometimes. They were well known there and even some people of their circle of friends frequented it from time to time. "Don't be silly Tony, do you want to hide for the rest of your life?" "Certainly not, but I am still getting used to it myself." He answered quietly knowing it was pointless to argue and so he followed his girlfriend into the restaurant. They sat close to the window. Claudia ordered the food and Tony was glad that nobody seemed to notice his ear-rings. "Hello, nice to meet you," a female voice suddenly sounded in Tony's ear. He turned his head upward and felt his hoops dangling in the still slightly burning holes. It was Gloria and her husband Paul, both good friends. Claudia was pleased and offered them the two vacant seats. The women began to chat about the weather and other unimportant things and Tony wondered whether the couple had noticed his new ear-rings. He didn't dare to start a conversation with Paul and so he acted as he was interested in the women's chatter. "By the way, we've just come from the mall. Tony has got his ears pierced today. Doesn't he look adorable," Tony suddenly heard his girlfriend saying. He wanted the earth to swallow him up. Why did she direct their attention to them? Why did she call him 'adorable?' Didn't she know that he felt embarrassed? "It suits you, Tony," Gloria said much to his surprise, "couldn't you convince Paul that it's not such a big deal? I've often tried to convince him, but unfortunately without success." Tony had no idea how he should answer but luckily Paul came him first, possibly to defend himself, "Oh no, it may be fine for Tony. He's a handsome young man, but with me it would look quite ridiculous." "You see. There's no way," Gloria said smiling and shrugged her shoulders. Tony was glad that the topic of conversation changed after the last remark but he was fairly glad, too, that obviously nobody did make a fuss of his new jewelry. When Gloria and Paul eventually had said goodbye he breathed a deep sigh of relief. Later that night Claudia and Tony went to his flat. They had just closed the door behind them when Claudia hugged her boyfriend and began to play with his ear-rings. "Please leave them alone, Claudia, the holes are still sore." "Oh I'm so horny dear," she purred, "I want to go to bed with you right now. Let's do it honey." "Nothing as simple as that," replied Tony and started to unbutton her blouse. Only a few minutes later they were lying on the large French bed stroking each other tenderly. "Lie still on your back and relax," whispered Claudia later and nibbled at his ear, "you've given me great pleasure today, let me pamper you tonight." Slowly her tongue wandered down his body and the tips of her fingers outlined his contours, hardly touching his skin. Tony groaned in excitement and his hands moved through her long curly hair. Carefully she bit his nipples, sucking like a child at its mothers breast, something she had never done before and Tony's thrusting member proved how much he enjoyed it. After caressing his nipples her mouth went further downwards until it finally reached his erect penis. Her tongue encircled the glands several times before she eventually took the whole member into her mouth as she would gulp it down. Only short before his climax Claudia lifted her body and pushed his maleness deep into her pussy. Her body went up and down and their groaning and yelling increased until they finished finally in the best climax they ever had had. Tony's breath went still flat when he felt her tongue licking his penis. Then Claudia moved her body toward his head. Her legs enclosed his body and he could feel the warmth of her body at his skin. Tony saw her pussy coming closer and closer to his mouth. Eagerly his tongue was awaiting it. He never had done it before but he was so much overwhelmed by her odour that nothing had could keep him away from licking her pussy, filled up by a mixture of her wetness and his own cum. Feeling his tongue deep inside her Claudia groaned and yelled and threw her head backwards as she would dance in a trance. Finally Claudia erupted in a seemingly never-ending climax. Slowly she moved backwards until she sat upon his chest. Her hands rested at his shoulders and they gazed at each other in love. For minutes they held that position as if they were petrified. "Oh it was so good, Tony," Claudia whispered eventually. "I love you," replied Tony in the same soft whisper, playing with a curl of her long hair. She loosened her hands from his shoulder and once more she outlined his face with the tips of her fingers. Claudia stroked the sweat- soaked hair off his forehead. "Oh Tony, you look so beautiful with your ear- rings, I must look at you again and again." "Oh yea, the ear-rings ... " Tony had almost forgotten them. Claudia stroked his hair backwards on both sides of his head and suddenly an enjoying smile was playing on her face, "You look almost like a girl, Tony." "Was that what you