The Chamber

By Phaedrus Fantasies

Published on Feb 10, 2001



The following was written stictly for your reading pleasure. It's my intent to build upon this foundation. Storyline and character development depending only on where my cock may lead. That's what makes it so simple and fun!

Please enjoy...

THE CHAMBER Author: Phaedrus

Life's Searches ===============

Your mind is preoccupied and distracted. Events from the past keep forcing themselves to the forefront of your thoughts as you are driving him to your home. Although able to hold up your end of the conversation well enough, your head keeps wandering off, reviewing the circumstances that lead up to this encounter...

Almost a year ago, he'd found his way to your internet website and the "meeting" had occurred there. An "acquaintance" was made and over time, through the course of nurturing emails and chats, a trust grew you both were comfortable with. Each of you were fulfilling separate needs, but both were in need each other in order to be successful.

You had sensed something early on...knew the symptoms, what to look for...and after a time he as much admitted to being "conflicted" - torn between his sexual longings for cock and what he saw as society's non-acceptance of such desires. You still recall the jolt of excitement felt when coyly confessed a wish to be seduced by another man. Teasingly, he'd gone on to spill out deliciously nasty fantasies of what he'd to do to this man's cock...until it finally spewed out the warm juices he would eagerly lap up! You quickly realized that although this young man may be having difficulties accepting his true nature, you were sure he'd know exactly what to do once those needs were unleashed!

You'd determined to help him find his way. Some years previous, you'd made up your mind that the struggles of your life shouldn't be experienced by another...the sadness they'd wrought, not to be shared.

You were a mature teen when your own world had been opened...

As a growing child, you'd spent a great deal of time at your Grandparent's mansion and had many happy remembrances as a result of their doting attention to their only grandchild. As you grew older however, these visits became more than just a simple family reunions. Entering your sexual self, you'd realized that the chambermaids could be alluring servants in more ways than one...and as often as possible they became the recipients of your growing sexual rage!

Your behavior, though never reprimanded or counseled, did not go unnoticed.

It was sometime in summer is all you could recall now...nothing, save for the events of it, distinguished the day from any other. The "Head of House" had asked for your assistance to secure wine from the cellar. The request was a bit odd given your "position", but you'd grown friendly with the servants long ago and given it only a moments second thought before heading off with him in. He'd directed you to the far back of the cellar before finally pointing to the crate to be taken and it was there, while straddled over the large crate that your needs were exposed. From behind, he'd slid his open palm over your ass and down your crack until it stopped and slowly squeezed your package. You'd jumped away in surprise...but not too quickly. Making no verbal protest, you'd retreated into a far corner, a rush as conflicting thoughts and feelings charging through you! Never having consciously considered having sex with a man, you were confused by your bodies immediate and needy response...your dick was hard in moments!

Slowly he'd seduced you with his soft, reassuring pleadings...the gentle strokes of his deep voice washed over you...his hands caressed and rubbed your hair and shoulders and without protest, he'd slowly exposed the hardon you were completely unable to control! You recall how your eyes had closed when he'd grabbed your balls, massaging them expertly in his big hands. Your surrender was blissfully complete when his warm mouth wrapped around you...slowly licking and sucking your raging teen cock as it had never been before...loving you more slowly and deftly than any of your "playmates" too date. Ultimately, your entire pelvis seemed to convulse and as you rewarded him with a powerful load of cum, moans of delight and sweet sucking intermixed and trailed off into the darkness of the cellar.

Nothing more was said or done at that time, but your acceptance and reaction to his advances could never be denied. The strength with which your cock had strained to stay in his mouth was a surprising revelation -one which you secretly hoped would be repeated! Life seemed to go on as usual, as if this road to a new self had never been turned upon. You'd mistakenly believed that your idle threats to have him dismissed had sealed his lips...your dark secret was safe. However, years later you would laugh at your teenage brashness when you learned this advance had actually been made on the instruction of your Grandfather...and that this and some of the other servants were in fact kept on staff to attend to his and your father's needs...those that their partners in life knew nothing about or couldn't possibly relieve.

Eventually, your rendezvous' would occur again...and again. Expanding in a natural way to include more locations and servant partners. Soon you were visiting the mansion primarily to satisfy your lust for hard, juicy cock. Something totally overpowering had been released in you. Something so irresistible that you gave in to it every time...until it had you spanking, licking or fucking some servant's hot and willing ass. The power transferred as you fisted and sucked their hard, red cocks was as addictive as any drug...and your need for more grew.

Still, the road had many turns for you. Eventually, you would meet a beautiful lady and fall hopelessly in love, the day of your marriage being the happiest of your life. She was completely devoted to you and very talented sexually and although your love for her was very deep, a shadow of "incompleteness" stalked you...growing as the years passed. Your repressed desires for male sexual partners...the salty taste of their sweaty bodies, tightness of their clenching holes, brought on an unhappiness in you that eventually seeped into the marriage. Until it ended on the fateful winter night...

She'd followed you...perhaps thinking, but almost certainly not wanting to believe where and for what reason you'd gone out. When she finally came upon you, her heart must've broken when she saw you hungrily swallowing the shaft of the other man laying back in the front seat of your car!

In her distress and confusion she'd sped away before you could reach her and lost control of the car on a patch of black ice...dieing later as the result of the crash. You were crushed and guilt was your only companion for years afterward. Finally, you began to see through it and accepted that because you'd not been true to yourself - and therefore to her - you were trying to be something that you could never be. You realized all too late that people are what the are and the only chance at a full and happy life was to finally understand and accept yourself.

What had been done was done. Nothing could ever change those dreadful past events, but the future need not also have been lost on that dark night. So, you'd determined a new course for your life. Seeking out and helping others who were at similar crossroads, struggling with indecision on which path to take. By possibly helping these individuals find their way to self awareness and fulfillment, you could find some measure of redemption for your soul.

As the recipient of two large inheritances, you'd become wealthier beyond your wildest expectations and events would lead up to your returning to your childhood proving grounds - your Grandparent's mansion. Although you'd never marry again and the mansion was far larger than any single man could possibly need, you weren't living alone. There was a new staff of "multitalented" servants who also resided there and the considerable construction that you'd done had allowed you the freedom to pursue you new goals.

Crossing Point ==============

The conversation had trailed off and he'd grown silent as you lead him down the long, steep stairwell. It had taken over a year and a great deal of consideration to reach this point, but he was following you willingly and with increasing excitement towards the uncertain but hopeful destination.

The descent became increasingly cool and he rested one hand on your shoulder for steadying support and reaffirmation as you walked down the dim passageway. He had reached out in a different way some time ago...and he'd cry out for you in the days and weeks ahead.

Finally reaching the bottom landing, he was surprised when you pulled open a thick, heavy door apparently right out of the wall. A rush of warm air flowed over his face while he silently peered inside...trying to make out the dark shapes he was seeing. Finally, without word or command, he slowly stepped across the threshold and disappeared inside.

The silence was broken when as you told him.."I'm glad you've decided to stay Scott...." and pulling the door closed from within, it disappeared as invisibly as before back into the wall, accompanied by a brief "whoosh" of air.

Ceiling lights were raised in the center where Scott stood, silently peering around his gymnasium size surroundings to see that the walls of this completely circular chamber were adorned with numerous iron racks, cages, shackles and supports...the imagined purpose of which made the pit of his stomach quiver and his cock begin to grow thicken. His survey stopped cold and his cock began stiffening considerably when off in the distance he saw a man, naked save for a codpiece walking around a hanging cage, sponging down another man who appeared to be chained inside, his arms extended and apparently shackled up over his head. Water ran down the mans lithe body and fell from his feet to a large grate beneath him.

Some yards from where the caged man hung, Scott saw a large pool...and his heart began pounding harder when his eyes took in the naked backside of an muscular and angular man. Standing at the pools edge, the man was straddling a young boy who seemed to be kneeling on the pool steps...his wrists shackled to the side ledge. The man's naked beauty sent a shiver to Scott's soul...but it was his actions that made Scott's shorts wet with precum. Standing over the boy, the man was slowly and deliberately working his own stiff cock while he the boy eagerly fed on his balls! Periodically he would turn, exposing his wonderfully thick cock and allowing the boy's mouth to bury itself up his crack!!

Silently you glided up just behind Scott and broke his trance when you whispered ... "don't fret, you'll have your turn if you like..." and with that you stroked his back as casually and sensually as if you'd known him for years...casually continuing..."why don't you undress for me, let me see that body you've been teasing me about...I'll be back in a just moment".

With that you were off to change, disappearing behind a long floor length curtain that concealed an adjoining room. Slowly and silently Scott began to comply, his clothes falling in a pile on the floor. His imagination was completely captured by the visions before him and his cock throbbed and yearned for attention. "Mmmmmmm..." was the only sound he made as he began to massage his manhood thru the sheer briefs he kept on. Feeling the dampness, his hand delivered some delicious precum to his mouth. "Mmmmmmmm, oh yes..." a warmth flowing over his body.

Returning after a moment, you step up behind him and your hands begin running over his thick shoulders. Scott briefly stopped rubbing himself, but slowly he leaned back into you and continued masturbating when your hands made their way to his muscular backside. "This is what I promised you Scott.." you whispered to him, hands slowly rubbing and squeezing his tight ass...drawing him close you whispered "any need, any can have it here..." Scott rubbed his cock harder when he felt you in the small of his back. "Any desire, or can live it here..."

Your tongue reaches out and you slowly lick his extended neck...looking down, you can see he's pulled the briefs down under his balls and his glistening dickhead points up at you through his fingers. Running a hand down his chest you squeeze his stomach, pulling his hard ass up against your heated rod. " will be a sweet fuck..." you compliment him, bringing a smile to his face. With a wet kiss on the neck, you release him and step back. Scott's whole body is on fire! He turns quickly and stares at the throbbing pole that seconds before he'd longed to have inside him!! His urgent passions, though never felt to this degree before are completely natural and he gives no thought to covering his cock that still oozes precum. He's in need of release...NOW!!...and without a moments hesitation reaches out and begins manhandling your cock! Recognizing the need, you allow him his pleasure. He's like a child in a candy story, overpowered by his freedom to enjoy the sweets he'd do desperately longed for. Cutting him off finally..."Enough of that now babe..." and with a slight hand gesture, another naked young man appears out of nowhere to stand beside you.

