TG: "Rita's Dream

By Rita Opal

Published on Nov 6, 2000




One evening after dinner the phone rang; I answered it, and in response to my "Hello!" I heard "Hi, Rita. It's Len. How are things with you?" We hadn't heard from Len since Jan and I had played some interesting games with him some months previously. "Hello, Len," I said. "You told us you were going to be away for a while; I take it you are back in town now?" "Yes. I'm still grateful for the way you helped me get things together, and I have had a lot of fun since I last saw you. I still don't understand why I made a problem out of something that had the potential of being a wonderful hobby." "It catches everyone differently," I said, "and there are so many influences from society, parents, friends and relatives that must determine the way we react to finding out we don't have the same desires as most other people. Anyway, I'm glad to hear that you are now gender euphoric." "It's even better than that," said Len; "I have some news for you. I met a wonderful girl, and we hit it off together immediately. Would you believe she was familiar with the TG scene? She was the one who raised the topic, and when I gradually admitted where I was at, she responded with delight. She's enthusiastic about just about anything I get into, and we're having a wonderful time together."

"That's great!" I said. "Women like that are hard to find, and they are the salt of the earth." "I know, and you're one of them. I consider myself more fortunate than most to have met you as well as Nina." "That's very kind of you, but you must remember that what empathy I have comes from being originally in exactly the same place." "It's more than that," he said; "you're just a very nice person, and that's what made the evenings with you and Jan so good." "They were fun, weren't they? But I don't know if the plot could be extended indefinitely." "That's actually why I called; I'm in very good hands now, and that was an important first step for me, but I think it's been played out." "Yes. We might have had some more enjoyment, but eventually we would have been forcing things, and just going through a ritual dance. It's good to hear from you, anyway; we must get together with you and Nina one evening for a nice square conventional dinner." "I'd like that," he said. "Please say hello to Jan, and thanks again, to you and her. Bye."

Jan was already getting ready for bed, and I went to join her. "That was Len," I said. "I thought it must have been. I didn't even hear all of your side of the conversation, but I heard enough to get me wondering who you were talking to. How is he?" "Doing fine; he's enjoying the wonderful pleasures of being transgendered, and more to the point he has found a soul-mate who enthusiastically supports him. I shudder to think what sort of things they get up to." "That's wonderful! I'm so happy for him; he really was a nice boy. I guess it means we won't have to dream up more scenes for our drama." "No, and I can't say I'm sorry; I don't think it would have born endless repetition." I had finished undressing, and slid my nice fluffy nightgown over my head, letting it fall around me. "Of course there are things that do bear repetition," I added; "or rather, continued exploration." I joined Jan in bed, and we snuggled close as usual.

We enjoyed the physical side of our relationship immensely, but we often got into conversation too, lying side by side in our matching nightdresses. Since I had confided all my innermost feelings about sex and gender to Jan, precipitating my eventual transition and our present blissful state, we talked endlessly about my feelings, issues of gender in general, and how they related to human behaviour. "I'm still struck by the incredible similarity between Len's feelings and those I originally had," I said. "We even responded to exactly the same triggers." "Well it's not the norm," Jan remarked, "but it isn't at all unusual." "True. In fact if you look at some of the CD magazines, and read case histories, hundreds of them almost match word for word. It's a standard syndrome, and apparently about one percent of the male population exhibit it." "It's interesting," said Jan, "and of course there are many other variations from the cultural norm as well; the male sex drive seems to express itself in an incredible variety of 'non-standard' ways. Maybe I'm wrong, but that doesn't seem to be the same for females." "You're right," I said; "maybe it has to do with the female being receptive, rather than the instigator."

"I haven't done extensive research," said Jan, "but I would guess that the desire to be dominated is exhibited by an even larger group. That's just an impression I get from the odd time I have looked at the weird personal ads in magazines. It often seems to be tied in with cross-dressing, if not with more developed transgender feelings." "It certainly is," I said. When I first tried to find anything relating to the way I felt, on the web, all I could find was dominatrixes and their subjugated french maids. And Len certainly had some response to the idea of being dominated." "I wonder why that is? I can understand transgender feelings, but I don't see why one would want to be forced to act them out." "There must be some reason," I said; "the connection is so common. I think one of the explanations is that it helps people deal with their feelings of guilt. A lot of people with the inclinations I had as a male seem to have had a heavy guilt trip laid on them, where from I don't know. I suppose their cultural background, their religious views or feelings they pick up from parents and relatives. Being forced to do what they secretly desire absolves their guilt. I suppose I am one case that verifies that theory; I am not turned on by real domination, and I never really had any guilt feeling whatsoever; I knew that most other males weren't turned on by the same things as myself, but it just didn't bother me. I was really very fortunate; I found that I liked to do certain things, and I just did them. Of course I took great care that no one else found out."

"That's interesting too," said Jan. "A sense of gender seems to be something we have built-in, and I can understand someone who feels that society has assigned him or her to the wrong one; it's apparent to me that gender and physical sex don't always match. But where did your fetish response originate?" "I have never been able to figure that out. It's a bit glib to talk about imprinting, and note that at the time of my first spontaneous sexual experience I was wearing a girdle; that doesn't explain why I felt the urge to put the girdle on in the first place. That urge was certainly caused by a male sex drive. I tend to think, in retrospect, that I was transgendered, and I was responding to something that I happened to identify as unequivocally feminine. That would explain the classic TV 'career path': progress from a specific garment to what they call the 'whole-girl' fetish. Even at that point it's still a male sexual response; it disappeared completely when my testosterone was turned off. The real breakthrough, when it's more than a male response, is when one identifies one's self as female. I still don't know if that was a dramatic conversion, for me, or a recognition of an inner conviction present all along."

"You certainly didn't need to be forced," Jan smiled. "No. It would have needed a superhuman effort to prevent me. But ...," I paused. "There is something else hiding there. I did have a response to stories of domination in my early days. For a while I was an avid reader of TV fiction, and there wasn't too much that really suited me. I would have liked a lot more description of suspenders and stockings, but much of it involved domination, sometimes really excessive and downright nasty. I did respond with some stirring of excitement. It could be that my idea of femininity, sexual femininity at least, is to be submissive and respond to my partner; to that extent she does dominate. There's a fine line between 'passive' and 'submissive', and I suppose the distinction between submission and being subjugated is also hard to pinpoint. So as a male, with rather vague feminine feelings, being required to submit might be appealing, especially if one identified submission as a feminine characteristic; there's reinforcement if what one is required to submit to is feminine clothing."

"Len seemed to be particularly excited by being in the company of women, treated just like them, and dressed just like them. I think he said making love to a woman when they both wore identical clothing was his ultimate fantasy. That doesn't seem to be quite where you were at." "I suppose not," I replied. "In my identification as female, and association of that with specific symbols, I rather liked the fact that you didn't particularly care for some of my favourite items. It was as if I outdid you, on my femme scale at least, and that reinforced the 'top-bottom' relationship. My basic orientation is towards other women -- one in particular -- but there has to be some difference in the sexual roles. Of course the nice thing about a relationship like ours is that we can reverse roles very easily, and that can be very stimulating." "I've asked this before, but how would you respond if I decided to wear corselettes and girdles, and dressed generally just as you do?" I thought for a moment; "That's a tough one to answer. My relationship is primarily with you, as a person; I think it might even be independent of gender. That being said, though, I definitely appreciate you being feminine, and of course that lets us have the fun we now have together as girl-friends, or 'sisters'. But my original response to attractive women, defined for me as those who dressed in garments that appealed to me, was a strong desire to emulate them; I think that's still there, and it might get in the way."

"That's a relief," Jan said smiling, "though I do recall one or two occasions where I did seem to respond to your triggers just the way you do." "Yes, you did. And I found it quite exciting too. I also have to admit that the story of Hercules and Omphale still does something to me. I guess I am still mixed up to some degree." "Maybe you should try the experiment," Jan suggested with a wink; I don't know whether they still exist, but it would be interesting to see how you took to life in the large harem of an oriental potentate." "It might be interesting just to try for a short while," I said, "but of course the dominant figure there is the one solitary male. Omphale was female, which is more to my taste."

Jan's remark caught my fancy, and as we relaxed side by side, my mind started churning over things I recalled reading about harem life. I didn't really know too much about it, but some ideas popped into my head. I knew that there was a dominant male, the ruler whose harem it was; he was the only male allowed within the guarded walls, and he visited whenever he was moved to do so, and made his selection for the occasion from the women there. Apart from his favourites, many of the others were sexually frustrated, and they often formed lesbian liaisons with one another. Within the exclusively female establishment there was also a rigid hierarchy, and the junior inmates were subjugated by their seniors. I mused over the pictures conjured up in my mind, and in spite of myself I found them vaguely exciting as I drifted off to sleep.

I found myself in a car, driving through a rugged mountainous countryside on a dirt road; I didn't know where we were, but it could have been somewhere in Montana. I glanced to my side, and saw Jan sitting there; she smiled at me. "I think we're lost," she said; "we must have taken a wrong turning somewhere." "I'm afraid you're right," I said. It struck me that there was something odd about the way my voice sounded, and I felt quite strange too. I stopped the car, and got out to stretch my legs. I was wearing jeans, not one of my usual dresses, and I realised that was part of what felt so weird. It gradually dawned on me that I was wearing what had been my normal male attire, and my curiosity drove me to carefully pat myself here and there, and explore my body surreptitiously. I realised with horror that my body was male again, exactly the way it had been. "Are you OK, Reg, my love?" asked Jan. Why had she called me Reg? It had been my name, and of course it was the name that went with the body I had, but it seemed to me that I was now used to being called Rita, and that I was a woman. "I do feel a bit odd," I said. "the fact is I feel strange wearing these things, and being called Reg."

Jan got out of the car and hugged me. "I'm sorry; you must be into your feminine mind space again, but I'm not used to calling you Rita except at home." "I thought you always did, and I thought that I really was a woman now; it's such a vivid impression. I suppose I must have been day-dreaming." "Your identification is certainly getting stronger," Jan said; "when we get back home, we must really think about how to work your gender feelings out for the best." I was getting used to things now, and I recognised that they were really much the same as they had been for most of my life. I was a male, as I always had been, but I had a very strong urge to wear feminine clothing, and I had begun to identify myself as female mentally. I seem to have convinced myself briefly that my fantasy had become the reality. No such luck, it seemed, and on top of that we were lost in the middle of nowhere. "The immediate problem is where home is," I said. "I think we have to tackle that first."

I looked back along the road we were on; there was a dust cloud a little way back, and I realised it was another car approaching. "Maybe we can get some idea where we are," I said. "Hopefully they can give us directions." The car stopped, immediately behind ours, and two women got out. They were stern looking, and had what appeared to be security guard uniforms; I noticed that both of them were armed too, with holsters on their heavy leather belts. "Hello," I said. "This is private property," said one of them; "you are trespassing." "I'm sorry, but we've lost our way; we must have taken a wrong turn somewhere." "You certainly did," she said, in a rather ominous tone. "Maybe you could direct us back to the forestry road," I said. "It's not that simple, I'm afraid. The owner of this estate takes a dim view of anyone prowling on his land; you'll have to come with us." I was about to remonstrate that we weren't 'prowling' but the woman was motioning us into the back of their car with her revolver. There seemed to be no point in arguing.

