The Charmed Line

By Artemis Moonfire

Published on Jan 4, 2007



The Power of Three Brady Howard e-mail:

A few disclamers before I begin: Charmed is owned by Spelling Entertainment and Warner Brother's Television. Certain spell text is borrowed from the television show. If you are also under the age of 18 or it is illegal for you to view this in your area please leave now. Other wise welcome and I hope you enjoy.

For years the Charmed Ones fought evil and for years they were able to over come the evils around them. Sadly years have passed since the charmed ones walked the earth and we elders have been seeking the next in line for the Charmed powers. My name is Mark Halliwell I am the son of Paige and Henry I am now 50 years old though I look in my 20's. I became an elder due to the need of more elders. I am now running magic school and teaching the next line of witches to use their powers. Oh but I am getting ahead of myself lets go back a few years.

"Matthew Page Halliwell get you orbing ass down here this minute" screches a female voice. White lights apper in the room as a man appers with silver blonde hair and a smile on his face. "Yes Melinda" To woman looks at him sternly, "Don't you Yes Melinda me I have been calling you for ages". Matthew looks innocent. "Sorry you know they keep me up there for awhile, I didn't mean to be gone long. What did you need sis?" "

"We just got attacked again! and you where no where to be found!"

Well I am not your whitelighter remember why didn't you call Kisra she is the one handleing your account now remember?"

Melinda looks sternly as a demon shimmers in to the room holding an energy ball in his left hand.

"Matthew DUCK NOW!!" she shouts as she throws a potion at the demon vanquashing him in a piller of fire as the energy ball flies at her hitting her in the arm leaving a gapping wound.

"Not again" Matthew sighs healing her wound "Ok look I am busy right now and I will get back to you soon but call Kisra she is handleing your accound I have to get back to the Elders they need me right now and I have other charges I have to take care of for now." he vanishes in a shimmer of white light.

Matthew appers in the council of elders in a Golden under robe and white over robes speaking with the elders about the coming threats to the magical world. Breaking his train of thought a spiltting voice in his mind calls out for help as he orbs away to the voice he sees three men fighting a common enemy he is stunded by the sight. Suddenly I orb in freezing the demons motioning to the boys and orb to magic school to keep them safe for now.

"Who the hell are you?" asks the youngest of the boys

"I am Mark Halliwell an elder and a friend and you are"

The youngest speaks up "I am Miles, the middle one is Marcus, and the oldest over there is Sam we are Halliwells. Though how did you get the last name Halliwell?"

"My mother Paige Halliwell the last of the female charmed line"


"Yes and how did you get your last name?"

"We are the sons of Grace Halliwell related to Piper 2 generations removed. And why did you bring us here? And what is here" They ask

Shimmering white light signal the coming of another white lighter. Matthew appers from the orbs. "What the hell did you think you were doing? An Elder coming out in the open like that."

"Peace Matthew I knew what I was doing."

"Do you know and how did you freeze the people like that huh? No elder has thouse powers."

"I am not your everyday elder I am also a Halliwell my dear cousin"

"But how the heck they all died long ago you couldn't be my mother and her sisters didn't have anymore children."

"Your right Melinda and her sisters have not had any more children but I am not from your generation. I am the Son of Pagie and Henry Halliwell"

What will happen to the boys how will the new charmed ones be constituted and what will become of the Elder Halliwell all this a more to come...

Tell me what you think this is my first time writing a story

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