The Boy Training Handbook

Published on Dec 9, 2011



The Boy Training Handbook


For every 20 criminals in our society, 19 are men while only one is a woman. There are some female criminals, but they are few and far between. Crime is overwhelmingly a male activity. This is the theme of an important new book, Men Are Not Cost-Effective, by June Stephenson.

Dr. Stephenson, who has a Ph.D. in psychology, marshals the evidence that shows how criminally destructive men can get. Of course, most men are not criminals, but crime costs some $300 billion per year, while women are far more likely to be victims of crime than perpetrators.

Most of Dr. Stephenson's 469-page book is taken up with the basic facts about male crime. She documents the rapid growth of male criminal activity and makes it clear that this growth has itself made the threat of prison a less effective deterrent because prison overcrowding has led to shorter sentences and early releases. Then these early releases lead to more crime, which exacerbates the problem of overcrowding.

Dr. Stephenson devotes her last chapter to a discussion of proposals for reducing male crime. Some of her proposals are for various reforms which have been suggested many times before, but she also has a few new twists based on her analysis of crime as a predominantly male phenomenon. One is a proposal designed to educate men about the male nature of the problem; she calls this "gender equity in taxation."

"Many women pay for male crime with their lives," she writes, "but all women taxpayers pay for male crime with their tax dollars." Her proposal is that there be a substantial income tax deduction for being female; in this way women would not have to foot the tax bill for male crime. Such a policy would certainly be more fair than the present system, and just proposing gender tax equity would serve to educate men about the fundamentally male character of the crime problem. Of course, a lot of men are not going to like it, but bringing up the topic of tax equity for women should help men to come to see that women tend to be more emotionally mature and self-disciplined than they are and that it was time to start doing something about male immaturity.

The best thing to do about male immaturity is for men to accept the moral guidance of women in their lives. But Dr. Stephenson doesn't propose that they do this. This is because she prefers to believe that there are no innate differences between men and women. If that were the case, then the only differences between the sexes would be due to differences in social conditioning.

A lot of feminists believe that there are no innate gender differences. In fact, this view is so widespread that it deserves to be called "the official party line." These feminists have a reason for taking this position: they are afraid that if they admit that there are any innate differences between men and women, then the male supremacists will twist the facts around to try to prove that women should be kept in their traditional subordinate role. So these feminists just ignore the evidence for innate differences between the sexes.

The problem with this tactic is that most people are very much aware that there are such innate differences. So when feminists deny their existence, they end up looking more than a little silly. Well intentioned as it is, the tactic of pretending that all gender differences are merely cultural is not going to work in the long run.

On the other hand, writers like Dr. Stephenson are perfectly right when they say that a lot of the differences in behavior between men and women are due to cultural conditioning. Boys and girls are raised differently; they are given different role models, and this explains much of why men commit so many more crimes than women. So what does she propose to do about it?

Here her basic concept is androgyny. This means that every person has both a masculine side and a feminine side to their personality. Dr. Stephenson's proposal is that we help boys to develop their feminine side: "We're talking here about helping boys value and develop the feminine side of their personalities." Since girls seldom grow up to engage in the destructive behavior that so many boys do, teaching boys to act like girls should cut down on the amount of crime. To the extent that male crime is due to social conditioning and does not derive from innate factors, the best thing we could do for boys would be to help them develop their potential for femininity.

Of course there will be resistance to such a proposal. As long as our society continues to view women as inferior to men, any effort to teach boys to be feminine will be condemned as degrading boys to the level of girls. Such efforts will be criticized as making "sissies" out of the boys. But here Dr. Stephenson asks: "aren't 'sissies' better than murderers?"

The fact is that many parents tolerate a great deal in the way of potentially antisocial character traits in their sons because they believe that girls are inferior to boys and that therefore it is better to run the risk of the boys growing up to be criminals than to give them lessons in femininity. The results of these parents' attitudes are reflected in the shocking crime statistics in Dr. Stephenson's book.

June Stephenson has written an important and timely book. Our prisons are overcrowded, and the cost of law enforcement in this country continues to skyrocket. As the back cover of Dr. Stephenson's book observes, "Men Are Bankrupting Our Country!"