They took us back down the road, and off on a side turning. The road wound up a narrow valley, and as we turned a corner an enormous building appeared before us. It was hard to describe: it looked something like a luxury resort hotel, or maybe a private residence grand enough to be called a palace, but there was a high wall all round it. A heavy gate opened, presumably by radio control, and closed after we had passed through. The car stopped before a small building that looked like a guardhouse. Our two captors motioned us out, and into the building. Inside, seated behind a desk, was another female guard; from the behaviour of our captors, it seemed she was in command. "I'd like an explanation of what this is all about," I said. "You'll get one," replied the commandant. "You have been travelling on this property without any authorisation from the owner; he takes a very dim view of that, and there are severe penalties." "By what authority?" "His own. This is an isolated area, very difficult to reach, and he chooses to make his own rules here. He is very concerned about privacy, and wishes to keep this as an area where he can enjoy his special interests without interference. You will be required to stay here, and you will find that life is much more pleasant if you assist him with his interests."

"Indeed!" I said. "What are his interests?" "You might call it a study of sociology. He became very wealthy in the oil business, and in the course of making his fortune he had occasion to visit Saudi Arabia. He was particularly impressed by the institution of the harem that he learned about there, and decided it would be interesting to have one for himself back at home. The idea of a large number of women, available for him exclusively, appealed to him, and any woman who is found in this area is required to remain as a concubine. Take the woman to her quarters, and arrange for her instruction." One of the guards motioned to Jan, and led her off; my instinctive reaction was to fight back, but the presence of guns made me realise it would be no use. "Don't worry, Jan; we'll get this nonsense sorted out," I said as she looked fearfully back at me.

The commandant ignored my reaction. "The problem is how to deal with any man who is found in this area. In the brutal world of Saudi Arabia, he would be castrated, and required to serve as a eunuch in the harem." I began to wonder if this wasn't some very bad dream; it certainly seemed like a plot borrowed from a very bad movie, and I was afraid we were in the hands of some group of lunatics, far away from any forces of law and order that we might call on to assist us. "This isn't Saudi Arabia," I pointed out; "and there are laws about unlawful detention and causing grievous bodily harm." "You're right on the first count," replied the commandant, "and you'll find that we do have a more civilised attitude. As for the law, the owner of this property chooses to administer it according to his own desires, and we are sufficiently secluded that we don't get any trouble from any outside authorities." I didn't quite know what tack to take; the whole scene was so preposterous, that I was more mystified than angry, though I was worried about what they had said to Jan. "So castration isn't on the agenda?" I said with heavy sarcasm. "No. But there is a problem; our master here wishes to have a harem available to him, and the establishment has been organised with some differences from the original concept -- you might call them concessions to western culture. But one aspect of the original inspiration is strictly maintained: he is to be the only male here, and he has complete authority over the females." "So you plan to get rid of me?" "No. I told you that our attitudes are more civilised than those of the feudal middle east. Those that arrive here as males are taken into the establishment too -- after they have been sufficiently feminised to make the term 'male' inapplicable." In spite of myself I felt a stirring of excitement at this. She continued: "if your transformation is sufficiently successful, you will join the other inmates of the harem, and you may, if you are fortunate, be rewarded by attention from our master. Of course you will need instruction in some of the techniques necessary for his pleasure."

She motioned to the other guard, who took me by the arm and led me off. She held her revolver menacingly, and I decided there was no point in trying to escape; they seemed to be in deadly earnest. I was taken to another building; it was large enough to be called a house, though it was dwarfed by the 'palace' nearby. I was pushed into what was effectively a cell, though it was reasonably large and quite comfortably furnished; there were bars on the windows, and the door locked from the outside with no interior handle of any description. The guard left, and I explored my surroundings; there was a separate bathroom, very nicely appointed and one of the walls was almost entirely closet doors. I was just about to check what might be in the closets, when the guard returned with another woman in medical uniform. "I have to give you an injection," she said. "Why?" "It's the first step in your treatment, just something to make you docile and compliant; you'll probably find yourself quite happy when it starts working." I didn't like the sound of that, but my remonstration was cut short by a threatening motion of the guard's revolver. I felt the prick of the needle in my arm, then I was left to myself. I started to feel quite lethargic, and decided to lie down on the bed; it was very comfortable, and I lay back thinking about the bizarre events of the last hour.

I was most worried about what had happened to Jan, but it gradually dawned on me that she might in fact be quite happy here. Judging by my accommodation, she would be well taken care of, there would be feminine companionship from the others, and she would no doubt be fortunate enough to attract the attention of the master; something about that idea bothered me still, but I thought she would enjoy it. The more I thought about it, the more I realised that Jan was probably very happy; I still wanted to see her, but I felt sure that would soon be possible. I wasn't quite certain what they intended to do to me, but I did recall that I would be able to join the ladies of the harem eventually. Something had to be done first: what was it? Then I remembered, they were going to feminise me; that struck me as being very reasonable, since it would qualify me to join the other feminine creatures. I rather liked the idea of that, and I found it very exciting. I became aware of a pressure in my groin; I realised what was happening, but in the back of my mind something told me it was wrong, and it didn't happen to me any more. I enjoyed the feeling nonetheless, and realised that I didn't have to worry about it; it wouldn't happen any more when I was properly feminised. The thought made me even more excited, and I wished that Jan was with me to help me deal with my erection.

I lay on the bed thinking very pleasant thoughts, in a state of complete lassitude. It was comfortable, and as I was now convinced that both Jan and I would be very happy here, there didn't seem to be anything to worry about. I remembered being worried when I first came to my nice room, but I couldn't remember why. Suddenly the door opened, and three gorgeously beautiful young women came in. They were all dressed similarly, wearing bouffant skirts, sheer dark nylons and heels. They were exquisitely made up, and all had wonderful hair; they were all different, but their outfits were sufficiently similar to suggest they were in some group together. They all smiled at me, and one of them said "Welcome to our feminine establishment. We are here to prepare you to join us." "I'd be happy to," I said. "What has to be done?" "You must be completely feminised; except for the master everyone here must be utterly feminine in their appearance and behaviour." "But I'm a man," I said. Inside my head I wasn't completely sure about that, but I certainly didn't resemble them. "You are now, and you don't experience the wonderful feminine joys of our life here; that's very sad, but we are here to help you. We want you to become one of us, and then you will be able to enjoy life as a woman with your companions here. First, I have a pill for you to take, and then I want you take those nasty male clothes off."

I swallowed the pill, and hurriedly took my clothes off. Soon I was naked, and they asked me to sit on one of the upright chairs. Two of the women came and stood by my side, and the other stood in front of me. "One of the delights of our feminine world is the wonderful things we have to wear; you can see the pretty dresses, but underneath them we wear delicious lingerie; it's exciting, and gives the most exquisite feminine sensations. I'm sure you'll come to enjoy it just as much as we do, and to start you on your way into our world, I want to show you what I am wearing; very soon you will be wearing exactly the same things, so I'm sure you will be interested." I was, and watched in fascination as she undid her dress, and eased it up over her head. She laid it down carefully on the bed, and stood before me exposing layers of petticoat, and a satin bra with lacy cups that displayed her bosom to perfection. "The petticoats are wonderfully feminine, and fun to wear," she said. "They swirl as we move, and make a beautiful rustling sound." She demonstrated the effect by moving from side to side, and then started to slide the elastic waistband down over her thighs. I held my breath as she revealed a dazzling white girdle, in power net material, with a satin front panel. Six suspenders stretched across her thighs, and gripped the delicate dark bands of her stocking tops; it was the image of femininity that had always appealed most to me, the one I dreamed about. There was an inevitable response; I felt a stirring in my groin, and my penis stiffened and enlarged; very soon it was standing rigidly upright. "You seem to like what you see, and you find it exciting; imagine the tactile pleasures you will have when you are wearing your very own girdle and stockings. The bra is just as nice, and I love the way it feels on my breasts; you will have to wait to experience that, until your breasts develop, but you will be able to have a beautiful shape, using breast forms in your bra." I was getting more and more excited, and the two women by my side pressed their thighs against me, so that I could feel the metal clips on their suspenders. One of them moved her hand on to my chest and started to gently play with my nipples. I started to get a reaction there too, and soon my diminutive nipples were erect, giving me deliciously exciting sensations. "You can feel those suspenders, through the layers of petticoat, can't you?" I nodded. "That will be your experience, every day, with your own suspenders, attached to your own sheer taut stockings."

I was almost beside myself with sexual excitement, and desperate for release; the feminine image visible before me, and those conjured up by the words being spoken, had been triggers for me all my adult life, and contemplation of being required to wear such delectable garments myself intensified the effect. I felt driven to thrust my rigid penis into any receptacle available and plunge violently until I felt the exquisite sensation of release. My nipples were also standing up rigid, and as they continued to be stimulated my attention focussed on them, and I wished they were larger, and formed the sensitive extremity of my own voluptuous breasts. It worried me not to have real breasts, but they had told me that they would develop, and I began to look forward to that. I thought about becoming feminine, wearing clothes just like my visitors, and hopefully looking as attractive as they did; my sense of excitement was replaced with a deep yearning, and I gradually became aware of the fact that my erection had subsided. I still felt pleasant sensations in my groin, but I no longer had a desperate urge to thrust; I looked at my companions, and wanted to wear clothes just like they did. I felt sure that I would be ready then to join all the other women in this wonderful place, and I looked forward to the sensual pleasures that I could experience if I was feminine; I thought about submitting passively to the advances of the master, and I now knew that was what I really wanted. The feeling in my groin was very pleasant; I was no longer desperate to satisfy the desires it induced, but I looked forward to eventual gratification, and penetration. Yes: my desire now was to be penetrated, and I anticipated the experience with pleasure, knowing that it was the essence of femininity. I would be feminine then, and I would be able to express my femininity; I would be a receptor, and it would be my bliss to submit passively to any demands made of me by the master.

"The medication seems to be working," said the woman facing me. "Our new companion is ready to join us. She happily accepts the idea of femininity, and will be eager to learn her new role. Before we get her some nice clothes, and start work on her face and hair, she needs a name. What would be a suitable name, I wonder?" I didn't like the idea of being assigned a name by someone else, and I couldn't understand why they didn't seem to know who I was. "My name is Rita," I said, petulantly. "What a lovely name! It will be very suitable; we'll call you Rita." She spoke to the others: "Let's see if we can find some nice clothes for our new sister, Rita." I liked the idea of that very much.

One of them went over to the closet; when she had opened the door, I saw a row of beautiful dresses hanging there, similar to the ones worn by my helpful visitors. On the top shelf were piles of frothy bouffant petticoats, and she opened some of the drawers below to reveal piles of lingerie; there were girdles, bras and panties, and in another drawer packages of stockings. There was a tape measure in one of the drawers too, and they quickly checked my size. "Your waist is far too large for your body size," said the woman facing me. "It's important for your girdle to fit snugly round your hips, and I'm afraid you will find the waist rather uncomfortable to begin with. That will change in time, though; it may be that you will be required to wear a corset until your proportions become more naturally feminine. We'll try the girdle for now." One had been selected, which looked to me almost exactly the same as the one worn by my instructress. It was open almost down to the hem, and I stood up to allow them to help me into it. They held it ready, and I stepped into it; then they pulled it up my legs and over my hips, until the high waistband was around my middle; that was quite an exciting feeling, but nothing compared to my delight as one of the helpers started to fasten the hooks in front. As each hook was fastened I felt pulled in and constrained a little more, and the delightful sense of containment worked itself up my hips, over my derriere, and finally around my waist. It was very tight there, but I liked the feeling. When the hooks were all fastened, one of the women tugged at the zipper; as it rapidly moved up over my tummy the sense of delicious containment was confirmed and accentuated. I was wearing a girdle! That thought, and the sisterly help provided by my companions made the sensuous feelings even more exciting. Best of all, I felt a sense of belonging, knowing that I was wearing a girdle exactly like those worn by my companions.