wanted making me wearing ear-rings, looking like a girl?" "Actually no, but seeing you now and imagining a little bit of make-up and your hair grown some longer, you could easily mistaken for a girl, really." "Gee darling, that's enough now ... " Tony was somewhat embarrassed by her remark but Claudia seemed to be almost obsessed by the idea. "Let me try it out, it's just fun." Tony shook his head - still smiling. Claudia jumped out of the bed and returned seconds later carrying her underwear. "Sit up Tony, I'll make you a pretty girl." Tony was more annoyed by her unusual wish and tried to avoid the frillies by saying, "Claudia, they won't fit me. You will only tear them to pieces." "Come on, it's a very elastic fabric and by the way, you're quite a slim build - almost like a girl. Sit up now." "Sometimes I do wonder where you're getting your silly ideas from," Tony replied but he followed her instruction not really knowing why he was playing along with the game. "Hold your arms out, honey." Claudia slipped the bra over his arms. She reached around his chest and fastened the hook and eye behind his back. When she fixed the shoulder straps Tony felt the tightness which was unusual but in some way arousing as well. He couldn't explain it and he hoped Claudia wouldn't see his rising member. How stupid to believe she might not. She held the matching knickers kneeling in front of him. The slightly touch increased his arousal when Claudia pulled the silky fabric over his legs. Suddenly she stopped dressing him and let the knickers rest on his thighs. She opened her mouth and began to suck his hard penis like ice-cream on a stick. After a short while she let go and looked upward facing an confused Tony. "Do you see how pleasant it is to wear such fineries?" "I don't know what it is, Claudia. I feel ashamed of this," he said pointing his wet penis, "I got aroused. I shouldn't have." "Why?" Claudia asked surprised. "You are asking me why? Claudia, a man who's aroused by wearing women's clothes is ..." He didn't dare to speak out the word. "... a transvestite," Claudia completed his sentence and sat beside him on the bed. Her hands caressed his nipples through the empty cups of the bra. "Look Tony, what is wrong with being one? I wouldn't mind it at all. In the contrary, I rather would like it." "But that's kinky, we should stop that and try to force it out of the mind." "I think that wouldn't work, once you've tasted the sweets you can't keep your fingers off them and by the way I don't see anything kinky." "But ..." he tried to interrupt her. "No buts, dear, rape is kinky, abusing children is kinky, these are crimes, but where's the harm when a man shows his gentle and tender nature by wearing colorful and feminine clothes. As long as we both like it we should enjoy it." "But what will our friends say if they find out." He became aware himself that his arguments were getting weaker. "That's none of their business. Would you ever ask what Gloria and Paul are doing behind the doors of their home? Come on, let's keep on going, I'm curious about what you will look like." Claudia swept his last scruples away. Almost eagerly Tony stood up and let her continue his transformation. No doubts disturbed his mind when she tied her garter belt around his waist and fastened the silky black stockings, which held his legs tightly covered. She turned her attention back to the bra and filled the cups with some handkerchiefs. "We should shave your body hair, shouldn't we?" she whispered into his ear, when she had made his 'bust' the right shape. Looking down he agreed to her suggestion. The body hair didn't suit the feminine clothes, though he didn't have that much. He didn't know that she already had him carried off into another world from which there was no way back. He was glad that she didn't make him see his appearance in a mirror. Doubtless he would have been frightened by his own look and possibly all her efforts would be for nothing. Instead she pulled him back into the bed where Tony should stay dressed in her underwear the whole night to get used to it as much as possible. Until they fell asleep Claudia didn't stop stroking his stockinged legs with her feet and her palms caressed the cups of his bra as if there were real flesh beneath the fabric. Next morning when Claudia awoke she found Tony already up. He was desperately trying to undo the hook of his bra. "You've got to learn. A girl can handle it with ease. Let me help you." Claudia jumped up and went to her boyfriend. Before she opened the hook she couldn't resist to lay her arms around his chest, caressing the cups once more. Tony's penis woke up again and seeing it Claudia's hand wandered downwards. She stroked his member through the silky knickers and rested her chin on his shoulders. "Oh my sweet little girlie-boy, why do you want to take off these fineries at all? Keep them on, for me." Sighing he said, "Darling, I must admit that I would like it too, but