The Branch road

By moc.loa@deraeblla

Published on Apr 9, 2003



This is gay fiction and involves water sports and some s/m. If you don't like it then do not read it

A Branch Road!

'Finally!' I thought as I turned up this narrow country lane 'At least I hope so' I'd spent the last hour and a half going round and around in circles looking for this lane. It was no wonder that I'd missed it, it was just round a corner and, from the grass growing in the middle, rarely used. I turned my lights on as the evening started to draw in, the trees and hedges, brushing against the car as I drove slowly along, made it darker as well. Why I'd come out here god only knows, but I'd promised and I always try to keep my promises.

At the re-union I'd been half-cut so when I told Sarah that I was going to be touring Wales as my holiday this year, she said that I just 'had' to call in on her uncle and 'That he'd probably put me up for the night....Blah, blah, blah' Money is always a problem, so the thought of a nights free accommodation was quite pleasing. She had said that he lived way out in the country on this 'Very cute' farm and scribbled the address down on the back of a bar slip. From the address it didn't look that far off of my route, although I didn't know the area.

I'd intended to get here early in the afternoon so that if I wasn't welcome I could get to the nearest village and find a pub or B&B to put me up. 'How long is this bloody road?' I thought, I seemed to have been driving for miles and the road was getting rougher and narrower as I drove further along it. Suddenly I saw an opening on the side, there was a broken gate lying alongside it and a notice saying "KEEP OUT THIS IS PRIVATE PROPERTY" 'Oh very bloody welcoming' I thought as I drove through. I pulled up in the yard and turned off the engine, there was a dog barking somewhere in the house, but otherwise there wasn't a sound.

As I got out of the car I felt the first drops of rain, no wonder it had got so dark, it looked like we were in for a big storm. It was only a few steps to the door, but by the time I'd got there it was throwing it down and I was soaked. I couldn't see any bell so I used my fist and banged on the door. Was that someone moving inside or just the dog, I wasn't sure and so I banged again. By this time I was dripping wet.

"Go round the back" a voice growled at me from inside it sounded like someone who would have put up that welcome notice at the entrance. Off I traipsed, just getting wetter and wetter, following some slate slabs to the back of the house, which certainly wasn't a 'roses round the door' type of cottage, it looked more like a junk yard. There were bits of farm machinery and other stuff scattered around as though they had been dropped from the sky. As I turned into the back yard, I saw this bald headed, black bearded face sticking out of a door

"Come on you'll get bloody wet out there" he said. 'Get bloody wet! I already am' was the thought that went through my mind as I ran for the door.

"It certainly rains around here" I said as I stepped into the dark passageway.

"Aye well its got to go somewhere" he grunted back at me. It was almost like night in this passageway and I could barely make him out. He seemed to be a lot taller than I am. And I'm 5'11" in my bare feet. What I could see seemed to consist of this huge beard with a little bit of face showing.

"I suppose that you'll be David Evans?" it was more of a statement than a question, but I mumbled a yes and that Sarah had told me to call in. When I put my hand out it was gripped by this huge fist and it felt as though my hand was being squeezed off, with my fingers I could feel the back of a hair covered hand. I let go as soon as I could 'This guy could break a tree in half with a flick of his fingers' I thought. I'd brought my rucksack in with me so he told me to put it down while he made a cup of tea. I was beginning to feel the dampness seeping through to my body now and gave a bit of a shiver.

"You're lucky, I've had the boiler on so there is hot water if you want a bath?" he said as he went into, what I presumed was, the kitchen. I followed him and stood in the doorway, he had his back toward me as he said

"The bathroom's up the stairs on the right, I hope you've got a towel"

As I lay in the bath, in the dark as the light didn't seem to work I could hear the rain pounding down outside, and I was quite glad that I'd, at least, made it this far. Then the door opened, my own fault I hadn't thought to lock it, was there a lock? I hadn't even looked. Stood there, this man was huge, he just glanced at me making splashing motions to try and cover my embarrassment, and stood in front of the toilet opened his fly and pissed. I was trying to be embarrassed and curious at the same time, but I could only see the piss going into the bowl. I wanted to see what this guy had, but he wasn't showing anything. My assumption was that it was too small to be seen.

"There's tea in the pot, and a fire in the front room" he grunted at me. 'Oh this was going to a wonderful visit, brilliant conversation, and charming wit' I thought as I said "Thanks" After he'd gone I got myself dry and slipped some jogging bottoms on, I realised how much weight I'd put on as I did so, because they were so much more comfortable than my ordinary jeans. I couldn't pretend to be a smooth, young man in the bars anymore. Not that I'd ever fitted in on the scene anyway, I was always too hairy for all the other guys.

When I got downstairs I could see that it hadn't got any lighter and there were no lights on in the house anywhere 'Was this guy a cat?' it seemed highly possible as the place was so dark. I walked into the front room and it was just as dark, except for the flickering light of the fire, burning in the grate. He waved toward the table, where there was a mug, teapot, milk and sugar

"Help yourself" he said. So I walked over and poured myself a mug of tea, looking around I could only see one other chair so I went and sat in it.

"Whats your name?" I asked

"I'm called James, but people in the village call me......." he said something that sounded like a splutter.

"I'm sorry, I didn't catch that last word" I said to him.

"That's OK it's a welsh word with no particular meaning, just call me Jim" was his answer to that. We sat there sipping our tea, with me looking around the room. I kept thinking to myself that there was something odd about it, but I couldn't work out what it was. Maybe it would come to me later.

In the firelight I could see a bit more of him, he seemed to be very stocky and well built, the fascinating part was his beard. It was so full that it seemed to cover all of his face, it was difficult to tell, but it looked as though it grew up over his forehead as well, I've got to get a better look at him...

"Shall I turn the light on?" I asked

"Oh yes the switch is over by the door" So I walked over and turned the light on and it suddenly struck me what was odd about the room, there was no TV. It was quite striking, I'm so used to going into anyones place and seeing a TV somewhere, but NOT to see one was really strange.

I went and sat down again and now I could see Jim's face again, he stared into the fire in a way that suggested he was dreaming of exotic places so I said

"Do you miss the telly at all Jim?"

"Not at all" he replied "I can't see it anyway, I'm blind or hadn't you noticed?" I blushed and stammered

"Well no I hadn't actually" What else could I say, the thought hadn't even crossed my mind, it doesn't when you are thinking about the sexual side of things.

"Oh don't worry. I'm not dangerous and I know my way around here bloody well. I was born and raised in this house" He paused and then he said "Can I touch your face please?" realising that he just wanted to 'see' what I looked like I nodded, realised my mistake and said "Of course you can" I wanted to add that he could touch any part of me....

We stood up and he reached out with his hand, I took it in mine and guided it up to my face. He came a bit closer and put his other hand on the other cheek. "So you have a beard, and a nice nose" he seemed to be murmuring these things to himself, his hands were gently stroking all over my face, I started to get a hard on.

"It doesn't smell as though you use cologne?" he asked

"Only if I'm going out anywhere and then only a minimum" I told him. He leant his face closer and his nose brushed against my cheek, this was almost enough to push my, by now, very hard cock through my pants. I wanted to pull away, but he still held my face firmly in his hands and it would have seemed very rude to just step back out of his reach.

"You don't mind me touching you like this then?" was his next question.

"No, no not at all, I was just thinking how gentle you are" I replied 'And how much I want to do it back to you, but with us both naked!' I thought. By this time his hands were resting on my neck, gently stroking and massaging it. This was so erotic, he let his hands run down over my back and then round to my hands at my sides.

"Thank you very much. You hardly flinched at all" he laughed as he said that.

"Well to tell you the truth it was very nice" I said 'Why the hell did I say that' but it had come out before I could stop it. He didn't hesitate, taking a step forward he grabbed my head between his hands and placed his mouth over mine, I sort of half made to say something, and that was another mistake...His tongue was in my mouth, filling it, as his lips welded to mine. As he pulled me close I realised how strong he was and how hard, not just his upper body, but there was a huge bulge in his trousers that held great promise.

I didn't struggle to get away from him, it was very enjoyable, I leant into him as his tongue started to go into the back of my mouth, probing and moving like the head of a snake. Suddenly he let me go, I almost fell over as I hadn't realised how hard he had been holding me.

He stood back and said "I thought that you were after that, I had the feeling that you were watching me, even when I was having a piss"

"Well yes I was" I replied "But I didn't mean to intrude on you, I just thought that you were very sexual" All I got in response to that was an

"Ummm!" Abruptly he said "Take off your clothes, I want to see the rest of you" Knowing that his way of seeing was with his hands I had no hesitation and stripped naked immediately. He took his shirt off, as I stood there, and he was built like some fantasy character, a huge barrel chest, covered in black curly hair going up over his shoulders and disappearing down onto his back, I couldn't see a piece of skin anywhere.

He stepped forward toward me again and started running his fingers through my beard and then onto my shoulders, sliding them down my arms and then onto my chest. He reached my nipples and slid his fingers over them and round them, I let out a small moan of pleasure. He tweaked them a bit harder and my cock just went rigid, he had hit on one of my pleasure points and knew exactly what he was doing.

"Turn round" he said, immediately I turned my back on him, his fingers were running all over my back, getting lower and lower until they were on my arse cheeks

"Bend over" 'Did this guy ever say please' I thought, but I still bent over wondering what he was going to do next. I didn't have to wait long as his probing fingers started fingering my arsehole, feeling it and stroking it, 'God! This guy is good' I'd never been touched like this before.

Next thing I knew he had grabbed me around the waist and lifted me over a small table that was stood there

"What are you doi..."

"Shut up" he snarled at me. I did, when a guy that big tells you to keep quiet, you do. I laid across the table with my arms dangling down on the other side, my cock, with all its hardness, was pressed into the heavy tablecloth covering it. He kept one hand on my back as he walked around the table until he was facing me. I lifted my head and could see the shape of his cock, pressed against his trousers. I wanted to take it in my mouth there and then, but as I moved my hands up towards it he snapped

"Keep still" as he did he lifted the hand off my back and then I felt it as it slapped across my arse. 'Whoa! I hadn't bargained for this' I started to wriggle, but his hand came down again, stinging my arse

"Keep still when I tell you otherwise it will get worse" I kept still, my arse was tingling from just those two slaps I didn't want any worse.

He reached under the table and pulled out two pieces of rope, I've done the mild bondage thing in bed with guys of course, but this was different. He tied my hands together and then threw the ends of the rope under the table, got up and walked round to where my arse still tingled from his slaps. I felt him kneel down and then he was tying my ankles, with the ends of the ropes that tied my wrists and hands, I was tied in a circle across and over the table. Then I felt his beard on my arse, his hands came up and parted my cheeks as he pushed his bearded face between them, his tongue licking over my arsehole, I moaned again and that huge tongue of his went deep into my hole. He was thrusting it deeper and deeper into me, it was as big as a lot of cocks that I've had, but this was totally different. I was being rimmed whether I wanted it or not. After what seemed like hours of this, he got up and I could hear him unbuckling his belt and then there was the slithering sound of clothing coming off, I guessed what was coming next I was going to get fucked, but I guessed wrongly......

I felt his belt being laid on my arse, and then he moved it up and laid it on my back. Slowly he moved it backwards and forwards, up and down over my bare arse and back, he didn't hit me, but the thought that he was going to was uppermost in my mind. I laid there as still as I could, not knowing what was going to happen next. I took a deep breath as I heard him leave the room, it was no use me shouting as this was probably one of the most isolated places I could ever be in. I heard him come back into the room

"What are you going to do?" I asked him weakly

"I told you to shut up" was the reply, it was accompanied by another hard slap across the arse. His fingers were back in my arsehole and they were wet and greasy, 'at least it wasn't going to be that rough' was my thought as he pushed his fingers in me. Then I felt the tip of something against my hole, it didn't feel like a cock, what the hell was it? It was slowly pushed into me and then drawn out, then in again and out, each time getting deeper and deeper. I could feel my arsehole being stretched as this thing, with its smoothness, went into me. Whatever it is its large and it was a good job that I'm used to being fucked. I didn't want another slap so I couldn't ask him what he was using, but now it was getting faster as he moved it in and out. I was just beginning to enjoy it when he stopped.

He left the 'dildo?' in me, and walked around to be in front of me again

"I want you to open your mouth" he said. I looked up at him and he was totally naked, it wasn't just his chest that was covered with hair, he was absolutely smothered in it, his stomach, his legs and I'm sure I saw hair on his feet. The most amazing thing was his cock as it stood out in front of him with huge balls hanging underneath, but I don't think I'd ever seen a cock this big. Not only was it long, about 10 or 11 inches, but it was about 3 inches thick. I wanted this cock everywhere, but would I get it in? He held his cock and pressed it against my lips, I parted them slightly and the tip of it was in my mouth, using my tongue I licked across the tip of this huge piece of flesh, running the tip of my tongue into his piss-slit. Using my lips I pushed his foreskin further back as he started to push his cock into my mouth. As he went further into my mouth I could feel my lips stretching to try and take this monster in 'I'm never going to get this in my throat' was the thought going through my head.

I gagged as his cock got into the back of my throat, but he kept pushing and I started to breathe through my nose as my throat was blocked by his huge member. Then I felt him lean forward, it meant that I wasn't going to get the full length in my throat, but what else did it mean? I felt him lie on my back, his hair was pressing into me and then I felt the 'dildo' start to move, I was being fucked at both ends and there was nothing I could do about it. His teeth were biting my arse cheeks as he forced the 'dildo into me at one end and pushed his cock in at the other. I suddenly realised that I was enjoying it as I felt my cock trying to push through the table, the movement of him fucking me like this was making my cock press even harder into the tablecloth and the roughness of it was causing a friction. I was going to shoot my load any minute now........

Then he stopped. Stopped everything, stopped fucking my mouth stopped working the 'dildo'. He just got up and walked away. I lay there feeling lost, I'd been right on the peak of cumming and it had all finished. I wanted him back on top of me, I wanted him fucking my mouth, working my arse. I moaned, but he wasn't in the room so he didn't hear me. What was happening? Where had he gone? I wanted to scream at him

"Come back here and finish what you started" He had just left me in this state, the 'dildo' up my arse and the taste of him in my mouth. I tried to rub myself against the tablecloth and had got it just in the right position, when I realised that he was back in the room. I stopped wriggling.

"Oh carry on, I bet your arse looks good moving around like that, but don't you cum otherwise you will be washing that cloth" He sounded sarcastic, but I couldn't see his face so I couldn't tell. Then he was up against me, he laid his cock alongside the 'dildo' and rubbed it up against my body, then he grabbed his cock and slapped my arse with it, it wasn't as bad as his hand, but on top of the soreness from earlier, it still stung, it was a big cock! My arse clenched around the 'dildo' and tried to get away, but of course there was nowhere to go, just deeper into that bloody tablecloth.

He was doing something with my ankles and then I realised I was being untied. Thoughts of escape loomed up in my mind tempered with thoughts of the pleasure I'd experienced. The relief as my legs were untied was wonderful, but he didn't untie my wrists, he walked around to my head, bent down and picking up the rope he said

"We are going into the kitchen, just behave yourself and you'll be OK" I came over dizzy as I stood up and staggered a little, but with a quick tug on the rope he had me stumbling after him. As I walked in the kitchen behind him I noticed the coldness of slate beneath my feet, I couldn't see anything as he'd left the light off again.

"Lie down" was his next demand "On your back" I wasn't going to enjoy this! Gingerly I sat the coldness going up through my arse. Slowly I laid back, until I was full length. It was fucking freezing, he grabbed the rope on my wrists and tied it to something that I couldn't see, I was stretched out on the slate floor and then I felt his foot touch my side as he stood astride me. 'What was going to happen next'

Then I knew, his piss hit me straight on my chest as I lay there. It was hot out of his cock and it was splattering all over me, on my lips and face, over my belly, running down my sides. I was getting an unexpected shower, I opened my mouth to speak and as I did so he moved his aim and I had a mouthful of his piss before I could say anything. Hastily I swallowed as more of it poured down on, and in, me. Then I felt him kneel over my chest he pushed his still pissing cock into my open mouth, now I had no choice, I had to swallow as more and more of his golden liquid poured into my mouth. His cock was semi-hard and his huge balls were touching my chin, even though he hadn't got his cock fully in my mouth. Eventually he stopped pissing, but he left his cock in my mouth and I could feel it getting harder and harder. As I felt him swelling beside my tongue, I felt myself getting hard again, I wasn't going to be able to take him like this I hope he realised that.

He started to slide his cock in and out of my mouth, gradually getting further and further inside, he reached the back of my throat and I could feel myself wanting to gag, each time I started he would withdraw his cock a little bit and let me get settled and then push it back in a little bit further. I suppose that eventually he would have had it all in, but after about fifteen minutes of working it backwards and forwards he withdrew it completely. I grabbed a deep breath, I'm glad I did, he moved forward on top of me and sat his arsehole over my mouth, his huge balls were resting over my nose and I could feel them going up and down as he wanked his cock. I pushed my tongue into his arse, it felt and tasted good. He moved with pleasure as my tongue worked its way up inside him, he started wanking faster and faster. 'He's going to shoot his load all over my face and hair' I thought as I lay there completely under him. My lips were tight against his arsehole as my tongue went deeper and deeper. Another fifteen minutes passed...

And then he got off and stood over me again. I couldn't see him at all, there wasn't a glimmer of light anywhere, but I could feel the bulk of him over me. 'What next?' I felt him grab my legs and push them up in the air and then I felt his cockhead at the entrance of my arse, I was still greasy from the 'dildo' so it started to slip inside easily. Then he started to fuck me, just slowly pushing deeper and deeper into me with every thrust. The use of the 'dildo' had made it much easier for me to take him, but he was even bigger than I'd thought. Slowly he went further into me than I'd ever had it before, it was then that I realised that, although it was new to me, I was enjoying this man's use of me. I couldn't touch my own cock, as my hands were still tied above my head, but his fucking of my arsehole was working me up again, I hoped that he wouldn't leave me in suspense like last time, I wanted to cum, to shoot my load, I needed that release.

Now I could feel his balls slapping against my arse every time he thrust into me, it felt good, really good, to be fucked like this. Although I couldn't see him, I could imagine him kneeling there with my legs up on his shoulders as his cock speared my arsehole. He pushed it in as deep as it would go, it felt as though it was in my stomach, and then leant forward over my body. His hands went to my nipples and he grabbed them with each hand, pulling, twisting, stroking. I felt a deep gathering inside of me as he pinched them between his forefinger and thumb and then I was shooting my cum all over my stomach and it must have gone over him as well. I thought I was never going to stop, but eventually it slowed down, but still he pulled on my nipples and still his cock was deep inside me. I wanted a break, a rest, just for half-an-hour, but with this man there was no rest and he carried on twisting my nipples. The feel of that huge cock inside me was keeping me erect as well. He started to fuck me again and with each push into me it felt as though he was going deeper, I thought he was going to cum as his cock started to swell inside me 'My god he was massive' I wanted to ask him, beg him, to take a break, but I wasn't sure what he would do to me if I spoke. So I laid there and took it like a man and it was wonderful.

I don't know how long he carried on fucking me, but it seemed to go on forever. He didn't cum, just fucked and fucked me with that huge tool. My arse and my body were his to do as he wanted with, I'd never had sex with such an insatiable man before and I had no problems about letting it carry on as long as he wanted or as long as he wanted me.

Eventually he stopped, took his still hard cock out of me, I moaned as it slipped between my arse cheeks, more with disappointment than anything else. Then I felt him stand over me again

"Do you want to go to bed?" he asked in that low growl of a voice.

"Yes please........sir" I said, I thought that calling him 'sir' would please him, but I was wrong.