One of them had selected a bra from the lingerie drawers. It had beautifully lace-trimmed cups, and slender straps, and looked as if it closely matched the one worn by the leader of the group. The sight of it made me eager to feel its gentle constriction around my chest, but my anticipation was tinged with regret that I wouldn't be able to feel the caress of the cups over my own breasts. I knew what to do, and held my arms out to slip them into the shoulder straps. I felt the band tighten around me as the hooks behind were fastened; I liked the feeling, but was very much aware that the cups were sadly empty. Suddenly I felt a pull on the straps, and a pleasing pressure over my nipples; two realistically shaped breast forms were inserted into the cups, and I became aware of the new sensation of weight supported by the material and taken up on my shoulders. I knew that was a feminine experience, and I took pleasure in it, but I knew that I was only getting a foretaste of the real delight I would have when the lacy cups enveloped and supported my own full breasts.

The leader of the group looked at me kindly, and appeared to be sizing me up. "That is the basic foundation," she said, " and it does fit you surprisingly well. I know that you will enjoy the sensations, and the pleasure of a good foundation. After we have helped you to get ready, we'll take you to meet those who will be in charge of your progress; you'll find that there are some important rules here, and they are quite strict in the matter of dress. You will be required to wear a proper girdle, and stockings of course, during all your waking hours. The master is very concerned about the appearance of those who live here for his pleasure, and he has very definite tastes in feminine charm; we get great pleasure from the clothes we wear, and it is especially gratifying that he finds them attractive on us. He particularly enjoys the sight of women wearing suspendered stockings, and we in turn get added pleasure from wearing them, knowing his tastes. Your girdle has six suspenders, and you will find they are just right for keeping your stockings smoothly stretched over your legs, and maintaining them elegantly in place." I looked at her as she spoke, and thought that she was a wonderful example; I was impressed by the master's taste and felt a strong desire to become as elegant an example myself; I knew that I would enjoy the sensations, and thought that it would be very gratifying to meet the master's approval. My two helpers had opened a package of charcoal nylon stockings, and had already bunched them up so that I could slip my feet into them. I held up each foot in turn, and the smooth delicate material fit to perfection. I then stood entranced by the delightful feelings as the stockings were carefully eased up my legs; they reached to the middle of my thighs, and I felt subtle tugs on the hem of my girdle as the two back suspenders were stretched down to meet the stocking tops. I could feel the delicate manipulation of fingers as the two suspenders were fastened securely, and I immediately became aware of the tension in the stockings. These sensations were increased as the suspenders at my side, and finally in front, were fastened too. Their task complete, the two helpers stood aside, and their leader looked carefully at their work. She was quite satisfied, and I knew that I now presented an appearance very similar to hers; I wanted to check by looking in a mirror, but I was facing the wrong way, and had to content myself with the delicious tactile sensations that told me my stockings were indeed elegantly suspendered.

The leader smiled at me. "You really begin to look like one of us," she said. "You're wearing the essential items now, and they demonstrate your new femininity; they are required at all times, as I said, and I am sure you will be happy to comply with the rules." I knew that she was right; I was enjoying wearing these things intensely, and I wanted to feel feminine; the pleasant feelings induced in me by the bra and the girdle and stockings made me feel very feminine, and I was thrilled by the realisation. I was brought some lovely frilly panties next, and I stepped into them, and found my pleasure intensified as they were drawn up my legs, maneuvered over my suspenders, and pulled snugly into place around my waist. I felt deliciously feminine now, and I felt much more at ease knowing that there no longer were any grotesque signs of my former masculinity. The petticoat came next, and that was a simple matter of stepping into the waist, and having it drawn up to envelope my body, below my waist; the layers of frills and flounces rested over my thighs, and gave a feminine shape to my silhouette. There were some smart black pumps ready, with moderately high heels; I stepped into them carefully, finding that they fit perfectly. My companions steadied me for a moment as I tottered, but after a few careful steps, I found that I could walk quite easily in them. They were much more comfortable than I had anticipated, and together with the layers of petticoat, they forced me to take quite dainty steps; I felt that was very appropriate, and resolved to practice with them.

The leader had put her petticoat back on, as I was being helped into mine, so we were both dressed more or less the same; even though I couldn't see the mirror, I had quite a good idea what I looked like, at least, I thought ruefully, from my neck down. She saw me watching her and smiled. "We must pick out a pretty dress for you," she said. "We usually all wear similar styles, though we do have different outfits, and can enjoy different ways to present ourselves. The master likes us to all be dressed in the same general style, at the same time, and we are told which particular outfit is chosen each day. There are some very pretty dresses in this style in the closet, and you should choose what colour you would like." I looked at the array of dresses, and thought I would have trouble making a choice; then I saw one that appealed to me. "Blue," I said. They checked the sizes, and took out the blue dress. It was quite a light blue, solid colour, in a shirtwaist style; of course it had a very full skirt to accommodate the layers of petticoat that would lie underneath. My two companions helped me into the dress; I found the sleeves, and thrust my arms through them; the wide neck slipped easily over my head, and the folds of material fell down over my bosom to rest on the petticoat. They smoothed the skirt out, and brushed it downwards until it sat nicely in place; there were just three buttons to do up from the low neckline just above my bra cups, down to the waist, and then I was fully dressed. "You look very nice, Rita," said the leader, who was now wearing her dress too. I was pleased by the complement; I wanted to look my best, and I looked forward to the feminine experience of wearing my pretty dress for the rest of the day. It felt wonderful over the lovely things I had on underneath, and I liked the idea of wearing different pretty feminine things each day. I thought it was wonderful to be here with my new friends who had welcomed me as a sister, and helped me to attempt to appear as feminine as they were. I felt grateful to the master who had organised this wonderful place, and I hoped more and more that one day I would attract his attention.

Both my new sisters, who had been so kind in their assistance, hugged me, and I felt happy to have joined them. "That is a pretty dress," said one. "It certainly is," said the other; "you'll fit into our happy world here, Rita." Their leader smiled in agreement, but she realised there was still more to be done. "We have to fix your hair and face," she said. "Your hair will grow out nicely as the daily medication starts working, and we'll soon be able to arrange it in a cute style. But for the moment it will be necessary for you to wear a wig." They had opened one of the other closets, and inside on a shelf were several wig forms, with beautiful heads of hair resting on them. One caught my eye immediately; it was a wonderful light brown colour, with just a tinge of red, and it was shoulder length with lovely broad curls at the side. The leader saw where I was looking; "You like that? It is a nice colour, sunny auburn, and I agree: it will suit you perfectly." One of my companions carefully got the wig and brought it over; it was placed on my head, and they moved it delicately into position. I felt the hair over my ears, and round the sides and back of my head; it was a new experience, not altogether comfortable yet, but I knew it would help me in my feminine appearance. I really wanted to look at the effect for myself, but there was no mirror that I could see conveniently. The two helpers were brushing my hair here and there lightly, and patting some of the long curls into place; I became even more impatient to see the results, but without rudely leaving my wonderful friends I couldn't do so.

"Sit down in the chair again, Rita," said the leader. "We must do your makeup now, then you'll finally be ready to join your other sisters. There are rules about proper makeup here too; you will have to follow them, and learn all the necessary skills to present a proper feminine appearance. You'll find that it's fun, and well worth the effort." I thought it would be fun to have my face made up properly, and I really would have liked to watch what was being done; I was even more upset by the fact that I could not catch even a glimpse of myself in a mirror. One of my companions got a large bag from one of the closet drawers and sat down by my side facing me. She opened the bag, and I saw it was a makeup kit, with every imaginable type of cosmetic product and various tools and implements. She set to work on me, and though I watched with interest, it was hard to determine exactly what she was doing. I felt various preparations being applied to my face; a lot of detailed work was done around my eyes, and finally on my lips. She used a strange looking implement on my eyelashes, and then worked at them with a small brush drawn from a small vial. Finally she was finished and got up; the leader smiled at me again and said: "Now you're ready, Rita. The hair and makeup gives a wonderful feminine appearance to your features; I'm sure you want to see the final result, so you can go over to the mirror now and take a good look at yourself."

I did so eagerly, and was astounded at the sight of the feminine creature that looked back at me from the mirror. I was dressed now to match my companions, with the bouffant skirt spreading out below my waist, and the impeccably made up face was framed by wonderful locks of sunny auburn hair, arranged in a captivating style. I looked and looked; it was hard to believe that this was really me. I was convinced that this was the way I wanted to look, and I thought with some satisfaction that I really did come close to matching my beautiful companions. The leader came over to join me by the mirror. "You're lovely, Rita," she said; "welcome to our feminine world. You present yourself as one of the girls now, and you are ready to join your companions. We'll take you to your new home with us."

The door opened, and I saw one of the guards outside waiting. She joined us, and we walked down the corridor to the entrance. I wasn't quite used to my heels yet, but I enjoyed walking in them, and I felt very pleased to hear my heels clicking on the hard floor, just like those of the others. We went outside into the warm bright sunshine, and they led me across the grounds towards the large main building. There was another guard at the door there; "Our new companion is ready to join us now," said the leader. The guard nodded, and she opened the door for us; we walked inside to a spacious entrance hall, elegantly furnished and tastefully decorated. Much of the area inside was open, and I saw wide lounges, furnished with comfortable chairs and sofas. There were several other women there, some reading, some engaged in quiet conversation, and they looked at me with interest and smiled. "You'll be able to visit with some of your new sisters," said the leader, but there are some things to take care of first. First we'll show you your room, and then we have to present you to your mistress." I thought the idea of a mistress sounded a little strange, but I was keen to see my room. They led me up a wide staircase to the second floor; we went down a long wide corridor, which looked much like part of a very high class hotel. Finally we came to an open side door, and went inside. It was a wonderful room, spacious, elegantly decorated, with beautiful comfortable looking furnishings. There were cupboards and closets, a vanity table in an alcove leading to a large bathroom, and an enormous bed with a frilly feminine coverlet. I thought this would be a wonderful room to stay in, and I felt very happy at the prospect. "This is your room," said the leader. "You can keep your things here, and you can be private here if you want to be. Of course your mistress may visit you at any time, and one day if you are fortunate, the master may wish to join you. There are also lounges where you can visit with your companions and many other rooms with various special facilities that you might need."

I couldn't believe my good fortune, but there were a few small concerns nagging me, at the back of my mind. I wanted to find Jan, but I knew she would have a nice room too, and I would be likely to find her soon in one of the lounges. I still felt certain that she would be as happy as I was, so I decided not to worry; I was concerned about the mistress that they spoke of, and I wasn't sure what her role was, and what my relationship with her would be. I would soon find out, anyway. Sure enough, the leader told me that now I knew about my accommodation, it was time to take me to my mistress. "I enjoyed meeting you, Rita," she said, "and it was a pleasure to start the process of your feminisation, so that you can enjoy life just as we do. I'm sure we'll see one another around the building, but my formal duties are done now; your mistress will take charge of you, and look after your progress. She will also explain our way of life here, and tell you all about the things that are required." She led me down the corridor to a door at the end, and knocked. "Come in," a firm contralto voice said, and my companion opened the door and led me in.

A woman sat in an almost throne-like armchair, she was strikingly beautiful, with an impeccable coiffure, perfect makeup, an elegant gown and an imperious manner. She inclined her head without smiling. "This is Rita, who has just joined us," said my companion. "She came to us as a man, and she has now started medication; as instructed, we visited her to initiate her process of feminisation." It was evident that the lady seated before us was superior in position, and had to be shown due deference. "Thank you," she said; "I'll take Rita in hand now, so you may leave us and rejoin your companions." The woman who had started me on my way with such kindness inclined her head slightly and went out, leaving me alone with my mistress. She looked at me very carefully, and I felt that no detail of my appearance and ensemble would escape her stern gaze. "You seem to present an adequate facsimile of femininity," she said finally. "You have much more training to undergo, as we have to eradicate any vestiges of your previous masculine status. You have been given honorary status as a female, and will be allowed to join us on a provisional basis; it is up to you to develop true femininity, and demonstrate it, in order to be given regular status. Do you understand?"