I've go to work." "So what, no one will see them under your own clothes." "I don't know. Don't you think it's too risky?" "Where's the risk? Or do you intend to perform a striptease-show at work?" "No, not at all," he was still looking for a way out, "but these are your clothes, you've got to go to work too." What a mistake to believe the argument could change her mind. As she would be prepared for such an intervention she said, "No problem at all, I'll borrow some of yours. I can go home and change at lunch-time. I think I can just about bear half a day in men's underwear." "Do I have to wear the bra too?" he asked. Claudia smiled, she knew she had won. For a short moment she hesitated. No, she couldn't spare him the bra. He should be forced into a complete set of feminine frillies and a bra was undeniably one of the most important pieces of clothing. "Of course, darling, take out the handkerchiefs. Your shirt and jacket will press the cloth down. Tonight we will get you one of your own that will fit you much better." Once more he sighed. The announcement of getting his own bra tonight confused him and he was quite sure the bra wouldn't be the only item of women's clothing he would get. But Tony kept silent. He felt there was something deep in his mind what yearned for it. The whole working day he felt like an undercover agent. The stockings and most of all the tight bra around his chest were a permanent remainder of the clothes he was wearing underneath. But he enjoyed it. Surprisingly no one in the office made a fuss of his new ear-rings and the few remarks were more encouraging than teasing. When he was sitting with Tamara having their lunch and heard her delighted compliments, he couldn't avoid to smile. The secret of his girlish underwear made him feel closer to Claudia than ever before. Suddenly Tamara's facial expression changed. She looked at him questioningly. Tony noticed her and went pale. As usual he had taken off his jacket and now the outlines of his bra pressed through the fabric of his shirt. The fork he had hold in his hand fell clinking at the plate and some of the other diners turned their heads. He gulped. Though he didn't know whether the visible bra was really the reason for the change in her attitude, he was sure she had seen it and he was confirmed immediately. "Tony, maybe it's none of my business, but I can see there are much more feminine things than just ear-rings that you are wearing today?" It was half of a remark and half of a question. "Ah ... ah ... Tamara I don't know what happened last night with me ... it was Claudia's idea ...," he stammered. "But you do enjoy it, don't you?" "I think so," he replied silent and looked embarrassed down the bottom, "you think it's sick, don't you?" "No - no, not really. It's just unusual. I've already heard about it, but I have never met a man like you. How long have you been dressing like this?" She sounded frankly interested. "Tamara, you must believe me, I've never done this before, not even thought about it. Only last night when we had ... you know what ... afterwards Claudia had this silly idea to dress me in her underwear ... I'm ashamed of this, really, but this strange feeling of arousal is stronger than all the shame ..." He felt a slight wetness in the corner of his eyes. Tamara became aware that she had hit a sore point and that Tony wasn't ready to talk about it freely and easily. "Look Tony, as I said, it's really none of my business, you are an adult and Claudia is one too, you can do whatever makes you happy and I really didn't want to bother you. As for me it is O.K. and by the way, I can imagine you'll look a bit of fluff, fully made up." Tony looked out of the window, he became aware that Claudia would think the same way and in no time she would make him up as a girl completely. "Please Tamara, don't tell it anyone, I would die of shame." "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me." Tony nodded and his face showed gratitude. Though he was still ashamed he was glad that Tamara took it so easy and didn't push him to confess what else he was wearing. When he got home in the late afternoon, Claudia was already waiting for him behind the door. She hugged and kissed him and she couldn't wait to drag the men's clothes off his body. Again she stroked his skin and when she knelt in front of him, her tongue fondled his penis through the soft fabric of his knickers. "Take your frillies off, dear," she whispered, "you've been wearing that lingerie since last night. You've got to understand that a girl changes her underwear daily." It disturbed him a little when she spoke to him as he would be really a girl but the worst part was that she seemed to have decided to keep him in knickers permanently from now on. He wondered where this all would lead but kept silent. Tony was completely under her spell and he enjoyed it. He followed her into the bathroom and let her shave him until his skin was as soft as a