"You go with Samuel..he'll get you settled in. We'll catch up with each other...later" You lean forward to kiss him, but he lunges at you and his hungry tongue quickly jumps into your mouth. "Mmmmmm...." you hum as you suck each others tongues slowly...methodically. Breaking it off, you gently rub the side of his face and walk off in the direction you'd come.

Scott and Samuel stand alone now and without request, this stranger's hand rubs over and squeezes Scott's sensitive dickhead...bringing some of his precum to his mouth. Scott is suprised and delighted at the sensation of his hand. Unable and unwilling to protest, Samuel's hands slowly slide down his body, catching the band of Scott's the briefs and pulling them over his ass so they'll drop silently to the floor. Scott grins proudly, his stiff cock throbbing openly and invitingly for his new friend, but to his surprise the stranger doesn't take it. Instead a hand is offered and Scott quickly slides his palm into it and they head off towards the pool together.

As they slowly approach, Scott realizes that this isn't a pool at all, but a large Jacuzzi! Led to a smaller, enclosed section on the side closest to the encircling wall, Samuel motions him to be seated in a "chair" that is preformed into its side just below the water's surface. Slowly but eagerly Scott assumes a reclining position in the warm water, but his body isn't fully submerged. His hardon sticks up proudly above the water which only covers his ass and back. A growing sense of relaxed, uninhibited joy is coming over him and he's delighted at the new treat he's capable to up close viewpoint of the man and boy as they continue attending to each other.

The man stands in the Jacuzzi now and up close Scott takes in his disarming appearance. Tall and lean, his whole body seems a mass of quivering muscle and sinew topped off by his rugged facial features and shaved head. With a twinge of jealously, Scott looks to the boy who is now off his knees and standing in the water...his ass pointed invitingly upward because his wrists are still shackled to the Jacuzzi's edge.

The boy moans sweet encouragements to the man who is liberally applying lubricant to the sweet ass that bounces gently to the rhythm of the deep finger fuck its receiving. Pausing occasionally, the man removes his fingers and slowly wraps his hand around his beautiful cock and shines it some more. Noticing Scott's rapt attention, the man stares back while making strong, slow pulls on his hardon ... and then releases it completely. Standing motionless for a moment, he lets Scott drool over the size and beauty of his luscious tool as it sticks out firmly! Although longing to run over and impale his face on this lance, a broad smile and stiff cock are the only repayment Scott can offer for a job being very well done! The man shoots back a bright smile, tweaks his rod playfully and resumes his attentions to the waiting boy.

Although keeping his "mind's eye" on the goings on before him, Scott turns to see Samuel slowly strip off his codpiece to reveal a shaved pubic area and balls, topped off by a lovely, mouth sized cock! Stepping down into this jacuzzi section and walking to stand beside Scott, he removes a tube of body lotion from a case on the ledge and begins to unload gobs of it onto Scott's crotch. The initial shock of cold is quickly offset by Samuel's warm hands taking hold of Scott's package and working it. "Oh..yes..." Scott responds, his legs spreading wider "do me me good". One of Samuel's small hands is deftly squeezing Scott's aching balls, soon getting his pelvis pumping in beat with the pulls his other hand makes on Scott's ramrod-hard dick. Too long in need of release and short of breath, Scott is spitting out hushed bursts "Ohhhhhhhhh..fuck..yeah....MMmmm...ahhh" and as he's approaching the passion point...his dick its hardest and poised to spew...he finally goes cascading over the edge of his sweet misery when with a glance he sees that hot stud's long, stiff, delicious, cock gliding slowly in and out of that lucky boys ass! POW! Streams of cum explode onto Scott's chest, as Samuel's now furious jerking propels it from his tortured dick! "AHHHH...OHHHHH...TAKE IT.....YESSSS!!!...." Samuel throws himself onto his cock, swallowing the head and madly swirling his tongue around its inflamed edges!


Scott is releasing more than just cum. Reality becomes nothing more than Samuel's blessed tongue and the consuming fire in his crotch. He sees stars behind his eyelids as in this moment of transference, his two selves are becoming one and his very essence and soul is poured out! He can only moan weakly while he's becoming a different, stronger man. What self-doubts he harbored whatever guilt he carried are being sucked out of him, the form of his true self taking focus and becoming self-evident.

Emotionally overloaded, he pulls Samuel towards him...his urgent kiss conveying the emotions raging throughout him. He holds Samuel tightly as he gives the most needed and meaningfull kiss of his life. A tear running down his cheek gives the final, silent testimony of his heart.

He breaks their mouth lock, but maintains his hold of Samuel as he gasps for air. "Did you enjoy that..?" Samuel whispers with a broad smile. Scott's chest heaves out an abbreviated if expelling the lasts of his old self...he nods and smiles silently just before clenching Samuel close again and releasing more tears of joy.

To be continued...

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