I found her intimidating, but I wanted to please her. "I think so," I said. "I am sure I will learn what is required of me, and demonstrate my suitability." "Good. Let me explain the way things are organised here. In an establishment this size, it is necessary to have some ranking and hierarchy in order to ensure that things run properly. The residents here are divided into small groups, each with a mistress, who has authority over them. Our ranking is based on seniority, and of course special privileges are given to those who gain the favour of the master. As a newcomer here, you start at the lowest level, as we all did; you also will require special discipline because of your former masculine nature; in time that may be completely eliminated and then you will progress in ranking. I am in charge of your instruction and will oversee your daily regime. I find that feminised males are quite to my taste, and I enjoy the interaction with them as it provides an opportunity to tame an unruly nature and reduce it to submissive femininity." I didn't really like this imposing lady, but I knew it would be important to make sure I pleased her.

She continued speaking. "As well as looking after your instruction, I must check to make sure that you are gaining its benefits sufficiently. I shall visit you from time to time, to have my pleasure with you; that is an important part of our routine here, and I am required to do so with all those entrusted to me; I am visited by the master once a month, and he requires me to give reports on everyone in my charge. I shall be particularly pleased to visit you, as I have a special fondness for feminised males; I like their malleability, and find it particularly interesting to watch their inherent nature gradually be subjugated to docile submissive femininity. There are of course rules covering dress and general decorum, and also permissible behaviour in the establishment; you will find a booklet outlining them in your room, and you should familiarise yourself with it. If you have questions about the way things are run here, and what is required of you, you should feel free to come to see me. You will be provided with daily medication, which will speed the process of your physical feminisation, and if necessary in time, you may wish to undergo corrective surgery to complete the process. As I said, your presentation is adequate, surprisingly so for someone who has just arrived here, but your figure does leave something to be desired. It will probably be necessary for you to undergo corset training, and I shall assess the need for that when I visit you."

She dismissed me then, and I thought I would take a quick look around the establishment before returning to my room. I went down the stairs to the ground floor, and wandered into one of the lounges I had seen. There were several of my new companions sitting around there, singly and in pairs and groups. As I walked by, many of them smiled at me, and said hello, making me feel very welcome there. As I walked to the other end of the large room, I saw a woman sitting quietly on her own; she seemed familiar, and then I realised it was Jan! I went over and sat down beside her; she smiled at me and said "Hello." I realised that she didn't recognise me. "Jan, my love, it's me, Rita." She looked at me in amazement, then a wonderful smile spread over her face. "Rita! You look absolutely wonderful; I'm glad to see you." "I had a lot of help," I said; "some very kind and helpful women came to visit me, and they assisted me with the clothes, and did my makeup. I have a lot to learn if I am going to do as well by myself." "I'm sure you are enjoying it here," she said. "Oh, yes. I was a bit worried when they separated us, but as I thought about it I realised that you would like it here." "I do; they seem to have thought of everything we might want to make life pleasant, and I've discovered there are some very nice things that I ought to have known about. They told me I should wear a girdle and stockings, and it feels wonderful; I love it so much, and I should have known that you had the right idea." "Have you met many of the others?" "Not yet; I did have to visit my mistress, so that she could tell me about how things work here. She scared me a bit, and I'm not looking forward to her visiting me in my room. I really don't want to upset her though." "You won't, Jan. You are already one stage above me, being a woman to start with; I have to be feminised, and my mistress seems to be particularly interested in that." "Don't worry," she said; "it's wonderful to be feminine; I know you were taken with the idea anyway, and now you will be able to do it properly. You'll enjoy it, and it will make me happy too. We'll really be girls together, and fit in here very well." "Have you talked to anyone who has been favoured by the master?" "No, I know that's really why we are here, and I suppose I ought to look forward to catching his attention, but I would really like to be with you." "That would be nice," I said; "I wonder if they would let us share a room just like we used to." "We could ask, I suppose, but I would have to talk to my mistress, and I still don't like to do that. I think she wants to visit me in my room." "Oh she will; that's what mine said, and I think they have to. I suspect that it's one of the duties they enjoy." Jan giggled.

"Well, I think I shall be in trouble if I don't go and read what the rules are," I said. "I would also like to see what nice things there are in the closets in my room. I'll come back and look for you, when I've done that." "OK; I'll look for you. You really are lovely as Rita, and it will be nice being girls together, among all the others." I thought so too, and went off happily to my room.

In the table drawer I found a booklet; it had pictures of the establishment, and several of the women living there; it turned out to be the guide and book of rules. I started to read it: there was a description of the arrangements for meals, and the arrangements for various household chores. The rules followed, and were quite detailed; they explained that every one of us was required to follow any orders given by our mistress. We were required to be available to her at all times, and of course in the welcome case of the master wishing to favour us, any of his desires and wishes were of paramount importance. Other than these requirements were free to act as we wished, and take advantage of the facilities available; we were confined to the building at all times. There was an interesting section referring to possible friendships between us; they were not frowned on at all, and there was an explicit reference to the possibility that some of us might be attracted to one another physically. It was understood that we might be subject to such desires, and there was no prohibition against us getting together to satisfy them. The section on clothing, grooming and makeup was very lengthy. We were each provided with an extensive wardrobe, and we would be told at dinner time each day what general type of outfit to wear the next day. We were explicitly required to wear stockings, at all times, and they had to be properly supported by a suitable foundation garment with six suspenders. There was a detailed list of appropriate foundations, and a large variety was mentioned. Corselettes were quite acceptable, and almost all types of open- bottom girdle; panty-girdles were sometimes to be worn, provided they had short legs so that their suspenders were plainly visible, but there were to be no long-leg panty-girdles. There was quite a lot of material to become familiar with, but I found it was all very reasonable, and thought that the requirements would suit me very well. There were hairdressing and makeup salons available throughout the building, and we were encouraged to seek professional assistance in order to appear our best.

I was a little concerned about my provisional status; I realised that it was necessary, as I was not fully female, but I hoped that I would soon be able to prove my femininity to my mistress's satisfaction. The others all seemed to be happy to accept me, and I enjoyed the feeling of belonging to a group; I knew that at heart I was a sister to them, and it was pleasing to feel that they understood.

I had lost track of time, and had no idea how long I had been here in my new home; I heard a bell sound, and realised that it was time for dinner. I went out to find the dining room I had been assigned to, and joined three companions there at one of the tables. They greeted me in a very friendly manner, and as we ate they talked about their life in the establishment; I felt a little out of things, but they went out of their way to draw me into the conversation, and asked me about myself. I told them about my experiences since I had arrived, and they were very sympathetic when they heard about my former male state. "You poor thing!" one of them said. "It's such a delight being female, and able to express one's femininity. But you'll be happy now, and make up for all the fun you missed."

After a very pleasant meal I went back to my room. I thought it was getting quite late, so I decided I could take off my clothes. I had a bit of a struggle with some of the things, but it was wonderful to have a chance to examine everything on my own, and I couldn't resist moving my hands over my girdle and stockings after I had taken off my dress and petticoat. I felt at the bra too, and cupped my hands over it; externally everything appeared right, but I wished I had my own breasts, so that I could experience my caresses. I carefully undid my suspenders, enjoying the feel of the delicate material of my stockings as I slid them down my legs; I undid the girdle and took it off; the release of constraint was not unpleasant, but I knew I would miss the feeling, and looked forward to wearing it again in the morning. I decided to keep my bra on, so that the breast forms would stay in place, and give me the figure I desired. There were some delicious nightdresses in the closet, and I took one of them, in pastel blue, and slid it over my head. I felt a wonderful sensation as it enveloped me, and lay back on the bed to enjoy the experience.

I lay for some time wallowing in the pleasant sensations, and thinking about the pleasant life I would have, when I heard someone at the door. It opened, and my mistress came in, closing the door behind her. She wore a full length dressing gown, and as she sat down on the bed beside me, it opened to reveal a nightdress. "It is time for me to get to know you better," she said; "I feel the need to have some pleasure with you, and I want to look at your effeminate male body." She spoke quietly, without smiling, and removed her robe; her full length satin nightdress was beautifully trimmed with lace, and displayed her feminine figure to perfection. "Please take off your nightdress," she said, and reclined back on the bed. I got up and quickly slipped my nightdress over my head, wondering whether I should leave my bra. She looked at it approvingly; "you may leave that on for the moment; it demonstrates an admirable attempt to correct your present shortcomings, but your waist must certainly be given some attention. I shall visit you tomorrow for corset training." She motioned me back to the bed, and I lay by her side, wondering what would happen next.

She turned to face me, and placed her hand on my groin, then proceeded to fondle my cock and balls gently. I enjoyed the sensation, and felt a slight stirring, but there was no dramatic response. "They are cute little things," she said, more kindly than she had spoken before. "I do love to play with them, but what is most exciting is to feel the vestigial reaction; it's a pathetic echo of the rigid tumescence that would have been there just a few days ago. Your masculine powers have been tamed, and they will be reduced even further until they are eliminated completely; I enjoy the sense of power I have in furthering that process, and subjugating you into a state of submissive femininity. Her words were strangely exciting to me, and I quivered as I thought of the effects of my feminisation; I felt completely within her power, but enjoyed giving myself to her. She paused in her manipulation to slip her nightdress off, and revealed a magnificently well endowed female body. "Kiss my breasts," she said, smiling in response to my glances of admiration. I moved over her, and started to kiss; there was an immediate response, and her nipples responded becoming stiff and even more impressive. They stood up rigidly, and I took them completely into my mouth and sucked them. She seemed pleased by the attention, and quickened the pace of her caresses in my groin, starting to squeeze very delicately. "Work your hands over my pussy," she said eventually. I did so proceeding delicately at first, and then allowing my fingers to probe at her labia. She opened her thighs to give me more room, and I took that as a sign of approval, increasing the pressure of my fingers, and pushing firmly at the folds of the lips. She thrust herself up to encourage me, and I felt a moistness on my fingers; it was clear what she wanted of me next, so I took the initiative and pushed my hand into the opening. She was ready for me, and wriggled her buttocks to assist me in finding her pleasure centre; it was distended, and responded to my touch. After a few moments of manipulation, she was overcome by a spasm of her whole body; she released an "Ahhh!" of pleasure and squeezed my balls passionately.

For a moment the pain was agonising, and I cried out myself. I collapsed back on the bed, and lay there trying to recover. My mistress looked at me almost kindly; "I enjoyed that," she said, "and I am sorry that I hurt you excessively. Those remnants of your former masculinity are fun to play with, but you can see that things will be much better for you when your feminisation is completed. She reached behind my back and undid the hooks on my bra; she pulled the straps over my arms and let the breast forms fall out. "There isn't much to work with there," she said, "but I want to give you some encouragement by showing the pleasures that await you when your feminisation has progressed." She started to play with my nipples, flicking them from side to side, and squeezing them. Diminutive as they were, they responded, and they stood up stiffly in a pathetic imitation of hers. She moved one hand to my groin again, and started to work at the sensitive glans of my penis; I felt a definite response, and enjoyed the sensations she was inducing. "You are a poor remnant of masculinity now," she said, "but there are some responses indicating that your femininity will be developed in due course. The hormones you take in your daily medication will produce growth in your breasts, and eventually you will require surgery to rearrange these external parts so that you will respond in a proper feminine manner. Your masculinity is on the wane, and it will be completely eliminated when you have a receptive vagina and desire penetration." I found her words very exciting, and as she stimulated my glans and nipples I felt my pleasure building slowly; I enjoyed my submission to her, and the feminine subjugation of my former masculinity, and had a desire to give myself and be taken. With a delightful shudder of my whole body the blissful release came, and I relaxed, happy in the knowledge that my femininity was now emerging.

