The Clearview Chronicles

By Christopher Barrett

Published on Jan 27, 2002



Hi. This is my second attempt at slash fiction. Just to explain the drive behind this; I'm quite a fan of trashy, teenage horror novels and I thought I'd just tinker round with the usual plot to include a central, gay relationship and a few of my favourite celebrities (of course). Also, this is like an AU story, so the celebrities don't have their regular jobs and stuff. I hope this opener gets you interested, and email me if it does!!

Disclaimer; This story in no way means to imply the sexualities of the celebrities mentioned, nor do I know them. If you don't like M/M relationships, then get outta here quick!! Also, if you don't like cheap horror, I suggest that you leave too!

On with the show.

The Clearview Chronicles

Chapter One

Aaron Carpenter dropped the last of his bags on the rough, industrial carpet and released a long, drawn out sigh of relief. Finally, after all the waiting, all the preparation, and all the travelling, he was here. He stepped proudly across to the wide sash window, stretching back and outwards his long, lightly muscled arms, wrinkling up his snug, pale blue tee and exposing a flat stomach with its lacy trail of dark hairs. He raised the lower sash, leant on the deep, wooden sill and hung his head out of the window as far as he could manage, allowing the warm, late summer breeze to caress his short, chestnut dreadlocks. The huge, shiny white letters running vertically down the side of one of the tall, concrete structures in his view reminded him of his immediate future; Norchester University.

He couldn't help but smile at himself; he had worked so hard to get the grades, even though a few teachers had told him that it was impossible, then, for the past year he had bored himself to death working all the hours humanely possible in an assortment of a few part time jobs to get together enough money to push him through the three years of the course. So here he was, nineteen years of age, standing at the window of his study bedroom, gazing out towards the rambling cluster of box-like forms laced and bordered with green that was Norchester University.

A confident knock on his partially opened door caused him to turn his head. A slim girl with a sleek, dark brown bob and wide, deep brown eyes smiled broadly at him, extending a pale hand.

"Hi, I'm Suzie Marconi."

"Aaron Carpenter." He took her hand and returned her smile, adding, "Did you just get here too?"

"Oh, no!" She exclaimed, "I was here a couple of days ago."

"So, what do you think of it so far?"

"Well, the house is great; Clearview has a good reputation, at least according to the accommodation brochures." She laughed lightly, "You've met Mrs Simmons, haven't you?"

"Yeah," Aaron scratched the back of his neck, "When I got my key and stuff. She seems really nice."

"She's been really helpful since I got here."

"We aren't too far from the university, are we?"

"No; a bus passes by every quarter of an hour that goes to and from the university, so there shouldn't be a problem being on time for lectures and such."

Aaron could tell that Suzie was one of those people who seem to know everything, which he found a bit annoying, but he guessed that she would be useful to have around in the first few months, whilst getting to know the area. On the more positive side of her nature though, she hadn't tried flirting with him, so she seemed good friend material. Could she tell?

"I do like a bit of distance between work and home." She had continued.

"Yeah, I agree. Added that it's cheaper."

"Oh, and I reckon that Mrs Simmons could easily be talked into letting us have a few parties!" She grinned. Okay, so maybe she was a bit more fun than he had first imagined.

"So, where's everyone else?"

"About; somewhere. Still one more to come, though I hope they'll get here in time for dinner. You know when it is, right?"

"Seven o'clock."

"That's it. We'll have it outside because it should be a lovely evening." She enthused, "I was thinking about getting pizzas, so we wouldn't mess up Mrs Simmons kitchen too soon."

"Good idea; you were obviously reading my mind. So, I'll see you later?" Aaron was eager to put his stuff away.

"I'd better go and check with everyone else. See you." Suzie smiled and left the square room, closing the door firmly behind her.

