The Advert

By Adam Stewart

Published on Dec 29, 2016



The Advert by Adam Stewart

The rain was lashing against the window pane of Luke's tiny bed-sit as he lay on his bed. The only advantage of the absurdly small space that he called home, was that it was always warm and enabled him to be naked whenever he was there; and he always enjoyed being naked.

As he played with his big long cock and his large balls, his mind wandered back to how he'd got to this point in his life. He was born and bred in Yorkshire. He hated his father and his father hated him. Luke had known from an early age that he was different from other boys and was often bullied at school when the others realised he was not interested in girls. He was more interested in the boys, especially when they were in the changing room and even more so when they were naked.

His father ran his own factory and wanted both his sons to go into the business. Luke's older brother had no intention of working for his father so had left home five years ago, when he was eighteen and went to Australia to get away. That was the last Luke heard from his brother. His sister had left home two years ago, when she was nineteen. Her father didn't approve of the guy she was going out with so she too left home and moved to Manchester with her boyfriend. This left Luke to endure the bullying from his father. Luke loves art and photography and is particularly good at pen and ink drawing, producing excellent male nudes and general scenes; so very good in fact, that he had sold several pictures at a local art shop.

His father thought art was the work of a sissy. "You should do a man's job in the factory boy, not the work of a pansy." Luke argued time and time again with his father but everyone was expected to do what he said and have no thoughts of their own. Things came to a head when Luke reached eighteen; not that his father made any effort to acknowledge his son's birthday. It was his mother who wished him a happy birthday on the morning in question and it was her who gave him the laptop computer as a present.

What caused the argument that changed Luke's life, he couldn't remember. They were always about stupid things and his father always shouted at Luke "You'll come and work at the factory to do a man's job and stop being a fag."

When Luke replied "In no way am I going to work at your fucking factory", his father gave the response that Luke had been expecting for a long time.

"You either work at the factory or get out of my house; I don't want a fucking queer living under my roof."

Luke looked at his father and grinned. "Fine, but have you ever really thought why so many people hate you; why you don't get the most out of your employees and why they don't stay with the company for more than a few months? You're a fucking bigot and a bully." His father was so taken aback at Luke's response that he was speechless. He expected everyone to do what he said and not argue. Luke turned and left the room, slamming the door behind him. He'd prepared for this day for a long time. He'd already packed a large holdall with his clothes and left them with his best friend who was the only person who understood what Luke really wanted to do. And he was the first person that Luke had sex with when they were sixteen. He also had a shoulder bag packed with all the documents he knew he would need once he left home along with his laptop. All he now had to do was pack the final items he wanted to take and go.

He ran upstairs with his heart thumping. He wasn't sure if it was excitement or pure adrenaline from the row with his father. It took him ten minutes to pack the final bag and he was about to go when his mother knocked on his bedroom door. He loved his mother and could never understand why she put up with his father. "I'm so sorry Luke" she said when he'd opened the door to let her in.

"Well, it's not surprising is it; he's driven Bobby and Jenny away so now he's done the same to me but why do you put up with him mum?"

She looked at him and then hugged him, "I'm leaving him".

Luke pulled away from her for a moment amazed, "Leaving? Where you going?"

"To live with Tom the guy I work with; like you we've been planning this for a long time but I didn't want make a move whilst you were still at home."

Luke giggled, "Have you and Tom ... you know". His mother smiled at him without answering the question.

"We're going to the Lake District to start a new business together; I'll be leaving tomorrow but your father must not find out or know where I've gone". She then gave Luke a piece of paper with a number on it, "This is my mobile number; he knows nothing about it so please give me a ring when you've gone to wherever you're going".

"Thanks mum; you've got my number haven't you; I'm going to London." They hugged and kissed and Luke crept down the stairs and out the front door. He immediately called his friend Mike and arranged for him to meet Luke with the other holdall. Mike met Luke and drove him to the station where he caught a train to London.

It was six months since this had happened. Luke had thought the streets of London were paved with gold but he quickly realised they weren't. When he reached the capital city late that evening he put most of his bags into a locker at the station and set off to find a gay bar. He'd researched the gay bars on the internet so knew where to find one. It was different to what he'd expected but it wasn't long before a guy had picked him up. They went back to his place and had sex. It was purely functional but the guy did put Luke in contact with someone who could find him a cheap place to live. He had saved some money from the pictures he'd sold and odd casual jobs he'd done so he had some money to live on for the first few weeks. He thought it would be easy to find work for a young good looking guy like him but all he could find was casual and that didn't pay very much.

