The change

By Amy Brett

Published on Jan 8, 2000



The Change

by Amy Brett

Day One

I knew I'd fucked up when I did it. It was truly stupid and I didn't have to be told by anybody. Yeah, I wanted the video game but I knew I couldn't just take it. Stupid.

"Stop right there," the man from the game store said. I thought about running but I was pretty sure he could catch me and I think he probably knew who I was anyway. I stopped and he grabbed my arm to take me back into the store. He didn't look even a little happy.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" I started blubbering right away. "Please! I don't know why I did it! It was really stupid! I'm sorry!" I took the game out of my pocket and tried to give it back to him but he wouldn't even look at me. He just held on to my arm and headed me back to the back.

I never even knew there was an office in the back of the store but when he shoved me into a chair roughly, I didn't really care much. I didn't know how bad it was going to be but I knew it was going to be really bad.

"Please don't call the police!" I begged. "It was only one little thing and I promise I'll never ever do it again!"

He grabbed the video game that he'd tossed in the middle of the desk and frowned at me. "This is fifty bucks. Think of it that way, brat. And fifty bucks is a felony." He plumped back into the chair. "When I call the cops, you'll probably be going to jail. Maybe for a long time."

"Oh, please!" I said, tears going all over. "Please! Please! Please! I don't want to go to jail! Please!" I promised a lot of other things. That I'd never come back to the store again. That I'd tell all my friends what happens when you get caught stealing. That I'd pay him a million bucks if he'd let me go. Anything.

Finally, he stopped looking at me so mean but, maybe worse, he leaned closer to me and looked hard into my eyes. "Okay. I won't call the cops. I could. And you'd be in big trouble. Probably reform school. But I won't."

Feeling a little bit better but still scared to death, I could just wait and try to dry the tears out of my eyes.

"But there's no way I can keep from calling your parents," he said.

I went back into the whole thing again, crying harder. This was even worse. My parents would go nuts. A spanking was nothing. I'd be grounded for life. I'd never see TV again until I was 20. My bike would be sold immediately. I'd never go any place by myself. I knew my dad would use his strap on me for sure. My mom would cry and spank with her belt. I couldn't imagine how bad it would be.

"I need a telephone number," he said. "Who do I call? Mom or dad?"

"M-my sister is "

"No way. You're probably blackmailing your sister for something and she'd keep your little secret. No way." He said. I didn't have anything on Melanie, my older sister, but I knew this wasn't going to work anyway.

"Okay. My mom then," I said. At least she wouldn't hit as hard and my dad would be super pissed just because he was disturbed at work without any of the rest. I gave him the number, he called, and I waited as he did something with some papers on his desk. It seemed like forever and, no matter what I said, he ignored me. It gave me a lot of time to worry and that just made it worse.

Another guy who worked at the video game store looked in, with a sort look like pity, and got out of the way as my mom came in. Her face was her business face. No smile and no frown. She just looked like business. But I knew she was really pissed at me. She wouldn't even look at me and I was just as glad. The look she gave the store guy made him back up further.

"What happened?" she said, her lips tightening up in that look she gets just about the time she says, "Don't ... you ... dare ... lie ... to me."

"I caught your son outside the store with this video game in his pocket. He was far enough away that I'm sure he hadn't forgotten to pay for it somehow."

"He was stealing it," she said flatly. I gulped and so did the man.

"No doubt about it," he said and waited, with me, until she finally nodded her head. She broke the stare she been giving him and opened up her purse.

"What do I owe you?"

"Oh," he said quickly. "Nothing. I have the game right here."

Then she turned that look on me and I tried to crawl through the chair away from her.

"You will apologize," she said. I couldn't take my eyes away from hers, knowing that if I did, she'd kill me.

"I'm sorry," I said weakly. "It was really stupid and I promise promise I'll never ever do it again." I'd said it before but this time the man nodded, knowing how much trouble I'm in.

"It was just a kid thing, ma'am," he said. "They do it all the time. We just have to protect ourselves, you know. We'd go out of business "

"I understand. You," she said looking at me with the nastiest look I've ever seen, "come with me. Now!"

Her fingers around the back of my neck made me cringe like a turtle trying to withdraw his head. She walked me through the store and I heard as we left, "god, I feel sorry for that kid."

The trip home was very long, even if it was just three blocks, and seemed to last forever. Mom didn't say anything to me the whole way. She acted like I wasn't even there when we drove into the driveway and she got out to go to the door and unlock it. I got out very slowly because I knew what was coming and didn't want to rush it. But finally I went through the wide open door into the house and closed it as quietly as possible behind me.

Dad wouldn't be home for hours and my sisters were at the swimming pool for the day.

"COME ... HERE!" she said loud enough to really scare me a lot and send me in the direction of the kitchen. When I went through the swinging door, she was sitting at the table with her knees together, a little way away (not like she was having a snack or something), with something shiny in her hand. I didn't catch what it was. The look on her face was really awful. Mad and tight like in the video game store.

"Unfasten your pants and drop them to the floor, young man," she said. I started to protest but there was something in her eyes that said I better not. As fast as I could, I did it and had them around my ankles. "Here," she said, pointing at her knees. I knew I was going to get a paddling and started whimpering. That's when I saw she was hold a pancake turner in her hand.

"Mom! Mom! Wait! Please!"

But unfortunately I was close enough to her that she could grab my arm and pulled me over her lap like a rag doll. I cringed as she delivered half a dozen quick, painful smacks to the back of my shorts. She grunted with displeasure and jerked my shorts down my legs roughly. The pancake turner on my bare bottom was a dozen times worse and I squirmed and cried and tried to get away. But she held me down with one arm as she continued to spank me over and over.

I heard her crying, too.

As soon as her arm released me, I stood up, my eyes streaming tears, and threw my arms around her neck, hugging her tight.

"I'm sorry, mommy. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." She didn't hold me and a felt the shudders of her crying.

"Thief!" she hissed. "My son! A thief! A petty ..." The shudders took over.

I told her over and over that I was sorry and that I was stupid and that I didn't even want the game and all sorts of things.

"Please, mommy! Don't cry! Please! I'll do anything but please don't cry!" But she did anyway and seemed inconsolable.

I guess I should have done something but I didn't know what. I just wanted her to forgive me.

"If you were like your sisters," she said, controlling her tears somewhat, "you wouldn't do something like that. Michelle and Tina would never even think of stealing something." She pushed me away from her and looked disgusted at me. I didn't even think what I looked like as I stood there with tears rolling copiously down my cheeks and my hands clasped in front of my chest, wanting so bad for her to love me again. I didn't have the faintest idea of what I looked like until she did look at me again and her eyes dropped down ... and down. That's when I noticed that I was standing there with my pants around my ankles and my underwear around my knees. I noticed because she was staring at the place between my legs and her look had changed from before.

Then her face changed and I didn't like the change at all. Yes, she started to smile but it wasn't the kind of smile I liked even a little. It looked like she had an idea and, under the circumstances, I was sure I wasn't going to like it a bit.

She didn't say anything to me as she put down he pancake turner, stood up, and took my arm in that tight hold again. With the pants around my ankles, I stumbled and almost fell down but she caught me and stepped on the side of my pants. I pulled my foot out and my sneaker got caught in it a minute before it came off too. She didn't let me do anything else before moving me out of the kitchen in a funny shuffle, the pants still around the other ankle and my underwear around my knees still, one shoe on and one off.

She didn't slow down at the stairs, taking me right up to my room. She half tossed me into the room and gestured toward me. "Take that ... crap off!" she said, gesturing toward my clothes. I was pretty sure she was going to put me to bed right then with no supper and my stomach, hungry already, roiled and grumbled. "And when you get it all off, wash your hair."

Of course, I did it as quickly and thoroughly as I possibly could and was drying my hair when she came in to the bathroom behind me. Strangely, she patted my bottom, reminding me of the spanking and how hot and sore it still was. But when I turned around to keep it away from her, she was smiling and looking me up and down. "Yes," she said to the room in general but not to me.

She took my arm again and pulled me behind her into my little sister Tina's bedroom and pushed me down on her little stool in front of the ruffled table. She started opening and closing drawers for quite a while, pulling a few things out and mumbling to herself. "Oh, Tina. You're so messy."

To my horror, she opened up a bottle of Tina's pink fingernail polish and grabbed my hand. Right away, even though I tried to pull my hand away, she started painting my fingernails until she'd done them all. Then she knelt down on the floor and put my foot on her knee and started painting my toenails, too.

Putting the polish back into a drawer neatly, she picked up something else and held my chin while she put something on my cheeks and cheekbones.

"Mom? What are you doing?" I asked her but she didn't answer me. She hummed as she did things to my eyes and mouth before she stopped. Then she pulled the towel off my head where it had been and started playing with my hair.

I'd wanted it long like the other guys had theirs and had resisted getting a haircut for a couple of months before school ended. Now, at the end of June, it was really neat because mom hadn't insisted strong enough that I cut it. She'd told me, sure, but she hadn't made me yet so it was just like I wanted it, even if she did call it stringy and nasty.

Grabbing me by the arm again, she pulled me after her into Michelle's room and pushed me down on the bigger makeup stool in front of her pink makeup table. Then she started pulling little rollers and things out of Michelle's drawer and, to my horror, putting them in my hair. When she was done doing that, she wet it with something pink from a jar. Then she went to Michelle's closet and got something from the shelf. I didn't like this at all, even if I didn't know what was going on. The polish on my fingers and toes made it plain I was being turned into a girl and I really didn't want that even a little bit and even as punishment just today.

I was totally bored while she took out the rollers, primped and pushed and brushed. A couple of times, she stuck me with the end of the brush and didn't seem to care. I couldn't even see what was going on. Most of the time, I couldn't do anything except look at the way mom's bare skin in the opening of her work suit jacket moved around. I knew that the skin was the inside of her titties and that she probably wasn't wear that bra thing.

For the first time all day, she looked at me really at my hair and patted it with a big smile.

This time, she took my hand sort of gently, and took me back to my own room to have me sit on the bed. I'd seen Tina's little pink suitcase sitting on the foot of my bed when we left my bathroom in the first place, but I sure wasn't going to say anything then. Now, I had a feeling I knew, at least in general terms, what was in it and that I didn't have anything to say about it. Thinking I was in enough trouble already, I kept my mouth shut, trying not to taste the lipstick she'd put on me.

She rummaged around in it and grinned before she pulled something out and knelt again in front of me.

"Put your little toesies up here, sweetie, and I'll help with your little sockies." I didn't like the way this was going even a little tiny bit, but I did as I was told. She put a funny thin white sock on my foot that was really a little small and turned down the top part to show little blue baby animals all around it. "There," she said with satisfaction and patted my foot.

Standing back up, she got something else from the suitcase and I didn't identify it before she lifted one foot and then the other to put a pale blue pair of underwear on my legs before I could protest. I didn't get a good look before they were around my thighs and she was telling me to lift up. I leaned back and lifted my bottom off the bed so she could pull the panties up between my legs.

The fact that they were silky and obviously a girl's, with tiny ruffles around the top and legs, was bad enough. The fact that they were too small for me and very tight, was even worse. It held my penis and testicles, what the other boys called a cock and balls, so tight it felt like my balls were going to get pushed up inside me and my cock didn't even make a bump in the front.

"There. I think that will be okay," she said as if she was surprised. "I was afraid we might have to do something with that, like push it back between or something. But this will be much more comfortable for you."

She turned back to the suitcase and pulled out a pile of frilly white stuff I couldn't identify at all. I still hadn't when she had me put my hands over my head and put it over and started pulling it down around me.

It was tight, too, but I saw that it was some kind of petticoat or something with a sort of teeshirt held by little strings over the shoulders. The part around my chest was tight and I wondered if it was supposed to be down around my waist instead of around my ribcage but it didn't look like it would even do that on someone Tina's size. It wasn't uncomfortable; just dumb and really girly looking.

"Now we'll have to stand up, darling," she said as she turned back to the suitcase. "Perfect," she said to herself with a big smile.

She turned around with some light blue colored something in her hands and guided it over my again extended arms. I looked down at all the little blue and white bows on the front and the way it didn't have anything on the chest part as she smoothed it out over the petticoats that held it up. I recognized it now as the dress Tina had worn to a dress-up dance a few months before. She'd been so excited wearing it and getting to go to a real dance. But she'd worn some kind of white pants under it that covered up her legs. I had to hold my breath when mom zipped up the back. It was as tight as the other things.

She picked up the black shoes from beside the suitcase instead of the ones I'd seen inside and had me sit down.

"Tina's are just too small," she said. "I'm sure Shelly won't mind." I recognized the black patent leather shoes that Michelle and mom had compromised on for her school dance. Michelle had wanted to wear her first stockings and high heels. But mom would only agree if the stockings were white and the shoes still looked like little girl shoes. Michelle's part of the compromise was that the stockings weren't real thick like the ones Tina had worn with this dress and the shoes had heels that were a couple of inches high.

She held up one of my feet at a time and put on the shoes, with their little straps tied around my ankles. Unlike the clothes, these were a little bit big. I was just as happy because the way the toes were, sort of pointed, they squished my toes a little bit anyway.

"Okay. Now stand up and turn so I can see how it all looks together," she said. I did it, of course, and stumbled a little on the shoes. "Oh, so pretty!" she said in that same way she did with Tina sometimes.

"Ah, mom " I began.

"Mommy," she said. "You call me mommy. You're much too young yet for that other."

"Yes ... mommy." I had been about to ask if I could get back into my own clothes but I didn't now because I knew the answer without asking.

"I know. You want to see how pretty you are, don't you, sweetie?" she said. Not waiting for an answer, she extended her hand and took mine before leading him back to the hall and then into her own room, through, and into the bathroom. She stopped and slowly turned me toward the full length mirror on the wall, holding my shoulders and smiling at the reflection in the mirror. I gasped at the sight.

There was a girl in the mirror. A cute one. Maybe she was Tina's age eight or even younger. Cute little face with the bright blush on the cheeks and pink lips.

"Oh, just a minute," she said and left him to stare at his reflection. He turned a little and saw the long ringlets at the back of his head move with all the others around his ears. He was sorry now that he'd let it get long and that it was so blond. When he moved, he stumbled on the unfamiliar shoes again and looked down at the way they looked on his feet with the cute socks. His legs were funny looking. Long and skinny like a little girl's. Not like a boy's legs at all.

That's when he noticed that he could see the blue of the fluffy panties sticking out just a tiny bit below the billows of petticoat that held the skirt part of the dress almost straight out like one of the ballet skirt things Tina wore for her lessons. It was too short, he thought. And the opening of the top showed more of his chest than he ever did except when he wasn't wearing a shirt at all. And pink fingernails on the hands that were crossed on the front of the skirt. It made his head spin.

What had she done to him? Worse, how hard was it going to be to get all the paint and stuff off and his hair back the way it was supposed to be?

"Amy, I think you'll like these," his mother said as she came back in to the bathroom. "Here." She squished his hand and put a circle of gold around his wrist before putting a tiny ring on his middle finger. She put another little ring with a pink stone on his other hand and fastened a charm bracelet with a dozen tickling charms on it around that wrist. Standing behind him and looking over his shoulder, she put a tiny chain around his neck with a heart shaped pendant on the end that went almost to the top of the dress opening.

"Isn't that darling?" she said, her eyes twinkling. "You're so pretty!" She turned him around and hugged him tightly to her and petted his back. He was suddenly sure that he was going to have to wait for his dad to get home before he was going to get out of this. Surely he'd think that this was enough punishment for taking one lousy little game.

"Oh, God, honey. I just have to get out of these stockings and heels. Come on. You can help."

He followed her into the bedroom and watched her unbutton the two buttons of her jacket before pulling it off and tossing it onto the bed. She had nothing covering her from the waist up and she had beautiful breasts that stuck out and up just like the pictures he'd seen in the magazines one of his friends had. This was different, of course. First, it was real and not a picture. Second, the way she scratched underneath and sort of ignored her titties, wasn't as neat as the girls in the pictures and the way they showed them off proudly. And last, this was his mother!

She did something and her skirt came loose and dropped down her legs. She caught it and stepped out of it without even thinking about it. He never even thought that his mother wore little tiny panties like the ones he could see plainly now. Or the garter belt that held up her stockings.

She sort of walked out of her shoes as she walked across the room to her closet. It seemed so easy to him. Easy and, well, really coordinated. He couldn't have practiced for a month and done that. He was impressed.

"Here, honey. Make yourself useful. Pick up these things for me, okay?"

He picked up the shoes and suit with the intention of hanging them up and putting them in the closet for her as she'd asked. But he stopped short when he saw her in the open doorway of the closet, her arms behind her, trying to get the fastener on the garter belt undone. What he was looking at really, was the way her titties stuck out a mile when she had her arms behind her back like that.

"Ah, can I help?" he asked softly, not trusting his voice very much to say it louder.

"Yeah," she said. "These damned things drive me crazy. A man must have designed women's clothes."

He put her suit down on the corner of her dresser near the door and went inside, setting the shoes near her others.

"No, no, Amy. The beige ones are over there. See?" He took them to the furthest depths of the wonderfully fragrant and colorful little room and put them on a rack with some others almost the same color but different styles.

He returned to his mother and, her back turned to him, undid the tricky fastener. She didn't take it from him. "Undo the garters back there too, hon," she said and he did it, feeling the heat of her thigh. He looked around her waist as she bent and undid the front garters and gasped to himself as he looked at her titties hanging down the way they did when she was leaned forward.

Standing up straight again, she pulled the garter belt parts up through her panties.

"I'll have to sit down to take the stockings off," she said.

"C-can I, mommy?" he stammered.

"Oh. Sure. I guess so." Bowing one leg toward him like an offer, she turned a little and pulled her tiny panties back into place. He noticed that they pulled into a funny little crease in front. His hands shaking, he started to roll the stocking down her warm leg. "No, no, sweetie. We don't want them all rolled up. Just put your little hands in the top a little and move it straight down."

He did that, feeling his fingers go all along her thigh and calf. She stood on tiptoe with that foot so he could clear her heel before stepping out of it and turning to face him more with the other leg cocked toward him on tiptoe. He carefully stripped down the stocking, making sure the pink fingernails didn't make holes in the thin material.

When she stepped out of the stocking, he looked up at her from his knees and saw the little wet spot on the front of her very thin black panties.

"Oh!" she said sounding upset again and quickly hoped that he hadn't made her mad at him again. "I've messed these up. I'll have to change them as well." Without an apparent thought, she put her hands in the narrow waistband and pushed them down her legs. It had two terrible effects on him. First, she was very close to him and bent her dangling breasts within a few inches of his face and second he could see the wetness in the funny red folds and hair on her front. She stepped out of them and stood up straight again.

He couldn't take his eyes off it. He'd thought about what was on a girl's front before and even seen his little sister in her bath sometimes. But this was different and the fragrance that seemed to be coming from his mother was overpowering.

"What are you looking at so intently, Amy?" she said and he realized what he was doing. Embarrassed at being caught, he looked up into her eyes quickly. He was surprised that instead of looking mad, she was smiling at him. "One day your little cunny will look just like this." Amazingly, she cocked out one knee again as she had when he took off her stocking, and put the long fingers of both hands down into the hair there. He looked at what she was doing and saw her open the big soft lips there to reveal a pink trench several inches long.

"See? Down here is my pussy," she said instructively as she put her fingertip just inside a little opening down there. "That's where all this wet is coming from. And up here is where mommy pees, just like you. And this little bump here ..." she stopped. "Maybe you can't see it. Let me have your little hand."

He put out his hand and let her guide his fingers into the pink trench. "Can you feel it?" she asked. He could and now, when he moved his fingers a little away from it, he could see it as well. "That's called a clittie. That's where girls get all their pleasures from. Well, not all but the best ones."

"What do you do with it, mommy?" he said naively. He knew about the hole part. Boys at school had talked about that. But he'd never heard of this.

"Well. If you want, you can rub it like this," she said, rubbing his fingers up and down slowly over it. He noticed she had goose bumps on the inside of her legs and seemed to be trembling a little. "Or if you really want to make mommy happy, you can kiss it."

Andy couldn't think of anything he'd rather do than make his mother happy in some way today. He was really tired to having her mad. So he leaned forward and kissed her right where his fingers had been.

"Yes," she sighed. "A nice sweet little kiss. Mm. If you lick a little bit, that's even nicer." His nostrils were filled with the smell he'd noticed before but now much stronger and mixed with the full power of her perfume. He licked.

Immediately, he thought he'd done something wrong because she gasped and put her hand on his head. He looked up.

"Oh no, sweet Amy. You did just right. It just felt so very good." She was talking to him in a kind of baby talk. "You need to do it just that way for a little while and don't stop at all until I tell you. Okay? No matter what I do. Just keep doing it."

"Okay, mommy," he said and started licking her again. Even though she was very excited and moving funny, kind of like you do when someone is tickling you, after a few minutes, it was sort of boring for him. He wasn't going to stop no matter what but he wanted to see what else was down here at the same time. He used his fingers to touch the inside of her thigh and then the other before he felt around a little higher.

The place between her legs seemed mostly like between his from his poop hole to a little way in front of that. But then there was that loose skin again and, he thought, the hole. She gasped, "Oh yes!" when he touched that so he figured it was okay if he did it more. It took him by surprise though when his whole finger went inside her so easy. She gasped again and held his mouth tighter to her front for him to lick her harder. She was sort of bouncing up and down a little.

Since one finger was so easy to get in, he tried a second one too and it was just as easy. His mother seemed to like it. She was even playing with her titties with her head back like she really liked it. He put in another finger.