My mistress sat up on the edge of the bed and reached for her nightdress. She slipped it on and then stood looking at me; "You show some definite promise," she said and smiled for a moment. She went to pick up her robe and put it on; at the door she turned and reminded me that I should be ready in the morning to begin corset training.

After a light breakfast the next morning, in the pleasant dining room, I returned to my room. I really wanted to find Jan again, but I knew that my mistress would be visiting me, and I wasn't sure how early she would come. I had dressed myself in the morning, knowing that the rules required that I should, even though I would have to change later. I had brushed and combed my wig, and got it into a reasonable styling, though I knew I would have to seek out some assistance and learn the best way to handle it. Makeup was a lot of trouble, and I was very unsure of the best course to follow. I decided to make it very light, and contented myself with a bright shade of lipstick; I resolved that I would have to learn some basic techniques quite soon, so it was evident I would be busy visiting one of the salons later on. I sat in one of the very comfortable chairs, and spent my time reading through the rules once again. Quite soon the door opened, and my mistress appeared, followed by a girl in a very feminine maid's uniform carrying some packages.

"It is time to get you started on corset training, and attempt to get that unruly figure under control," my mistress said; "you will appreciate what can be done if you look at Persephone here; when she came to us, she had a figure of most ungainly masculine proportions. Just a few months of tight lacing, and intense feminisation have had a most gratifying effect." Indeed, the maid did have a beautiful figure; there was a pronounced hourglass shape, and her feminine waist was accentuated by the way her skirt billowed out over layers of petticoat. She must have been male too, from what the mistress said, and she also seemed to be frightened. I wondered why she was employed as a maid, and I also thought of the women who worked in the dining area; some members of the community apparently had to occupy menial positions, and I became curious about how this happened. I supposed they might have broken some of the rules, and this was their punishment. The idea frightened me a little, but I couldn't understand why anyone would want to disregard the rules.

"You will need to arrange your lingerie a little differently," said my mistress, "and we shall have to start right from the inside. It will be necessary for you to remove everything except your stockings and panties. Persephone, go and assist Rita with her undressing." Persephone came timidly over, and started to unbutton the front of my dress; she helped me ease it over my head, and then took it to the closet and hung it up carefully. I had stepped out of my bouffant petticoat, when she returned, and she kneeled down beside me and started undoing my suspenders. I enjoyed being waited on like that, and allowed her to complete the task; when they were all free, she unzippered my girdle, and started to undo the hooks. When it was undone completely, I was able to pull it up over my panties, and let her pull it down my legs. She laid the girdle and petticoat on the bed, and then stood behind me to undo my bra; I held on to the bra cups, and allowed her to slip the straps over my arms. "Your corset should not be worn next to your skin," said my mistress, "and to start with an underbust style is most suitable, so it will be necessary for you to wear a camisole over your bra. A longline bra usually works best; find one in the right size, Persephone." There was one in the well stocked drawers, and Persephone brought it over; it was made of stretch material, with lacy cups, and quite delicate straps, and of course it fastened at the front. I pushed my arms through the straps, and Persephone immediately pulled it round to my front and started to attach the hooks. There were about fifteen of them, and it was a lengthy task; when it was done up and adjusted into place, and the breast forms had been placed in the cups, it felt quite comfortable, and the wide band extended down over my midriff almost to my waist. I was happy to have a proper feminine shape again, and my mistress apparently agreed. "That's much better," she said. "It is gratifying to oversee fitting an essentially feminine item like a brassiere over a masculine chest; it underlines the process of feminisation, and the eradication of unwanted masculine characteristics. I am sure that you former males are aware of the effects, and feel your masculinity being suppressed and eliminated by the feminine feelings evoked by such a garment; it is a marvellous technique for taming unruly spirits." I had a feeling that she was talking to Persephone rather than me, and I wondered again why Persephone was performing duties as a subservient maid. She definitely seemed fearful; it's possible too that she didn't like wearing the maid's uniform, but I thought it would be fun -- the petticoats were delicious.

The camisole was simply a slip extending down to the hips, or just above; it was exquisitely tailored with delicate shoulder straps and some lace trimming around the cups. I slipped into it easily, and pulled it down over my bosom; the fit was just right. Persephone was opening one of the packages she had brought, and she took out the corset -- my corset. It was magnificent, lined in black on the inside, and with shiny pink satin on the outside. There were two separate sections connected by the laces, and it fastened at the front with small metal eyes that fit over studs. I held my arms out, not too sure what the procedure would be, and Persephone wrapped it round me; I breathed in, and the front busk fit together easily, and the garment sat comfortably between my bosom and my hips. I was amazed to see in the mirror that the garment itself already had an hourglass shape. There were eight pink suspender straps dangling from the bottom, each with a delicate ribbon over the metal loop. "You will need assistance to be laced properly into your corset," said my mistress, "and it can be done much more easily if you adopt the proper position while it is being tightened. You see there are two small rings on the wall beside the bathroom door; stand there, facing the wall, and hold firmly onto them." I did so, and it was necessary for me to reach high above my head, so that I was almost forced to stand on tiptoes. I felt Persephone tugging at the laces; she started at the top, and pulled at each of the crossed portions in turn, working down to the middle. Then she started at the bottom, working her way up to the middle; at each little tug I felt myself being pulled in; I was being enclosed and constrained in a vicelike grip, but the sensation was pleasant, and surprisingly comfortable. Persephone repeated each of these steps several times, and eventually the lace pulls extended behind me for over a metre. "That is sufficient for now," said my mistress; "it is a mistake to overdo lacing at the beginning. An essential feature of the training is to accustom the garment and the wearer to the tension, and gradually increase over a period of weeks." Persephone tied a bow in the lace pulls, and I let go of the rings, and tried walking across the floor. I was very tightly constrained, and I was continually aware of the pressure, but it was not excessively uncomfortable, and it felt supportive. It also did wonders for my figure; when I looked in the mirror, there was now a very definite feminine waist.

"You will find that your posture is considerably improved," said my mistress. "When you sit, you will have to sit upright, but you will find that comfortable and get used to it. You will have some difficulty in bending, and it will be useful for you to have assistance in dressing and undressing. Persephone will be assigned to assist you every morning and evening. I tried to reach my suspenders, and attempt to attach them to the stockings, but I just couldn't reach them. My mistress was amused at my efforts; "You will need help," she said. "Corset wearers require the service of a lady's maid. Persephone, assist Rita with her stockings and other clothing. I watched with interest as the suspenders were fastened one by one, and carefully adjusted to stretch my stockings properly. The feeling was delightful; it struck me that it was essentially feminine, and I felt that it was an important step in eliminating my masculine feelings of the past. Persephone held out the petticoat for me to step into and adjusted it properly; it fit beautifully now over my well defined waist, and the layers of frills billowed out over my suspendered stockings. The feeling underlined once again my imposed femininity, completely foreign, as it was, to masculinity and the normal experience of males. I put the dress on finally, with some assistance, and once it was buttoned at the front, it too fit me much better than it had previously.

My mistress looked at me approvingly, and then motioned to Persephone to follow her. When they had left, I went over to the mirror once again to look at the wonderful effect. I was enjoying the feelings too; I felt tightly constrained, and I felt the tension on my stockings, both sensations contributing to a delightful sense of femininity. I felt the rustle of my petticoat as I went out to meet some more of my new companions. I thought I would go and get some help with makeup later in the day, but for now I wanted to experience walking and sitting in my corseted state. I went down to the main floor lounge, and looking around I saw Jan sitting over in one corner. I walked across to her; "Hello, Jan, my love," I said. "I'm sorry I didn't find you again yesterday, but there were so many things I had to do." I sat down beside her, and found it was necessary to maintain a rigid upright position. Jan was pleased to see me. "Hello, my love. How was your evening?" "I had a visit from my mistress," I said; "she wanted me to stimulate her, and then she returned the favour. It was pleasant, but not real love making; she does seem to be quite fond of feminised males, though." "I can understand that," Jan smiled at me. "I haven't had a visit yet, and I don't really think it will be very nice when it does happen." We held hands, and Jan looked at me carefully. "That dress fits you beautifully," she said; "and you have a beautiful feminine waist. You must be wearing a corset." "I am. My mistress decided it was necessary." "Is it uncomfortable?" "No, that's the surprising thing; it's firm, and quite tight, but I don't find it unpleasant at all. It helps me to feel feminine, and I like that." "It is nice to be feminine," said Jan; "I can understand your feelings now; you must be very glad to get rid of those nasty masculine things." "I am," I said, "but I still find it strange; I thought I had done that already. I must be getting confused, but I really felt certain that I had already been completely feminised, before we came here." "I don't recall that," said Jan, "but you certainly were inclined in that direction. I'm so glad it's happening though; I want you to be as feminine as it's possible to be. I know you will like it, and I will love you more than ever." We hugged one another, and I had a strange feeling that something had gone wrong somewhere, but I couldn't quite figure out what it was.

Jan took me to see her room. It was on the second floor too, but along a different corridor. It was a very nice room, similar to mine, but arranged and decorated slightly differently. The large bed looked inviting; "I rather like what this corset is doing," I said, "and it isn't really uncomfortable, but it does force me to sit upright, and that gets tiring after a while." I flopped down on the bed and my skirt and petticoat layers billowed up over my knees, settling down rather untidily. "We used to lie side by side in bed quite often," she said. "I've been missing it." She lay down by my side, but smoothed her skirt quite carefully, and presented a much more elegant appearance than I did. She turned on her side to face me; "I love you, Rita. I love your femininity; those lovely petticoat frills showered all over your nylons make a very attractive sight, and they do suit you." I liked what she was saying, and I reached out to brush her arm with my fingers. She responded by reaching out to stroke my nylon clad legs; I found her touch exciting, and I quivered with delight. "That's nice." She smiled, and started to explore gently under the layers of frilly petticoat; I felt her hand moving up my thigh, and very soon she encountered one of my tightly stretched suspenders. She fingered it gently, and then worked her way around both my stocking tops to find the others. She touched all of them, feeling carefully at the decorative ribbons attached to each of them; she looked at me with a smile: "You have eight of them! That's nice; it must feel wonderful." "It does; I'm aware of them all the time, and the sensations are really pleasant." She got more bold in her probing and started to run her fingers gently over the material of my panties; she started to explore all the things hidden underneath them, and then smiled lovingly at me. "It used to be wonderful when I did this; you enjoyed it, and I found it very exciting too. But you don't seem to be reacting to me at all." "That doesn't happen any more," I told her. "It's part of the feminising process." She seemed worried: "Doesn't that bother you?" "Not really," I said; "a lot of nice things happen instead, and I really like them because they are feminine. I think I respond much more like a woman does now. Last night, when my mistress came to visit me, she got me quite worked up; I felt eager to please her, and when she had finished I had a climax myself. I don't think I want those things there any more; I really would like to have a vagina, just like you, and be penetrated. I hope they let me have the surgery, then I will be able to have great pleasure myself if the master comes to visit me." "You will," she said. "It's a wonderful experience, and I would like him to visit me too. But there are so many of us; he won't be able to visit each of us very often." "Never mind," I said; "I'm sure we shall be able to have a wonderful time with one another." Jan's intimate caressing and fondling were very pleasant, and I thought it would be nice to carry on, but we were interrupted by the lunch bell. We realised we would have to go, and I hoped we would be able to meet one another often.