Aaron began removing his clothes from the bulging suitcases and hanging them in the adequately sized closet, carefully smoothing the fabric as he hung the articles. He was desperate to assert his ownership on this room; he had shared a room with his older brother for a large part of his teenage years, when his parents had been forced to move to a smaller apartment, so the idea of having his own room, to him, was almost a dream, which he had to secure in reality. Putting his favourite books on one of the five bookshelves located to the left of his desk and sticking a few photos from home onto the closet door reassured him greatly, as these were a few of the most personal things he had brought with him. He was just unrolling a poster when his door was opened quickly and noisily.

A girl with long, jet black hair, beautiful, dark, almond eyes and a clear, round face flashed rows of pearly white, even teeth at him and said with a cocked eyebrow,

"Just came to see the most attractive guy in the house." She stepped towards him and flicked her shiny hair back, "I'm Diane Liu."

"Aaron Carpenter, and it's nice to meet you." He reluctantly offered a hand, slightly intimidated by her complete lack of restraint.

"Oh, I'm sure." She loosely took his hand, not really shaking it, but more holding it for a few seconds, "I didn't think I could wait until the party to meet you."

"The party?"

"On the porch, tonight." She said in theatrically elaborate explanation.

"Oh, I thought that was just dinner." He laughed lightly.

"Dinner, or party? I know which one I'd prefer." She grinned. She could be quite amiable when she wasn't flirting around.

"So, what are you studying?"

"Other than you?" She flashed a smile again.

'Oh, God, no!' thought Aaron.

"Well, I'm doing Drama."

'Figures,' He thought, 'It would explain her confidence.'

"Who's this?" She pointed at the poster, lying redundant on his bed, curling up gracefully at the ends.

"Bender!" He said excitedly, confronting her creased brow with, "He's an extreme sportsperson."

"Oh, jumping off cliffs and shit. No thanks." She smiled, "I'd rather keep my face where it is."

"Look at him! He's had loads of accidents and he looks fine to me." Aaron said heatedly, wishing for a moment after that he hadn't been so defensive.

"Well, I guess he's kind of cute…" Diane was eyeing Aaron carefully, "Say! You're gay aren't you?" She burst out.

"Uh…yeah." He said, somewhat sheepishly, unsure of how to take her accusation.

"I knew it!" She exclaimed, almost triumphantly, "You hardly looked at me when I came in the door!"

He couldn't help but laugh lightly at her methods of deduction.

"You okay with it?" He asked nervously.

"Hell yeah." She chuckled, "Just don't expect to be taking my men, okay?"

"As if I'm competition!" He laughed heartily, knowing that the compliment would put him firmly in her good books.

"I'd best leave you alone with 'Bender' here." Diane jested as she walked out the door, calling back, "See you on the porch tonight."

"See you."

Maybe this wasn't going to be as difficult as Aaron had imagined.

Suzie had borrowed some candles and a few kerosene lamps from the kitchen and garage, which she had arranged carefully on the broad, wooden porch to provide a fairly intimate, but practical lighting for the evening's entertainment. She was so eager to get everything just right; in a sense this was her first activity as monitor, and she wanted to make a good impression on her housemates. She leaned on the intricate balustrade after calling the local pizza house, and waited for its delivery and the assembling of the others.

The darkness fell gradually over the old house, the surrounding fields, woodlands, the distant university campus, and the higgledy forms of the town in the opposite direction. The clear, navy blue sky became punctured with the varying luminosities of the stars and the solemn, omnipresent reign of the moon. Soon, everyone was present and the pizza was hastily attacked with the hunger of the recently travelled.

There were seven present; Diane and Suzie, whom Aaron had met earlier; Pete Kantorowich, who was a heavy-looking guy, with a head of short-cropped, blonde hair, who was going to do Chemistry and was surviving on a football scholarship; Henry Jameson, a lithe and innocent looking, English student, with deep purple- brown skin and smooth, noble features. His parents were very affluent, but, as he explained,

"I chose to live at Clearview, because I like the solitude. I also thought it may encourage me to work harder." The company smiled politely at that, even though most believed that he would need no encouragement to work hard.