"I don't want any of that slave - master crap. My name is Jim and that's what you call me OK?" He sounded angry as he said it, and I didn't want him angry so I said

"That's fine Jim" With that he untied my arms and as I sat up rubbing them he turned the light on. What a sight! My cum had dried on his furry belly, I knew it had on mine, his cock jutted out proudly above his balls, beneath his marvellously hairy body. He walked over to the sink and, turning the tap on began to wash his cock off. I stood up beside him and reaching out started to wash it with him, my fingers and his met as I pulled back his foreskin so that we could wash behind it. I rubbed a finger across his piss slit and realised that it was in proportion to the rest of him. It was big enough to get my little finger inside, of course this washing didn't make him go down, even though it was cold water, it just seemed to keep erect.

"You'd better clean yourself up a bit" he said as he wiped his body with a towel. So I stepped into his place and washed myself off a bit, he threw me the towel after I'd finished and as I wiped myself down he said

"Right lets get to bed then" I couldn't wait!!

So we went upstairs to his bedroom, he opened the door and pointed to a very large double bed

"Get in, I've just got to go downstairs, I've forgotten your friend" 'Friend? What bloody friend?' went through my mind as I turned down the covers and got between cold, clean white cotton sheets. In a couple of minutes he was back, he turned the light of as he came in and I couldn't see what he had in his other hand, but I guessed that he had bought the 'dildo' upstairs. When he got in bed he put his arm around me and cuddling up he whispered in my ear

"Now its your turn" and pressed a wooden object into my hand. My turn? To do what?' So I laid the 'dildo' down on the bed beside me and kissed him not hard and thrusting like he had with me in the beginning, just gently on his lips. I was taken aback by his reaction, he didn't try to push me away he just held me closer and I suddenly realised that he was crying. I pulled him close and stroked that hairy back, holding him tight

"Shhh! Whats the matter?" I asked gently. He just sobbed into my shoulder and the tighter I held him the more he seemed to sob.

After quite some time of this he quietened down enough to talk

"Sorry about that, but its been a long while since I was kissed so gently. I've been used all my life by others and what I done to you tonight was part of getting my own back. Its only with you lying there that I realise that I shouldn't have been so hard on you"

"Don't worry about it, I know I've never been treated quite as rough as that in the past, but I'll tell you I enjoyed everything. There was something different about it" I replied.

"All that I've done to you is just what I've had done to me, by various people, but mainly by the man I lived with for fifteen years. That's why I didn't want you to call me sir. I had to call him sir all the time no matter whether he was using me or if his friends were and I found it really made me feel small and unwanted"

I stroked my hand gently over his hair covered shoulders and down his back, letting my hands rest on his arse. Bending my head I took a nipple into my mouth and began to lap at it with my tongue, gently teasing it in a circle until it got hard in my mouth. My hands began to stroke his arse, gently parting the cheeks and letting my fingers glide across his hole. He moaned with delight as I done these things to him and then he said

"Do you want me?"

"Oh yes, I want you in every way possible" was my reply. I could feel his cock getting hard against my belly and mine was getting hard again as well. I reached down to his cock with one hand and started to rub the foreskin up and down while raising my head and kissing him, this time letting my tongue slide into his warm mouth, lapping at his tongue and exploring the inside of his cheeks, while our lips merged together. I let my hand slide down the shaft of his cock and cup those huge balls, I could barely get them into the palm of my hand.

Leaving his lips, I let my mouth wander down over his bearded neck, he threw his head back with pleasure allowing me full access to his throat. I nibbled at his neck as he kept uttering moans of pleasure. Then moved my mouth to his other nipple, which was already hard and waiting for me. Slowly I worked my mouth down over his belly, through that forest of hair, until I reached the base of his cock, pushing my tongue out, I started to lick all around the base and up the stem, round and round I went. I didn't try to take it in my mouth yet as I wanted to give him as much pleasure as possible before we went to far. His pleasure was obvious from the sounds coming from him, as my mouth worked its way up to the tip of this wonderful weapon, his moans were mounting in volume as I got nearer to the top of him. As my mouth went over his cock I used my lips to push back his foreskin again, this time I got the full taste of his pre-cum which was lying inside. As the head of his cock slid between my teeth I pushed the tip of my tongue into his piss-slit. The slit opened nearly enough for me to be able to push a fair bit of my tongue inside, I could taste the sweetness of his pre-cum alongside the tartness of his piss.