Men Are Not Cost-Effective: Male Crime In America by June Stephenson, Ph.D. Diemer, Smith Publishing Company, Inc. 3377 Solano Avenue, Napa, California 94558. $18.00.


It is a fact of everyday life that women will sometimes wear men's clothes, but that men almost never wear women's clothes. And this discrepancy is easily explained: it derives from the contempt for females that boys pick up and internalize at an early age. Boys learn to look down on girls, and as a result, they become allergic to articles of feminine clothing. Girls, however, do not acquire the same low opinion of boys, and so they are quite comfortable wearing boys' clothing from time to time.

But I occasionally get a letter from someone who insists that this is all wrong. These writers say that no women in their areas ever wear any articles of male clothing. Most of these letters come from men, although I did get one from a woman who lives on a farm in Texas. So for all of you who have written me to say that women never wear men's clothes, I will present you with evidence.

The phenomenon of women wearing male clothing is so pervasive that it is often portrayed in women's magazines. In order to prepare this article, I went around the corner and bought a few such magazines. Then I went through them, looking for pictures of women wearing men's clothes. Here is what I found.

On page 80 of the July issue of Cosmopolitan there is a picture of a woman wearing her boyfriend's shirt. The picture is meant to illustrate an article about the problems unmarried couples have when they decide to start living together. The photographer shoots them moving things in the front door, and in order to portray their having been a couple for some time, she/he has the woman wear a man's shirt--which the reader will then assume must be the boyfriend's shirt.

Borrowing a shirt from one's boyfriend or husband is a common practice for women. But men never borrow blouses from their girlfriends or wives. They won't wear them around the house, much less out in the street. This is because they view women as inferior to themselves and their male buddies, and so they see wearing a frilly blouse as degrading.

Let's move on. On page 143 of the August Glamour there is an advertisement for Sassaby which portrays a woman wearing her husband's pajama top--and presumably nothing else. The husband is wearing the matching bottoms, and she is rather playfully getting in his way while he is shaving. The point of her sharing his pajamas is to portray them as a close, romantic couple.

But it is difficult to imagine a man wearing his wife's pajamas. Can you see him in perhaps her lace-trimmed nylon baby doll with matching panties? Of course not. Men have too low an opinion of women to do such a thing. Their contempt for women is so deeply rooted in their male psyches that they won't wear feminine clothes even in the morning before work when only their wives could see them.

This Sassaby ad is aimed at women in order to get them to buy Sassaby products. Try to imagine an advertiser targeting men with an ad showing a man in his wife's pajamas. Not only would it not help sales, but their sales would probably plummet, as men ran the other way to escape any recollection of the image in the ad.

There is more. Men's clothes are even modeled by women in fashion spreads. The August issue of Seventeen features its back-to-school fashion coverage, where they tell us that the new trend is "athletic gear mixed with anything you want, guaranteeing that your style will be unstudied this fall (unlike your books)." Then we see modeled not only a number of female items (along with tips on how to mix them with non-athletic clothes), but also some male ones from B. U. M. Equipment. On page 187 one young woman models a boys' hooded sweatshirt and a boys' navy sweatshirt. On page 190 another models a tony boys' sweatshirt in a maroon stripe. Then on page 191 yet another model sports a boys' plaid top.

This fashion spread is meant for teenage girls. But it would be hard to imagine a magazine recommending to teenage boys that they wear girls' pink sweatshirts. In any case, the boys wouldn't wear them because they would see it as degrading to wear girls' clothes. Degrading, because they think they are superior to any girl.

The August Mademoiselle also features models wearing articles of male clothing. In fact there is one right on the cover: a "men's melton pea coat" available from Schott Bros. But that's not all. White shirts for women are a big thing right now, and Mademoiselle gives us several pages of them. And on page 154 there is a model wearing a men's tuxedo shirt available from Alfred Dunhill.

I mentioned earlier that a man would not want to wear his girlfriend's blouse because men think women are inferior to them. Women will wear men's shirts, but men will not wear women's blouses. Nor will men wear women's coats, although women wear men's coats, even on the covers of fashion magazines.

The reason for this discrepancy is the contempt that men have for women, either consciously or unconsciously. Now do you guys get the point? Contempt.

August 1993


The recurring pattern in our society is that girls (and women) wear boys' clothes all the time, but that most boys do not want to wear girls' clothes. The reason for this discrepancy is that boys come to view girls as inferior and therefore consider it degrading to wear their clothes--see the section "Contempt for Women."

Boys are not born with this attitude. In fact, many younger boys, say two,

three or four years old, enjoy dressing up in their sisters' pretty, feminine clothing. But then they stop because they start to pick up bad attitudes toward the opposite sex from the males around them.

So if the reason that boys become allergic to feminine clothing is that they

have acquired negative attitudes toward women, what can be done? This is where role-playing comes in.

Psychologists use role-playing to help individuals overcome their prejudices

toward others. Role-playing is a more informal version of psychodrama, a technique of psychotherapy developed in the 1920s by J. L. Moreno. As its historical roots in psychotherapy indicate, role-playing is a powerful tool for bringing about attitude change.

For example, a white person's racial prejudice can be undercut by

having him or her play the role of a black person. This helps the white person to see race relations from a black perspective.

Role-playing is also used to deal with Christian anti-Semitism. In this case

the Christian would play the role of a Jew and would come to see how anti-Semitic prejudice is experienced by Jews.

The same technique works with prejudice against women. If the boy is dressed as

a girl and engages in girls' activities with his mother, he can come to appreciate



Boys begin to develop their contempt for the opposite sex at an early age. Certain aspects of this process have been documented in Boys and Girls: Superheroes in the Doll Corner by Vivian Gussin Paley, a vivid account of relations between the sexes in one kindergarten class.

Kindergarten, it turns out, is a crucial time in which the boys separate themselves from the girls and define themselves as the opposite of female. The mother of Charlotte, one of the girls in the class, tells Paley: "They used to play so nicely in the doll corner, in nursery school, the boys and girls together. Now Charlotte tells me the boys are always fighting."

Paley herself observes: "Like Charlotte's mother, the girls remember when boys were more at ease in female surroundings." According to Paley, this process of separation first began at the age of four: "The four-year-old boy is less comfortable in the doll corner than he was the year before; he may occasionally dress up in women's clothes or agree to be Daddy, but the superhero clique has formed and the doll corner is becoming a women's room." The process is then completed by the age of five or six: "A boy in a frilly bedjacket expects to be laughed at," whereas only a year or two earlier that same boy would have had no qualms about wearing feminine clothing.

Boys separate themselves from girls because they are taught that they are superior to girls. They pick up this attitude from their fathers and from older boys. This is why it is the boys who form a clique that excludes the girls long before the girls develop any clique of their own: "Boys set the tone and girls follow on parallel paths."

Boys achieve their separate identity by defining themselves as what girls are not: "'Here's what I think,' Charlotte states definitively. 'They don't want to be fancy because girls do. They just like to be not the same as us.'"

The boys who adhere to this male supremacist separation from femininity then pressure the remaining boys to fall into line. The children in Paley's class take turns telling stories. Here is Teddy's first story: "Once upon a time there was this little boy and his name was Pretty. They called him Pretty because he was so pretty. His name was really Hansel. There was this sister. He didn't know he had a sister. The mother and father told him and then they had candy and then they went for a walk."

Paley relates that the response of the other boys was "immediate and strong":

Andrew, Jonathan, and Paul explode with laughter. "He calls him Pretty!" "Ugh!" "Pre-e-tty!"

"He can call him that if he wants," Charlotte says.

"No he can't!" shouts Andrew. "Not if he's a boy he can't."

"It's Teddy's story," I add. "He didn't tell you what to say."

Teddy is not insulted, only curious. He smiles at the boys, who continue to make faces. Teddy's use of "pretty" crosses over into female territory, a subject he will learn about from boys, who care more about boundary lines than do the girls.