Emannia Ghir, whose parents had wanted her to become a chemist, but was rebelling gloriously by going for French, sat quietly in the corner for most of the evening, looking curiously at the gathered group with her dark, heavily lashed eyes, adding a few comments now and then. Then there was Joshua Chasez, who was a few years older than most of the others, studying music and looking way too good with his short, styled hair and easy smile. Aaron found it really easy to talk to him, even though he was not all that well hearsed in music, or Joshua in Aaron's hobbies, or degree; Forensic Science. They were discussing why they had chosen Norchester out of all the universities, when a shadowy figure was advancing towards them, over the vast, front lawn.

"Must be the new kid." Joshua suggested.

"Yeah." Aaron squinted at the figure, trying to establish it clearly from the darkness.

All staring into the void as if mesmerised, the figure slowly revealed itself in the glow of the candles spilling out of the confines of the porch as it climbed the shallow steps. He looked nervously at his audience, carrying two huge suitcases and smiling nervously. The tight, woollen cap securely fastened over his head, long, woollen pullover and faded jeans gave him the air of having travelled most of his life to get on that porch, although the freshness of his smooth face concealed his tiredness.

"Hi everyone." He said in a faintly southern accent, "I'm Justin."

The group offered greetings, and Suzie jumped up enthusiastically, introducing herself as monitor and explaining to him that Mrs Simmons had given her his key. She began to lead him inside when Diane piped up,

"Hey, Suzie! Why don't you let someone else show him up? You've been doing so much already."

"Oh, that's okay…" Suzie started.

"I'll show you around." Aaron said quickly, feeling slightly stupid after speaking so sharply.

"Oh, thanks." He smiled broadly, causing Aaron to feel all fluttery in his stomach.

'Stop it!' Aaron mentally scolded himself, 'You're being foolish; he's not that good looking.'

Truth be known; Justin wasn't amazingly good looking. But maybe that's what attracted Aaron to him. Aaron had never really liked really neat, perfect people. He liked people with distinction, with individuality and with depth. Perhaps something in Justin's presentation implied he was just more than a nearly pretty face. Hoping that he wasn't blushing, or smiling too much to hide his awkwardness, Aaron showed him indoors, relieving him of a suitcase.

"What's your name?" Justin asked him gently at his side as they ascended the stairs.

"Aaron. Aaron Carpenter." Aaron said hesitantly, as if he thought his name wasn't up to scratch.

"Justin Timberlake." Justin grinned, "What are you doing at Norchester?"

"Um, forensic science."

"Dead bodies; sounds interesting." Justin giggled, "Maybe you could bring a little something home for dinner when we get poorer."

"Eugh. Grim." Aaron laughed back, "How about you?"

"Music. And basketball; I have a scholarship."

"Basketball?" Aaron impressed, "That's' really good. You must be good to have a scholarship."

"I'm the best!" Justin laughed at himself, "Are you on a scholarship?"

"Yeah, boring stuff though. Here you are; Justin's room."

"We've got name cards and everything." Justin enthused, "Where is your room?"

'Why is he asking that?' Aaron stressed, 'Maybe he is just being polite. Polite? Is that polite? Maybe he's just being conversational.'

"A few doors down from you. We have a bathroom separating us." Aaron smiled, adding mentally 'why the bathroom comment? Why?'

"At least I'll be able to check the availability of the shower from my bed then." Justin considered.

Aaron blushed slightly as he gained an image of Justin in bed floating about in his mind. He roughly opened the door, motioning for Justin to step inside first. Though he was trying to be really respectful of his new friend's privacy and all, he couldn't help but notice Justin's buttocks reveal their form under the mottled fabric of his jeans as he bent slightly to open his case.

"Say; what sport do you play?" Justin inquired, straightening up and shaking out a pair of trousers, smiling briefly and adding, "'Cos you're in good shape." His eyes drank in Aaron's bare arms and the hints at his torso where his tee clung.

"Oh, I'm into bikes mostly, and a bit of boarding, but I do most things really." He blushed lightly, realising how arrogant he had sounded.

"An all-rounder?" