The Boys in the Bunkhouse

Published on Feb 9, 2014



The Boys in the Bunk House By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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Jasper and Sterling were brothers. They didn't look alike because they had different fathers. Their mother was Peaches Melba. Peaches was almost an institution in Colorado Junction. She ran the best whorehouse in the state. It wasn't biggest; it was the best.

No one knew what her real name was, but she was what they call a nymphomaniac. She liked men in general and cocks in particular. That was a sure fire way to attract men in the West. You hear hard luck stories of poor girls being lured or forced into prostitution, but that wasn't Peaches. She loved her work. Her harem was made up of similar women. They all loved their work and after a day in bed with gentleman callers they were excited at the prospect of a night in bed with more gentlemen callers.

Peaches lived in the forest three miles from town in a house called Beaver Acres. It was a beautiful mansion designed in the latest style by Peaches herself. She had an interest in cleanliness and there was a bath for male visitors on the first floor. The second floor was all bedrooms for the girls.

Her sons were handsome and affable. They were best friends, and real nice to be with. While they must have looked like their fathers they inherited one characteristic from their mother. They were both sexually insatiable and loved cock.

When they were old enough to move out, Peaches built them the Bunkhouse about 1000 yards from the Beaver Acres. She thought they needed to find themselves and get away from the hen house atmosphere of the main house. The Bunkhouse sat next to pretty mountain The Bunkhouse was only two rooms at first, but additions later made it into a more impressive structure.

I'm their cook and servant Roscoe. Peaches was wealthy and generous. She wanted her boys to have the best of everything. I guess it was no surprise that the boys went into the family business. That was the life they knew and it was perfect for their own inclinations.

Jasper grew to be a beefy, muscular man. He looked like a woodsman with a beard and beautiful blue eyes. He had to shave by the time he was 14 and he was handsome. Sterling was tall and thin. He had the palest blond hair I had ever seen; it was almost white. While he didn't look hairy, he was covered in silky hair from head to toe. He sported a carefully cropped beard and liked fine clothes. The only feature he shared with his brother was his eyes.

Peaches was a loving woman and a good mother. The boys treated the other women as aunts. Everything was quite proper. Peaches had one rule; there was no hanky-panky with the boys. They were off limits.

By the time the boys were teenagers their natural inclinations were obvious. Jasper found a way to watch the men in the first floor bath. He and Sterling liked watching naked men clean themselves. Giving the function of the house, the men were particularly attentive to the cleanliness of their privates. The boys liked that especially when the men got hard in anticipation of the entertainment.

When they got older they worked in the bath, providing towels and scrubbing backs. They were also good about making sure to insure the guests' private parts were buffed and shined. The men liked them, but it was strictly hands off. They knew that if anyone touched the boys, there would be hell to pay with Peaches.

I was hired when the youngest was eighteen and they moved to the bunkhouse, so I had no firsthand knowledge of their early life. I did find out they had a hiding places where they could watch their aunts plying their trade. I would have thought that would have been a shocking experience. It wasn't. The aunts were uninhibited and their guests were enthusiastic.

They saw these observations as being fun and educational. By the time Sterling and Jasper were living in the bunkhouse, they had an encyclopedic knowledge of sexual stimulation and sexual activities. They also had found that they were not particularly interested in their aunts' reactions. The men's actions exited them. The men were all naked and hard most of the time.

As I said, the boys loved cock.

While it was strictly forbidden to play with the boys, the boys were not limited. Peaches had a good understanding of sexual urges. While she didn't want the clients to satisfy themselves with her boys, but she didn't want the boys to be repressed and frustrated.

Again I have no first-hand knowledge, but I don't think that was a problem. Especially in the bath, the boys were able to help men with some of the hard to reach places. When I first met them they seemed enthusiastic about sex, but almost innocent. I later discovered that was a skill they picked up from one of their aunts. One of the ladies told me that convincing a man that she was a virgin while they were using the sperm of her last six customers as lubricant was a special skill.

Peaches had a reputation of having the best women in the state, so I didn't think Jasper and Sterling would do that well. I admit that I have no interest in women at all. That was why she hired me. Peaches didn't like the staff to take free samples.

I was brought up in an isolated homestead in Kansas and thought I was the only man who wasn't interests in girls. I misunderstood the number of men who were open minded about their sexual partners. Many of the men in the West were loners or spent months in secluded mines, homesteads or on the range. Many were used to only male companionship. They found ways to make do with what was available.

Not many admitted they preferred male companionship to that of females, but I am not a fool. Some preferred men and others found sex with men was easier and less stressful. That was what they were used to. Peaches and the Aunts were high toned, beautiful ladies. Most of the men were neither high toned nor handsome. While many men thought they had struck gold when they met Peaches, others were scared or intimidated. The ladies were too pretty for them.

The ladies didn't mind as long as the man had a cock and two dollars. They were real nice about shy men and made them real happy. Others eventually wandered over to the Bunkhouse to talk with the boys. The boys were always friendly and while they never charged, there was a place to leave a tip.

A covered porch connected the Bunkhouse to a building called the Summerhouse. The Summerhouse sat over a natural thermal spring. A pipe from the spring provided the hot water for Peaches' bath in the main house. The Summerhouse was octagonal and had a steep pitched roof surmounted by a cupola to let the heat out. It was more like a steam bath than a summerhouse.

Like their mother, the boys insisted on a bath for their playmates. The summer house was big enough to hold ten of fifteen men, twenty in a pinch. Jasper told his pals it was skinny-dipping. That was more acceptable for some than getting naked for a bath. When they bathed at all, skinny dipping in a mountain stream was more common than a tub.

When the boys moved to the Bunkhouse I thought it would take a while to build up a clientele. I was wrong about that. The boys had made many friends working for their mother and they had made other friends at school in town.

Jasper and Sterling were in an odd situation. They weren't innocent since they had been watching sexual activity for years, but they were inexperienced. They had seen it, but not done it. They had fondled and stroked many cocks and fingered a few asses, but never engaged in actual fornication. The obeyed their mother's wishes. I assumed they played with themselves, all men do, but they had not been intimate with the clientele.

We had only been in the Bunkhouse for two days when Sherriff Autry and Judge Simon dropped by to see the boys. When I say the dropped by, I knew there was no way to just happen upon the Bunkhouse. I soon understood they were invited guests. The boys had selected them to be their first clients and the first men to engage in complete physical contact with them. Keeping local dignitaries happy was one of Peaches' skills. Her sons understood the desirability of remaining friendly with the dignitaries.

I was surprised since I hadn't suspected the Sherriff and the Judge to be interested. Autry was a big, bull of a man with no trace of social graces. He used physical intimidation and brute force the keep the town law abiding. The Judge was tall and thin, but seemed to be a gentleman. He had hopes of a political career in the Governor's mansion or in Washington. His wife was very much a lady and an heiress of a substantial fortune. I had met her once and she struck me as a woman who might be prone to headaches.

After a brief conversation they all went to the Summerhouse to bathe. I was to act as the bath attendant. Many of the men who visited Peaches were shy and uneasy about bathing nude. Neither Autry nor Simon seemed to object. As soon as they were naked I knew why. They were both well-endowed as were Jasper and Sterling. I stripped too, but while my genitals were adequate, they were not impressive. I had a friend who said my ass was my best feature, but only my close friends knew that.

I do have a taste for naked men and Simon was what would be called a fine figure of a man. He was quite muscular and had a dusting of hair on his chest and a long cock framed by low-hanging balls. He was similar to Sterling, except he was hairier and his cock was a bit thicker.

I had thought Autry was fat. Naked I could see he was all muscle, but his body was not like those the ancients might have admired. He was so hairy that in the dark you could mistake him for an ape or a large bear. It was hard to see his genitals in the tangle of pubic hair. From experience, I suspected it was thicker than it was long. Jasper was much hairier than his brother and had meaty genitals. The formed an impressive quartet for anyone who was interested in manly men. That included me.

A four men jumped in the water and enjoyed the warmth of the springs. I expected a little casual conversation that would turn ribald as they approached the real reason for the visit. That is the way the Aunts liked it. Jasper and Sterling were direct in their expressions of interest in their guests' manly equipment. The Sherriff and the Judge were equally direct.

I was surprised to see Autry sitting on the edge of the pool with Sterling sucking his cock. The Judge was sucking Jasper's organ with skill and enthusiasm. All of them were excited and fully aroused. Autry's organ wasn't short and thick, it was huge and long.

My ass had an itch. I liked large and massive cocks. I wanted Autry's tool badly, but this was the boys' night. I was there to provide lubricating oils and to clean up any sexual juices that might drip or drool. After a short while, they got out of the water and went back to the bunkhouse. The boys took their customers to the same room.

The Aunts always entertained solo, unless Peaches had made special arrangements. These arrangements were very expensive and usually involved old friends and birthday celebrations.

The boys' primary objective was to be fucked. You can never be sure, but I think their asses were virgin. Peaches believed that actual intercourse required an orgasm and man seed. The man seed needed to be deposited in the body, not just on it. This was what she liked. She had one customer who liked to eat the deposits from her cunt. He actually paid her $100.00 if he could do that at the end of a good night when five or six man had made deposits.

I knew Jasper and Sterling were familiar with men's genitals, and assumed a quick lick was common. I also assumed they had experienced men who ejaculated as soon as lips touched their tool. They must have tasted it.

I was worried about Sterling, since Autry was huge and he seemed like a brutal man. I am an experienced man and Autry would have been a challenge for me. For a virgin it could be impossible.

They say you can't judge book by its cover. That that was true of Autry and Simon. Simon was a man rammer, and very direct. Jasper was tight and it took some work for Simon to get in. I lubricated his cock several times before he popped through the sphincter. Simon did him doggy style and it was five or six minutes before he found the groove and Jasper began to moan.

Simon pulled out to cool down and Jasper did him. That was an unqualified success for both men. Jasper was a natural fucker.

Autry was much more gentle and deliberate in his attack on Sterling's ass. He had Sterling on his back with his legs in the air. He took his time and eased his cock into the young man's body. I held Sterling's legs open and thought there was no way Autry's monster would fit in his tiny hole.

I was wrong about that. Autry took his time stretching the sphincter. Once he was on the dark side of that barrier, he pushed hard and his cock vanished. He winded Sterling, but Sterling never lost his erection. By then Jasper and Simon had switched positions and Jasper was moaning in pleasure.

Thye switched partners a few times. As I watched I saw Sterling and Jasper relax as their asses adapted to the invaders in their asses. After their initial rounds of coupling, they returned to the Summerhouse and bathed. I though the session was over, but they were just taking a break to give their balls a chance to refill.

The men left well after dark and all four of them were happy. Autry returned a little later. He had an urge to taste the boys' man seed. They were both drained, but they were willing if Autry didn't mind working for it. He had no problem with that at all.

Simon had left a $50.00 bill as a tip. Autry left a gold nugget. Jasper thought that was nice. The nugget was smooth and rounded. Jasper asked me to push it into his cum-filled ass. I did that a few times and damn if Jasper didn't shoot off again. The nugget popped out as he ejaculated.

The next morning I saw Peaches and she asked me how it went.

"I don't think it could have been better," I said. "Everyone was most satisfied."

"Some men find it to be an ordeal," she said. The boys took to their new life like ducks to water. In some ways, they just joined in the family business.

Men began to drop by the Bunkhouse to say hello and they were always welcomed. Two of Jasper's friends from town. Isaac and Ovid, dropped by. Both boys had gone to school in town. Peaches was educated and had a fine library. She didn't think that ignorance was a virtue. Jasper was friendly and seemed to like everyone. Isaac was the blacksmith's son, an ox of a man. He was learning his father's trade. His other friend, Ovid, was the preacher's son. He was a teller in the bank. Ovid looked like Mr. Washington Irving's Ichabod Crane. He was tall and gangling. Both of them were living in a boarding house in town.

This was their first visit to Beaver Acres. They weren't interested in Peaches' establishment. The Bunkhouse wasn't fancy at all, but when I took them to the Summerhouse; they were impressed. Jasper was sitting on the edge of the pool naked. They immediately stripped down and jumped in the pool.

Sterling had been at the main house. He returned with a man I didn't know named Buck, an older cowboy. They joined the trio in the pool. I'm not sure that anyone other than Jasper and Sterling had been naked with other men before. Buck seemed interested in all four of the younger men.

Buck wasn't a looker, but he sported a long white snake that was an attention grabber. Ovid later told me he have never been with an adult before and he liked what he saw. There was only one oil lamp in the Summer House so that while you could see, it was a bit murky. You didn't feel exposed.

I assumed Jasper had played some with Ovid and Isaac, but they weren't experienced. I think most of what they did was new to them. Buck was a bit shy, but friendly. Jasper broke the ice by sucking him and after that, it was a free for all.

Buck liked to fuck. His long and thin cock was the ideal size for an easy fuck. He hit it off with Isaac. Buck was no virgin. He had been on the trail a long time and he knew how to fill up the hours after dark. Some men are lovers and others are fuckers. Buck was a loving fucker. He worked Isaac over well. When he was finished, Isaac was sperm lubricated and open. Jasper slipped into Isaac's ass and that really hit the spot. Isaac went crazy as his pal fucked him.

Usually watching two men get it on is exciting, but watching Jasper and Isaac was beautiful. I could tell that both men wanted it, and that it was better than they had expected. Isaac became a regular at the bunkhouse, as one of the boys, not as a client.

Isaac liked older cowboys, grizzled and weather beaten. On a visit to town, I met Isaac's father. He was a sour and dour man, who seemed to be impossible to please. The word in town was that Isaac was a better blacksmith than his father was, but that wasn't the way his father saw it.

Back at the Bunkhouse, Isaac could make older men really happy. He loved taking his time and coaxing their man juices from their balls. He loved a mouthful of aged, cowboy cream. The men appreciated his skills and that was what Isaac wanted.

Sherriff Autry was one of the older men Isaac liked. Autry was physically strong and politically powerful. In the West that was enough to let him take anyone he wanted. Autry knew that but he wanted men who wanted him. That was hard. He wasn't a looker and he was a difficult man. Isaac liked him but he was about the only one at first.

Autry liked to meet his sexual needs outside of town where no one cared what he was doing. The Bunkhouse was fine for him. Much to my surprise, he had a good nose for men who shared his tastes. When he found one, he would bring them over. The first time he did this, he brought Ruben, a short man who worked at the Saloon cleaning up. When I say Ruben was short, I mean really short, below five feet tall.

I thought Ruben was old, but he was thirty. His massive beard and hard life made him look older. Autry and Livingston took him to the Summerhouse to clean up. That is where they discovered Rueben had a taste for cock sucking and an ass designed to caress man tools.

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