In the afternoon I went to one of the makeup salons. The woman there seemed very pleased to see me, and like all the others I had met, made a special point of welcoming me when she realised that I was a feminised male. Although we apparently had a lower status officially than the other residents, I was beginning to think that we got special helpful treatment from everyone, and the others went out of their way to be specially friendly to us. It was almost as if we had preferred status; I wondered if that explained some of Jan's reactions -- she seemed happy enough, but I didn't think she fit into things quite as well as I had seemed to. The makeup specialist was very helpful. She sat me down in front of a large mirror, and told me she would start the whole process right from square one; at each step she explained what she was doing, and told me what effect she was trying to achieve. Along the way she gave me a lot of useful tips. The session went on for most of the afternoon, and I enjoyed it immensely. It was fascinating to see the subtle effects being gradually created, and to see how femininity could be brought out in facial features. By the time we were finished, I was absolutely delighted with the way I looked, and I thought I could remember quite a lot about what had been done to achieve that. I looked forward to trying things for myself in the morning.

The next important step was to get someone to help me deal with styling my wig; I was sure I would find someone equally helpful, and I thought that would be my project for the next day. After dinner I looked for Jan again, but I didn't find her, and I wasn't sure about going to see if she was in her room. I sat in one of the lounges for a while, and got into conversation with two of my companions. They had been here for some time, and were able to tell me quite a lot about the way things were organised. From time to time I thought about the master; I knew it would be some time before I was ready for him, but I found myself wondering what it would be like, and feeling pleasantly excited. I asked my companions how often he came to visit; they thought he was in the building almost every evening. One of them had actually been favoured by him, and I was very interested to hear what she had to say. She didn't want to talk about the evening in detail, but she said that it had been a wonderful experience, and it was the most intense ecstatic pleasure she had ever felt. He was apparently very kind and considerate, and quite often stayed for a long time with someone who had been favoured. Another interesting thing they told me was that quite often he selected two or three other residents to join him, and assist him and his favourite for the evening in their pleasure together. "I imagine that would be very satisfying too," I said; "I wonder if he might occasionally choose a feminised male to assist." "Oh yes," one of them said. "He does, and it quite often happens as part of their training. To be truly feminine, we all have to learn how to respond to and stimulate the supreme masculine urge in order to make the experience most pleasurable for the master. The satisfaction we have in doing that enhances our own pleasure and makes the encounter the most wonderful fulfillment we can have. Some females have the qualities necessary, but most of us have to learn them, and of course feminised males need special training in order to overcome their unfortunate background." I was fascinated by what I heard, and the bizarre idea came into my mind that maybe if Jan was favoured by the master, I might be able to join them as an assistant.

Back in my room I thought over the events of the day. The more I learned about this establishment, the more interesting it was; I was enjoying the life very much, but I did wish that I could get together with Jan more often. I heard a knock at the door; that was unusual, and it certainly couldn't be my mistress. "Come in," I called; the door opened, and Persephone came in. "I'm here to help you undress, ma'am," she said. She looked down at the floor, instead of directly at me, as she had done in the morning, and I got the impression that she wasn't happy. I was also quite intrigued by the subservient status she, and some of the other residents, seemed to have. "Thank you, Persephone," I said, and stood up to start unbuttoning my dress. She quickly came to assist me, and skillfully helped me ease the dress over my head so that my layers of petticoat were not disturbed. I slipped it down over my knees, and stepped out of it, leaving a frothy pile of delicate material on the floor; Persephone carefully gathered it up, and folded it neatly over the back of one of the chairs. "May I undo your suspenders now, ma'am?" she asked. It was clear now that she was unhappy, and that made me feel sorry for her.

"In a moment," I said. "You don't seem to be very happy. What's the matter?" She looked up at me, dolefully. "Please tell me what it is; you're such a pretty girl, and it makes me sad, too." I noticed a reaction to the word 'girl'; she looked at me again, undecided whether to respond. Then her worries overcame her: "But I'm not a girl!" she blurted out. I didn't understand why that bothered her. "Well, I suppose you aren't yet, technically speaking, but everyone here is female; some of us were males before we came here, and we're being feminised so that we can join the others. They seem very kind in the way they accept us." "They aren't all kind to me," said Persephone; "and I don't like being made into a girl. I am a man, and it's embarrassing to be forced to wear these clothes and work as a maid." I couldn't understand why she didn't realise how much nicer it was to be a girl, but I was even more curious about her status. "Why do you have to work as a maid?" "Because I told them I was a man, and I didn't want to wear girl's clothes. The one who calls herself my mistress got very angry with me; she picks out the clothes I am forced to wear, and told me I would have to work as a servant. They tied me up in my room until I agreed to do that." I was quite upset by what she was telling me, and didn't know why she would bring problems on herself like that. "Wouldn't it be better just to accept the feminisation?" I asked. "It's wonderful to be accepted into this feminine world, and I am really enjoying it." "I can't. It's wrong, and I react against it." I didn't quite know how to respond, so I thought we should get back to business. "Would you help me with my suspenders now?" "Yes, ma'am," she said bitterly. "I'm not upset with you, but it really is degrading for a man to be helping women with their corsets and suspenders. Under the right circumstances, it would be exciting; the fact is I still find it exciting, but I don't react properly any more, and I can't do anything to relieve my desires."

She busied herself with my suspenders. "I just love wearing them," I said, "and the corset does wonderful things for my figure." "You look beautiful," said Persephone; "in fact you appear to be a very exciting woman; I wish I was able to do something about it." "You can. Come and lie on the bed with me." "No. You're very kind, but it wouldn't work. When I take your panties off, I'll find that you aren't really the beautiful woman you appear to be, and that will spoil everything" "But I will be, soon, and I'm sure I would respond to you as a girl, now." She had unlaced my corset now, and was laying it on the chair. "Let me show you," I said, and I led her over to the bed. She lay down, and I lay by her side. "You are attractive," she said, "and I get a tight feeling in my groin, but I can't do anything about it." "Let me try," I said; I pushed up her satin skirt and the layers of petticoat, and started to caress her through the crotch of her panties. "How's that?" "I like it," she said, "but nothing will happen; they have made sure of that. And I feel so silly with these nylons and suspenders; they look nice on you, but I am a man. They are feminine things, and I shouldn't be wearing them." She got up quickly and walked over to the door; "Will that be all, ma'am?" "Yes. Thank you, Persephone."

I was quite upset by the things Persephone had said; her experiences and reactions seemed to be so different to mine. It affected me strangely, and gave me the feeling that there was something I should be concerned about; it probably related to my life before I came to stay in this new home, and my memory was a little vague about that. She came again in the morning to help me get dressed; she was quite businesslike, and I thought it best not to pursue the conversation of the previous evening. After breakfast, I went looking for Jan. I found her in the usual place, and she didn't seem very happy either. "What's the matter?" I asked. "My mistress came to visit me last night, and it wasn't very pleasant at all." "Oh. Do you want to tell me about it?" "I think I would, but not here; there are some things I don't like about this place." "Let's go to my room." We went back to my room, and without thinking about it, we both lay side by side on the bed; I remembered that was something we often used to do together.

"Did your mistress want to have some pleasure with you?" "Yes," Jan replied, "and she wasn't very nice at all. I thought at first that it would be fun, like you and I have, but she wanted me to do all kinds of nasty things. She was mean, and ordered me around, and didn't seem at all interested in my feelings." That worried me, because Jan was usually a very happy person, and of course I was very fond of her. "There do seem to be some things here that aren't right," I said. "I have enjoyed it very much, but I had a chat with Persephone last night, and she said some things that really bothered me." "Who's she?" "Oh, I didn't tell you about that. My mistress thought I should be corset trained to improve my figure -- I told you about that -- and it's so tight that I can't bend very easily. She came with a maid, Persephone, who helped me with lacing up, and doing my suspenders; then she told me that Persephone would come to help me dress and undress each day. When she came last evening she seemed quite unhappy, so I asked her about it; I also wanted to know why she had to work as a maid." "I've wondered about that," said Jan; "what did she say?" "She told me that she was a man, and that she didn't want to be feminised. Her mistress was very angry about that, and she was punished by being tied up. I tried to console her, on the bed, but she got quite upset and told me it wouldn't work. She said I looked very attractive in my corset and suspenders, but then when I tried to caress her, through her panties, she said she was upset by having to wear nylons and suspenders herself. I didn't really understand why."

Jan thought about it for a moment. "Most men don't wear stockings and suspenders," she said, "and I don't think they would want to. They think they are things for women; they like to see them on women, but they don't like them for themselves." "But I used to love wearing girdles," I said, "and stockings with suspenders made me feel wonderful." "I know; but you were very feminine, and I liked that. I don't think there are very many men like you." I hadn't really looked at it like that, but I realised that she was right. "Most men want to make love to women," Jan continued, "and the attraction is because they are very different; they like women very much, but I don't think they want to be women at all." "I suppose they don't," I said, "but it would be difficult to fit them in here; this is a feminine place, and obviously they would have to be feminised to come here." "Maybe they don't want to come here; that could be what's bothering Persephone." I found that hard to understand; this was a nice place to be, and to be allowed to come here, males would have to be feminised; why would they object to that? "What about the master?" Jan asked. "He is a male, and according to what we hear, he spends a lot of his time here." "But, he's the master," I said; "he comes here to have pleasure with those he has favoured." "Yes," said Jan, "but other males might want to do the same thing. I think that the master doesn't want any other males around; he doesn't like other males, and he wants to have all the women here for himself." Again, what Jan was saying was right, and I just hadn't thought about it that way. "It's very confusing," I said; "it really is so nice here, but I am beginning to wonder about the way things are organised. It doesn't seem right. Poor Persephone is very unhappy, and I certainly don't think your mistress should have treated you the way she did."

To console ourselves we started to caress one another, and we found it very enjoyable. Jan became quite aroused, and she obviously wanted me to stimulate her properly; I probed her pleasure centres, and felt the response, and that inspired me to do all the nice things I remembered. She enjoyed what I was doing, and came to an intense climax. That made me very happy, because I loved her very much. She tried to do the same for me, but I didn't respond properly, and we finally just relaxed in one another's arms. The bell rang for lunch, but we ignored it; we weren't hungry, and we preferred to stay together on our own. I began to wonder why I hadn't responded physically to Jan, and the more I thought about it, the more it worried me. Until I had talked to Persephone, I was enthusiastic about being feminised, and becoming a woman if I could. If it was the medications that were causing me to become sexually frigid, then I wasn't sure any more; it really was confusing.

Jan and I spent the whole afternoon together, and I began to think much more about the wonderful life we had together; although things were so nice where we were now, I wanted to be able to spend all my time with her. We parted company to go for dinner, and I was unhappy for the first time since I had arrived. After dinner I went back to my room, and thought over some of the things we had talked about. I wondered about the master, and why he had such special status. He was a male of course, but several of my companions were feminised males, and I now realised that they may not all have wanted to be feminised. The door opened, and my mistress came in, followed by Persephone. "I wish to see if there are any effects yet from your corset training," she said. "Persephone: assist Rita in removing her dress and petticoat." I started to unbutton my dress, and Persephone helped me lift it carefully over my head. She took it to the closet and hung it up there. I had slipped my petticoat down my legs, and stepped out; Persephone picked it up and folded it, placing it over the back of a chair, as before. My mistress looked at me for some time, and asked me to turn round. "There is some improvement," she said; "I think you should wear it overnight, too. This evening I wish to have my pleasure with you, and for that it will be necessary to remove your panties and brassiere. Persephone: undo the corset laces; Rita: hold the corset in position while it is loosened." Persephone stood behind me, and I felt the constraint of the corset ease off. She was obviously familiar with her task, as she then tugged at my camisole, pulling it out and letting it lie over my bosom; she undid the hooks of my bra, and removed the breast forms, then arranged the bra over my shoulders. "You may tie the laces again, now," said my mistress, and Persephone set to work. It was soon back to its former tension, and I no longer had to hold it in position over my waist. The camisole and bra were then slipped over my head and shoulders, and I stood with the corset tightly constraining my naked torso.