"Oh yessss," she hissed. "Fuck me with your little fingers!" He'd heard that word before but he didn't think it was about doing any of this stuff. "Move them in and out, Amy!" she gasped. That he understood and did as she asked.

It scared him when she suddenly stiffened and went up on her tiptoes and seemed to vibrate all over. But he didn't stop what he was doing because she had told him not to until she said. Then, instead of holding his mouth to her, she was trying to get him away.

"Enough! Enough! Stop now!" she gasped. He stopped and pulled his fingers out of her. He looked at his hand and saw it was coated with wetness.

"That was very nice, Amy," she said and got down on her knees in front of him and kissed him on the mouth. Then she looked at his hand and the way he was holding it like it might mess something up. "Oh, we're a little messy, aren't we? Now, never do this with your food at the table, but it would be okay if you licked your fingers off now. You'll like the taste."

Her eyes sparkling, she watched the frilly little girl lick her fingers and suck each one like she was cleaning off a mixer beater covered with cake mix.

"Okay," she said finally. "Why don't you hang up mommy's suit while she finds something to wear?"

He got up, remembering the skirts he was wearing with a start, and got the beige suit. In the closet, he got a hanger and put the short skirt across before putting the jacket over it. Turning a little, he saw his petite mother, still totally naked and standing on one foot with the other cocked like before, looking through her things.

"Where does this go, mommy?"

"Oh, right there. Over the shoes." He hung it up and turned back to watch her search. It must be so much fun to look through all these beautiful things each day and know you got to wear them as long as you wanted, he thought.

"How about this, mommy?" he said, seeing the white silk robe.

"Sure. That would be fine, I think," she said, taking it off the hanger and pulling it around herself. A wide belt made of the same light material was tied around her middle. He was pleased with his pick because the top opened so, as she moved, he could see almost all of one or the other of her titties. And it was short so her whole legs showed very prettily. Usually, she only wore the robe on Sunday mornings sometimes before changing into clothes for the day. And she always seemed so happy when she was wearing it.

I wonder, she thought, if he knows I wear this after a big sex night with Paul? But how could he. She smiled to herself.

"Okay, baby," she said as she stood at the sink with that one leg cocked again like before. "You need to do like this, getting all the peeling off each carrot until they're all done. Okay?"

He frowned to himself but took the peeler and the carrot. This was Michelle's job or sometimes Tina's. He was a boy and didn't have to do things like this.

"Now be careful and don't get peelings all over your pretty dress," she added as she started doing something else. He'd hoped as hard as he could that when they were done in mom's room, she'd tell him to go change clothes. But she hadn't and had, instead, led him by the hand to the kitchen and this job.

He heard the front door slam and the noise of running and suddenly remembered. "Mom!" he gasped. "It's the girls."

"Yes," his mother said matter-of-factly, still stirring whatever she was making on the stove.

"But mom!" he whispered loudly. "They'll see? I mean " She came to him and put her arms around him.

"Now what's bothering my baby girl, huh?" she said in the baby talk voice again.

"Mom!" he whispered again. "The way I'm dressed!"

"Well, of course, darling," she said, strangely uncaring. But it was too late now.

"Hi mom!" Michelle said without even looking in their direction but going straight for the refrigerator and a Coke. Then she turned around and saw them. "Oh, hi," she said in his direction. What's for dinner, mom, I'm starved and so is Tina."

"You'll just have to wait until your daddy gets home and has a few moments."

Tina, with her normal exuberance burst into the room then, looked at both of them and then smiled at Andy.

"Hi. Who are you?" she said with a kind of smile, looking at him. He couldn't even stammer out a word, his mouth hanging open in embarrassment and confusion. "Hey, that's my old dress, isn't it?" she said coming close and picking up the hem to inspect it.

"Aren't you going to introduce yourself, Amy?" his mother said and shrugged when he didn't respond for a moment. "This is Amy. And I loaned her your dress for a little while, Tina."

"Oh, okay I guess. So hi, Amy. Come on. I'll show you my dolls." She started to take his hand to lead him out but he didn't want to do anything even approaching playing with dolls.

"What a perfectly marvelous idea," his mother said to his surprise. "You've helped out in here for long enough now. You and Tina just go ahead and play. But play nice."

Now she did take his hand and he didn't have any choice but to follow her out of the kitchen and upstairs to her room. He still couldn't choke out anything to say.

In the room, she let go of his hand and went to the shelves their dad had put up on the wall to hold her dolls and got down the little baby in its pink romper and hat. "This is Baby Bobbi. She's one of my favorites. See, her eyes open and close and she cries. And this is Denise." He looked at the little girl with the short peasant dress and scarf. "I like her, too. And ... huh, that's funny. This is Amy. Just like you. And she's wearing the same thing cause that's what mommy copied when she made that dress for me."

She led him to the middle of the floor and sat down with her legs crossed, pulling him down in front of her and giving him the Amy doll. He couldn't help but see the resemblance to the reflection he'd seen in the mirror earlier.

"But you're wearing shoes like my sister's instead of mary-janes, huh? Look it," she said jumping from subject to subject so fast it made his head spin like she always did. "You can lift up her dress like Billy Potts did to me at the party and even take her panties off."

He frowned. Billy Potts was one of his buddies and he didn't like this about lifting up his little sister's dress.

"Billy Potts lifted up your dress?" he said.

"Yeah. He said it was cute and that he liked my panties and he wanted to see if they were real."

"Then what?"

"So then he felt them until he was sure they were real I guess. I liked it anyway." Billy had felt up his little sister? He'd kill him. "And see, you can take this part of your dress down," she said, pulling the straps off one of his shoulders, "and Baby Bobbi can have lunch." She held the baby doll to his nipple and made sucking noise. "Joey Barnes showed me that. Pretty neat, huh?"

He couldn't believe it. Joey was another of his buddies.

"Say. Do you want me to have lunch? I like to do that and so does my sister."

"W-what?" he said, not wanting to understand.

"Here," she said and leaned over close to him and pushed the doll away. Then she kissed his little nipple and started sucking like he imagined a baby would. It took his breath away with surprise first. Then he thought it felt pretty good.

"Really, I thought having Billy touch my panties was more fun though. Do you want me to do that?"

"N-no! No. I don't," he said quickly. She shrugged.

"If you want, you can touch mine." Then she laughed because she was still wearing her little girl bikini. "Well, you can touch my swimming suit anyway. Right here, okay?" She spread her skinny little girl legs and pointed between her legs.

"I better not," he said, looking at the door. That's when he saw Michelle leaning against the side grinning at them.

"It's okay if you want to," Michelle said. "I'll watch out for mom and tell you." Then she frowned. "Maybe you better not though cause my dumb brother will probably be home any second and if he caught you, he'd tell mom. He's such a ... a poop!"

"I am not!" he said vehemently. Then he realized what he'd said and gasped. Michelle's eyes got big and her mouth dropped open. Then it changed to a smile. He could see it coming. And it was going to be terrible.

That's when he realized that absolutely nothing got by his little sister. "Andy!" she said and then jumped up from the floor. "I'm telling." She ran out of the room while his older sister walked toward him. He could hear her screaming the news excitedly to their mother.

"Andy?" Michelle said again, leaning down close in front of him. He felt a tear well up in his eye and just knew he was going to cry, the last possible thing he wanted to do right now. "Wow! Andy. What are you doing?"

He could only shrug. "I'll bet you're in a whole world of trouble when mom finds out," she said sympathetically.

"She knows. She did it," I said simply with a note of put upon male feeling.

"She did! What did you do? You must have really made her mad."

"Yeah. I fucked up and got caught kieping a video game at the mall and the guy called mom."

"Oh wow! And that was the punishment? A dress?"

"I got a spanking with the pancake turner first. Then she put this on me and did all the fingernail stuff and hair and everything."

"Bare bottom? She always spanks me bare bottom."

"Yeah." Both of them about jumped out of their skins when their mother came back through the door since they hadn't heard her coming in her bare feet. Tina was trailing along a foot behind.

"Okay. Now you girls know. Your brother is a thief," she said and Tina gasped like it was the worst thing in the world. "And we don't like people who take other people's things, do we?"

"No mommy," Tina said, shaking her head and chewing on a finger as she stared at me.

"So instead of your brother, Amy has come to stay with us. Isn't that nice?" No one said anything and I just sat there and let the tear go ahead and roll down my cheek. I couldn't help it.

"Mommy, how long does Amy get to stay?" Tina said, looking up at her.

"Why forever, of course, darling. Just like you and your sister." My head swam. Forever! This couldn't be for real! "Amy will be here to play dollies with you and cook on the Barbie stove and everything. And, you know what else?" Tina looked expectant and I held my breath hoping it wasn't something worse.

"Until we can make her a nice girl room, Amy can stay with you in your room. Won't that be nice?"

"Really, mommy? That would be so great!" She was jumping up and down with excitement. "And can she go swimming with us tomorrow?" Leave it to her to get me in even more trouble.

"There isn't any swimming tomorrow, honey," I almost passed out with gratitude, "because it's the weekend when the adults and older kids take it over. But Monday she can." Now my head spun.

"Oh neat! Is it okay if we play until dinner, mommy?" she continued.

"Of course, lovey."

She came back and dropped to her knees on the floor in front of me and started rearranging the dolls around herself. And that's when my only hope returned.

"Hellooooo," my dad's voice said from the door. "Anybody home?"

"Daddy!" Tina cried out and got up.

"We're up here, Paul. Come on up."

I knew from the sounds that Tina probably caught him near the top of the stairs and threw herself into his arms as she usually did. He appeared at the doorway holding Tina on one arm, her legs wrapped halfway around his waist, her arms around his neck, and her head on his shoulder.

"Hello, baby," he said as he leaned down and kissed Michelle. Then he turn to mom and looked her up and down with a big smile. "What do we have planned tonight?" From my position, I could see his hand lift the back of the silk robe and rub her bare bottom as she went up on tiptoes and kissed him.

"Mmmm. Welcome home," she said with a big sexy smile.

He bounced Tina up off his hip and groaned as he leaned down and put her on her own feet again. That's when he noticed me and smiled.

"And who do we have here?" he said.

"Daddy you know " Tina started but mom stopped her.

"This is Amy, Paul," she said simply.

"Hello, Amy. It's nice to meet you." He turned back to mom. "One of Tina's friends?"

"Yes. Among other things."

I wanted to say SOMETHING. But I couldn't figure out what to say.

"You kids play nice until dinner. I need to talk to your daddy for a little while." She went off toward the stairs and he leaned back around the door.

"Oooo. Hope I'm not in trouble," he said with a big grin. I could understand that a lot better than he could, I thought.

She led the way into the kitchen and he wasn't at all surprised when she stopped with her back against the cupboard and held her arms out to him, THAT smile covering her face.

"Right here?" he said. She grinned and nodded. "What about the kids?"

"They're busy and know to stay out for a while."

"Whatever you say, you oversexed woman," he kidded as he undid his belt and lowered his pants. She put her arms around his neck and lifted her legs as he entered her and raised her up onto him, leaning her bottom back on the edge of the counter. "God, you're hot!" he gasped just before she covered his mouth with hers and her tongue dove past his teeth.

"Mmm, mmm, mmm," she moaned in rhythm with his thrusts into her. Together they tried to be as quiet as possible as he filled her with his come and she had a magnificent orgasm. He broke the kiss and started to let her down and off him.

"No, hon. Don't. Leave it in me. I like you there."

"But Andy might come through that door any second and the first place he'll hit is the refrigerator."

"Don't worry. He won't," she said knowingly holding him tightly in her arms and legs.

She took a deep breath, hoping this would go as she wanted it to.

"Paul, I have some bad news. And some good news, I hope."

"Mmm. I knew there was something." He took a deep breath. "Okay. Hit me with it."

"Your son was caught today stealing a video game from a store in the mall. They called me."

"What? Oh shit! How stupid can he get? Just wait until he gets "

"He ... he's home." She held on to him in her most intimate way. Her firm pussy stroked him with every breath. He was considerably distracted by the stroking in spite of his irritation with his son.

"And you don't have to worry about punishing him. I just want you to support me in what I decided."

"Tell me what ... ah, man, the way you do that drives me crazy," he said, totally distracted by the way she held him inside her, moving. "What ... ah oh ... what's his ... mmm ... his punishment."

"He's Amy now, darling," she sighed through the start of her orgasm.

"Amy," he repeated, not comprehending as his climax took over his body and he had to concentrate on keeping a little quiet. "Amy."

Spent, he softened and she allowed him to fall free and lower her to her own feet.

"Amy," he said again. "The little girl I met upstairs? That's ..." Then it was like he'd been pole-axed. He chuckled then. "Only a woman would think of that. You put a dress on him. I absolutely never would have thought of that in a million years."

"Oh more than that. I painted her fingernails and toenails and put on little girl make-up. And there's a petticoat under that little dress. Even the little anklets and a curl of her hair."

"Her," he said with another chuckle.

"I want you to get used to it. I don't want you slipping up."

"Oh sure, yeah."

"And you wouldn't believe it, Paul. She's soooo sweet. Maybe even sweeter than Tina. Innocent."

"So what did you do all day."

"Oh, I picked him up at the mall just before noon. My first instinct was to beat him to death and, I guess, I tried a little. With this." She held up the spatula.

"Oh ow," he said as he opened his beer and sat down at the table.

"But I could just tell that it wasn't going to work. And what more could you do? A talking to? Man to man. That hasn't worked other times. Another paddling? He just didn't respond to that, I don't think. So?"

"You know. Maybe this will work. You say he was really good today?"

"He knew he was being punished, of course, and knew better than to get nasty with me. But he seems to be responding very well to it all. For instance," she said, holding up a finger.

"The girls came home and saw her and immediately Tina wanted to go play with her in her room. I sort of listened in and it could have been two little girls playing in there. Even when she told her sisters who she was, she really truly sounded sorry and like the punishment was deserved."

He sipped his beer and thought for a minute. But then he knew.

"Yeah. Yeah, I think it might work," he said. "We'd get rid of ninety percent of the problems and just the threat of a repeat would straighten him up. It sure would me!" he chuckled. "So how long did you intend for this punishment to last?"

"I hadn't really thought about it. Actually, it was sort of a burst of inspiration. Not like I'd planned it or anything." She knew that was a little white lie since it had crossed her mind more than once when he was doing something that irritated her. "I would like to try it for a while to see what happens though."

"Yeah. Okay. So what do you want me to do?"

"Well. Support me. I mean, she's a girl. Treat her like one."

"Ha. If I did that, treating her like one of our girls, I mean, and she'd done something bad, I'd be the one doing the spanking. Like I always do with the girls."

"Yeah. I guess so. And just the way you do the girls' spankings too," she agreed. They both knew it was a combination of pleasure and pain for the girls and something of a turn-on for him as well.

"Treat her exactly the same as Michelle and Tina," he said, thinking aloud.

"Exactly," she agreed.

"What? The weekend, you think?"

"Oh, no. I already promised Tina she would be going swimming with her Monday." She frowned. "I don't think it's going to make the necessary impression at all unless it's at least a week. Let's see how it works. Then we'll know better."

"We have to make sure that he doesn't feel it's so harsh that he gets depressed or something."

"I'll watch. Really. I already asked Jack for the week off to take care of this so I can be here full time to oversee it."

"That's probably good. Okay. So you just want me to treat him exactly like the girls."

"Exactly." He nodded and she grinned at her little conquest. This had been the hard part.

"You know," she said very seductively as she closed the space between them again and lifted his hands to her full breasts. "One of the benefits is that since she's so little, we can send her to bed when Tina goes."

"Mmm. Nine o'clock," he said, knowing their bedtime. His "son" insisted he was old enough to stay up until eleven and Michelle got to stay up til ten. Particularly on weekends when the boy frequently got caught up in a late night movie and was impossible to put to bed until it was over.

She decided this wasn't the time to talk about remodeling "her" room.

He really thought that when they sat down at the dinner table, his father would start asking some questions. Like "Where's Andy?" or even about "Amy's" parents. Normal things. But he seemed to take having Amy here in stride, though he seemed to be treating him and Tina the same way, talking the same way to both of them, teasing them both the same way, and acting like Amy belonged. Andy couldn't figure it out.

His mother embarrassed him several times during dinner, telling him to clean up his vegetables (something he usually refused), and drinking his milk (because the calcium was good for a young girl's body). Not wanting anything to do with further punishment, he just did as he was told.

After dinner, he and Tina were told to take care of the dishes and, to Andy's amazement, when Tina said something about it being Michelle's turn and he started to protest that he didn't do dishes, his father was the one who said, "Do as your mother says."

When they finished and went into the living room, Michelle was already stretched out in her just-13 way in Andy's spot on the couch. He swallowed his command for her to move just before he said it. When Tina dropped down on the floor in front of the TV, that only left Tina's usual spot on the loveseat next to their mom.

"No, no," his mother said as he started to sit down. He didn't understand until she went on in a whisper. "Smooth down the back of your pretty skirt before you sit down." He did it and really hated it when she put her arm around his shoulder and pulled him closer to her. Just the same position she sat in with Tina about half the time. Tina usually hugged mom and laid her head on her chest but there was no way he was going to do that.

He'd sort of been fighting with it for a while but the petticoat held up the front of the skirt funny and he had to push it down and hold his hands in his lap to keep it there. Not only that but sitting all the way back that way, his feet didn't touch the floor like they did when he slouched, and even stuck out off the edge of the seat a little.

He looked over at his dad and saw him looking straight back at him, his knees actually, and grinning.

Unable to concentrate on the dumb sitcom on TV, he found himself looking at the way his mom had her legs crossed and the things she did with her feet, squirming them around in circles and things, and lifting up her top leg when she laughed at something on the show, showing off between her legs even to him. He'd seen her do that a couple of times when he was laying on the couch and seen between her legs, even when she was wearing work clothes and panties. He thought it was really sexy.

"You should start practicing on being a lady, Amy," she whispered near his ear and moved his leg so it was crossed the way his mother's was. He'd never sat that way in his whole life and it felt really weird. She patted his bare knee and he saw Michelle look at him and chuckle. This wasn't even a little bit funny.

Peripherally, one time he looked toward his mom and saw the way the front of her robe was open on one side just to his perspective. And the gap held her breast and hard nipple that seemed like it pointed up in the air almost. Then he couldn't keep his mind or his eyes off it and she made no move to cover it. In fact, that consumed his thoughts and when the TV turned off, he really didn't know what was going on at all. He heard the front thing of his dad's lounger come loose as he sat up and looked that direction.

"Amy," he said in a firm voice that Andy recognized. He'd feared this. Tina sat up and turned around on the floor. Michelle sat up. Mom turned toward him and the opening of her robe tightened closed. "Come here."

I squirmed until I could get my feet under me and took the short steps to his chair where he'd moved up to the front edge. When I was close enough, he grabbed my biceps with both hands, holding me tightly but gently in front of him with my arms trapped at my sides. He looked straight into my eyes.

"Who am I?" he said and I tried to figure out the right answer. Of course he knew who I was.

"My dad?"

"Uh uh. Daddy."

"Yes, daddy," I said as I hadn't for a couple of years.

"Mommy told me something. Do you know what she told me?" he said softly, looking into my frightened eyes.

"I-I think so," I said, stepping from foot to foot.

"She told me you were very bad today. Now I want you to tell me about it."

"I ..." I swallowed around my fear. This was really going to be it. Strap for sure. "I went to the mall this morning after everybody left."

"And you know you're not supposed to do that by yourself, don't you?" he said harshly.

"Yes, daddy. But "

"No buts. Then what happened?"

"I messed around for a while. With the guys and stuff. And then I ..." I tried hard to get the lump out of my throat but it just wasn't going to happen. "I went to the video game store."

"And what happened?"

"I saw the new Super Mario and I thought I just had to try it," I stumbled. He frowned at me. That wasn't good. "I put it in my pocket." I couldn't breathe.

"Without paying for it. You put it in your pocket. And you left the store," he said, now with a scowl.

"Yes, d-daddy. I-I'm so sorry "

"And got caught. Out in the mall."

"Y-yes," I stammered, my lip quaking and tears going down both cheeks.

"And they called mommy to come get you. You were lucky. They could have sent you to jail!" he said loudly and shook me. "You know that?"

"Y-yes, d-daddy. The m-man said it," I said, tears rolling freely down my cheeks now. I wished he'd get out his strap and just beat me a lot with it and get it all over with. I felt terrible.

"Then what happened?" I was a little confused but I could only go on like I could.

"M-mom picked me up."

"Your mommy."

"And brought me home and did, well, all this." I sort of picked at the skirt. That was, of course, the memorable part. I didn't think of the spanking. That hadn't been anything.

He looked startled. "She brought you home and brushed your hair and painted your fingernails and let you put on this pretty little dress?" He turned his attention to mom with a kind of glare. "Lynn? You did all this for her after she'd been so bad? What's wrong with you?"

I looked at mom with a gasp but saw a twinkle in her eye as she squirmed a little on the loveseat.

"I spanked her with a pancake turner, Paul." She shrugged. "I just thought

" He interrupted.

"So because you spanked her, you felt sorry for her and made her look so pretty?" he said, an accusation rather than a question.

"Oh Paul. She was just so devastated. She knew she was wrong after all." She couldn't keep a little smile off her face.

"I don't believe it," he said, shaking him again. "Did you think a little spanking with the pancake turner was a punishment?"

"N-no, d-daddy," he burbled. "I knew I would get the strap for this."

"The strap?" he almost shouted. "What do you think I am?" Andy didn't know how to respond to that at all. "You know very well how my little girls are punished."

Andy's mouth dropped open. This was really the first time it had soaked in that his father was talking to him as if he was a little girl.

"Don't you?" he shouted.

"Y-yes, daddy," he mumbled, tears popping from his eyes. He'd seen it maybe twenty times. Every time he'd seen it, he'd smirked to himself. He got paddled. Yeah. But he didn't get demeaned and humiliated the way his sisters did. He'd never quite thought of it that way, but that one thing made him glad to be a boy more than most things.

"Then take your little panties off right this minute," the man said gruffly.

"But d-daddy "

"Do it right now," he shouted. Andy knew he had to do it and, his arms released, he reached under the petticoats and pulled the frilly panties down his legs to his knees. "All the way, young lady." He pushed them the rest of the way to his ankles and struggled to get his feet out of them. It scared him because he'd seen his sisters from across the room before.

Tina usually got the kind where she pulled her panties to her knees and dad slapped her bare bottom a few times while she cried and said she wouldn't do it again. Michelle used to get that kind too but now, when her offenses were worse, she had to take her panties all the way off. Then dad would slap her a little harder a few times, rub her bottom and have her say things, then slap a few more times, and rub her bottom. Andy had seen that his fingers usually went down between her legs that were spread some when he spanked her this way. And everybody could see her down there and how red her bottom got.

"Now lay down right here," his father said, indicating his lap and, even as he tried to keep his legs together, somehow got both of Andy's knees outside his. Though his head was between the arm of the chair and his father's side, he knew everybody could see between his legs and the way his little penis fell down between his legs.

The slaps on his bottom were nothing. Next to the pancake turner, he almost couldn't feel them. But this was ten times more humiliating.

"Oh daddy please!" he screamed just as the girls did in the same position. Hardly any of his words were about spanking his bottom, though he didn't like that. Mostly it was about being embarrassed in front of everybody. His father's hand rubbed his cheek where he'd spanked.

"What did you do wrong?" his father said.

"I stole a game. Please daddy," he cried, tears rolling down his cheeks and sobs racking his body. A half dozen more slaps on the other cheek before more rubbing.

"Will you ever ever steal anything again?"

"No daddy! Never!"

Six more slaps and his father's hand between his legs rubbing. Andy couldn't believe it. His little penis was hard and throbbing.

"Ever? Ever? Ever? Ever? Ever?" Delivered with each slap.

"No daddy no daddy. I'll never take anything again. I swear." More rubbing between his legs and he knew why his sisters wouldn't talk about getting spanked. The worst part for him was that his small dick was hanging free down there between his legs, as he was alternately spanked and rubbed, and he thought they could all see it.

Another dozen slaps and he was turned around and sitting on his father's lap, the man's arms around him. Now he had to sit there facing them all with tears running from his reddened eyes and his blue panties hanging on one foot. Could they see under the skirt too?

His mother's eyes sparkled above her smile. Tina sat on her knees on the floor with her thumb in her mouth, staring at him. His father hugged him, his big arms around Andy's, keeping him from covering his face or even the front of the skirt.

"Don't you see, sweetie? Daddy loves his little girls and wants them to be the very best little girls in the world." Finally his arms were released from the hug and back on his shoulders to guide him to stand. "Now give daddy a big hug and a kiss." Andy turned back to his father and had to bend down and into the chair more to put his arms around his fathers neck. He hadn't kissed his dad at all for years and didn't remember ever kissing him on the lips as his father directed now.

Bent over in the short skirt, the panties still around his ankle, he knew everyone could see his red bottom sticking up as he kissed his father and then (to stop it he told himself) hugged his neck hard and whispered, "I'm sorry, daddy," through little sobs.

"Will you be my good little girl now?"

"Yes, daddy," he responded.

"Okay. Why don't you go back and sit with mommy?"

Andy thought he'd done a lot of very strange things today and been forced to do many more. But, even as he said it, he wondered why he asked the next question.

"Daddy? Can I sit with you?" he said in a squeaky voice, fearing rejection.

"Oh. Well sure, I guess," his father said, moving him away and repositioning himself in the big chair. "Here. Let's pull these back up." He reached forward and pulled the panties back into place before Andy turned around and started to get into the chair. His father put his hands on his waist and lifted him back onto his lap.

"There we go. One more show before bed time," he said and pushed the button on the remote. It was another sitcom that Andy had always thought was stupid but he acted like he was watching it.

What he was really doing, as he stared at the TV tube, was feeling a whole new set of feelings and reactions.

First, he felt the heat and tingling of his freshly spanked bottom magnified by the heat of his father's lap. Next, he felt the vulnerability of sitting with his shorter, bare legs stuck out almost straight on either side of his father's where he could look at the little anklets with the blue baby animals and the shiny black shoes on his feet. And last, he felt the amazing heat of his father's hands, one on his bare left leg and the other as it absently played with the ruffles at the front of the little blue panties.

He didn't know what the show was about when it ended and his mother spoke up again.

"Okay. Tina. Amy. It's time for bed," she said to his surprise. He thought of his standard objection to this delivered much later but dismissed the idea immediately. Tina whined a little. "Tina. I want you to find your sister the very cutest shortie nightie you have for her to wear tonight. Okay?

"Michelle? Maybe you could help out and get into your night clothes at the same time."

"Okay," Michelle said right away.

Dad again lifted him out of the chair with strong hands on either side of his waist.

As soon as the children had left the room, Lynn left the loveseat and crawled into the lounger beside her husband put her arms around his neck and one sexily naked leg across his lap. She could see his hard-on as she'd seen it during the preceding hour.

"It was perfect!" she whispered, kissing his cheek.

"I felt so bad for him," he said and was immediately corrected by his wife.

"Her! Remember! Her!"

"Yeah. Okay. So I felt sorry for her. She was just devastated by the spanking." He chuckled. "When 'she' was a boy, I could have beat on his butt for an hour with only about two tears and an insincere 'I'm sorry' or 'I won't do it again.' But she was absolutely, one hundred percent sincere in being sorry this time."

"I told you," she said as her hand covered the bulge in his pants.

"I hate to admit it but you were right." He tried to think as she rubbed the front of his pants. "You know, she's really cute in that dress and the little shoes and socks. Even her little face is so sweet and innocent."

"Was that why you were so interested in her panties?" she said. He stiffened. "I saw you sitting there rubbing her panties." She chuckled. He didn't say anything. What could he say?

"You know, the girls will be back in a minute. And Tina's been such a little trooper about this sharing her clothes and even agreeing to share her bedroom tonight you need to be sure and tell her."

"Sure. I didn't think she'd get along with another girl in the house like that."

"And your oldest girl was feeling a little left out, I think. I think you better give her some attention, too."

"Yeah. Sure. No problem."

"I'm going to go see how they're doing," she said as she squirmed back out of the big chair. Then she put one foot up over the arm of the chair, opening the bottom of the short robe to her moist slit. Her long finger traced the line before she moved it to her mouth and licked the glistening liquid off. "Then I think I'll take a nice long bath and get ready for when you get tired."

"Ahhhh!" he said stretching and putting a finger between her legs. "I think I'm pretty tired right now." She giggled and ran, her free breasts bouncing as he watched, up the stairs.

"Mom said I was supposed to pick, Michelle," Tina whined as the two of them went through her drawer in search of a nightgown.

Andy had unbuckled the shoes and got them and the socks off. "Michelle? Can you help me with this?" he said, indicating the dress. He couldn't begin to reach the zipper or the button.

"Sure. Yeah. No, Tina! Mom said a shortie!" She came to him, sitting on the edge of the silky white bed. When he turned his back to her, she unbuttoned the button and lowered the zipper. Unasked and, he thought, treating him like a baby, she helped him get the frilly dress up over his head. He knew he needed help too to get the petticoat off but hated being helpless and exposed to her the way he was when she did it. She made it ten times worse by giggling as she saw him in just the little ruffled panties.

"You want the bows out of your hair, too, huh?" she said but didn't wait for an answer before untying them.

"Here, Amy," Tina said holding out some white fluff. "This is my very prettiest." She sounded disgusted that she had to share it as she handed it over and sat down to watch what Michelle was doing.

Mom came in the door then and he blushed again at his near nakedness. She picked up the nightgown and looked at it. "Good, Tina. Thank you for sharing with your sister." She turned her attention back on him. "Get dressed and put away your pretty dress and petticoat for tonight. The socks and panties go in the hamper and Michelle's shoes back in her closet.

"Then, Michelle, would you brush her hair for her? Maybe she'll do yours, too, if you ask her nice."

"Yes, mommy," Michelle said sweetly.

"Tina, you get your nightgown on, too. And Amy? Before you go down to say goodnight to your daddy, come in and let me see you, okay? I'm going to take a bath." He hated the thought of having to go to both his mother and father again tonight, but knew he would do as he was told.

She left and Michelle rolled the top of the nightie and put it over his head. He could just imagine what his friends would think if they could see him as he looked at it. Silky feeling, it was very low cut in front and held up by just the narrow straps. But it was all a bunch of silky frills from neck to the hem at his waist. He blushed then as Tina held up the little panties that went with it.

"I, ah, need to be by myself to, ah, change. And I have to go to the bathroom, too," he said as he took them and went into the bathroom. He was soft and almost invisibly tiny with embarrassment and humiliation when he took off the blue panties and sat down on the toilet. He wiped especially well all over because he knew anything at all would show in the tiny white panties.

Then he put them on and saw that, even though they were about half the size of the blue panties, they covered him pretty well completely where they covered at all. It was just that they didn't cover very much and left his tummy and almost all his legs bare. It didn't even cover his bottom very well. He returned to the bedroom and found that Tina had carefully repacked the blue dress, ribbons, and petticoat in the suitcase for him.

"Thanks, Tina," he said softly.

"I knew you'd do it wrong is all," she said but she glowed with the thanks anyway. He picked up the shoes and socks himself and took them into Michelle's room, dropping the panties and socks in the hamper in the hall. Michelle followed him and told him where the shoes belonged in her closet.

"Now sit down here and I'll brush your hair," she said, pointing at the makeup stool in front of the mirror. Unlike his mother, Michelle had him face the mirror as she started brushing. He'd never thought of it before, but having his hair brushed, as she did then, was really pleasant and soothing. "You almost looked like you liked your spanking," she said softly.

"I ..." he gulped, knowing that in a way he had. "I hate having mom and dad that mad at me." That was certainly true.

"But you did like it when daddy spanked and then felt you up?" He blushed and saw it in the mirror. He couldn't say anything because he would either be admitting it, all of it, or he'd be lying. "I like it when daddy spanks me, too. Especially the touches between my legs."

"That was ... okay," he admitted softly, looking at his pink fingernails in his lap.

"It was sort of neat," she said, not explaining what she was talking about. "Watching from the couch." He didn't say anything but blushed again with the humiliation of it. "I could see your dick hanging down." He stared at the reflection of his pink lipstick and made up eyes and pink cheeks, blushing more. "I thought you were going to have a come like I do when daddy spanks me."

He looked up into her eyes and saw her blush, too. It was really the first time he'd looked at her since he came out of the bathroom and saw that she'd changed into her sleep shirt that was a very thin teeshirt dad had given her and a pair of thin panties. He hadn't noticed before that she was getting titties and that she had pretty big nipples. A lot bigger than his.

"You come when you get a spanking?" he said, surprised. "I know I was turned on but ..."

"Yeah. Every time. I know daddy knows because he won't stop until I do and as soon as I have a come, he stops."

"Wow," he said softly. He just thought about it while she brushed.

"You have really pretty hair, you know," she said.

"You do too," he returned. He'd always liked how shiny hers was and long. Almost to her waist. "Do you want me to brush yours now?"

"Yes. Yours is done now."

He got up and traded places with her, taking the brush. She took out the little combs and a couple of pins that held it up so it only went to about her shoulders. When she let it go, it went almost to her panties in back and was real full, as wide as her head at least.

He started at about her neck, brushing down all the way to the ends and untangling the couple of spots that almost had knots in them. He petted it with the other hand like she had. Thinking the purpose of the brushing was just to get it all straightened out, he went to the top part then and brushed it back and then down to the ends again and again until he was sure there wasn't any knots anywhere. He was going to stop but she shook her head.

"You keep doing it for a while because it makes it nicer," she said. He didn't understand but he continued brushing now. But it didn't take all his attention any more and he looked into the mirror and loved the way she was smiling with her eyes closed. Enjoying the brushing.

Having her eyes closed was sort of neat because that let him look at her new titties and her hard nipples in the mirror. He brushed and brushed and stared. He had to bite his lip when her hand went up and started rubbing one of the nipples. He really stared then.

"You want to touch them?" she said, startling him out of his reverie and bring his eyes up to her smiling face. She'd been watching him look at her. Maybe she'd even been touching her nipple because he was watching. "You can if you want."

He thought he might drop the brush as he started to set it down but she took it and put it on the table for him. Taking advantage of her offer, he reached over both her shoulders and put his hands on her little breasts. They felt nice and soft. Not like anything on his body.

"It feels really good," she sighed. "Even better if you sort of hold on to my nipples." He tried that and watched her hands come up to the back of his. Her leg did funny things too as she lifted it and almost seemed like she was going to cross them but she just rubbed them together sort of and sighed a lot and he played with the nipples. She liked it better when he put his whole hands over them again but trapped the nipples between his fingers and squeezed them a little that way. "Mmmm," she moaned and he knew something new had happened. She gently moved his hands off her chest and looked up at him with shiny eyes.

"Tomorrow night? When it's bedtime? I want to brush your hair again, okay?"

"And let me play with your titties?" he said with a grin.

"Yeah." Then she hopped up. "We're supposed to go talk to mommy before we go back downstairs."

He remembered.

They called Tina, who was playing with her dolls, and she came bouncing out of her room dressed in a little blue nightie that looked about like the one he was wearing except it had panties that looked more like little fluffy shorts. She led the way into mom's bedroom and, not finding her there, bounced on into the bathroom.

"Nite mommy," she said as their mother sat up in the tub, her hair tied up in back to keep it dry but still wet on the ends. She kissed her and their mom brushed her hand across the blue fluff.

"You look very pretty, sweetheart. Did you pick it out yourself?"

"Yes mommy. And I picked out Amy's too. Just like you said."

"Ohhhh! Very pretty, honey," she said inspecting his nightgown. "And you're still wearing that old teeshirt, Michelle." She laughed.

"It's my favorite," Michelle said as she leaned down and kissed her mother good night.

"One of these days it's just going to fall off," she chuckled but Michelle just smiled and shrugged.

The first thing Andy had seen when he walked in the door of the bathroom was his mother's beautiful, full chest and big nipples, glistening with the oily water in her bath. That and the way she lifted one knee up out of the water and how smooth and soft it looked.

"Okay, girls. Tina? Michelle? You guys go ahead and go downstairs. I want to talk to Amy for a minute." Michelle kissed her again and they both left him alone with his beautiful mother. He wondered if the punishment was finally over now.

"You look very pretty, Amy," she said with a big grin. "Do you like it?"

"Yes, mommy," he said, hoping he wouldn't have to do more.

"Well, I have a surprise for all you girls tomorrow. We're going to the mall. And the first stop is the beauty shop for all of us."

"Y-yes, mommy," he stammered, knowing for sure now that it wasn't over.

"Now, I know you can hardly wait to have breasts like mine," she said, holding the large masses in each hand. "I saw you looking at them while the other girls were here and wanting them so bad. But you're just going to have to wait a few years."

"Y-yes," he said praying that this wasn't going to last years or even another day.

"But until you have breasts of your own, I want you to know that you can admire mine any time you'd like. Really," she chuckled, "you've been enjoying them since the day you were born. That's the first thing you went for. Do you remember?" He could only shake his head. "Come here," she said motioning him closer. "Just on your knees there on the bathmat."

He knelt down on the bathmat and watched as she turned in the tub, holding one tittie out to him as if offering it to him.

"Come and nurse, baby," she said and he blushed but leaned forward and took the large nipple between his lips. "That's it, my beautiful little baby. That's it. More. Yes. Suck nice. Get your milky."

He sucked until he felt her shiver and the water ripple with her orgasm. Then he sank back.

"Sometime soon, I'll have to show you how sweet that feels, baby," she said, petting his long hair. "Now. You go ahead and say good night to your daddy and get to bed with Tina. Okay?"

"Yes, mommy," he said as he got up and went downstairs.

When he got to the living room, Michelle was sitting on the couch in his place again and Tina was sitting on the arm of their dad's chair squirming and talking.

"Oh Amy's here now, so I guess it's bedtime," she said and leaned over to hug her father's neck hard for a long time. Then they kissed and she jumped back onto the floor and stood aside.

"Well, don't you look pretty!" he said in the same voice he used with Tina and brushed his hand across the front of Andy's nightie and resting for a moment casually on the front of the little panties. "Like a pretty pretty little girl," he continued. "Give me a night night kiss now."

Andy leaned down and kissed his father on the lips as it was obvious he was supposed to. He hugged Andy gently and let him part way back up but right in a pretty uncomfortable position.

"I'm sorry I had to spank you, honey," he said, looking a little sad. "But stealing is just so bad. I am ashamed you did that and made me spank your pretty little bottom."

"I-I'm really sorry, daddy," he said. "I promise it will never happen again."

"It just better not," he said. Then Andy thought of one more thing that might save him.

"Ah, daddy? I was just ... talking with mommy. And she said we were ALL going to the BEAUTY shop tomorrow." A frown crossed his father's face for a moment before he apparently dismissed what he was thinking.

"I need to talk to mommy," he said. "Now you and Tina head for bed."

"Yes, daddy," he said, hoping that his father would talk mom out of the beauty shop.

Tina took his hand and they went upstairs, leaving their father with a lingering frown of concern. Then he remembered his other daughter and how Lynn had said he'd been ignoring her tonight.

"Princess?" he said. "Do you want to come sit with daddy?" She beamed and bounded across the room and into the chair.

He put his arm around her as she carefully climbed onto his lap in exactly the same position his "new" daughter had sat a short time ago after the spanking, one leg on each side of his and spread wide. Having waited and hoped for this minute all night, she guided his big hand up to cover her little tittie.

"Daddy?" she said softly, making sure no one would hear but him. "Will you play tickles with me?"

His hand, that had already been feeling the new and growing softness of her little breast, continued to mold to it as he moved the other hand up to lift the hem of the teeshirt for long enough for him to slide his hand into her little panties. She squirmed almost wildly in his lap and around his hard-on as he rubbed from her little, wet hole to her tiny clit and back again. Luckily, she froze and vibrated before her squirming had gotten him off. After all, he thought, he had very horny wife preparing for him upstairs.

He grinned at how lucky he was with all his pretty little girls as he watched the end of the TV show and played with his oldest girl's sweet little pussy. She had another orgasm but it was much milder than the first.

She turned off the television for him and hugged his arm all the way up the stairs into her room where he tucked her into her pretty bed and kissed her goodnight. She was asleep before he closed the door to his own room.

"Amy?" Tina said after they'd gotten into her white 3/4 bed and the lights were off except for her clown nightlight.

"Yeah, Teen." She'd insisted that he hold her and was snuggled into his neck with one leg across his waist, an arm across his chest.

"It's so nice that you can sleep with me. I think this is really really neat, don't you?"

"Well, yeah. Pretty much," he said, not wanting to hurt her feelings. He'd much rather be in his own bed and back to normal, in reality.

For quite a while, Tina continued to chatter in his ear and squirm around, keeping him awake. Of course, he was in bed hours earlier than he normally would have been and he didn't think he could get to sleep anyway.

"Have you kissed, Amy?" she asked.

"Of course." He'd kissed both his mother and father in the last half hour, in fact.

"Really kissed?"

"Yeah. I guess so."

"Michelle showed me how to really kiss," she continued.

"Michelle did? How would she know?"

"She said some boys at school showed her." He wondered who had showed her and decided he'd have to find out. "Yeah and it's really neat."

She waited for quite a while but not for very long.

"Amy? Do you want to really kiss like Michelle showed me? You'll like it. Really."

"Yeah. I guess."

She was really excited by that and twisted around beside him.

"You turn on your side like I am too. And Michelle showed me how if she put her leg between mine that felt really good but I'll do that so you can feel instead then next time you can put your leg between, okay? Okay." Laying on his side facing her, he spread his legs so she could put her leg between. She went a little too fast and he thought she was going to kick him in the balls and that had happened when he was playing football with some of the guys and he didn't want it to happen again. It hurt too bad.

It felt sort of funny and nice with her leg there and the way the frills on her panty short things tickled his legs. It was even better when she moved it up against his dick and squirmed around like she always did.

"Now you kiss like regular except when I stick my tongue out you open your mouth so I can put it in, okay?" He nodded. He'd heard guys talk about kissing like that before and they thought it was great. Or so they said. He didn't think he believed them.

She put her hands on the sides of his face then and turned hers funny and kissed him. In just a few seconds, her little tongue was touching his lips. He opened his mouth like she'd said and it went right inside. It was like a little finger the way it felt around in there and touched all around. He found that it was sort of fun to sort of fight it with his. The way she was squirming against his dick and the kiss was getting him really turned on. Then she broke the kiss and leaned away in the dark.

"Did you like it?"

"Oh yeah! That was really neat!"

"Try it with me then," she said squirming again until his leg was between hers and against what felt like a red hot spot there. Again, she put her hands on the sides of his face and kissed him but opened her wet mouth a moment later. He extended his tongue into it and licked and played with her tongue and touched the top and sides and bottom of her mouth. Then she started sucking on it and rocking that hot spot between her legs against his. She was really breathing hard, puffing through her nose as he kissed her.

