That Stormy Night With Taylor Hanson

By ten.vtbew@ioByaT

Published on Aug 5, 2001



This story by any means is stictly FICTIONAL. None of it is true and is just a fantasy I have involving Taylor Hanson. (For whom I've NEVER even had the chance of meeting. ) I didn't write it to cause conflict or erruption of feelings. It's just a meaningless story. Enjoy!

Chaper 1

It was one stormy night when the electricity went out in many parts of Tulsa. One of those imfamous Oklahoma tornados was only seconds away from hitting us. It was when i really saw just how scared I can get from those horrific tornado touchdowns. Even though the broadcast said we will not get in the center of the eye, as usual, it can still give us a great deal of damage.

As I was sitting there at the foot of my bed eyeing the television set, my cellphone started ringing. I scrambled about in search for it. After answering it and it being extremely static, a few words later, I figured out who it was. It was my sister's ex-boyfriend, Taylor Hanson. He and I became close friends over the two years him and Sara were going out. He called me asking if I could come over, seems although we lived only a block a part. He was alone with their Maltese (dog) whom Zac named Kandi. Taylor was calling out for a friend, and with Kandi howling at every thunderous erruption and yelping at every bolt of lightening, he also wanted company so he can calm his nerves. So, I jumped into my souped up '88 Mustang GT and was on my way.

As I pulled up at the Hanson house, it was dark and gloomy, as rain intends to make things. Taylor awaited me at the front door and handed me a towel as I stepped inside. We went into the living room where there were candles giving off light. The glow of the fireplace reflecting off of Tay's face made me aroused. Maybe it was the sound of the thunder or the rain tapping against the windows that was making me feel a great deal of adrenaline, but I only felt this way in his direction. Over the two years of us being close friends, I've never felt this way until this stormy night.

We sat down on the couch and reminiced about everything from when he and his family moved here from South America, to how happy he is that he and I have settled our differences right off the bat and became such good friends. It was then when I realized there was no differences between us even at that very moment. I saw that he too was getting that same adrenaline rush everytime he looked into my direction. We sat there studdering through our choice of words and only seconds later I noticed he had his hand on mine.

As we sat there waiting for more vibes and me not being able to focus on anything other than where his hand is, my body began yerning more and more for him. He made another move when he tugged on my hand to get me to move closer to him. He leaned over and kissed me as we embraced each other. Our bodies squirming, our lips connecting, swollowing each other's every breath of air. I felt Taylor's love. I felt his passion deep within. We became one. We worked our way onto the floor just a few feet from the fireplace. Gently removing each other's shirts, pressing our warm bodies against each other, sealing it with a kiss. I worked my mouth down to his neck, breathing with excitement. He began to moan as the thunder was heard in the background. I slowly started moving down to his nipples, sucking them passionately with a feel of my tounge ring. Working my way down some more with the sound of Taylor's heavy breathing and his sexy body thrusting beneath me, I began licking his hot stomach, playing with his belly button with my barbell. I slowly began to undo his tight sexy leather pants, and before I knew it, Taylor Hanson and I were buck naked. The feeling of his sexy body, his hard cock, pressing against mine gave me bolts of electricity through out my body. I knew I was in love and I knew he was too. We rolled over away from the fireplace and he was then on top. He worked his way down me with the lightening and the candles flickering around us, he reached my unit. After running his tounge over it a few times, lubing it up, he finally devowered it. Moaning, squirming about, running my fingers through his new hair cut. Without control, I tugged at it, yelping with passion. Screaming his name out loud, with the sound of the suction and the feel of his tounge, i began to buck. The feeling of ten million+ bolts coursing through my body, I shot out a load. He took a deep breath in and gulped it down. I was never going to let him go. Seconds later, we switched positions and it was his turn to recieve shock treatment. He moaned and thrust his waste like he was having sex with my mouth. He screamed out my name often through his heavy breathing. I was pounding away at his nice sized cock, taking it all in as my wet lips brushed against his pubic hair. The louder he whimpered, the faster I went and the harder I got. Taylor soon bucked and he let out a loud shriek, as he shot a heavy load into my mouth. I took a deep breath in and swollowed. I knew from then on this was not going to be the last night we'll have like that.

We layed there on the floor in each other's embrace, staring at the fireplace, knowing there was no need to talk. We knew what was on each other's mind. The night grew silent. There was no more thunder. No more dog howling. The rain stopped when we found our true passion that stormy night.

Chapter 2

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