The boys care more about boundary lines than do the girls because the myths of male superiority are dependent on them. Boys must define themselves as different from girls before they can define themselves as superior.

If girls are good, then boys feel that they must be something other than good, just as they must be something other than fancy or pretty: "The children see girls as good and find it difficult to characterize boys":

Karen: Girls are nicer than boys.

Janie: Boys are bad. Some boys are.

Paul: Not bad. Pretend bad, like bad guys.

Karen: My brother is really bad.

Teacher: Aren't girls ever bad?

Paul: I don't think so. Not very much.

Teacher: Why not?

Paul: Because they like to color so much. That's one thing I know. Boys have to practice running.

Karen: And they practice being silly.

This same flight from the feminine came up again in connection with the doll known as Strawberry Shortcake:

Andrew: All the girls love Strawberry Shortcake now.

Teacher: I wonder why that is.

Andrew: They think she has a nice smell.

Teacher: Do you like that smell?

Andrew: Boys don't like smells.

Teacher: Don't like smells?

Andrew: I mean boys like bad smells. I mean dangerous smells. Like volcano smells.

Jonathan: Vampire smells.

Teacher: Well, Strawberry Shortcake doesn't have to worry about volcanoes or vampires. The girls never put those things in their stories.

Teddy: Because vampires aren't pretty. We like stuff that isn't pretty, but not girls. They like only pretty things.

This is the same Teddy who earlier told the story about a boy named Pretty. Here he renounces that which is pretty, and we can see that the other boys have won him over.

The boys reinforce each other in their negative, antifeminine behavior. This comes out clearly whenever the girls try to get boys to play house with them: "All the boys, even Andrew, will agree to a brief stint as father if they are alone when asked.

"The girls understand what turns a guest into an intruder: The magic number is 3. If one boy is summoned into the doll corner, he is likely to cooperate; two, in certain combinations, might still be manageable; three, never. Three boys form a superhero clique and disrupt play."

When girls play house, they are playing at responsible, adult roles. When boys disrupt such play by wrecking things in the doll corner or running off with them, they are rejecting the role of responsible husband and father as something that is not for a real male. The girls are playing at being responsible, mature adults, and the boys are reacting by defining themselves as irresponsible.

Still, these young boys play at this destructive behavior only because they are with other boys. There is hope. If boys can be separated from each other and induced to play with girls, such negative behavior can be avoided.

This fact highlights the significance of the home as an educational institution over against the school. For in school it is not feasible to break up the superhero cliques and absorb the boys individually into girlish games, but something on this order can be done in the home.

This contrast between school and home comes out again in Paley's description of the "near riot conditions" that emerged when Jonathan brought his Star Wars album to class for the Friday afternoon rhythm period: "Customarily a new record needs a brief introduction before we move with the music. Star Wars needs none; as soon as it is played, everyone immediately imitates a flying machine. Arms out, heads pressed forward, the children fly around the room. Suddenly the boys turn on one another, leaping and screaming, "You're dead!" "I killed you first!" Robots run into spaceships, rockets destroy TIE fighters, storm troopers shoot at everyone. Each boy is fighting every other boy. Even Teddy is pulling someone down."

Paley had the boys sit for a while and watch how the girls danced. But then when they rejoined the group, they started in just as before. The teacher finally gave up, had everyone lie down and read to them from Charlotte's Web.

This is how the Star Wars album played at school, but at home it was a different story: "When I describe the scene later to Jonathan's mother, she is surprised. 'He's so quiet at home when he listens to it.' Of course, he doesn't have twelve other boys at home."

It is the presence of the other boys that makes it so difficult to control this sort of unacceptable behavior and limits the usefulness of the school for the socialization of young boys. Only the home can perform this function in an adequate way. If a boy thinks that he should be bad because girls are good, then the home is the place to work on changing his attitude. If a boy thinks that he should do poorly in school because girls do well, then it is in the home that he should be taught otherwise.

Cliques of boys encourage their members to engage in bad behavior. These cliques need to be broken up and the individual boys made to play with girls. They should be made to play the wholesome games that girls prefer, not the violent games that groups of boys go in for. Whatever games the girls want to play, the boys should be made to join them.