Then she abruptly pulled away again. In a breathless voice, she said, "Play tickle with me now, Amy."

"Play tickle? What do you mean?"

"Okay. Okay. I'll show you and then you do me."

He gasped with surprise when she plunged her hand into the top of his tight panties and all the way down between his legs and started pressing and searching around down there. Then she giggled.

"I forgot," she said and giggled some more. "You're only a pretend girl. Here, you play tickle with me. I'll show you."

She took his hand and he let her put it in her panties and down between her legs.

"Michelle showed me," she said. "Your finger goes right in ... ah, there. Yeah. Like that. And ... ah ... up."

"Your clittie," he said knowledgeably from his afternoon experience with his mom. She didn't answer but guided his fingers to it and gasped.

"Now you tickle there ... and, ah, down below and all around and pretty soon you get to have a come." He chuckled at his superior knowledge.

"Do you want to kiss some more while I do this?" he asked. He liked that and he'd never done it before like this. She grunted her agreement and pulled his mouth to hers as he continued to rub her clittie and put his finger in the wet stuff in her hole. She almost sucked his tongue down her throat when he stuck the finger all the way up inside her like mom liked. She was too little to put two or three fingers in though.

He shut the door behind himself and caught his breath as he saw his wife laying on her side, her hair perfect and her legs arranged like a centerfold. She was wearing a black lace thing that went between her legs and all the way to her waist on the sides before covering her stomach and beautiful breasts. The look on her face was pure sex as she looked at him.

"We need to talk," he said as he stripped off his clothes.

"I need something first. And then we can talk," she said seductively.

"About the beauty shop thing, hon," he said with less assurance as she stretched and bowed her back to thrust out those beautiful tits toward him. "Yeah. Okay. Talk later."

He started to take his filled shorts off but she motioned toward him. "Hm- ummmm. Let me do that." God he loved how sexy she was. No one they knew or who had ever seen her would believe that this petite, always sweet and professional woman could turn into this kind of sensual monster. He chuckled with his anticipation as he lay down on his back in the meager light from the bedside light.

She insinuated her way over his legs and began peeling his underwear down slowly until he was panting with anticipation of her finally letting him free. When his cock leapt out, she looked up at him, her grin changing to a big smile, her eyes sparkling. "For me?" she whispered and he chuckled nervously again as she pulled the underwear the rest of the way off.

With the gentlest touch on the inside of his knees, she indicated that she wanted between them and he reacted instantly to spread his legs. She knee walked up between his legs and leaned down to kiss the tip of his dick. He wondered if he could wait another second before she squeezed it further down the shaft just hard enough to bring him away from the edge.

How could she know that his deepest fantasies were of a woman happily sucking his cock in just this way poised above him just like this so he could see every movement and every look on her face? She must have been reading something because he'd never even had the guts to suggest it.

She licked her pouty lipstick covered lips in anticipation before she sank down around it. His eyes getting huge with the surprise and sexual excitement, he watched her steadily sink down its length until he felt it go into her throat. If she hadn't distracted him by softly pinching a testicle, he would have lost it in that first second.

It glistened with her saliva when she lifted her head all the way back up and extended her tongue to lick and tickle his head.

"You don't really mind about taking the girls to the beauty shop tomorrow, do you?" she whispered.

"Uh," he started but she covered the head with her lips. She licked again.

"You'll love the results. How beautiful your little girls will look," she said and dropped the full length of his shaft again taking his breath away and forcing him to close his eyes to keep them from crossing.

"Yes," he moaned, his cock the only thought in his mind.

"I knew you'd like the idea," she said as she sank down around it again and again and again and again until he suddenly exploded in her sucking mouth.

She purposely let a little of his come trickle down her lip when he looked at her. Her smile was sincere even if it didn't have anything to do with sucking his cock.

She moved up beside him then and showed him the way the lace body shirt came off. He didn't seem to have much trouble figuring it out and was hard again before he'd gotten it all the way off her breasts. As he got it out of her lips down there as she curled her knees up, she didn't need to say what to do but just spread her knees to allow him between them.

Her cry of pleasure was sincere and had everything to do with his big cock buried deep inside her as she had her first orgasm.

Day Two

Tina was the only one up very early and she quickly found a box of pre- sweetened cereal to eat by the handful as she watched cartoons.

"Amy," he heard his mother's voice say as she shook him awake. "You hop in the shower but don't bother with washing your hair. I'll pick out some clothes for you. Call me when you're dressed."

Still sleepy, he stumbled out of bed and grumbled to himself as he saw the nightie and panties again. He went into the bathroom across the hall and took the little girl clothes off with a big sigh. God he hoped dad had convinced mom about today. He washed good except for his hair that he didn't usually wash anyway very often and dried himself off. Not for the first time, he wished he had a whole bunch of chest hair like one of the high school guys he'd seen had. And whiskers too.

Then, he thought, mom wouldn't be able to do any of this stuff to him.

He wrapped the towel around his waist and walked back into the bedroom. And frowned.

He'd been pretty sure what she was going to pick out for him to wear but he'd still hoped it would be something ok. Some pants and a shirt, even if they were girl ones. No such luck.

He put on the tight cotton panties with all the animals painted all over and wished, again not for the first time, that his cock was about six inches long, so there'd be no way these panties would look ok. Unfortunately, it wasn't and it didn't show enough for him to even see it through all the decorations.

There was a sort of shirt but, he saw, it was one of those girl undershirts Tina wore and it was pink like the panties. The undershirt had little shoulder straps with tiny flower things on the tops and all around the neck and arm holes. It was tight around him and didn't even come down to cover his belly button like a teeshirt should.

He lifted up the dress and said, "Jeez!" to himself. Of course it was one of Tina's but it wasn't even one of her new ones she called her "big girl" dresses. When he pulled it over his head, he knew he couldn't button up the back. Mom would have to do it. And the bottom part just barely laid on his legs it was so short.

And he hated the shoes, too. They were white vinyl sandals that had a bunch of straps across the middle part and a part that went up between his big toe and the next one and a strap that went around his ankle. And, if that wasn't all bad enough, his pink toenails sticking out and showing, they even had heels about an inch tall.

Finished with this part of the torture, he stood up and saw that the skirt of the dress only went a little ways down his legs at all. It would hardly take anything to show the panties under it.

He went to his mom's room and was happy to see her sitting in front of her mirror putting on lipstick and dressed. He even wished he could wear what she was, a super tight pair of jeans, a tight white shirt that showed off her titties, and high heels.

"Here. Turn around," she said and buttoned the back of the dress up tight around him all the way to the high neck.

"Mom?" he started.

"Mommy," she corrected.

"How much longer, mommy? Until ..."

"Until I'm not infuriated with you?" she finished and answered his question before he'd gotten it asked. "Until I say differently. Now come on back to Tina's room." She grabbed his hand and led him back to Tina's and sat him in front of the makeup mirror.

Almost roughly, she parted his hair in the middle and gathered one part to the side before putting an elastic thing around it that held it in a high ponytail. She did he same thing with the other side.

With a minimum of fuss, she put a little pink lipstick on his mouth and just a quick brush of blusher on each cheek. Then she held his chin up to look at her.

"You're just too pretty to be a boy," she said almost to herself and smiled. "Well, come along now. Your sisters are waiting and its getting late."

Downstairs, he and Michelle ate bowls of cereal while Tina went to get dressed. Mom talked to dad in the living room where he was reading his newspaper. The only thing he heard was his mother when she said, "... now you agreed last night. And I know it's the right thing ... you didn't think it was coercion last night." He heard her tinkling laughter.

A few minutes later, as Michelle finished washing their bowls and gave the last of the stuff to him to dry, their mother returned to the kitchen with Tina and her purse. She had her car keys in her hand.

Andy realized, as he took his mother's hand and looked at the mall entrance and the bicycle racks in front of it, that this was Saturday morning. Any other Saturday morning, his bike would be locked in the rack with the others and he'd be just down this hallway playing arcade games with his friends. Or playing until his allowance was gone and then watching them play.

"Mom," he gasped.

"Mommy," she corrected again almost automatically.

"I can't go in here! All the guys are in there!" He had stopped.

"This is the way it is, young lady," she said sternly, leaning down toward him. "The beauty shop is down this hall and to the right a little ways. And that's where we're going. No one will notice when we go down there." Then she smiled a nasty looking smile. "Unless someone is making a scene. Then probably all sorts of people will notice."

It didn't take a brick wall to fall on him. She'd just said that it was going to happen one way or another, no matter what he did. And if he made a fuss, everybody was going to know it. His chin quivered and more tears threatened but he nodded his understanding.

"Okay then. Come on."

Tina and Michelle had already skipped ahead to the doors and opened them when they got there. Tina loved the automatic door opener and always wanted to be first so it would open for her. And she always giggled when it did.

He tried not to look into the arcade and tried to hide behind his mother but he couldn't help it. He looked and there were a bunch of the guys playing games inside. His buddies. God if they caught him dressed up like this he'd never hear the end of it.

He really cringed when he saw Joey Barnes leaning against the wall eating an ice cream bar. The arcade didn't allow food and drinks inside.

"Hi, Michelle," he said with a funny grin.

"Hi, Joey," she answered. Andy tried to disappear behind his mother for sure. Thankfully, she kept walking.

Three doors down was the video game store and he looked into it and frowned. He vowed he'd never ever go in that store again and hated the man he saw behind the cash register talking to some other kid.

He'd had to get his hair cut at the beauty shop several times because it did guys' hair as well as women's. But he'd hated the smells and the way the women fussed and primped around and preferred going with his dad to another place where men cut hair.

Their mom sat them all down on the couch and went to the receptionist who checked off their names. A minute later, a young girl came out and said, "Amy?" and smiled at him as he got up. "You're really due for the works, aren't you?" He cringed. What was the works?

Over the next hour and a half, he wished he'd never found out.

His long hair was trimmed slightly and shaped before being put up in rollers and smelly solution put all over it. Then he had to sit under a drier while another girl took the pink polish off his fingernails and did a whole bunch of things to them before putting a bunch of coats of new polish on them. They couldn't talk because of the drier but he got to look at the low cut top of her blouse with the little bit of white bra showing out when she moved.

Back in the chair, his hair was unrolled and more solution went on that gagged him with its smell and then it was washed out before he was back under a drier again.

The girl came back and put his foot in her lap and took off his shoe before doing all those things to his toenails. The best part of that, except for maybe the way her hands rubbed his feet, was that she bent over more and he had a good view of her bra the whole time. His foot against her warm leg felt really neat, too. She did both feet and put his shoes back on and winked at him before she left.

His mom, her hair done and looking really pretty and smooth, came and talked to the girl while she finished doing all sorts of brushing and things with my hair that made it curl up funny and go all around my neck and ears to tickle a lot. Bangs in front, too.

"Don't I look fantastic?" Michelle said when I got out of the chair finally and saw her. And she did. I told her. Her hair was fixed like mom's but longer and softer looking. Adult looking.

"Me too," Tina said and when I looked at her I could see that her hair was fixed just like mine. But, of course, a little longer. On her it was pretty and I told her. She complimented mine.

I noticed that both of their faces looked different, too. Nicer. And I told them that, too.

"The cosmo ... cosmo something," Tina said. "You're next!"

They all led me to a table with a lady sitting behind it who put a bib thing around my neck.

"First time, huh?" she asked. I shrugged. "Okay. So here we go."

For a long time, she did things to me. Plucked my eyebrows and that hurt. And showed me about colors and what color I was. Then she showed me how to put on eyebrow pencil and mascara and lipstick and color on my cheeks and eyes. I didn't want to know but with mom standing right beside me and making comments I didn't have a choice. I even tried to be nice to the lady. It wasn't her fault.

And she did a good job. I really thought I looked as pretty as Michelle and Tina.

I was pretty stupid, I guess. I thought that was it.

Mom led us down the middle of the mall again. Not back to the car and home. I scanned everywhere for people I might know, scared to death someone was going to see me and tell everybody.

Then we started the worst part. Mom took us into a department store.

First she got Michelle a bunch of A-cup bras that she was super excited about. That was okay. But then she insisted that Tina and I needed training bras. Tina loved it and I hated it a lot. When she bought a dozen lacy and really silky panties, I hoped they were for Tina. But some ended up being for Tina, some for Michelle, and half for me.

She bought us all new nightgowns and blouses that she held up in front of us to see if they'd fit. Then, in the little girls department, a clerk helped her pick out dresses and each of us had to try them on. Tina and Michelle loved it and I hated it. And I had to do it a bunch more times than they did because, mom said, I needed more things so I didn't have to wear Tina's.

In the shoe section, she bought us all sneakers mine had to be pink or bright yellow or blue with little animals on them. The other girls got white ones and one other color. She got them each another pair of the kind of shoes they wanted Tina wanted sandals and Michelle wanted more adult looking ones with higher heels. Of course, I got sandals, something called pumps, and dress shoes. But all of mine had to have at least two inch heels that I could hardly stand up on, let alone walk around on.

I thought that finally everything was done and we could go home. But we had to walk the length of the mall looking at clothes in every store. Mom only bought a few other things, one or two for each of the girls and half a dozen for me.

Then we went by one of the national young women's stores. That's what they called it. And Michelle freaked. I could have killed her. All I wanted to do was get out of here and back home. I was tired and bored and hated having to do it in the first place. I just wanted it to be over.

Michelle almost dragged mom into the store. I saw the big sign over half the store. "First Lady's Apparel." Michelle was begging and I didn't understand until I saw a manikin.

I think it was a girl manikin like the ones in the other stores. But this one was made up and had adult looking hair and earrings. And she was wearing a really short black skirt and a blouse with the collar standing up under her hair and open almost all the way down the front and nylons and black high heels. It looked like a short version of my mom when she looked really hot.

Another manikin had on a suit like my mom wore sometimes with pin stripes and a short skirt. More nylons.

Another had on a really sexy black party dress with a low top and dark stockings and high heels.

"Aren't they cute?" mom said in a funny way and led us into the section of the store.

A young pretty store clerk looked at us and introduced herself to mom. Then she said the store had seen that young girls liked to look like beautiful women as much as older women did. So they'd done this new section that was just being introduced. She explained that everything was in girls' sizes from shoes to undergarments to dresses but that everything was styled the same way older women's clothing was styled.

"Even the jewelry," she said. "For girls too young to have pierced ears, we no some mothers don't allow that until a girl is older, there are delicate clip on earrings."

"Please, mom," Michelle begged for the twentieth time.


So, Michelle and Tina bouncing with excitement, we started looking and trying things on. And mom started buying things. Skirts and blouses and dresses and suits and shoes with tiny skinny heels that I couldn't walk on at all. And while we were trying things on, the pile of things was growing at the check out stand as mom picked out other things for us that I didn't even want to think about.

And when I was sure I was going to die, she bought us ice cream and we carried all the stuff to the car.

We all took our own stuff into the house but mom helped me with mine since it was so much more than Michelle's and Tina's. She had me unload it in my own room (that I realized I really missed a lot). Without even asking, she dumped everything out of the top drawer of my dresser and into the bottom. The bottom was so full then I didn't think I'd ever get it open again and it was all the stuff I needed most socks and underwear plus all my neat collections of rocks and football pictures.

She told me I could put my "pretty" things in there.

She went to my closet, that I only used for my toys and balls mostly, with that one dress-up suit she'd made me get for a wedding hanging in it. Mostly I wear jeans and teeshirts that I keep in the other drawers in the dresser. She walked out then and I hoped it was over for a while.

It was sort of neat, in a dumb kind of way, to feel all the panties and training bras and slips and stockings as I tried to fold them neatly to put in the drawer. Of course, I didn't want them to be mine even if they did feel pretty neat. About half the stuff I folded and put in there I didn't even know mom had gotten.

Mom came back in chuckling. "Your sisters are just ecstatic about all their new clothes and having such fun putting things away. But they keep wanting to put things on instead so it'll probably take all day." She was carrying an armload of those funny hangers women use. She dropped them on the bed and took one of the dresses out of a bag.

I noticed that her eyes sparkled as she looked at the pretty dress and carefully hung it on one of the hangers before hanging it in my closet. She did that over and over, putting the short skirts on the hangers with funny clips attached to them and shirts on a different kind of hangers.

I finished with the things I thought belonged in the drawer and asked her what next. She showed me the bag with cosmetics and some other stuff in it and looked around the room.

"Well," she said with a sigh. "I guess for now, just put all this on top of the dresser."

I took it and started arranging things, moving my model airplanes over to one side. Since I like my collections, I knew how to keep things pretty neatly arranged and in some kind of order. Like, I put all the lipstick in one place and the eyebrow pencils and mascara and then the stuff in the little flat boxes, eye make-up and cheek make-up, in another. She'd also gotten a pearl handled brush like they'd used at the beauty shop and a hand mirror that I put there.

"I bought something special for you, sweetheart," she said and held out a box all covered in silver and pink bows. I didn't know what it was even when I opened it and looked at the puffy pink silk inside. "It's a jewelry box to keep all your pretties in." She said it as if it should make me happy.

Then she got another sack and started picking through it and putting things into the box rings in one place, earrings in another, necklaces and bracelets in a little hidden drawer.

"Okay. Now you can help me finish hanging up your clothes," she said and instructed me on how to hang up each kind of thing she pulled out of bags until we were finally finished. My closet was filled now with hang-up clothes, the skirts in one place, blouses next, and dresses next. What she called my "special things" were on the end by the dresses.

She pushed my bat and some balls and stuff back into a corner and put the eight shoe boxes on the floor below the clothes.

"Now," she said with a sigh, "we can get you dressed so your daddy can see how pretty you are."

The clothes she chose for me were a wide departure from what I'd worn before, when she'd made me feel like such a tiny little girl.

The first thing was a pair of little silk panties with lace around the top and legs. The next was a little bra and she filled it with small jelly filled forms. She called the dress a sundress. It had about inch wide shoulder straps and a square cut opening almost to the top of the bra in both the front and back. It fastened with a cloth belt tied around my real waist in a bow at the back. The skirt was pretty short but longer than any of the other girls' things I'd worn. Maybe to the middle of my thighs. And the shoes were sort of like the sandals I'd worn that morning shopping white and all straps with bare toes but had two inch heels.

When she touched up my lipstick and my hair, I felt more adult than I ever had. Even when I was dressed normally. She added a little necklace, bracelet, and earrings that all matched.

I sat in front of the mirror, as it seemed I had been all day, and looked at myself. I looked like the girls in Michelle's class. Older than I am. And I had to admit to myself very pretty. Prettier really than any of the girls at school. The difference between what I could see in the mirror and what I felt inside was really weird. It sort of tore my mind apart.

When I reached up to put a hair back where it belonged, I felt like me, reaching up. But I saw the pretty girl in the mirror actually doing it and it looked very girlish. Even the way she held her hand and fingers. Of course, in the first place, no boy would notice or even care if a hair was out of place. But it was so obviously out of place when you looked at the pretty, curled bangs and the soft waves of blond hair that curled up around her neck.

"Come on, honey," mom said from the door as she directed Tina and Michelle toward the stairs. "Let's go show daddy." She held out her hand to me and I took it.

More reluctantly than the girls, I went down the stairs and out onto the patio. Dad was already sitting there drinking a beer and looking at the freshly mowed yard. He was wearing a dirty teeshirt, his work cutoffs, and a pair of deck shoes with grass stains on them. Tina was already pirouetting around in front of him, showing off her dress sort of like mine. Hers didn't have the little bumps in the front like mine and was shorter. And all white. Mine was pink flowered with white lace around on it.

Mom stopped by the door, holding my hand, as we watched Tina's excitement about the new dress and shoes and her hair and fingernails. Dad was laughing with her and telling her how nice it all looked.

"There's my lady," he said when Michelle walked in front of him. "Let me see your new outfit." Of course, she turned and grinned broadly at his compliments. Her dress, also a sundress, was yellow and white stripes that showed off what her new bra covered. I thought her new hairdo from today and the longer fingernails and makeup made her look about 20. I found myself smiling, too, and forgetting that I was going to be next.

When Michelle was done showing off, mom let go of my hand and patted me on the back, pushing me forward a little.

I walked over to where dad could see me and stood there with my hands clutched together in front of me. With no pockets, I didn't know what to do with them.

At first, he looked up at me with the same grin he'd had on his face looking at the girls. Then, all of a sudden, his eyes got bigger and his jaw dropped open. Real slow, his eyes went down from my face all the way to the shoes and slowly back up. The look on his face didn't change.

"Turn around, honey. Let daddy see it all," mom said. I did as I was told, watching him as he looked up and down me over and over again from every angle. He didn't say anything. But I could see that if his beer hadn't been sitting on the arm of the lawn chair with his hand holding it, he would have dropped it on the patio.

"How about showing off your new shorts?" she said then. I was glad enough to get out of sight. Dad was sort of reacting funny to seeing me like this and made me real uncomfortable. Of course, Tina thought that was great and ran inside. Michelle and I followed.

I didn't think I needed help to try on shorts so I did it myself. I tried to hear what mom and dad were saying but I couldn't.

"So what do you think?" she said as soon as the girls had left.

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it," he stumbled.

"Is that an 'I love it' or 'I hate it?'"

"He shouldn't look that pretty," he said with a frown.

"But she does," she said, insisting on the feminine pronoun. "In some ways, she's prettier than her sister. Michelle, I mean."

"She has a kind of presence," he said, not realizing his small error. "Demure. I think that's what it's called."

Sexily, she found her way onto his lap, putting her arms around his neck. "You agree with me, don't you?"

"About what?"

"About the beauty shop? The clothes?"

"Well ... now look, baby. He's " he began.

"HE's not anything. Except in big trouble from what he did. When was the last time you remember when he wasn't mouthy and noisy and into ... something? Trouble."

"It's just a boy thing," he tried to explain.

"Exactly," she said.

He thought for quite a while, rubbing his free hand across the stubble of his weekend beard.

"So okay. The stealing was too much. He's got to know better than that." She waited for him to finish his thought, though she thought she knew what he was going to say. It was a step in the right direction. "The punishment seems appropriate. Somehow. And his behavior does seem to be improved."

"And she's so cute," she said with a grin. "You should have seen her trying on clothes today."

"Yeah, well," he said, disgruntled at losing another argument with his wife.

"Wait until you see her in all the new things. You'll love it." She continued, just to bring it home. "And the other girls wouldn't have gotten anything if I hadn't had the excuse."

The shorts were tiny and white with a little play top that looked something like a teeshirt but didn't reach the shorts to tuck in. And the pink tennies were the only shoes that looked right.

Tina was dressed almost exactly the same as me but Michelle wore her white girl tennies and longer shorts but they were sort of laced up the front like a shoe.

When we all showed them off, I couldn't believe that dad seemed to like them all and, this time, he didn't look at me any different than he looked at the girls.

The style show went on and on even though I only showed about one of every three outfits I had to the girls' only one new thing of some type. Dad really got into it the further we went and seemed to be enjoying everything. All I wanted him to do was blow his top and ask why mom had blown so much money on things I wasn't even going to wear. But he never did.

Then we got to the "First Lady" outfits. Mom came back up to help me dress in them or I wouldn't have been able to.

The first ones we showed off were the women styled "casual" dresses. Mine was a long sort of tight top, long sleeves, and slit up both sides of the long skirt. But it was made of some soft colorful material mine was red print that looked like something a woman would wear to work or for a shopping day or something. It looked best with the high sandals.

Michelle had one sort of like it with bright colors and all but with a short, tight skirt and top that cut down all the way to her bra. Tina's was closer to what I'd worn shopping that morning. More little girl looking.

Dad really liked those and said we looked like young adults. Just wait, I thought to myself, remembering the ones I'd tried on.

The next ones were our suits and dad thought they were great. Frilly blouses, short skirts, and matching jackets with our first pantyhose and the higher matching pumps. Mine was pin-stripe dark blue with a white lacy blouse. Tina's was pink with a lighter pink blouse. Michelle's was bright red with a low cut red blouse under it.

Dad laughed at those and asked mom if she was going to take us to work with her when she went back.

The next were our skirt and blouse sets. I liked my plain tight, black, short skirt with its wide patent leather belt and white silk blouse. Tina's was red and full with a frilly pink blouse. Michelle's was white and almost identical to mine even to the belt. But her blouse was lacy and, she said, took a camisole under it, whatever that was. I know you could have seen through it if it hadn't been for the silky thing underneath. I thought the white high heels looked super on her even if she hadn't quite mastered walking in them yet.

Dad told us they were hot and looked like we should all be going out for a drink and dancing till dawn.

By that time, it was starting to get dark and my stomach was growling from starvation. I really really wanted this all to be over with anyway. But mom had other ideas.

"Paul, you need a shower. Then you're going to take your ladies out to a nice place for dinner." He laughed and said it was the first he'd heard about it, but got up and came inside with us anyway.

Mom told me to take off everything and then went to make suggestions to the girls and dad about what they should wear before coming back into the room. I did like she told me and was more or less ready when she came back in. At least I was naked, embarrassed, and had my face washed clean of all the makeup, if that's ready.

She started by handing me a pair of panties I hadn't seen her buy and didn't want to wear at all. My weak protest did absolutely nothing, of course. She didn't even answer me. I put them on and saw that they had a little silk panel between the legs and a little of the front but all the rest of them were just black lace nothing. What was there, didn't cover much since it was almost a string at the sides of the legs and real low in the front and back. They were pretty sturdy, surprisingly, and held my little dick tight against my stomach behind the panel where it wouldn't show.

Then she got out a garter belt. It looked sort of like a lace belt with strings hanging off of it that she stuck down through the panties in the front and back. She sat me back down and carefully put on these black stockings that almost went up to the panties and clipped to the belt thing to stay up. The strings felt funny stretched across my bottom as I sat down and in the panties in front. When I stood up, they were looser on my bottom but pulled the stockings funny on my legs in front instead. It made me too aware that they were there for comfort.

She put different makeup on me then, the darker stuff the cosmo-whatever has said was for night time. Darker lipstick. Darker blusher and a different color on the hollows of my cheeks. Powder on my face. Blue stuff on my eyelids and darker mascara and eyebrow pencil. She took the little combs out of my hair that had held it back and brushed it out so it fell just onto my shoulders in the front and the back. It tickled and I hated being reminded that it was there and looked like a girl's so much.

I was afraid I knew which dress she was going to pick for me and I wasn't wrong. It was the black one with the built in bra that held the little jelly things and was held up by two thin strings that tied behind my neck. My back was bare to almost my waist where it tightened and then flared out to a full skirt that came down just below the tops of the stockings. It was super light weight and I knew if there was even a tiny breeze, it would blow all over the place. I hated it the most because it made me feel more like a girl than anything else she'd had me wear and I had to pay attention to it every second for fear I'd show off something I didn't want to.

She spent some time telling me how important it was for me to keep my knees tight together or crossed all the time.

"Okay. You put these shoes on and walk around a little to get used to them. Then go downstairs and get a Coke or something and wait for the rest of us. I've got to help Tina and get dressed myself." She stopped at the door. "Oh yeah. And pick out some jewelry that goes with the dress. Long, dangly earrings, okay?"

She left me to figure out the shoes she'd set on the bed next to me. I sighed. Hating this whole thing.

The shoes were black patent leather again but had really sharp toes that ended almost right away, a little tiny sole part, and a strap that went around my ankle and fastened with a really tiny gold buckle. I don't know how high the heels were but they were the highest I'd worn and, when I stood up, I couldn't see how you could possibly walk in them comfortably. It was really like standing on tiptoe because the tiny pointed heels wouldn't stay standing up straight unless you walked just perfect.

I walked back and forth across my room a dozen times before I got so I didn't almost turn my ankle with every step. The only way to walk at all was to take short, careful steps and keep your feet going exactly straight ahead. If you walked like a guy at all, you screwed up big time.

I went to the jewelry box and picked long, dangly earrings like mom had told me to. Then I tried to come close to matching them with a fine chain necklace that had a blue jewel on the end, a matching bracelet that seemed to want to fall off all the time, and a ring that looked sort of like the same jewel. I decided that was all I was going to do.

"Just wait until you see your little ladies, sweetheart," she said as he tied his tie. "You'll be so proud of them." She was smiles all over and looking great in the silver lame dress he liked so well because it showed the insides of her great tits and, if you watched carefully, occasionally a beautiful nipple peeked out when she turned just right.

He'd taken her out several times to dance, slipping his hand inside the opening in the front of that dress to roll a nipple. And, of course, he loved seeing her in what she called her "fuck me" pumps. Just listening to her call them that turned him on without seeing the way she pranced on tiptoe and wagged her ass when she wore them.

Everything she seemed to say and do, the way she moved, and her excitement promised a fantastic adventure in love making after they got home from dinner.

He decided this definitely wasn't the time to talk to her about his "son" and this odd punishment she'd devised for him.

I heard the girls when they came out of their rooms and hurried a little to catch them in the hall. "Wow!" Michelle and I said at the same time when we saw each other. She looked great, to say the least. I'd sort of seen the dress before for a minute at the store. But on and fixed up she looked tremendous. It was a very tight white knit material that clung to her body like skin. At least the part that it covered at all.

It was shorter than mine, just barely below the top of her sheer stockings, and tight enough to clearly show the garters fastened below it. The top was cut down between her breasts and showed that she wasn't wearing anything under it at all. Even though she just has new titties, it made them look perfect. The white shoes were about like mine, sharp toes, strap and bare sides of the foot. Her hair was beautiful.

Tina came out when she heard us talking, pulling on the sides of a pair of little pantyhose. She was about as good at walking on the high heels she was wearing as I was. Maybe not even as good. Her dress was a tight black and white tube dress on top with a puffy tiered skirt that was shorter than either Michelle's or mine. But then she's a little girl and had pantyhose and black and white panties under it.

"I hate these things," she said, still screwing around with the pantyhose.

"They look cute," Michelle said and helped her with them a little and smoothed down the frilly skirt.

Dad's eyes were almost funny, getting really big and jumping from one to the other of us.

"Boy, when you said I'd be proud of my ladies, you weren't kidding. You're all beautiful!" I cringed since he didn't make any distinction for me. In fact, it seemed like he was staring at me harder than at the girls.

He stood up between me and Michelle and offered his arm. "Allow me the pleasure of escorting you ladies to the car." He was smiles all over as we put our hands on his arms and let him lead us out the door while mom and Tina followed, locking up the house.

That's when I suddenly realized that we were really going out. Outside the house. To a restaurant! I could feel the cool night air playing under the lightweight little skirt and on my bare legs above the stockings. He held the back door of the car while we got in, grinning and looking at our legs as we got in and the skirts went all over.

Mom got Tina in the front seat and turned around with a big smile on her face and told us about the place dad was taking us. I almost thought it would be a disappointment by the time we finally got there. But I was wrong. I'd never been anywhere close to this nice.

We drove up under a lighted cover thing and right away there was some guy opening the door next to me and holding out his hand. Since I didn't think I could get out by myself, I took it but felt really funny. At least it let me put my hand on the skirt and keep myself covered. I didn't like the dumb smile on his face as he looked up from my legs after I got standing.

Dad got out at the same time and took a ticket from the guy for the car and offered his arm to me again with that same silly, proud grin. When I looked over at the other side of the car, there was another guy holding the door for mom and Michelle, mom helping Tina out. I could tell that Michelle was embarrassed and liked the guy looking at her the way he was. He obviously liked what he saw, too.

Michelle was swinging her bottom around a bunch as she walked into the rustic old door of the restaurant that the guy was holding open for her and Tina, who'd grabbed her hand.

Mom was all smiles as dad put his arm around her waist and took us all through the door into the dark inside.

The entry part was small and just had a couple of couches, some landscape paintings, and the cash register on a little table. And a guy in a suit with some menus in his hand. His eyes roamed from one of us to the other with his big smile.

"Sir!" he said. "How do you deserve four beautiful women at the same time?"

"I'm not a woman," Tina said. "I'm a little girl!"

The man squinted and looked at her specially. "I see a beautiful woman but she does seem to have a small girl's voice," he said with a wink. She blushed and squirmed.

"For five, sir?" he said to make sure. Dad nodded and, moving mom in front of us a little to go through the narrower door into inside, followed the girls and the man. "Window?" Dad said yes.

He led us right through the middle of the whole restaurant, with all the candles flickering on the tables, and mostly couples sitting there. But it felt like everybody was looking at me. Mostly smiling. But a lot of the guys looked at my face and then spent the rest of the time looking at my legs. I could feel people staring at my bottom as we passed and it made me really uncomfortable.

The man in the suit pulled out some chairs and Michelle sat down with her back to the window and Tina next to her. The man pushed the chair up for both of them. Mom sat next to Tina and I sat down next to her while dad held our chairs. Then he sat down between Michelle and me, still smiling all over.

"I'd bet you'll all want cocktails. Do you need cocktail menus?"

"I don't think so. I know my wife would like a grasshopper and I'd like a dry gin martini. I'm sure you can fix up something good for the 'ladies'." He grinned.

"But, sir." The man said, looking around the table at each of us. "I'm sorry to be so ignorant but which one is your wife?" Michelle blushed and smiled so broadly I thought her face would break and mom giggled.

Tina took over the moment though when she said, "This is my mom, silly," holding her hand out toward her.

"Oh. Very well," he said with a nice smile. "Thank you for helping me," he said to Tina. "I never would have guessed on my own." Mom giggled again and Michelle still beamed. He left then after handing out the menus.

I looked at it and couldn't believe it. There was a whole page of appetizers and soups and salads, a whole page of fish, another of beef, and another of other things like chicken and veal. And at the back end, a whole page of desserts.

I'd been thinking that I was going to starve to death for a couple of hours, so even if everything hadn't looked super, I still would have been salivating.

"You have absolutely everything and anything you want tonight, ladies," dad said. "It's a very special one. The first time I've ever taken all my beautiful girls out at once." He looked around at all of us but at me last and his look didn't change at all.

I noticed that you could look out the window from where I was and lights out there showed a scene like the middle of the forest with a little stream going right through the middle and into the trees a ways away. But then I saw a reflection of myself sitting there and a really pretty woman sitting somewhere behind me, staring at me.

That's when I heard her whisper to whoever she was with. "She's gorgeous! Just something about her. I can't quite put my finger on it." Then a guy turned around in the reflection and looked me up and down.

"Yeah," he said. "She's a doll. Another two years older and I'd take her. Maybe that's what you see. You like teenagers." Teenagers, I thought with a smile. The lady thought I was a teenager. "At least I like them to hit their twenties. Another couple of years and she'll be ripe for picking." The woman chuckled at him. Gosh, I thought. The man thought I was maybe 18!

That made me really self-conscious and I looked around some more.

The first person I noticed was sitting about six feet to my right on the same side of the table as me. He was a nice looking guy in his late twenties, wearing a suit. And he was staring at Michelle as if he would do anything for her except get his mouth all the way closed. I thought it was sort of funny until I noticed another guy across the table from him about the same age staring at my chest. A second after I looked at him, he looked up at my face and blushed like he'd just got caught doing something he shouldn't have been. That really made me squirm in the chair.

"Here we go," the man in the suit said from right next to me and reached between me and mom and sat down a drink in a green glass in front of mom and one that looked practically the same, except for being white and in a little bigger glass, in front of me. Moving around a little, he put one like mine in front of Michelle and something in a glass like mom's, but clear and pink, in front of Tina. It had a couple of cherries in it. Then he put down one that looked like water in front of dad. And a little cup thing with some more beside that. "Enjoy," he said and left with a little bow.

Dad picked it up and held it up. "To my ladies," he said and clicked it against Michelle's glass and then mine. Boy he seemed happy tonight. Mom raised hers too and clicked it with Tina's and mine and gestured toward the others. I took a sip of mine, not knowing what to expect, and found out it tasted sort of like a milkshake with some other flavor in it I really liked. Good.

He had hardly gone when somebody else was right by my elbow. I looked up at a really nice looking young guy maybe a college guy wearing a white shirt and tie.

"My name's Michael," he said. "And I have the great pleasure to be your waiter tonight." He was looking right into my eyes with this nice smile. "Are you ready to order?" He was asking me.

"Oh," I stumbled. "No. I forgot to look."

"I think the rest of us are ready. Why don't you start with my wife and come back to, ah, Amy," dad said, stumbling for a second.

So I went back to looking at the menu, trying to decide what I wanted as fast as I could. Everything sounded great and made my mouth water as I listened to mom order and then, with a little help from mom, Tina. Then Michelle, the blush sounding in her soft voice. Then dad and it was back to me. I thanked him silently for giving me a little time because several things the others ordered sounded good. Now Michael was looking at me again.

I ordered in a soft, quiet voice, hoping he wouldn't know I was really a boy. For some reason, it was important to me that he think I was a girl. Him and the other people around us.

Almost as soon as he left, I realized there was one thing I'd forgotten in my preparations to go. I needed to go to the bathroom really bad. I leaned over to mom and whispered, "I've really got to go, mom."

"Well, go ahead, honey. I think the girl's room is up by the cash register but you can ask."

"Hey, I need to go too," Michelle said. "I'll go with you."

I struggled a little to get out of the chair and took care to make sure my skirt was pulled down while Michelle came around and took my hand. As soon as I turned around, I realized almost everybody was staring at me and blushed. Luckily, Michelle was leading the way and got us to the front part of the restaurant where the man in the suit looked up. She asked for the girl's room and he pointed at the side of the room I hadn't noticed before. She led the way to the door with the silhouette of a woman on it and I gasped at the realization that I was really going into a women's bathroom.

I didn't hesitate when I got in there though. I just had to go too bad.

It wasn't too hard to get my skirt up and the panties down, thanks to the way mom had me put the garter belt through them, and I was sitting down emptying my bladder in no time. I clearly heard Michelle doing the same thing. I didn't realize that girls made so much noise going to the bathroom and thought it was sort of funny.

I got the panties back where they belonged easy enough and made sure my skirt was okay before I flushed and left the stall. I almost got run over by the woman who I recognized as the one sitting behind me in the restaurant. She avoided me narrowly with a quick "I'm sorry" and ducked into the stall.

Michelle was already putting on lipstick at the mirror and I had to wash my hands and then let her put a little on me, too, while she talked about how neat it was to be in the restaurant and how nice mom and dad were treating them. Like adults. She took out her brush to do something to my hair as the girl came out of the stall behind us.

"Sorry. Guess I put it off too long. I thought I was going to explode." She laughed and started doing something with her makeup at the mirror behind me.

"Hey, I know it's snoopy. But my brother Bob and I were talking a little about you girls. We couldn't help but notice you, of course. Everybody in the place noticed you, you're all so pretty.

"But Bob and I sort of have a bet and, well, how old are you girls?"

Michelle looked into my eyes and I could tell she was going to tell a lie.

"I'm eighteen and my sister's sixteen," she said. She'd added a bunch of years for both of us and I didn't believe anybody would believe it.

"Haw. Wait until I tell Bob. He was betting that you were at least two years older than that but I almost guessed it on the nose."

Michelle and I went out then and I leaned close to her ear and whispered. "I couldn't believe you'd lie that much and not get caught."

"But she not only bought it; she thought we were older than that. And so did her brother." We giggled all the way back to the table. I couldn't help noticing the way Michelle sort of strutted when we were right beside the table where Bob was sitting. And I noticed that he looked up from my legs and rested his eyes on my chest as we got even with the table.

It took me more by surprise though when I went to sit down and the guy at the table beside ours got up and held my chair.

"I, ah, just noticed you were having a little trouble with the chair," he said. "Probably the weave of this carpet."

I could only thank him as he sat back down and grinned at me. Wow, I thought, this is pretty neat. Mom and dad were both grinning at me.

"It looks like you have an admirer," she said, leaning toward me. I blushed and nodded.

They had brought the salad while we were gone so I started eating and had almost finished it when the soup came. I'd never had mushroom soup like that in an almost flat bowl and none had ever tasted so good.

I didn't have time to hardly sit back when Michael came back with a little cart that had a little gas grill and a bunch of plates and things on it. There was a steak like the one I ordered in a little pan and he lit the fire under it and shook it a little. Then he turned around and got the other plates and started handing out everybody else's. Dad had a big lobster tail with something on top of a candle.

"Could we have a bottle of Champagne, good but not the most expensive, and five glasses?" dad said.

"Of course, sir. You know that I can't serve anyone under 21 but it is quite alright for you to serve it to the girls if you wish." Dad nodded.

In a minute, Michael was standing next to him stirring and turning the steak that smelled so good it made his stomach rumble. The man in the suit returned and opened the bottle of wine with a little pop and poured a little for dad to taste. He did it and nodded. He poured most of a glass for mom and she passed it to Tina so he could fill another one for her. Tina tasted it and said it tickled and tasted "yucky" so Michelle took her glass and tasted it.

He filled dad's and, seeing what mom had done, he passed it to Amy and the man filled his glass for dad. Amy tasted it, feeling the tingling bubbles tickle her nose and mouth, and giggled with pleasure. It was the most wonderful thing he'd ever tasted.

"Okay, ladies," Michael said next to Amy. "Watch your hair." He leaned to the side to see what was happening as Michael poured something into the creamy sauce in the pan just before he tilted it a little and it burst into flame a foot high. Amy gasped in surprise, his already beautifully large eyes getting very wide to reflect the flames. Michael chuckled as he stirred the mixture and dropped the steak back in.

He used a fork and a spoon to pick up the steak and put it on the plate with long, thin french fries. He used the spoon then to cover the steak with sauce before setting it in front of Amy. He could hardly wait for the first bite and, as he expected, it tasted as wonderful as the preparation. He finished it and the large pile of french fries soaked with the sauce before anyone else finished, washing down bites with the tingly wine.

His dad shared bites of the lobster, dripping with butter, with each of them.

After finishing a pretty goblet of something called chocolate mousse, Amy thought he'd never have to eat again.

Tremendously excited, they returned to the car and home. Amy couldn't resist wiggling his butt as he walked away from all the people who watched him. Watched his bottom.

They manufactured a din in the car as they all tried to talk at once about their dinners and the experiences and how super super super it all was. Even Amy competed with her stories.

Mom and dad laughed with their "girls" and repeatedly told them how nice they'd all been. How "ladylike" according to their mom.

At home again, they'd all been sent to their rooms to dress for bed with the strong suggestion that they show their dad their new nighties. The girls had loved the idea but Amy silently resisted it, knowing that it was pointless but doing it mentally for his own self respect. He hung up the black dress carefully and equally carefully removed the shoes, stockings, garter belt, and underwear.

He knew which of the nightgowns his mother preferred, since she'd made a lot of it when they were putting things away after the shopping trip. He put on the frilly pink wisp of material and the equally frilly panties before putting on the long peignoir coverup with its pink ribbon ties. He even took a moment to look at the makeup on his face and the newly done hair around his face.