As he listened to the rain smacking against the glass, he picked up a gay magazine he'd got from a bar the previous night. He looked at the pictures of escorts and wondered whether he could try that. He flipped the page and started reading the adverts. He'd read them before and chuckled at some of the things guys said but suddenly he saw it. '30-year-old, seeks younger guy 18 to 25 to be his driver/companion; must be good looking, WE, willing to do anything and hold a valid driving licence. Send full details of attributes and a picture.'

The location was the London area and Luke noted that he could respond via an electronic mail box number. He re-read the advert several times and ticked off in his mind the requirements listed - he was within the age range; he was good looking, even though he said it himself; he was certainly well endowed; he was willing to do most things provided it was legal and he had a valid driving licence. He got up, switched on his laptop and took several pictures of himself using the built-in webcam before selecting the best one which showed him naked to the waist. "Fucking sexy" Luke chuckled to himself as he commenced writing out his attributes to accompany the picture. Having read it through several times to make sure he was happy with it and there were no spelling or grammar errors, he hit the send button. He now had to wait and see what happened. The rain had stopped so he dressed and went out to get a late breakfast. He hadn't eaten a proper meal for several days and he was starving.

On the way to his bed-sit, he received a text message. All it said was 'Got your application to my ad; give me a call to discuss'. Luke couldn't believe he'd received a response so quickly. At the last moment, he'd decided to include his mobile number not being too sure whether it was wise to do so but thought 'hell, let's go for it'. He ran home, stripped off as usual and made the call.

"Hi, its Luke; just got your text."

"Hi Luke, I'm Simon; loved your application and the photo; you look very sexy."

"Thanks" Luke muttered, still not believing that he'd received a reply.

"Any chance of you coming over to see me now? I'm in Muswell Hill; where are you?" Luke told him where he lived and Simon explained how to get to Muswell Hill. He was told to get a taxi from the station to take him to where Simon lived and he would pay the fare. "I'm only ten minutes' walk from the station but it's too complicated to give directions over the phone." Luke had a wash, sprayed on some cologne and put on his best jeans, T shirt and trainers. Forty minutes later he was getting into a taxi outside the station he'd been told to go to and being taken to Simon's house. The house was situated on its own at the end of a short cul-de-sac. Luke stood outside for a few moments looking at the surroundings. The house had an integrated double garage to the right and a paved driveway that swept past the front door to another entrance the other side. The half-moon that was left beside the sweeping driveway was planted with flowering shrubs. Everything was very neat and tidy and the whole property looked in good order. He walked up to the front door and rang the bell. As he waited, he noticed there was a small frosted glass window to the right of the door which he guessed was a downstairs cloakroom, and a large window to the left which on closer inspection he could see was a dining room. Suddenly, the door opened.

"Hi Luke, come on in" Simon said offering his hand to shake Luke's. Luke stepped into a hallway that had stairs leading up on the right-hand side. There were two doors that side, one of which was obviously the cloakroom and another which Luke guessed accessed the garage. "Wow" Simon said as he placed his hands-on Luke's shoulders and held him at arm's length to look him up and down. His eyes paused on the nipples that protruded through his tight T shirt, "You really are a good-looking guy" he added before saying, "Could you take your shoes off please Luke; sorry but I'm a prissy queen and don't like outdoor shoes tramping over the carpets".

"No problem" Luke said and immediately slipped off his trainers and placed them neatly alongside some other shoes, "I generally strip everything off when I get home" he added without thinking.

"Mm, nice" Simon grinned before he led Luke into a room at the back. As Luke followed, he glanced into the dining room and into one ahead which appeared to be a large kitchen. The living room that Simon led him into was on the left-hand side at the back of the house. "Cup of tea? It's all ready."

"Thanks" Luke replied and watched Simon slip into the kitchen. He walked towards the window and felt the softness of the deep piled carpet on his bare feet. There were two large sofas at an angle and a large flat screen television on the back wall. The wall opposite the door had a range of shelving and cupboards in a dark mahogany that displayed a range of books, DVDs and ornaments. The window end had a wide sliding door that accessed a glass conservatory which contained a wicker sofa and two chairs. Beyond that was a walled garden. It wasn't huge but plenty large enough. The three high walls surrounding the garden had plants growing up them to take away the harshness of the brick, and flowering shrubs in front. The main part of the garden was grassed with a well-manicured lawn and a small water feature.

"Nice garden" Luke commented as Simon came back with two mugs of tea which he placed on a glass table at the end of the sofas.

"Yeah, my partner and I landscaped the garden when we bought the house five years ago; it backs on to Alexandra Park and as you can see it's secluded so we used to sunbathe naked out there when it was warm enough. Sadly, he died two years ago, from a massive brain tumour."

"Oh, how awful, I'm so sorry"

"Yeah, it was a hell of a shock at the time but life has to go on so I'm on my own now. I like gardening and enjoy pottering and sunbathing naked whenever I can." Simon then chuckled "I should explain that I'm a bit of a nudist at heart and love being naked whenever I can".