"Let me see if there is any breast development," said my mistress. She came over to me, and looked closely at the area around my nipples, over the top of the underbust corset. She cupped her hands over my tiny breasts; "Not much," she said, "but there is a definite effect." She kept her hands over my breasts, and then allowed her fingers to contact my nipples. They responded, and became quite stiff, giving me very pleasant sensations. My mistress smiled; "I enjoy the ambiguous bodies of feminised males," she said. "It's such a wonderful combination; you are doing your best to respond like a real female, and the pathetic effect from a tamed male body is quite entertaining. We must get rid of those panties now; Persephone: undo Rita's suspenders." Persephone kneeled down to her task, and undid all eight of the pink suspenders; I tugged at my frilly panties and pulled them free of the hem of the corset. "Persephone: now do the suspenders up again." Persephone carefully attached each of them, and I felt the delicious tension in my stockings again. I was quite excited after my mistresses examination of my breasts, and I felt strange stirring in my groin. "That's all, Persephone; you may leave us now." I could feel Persephone's unhappiness, and realised that having the intimate parts of my body exposed, while she was performing feminine tasks, must have underlined her own situation. Underneath her pretty maid's uniform and petticoats, she was wearing suspenders and stockings just like me, and her frilly panties were stretched over her own impotent male parts. I realised then that my mistress had deliberately put Persephone into this situation, and it was a means of causing her embarrassment and drawing attention to her feminised state.

"Lie on the bed, by my side," said my mistress to me, and I realised then that she was wearing her dressing gown. She removed it, revealing her lovely satin nightdress, and reclined on the bed. "You look quite lovely," she said. "The effect of those feminine pink suspenders, firmly attached to nylon stockings, is particularly pleasing when they frame those remnants of masculinity. It is a delightful symbol of the power of femininity, as it quells the unruly nature of a male." She moved her hand to my crotch and started to play with my cock and balls. The sensation was quite pleasant, but there was no stirring response; I felt deprived, somehow. She was treating me partly as a male, and taking pleasure in the fact that I was no longer able to respond; I felt impotent, and began to understand Persephone's unhappy state a little better. My frustration was accentuated by the fact that I was delighted by my feminisation, and I knew that if I were treated as feminine, I would be able to respond in spite of my limited capabilities; she was deliberately exploiting the fact that I was neither fully masculine nor feminine. She continued playing with me, standing my penis up with one hand, and stroking the sensitive area of the glans with the other; it might have been extremely pleasant, but she spoke continually of the male responses that would have occurred before my feminisation, and the fact that my masculine capabilities had been subjugated to femininity. I became more and more frustrated, as she skillfully prevented me from enjoying the effects of my feminisation; eventually she asked me to stimulate her, telling me that it would be instructive for me to see what a real female body was like. She responded quite quickly to my manipulation, and told me that this was how real women reacted, enjoying their physical nature to the full; she told me I was just an effeminate corseted male, wearing suspenders and stockings in a vain attempt to emulate true femininity. At that point she sensed my irritation and frustration, and it brought on her climax.

I lay back by her side, utterly miserable, and was so upset that I began to wonder if the femininity that I had been enjoying was so wonderful after all. She left me soon after, reminding me that I should wear the corset at all times. I was in such a state that I began to dislike its firm constraint, and my confused thoughts prevented me from sleeping until well into the night.

Persephone came in the morning to get me properly dressed for the day; we took the corset off and I had a long bath before she helped me into my bra and camisole. The corset was finally laced up firmly, and its suspenders attached to a fresh pair of stockings. With my petticoat and a new dress on, I finally began to feel better. I did realise now that this was not such a nice place to be as I had thought; many of the companions I met and talked to were friendly and helpful, but my mistress had a very sadistic nature, and had known exactly the right approach to use to frustrate and hurt me. There was a knock on the door just after Persephone had finished, and Jan came in. She was very upset, and hugged me tight; "I'm so unhappy, Rita," she said. "What's the matter, my love?" "My mistress took me off to a session with the master," she said; "it was horrible."

"Tell me about it," I said. We went over to the bed and lay side by side; Jan turned to face me, and I put my arm round her shoulder. We snuggled very close, and our petticoats billowed up making an enormous pile of frills at the foot of the bed. "Well," said Jan, "my mistress came to my room quite early in the evening. She told me that the master wished to make the acquaintance of several of the new residents here, and I had been chosen. I was quite excited and followed her to a large room; there were about ten of us. It was beautifully furnished and arranged; there was an enormous bed at one end -- about twice the size of this one, with layers of satin pillows. The master was reclining on it with two of our companions, one on each side. I was quite interested to see what he would be like, and it was disappointing; he wasn't handsome at all, and quite fat, with a distended stomach. He was wearing a silk dressing gown, which was completely open, and the two companions were kneeling, gently massaging his penis and testicles. He had an erection, but I could see that it wasn't really stiff and upstanding. I think the two companions were trying to get him ready to have sex; they were still wearing girdles and stockings, but nothing else. He just lay there placidly, with his hands on the thighs of the two poor girls, and from time to time he toyed with their suspenders in a half-hearted way.

"I was really quite excited about the idea of being favoured, when we first came here, but he looked so dissipated, and the whole scene really put me off. My mistress said to him 'Here are the new arrivals you wished to see.' He didn't seem too enthusiastic and simply said 'Prepare them for me to look at.' She herded us all into the corner, and told us to remove our dresses, petticoats and bras; she told us to remove our panties too, so that we would be wearing only girdles and stockings. As we undressed hurriedly, jostling one another, she demonstrated her authority over us by giving unnecessary orders and harassing us. When we were all ready, we were led in a parade past the foot of the bed; each of us had to stand facing him, so that he could peer at our breasts and pubic areas. 'They seem to be satisfactory,' he said; 'they certainly are worth closer inspection.' He motioned the girls who were on the bed to go away, and my mistress took one of my group by the hand; she was led right to the top of the bed, and then told to get on to it and kneel facing the master. She did so, and he reached out, still reclining on the cushions, to feel her breasts. He motioned her closer then, and pushed one hand between her thighs and groped her labia. We were all subjected to this treatment in turn; one girl in front of me was given particular attention, and the master examined her vagina at length, pushing his fingers into her repeatedly. 'This one appeals to me,' he said; 'I shall fuck her.' When it came to my turn, I felt completely degraded; he fondled my breasts, and then probed right inside me; finally he looked at my face. 'This one does not feel completely suitable,' he said, 'but she does attract me. She will do to help me get ready.' We were all being treated as objects, and it seemed just like a slave market. I was also worried about what my task would be.

"I looked at my mistress; she saw the question in my eyes, and hurriedly whispered to me. 'He needs some help in order to get nice and hard; he likes to use a fellatrice for that. Crawl up between his legs and start work -- and be very careful, he is very particular about the way it is done.' I didn't want to do that, but I couldn't possibly have refused. So I did as I was told; I took that horrible limp thing in my mouth. I sucked away at it, and slid my mouth up and down over the end, trying hard not to gag. It took a long time, but eventually I felt him responding, and I could feel it growing and stiffening. He was running his hands through my hair all the while, and finally he pushed me away, and motioned me to lie by his side. The chosen one was ready; she climbed quickly on to the bed, and sat astride him, and eased his penis into her. Another of the girls got onto the bed and lay by his other side; as the chosen one moved up and down, and gyrated her hips, he just lay on his back, and used his hand to grope and poke at my vulva; he was obviously doing the same to the girl on his other side. All the other women moved back to a discreet distance, and stood posed in case he happened to look up." Jan had tears in her eyes, and I hugged her. "It was horrible," she said. "Sex shouldn't be like that; it can be so wonderful. That was utterly perverted."

"My poor Jan," I said. "The more I hear about what happens here, the less I like it. There must be a way of escaping, so that we can go back to our life together." "Yes," she said; "what I really want is you, and I want us to be able to live our lives with one another." "I really thought life was going to be very good here," I said; "everything seemed so wonderful, and of course I was overjoyed at being given assistance in becoming feminised. But the people who control us are very nasty; I had a visit from my mistress last evening, and she was very sadistic." "Oh, Rita, my love," Jan said. Even in the depths of her own unhappiness she felt concern for me. "It did seem nice at first," she said, "and when I saw what had happened to you, I was delighted. The more feminine you become, the more I like it." We were happy in one another's company, and we both found consolation from our unpleasant memories. Neither of us felt like eating, and we stayed in the room together all through the day.

Jan left around dinner time; she didn't want to, but she thought she might get into trouble if her mistress came looking for her. I was beginning to resent the way the people in authority over us abused us, and the more I thought about it, the more I came to realise that we were really prisoners. We were confined to this building, nice as it was, and were required to take orders from people who seemed to have no regard for us. What right did they have to behave that way?

My thoughts were interrupted by the door opening. In came my mistress, followed by Persephone; I looked up in surprise, as it was still quite early. "You have been honoured, Rita," my mistress announced. "The master wishes to make the acquaintance of new arrivals here, and for his visit later this evening he has made a special request to be attended on by feminised males. I was able to arrange for your name to be among those selected." She spoke as though she had done me a great favour, but I was suspicious of her now. I thought that if she had done anyone a favour, it was likely to be herself. "You will need to prepare yourself," she continued. It is likely that it will be necessary for you to remove your panties; with the corset and suspenders that may take some time, and we don't wish to make the master impatient. You must arrange your clothing so that things necessary can be removed easily. Persephone: assist Rita with her dress." I didn't know what to think; hearing Jan's story had made me quite apprehensive about any contact with the master, but I was excited by the idea in spite of myself. I unbuttoned my dress, and Persephone helped me slip it over my head and shoulders. I stepped out of the petticoat, and stood there in my tight corset, with its eight suspenders stretched across my thighs. Persephone kneeled by my side and started to unfasten the suspenders; when that was complete she unlaced the corset, and I felt the tension ease around my midriff. She undid the front busk fasteners, and took the corset, laying it on the bed. "Your panties," said my mistress. I slid them down over my knees, and let them fall to the floor; as I stepped out of them Persephone helped me slip out of the camisole, and immediately started to unfasten the front hooks of my bra. Soon it was free, and I stood there, completely naked apart from the stockings which were partially slipped down my legs. My mistress looked at me with an unpleasant smile. "You look quite attractive," she said. "The impotent body of a feminised male does have a certain attraction for me; it won't be to the master's taste, though, so we must accentuate your feminisation. Persephone: the corset."

Persephone picked up the corset from the bed, and wrapped it round me, fastening the front busk. After some quick adjustments to make sure it was properly positioned, she stood behind me and started pulling in the laces. She went down from the top and up from the bottom several times, and at each stage I felt myself being pulled in, tighter and tighter. Finally she tied the lace pulls into a bow, and stood back; I was constrained very tightly, and my hourglass waist was clearly discernable, but it was not painful, and the rigid support even gave me a strange feeling of comfort. "The suspenders, Persephone," said my mistress; "they must be carefully arranged, and adjusted perfectly." Persephone kneeled behind me, and after easing my stockings back up so the tops were round my upper thighs, she attached the two back suspenders. I felt her adjusting them, and the tension was taken up by my stockings; she worked at the sides next, and each of the suspenders was attached and adjusted; finally she completed the task by dealing with the two at the front. Feeling my stockings firmly held, and with my thighs encompassed by the stretched suspenders, terminating in their delicate pink ribbons, I had an ecstatic feeling of femininity. My mistress looked at me carefully, and appeared satisfied. "This is how you will be presented to the master," she said; your other garments will be removed at the appropriate time, so they must all be worn over the corset and suspenders. Persephone: panties." Persephone picked up my panties, and kneeled to help me step into them; she slid them up my legs, over the suspenders, and pulled them into place around my accentuated waist. "Very good," said my mistress; "it is a pleasure to see the impotent parts of a feminised male disappear from view behind frilly feminine panties; I find it a delightful symbol of the way her former male powers have been subjugated." How hateful she was, I thought; I took delight in being feminine, but the continual references to my previous masculine state were designed to make me feel powerless and subjugated. "Your brassiere, and its contents, will have to go over the corset just for this occasion; I think a bandeau would be best. Find a suitable one, Persephone."