His hands started to run over my back and then went to my arse, it was still greasy from earlier so when he slipped a finger into my hole it went in easily and then he had two fingers inside, with a third one lying alongside. This unexpected feeling made me take more of his cock in my mouth, so much more that it was at the back of my throat before I knew it, the difference this time was that I was taking it in at my own pace and because I wanted to. I waited for any gagging sensation to appear, but the earlier feelings had gone, so I started to relax my throat more and more until I was halfway down his cock. Feeling his cock-head in my throat was so special and fulfilling, I started working up and down on this wonderful cock, while playing with his balls with my hand. His fingers were going in and out of my arse rapidly now, I'm sure that he had three or four up there. Then I felt that bearded mouth go around my cock, he took it all the way in without any problem, well I'm only average size, about six inches.

His beard was scratching against my balls as he sucked me deep into his mouth, his tongue curling around my excited cock. I wished that I could take him as easily! Suddenly his body bucked underneath mine and I got the first surge of his cum in my throat. He didn't just cum, he shot load after load into my thirsting mouth and throat, I didn't think he was ever going to stop. He thrust his cock even deeper as he came and my throat was taking it willingly, even eagerly. He let go of my cock and yelled out

"Oh my god!!" as he shot his load, he moaned, he groaned, he called out for his god, he was obviously enjoying it. No less than I was though.

After his orgasm had finished and his cock, still large, but gradually losing its rigidity, was withdrawing from my throat, I licked his cock-head clean, even running my tongue into his piss-slit to get the remains of his cum. I ran my mouth and tongue back up his body until I was facing him again, he leant into me, putting an arm around me he held me tight and kissed me, no more roughness, just gently, allowing my mouth to open of its own accord and letting me push my tongue into his mouth as well.

I was still hard and wanted to carry on, but I wasn't sure how much more he wanted, but his hand wrapped itself around my hard cock and began to wank me.

"Hold on a minute Jim. I want to fuck you if I may please" I said

"Oh yes please" was the reply and with that he rolled onto his stomach. I laid on top of him, feeling his hair against my body, my cock just lying in-between his arse cheeks. I moved backwards and forwards for a while just letting him get used to the idea of me being there and then on one of the forward movements I let my cockhead slide into his hole. Slowly I worked my way into him, he wriggled with pleasure as I worked my way in, I didn't want to hurt this wonderful guy and so I just kept the movements very gentle and regular, each forward thrust taking me further inside his welcoming arsehole. Then I was fully in, my balls as tight against his arse as his had been on mine. Because of how I felt I knew it wasn't going to be long before I shot my load again, but I wanted it to be as long as possible, so I fucked him slower than ever. I was pulling my cock almost out and then pushing it back in to its full length again, the friction was more than I could bear and I felt the sensation building up inside me again with each inward thrust. One more time and then as I thrust into him, I shot my load with an enthusiasm that was truly amazing, I wanted this man to have as much of me as I could possibly give him.

After I'd cum, we laid there with my cock inside him, until we fell asleep, joined by my cock and his arse. Some time later, I woke up with a start and realised that, not only had the weather changed as the sun was shining through the window, but that there was an uncomfortable lump in the middle of my back. Gently, so as not to disturb Jim I slid my cock out of his arse and wriggled around as I reached down to grab the lump. As my hand grasped it I realised that it was the 'dildo'. I pulled it from under the bedclothes and looked at it. It had been a branch of a tree, but had been shaped and polished into a cock shape, I stroked it with my fingers, it was smooth with just a couple of bumps along its length, it looked as though it had been modelled by Jim himself, because it was about the same length and width as he was. Jim rolled over and put his arm out to go round me, but his hand hit the 'dildo'

"Ouch, that was bloody hard" he muttered,

"I know, I've had it inside me. Remember?" I said.

"Yes well there is a long story attached to that piece of wood, but I can think of much more interesting things to do right now......" he murmured and so I dropped the 'dildo' over the edge of the bed and turned back to my lover, I could also think of some interesting things to do.....

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