"I do too" Luke grinned, "as I said earlier I generally strip off as soon as I get home".

"Well, feel free to do so" Simon grinned hoping that Luke would do just that. "This room is south facing so it's always warm in here. If you don't mind I'm going to take my T shirt off" he added as he slipped the garment over his head.

Without saying anything, Luke immediately stripped off his T shirt, folded it up and carefully laid it over the arm of the sofa. He then sat down and for a moment they looked at each other's naked torso. Simon admired Luke's toned body, his smooth chest and his dark brown close cropped hair which suited him. Simon had black silky hair with a light down on his chest which Luke admired. He'd noticed that Simon was a few inches taller than his five foot ten inches and had a slim body with no sign of any excess fat.

"You look even better in the flesh than you do in your photo" Simon said admiring Luke's well developed chest and the two large protruding nipples. He was itching to go over and lick them; they looked delectable. "You obviously look after yourself; do you work out or go to the gym regularly" Simon asked as he glanced at the bulge further down.

"Nah, can't afford the gym but I do press ups at home and I walk a lot; I also watch what I eat and drink because I hate fat bellies on guys" Luke replied, noting Simon's well-toned and slightly tanned body.

"Same here" Simon replied patting his own flat stomach. The more he heard about Luke, the more he liked him. "So, tell me all about yourself and then I'll tell you more about me and what I'm looking for." Luke gave him a potted history of his life up north and how he came down to London. Every so often, Simon slipped in additional questions about Luke's childhood, his school years and when he'd first realised he was gay. He also asked when he'd first had gay sex and smiled when Luke told him he'd been sixteen. "How much driving have you done?" Simon asked. Luke explained that he'd obtained his full driving licence as soon as he was seventeen but had ridden a motorcycle before that.

"I used to drive my mum's Volvo estate and the delivery van for my father's factory during the school holidays or whenever he was without a driver, which was often because he was a complete bastard and nobody put up working for him for long."

"Yeah, fathers can be a complete pain can't they but at least you managed to leave home when you wanted to; my father literally threw me out when I was sixteen having found out I was gay. All I had with me were the clothes I was standing in; he was a complete bastard."

"You seem to have done okay though" Luke said indicating the nice house.

"I had to work hard but life gradually got better, especially when I met my partner; my father was a heavy drinker and died five years ago, from a heart attack and since I'm an only child I sold his, house in West London and bought this place."

"What about your mother, do you still see her?

"Never really knew her; she died when I was four."

"What work do you do?" Luke asked.

"I run my own business which I'll explain about later but just over a year ago, I was involved in a serious road accident, hence the slight limp you've probably noticed I have in my right leg; a car came speeding out from a side road and went into the side of my car which then spun round and into another car. The car was a write off but I was fortunate and only had minor injuries but it has left me with a fear of driving, hence the reason why I'm looking for a driver."

"But you don't mind being a passenger?"

"Provided I feel I'm with a safe driver" Simon smiled.

"My mum always said she liked my driving so hopefully I am" Luke grinned.

"Did you bring any of your artwork with you as I suggested?" Simon asked. Luke pulled out a folder that contained some of his work and gave it to Simon. "Wow, these are very good; you have a real talent for drawing the male form and I like these town scenes as well; you clearly study people very closely." Luke smiled glad that Simon liked his work. "And you say you managed to sell some of these in your home town but what about in London?" Luke explained he'd tried but so far nobody had shown any interest. "I may be able to help you then because I have a website and I'm sure they would go down well" Simon said as he continued looking at the naked guys Luke had drawn. "How do you get guys to pose for you?" he asked.

"I've only managed to find two or three friends who were willing, so often I'll draw pictures and use faces of people I've photographed somewhere, making sure they're not recognisable."

"Clever" Simon laughed as he looked at Luke for a moment, "Would it be too forward to ask if I could see more naked flesh?" he grinned. Luke immediately unfastened his jeans whilst Simon looked on. He pulled them down and slipped them off before folding them up and laying them on top of his T shirt. Simon asked him to do a twirl so he could gaze at Luke's gorgeous butt. Luke then seductively pulled his scanty briefs down his legs and kicked them off.

"My, you are a big boy aren't you" Simon said gazing at Luke's long thick cock that hung between the two heavy balls.

Luke chuckled, "Never had any complaints".

"I bet you haven't, I certainly wouldn't mind that inside me."

"I take it you're a bottom" Luke grinned.

"Versatile; I love being fucked but I'm just as happy fucking; how about you?"

"The same; versatile"

To read the full story go to where you'll find more of my stories plus some other interesting items!

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