Persephone found a bra, and helped me into it; the hooks were at the back, and she quickly fastened them. She made sure the shoulder straps were placed properly, and adjusted them to bring the bra cups to the right height, just over the top of the corset. My mistress picked up the breast forms, and inserted them into the cups herself; in spite of her disdain, I enjoyed the enhancement to my apparent femininity, though the band at the bottom of the bra was awkwardly arranged over the top of the corset. Persephone helped me into my petticoat and dress, and then I was ready; I was dressed very much as I had been all day, except that my corset was now the bottom layer, next to my skin. It was a true foundation, I thought. My mistress dismissed Persephone imperiously, and then motioned me to follow her.

She led me down the corridor to the staircase, and then up one floor; I had some trepidation, but in spite of that I enjoyed the sensuous motion of my suspenders as I lifted my feet to negotiate the stairs. She took me in to a room opening off the main landing at the top of the flight of stairs. "The master is not here, yet, so we shall all wait discreetly until he chooses to arrive," she said. There were about fifteen other companions standing quietly in a group, and one or two of them looked up as I joined them; we exchanged quick smiles. I knew that some of these girls were feminised males like myself, but without hearing their voices, it was extremely difficult to pick them out. I hoped that they had equal difficulty making up their minds about me. We stood quietly, a bevy of feminine finery; we were all dressed similarly, with beautiful bouffant skirts, underpinned by dark stockings and elegant pumps. Some of us were dressed in a lovely shade of pink, as I was myself, and others wore a beautiful pastel blue. I was able to look round the room, and saw an enormous bed at the far end, covered with big satin cushions; it looked exactly the same as the one Jan had described.

Suddenly a door at the far end opened, and a burly figure entered; he wore an elegant silk dressing gown, and his legs were bare underneath it. He flopped down on the bed, and glanced towards us; his face was not handsome, and he had what struck me as an unpleasant expression -- it combined disdain and lust. "I shall need two pages," he said. What followed must have been arranged beforehand; two of my companions walked over to the foot of the bed and started to remove their blue dresses, letting them fall to the floor. They pulled down their petticoats, stepping out of them, facing the master all the time; then they deftly unfastened their bras and removed them, and as a final stage of their disrobing, they pulled their panties down, stepping out of them too. They stood for a moment facing the master, then they walked round, one on each side of the bed; when they reached the master's waist, they clambered onto the bed, and kneeled facing him, their stretched front suspenders framing their naked pubes. The master reached out nonchalantly, and pushed a hand between each pair of thighs; he started to fondle them, and smiled. "Not too bad at all," he said. The two companions carefully pulled aside his dressing gown, revealing his bulging naked body, and they started to massage his thighs, working their way gradually towards his groin. His flaccid penis started to respond half- heartedly, and he lay there, being sexually caressed for some minutes.

Eventually he looked up; "Now what has been arranged for this evening?" he asked. My mistress approached the foot of the bed. "I understand that you wished to make the acquaintance of some of the new arrivals here," she said. "Some of them were males, who are now undergoing feminisation; yesterday you suggested that it might be entertaining to meet some of them." "Ah yes, I remember," he said. "I think that would be quite entertaining. They won't be ready for fucking yet, but it would be an amusing change of pace to have one of them assist me. Let me see them." She returned, and spoke to several of us in turn, telling us that we should remove all our clothing except for girdles and stockings. All of us were wearing pink, and it was only then that I realised the significance of the different colours we were wearing. We were ushered off into a corner, and hurriedly assisted one another in removing our dresses. We had soon stepped out of our frilly bouffant petticoats, and removed our panties. My mistress then led us towards the foot of the large bed, and we stood there wondering what was in store for us. "An interesting group," said the master; "some of them do look promising, and might eventually be attractive females. He examined us carefully, moving his eyes along the row of frightened people standing before him. "You were all male, before coming here to my little establishment," he said. "You may even have thought that you were naturally superior to the female of the species. The male is naturally superior, and entitled to rule over inferior females; they only exist in order to provide him pleasure. It is my firm belief that the superiority of the male principle can only be exercised properly in a society where there is a dominant male. Logically he must effectively be the only male, and enforce his superiority over other males by feminising them, and grouping them together with subservient females. I see your impotent male genitals, and I take great pleasure in the fact that they no longer function; your change in status is demonstrated clearly by the feminine garments you wear. All rivals to my male authority, will be treated this way; you will be required to wear girdles, and stockings attached with suspenders, the most feminine of garments; this will make your status clear to you. As your treatment progresses, you will start to develop breasts, and present a more pleasing appearance; eventually you will all require surgery to remove your useless male appendages, and replace them with equipment more suitable for giving me pleasure." His eyes passed backwards and forwards along the row, and I then realised to my horror that he was intently looking at me. "You," he said. "Your appearance is tolerable, and the corset does emphasise your ordained feminine status. Come and join me."

He motioned me to climb up onto the bed at his feet; I was apprehensive, and didn't know what was expected of me, so I decided to pose as the two companions at his side. I got onto the bed, and kneeled before him. He spread his legs, and motioned me to move towards him; I did so, and saw his flaccid penis, limply suspended below his bulging abdomen, showing very little response to the ministrations of my two companions on either side of him. He smiled at me: "What's your name?" "Rita." "You show some promise, Rita; I shall take pleasure in fucking you when your feminisation is completed. In your present state the options are quite limited, but in order to start your training in the art of giving pleasure to a real male, you can practice one desirable feminine skill. Suck my cock. It needs feminine stimulation to get me ready to fuck a real woman; show me how well you can do that." The idea disgusted me; even if I had found males sexually attractive, I think his gross appearance would have repulsed me. But I felt powerless to resist, and gradually moved toward his limp penis. He watched me with cynical amusement, knowing that he was subjugating a former male to his dominance, and underlining her feminine status. When I got close enough, he reached out his hand, and briefly fondled my genitals; "They aren't much use to you now," he said. "I hope you enjoy your feminine clothing; your suspenders and stockings are much more important now than these remnants of your former status."

He reached for my head, and pulled it down into his groin. I had no choice but to take his limp penis into my mouth. I tried not to gag, and concentrated on my task; I pushed my mouth down over the shaft, and slid it up again; I closed my lips on the groove at the base of his glans, and started to stimulate it with my tongue. I felt a response, and accelerated my movements. He reclined contentedly, relaxed, with his hands resting on the suspendered thighs of my companions at his side. "That is quite good," he said; "you do show promise. Sometimes I am pleasantly surprised by the capabilities of feminised males; there are a few that make wonderful cocksuckers. You, Rita my dear, are a mistress among cocksuckers." His imperious domineering manner made my task even more odious, but I continued, and as I worked away, I felt his flaccid penis becoming harder. It stiffened in my mouth, and I felt the glans become engorged; it now was enormous in size, and it rubbed against the back of my throat as I moved my lips down over the shaft. I could feel the masters excitement mounting, and he now lay back making little gasps of pleasure in response to my efforts. "Your skills are superlative, Rita," he said. "You have got me ready to fuck one of your companions long and hard, but I'll forego that pleasure for the moment, and reward you for your delightful stimulation; you may continue and taste my ejaculation."

The prospect nauseated me, and again I made a desperate effort to prevent myself from gagging. I continued my work, varying the pace, and exploring the length of his rigid upright penis, returning repeatedly to the sensitive glans. After what seemed like an eternity, I felt an initial spasm; I took the base of his glans gently in my teeth and carefully stimulated it. He exploded, and his rigid engorged penis pulsated violently, discharging its warm fluid right to the back of my mouth and down my throat. The experience was too much for me, I pulled my mouth away, and in a violent spasm of my own I threw up his semen and spilled the contents of my stomach all over him.

I woke with a start. I was lying in bed with Jan at my side; I was aware of very pleasant sensations, and gradually realised that she had her hand in my groin. Her fingers were probing inside me, and as they explored my pleasure centre I felt my excitement rising. I was confused, and my head was filled with strange memories of my recent experiences, and the unpleasant encounter with the master. They had an air of unreality now, though they were still very intense. It came to me suddenly that the real world I had returned to was much more pleasant, and as that fact dawned on me, I experienced a delightful release. I looked at Jan happily. "I'm sorry, my love," she said. You were really sleeping quite soundly; I just couldn't get to sleep, and as I looked at you I couldn't resist." "I'm glad you were moved," I said. "You got me out of a horrible dream; things started out alright, but it began to get more and more unpleasant, and finally I did something that would have got me into serious trouble." "Do you remember it?" "Oddly enough I do, and I still have a strange feeling of uneasiness; you did the best possible thing to get me out of it, certainly preferable to pinching myself." She laughed; "I didn't know what to do, and suddenly looking at you, inspiration came to me. So what was your dream about?" "You and I were in a harem, and my mind must also have been ruminating over our discussion about enforcement. But it got much closer to sadism." I told her the whole crazy story, and she shuddered. "It certainly wasn't very nice," she said; "I feel much better now about waking you the way I did." I hugged her, and felt an incredible sense of relief that my fading memories were nothing but a dream.

Now I was wide awake; though it must have been the middle of the night, I had no desire to go back to sleep. I wanted to make sure I kept contact with the real world, until the unpleasant memories released their strong hold on my mind. "It was an interesting sequel to our discussion," I said to Jan. "Obviously your crack about harems started things; before I dozed off I was thinking about what little I remembered from my reading. We got plunged right into one, and I had a slight problem in that I had reverted to my previous male state; that idea presumably came from our chatting about Len, and enforced feminisation. It's almost as if my subconscious mind was giving me a demonstration in logic." "How so?" asked Jan. "Well, in the dream I started out reacting to the idea of enforcement just as I would have a few years ago; I welcomed the idea of feminisation, and enjoyed all the steps in the process, so although I was being dominated in a sense, I thought it was a rather nice experience, and I didn't see myself as being subjugated. All the stupid rules seemed very reasonable to me. The first episode with the mistress character was quite pleasant; I found it quite exciting to get her off, but I was a little frustrated myself because she was working on me as though I were male, and that no longer worked. The next time, she repeatedly emphasised my impotent male nature, and wouldn't treat me as a female, so it was even more frustrating; it was clear to me that what she was doing was sadistic, because she was deliberately preventing me from getting into a mental state where things would have been a pleasure for me. Then the master carried that process a step further." "That is a fairly sophisticated exercise in logic," Jan said. "It's like the old crack about the masochist saying 'Beat me!' and because she desperately wants it, the sadist responds 'No!'"

"It's a good job I woke up when I did," I said. "I don't think the master would have been too pleased with me, and they probably would have had some fairly nasty way of punishing me. Maybe that would have been enough to make them forget their humanitarian attitude to castration; doing that, without SRS, is about as bad a fate as I can imagine. I'd be mentally a female, presumably with a female sex drive, and no nice female bits to use to satisfy it." That gave me an idea; "Speaking of nice female bits, Jan my love; I really owe you a favour. Would you care for a return engagement?" "Yes," she whispered, and hugged me. I pushed her nightdress up out of the way, and started to caress her beautiful breasts; she responded immediately, and soon she was moaning with pleasure as I exploited my knowledge of female anatomy.

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