The Bill. What happened next


Published on Aug 24, 2002



The Bill

Characters - Sergeant Chris Gilmore and PC Luke Ashton

"The Bill" is an British TV series, based around a London Police Station. The usual stories concern violence, family problems, theft, drugs, all the every-day problems of policing in a London suburb. At the same time we have some insight into the lives of the characters, so it is somewhere between a crime story and a soap!

Recently an all-gay (if discrete) character has been added in 'Sergeant Gilmore', who has been eyeing up a recently returned character, PC Luke Ashton. The "is he, isn't he," quality of their relationship was thought to have been answered at the end of a recent episode which sparked 300 calls of protest!

After the kiss I guess more that a few gay viewers were mentally filling in the dots.

Nothing in this story is intended to reflect on the actors playing the characters.

Copyright in "The Bill" stays with ITV

This is pure fiction guys - well perhaps not pure.

The Bill - what happened next.

Most of the watch was off to the pub to celebrate having found P.C. Reg Hollis who had escaped his kidnappers with a mixture of luck and a streak of cunning which most of his fellow officers would never have imagined him capable.

Now the police station was quiet - which was just as well as in the Sergeant's office Chris Gilmore was facing fresh faced Luke Ashton - a constable who had been on his mind since he had returned to Sun Hill. Their relationship had been a strained one, with a tension in the air each time they met. Conversation on work topics had been grudging and when Sergeant Gilmore had tried to lighten to mood he felt the young man drawing away from him.

For the openly gay policeman things had never been easy - the police-force was supposed to be so much more open and tolerant these says, but it was still a heavily masculine environment where testosterone levels ran high. He knew that at some level one or two officers at least suspected. He had heard some of the watch teasing Luke about being fancied by the sergeant, and his Inspector had told him "spend more time watching your own backside and less watching his".

Recently his own home-life had suffered a catastrophic upheaval. His lover over many years had split up with him - dumping his things at the door of the police station, and had caused a scene at their home which had led to the Inspector and of all people - Luke, turning up to answer the "domestic" call. He simply didn't know who he was any more - was it worth continuing the fight to be out and open in the Metropolitan police?

Now as he leaned on the filing cabinet Luke eagerly bounded up to his side a smile on his face, his eyes wide and clear. They had been discussing their recently kidnapped colleague and Luke had accused Gilmore of thinking him to be a crap copper. Gilmore denied this and blamed the strains of the job they both had to do.

"So you do like me then!"

Gilmore slowly turned to face this young man, slightly shorter than he was, he gazed down into those innocent brown eyes that looked straight back into his.

"Like you? I can't take my eyes off you"

Luke continued to look up at his sergeant, then to the older man's disbelieving delight and horror he leaned up and moved his face sideways, then brought his lips up to Gilmore's in a kiss. For a moment he broke away then he renewed the kiss - open mouthed, his tongue invading Gilmore's mouth as they kissed with a breathless passion.

Rockets were exploding in Gilmore's head as he felt the pressure of the young man's lips on his, their tongues meeting and exploring. He closed his eyes for a moment wondering if he was dreaming. The pressure on his mouth dropped off and he opened his eyes as Luke stepped back slightly. Suddenly panic gripped him as he wondered if the young man would make up some kind of complaint - although he had started the kiss, as the superior officer Gilmore should have known better and if Luke wanted to make trouble for him. perhaps this had all been a trap.

But Luke was still smiling, he nodded to the window into the corridor, "the night shift will be coming on duty and their sergeant will want the office. Why don't you come down to the pub and have a drink and then perhaps later...."

Gilmore started to pull himself together. Luke was right it wouldn't do to get so carried away that anyone in the corridor could see them. "Sure Luke, I'll get things tidied away and join you there."

The pub, a short walk away from the station was a regular place for all the Sun Hill officers, a place where all the force could drink together - with only some of the distinctions of rank being preserved.