baby's. She plucked his eyebrows and he didn't resist, she manicured his fingernails and he didn't resist. Not even when he discovered that his drawer was filled up with feminine frillies and all his own underwear had disappeared did he object to the way she was treating him. Claudia had bought a pile of new clothes for her boyfriend that afternoon - girl's clothes of course. She was obsessed by the thought of making him a woman as much as possible. It pushed him tears into his eyes when she laced him into a breathtaking corset but he was overwhelmed and excited by his new shape. The corset had a built-in-bra which Claudia filled out with silicon falsies and Tony could feel them wiggle with each movement he made, as he would have a real bosom. Since his body was strongly straightened, he couldn't put on the stockings by himself. Claudia knelt again in front of him and slowly she covered his legs with the silky material. Again and again she stroked his womanly legs and deep inside him Tony must admit that he would miss this delightful feeling only unwillingly. Claudia took a red dress with flared skirt from his wardrobe. Doubtless one of the purchases she had made that afternoon. Through a small crack Tony could see plenty of skirts, blouses and dresses which suddenly were filling his wardrobe, displacing his old usual clothes. "Did you really buy all this stuff for me Claudia?" "Of course sweetie pie." "But Claudia ... " A long kiss choked his words and Tony felt her tongue penetrating his mouth. It was comfortable being the passive part and Tony didn't mind it. Claudia laid her palms in his slim waist and looked seductively into his eyes, "I'll make you the most beautiful girl you've ever seen. Come on, let's try on the dress. You will be amazed what a pleasure it is to feel the skirt slightly tickling your legs." Tony could imagine it and looked forward to trying it out. When he heard the noise of the closing zip in his back, it sounded like locking a door which he would never be able to get open and which would keep him caught in dresses forever. Claudia held his arm above his head and swirled her boy-girl around and around. Finally they ended up lying in the bed next to each other, giggling like two young girls. "We should pick out a nice name for you, sweetie pie, shouldn't we?" Tony faced his girl friend, it was quite logical that he would need a new name - a girl's name. "You got a suggestion already, I guess?" "Tonya would be fine." Claudia giggled and cuddled his full silicon breasts. 'Soon you will have a pair of your own', she thought but certainly it was still too early to tell him what she bore in mind. "Tonya is great, it won't be a big effort to get used to it." Involuntarily he spoke in a slightly higher pitched voice. "Come on Tonya, let me finish your appearance." Once again he followed her into the bathroom and watched his transformation being completed. Only a hint of make-up was necessary to make him look like a girl and with the shoulder- length brown wig he easily could be mistaken for one. The same night Tony found himself forced out in the open. Claudia didn't think of hiding her sister, as she called him now. He was amazed how easily he could fool the people with his appearance and he enjoyed being treated like any other woman. It was like a starting-shot and from now on things developed very quickly. Claudia didn't allow him to wear even just a single piece of men's underwear. Already after a couple of weeks she began to replace his trousers and shirts with women's slacks and blouses. His hair grew longer and when it had the right length Claudia persuaded him to have a perm. Now, with his undeniably feminine hair style, the time was come, to reveal his true colors at work. It caused some confusion at first but with the help of Tamara, who turned out a really great friend, his colleagues accepted his transformation in time. Perhaps the fact that he didn't look like a man in skirts but like a fashionable, well groomed and beautiful woman made it easier for the people around him to see him as one. Step by step Claudia taught him to act and behave like a woman and more and more he began to see things from a feminine point of view. After half a year in skirts Tony couldn't imagine returning into his old boring menswear though he had no idea how far their obsession would lead him. Little did he know that the slight exhaustion he had felt from time to time for a couple of weeks wasn't caused by his work. Little did he know that it was not the good food that made the swelling of his chest and hips and he had no idea why touching his nipples tenderly let run a delightful feeling over his skin. Claudia didn't think to tell him that she was feeding him female hormones secretly. Tonya would learn it soon enough. Sometimes Tonya was thinking back how all this had began and she remembered that all had started with an ear-ring.

The end

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