Boys can be made to spend more time with females in other ways too. They can spend time with their mothers and older sisters, going shopping together and learning something about fashion. A boy who is attached to his mother often gets put down as being a "mama's boy," but the fact is that mama's boys are better behaved--they are more moral--than other boys.


The crucial variable is the child's age. The younger he is the easier it will be. Very young boys often enjoy dressing up in girls' clothes without any urging from anyone else. They like the pretty colors and the fancy detail. But then as they get older there comes a point where they become allergic to pretty, feminine clothing. This reaction is not innate; it is learned behavior. What has happened is that they have learned about male privilege and have come to view girls as inferior to boys.

The point at which this unfortunate change in attitude occurs has gotten progressively earlier in our society. It used to manifest itself around the age of seven, as boys attended their first year in school. Then, with the proliferation of kindergarten classes, it began to occur at about the age of six. (I analyzed this situation in my article "Why Girls are Yucky.") Now, with the rise of day care centers and preschool, it is happening earlier still.

If you dress a boy in girls' clothes at an early enough age, there should be no problem at first. But in most cases, the day will come when he resists putting on his pretty, feminine clothes. At this time it is important to keep in mind the reason for his resistance: his bad attitude toward girls which he has picked up from other boys (and men). You must be firm with him because to cave in to his desire to wear only boys' clothes from then on is to cave in to his wrongheaded attitude toward the opposite sex as well.

Starting an older boy wearing girls' clothes is more difficult. Again you must be firm with him, and since there is strength in numbers you should consider recruiting the assistance of a female friend or relative.

You could prepare him for his feminization using my article "Contempt for Women." Have your woman friend come over with a copy and pretend you've never seen it before. While he is sitting there with you, read the article aloud and discuss it with your friend. Try to get the boy to comment on the thesis of the article if you can. But tell him that it makes sense to you.

After that take him shopping etc. and point out examples of girls wearing boys' jeans or boys' shirts. Again try to get him to comment, which he will be reluctant to do.

The best approach is all-at-once. If he has a birthday coming up or Christmas is around the corner, you could buy him presents of girls' clothes and have him open them in front of you and whatever other women you can recruit to attend. You can tell them in advance what you're up to and warn them that they might have to help you spank him.

If there is no Christmas or birthday, you could organize a shower for him. Tell him that a shower is a kind of party that women have where the the guest of honor is given presents. If he wants to know what kind, well that's a surprise.

You could tell him some weekend or evening that the two of you are going to play a game called "mother-daughter." Then bring out his dress etc. and dress him up. The two of you can then do things together around the house. After you have played "mother-daughter" at home a few times you can take him shopping with you. But this works better with preadolescent boys.

In the meantime you can redecorate his room in a more feminine manner and make available some age-appropriate girls' magazines. You could assign him readings on fashion and such and have him report on them at the dinner table. You could also assign videos on YouTube on such topics as brassieres. Then when friends visit you can have him show off what he has learned.

If you expect a lot of resistance, you could do it in stages. Begin with a girls' nightie, and be sure to impress on him that no one outside the household is going to know about it. Then after a week or two you can take all his undershorts away and tell him he is to wear only girls' underpants. Again, no one else will know; it will be your little secret.

Then once that routine is well established you can tell him some that the two of you are going to play the game "mother-daughter."

Once he is dressed up you can work in the kitchen or do housework together. You can go shopping together, practice makeup, have women friends over, visit relatives, watch chick flicks and take day trips as mother and daughter.

But be sure to shower him with compliments about his appearance and get others to do the same. If you tell him how pretty he is and that he should have been a girl, he will come to want to dress up so he can get more compliments.


Pink does seem to make males less violent, as in the county jail which has had

no fights among inmates since it was repainted pink.

I also remember a study from a couple of decades ago which showed that children who lived in pink bedrooms had slightly less muscle mass than other children. Apparently they were less stressed--and less violent.

At the time Ms Magazine was irate about this and insisted that girls' bedrooms not be pink any more. But I think a better solution would be to paint the boys' bedrooms pink.