The celebration was already in full swing when Luke arrived, having changed at the station into his civvies, and he was already half way through his pint of beer when Gilmore came in. Although their eyes met across a crowded room, common sense told them to be careful. Gilmore ordered his drink and joined the group, who were still commentating on the events of the day. Reg Hollis was not perhaps the most well liked copper in Sun Hill - his fussy manner and attention to often what seemed like inconsequential detail, tended to irritate his colleagues. His ability to land some of the more cushy jobs, on the strength of a number of ailments also grated, but after 20 years as an ordinary constable it had to be admitted that he was a hell of a guy.

After a couple of drinks he caught Gilmore's eye as he announced that he was leaving - protests went up - the night was young and so were they, and he was urged to stay. But he said that there were things he wanted to do - and he had been out late the night before, so wishing them goodnight he turned and left.

As he had hoped - as he had expected - as he started to walk back, within a few minutes, long enough for discretion, he was caught up by Chris Gilmore.

"Can I give you a lift anywhere?" he asked

Luke flashed him a smile "I thought you'd never ask"

"You live with you mum don't you? " Gilmore hardly needed to ask as Luke had volunteered this information some time before - an attempted joke about it cramping his style with the ladies had led to Luke asking him if he was trying to chat him up, and Gilmore had retreated rapidly.


"Would you like to have a coffee at my place?" Gilmore's home was miles in the opposite direction.

Again Luke smiled "Why not?"

The neat modern terraced house was as Luke remembered seeing it before, rooms mostly bare, since the split up.

"Sorry about the state of the place, I'm still trying to get sorted since I split with Paul"

"That's ok - but I think you still need to get the door fixed" some panels had been scarred and dented where the ex-lover had been taking out his frustration on the entrance.

"Coffee ok - or would you prefer tea?"

"Tea I think," then Luke gestured at himself, "You know we've been out all day looking for that silly sod Reg, and working extra shifts, would you mind if I took a shower, just to get the dirt of the day off?"

"No - go ahead"

Luke climbed the stairs - from the visit a few days before he knew the layout of the house and slipped into the bedroom where a large double bed was the main feature. He eased the curtains closed and switched on the bedside lamp.

Stripping off his clothes he walked naked to the bathroom and turned on the shower - the water was under high pressure and hot. He stepped into the shower and closed his eyes as the water stung his skin and trickled down.

He didn't know how long he was there, when he was aware of the door opening and another body behind him.. As he stood there a pair of hands began to soap up his chest - the slow sensuous smooth soapy circles around his nipples felt heavenly, and then the circles began to get wider as they moved around to his stomach, then just as they were in danger of reaching his swelling cock and aching balls they moved off and touched the back of his neck, gently and tenderly caressing him, then moving down, slowly massaging the tired muscles of his back, until they reached his buttocks - where each half globe, firm and pert was given a soft massage that made him bite the inside of his lip - he just wanted to melt away into these strong loving arms.

But he had other things on his mind, With a deep breath he turned around to face the naked Gilmore - his body older, more stocky, but in good condition. He was broader than Luke, who felt sometimes painfully thin, and he was looking down at Luke with a question in his eyes.

Under the hot water they resumed the passionate kiss from the police station and this time there were no prying eyes or interference to get in the way, For what seemed like hours they were locked together, mouth to mouth, arms wrapped around each other, and they pulled each other close, body to body, every muscle outlined, their hard cocks pressed together, the water making a lubricant that made them slip and slide together, cock masturbating cock.

Luke broke away and looked up at Gilmore, "my turn I think" and he turned the older man around and taking the soap, returned favour for favour, washing every part of the body in front of him, until Gilmore was shuddering with the pleasure he was receiving from the hands of this young man that he has fantasised about since the moment he first saw him.

Suddenly he could stand it no more, and he turned and wrapped Luke in his arms, caressing the young man's firm, trim body, then he knelt in the shower and looked up at the hard cock now above him.

It was about 8 inches long and for such a slim man it was quite thick and, he was delighted to note - not circumcised. Opening his mouth he licked the end, then started to push the foreskin back, teasing the underside. Luke thrust his hips forward, granting Gilmore absolute access to his body, parting his legs, and leaned back, his eyes closed, lost in the waves of pleasure that were surging up from his cock.