Tina was sitting, her leg straddling one leg, on dad's lap and Michelle sat in his old place on the couch again in a white copy of what he was wearing. Mom was sitting in a beautiful black nightie that he could see her nipples through in spite of the lacy coverup. He couldn't help but think of his experiences with her before the feel of her nipple in his mouth and the taste of the spot between her legs.

Lifting her, dad moved Tina beside him and put his arms up to him. He blushed but went to his father and let him turn him to sit on his lap the same way Tina had been. It felt very strange to feel his warm leg between his that way and his arm around his side and resting on the spot where, if he had breasts, it would cover one. It made him nervous to have his father's hand rubbing the thin material there as he thanked him for the wonderful night and asked questions about his feelings.

In front of his mother and sisters, he couldn't do anything but continue the fiction, the dream really, that he'd lived that night. He'd honestly never felt so adult or so wonderfully appreciated and loved. It was a very warm feeling.

He kissed his father the same way the girls did, unashamed and loving, and accepted his father's kiss in return.

Then his dad encouraged him to stand up and go to bed and turned to kiss Tina and shoo her off as well. Mom got up and told him she was going to "catch up on a little reading" with a funny kind of hidden meaning Amy didn't understand, and put her arms around him and Tina to go upstairs. He thought she wiggled funny, her bottom pushing against his hip, as she talked and led them up to Tina's room.

"Of course you need to sleep here still," she said before he'd asked, "but maybe not for too much longer." At least he thought he'd be able to dress in his own room now that the new clothes were all in there.

He crawled into the bed next to Tina, who hugged him as mom bent down and kissed them both. He wondered if she knew that the top of her nightie opened up completely so he could see her heavy breasts hanging down inside it.

He heard her humming as she went to her own room.

Michelle waited until she heard her mother leave the girls' room before she stood up and walked over beside her father's big chair. She stretched, knowing the short nightie would lift above her panties, and asked if he wanted her to get him something to drink or a cookie or something. He said no but she thrilled in watching his eyes look up and down her body the way they did.

"Can I sit with you, daddy?" she asked. She really didn't wait for an answer though as she turned and backed to the arm of the chair, lowering herself across his lap where he couldn't help but support her back with his other arm. To make it worse for him, she turned slightly into him and put her arms around his neck before lifting one foot to the arm of the chair. It had the effect of opening the front of the white peignoir and making her shapely young leg the focus of his attention. "I wanted to specially thank you for all the money you spent on my pretty new clothes. And the wonderful dinner out."

"That's quite alright, honey," he said, forced to rest his hand on her bare leg for lack of anywhere else to put it.

"You treated me like a real woman tonight and I loved it."

"You looked it. It would have been much harder to treat you like a little girl," he said with a shrug. "I certainly enjoyed seeing you girls in your new clothes." She giggled and squirmed in his lap with the compliments. He was having a little trouble concentrating on his words because of his daughter's squirming and the way she was playing with the tiny ribbons at the front of the peignoir.

"You know, daddy?" she said in her little girl approach that always disarmed him. "I'm really not your little girl anymore. I'm more like a woman every day."

"I know that," he responded, watching the ribbons come undone to show her flawless chest in the opening.

"Did you know that I'm getting real titties?" she said and he chuckled.

"I noticed."

"And you know what?" he didn't venture a guess. "I have real nipples that feel good when you touch them."

"Really," he said. "Then ... I'll bet they would really feel good if they were licked."

She gasped with excitement and surprise. "Yes. I'll bet." She could only watch and squirm as he pushed the sides of the peignoir to her sides and pull the loose material of the nightie down off one shoulder and below her tiny breast. She gasped again as he licked her hardened nipple.

"Do you like that?" he asked, knowing the answer but wanting her involvement.

"Oh yes! It ... mmm. Please do it again." He licked again, tasting the sweetness of her untouched breast, and covered it with his lips. Gently, he sucked the disproportionately distended flesh, listening to her little gasps and moans of pleasure. He looked down the remaining expanse of frilly white material to the inside of her spread thigh and allowed his fingertips to turn the skin there to a field of goose bumps. She squirmed more against him as he continued it. Licking and sucking. He was surprised when he felt her stiffen and arch with her little orgasm just from the stimulation to her breast. He stopped and smiled at her as she relaxed and smiled up at him.

"Would you ..." she panted, "... lick the other one ... and play tickles?"

He chuckled again as he moved the opening in the nightie over her other little breast and slid his hand into the hot wetness beneath her panties. She arched up her center and spread one leg further to give him full access to her hairless lips. She was marvelously wet and ready as his finger slid deep into her young body. He saw her pretty fingers close to his eyes, rubbing the nipple he'd just left, as he began licking and sucking the previously untouched one.

He hoped she wouldn't cry out when she came. Getting caught doing this was definitely not in his play book.

Lynn sat at the top of the stairway with her fingers buried in her gushing pussy as she watched her husband molest her daughter.

Her pleasure was direct, watching the stimulating situation. But it was also more indirect.

Now she knew she could carry out her plans. He couldn't deny her. If the soft persuasion didn't work, a more direct confrontation certainly would.

And she knew the magic words now.

"Amy?" Tina said in the darkness of her room, her arms and legs wrapped around him again. "Can we play tickles again?"

"Sure. I guess," he said and waited as she pulled off her panties excitedly. He put his hand between her legs again and rubbed her for a minute while he thought about the dinner and the rest of the strange day. Everything that had happened to him was it only one full day and a part of another? It seemed impossible.

Then, as he smelled his little sister's rising passion, he remembered a similar smell from his mother's pussy the day before.

"Don't stop tickling," Tina said.

"How would you like it if I showed you a different kind of tickles?" he asked.

"Does it feel good like this?" she returned.

"I don't know. Maybe even better. I'm not sure." He felt her shrug in her little girl way.

"Okay. But you'll go back to tickles if it doesn't feel good, okay?"

"Yeah sure."

He pushed the covers off both of them and got on all fours to move down her body. She seemed a little confused but just watched him in the moonlight while he positioned himself between her spread legs. She jumped when he touched her hairless trench down there rubbing it with his tongue as he had been with his fingers. He went further between her legs and tasted her pussy as he had his mother's. Instead of being sort of strong and spicy, Tina tasted sweet. Almost like a pop without the fizz part. Or maybe like fruit juice. It actually tasted good and he found himself really enjoying the flavor as he licked it up.

In reaction to the feelings, she lifted her legs wider than it seemed possible, closer to her sides than together but still lying flat on the bed to her sides.

He remembered where his mom had showed him her peehole was and, up above that, the bump she called her clittie. Tina's felt like a little nipple under his tongue and seemed to make her feel really good. She squeaked and squirmed all over when he licked it up and down. When he put his lips around it and sucked, she squealed out loud and slapped her hand over her mouth to stop it and keep them from getting caught.

As he sucked harder and licked the little bit of flesh between his tight lips, she humped up and down and squealed through the hand she held to her mouth still. She stiffened up for a second and he thought it was over. But when he licked one more time and started to move away, she slapped her free hand to the back of his head and lifted her heels to his shoulders to hold him in place.

Smelling her sweet smell more strongly, he moved a little and licked her pussy again and his tongue was coated with the sweetness. He could hardly keep up with it as she stiffened, relaxed slightly, stiffened, and relaxed. To get it all, he stuck his tongue into her opened pussy and felt her stiffen again.

She was squeaking "oh oh oh oh oh oh" through her fingers as she came again and again. But her orgasms were getting lighter and finally she wasn't really holding him there any more. He licked up the last of the wetness and crawled back up beside her.

He had to move her legs together and pull up the covers because she was sound asleep.

With her newly realized power, Lynn rolled her husband onto his back and insisted on his tongue in her pussy before she held his wrists down to the mattress and, superior, fucked him.

She grinned in the darkness afterward, knowing he had no idea what had brought on this particular form of lovemaking.

Days 3 and 4

Sunday was like a lot of Sundays. They all slept in until pretty late in the morning and, though he knew he still had to wear the bra and panties, Amy felt more comfortable in shorts (even if they were pink and tiny) and a teeshirt (also pink and "cute"). He didn't wear shoes and wished he had when his dad noticed the pink polish on his toenails and complimented him as if he was a girl instead of a boy.

He was afraid his father was forgetting that he was a boy.

Lynn noticed the compliment and Amy's discomfort and tried not to grin. But it was hard.

Dad watched the football game on television and fell asleep in his chair. Tina spent most of the day in her room playing and Michelle spent it reading a romance novel in her room. Amy's mother told him he could stay and watch the football game but only if he lay on his stomach on the floor in front of the TV and changed into a skirt. He did it because he wanted to watch the game but he hated feeling her eyes on his legs and looking under the skirt all the time.

When his mom went to fix dinner, she insisted that Amy help her and miss the end of the game. He was mad but he went and peeled potatoes and did other odd jobs for her as she asked.

They all ate at the kitchen table.

After a few dumb TV shows, he and Tina were sent to bed. Lynn stayed up, relishing the idea of torturing her husband and daughter a little, and tucked her daughter into her bed for the night before joining Paul for a quick but satisfying fuck. He was unusually responsive.

When Amy got up the next morning, her father had already gone to work and the girls were dressed in their swimming things and ready to go to the pool. Cringing at the terrible likelihood of getting caught, he put on the suit his mother had bought for him. She guided the small breast forms into the tight top, but he knew that he wouldn't be able to do anything without risking the possibility of losing them. At least the bottom of the bikini was tight and would hold him firmly and had a little skirt to cover any left over bumps.

With only a towel and a little bag that held some cosmetics and suntan lotion, she sent him off with his sisters.

Just the walk to the pool three blocks away, covered only by the towel around his shoulders and the bikini, was scary. Getting into the pool and wondering whether everyone could see through it was worse (they apparently couldn't). Trying to swim, even for a short way in the swim class where he usually excelled, was almost impossible while making sure the breast forms didn't shift or fall out.

He relaxed a little as the day went on and no one seemed to be noticing him more than any of the other girls. But little reminders kept popping up. He purposely stayed away from the girl's bathroom and, instead, relieved himself in the pool except once when Michelle insisted so they renew their makeup.

Then the inevitable happened.

Tina and Michelle were having a great time playing some silly game in the pool with a bunch of other girls and jumping in and acting like he would have liked to and couldn't. All he could do was sunbathe and wait for the day to end.

"You're going to burn to a crisp," somebody said beside him. When he turned that direction, he saw one of the high school guys sitting there looking at him with a dumb smile on his face. "I'll help you get a little of that lotion on if you want."

He looked at the bottle and remembered the impossibility of getting it on his back when they got there and how good it felt to have Michelle do it for him.

"Yeah, okay," he said, lying back down on his stomach. The guy chuckled when Andy cringed with the squirt of cold lotion all over his back and down each leg. Then he started rubbing it on and it felt totally different than anything Andy had ever felt in his life. The guy's greasy fingers rubbed the lotion into the soles of his feet, his ankles and soft thighs. It only scared him when the guy slipped his fingers into the legholes of his bikini a little way.

"There's always a little line between your suit and where you put on suntan lotion," he explained. "But this gets it."

Then he did his shoulders and back, lifting up the strap on the top and running his fingers under it, too. It felt great when the guy rubbed his sides and arms.

"Roll over and I'll do the front, too," he said in a funny sort of voice.

"Ah, no. That's okay," Andy said, knowing that he couldn't roll over for a while. His dick wasn't very big but, right now, it was as big as it ever got.

"Whatever you say. But doing the front is the best part." He laughed sort of funny but rubbed the last of the lotion into his own leg. Andy noticed that the guy had a hard-on in his trunks, too, as he leaned up on his elbows so he could talk a little better.

"Thanks," Andy said. "It felt good. And it's hard to get your back."

Trapped by the hard-on that seemed to remain, Andy could only lay there and talk to the guy who didn't seem to have any intention of leaving. So he was forced to answer questions the guy asked until he felt like he was losing track of the little lies. Then he turned the tables and started asking the guy questions about himself. That worked a lot better and let him relax as the guy talked. He was really pretty funny.

Finally, overheated and his hard-on gone finally, he turned over and found himself blushing when the guy asked if he could do more suntan lotion and stared at the front of the bikini. Andy said no and took a little pleasure in putting the lotion on himself and, taking the guy's advice, edging his own fingers under the waistband and top of the bikini. He did let the guy, Sam something, do his face while he held his eyes closed. It was disconcerting and scary when he opened his eyes again and saw the guy staring at the bikini top like he could see through it.

Even when Tina and Michelle came back, Sam stuck around and even did suntan lotion on their backs for them almost the way he'd done it for Andy. But he didn't make such a point of getting it under their bikinis. They continued to talk, with Sam's eyes still flicking to either the top of bottom of the bikini when he didn't think Andy would notice.

Michelle was the one who said it was time to go home and chattered at Andy all the way home about the guy, teasing him insufferably.

Lynn didn't waste her day at all.

Soon after the children left for the pool, she went to her gynaecologist's office for the appointment she'd scheduled a week before.

The formal part of the examination, she hated as much as ever. There just wasn't anything particularly enjoyable about having something the size of a log shoved up your pussy and someone scraping and probing at the inside of it like it was being prepared for dinner. But it didn't take him long to finish that, instruct her to get dressed, and dismiss his nurse who was there to protect his reputation and her virtue. Of course, that was unnecessary.

She'd found from an earlier exam that the doctor liked a great deal more than medically examining women's pussies. She'd enjoyed the "rest" of the examination on that earlier visit. Best of all, she knew she had control of the man now because he'd already gone too far with her and, undoubtedly, with other patients as well. But she wasn't taking any chances.

"Oh, I forgot, doctor," she said. "I think I might have felt something when I did my last breast self exam." Of course she hadn't but she knew the doctor was really a breast man and watched him blush as she pulled her blouse open over her naked breasts. "I think it was this one."

His hand shook as he reached to her breast and began doing the formal examination and staring at the hardening nipple.

"I'll bet you could taste it better," she said in a husky whisper and wasn't disappointed when his lips covered her breast. She'd always loved manipulation of her breasts so the pleasure was mutual as he sucked and licked and pinched her nipples until she was at the verge of orgasm. "I didn't put my panties back on, doctor. I think you should use your probe to check it."

Blushing at his weakness, he allowed her to unzip him and guide his cock into her. Her ankles pulled his hips to her over and over as he continued to suckle her roughly. In seconds, he tensed and filled her, gasping for his own breath.

When he relaxed and started to back out of her, she locked her ankles around him, her arms going around his neck. Looking at the door that could open at any moment, he looked panicky as he looked into her smiling face.

"I need your help for a couple of things," she said.

"What?" he said, knowing that he was trapped by his own actions.

"What's the strongest estrogen compound available?" she asked sweetly.

"Why? You certainly don't need it. You're a long ways from menopause and even then you won't need it. I really should do an examination before I prescribe anything," he said. She thought about it. Yes. That would be interesting. She nodded.

"But I'd like to get started as soon as possible. So you will write me a prescription, won't you?" He gasped at his predicament but finally nodded his assent.

"The other thing I need is a supplier for prosthetics. Breast forms. Really good ones."

"That's easy enough. They're not controlled like drugs." She nodded.

"They're the best ones, right?"

"Oh, absolutely. You almost can't tell them from the real thing without a covering. Very realistic under normal clothing."

"And they have some way to keep them in place? Even without a bra?"

"Yes. At least for several days. Perhaps as long as a week. I understand they're not unduly uncomfortable."

"Under all conditions? Like in the shower or swimming?"


She grinned at him and released her hold on him. Quickly he put his exposed cock back into his pants and zipped up while watching her re-button her blouse.

"Oh, I'll, ah, call you with the results of the pap smear."

"I'll make a new appointment when I go out." She smiled at him. "The address? And the prescription?"

"Oh yes, sure."

She took the prescription to the pharmacy in the same building with the doctor's office, after making the other appointment for the next day. Then she traveled to the prosthetics supplier, armed with the address and short note from the doctor, and bought a pair of breast forms so realistic they had small bumps around the areola and sized for a 36B cup large, she knew, for a 32 inch chest.

The adhesive provided by the supplier was a modification of super glue complete with a solvent for removing it and cleaning it off the skin. He was more than pleased to discuss it at length with her as he watched her own breasts bob and jiggle and wondered why she needed them. He got his answer when she asked her next question.

"Is there a prosthetic that effectively hides a ... man's penis?" she asked and he grinned. This was the first woman who'd bought a pair of the beautiful false tits and asked about the other, but it was hardly the first he'd sold. In fact, it had formed a kind of predictable backbone for his business. He might sell a prosthetic arm or leg much more lucrative every couple of months. But he sold tits every week. Probably half of them to men and in pairs rather than singly to women who'd survived mastectomies.

In a few cases, he'd even been allowed to exercise his hidden secret to help a man try on his first pair. They invariably enjoyed his help and, usually, his interest in their more masculine parts. He loved being the first to enjoy a client's new found femininity.

"Not really. There's a thing called a gaff that's a sort of modified jock strap. But it's not particularly successful. A guy still has to wear loose clothing. That sort of thing.

"But, if comfort isn't too much of a concern," he said with a sneer, "I have a friend who manufactures a little device that's very effective."

When she brightened, he gave her the address of Frank's place, she paid for her purchases, and left.

Pulling up in front of adult bookstore a couple of miles outside the city limits was new and a little frightening for her. Going in was exciting.

Inside, she drew the immediate attention of all four men who followed her every movement. Poised with magazines or books in their hands, the three apparent customers just stared at her as she went to the cash register where a young, good looking guy sat.

He took the note from the guy at the prosthetics supply place and grinned at her.

"Yeah. I got some of them. I make em myself," he said. "Large, medium or small?"

"Small," she said, not knowing the sizes but figuring that was all that would be necessary.

"No wonder," he grunted and opened the back of the display case, below her vision. He pulled out a strange construction of cloth and strings. "Okay. This is the way it works." He proceeded to demonstrate with his finger until she said she understood.

She paid for her purchase, refusing the offer of full payment in return for a little demonstration of her own assets. They all looked disappointed at she left, noticing a large dildo on the way to the door that tempted her for a moment before she waved at the men and left.

She spent the next hour at a furniture store making the purchases with the understanding that they would be delivered after ten o'clock the next Monday and that the old furniture would be accepted in trade, even if it was for almost nothing.

Lynn arrived home long before the girls returned and enjoyed an hour of naked sunbathing in the back yard. She could hardly wait for them to return home.

"Amy, I bought you some things today," she said with an excited smile and escorted her new daughter back to her room. She sent him to the bathroom first to take a shower that would wash off the chlorine from the pool and awaited him, sitting on her bed.

She grinned at his embarrassment when he came out of the bathroom naked but drew him to her.

"You're going to love this," she said, knowing that she certainly would and not really caring if he did or not. "Look at this." She showed him the perfect breast form, holding it against his chest. "Isn't it beautiful!!!"

"Well, yeah, I guess," he said, hating it and afraid to say it. Truly, he wondered exactly how these were different than the ones he'd already been wearing under the swim suit. He did notice the difference in detail, of course, but since he had no intention of having anyone ever look at them when he was wearing them, that hardly mattered.

He couldn't figure out what she was doing as she placed the breast form against his chest and turned and looked at it over and over until she was happy with its placement. Then she took a funny soft pencil, licked the dull end, and made marks just below the top, at the inside corner near the middle of his chest, and under his arm. He thought it looked awfully big as he looked down at what she was doing and squirmed at the tickling and poking.

He really didn't have the vaguest idea of what she was doing when she started painting on some sort of stinky stuff on the back side of it and spreading it out with the applicator to the edges. But he liked it a lot less when she brought it to his chest and pressed it there, using her finger to push all along the edges.

"Hold it while I do the other one," she instructed and he did it, feeling how close to real skin it felt. She did all the same things with the other one, marking his chest, spreading the stuff on it, and placing it carefully. "This is going to be so perfect."

Holding one of the false breasts rather strangely and continually running her finger along the edges of them strangely, she talked to him. He didn't know what they were waiting for but he wasn't having fun.

"Okay," she said with a grin after she'd played with an edge for a few seconds. "Let go." He knew the heavy thing was going to fall on the floor, but he didn't really care and moved his hand. It didn't fall. Instead, he felt it gripping his chest like a hand. She let go of the other one and it did the same thing.

He could feel the weight of it pulling at his skin all the way up his chest. It was almost like two hands were there pulling at the skin lightly. It didn't hurt. It just felt really odd. His mother made it infinitely worse when she put her hands under both of them and gently bounced them up and down. It felt more like somebody pulling and releasing at both of the areas around his real breasts. And it felt good. He hated that most because he didn't want to give in to it.

"Great," she sighed with a big smile. "Now you can wear just a teeshirt tonight."

She looked into a plastic bag and pulled something out that just looked like a handkerchief and some strings.

"Okay. Spread your legs really far." He did it but she wasn't happy. For whatever reason, maybe the feel of the breasts, he was really hard and stood up proudly from between his legs. "Okay. Well Frank said it was possible. So just lay back on the bed."

He did and felt the liquid movement of the new breasts stuck to his chest. He had to look closely and from close range to see the tiny lines where they were fastened. He would never have believed what his mother did then as he gasped. She'd kissed his wiener!!

But she didn't leave it at that at all. In fact, she swallowed his little dick, chuckling to herself that it was so easy with the small organ, and began sucking on it.

It was a feeling unlike anything in his experience, her soft lips covering his dick was unbelievably exciting. But her finger gently but insistently probing at his asshole was impossible. He felt his excitement rise to an entirely new and exciting level he'd never felt and then, as if he'd dropped off some sort of a cliff, he tensed and seemed to lose a hold on reality.

As she moved away from him, only a few minutes after she started, she chuckled to herself again. She LOVED this. A blow job and no nasty come in your mouth when it was done. And it had accomplished its purpose precisely. He softened to a tiny, almost baby-like bump hardly bigger than her own admittedly over-developed clitoris.

Quickly, she put the bag over the softened penis and emptied testicles and tightened the elasticized tie into a bow. Gently, she smoothed the tightened bag of cloth around it all, pulling it back, and tied the loose part beyond his little dick to the string on the small O.B. tampon she'd pressed into his ass as she sucked him off. Rubbing back and forth, she was pretty sure it was going to work as well as she wanted it to.

She didn't wait for him to recover from his stupor but picked up the tiny lace panties and threaded them over his legs, almost into place.

"Just lift up, darling," she said, hoping he would respond. He did finally and she snugged the panties into place. Laying there on her back with her legs spread that way, Lynn could inspect the look completely and it looked perfect. The panties looked exactly like they covered a sort of low placed set of pussy lips and an absolutely smooth tummy.

Amy couldn't believe it when his mother pulled him to his feet and led him downstairs to, again, help her with dinner dressed only in the thin teeshirt and panties.

He didn't do a good job on anything his mother asked him to do. Watching and feeling the way the new breasts moved under the teeshirt was just too distracting.

Of course, Tina came bouncing in for a drink or a cookie or whatever. But she had come to accept Amy and ignored her. After a TV show ended though, Michelle came in and sat down at the kitchen table. Nobody ever said Michelle was dumb and she absolutely took in everything she saw about her. Even though Amy was very uncomfortable in just the teeshirt and panties, he still had to get the jobs done that mom gave him and had to move around the room to do it. And he could feel Michelle's eyes on him a lot of the time.

Then Lynn told him to set the table and he had to go to the cupboard and reach up for the plates and then take them to the table. He had to endure Michelle staring at him from close up then. The first thing he saw was her spreading grin. But then she frowned.

"Mom? How come Amy has titties now?"

"Oh, she's always had titties, honey. You know that."

"But they're big! Bigger than mine! That's not fair!" she said.

"That's the way life is, hon. Some girls just get bigger than others, that's all."

"But not all at once, mom. You did something, huh?"

"Well Amy is a kind of special girl and needed a little more help than you do," his mother explained reasonably. "I just wanted her to feel her maturing body a little more quickly. That's all."

"Why not me too?" Michelle asked reasonably.

"Never mind, Michelle," mom said a little testily. "This is just the way it is. Now why don't you set the silverware?" That was always the way mom shut off a discussion, giving you a choice. Shut up about whatever it was or get put to work. Michelle grumbled and did as she was told without asking any more questions.

We heard the front door open and Tina's "Daddy!" Now I was scared. What would he say when he saw me?

He came into the kitchen grunting as he held Tina up on one hip. "You're getting too big for me to do this," he said to her and set her down on the floor before going over to mom and kissing her cheek. "Hi, girls," he said, taking in the fact that Michelle and Amy were there. Amy turned toward the cupboard, postponing the inevitable. He went to the refrigerator and got a beer, snapping it open and leaning against a cupboard to take a big swig. "Did everyone have a good day?"

Amy shrugged but Michelle hadn't forgotten the topic her mother had diverted her from.

"Amy got bigger tits than me," she said petulantly. Dad looked confused.

"Show your daddy, Amy," mom said with a grin. Knowing he had no choice but blushing brightly, he turned around toward his father.

At first, his father smiled into his eyes. But then he looked down at the front of the teeshirt and seemed to brighten even further as he saw the considerable mounds of flesh and the pert, upraised nipples that distorted the flow of the teeshirt.

"It's not fair, daddy. She gets bigger titties than me and all in one day," Michelle pressed.

"Now that's enough, Michelle," mom said. That's when dad's mouth dropped open and he almost lost his hold on the beer. Amy knew his dad had realized that Amy wasn't a girl but his son. "You and Tina go a watch your show now."

"But mom!" Michelle said but was sternly shooed out of the kitchen anyway.

Amy was on the verge of tears. Frustration, fear of more punishment from his father, embarrassment.

"So what do you think?" mom asked with a grin. She didn't care too much what he thought but didn't really want a confrontation right now either. "Beautiful, isn't she?"

"Lynn," he said flatly. "We have to talk."

"Sure. In a minute. But come here first." She closed on Amy from one side as he moved more hesitantly from the other. "Go ahead and touch. You know you want to." Amy couldn't believe that his father actually raised his hand and placed it under the false breast, moving it just a little and shaking slightly but noticeably. "They're perfect," she added, putting her own hand under the other breast and bouncing it on her palm. It seemed to roll in waves as Amy gasped at the humiliation of having to stand here like this with his parents.

She put her finger and thumb around the protruding nipple and rolled it between. Amy couldn't believe that his father looked much more interested than upset.

To make it worse, his mother took hold of dad's hand and guided it to the hem of the teeshirt and up under it. His dad stared as her rubbed and manipulated the considerable mound, finding the nipple and stroking back and forth across it.

"It feels real," he said.

Mom just hummed and took his hand again. "And feel this." She lowered the hand to the front of Amy's panties. Now his father's hand was really shaking at its warmth rubbed across them and down a little. Amy could feel his own slight excitement as a tightening of the string between his legs and an uncomfortable pressure in his bottom. His dad's mouth was again open with surprise.

"Amy, why don't you go in and watch TV with the other girls. I'll finish up here," she said and gently pushed him away toward the door.

He heard his father say, "How ...?" and his mother hum again with that sound he recognized as her sound when she liked kissing him. Seducing him. Amy just hoped his father would stop this now.

He dropped into a chair in the living room and crossed his arms under the breasts, noticing and hating the fact that they seemed to bunch up. Michelle stared daggers at him.

"It's not my fault," he hissed at her and, finally, she just sighed and looked back at the TV.

"What did you do, Lynn?" he asked pointedly.

"Oh, don't worry. Nothing permanent. Just a little cosmetic addition here and there. It's all reversible."

"But "

"I think it's important for this to be as complete an experience for Amy as possible." He'd have to make a decision soon.

"But for a few day punishment. It just seems "

"Oh, it didn't cost all that much."

"I'm not worried about the cost, for Christ's sake. I'm worrying about "

"About Amy. Well, don't. It's just fine. Believe me." She squirmed in his arms, hers still around his neck where she'd put them when Amy left. "Paul?" she continued coquettishly. She took his hand and slid it under her own teeshirt. "Are Amy's better than these?" Disarmed, he chuckled.

"Mmmm. It feels like something here likes these," she said, squirming against the hard-on he'd developed touching his ... son. "Why don't you have a little taste before dinner? Sort of an appetizer." She knew he couldn't resist and wasn't at all surprised when he lifted the teeshirt and began nibbling at her nipple. She moaned at the edge of her orgasm. "And later, I get to suck and lick just as good as you're doing me."

It was one of their intimate signals, held in her reserve for an occasional reward. He gasped with the anticipated pleasure and took her over the edge.

"Here, honey," Lynn said as she set the pill down next to Amy's plate. "You've been looking a little washed out. These vitamins will help." She smiled as Amy took the capsule and downed it with a drink of water without a second thought.

The rest of the evening and night went predictably, though Lynn noticed her husband's interest in Amy's new "assets" during the evening.

She followed through on his promised reward, giving him the best head she could manage. She even let him put his finger in her ass a perverted pleasure he expressed and that she hid from him in spite of her magnificent orgasm.

Both of these "rewards" she withheld for only special occasions or, unknown to him, when she couldn't resist her own temptation and need. She let it be his hidden pleasure and reward. Unknown to him, that finger was her own private reward as well.

He knew when he woke up that he was going to essentially repeat the previous day's activities and really wasn't looking forward to it at all. The swimming pool was so boring when you really couldn't have fun. And he didn't have to look twice at the little bikini top he'd worn he day before to realize it wouldn't fit over the larger breasts still firmly stuck to his chest.

That had been his main problem getting to sleep the night before because he couldn't sleep on his stomach comfortably as he usually did. But at least his mom had taken him into the bathroom before bed and took off the thing around his penis and in his bottom. That had been a relief. She'd told him that he should practice with it because he'd have to replace it himself when he went to the bathroom.

Secretly, he planned to take it off the second he wasn't around his mom and only replace it at the last minute. He hated it more than most of the stuff she'd done to him.

But now he had no option but to call his mom into his room to give him advice about the bikini that wouldn't fit and, in anticipation, he'd replaced the tampon and bag arrangement. She seemed pleased when she saw his flat faced panties.

"I anticipated you might have a little problem with your suit," she said and handed him a fluorescent pink one and left after handing him the beach bag he'd had the day before. With some pleasure, he slipped into the larger top and saw that it covered the breast forms on his chest completely but, disconcertingly, showed the nipples pretty plainly.

Much much worse thought, the bottoms of the bikini didn't have the little skirt and were tight across his front. He knew he'd have to wear the bag thing that was covered by the suit or his small bulge would show.

He wasn't surprised when he checked the beach bag and found several more tampons, a small jar of Vaseline, and the other girl things that had been in it the day before.

They all had breakfast and he took his vitamin and took the other one with him for lunch at the pool.

He didn't know where to put the towel, over his shoulders or around his waist, as they walked to the pool but put it over his shoulders and held the bag in front of him. At the pool again, he slid into the pool as he had the day before but was pleasantly surprised. It seemed like he could move normally with the new breast forms in place and even felt a little more buoyant than usual. He started having some fun for a change.

Sam came to the pool just after lunch time and insisted he put suntan lotion on Amy. Since it had been so pleasant the day before, he agreed readily and loved the boy's attention to his feet and legs and back. But this time, Sam insisted on doing the front as well.

Amy blushed but didn't want a big scene where he could get caught and thrown out so he rolled over onto his back. As he'd feared, Sam's fingers edged under the bikini top slightly on all sides and his eyes seemed to take in everything about Amy. He also edged his fingers under the bikini bottom as well and made Amy very worried that he'd be discovered. He did a lot of squirming and just managed to keep the boy from putting his fingers between his legs.

Again, the talk with Sam was very pleasant and having him look up and down his body wasn't all that bad. In fact, he felt flattered that Sam was so attentive and apparently interested in him. Even at that, Amy was surprised when Sam took his hand to lift him to his feet and said they had to go to his house.

"There are some things I just have to show you, Amy," he said. "Your sisters won't mind, will they?"

Amy checked with Michelle but she was still mad at him and told him she didn't care where he went as long as it didn't get her in trouble.

Sam was fun to be with and they talked and laughed together as they walked to his house. It ended up being only a couple of blocks from his own house so it wouldn't be hard to get home later.

Sam led Amy into his house, unlocking the front door, and told him his parents both worked. That was the first time Amy was a little uncomfortable with this idea. At first, everything was fine. Sam got them Cokes and gave Amy a tour of the back yard and the house. Then he put some music on his dad's big stereo and talked.

But then, he moved close to Amy and started running his hand up and down his back, making goosebumps go all over his body and making him really uncomfortable with this whole thing. Finally, Amy knew he had to get out of there.

"Hey listen. This has been really nice of you," Amy said. "I mean, you're a nice guy and all but I think I should go home now."

"Not yet," he said. "First I have to show you some things. Okay?"

Amy decided Sam had been so nice he couldn't just jump up and leave so he followed him to his room that looked a little like his own, with its model airplanes and boy kinds of stuff all over. But he saw that something was wrong when Sam shut the door and came close to him. He didn't know what to do when the much bigger boy put his arms around him and kissed him.

At first, he thought he was going to be sick with the combination of disgust and fear. Then, when Sam's tongue somehow found its way into his mouth, he relaxed a little at the exciting new feelings in his body. The only bad part was that the string and bag arrangement between his legs was almost painfully pulled around and he couldn't get it to a comfortable place without his hands. And now Sam got him to put his arms around his neck.

They stood there in the middle of the boy's room and kissed for a long time. Amy found that he was enjoying it a lot. And he was kissing the bigger boy back with as much exuberance as Sam was showing. Sam was the one who finally broke the extended kisses and held away from Amy.

"Amy, there are other things I want to do."

"What?" Amy said naively.

"You know how I put the suntan creme on you?"


"I want to touch you some more. Like that."

"You have been," Amy said, still feeling the tingles all through his skin where the boy's hands had rubbed and touched his skin.

"Not everywhere," Sam said and put his hand on Amy's breast form and rubbing it. Of course, he couldn't really feel the touch on his skin but Sam was doing it hard enough now that he could feel the movement clearly beneath it. What took him by surprise was that he liked it. Liked it a lot, in fact.

When Sam started kissing him again and doing things with the false breast, it really turned him on and he could feel that it turned Sam on too by the hard tube that pressed against Amy's stomach. Even as involved as he was in the whole thing, he gasped with surprise and the very very real possibility of discovery when the bikini top snapped open and fell loose. Instantly, Sam's fingers were under the loosened material on the breast form and, in spite of Amy's resistence now, he continued to hold him tight and extend the kiss.

When the expected discovery didn't come, Amy even relaxed a little into the kiss and the manipulation.

"God they feel good," Sam said huskily. For a second, Amy didn't know what was happening as he fell back against the bed with Sam right beside him, still kissing him and holding him down.

Then Sam's hand went down, not hesitating for a second, and slid into the top elastic of the bikini bottoms. Amy knew he couldn't let this happen but couldn't do anything about it as he struggled for real to get free.

He definitely felt Sam's fingers on his stomach under the bikini. And now there was no intervening false flesh. He felt Sam's fingers directly on the sensitive skin as he rubbed and tickled. He couldn't do anything to prevent Sam exploring further and he knew his discovery was only seconds away. Then he felt his hand on the bag between his legs and knew it was over.

"I knew it!" Sam said and Amy waited for the hammer to fall. But when he looked up, Sam was smiling. "I knew you were a boy! I can't believe it. Even when I played with your tits, I couldn't tell for sure."

Amy was pretty sure he was about to die. Sam would kill him and put him out of his misery. The best he could hope for was that Sam wouldn't just beat the shit out of him and throw him out on the street.

"I-I-I'm sorry," Amy said with tears in his eyes. "D-don't h-hurt me. Please."

"Hurt you!" Sam said, throwing his head back. "This is perfect!"

"What?" Amy said, trying to squirm so Sam's hand wouldn't be between his legs the way it was.

"Of course. I wondered about you a little bit yesterday at the pool. When I did your suntan lotion, I thought I saw something under your bikini. I just wasn't sure.

"But today," he laughed. "When you showed up with these huge tits! I was almost sure you weren't exactly what you seemed to be. How did you ... Oh never mind. We'll talk later. I'm so horny I can't stand it. And I really want you. Now what's the best way to go from here."

He grinned.

"I know exactly what I want first," he said with a glint in his eye. "Take off your swimsuit." He moved just far enough away for Amy to take the top off and stared down at the false breasts.

"God, they're perfect. They're not real, are they?"

Amy could only shake his head. He helped take off the bikini bottom and stared at the empty spot there before his fingers went down and touched all around the length of Amy's small cock in its protective bag. Exploring it.

"How does this thing work?" he asked.

Amy found the string that untied the bow and pulled it. Sam did most of the work of getting the material covering off the rest of the way. He'd expected a lot of possibilities but when Sam bent and put his mouth over his cock, that wasn't even close to one of them.

His sucking and moving tongue was rapidly driving Amy crazy. That and the other things that had happened to him, the kissing and the touches and the fear of discovery, accelerated everything. Amy twisted in ecstasy and felt the most wonderful feeling of his life as his young orgasm overwhelmed him.

It took a little time, but Amy felt Sam's fingers caressing his legs and stomach and opened his eyes to look up into his smiling face.

"You liked it," he said.

"Yeah. More than anything." His mouth was dry and sticky. He swallowed hard. "More than anything ... that ever happened."

"I'm glad," Sam said. "I liked it too."

"What time is it?" Amy asked. Sam told him and Amy cringed. "I got to go! My sisters will be going home now."

Amy went to the bathroom, relieving a strained bladder, and replaced the bag before going back to Sam in his room.

Sam, holding the bikini, looked him up and down, smiling.

"I guess maybe you figured it out but ... well, I'm gay." Seeing the lack of understanding in Amy's eyes, he continued. "I like boys. More than girls." He shrugged. "Anyway, you're a dream come true. The perfect person for me."

"I am?" Amy said, confused.

"Yes. Perfect. Because we can do things ... you know. All kinds of things. And everybody will think I'm going after the cutest girl around."

"You think I'm cute?" Amy said, pleased in spite of himself.

"You're beautiful!" Sam said.

Amy couldn't help but be very pleased and acted more like a girl than he ever had as he closed the space between them. He'd seen his mother a thousand times when she was being seductive and copied her actions as he put his arms around Sam's neck and pulled his mouth down for another of those wonderful kisses.

Far more involved now and far less worried about discovery, he kissed Sam as Sam had never been kissed before.

"Do you think you'll be able to get away from the pool tomorrow again," Sam finally said as he ran his fingers over Amy's behind.

"Sure. Why not?" Sam smiled all over as he hugged her.

They had fun together putting Amy's little bikini back on and getting it placed correctly.

Sam insisted on walking Amy home and even came into the kitchen when they arrived. Lynn looked at Amy and had a feeling her "daughter" had a big crush on a guy and the guy was pretty cute. She couldn't have been more pleased. This was moving along even better than she'd expected.

Sam met Amy at the pool at ten o'clock the next morning and they slipped away half an hour later. They kissed as soon as the door to his house closed behind them. They kissed for a very long time there and in his room, standing and then lying on the bed next to each other.

Amy had thought almost constantly since the previous afternoon even while he blushed at his mother's telling of the boy who brought her home to his father about what Sam had done to him the day before and how wonderful it had felt. Strangely, his only regret was that Sam had made him feel so wonderful and he hadn't done anything in return but kiss him. Rectifying that was his first order of business for this meeting.

Amy didn't allow himself to be pinned as he had the day before and ended up on all fours over Sam as they kissed and kissed and kissed. When Sam started to play with Amy's breast forms and touch between his legs, he moved away and pulled down Sam's small swimming trunks and jock strap. Sam probably wasn't very big in masculine terms but, for a 16-year-old, he was well developed and stood very hard in response to their extended kissing and Amy's careful removal of the suit.

When she lowered her mouth to him and took the flared head in his mouth, it was heaven for Sam and quickly had the result Amy wanted, though he hadn't known about the large amount of semen the boy would shoot into his mouth. Amy gagged but didn't stop and, really, didn't mind swallowing and even cleaning up from Sam's stomach.

They lay side by side then for quite a while and talked. Sam asked why Amy was dressed up like he was and Amy explained, shrugging when Sam said it wasn't fair to be punished that way. He sidestepped that with a single statement and his leg draped over Sam's.

"If I hadn't, I never would have met you and we wouldn't be doing this." It was simple logic and seemed right to Sam.

They both wanted to explore each other then. Amy started by touching Sam's nipples and seeing the small response there and the muscles of his chest flex in stimulation. He checked the athletic muscles of his legs, the hair along them, the goosebump covered thighs when his fingertips teased them. Even how ticklish the bottoms of his feet were.

He lifted and turned and inspected the boy's large testicles and the hair around his lengthening cock. He even looked at and touched the light hair in the trench of Sam's ass and played with the opening of his asshole a little.

But then Sam wanted his turn to explore and both of them found Amy's body and what had been done to it infinitely more interesting. He looked at Amy's newly permed and curled hair. He looked at his ears and the makeup on his eyes. The blush on his cheeks and the lipstick on his soft lips. Sidetracked for a time, he thoroughly explored the depths of his mouth with his tongue and had them both on edge again.

More at leisure than the day before, Sam took off Amy's bikini top and looked in the minutest detail at the breast forms and sucking the continuously hard nipples. They thought that a real girl would taste different but perhaps, they thought, it would be more or less like the taste of skin. Neither knew for sure, of course, though Amy told about her experience with his mother and that her nipples had tasted different, he thought.

Sam was still exploring the large breast form when it came unglued. Then he enjoyed exploring Amy's real nipple and seeing the way it responded in a way more familiar to his own experience. Amy loved his tongue on his real nipple and squirmed with pleasure.

Amy squirmed much more when Sam explored his legs and feet, finding that sucking on Amy's toes made him go wild.

Having saved the best, as far as he was concerned, for last, Sam took off the bikini bottom and had Amy turn and twist and spread his legs to see how the bag was fastened. Satisfied, he undid the bow that held Amy's cock and balls enclosed and then gently pulled the wad of moist tampon out of his ass. They talked quite a bit about what it felt like, whether it was really uncomfortable, and how it was to change the tampon and agreed that it wasn't very pleasant.

Freed and opened, Sam was free to thoroughly explore the younger boy's hairless pubic area and balls before he began administering little kisses and gentle bites all over the area. Amy was so hard that he knew he would burst any minute and the swollen, almost purple head of his cock seemed to give evidence to the possibility. Sam took care of that problem even more quickly than either of them thought possible by putting his lips over it and licking a few times. The orgasm crashed through Amy in seconds and produced a tiny amount of sticky semen that Sam relished.

For the next half hour, they lay side by side talking quietly and holding and rubbing each other's body. Sam told him he acted just like the girls he'd seen in movies and things, the way he used his legs and feet to rub Sam's and squirmed and moaned under his touches.