Fancy that: Jailhouse pink

Texas sheriff says hue helps inmates reform

MASON, Texas -- Three county inmates lay on their bunks, not saying much.

They wore pink jumpsuits and pink slippers, and one was wrapped in pink sheets. They were surrounded by pink bars and pink walls.

They were not comfortable.

Despite the cramped condition of the tiny jail, the inmates said it was better than working outside, where they might be seen by people they know.

Using pink uniforms in a pink jail is a small step to deter inmates from ever

wanting to spend more time in the Mason County lockup, said Sheriff Clint


"The county would have more inmate labor without them," said one inmate of the uniforms. "I'm not going outside in these things. It's a good deterrent

because I don't want to wear them anymore."

"You can make that two," another inmate said from a different cell.

That's exactly Low's point.

He bought pink jumpsuits soon after taking office in 2005 and painted the jail pink about eight months ago.

Even if it keeps just a few inmates from returning to the Mason County Jail,

Low said, it's a success.

Mason County, with about 3,800 residents, is about 100 miles southeast of San Angelo. The jail, which can house five inmates, is in Mason, the county seat.

Low got the idea of pink jumpsuits from a sheriff in Arizona, Joe Arpaio, who bought pink boxers to keep inmates from stealing underwear and other clothing.

In Mason, Low dyed the jumpsuits and slippers pink, and the color later bled to sheets, underwear and other articles during washings.

Low, who was a deputy in Mason before being elected sheriff, estimated the

recidivism rate in the county is down 70 percent since he switched to pink

jumpsuits for the inmates. He also said there have been no fights between

inmates since the jail, built in 1894, was painted.

Low says a new jail is needed at an estimated cost of $6 million to $9 million, but some officials have said the cost would be more than the rural county can afford.

For now, Low and others hope small things such as pink jumpsuits keep

inmates from coming back.

"That's not the Holiday Inn they are staying in up there," the sheriff said.

-- Associated Press, October 17, 2006

If pink jumpsuits and pink prison walls affect the behavior of criminals to this extent, then dresses and panties should work even better. We need to demand that teenage boys in reformatories be made to dress as girls and their surroundings decorated in a feminine manner. Young offenders have the best prospects for reform.

We have known for a long time that dressing boys as girls tends to make them better behaved. Now we should be using that knowledge to straighten out delinquent boys.

Another consideration is that publicizing the fact that femininized boys tend to be more moral will induce more mothers to put their sons in dresses. Spread the word!


People who administer enemas often complain that giving them to males tends to make them effeminate. Well, so what? Males are better behaved if they're more feminine.

Why does the enema have such a powerful effect? Toilet training is the first training the boy undergoes, and his unconscious memories of it lie behind all subsequent socialization. The experience of being humiliated is socially learned behavior--it is not innate--and to lose control of one's bodily functions in this manner is the most extreme humiliation. This breaks down his male ego and makes him more open to guidance by others.

Therefore for most boys the enema will be the most effective feminizing tool available. It is especially appropriate when he has been rebellious. But it has its limits. Very young boys may be confused by the practice and have difficulty sorting out the difference between the enema and their other bowel movements. However, by the time he is five or six years old, this is no longer a relevant problem.

For the boy's first feminizing enema, a disposable Fleet enema, available at any drugstore, would be adequate. Tell him you have a treatment for his nasty maleness. You have a girly douche that will flush all the maleness out of him.

Put down a couple of bath towels to catch any leakage and have the boy kneel down on the towels with his head down and his bottom in the air. Apply a lubricant such as KY jelly to his anus. This isn't really necessary with a disposable enema because it would come with a lubricated tip, but this is a feminization technique, and your probing finger going in and out makes it all the more humiliating as he experiences what it is like to be penetrated. So take your time with this step and make him wait. "Isn't that nice? You take that so easily. It's as if you've been doing it on your own."