Gilmore's hands got busy on those full balls, only slightly furry - did Luke actually shave there? Caressing the ripe full sack, his tongue moved backwards and forwards on Luke's cock, then in one movement he expertly swallowed the whole thing, Luke gasped out loud: he had never imagined such pleasure before. Gilmore really knew how to turn him on, he felt as if his whole body was on fire, his legs were trembling with the effort of staying upright and then. Oh God Gilmore's finger was playing with his arsehole, gently running the tip of a finger around and around it, generating such pulses of pleasure that he could not help but relax his ass and move his legs to a better position for access!

He was not disappointed. Not loosing a beat for the moment on the cock he was expertly sucking - varying the speed and the pressure, then using his tongue - which was slightly rough and tickled the underside of the sensitive head, a soapy finger began to slowly slip inside the relaxed arsehole. With exquisite slowness and gentleness which had Luke gasping, the finger gradually moved further and further up, sliding in, then a little way out, pausing to let him get used to the feeling of the pressure inside, then beginning the upward movement a few more millimetres before repeating the performance, sometimes just staying where it was for moments, then rotating first one way then another.

Then the remaining free hand reached up to massage his chest and tickle his nipples. Luke felt as if he was on fire - he had never imagined that being with another man could be like this. A pressure was building up in his balls and they began to tighten as his climax came close.

Sensing this, Gilmore redoubled his efforts to get this lad to give up all he had - the finger in the ass began to massage him from inside as his expert mouth was milking the still rigid cock for all it was worth. Then he moved his free hand down from the chest to cup those firm smooth balls, and ad Luke bucked his hips Gilmore clamped his lips on the sock which began shooting stand after strand of cum, salty, thick and precious as he sucked each drop of it down, his lips bobbing up and down on the cock until it was spent and beginning to relax.

Luke was so relaxed that it was only the strong arms of Gilmore that kept him upright - his legs would not support him!

Gilmore helped him out of the shower and sat him down on the toilet seat, then using a thick towel began to dry the exhausted young copper buck naked in front of him.

When Luke was dry he quickly towelled off himself and the two moved to the bedroom and lay on the led, arms around each other.

Some time passed as they cuddled closely, then Luke looked into the face of Gilmore and moved his lips towards the older mans. Their mouths met in a fierce kiss, lips parting and tongues moving together.

The long passionate kiss began to ignite their passion and they rolled on the bed, arms around each other - hands exploring each other's bodies, as if their recent encounter had not equipped each man with a map of the other's physique.

Luke was the first to break off the kiss, and he rolled Gilmore onto his back and gazed deep into his eyes. Gilmore looked back into those lucid brown depths and thought he could drown in them. Luke kissed his brow, then the tip of his nose, teasingly brushed his lips then moved down Gilmore's body, licking and kissing his way now on the nipples, now on the chest, now tonguing the belly button - which made Gilmore squirm with anticipation as Luke went lower and lower.

Luke paused and looked at the hard manhood in front of him. Gilmore was taller than he was, but his cock was about 7 inches - smaller than Luke's but much thicker, He grasped it in his hand and had difficulty in circling it. Unlike his, it was circumcised and he breathed over the head before licking it thoroughly with his long smooth tongue. Then he began a slow movement from the head to the base and back again, that send Gilmore wild - spreading his legs in abandon. With such an invitation Luke went lower and began to lick at the big furry balls that swung invitingly in front of his eyes, then after a short hesitation, ran his tongue backwards from the balls to the arsehole. He know this pink pucker was clean - he'd cleaned it! So in he went, wriggling his tongue around the hole which was winking at him as Gilmore tried to relax in the face of the erotic delight this young copper was giving him. Burying his face in the crack Luke began to lick and suck at the hole until it was thoroughly wet.

Coming up for air he thought he would try something new, and he made his way back to the thick cock that waved in the air. He was curious to know if he could take that cock in the same way that Gilmore had expertly milked him earlier. There was only one problem and that was that he was not too familiar with the technique. Oh he had experimented at school with other guys, and in the days when he was denying his sexuality he had HAD more that a few blow jobs from women - but getting and giving were two different things. Eyeing it up close, it seemed awfully big.