Sam's slightly more experienced fingers touched and excited everywhere they went. When they talked more about the device that held Amy's cock and balls, Sam began stroking his ass and across his asshole. Then he seemed to have an idea.

"Amy? You know what?" He didn't and shook his head. "You said you put that tampon thing in by getting it greased up with the Vaseline, didn't you?" He nodded. "Well, what would you think about getting my cock all greased up. Then maybe we could really fuck."

Amy smiled. "Yeah. I'll bet that would be neat."

Amy enjoyed spreading the greasy Vaseline on Sam's hard prick almost as much as he enjoyed Sam's fingers doing the same thing to his asshole. But nothing in their experience was as unbelievably exciting as when Sam spread Amy's legs and guided the slippery cock into his tiny hole.

Face to face, knowing thats how people fucked, they tried to get it further and further in until they finally learned that it worked best with Amy's legs up high under Sam's armpits and Sam holding his weight above him. When they began the steady, long strokes and squirming motions of sex, no one looking on could have known that it wasn't a guy fucking a beautiful little girl. When he filled her ass with his young semen, no one would have known that both of them weren't in the throes of ecstatic mutual orgasm.

After some time holding each other and kissing over and over, they separated and Sam helped his new "girl" to replace the bag between her legs and the parts of the bikini. They carefully placed the loose breast form and Amy told his mother as soon as he got home that it had come unglued. She replaced it for him and couldn't help but notice some little bite marks on his body that she'd seen on her own before.

It crossed her mind that perhaps Amy and this guy, Sam, were going a little far. But, since he seemed happier than he had in weeks, she decided not to mess with whatever was causing the success.

More dangerous, Michelle had noticed Sam and Amy disappear and told her about it. She wondered exactly what was going on but, with the evidence on the boy's body, she thought she had some idea.

Things were falling into place better and better, she thought to herself.

Because of the girls, Amy and Sam had to stay at the pool most of the next day but left a little early and went to Sam's. In a frenzied session, Amy stripped off her bikini bottom and the bag device and met Sam just as he finished lubricating his hard cock. He was inside Amy in seconds and, frustrated by the day at the pool, they both came in a few minutes of wild fucking.

Friday, the end of the week and, Amy hoped the end of his punishment, arrived.

Like Wednesday, Amy and Sam managed to sneak away from the pool and spent the afternoon exploring new positions and new places in his house to make love. Sam even let Amy fuck him once but said he didn't like that as well as the other way around. Amy didn't either.

At the right time, Amy went home by himself.

As he entered the front door, he realized there was a possibility this whole thing could be over today. She said something about a week to his father. It had to be a promise. He almost bounced into the kitchen to find his mother but she wasn't there. When he turned around, she had just come through the door and was staring at his bikini. He shifted nervously.

"Hi ... mommy," he added quickly.

"Amy," she said sternly, trying to suppress her internal excitement. He'd fucked up big time. She wasn't even going to have to reveal that she'd followed him to Sam's house that morning. "What did you do to your bikini panties?"

"What?" Amy said, looking down at them.

"The back of them. They're soaked. Take those off."

He tried to think fast but he could only stumble nervously and do as she said, stepping out of the panties. He gulped when he saw the huge, dark wet spot that covered half the back. He knew what it was. He'd unloaded Sam's considerable load of come from his bowels an hour before, feeling the relief as if he'd been saving up a shit for a day. But Sam had wanted another fuck and Amy didn't deny him. In fact, he'd loved it every bit as much.

Finished, Sam had helped him with the tampon, sealing in the last tremendous load of come "so she would think of him" that night.

Her eyes blazing but a gleam of pleasure in them, his mother jerked the panties out of his hand and touched the wet spot. To his distress, she smelled them then. And what looked like a slow realization came into her eyes as she looked back up at him. He cringed.

"AMY! This is SEMEN!" Her eyes got big. She was proud of her acting. "WHAT have you been DOING?"

He couldn't say anything. Tears began to pour from his eyes and he cringed with humiliation.

"What did you DO! Did you let a boy ... oh, my God! You did!" She closed the space between them and slapped his face hard enough to drive the tears from his eyes.

"I'm sorry, mommy! I'm sorry. I'm sorry," he cried.

"Turn around and bend over that table right this instant," she said with relish. When he did, she jerked the tampon from his ass and saw about what she expected. His anus was red and swollen from use and, as she stood with her hand on his back, it drooled come. It almost squirted out when she began spanking his upturned bottom. He squirmed and screamed at the punishment and his embarrassment.

She got tired of that quickly and pulled him upright roughly and pushed him, squirming but not struggling, to the stairs and up to the bathroom. There, she improvised.

First she almost jerked the bikini top off and, only gently enough not to hurt him, pulled off her little construction that held his shriveled cock and balls.

"Stand in that tub and spread your legs, young lady," she said as she took out the head for the enema bag she'd bought when her husband had thought it would be neat to give her one. The head was a semi-rigid tube with a larger piece of surgical tubing on the end that connected it to some other tubing. But she wasn't going to use the enema bag for this. Instead she attached it to the hose for the continental shower.

"Bend over. We've got to get this shit out of here," she said roughly and he complied. Still not wanting to really hurt him, she guided the head into the enlarged pucker and turned the water on only slightly.

"Oh, mom! Oh! Oh!" he squealed, pacing.

She guided the stream of water deep into his bowels, twisting and moving it to break any seal. The water began flowing around the head and down his legs. This was the part that she and her husband hadn't liked. The nasty mixture of water and the brown natural waste products. She wrinkled her nose with disgust but continued until the water was clear again. When she turned the water off and removed the hose, more water, still clear, flowed out of her son's anus and down his legs.

She'd watched his small cock harden and then spasm and then shoot a stream of come into the tub.

"Now you take a very very good shower and come into my room."

He wasn't sure whether he hated the treatment more or the odd fact that it had turned him on. And of all the unbelievable times for him to have his first real come, this was the worst.

He replaced the normal shower head and scrubbed and cried and scrubbed until his skin was pink. He'd never seen his mother so mad at him even with his theft a week before and he felt devastated. His hopes for the end of his punishment were totally dashed and he didn't know what his mother would come up with now. He was sure it would be worse though.

He dried thoroughly, got out of the tub, and washed what remained of his makeup off his face roughly. Then, knowing this was going to be awful, he went into his mother's bedroom.

She improvised some more for Amy's "new" punishment and thought about the possibilities.

When he came into the room, she had him bend over again and inspected his still swollen and red anus while saying, "Oh Amy. You bad bad girl. Well, I guess we're going to have to try something a little different now." She sighed.

"Maybe this will fill this up a little more appropriately," she said and guided the jell-filled butt plug to his anus and, already lubricated, into the opening. He cried and squirmed, particularly when the large center part got close. But she pressed it firmly and it suddenly popped into place and was sucked up to the flap covering. Another of Paul's innovative ideas. This one had worked out okay and she even enjoyed having it in place occasionally. She enjoyed putting it in his ass much more, laughing at the way he walked straddle-legged with it in. But it gave him a hard-on that Lynn enjoyed a great deal. It was almost like the butt plug filled it instead of his ass.

Quickly, before Amy could get turned on by the plug in her butt, she refastened the bag and tied it to the plug.

"Okay. We're going to start over from scratch," she said. "Maybe we can do it right this time. Come lay down on the bed."

He did it, feeling the rather exciting feeling of the butt plug moving around in his ass as he took the few steps.

The oversized diaper she moved under him was another experiment with her husband. He'd played her baby for a weekend, dressed in the diaper, nursing often, being spanked for wetting his diaper, and having a generally good time. The scene just took too much preparation and too much privacy to be a frequent thing, even if they had both rather enjoyed it.

Potty training in the middle of the living room on the oversized potty chair had been one of the fun parts, she thought, and planned on it for the next day with Amy.

She'd had ample practice at fastening a diaper and did it quickly. Of course, as was intended, the mass of material held Amy's legs apart much like a baby.

"Now, honey, time for din din. Come on."

He didn't really know what to do as his mother opened her blouse and lifted her bra free of her large breast. But he had a little bit of an idea and moved toward her as she shaped the nipple and guided his mouth to her.

This was the part of she and Paul's baby play that she'd truly enjoyed and enjoyed thoroughly now as Amy sucked and manipulated it. She even wished she was still lactating as she was when she and Paul had done it when the girls were tiny.

She still felt her orgasm soon enough at the hands and lips of her new baby daughter.

Finished, she replaced her bra and buttoned her blouse before turning to Amy and offering her arms. Of course she hadn't been able to do this at all with Paul but Amy was just small enough that she could still lift him to her hip and, with only a little difficulty, carried him to the kitchen.

Letting her regain her feet there, she put three big telephone books on a chair and lifted her onto the top of them, her bare legs dangling well clear of the floor.

"There, sweetie. Now you can watch mommy make dinner."

Of course he hated the diaper and the baby powder and being treated like a baby. But he did enjoy nursing from his mother's large breast and the fact that she seemed less mad at him.

Sitting at the kitchen table in a diaper, his feet swinging far above the floor and his naked chest with the false breasts still attached, he could only hope this was all going to be over soon. He'd never ever felt so totally and absolutely humiliated and frightened. What would she come up with next? How could he get out of this? What if somebody actually saw him like this?

And, of course, that was when the girls came in from swimming. They both stared at him with big eyes.

"Amy was a very bad girl," his mother explained. "So we're starting over."

Both girls laughed but, he thought, a lot of it was nervousness. They could see themselves in the same position if they did something really wrong. He was grateful to them that, for the most part, they tried to avoid even looking at him. But they still looked when they thought they wouldn't get caught and he hated it.

All he could do was sit there and wait.

The next thing was when his father came home, met as usual somewhere near the door by Tina who was immediately chattering about Amy.

When he came into the kitchen, his jaw dropped again and he couldn't keep his eyes off his ... son ... large breasts pendulous from his chest, sitting on a stack of telephone books in a diaper. He went pale.

"Paul," Lynn said and led him out of the kitchen after handing the stirring spoon to Michelle.

As soon as they left, Michelle whispered, "wow, what did you do?"

He shrugged, not wanting to talk about it.

"Did you let Sam do it with you?" she prodded.

"Yeah," he moaned.

"Oh no kidding?" she said excitedly. Then she went pale too. "Wow. You're really in trouble, huh?"

"Yeah. Don't make it worse, okay?"

"Yeah. Okay. Sorry." He could feel the tears in his eyes again.

His father literally burst into the room.

"Oh, Amy!" he said. "I'm so ashamed of you!" That's when he really broke into tears. "Okay. So maybe this is a good idea. Start over. From scratch." Amy hated it most that he didn't even get a little kiss or hug or anything. He felt devastated.

That night, they ate at the table, Amy not moving and being fed every bite by her mother. The lesson wasn't lost on the other girls, who were quieter than they'd been in years. Dad frowned a lot during dinner and later as Amy was allowed only to crawl around the floor or lay with his ass up in the air like a baby and a thumb in his mouth.

The girls went to bed early and missed the diaper changed in the middle of the living room floor before Lynn took him to his own bed. It was small comfort considering the circumstances and he cried himself to sleep.

Saturday was the same but added the new humiliation of having to sit in the middle of the living room naked on the potty chair for more than an hour on two separate occasions. He couldn't get off until he peed in the potty chair and then got a lot of praise in little girl talk from his mother. The girls couldn't stand to watch and went out in the back yard and talked most of the afternoon.

Sunday, Amy graduated to a tiny, short dress and mary janes but still had to sit on the potty chair to do anything he needed to do.

Monday, again alone with his mother all day, he again spent time nursing and even got a very close inspection of where "baby" came from. By that night, he'd graduated back to the place he thought of as the start of all this a little girl dress, petticoats, anklets, and short heels from Michelle's closet. The strange part was that he was grateful for the change.

That night his mom put him to bed in Tina's bed an hour before the other girls.

"Don't you like being my big girl?" she asked in the little kid voice she'd been using with him for days.

"Yes, mommy. I love being your big girl."

"You know you're my girl, don't you?" she asked and he saw the opportunity for disaster or salvation.

"Yes, mommy. I'm your girl."


"Yes, mommy," he answered.

"You know ..." she said in a tantalizing voice. "If you really act like my big girl for the next few days and you're really good, I'll bet we could get back to where we were before."


"I think so. I'll just have to watch real close. But maybe so."

"Oh, mommy, thank you. I want to be your big girl. I don't want to be a baby any more."

She grinned all over and hugged her daughter.

"Now you have to promise not to backslide," she added.

"Yes, mommy. I'll be very good." He thought before he opened old wounds but he thought maybe it would help. "Mommy? I'm sorry. About Sam."

"You and Sam?" she said with a chuckle. "Oh, what you and Sam did was okay, darling."

He looked at her totally confused and the woman saw it.

"What you did together is okay. The way you ignored cleaning up afterward was very bad. Wouldn't you have been embarrassed if anyone else had seen that nasty spot on your swim suit?" She looked at him and he thought fast.

"Yes, mommy. Of course. That was bad."

"Very bad. Someone might even think that you weren't really my little girl, if they didn't know better."

"Ah ... yes, mommy." So, he thought, what he and Sam had done was okay. He worked hard not to smile and, mostly, it worked. Though his mother saw it before she hugged him close and asked if he was ready for a little snack. He nodded and watched her open her blouse before attacking that wonderful tasting nipple.

Over the next few days, Amy's life went more or less back to the way it had been before that Friday afternoon.

On Thursday, some big men came to the house and unloaded a bunch of furniture after emptying Amy's old room. He and his mother spent all day putting up frilly curtains, covering the canopied bed with it's satin sheets and silky white comforter, and putting all Amy's pretty things in the drawers of the new makeup table and dresser.

The girls loved the new look of the room and, more than a little jealous, asked for specific things like his for their own rooms. The satin sheets were the most wanted and mom made them both happy by producing satin sheets for their own beds.

Amy was very excited about the whole thing.

His father was the only one who wasn't happy and he wasn't happy a lot. But he waited until bedtime before talking to Lynn.

"What are you doing?" he said rather pointedly as he crawled into his side of the bed.

"Doing?" she said, feigning innocence.

"If you're not careful, you're going to turn Andy into a girl?"

"Who's Andy?" she said with a giggle but decided to change tack. "Amy IS a girl, darling. She dresses like a girl, she looks like a girl, she acts like a girl. She lives in a girl's room. She has beautiful tits. I'm sure you've noticed."

"Yes," he grumbled. "You've done quite a job on him."

"I've made him all the girl she can possibly be." She hesitated. "At least without surgery."

"Now Lynn, don't even think about that. He's still my son. A boy. No matter what he wears or what his room looks like. And that's all there is to it." She got a charge out of the times he decided to be forceful but stifled the chuckle.

"You know she's got a boyfriend, right?"

"Sam? Yeah. I know about him."

"You know they were fucking like minks last week." He sighed deeply. He couldn't believe it. And, really, he'd only heard about the evidence. "I've met him and seen them together. I even followed them to his house last week in the middle of the day. They did it all day and then she came home filled with his come."

"So ... well ... a little homosexual affair. That doesn't "

"She told me about it," she said, hoping it would be the clincher. "How they kissed for hours. How she likes it best in the missionary position or face-to- face with her on top and in control."

He was speechless and, worse, he was hard as a rock thinking about it.

"She told me about sucking his cock and having him lick her pussy and her clit."

"But "

"Her words. Not mine," she said with a grin. That had been a rather enjoyable mother-daughter talk they'd had and, like him, she'd found herself very turned on by the topic. "She loves having her breasts played with and licked." For a minute, she thought she'd won him over. At least for the night. But he burst the bubble.

"God damn it. He's not a girl. No matter how much he looks like one or dresses like one. And even if he fucks like one. He's a boy." She sighed deeply. Time to play the trump card.

"But honey?" she said sweetly as she rolled to him and put her hot moving leg across the front of his tight shorts. "Wouldn't you like to have another daughter?"

"I have two daughters, Lynn. I "

"Another pair of soft, perky little breasts to play with? To suck?" she said, feeling him stiffen.

"I " he started.

"Another tight little pussy to play tickles with?" Now his body went rigid.

"Y-you know?" he gasped.

"Of course, sweetheart. It's cute. And they do SO enjoy it. Particularly Michelle, right now." She let her revelation sink in for a minute and all the ramifications.

"Wouldn't it be nice to have one who would just love to suck your big cock? Maybe even one you could fuck without worrying about getting pregnant."

"Ohhhhhh ... Amy," he groaned, obviously thinking the way she wanted him to. She couldn't stifle the chuckle this time.

"Maybe she'll be afraid of the lightning some night. She'll come and sleep between us. And we can both comfort our little girl."

There was a long silence but he was squirming and moaning.

"T-t-this weekend?" he moaned. "D-do you think ..." She chuckled again rather wickedly.

"I think the weather is supposed to be nice this weekend, honey. But I'm sure I could ask if she'd like to talk to us tomorrow night."

If he wasn't totally convinced by then, he was at the end of the next hour of Lynn's ministrations.

The next night, very very worried, Amy went to his parents' room. He didn't have any preparation at all for what might happen and probably wouldn't have believed it if he'd been told in advance. He'd been in trouble for so long that he fully expected that he'd done something else and that the invitation would be totally unpleasant.

When his mother encouraged him into their bed as his father brushed his teeth in the bathroom, he was totally surprised and, having expected the worst, pleased when she lowered the top of her almost nonexistent nightie and pulled him to her breast. If he'd been able to see his father's face when he saw his child suckling his wife, he would have known that he wasn't in trouble.

As always at night, he'd removed the bag and tampon before he got into his nightgown and panties.

The first he knew his father was in bed with them was when he felt the man's fingers exploring his still slightly sore ass with his fingers.

It was more than a little ironic that Amy became the first member of his family to see or touch his father's large cock. It was even more ironic that he was the first of the children to have it in his mouth and, wonderfully, later in his ass.

The next three years of young Amy's life were, "she" thought, the most wonderful any girl could experience.

That first summer was spent in the activities any 10- then 11-year-old girl could reasonably expect. She swam almost every day during the week. She did housework with her mother and sisters. She dressed up and went to dinner with her family several times. She stayed out of trouble with her parents but managed, seemingly with their knowledge and tacit approval, to spend afternoons with Sam at least twice a week.

By the end of the summer, Amy no longer thought of her status as punishment but as a fantastic reward. And she'd totally accepted her femininity and wanted nothing to do with returning to being a boy.

School started after a flurry of clothes buying that gained the "three" girls everything a young schoolgirl could want and more. School records were quickly and easily transferred in her new name.

Unfortunately, Sam learned that Amy was just entering 7th grade and stopped seeing her for fear his classmates would criticize him. Undeterred, Amy soon had a 9th grade boyfriend with the ugly name of Melvin and initiated him in her particular preferences of sex.

Amy got used to continuously wearing the breast forms but, by Christmas, had to change to a smaller size and again later in the school year. Her present for straight A's and the lack of need was removal of the last pair of breast forms at the end of the school year. Without the last small additions her mother had bought her, she was still one of the better developed girls in her class and had wildly sensitive large nipples thanks to the constant high dosage of "vitamins".

That summer she was one of the more popular girls at the pool and attracted the attentions of three different high school boys. Whip and Bruce both enjoyed her special charms at least once a week with her parents' full knowledge and support. Bill spent a lot of time talking and being very kind to the beautiful girl without trying for sexual favors and not knowing they were available at any rate.

Though Amy recognized, from the boys, that her own testicles were ridiculously small to the point of almost not existing. And she knew that her previously tiny cock was still tiny. She had no way to know that it was actually smaller and less responsive than it had been when she was ten. Another result of the "vitamins". Early in the school year, her mother agreed that his little cock didn't require the bag and tampon arrangement as long as he was careful and, when necessary with tight shorts or swim suits, she could successfully tuck it in almost exactly the place it had been held by the device with the same results.

Except for trims at the beauty shop during her regular monthly appointments, her hair was not cut and by that second summer hung almost to her waist when it was wet and nearly as far when it wasn't fixed in some special "do" by her mother or the beautician.

She still wore finger and toenail polish all the time but generally didn't wear but the tiniest amount of facial makeup to bring out her eyes and full lips because her classmates generally weren't allowed to wear any.

There were special occasions, of course, when all three girls dressed in their "first ladies" clothing and full makeup. Amy got hit on by waiters and fellow diners every time they went out that way, as did Michelle.

There were other changes that Amy did notice, primarily because of her clothes and sanitation needs. The first thing she noticed was her decreasing waist size and proportionally increasing hip size. That made a considerable difference in what clothing she could wear and how good it looked on her developing body. Her legs and face changed as well into the shapes and lines of a young lady. And her body hair, with the exception of her underarms and pubic hair, almost went away and made shaving almost unnecessary even when other boys were beginning to sprout fuzz on legs and faces.

She'd worn small gold ear studs in her ears since her mother got them pierced at the beginning of the school year and enjoyed the long, dangling ones she could wear on special occasions.

In March there was a three-day weekend and mom took Michelle and Tina to visit her sister. Amy made a very large production of once again dressing in the frilly little girl dress and petticoat that she wore the very first time. Then, of course, it fit a great deal differently than it had before and her father got a great deal more enjoyment out of the time they spent together.

At the end of her ninth grade year, she dressed in the most beautiful dress she'd ever worn and went to the ninth grade prom with her new boyfriend, Danny, and had the most wonderful time of her life.

Her life and her wonderful new experiences the parties, the dances, the cheerleading, the friends and boys had only started.

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