Now insert the nozzle. "Here it is. Doesn't that feel nice?" If it is a Fleet enema, you gently squeeze it so the solution will slowly flow into his intestine. "There now, can you feel it flowing into you? Soon you will be nice and feminine." Again, this technique works through its psychological effect, so you shouldn't be in any hurry. Once most of the solution is used up, you can slowly withdraw the nozzle.

At this point a younger child should be sent to the bathroom to evacuate. As the child gets older, however, the effect can be intensified by having him keep kneeling for another two to five minutes. In this case, when you withdraw the nozzle, you should remind him that he will get a spanking if he doesn't hold it for the specified time.

The procedure can be made more effective by having others watch. And you can gather and watch him evacuate as well. Then have him clean himself up and get into his dress and panties.

The girly douche could be applied once a month, which would be his "time of the month," for example on the first Friday of the month. "It's that time of the month," you can tell him as you bring out the enema.


Hi Julie,

Thanks for the invite. Â I have followed your pages for some time. Â But I am fascinated above all by your approach to male-female relations. Â I have spent my whole life in a very patriarchal family (my parents' or my hubby's), though now that my hubby is gone I get to be the disciplinarian for the daughters-in-law. Â I was always subject to male discipline myself and it never occurred to me that it could be different. Â You have opened my eyes.

I am beginning to look at things differently. Â My son Paul seems like he would have been a good candidate for feminization and his wife Emily seems to be gradually bringing him under her control. Â It's fascinating to see and I encourage her but very discreetly. Â I showed her some of your pics and posts and she was very excited!

I had a nephew of 15 coming to stay with me as his parents were moving to California (from New York, where I live). Â He'll stay with me to finish up the school year. Â His mother has already agreed that I should spank his bare young bottom whenever necessary, and it was so cute to see how he blushed as she said it. Â

He can be quite aggressive and a bit of a bully when it comes to girls. Â I was determined to bring him under control and teach him to respect all girls and women while he is with me. Â It seemed to me your methods and ideas would be just what he needed. Â He is very cute and you can just see him in a dress.

But how to start? Â I would have no problem having him remove all his clothes and go over my knee for a good spanking, but getting him into girl's clothes, make-up, and all that--how would I start?

I was sure Emily would help too. Â I wanted to see my son Paul and the boy (Brad) dressed like in your futuristic pic of father and son--both in dresses.

Well, Brad was home all day with me, so I got to see his more surly disrespectful adolescent side with his macho swagger and smart-aleck remarks. Â So after several warnings, we had a little talk after which I removed his clothes, took him over my knee, and spanked him good and hard. Â He tried to be brave and silent for a while but I soon had him bawling and blubbering. Â As I bared him a strong youthful erection sprang up. Â I scolded him for his lack of self-control and said that that was one of the many areas in which I would help him improve. Â It had wilted by the time I marched him to the corner, but was back again after about ten minutes. Â It was then I put my 12" wooden ruler to good use on it--I had it ready for just this purpose.

After his punishment was over, we had a good talk, him still minus his clothes, about my expectations and how he needed, with my help, to mend his ways. Â He was contrite and subdued now, not at all the cocky young fellow he'd been half an hour earlier. Â I had read your wonderful piece about enemas to train such boys and told him this would be a monthly routine from now on. Â I'm not sure he even understood what an enema was at first, but I explained in graphic detail that had him blushing down to his neck. Â I took him shopping for an enema kit--the rubber hose and bag kind. Â

I talked about how much he could learn from girls to improve his own behavior and his attitude to them--he had already made some disrespectful remarks in the first couple of days. Â We talked about how girls did better at every level from kindergarten through graduate school and how they should be his model, not other dumb boys who didn't care about school or respect their teachers, etc. Â I talked about ways we could help him overcome his arrogant male attitudes and suggested that wearing some more feminine clothing at home might help him experience a better approach to life and also be a privilege and a reward for being a good boy. Â He gave me a look like I was mad but didn't say anything. Â I had bought him a nightie and matching panties, very feminine, silky, and matching his coloring. Â I held it up to him and he blushed even more, but did not argue. Â I put them in his bedroom drawer with his T-shirts.