Cautiously he gave it a preparatory lick then opening his lips as wide as he could he plunged his mouth down on that hard sergeant's cock.

Lying back while this stud serviced him, Gilmore's mind was in turmoil. He had been dreaming of this for weeks, and wanking off to thoughts of what he and Luke could do together, now it was happening for real. Sure, Luke lacked technique, but what he lacked in expertise he more than made up for in enthusiasm. In fact his kissing was so passionate that Gilmore thought he might have to get his lips re-treaded before going on duty the next morning. There would be time to teach him finesse.

A frown made its way over his forehead as he was hit by a self doubt. Would there be time? Luke was a very attractive young man - the emphasis being on the young, and Gilmore was not what anyone would call young, not that he was old. But Luke was still at an age where he was very desirable in the gay community; in fact if he took him to a a few gay places he knew, Luke would need his policeman's baton to beat them off with!

Up to 21 - ideal, 21 to 26 or 27 OK, over 30 hmmm and over 35 - who are YOU kidding? Gilmore wondered if his relationship with Luke would be seen as cradlesnatching (you lucky bastard) or would it come under the heading of 'dirty mackintosh' .

Suddenly his self doubts were swept away by the present situation - and Luke's teeth scraping the head of his cock. He flinched and Luke looked up with guilt on his face.

"Easy on the teeth Luke," whispered Gilmore

"Sorry sergeant"

"Call me Chris - at least while we're like this" Gilmore smiled down at the young man, "just remember to open you mouth wide and make like you're sucking a lollipop"

Luke flashed him that heart-stopping grin "more like a stick of rock"

"Yeah and it's got 'ASHTON' running all the way through it."

Reassured, Luke returned to the task in hand, using his hand on Gilmore's balls, brushing them and running a finger over them in a way that tickled and sent Gilmore into the seventh heaven of pleasure. Luke's mouth was busy on his cock moving up and down with a varying sucking from light to heavy, remembering to use his tongue, running it all over the head, and around the circumcision scar.

For a moment he stopped, and Gilmore wondered why, then as he felt the pressure of a slim finger circling his arsehole he guessed what was coming. Luke was able to concentrate well on two things at the same time and the spit-slicked finger circled and circled then began to make its way inside the tight ring.

Remembering the earlier lessons from Gilmore, Luke showed he was a good student as he repaid his teacher - inching up then back, rotating the finger, then sliding it back inside a little more. All the time his lips were sliding up and down the thick pole - he could not quite take it all, and he couldn't work out how Gilmore had been able to swallow his 8 inches.

Suddenly he felt Gilmore's balls begin to tighten - he knew that that meant and he was not sure about swallowing cum, so he moved his mouth off that hard cock - he wanted to be able to see this man shoot his cum, he wanted to feel the cock pounding in his hand.

He pulled his finger out of Gilmore's arse and concentrated both hands on the job in front of him, with one hand he stroked and milked the spit-lubed cock, slippery and shiny, with the other he gripped and pinched at his lover's furry sacks, then brushed his fingers lightly over the man's inner thighs, moving upwards in light strokes that ran from knee to balls and then to the sensitive flesh just behind the balls.

Gilmore was shuddering, and he drew up his knees and spread his legs as waves of bliss swept over him, He could feel the churning pressure building up, he was sweating and trembling in the urge to shoot.

"Oh my God Luke - if you stop now I'll have to kill you"

Encouraged Luke redoubled his efforts, the end could not be far away, and sure enough he felt the thick cock begin to twitch as it pumped out a string of pearly cum. The first wave arched high over them and splattered back onto Gilmore's chest, followed by other spurts, dying in intensity, but still covering him with a respectable sticky white goo.

Spent he lay back on the bed, while Luke rubbed his body against Gilmore's using the glossy cum as a lubricant between their two bodies - the feel of skin on skin highlighted and intensified by this natural oil, and the sweat of their bodies was almost too much to bear, and they embraced again - kissing with an ardour that sent both their temperatures rising.

After a while Luke rolled on his back beside Gilmore, their arms touching.

"That was great ser- er - Chris"

Gilmore rolled on his side and traced a finger down the front of this stud.

"Luke, this is only the beginning".

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