I reported all this to Emily. Â She was very excited and promised to come over the next day with your great article about boys and girls' clothing, "Contempt for Women." Â

Brad seems to have all the male adolescent attitudes and style you'd expect for a boy his age, but on the other hand, he respects my authority and knows not to contradict or disobey me, especially having felt my new lexan paddle on his bare young bottom. Â I was careful to talk about the female clothing as a reward rather than punishment, but the fact that I had given him a good hard spanking obviously made him more docile, submissive, and receptive to my way of thinking.


So the first weekend that Brad was here, Emily came over. I had given her a copy of your piece "Contempt for Women" in advance, and now she proceeded to read it aloud as if I knew nothing about it.

All through the reading we both kept talking about how much we agreed with it and asking him what he thought. But Brad said it was silly, and that not wearing girls' clothes had nothing to do with male attitudes toward girls. So Emily challenged him to put on a nightie I had bought for the occasion and laid out rather ostentatiously on the couch.

From the time Emily produced the article to the time we got his clothes off and the nightie on was only about 30 minutes. The article's great. We had him modeling the nightie for us, walking back and forth while we kept saying how cute he was. Brad wore the nightie for the rest of the evening. Now he wears it to bed every night.

In the days that followed Brad and I went shopping and bought a lot of girly clothes. He's not a big boy, so it wasn't hard to fit him. I had him try them on in the changing room at the store, though I didn't make him parade in them. I think the paddling and the nightie really brought him around. But just buying the clothes made him remarkably submissive.

When we got home I told him it was time for his enema and that he had to strip completely. I had to give him a few swats with my paddle when he was dragging his feet and pouting.

I had him help me get everything ready, him nude and erect. Then I put him on his knees with his head to the floor and lubed his anus. There were some heavy gasps and sighs as I probed it with my finger. I inserted the nozzle, closing it off when he cried out, but gradually giving him the whole bag.

I made him stay like that, bottom up high, for just a few minutes--since it was his first time--it was enough to make him very alarmed though. then I allowed him to release it and shower, then report back to the living room, still nude.

I told him he had been a very good boy and taken his enema obediently and without a fuss, as a girl would. So as a reward, I told him, I would let him wear some of his new clothes all day. We tried everything on, but settled on a Japanese girl's sort-of school uniform in the style of a sailor dress. He looked adorable.

I think he is very susceptible to having things done to his anus--makes him super-submissive. He was dressed like that the rest of the day, and I called Emily and her hubby to come over.

This is an adventure for all of us. She loved the look, and he blushed. Especially when we two started talking about how cute he was going to look dressed like that. Brad modeled all the clothes we had bought, and Emily oohed and aahed over him and also held them up to Paul to see how he'd look dressed like that. She said she was going to take him shopping too. He blushed but did not argue, just laughed nervously.

Emily also asked Brad if she could put some makeup on his face to complete the look. So she and the boy went off to my bedroom for about 15 minutes or so while I chatted with Paul. I found out she had spanked him before they came over, which she does now when he argues. That had gotten him in the right docile mood.

When Brad came back, or Brenda as she called him, he looked lovely, like a sweet little Asian girl, submissive and shy. Except for his erection sticking out so rudely. Emily and I agreed that he needed to learn self-control and respect for the ladies present. So I spanked it with a ruler and then put him over my knee for a dose of the Lexan paddle. It was his first spanking dressed as a Japanese schoolgirl! He looked even sweeter in tears, but the mascara ran and Emily had to help him again with the make-up.

He looked so docile and sweet and submissive when he came back, and even Paul was definitely impressed. No more adolescent swagger from this boy! Paddles and panties are just what he needs. I'm sure the lesson will have to be reinforced many times, but it will become second nature to him.

As I write this, he's at school, and I am thinking of "disappearing" all his briefs before he gets home. We bought plenty of panties for him. I am having him sleep in his nightie every night and will start dressing him up on the weekends for now.

I already have the feeling that he's a typical boy at school, doing the minimum to get by, but I will remind him that I expect him to work hard on his studies, like a girl.

He really does look adorable and behaves sweetly as a girl. He is making amazing progress.


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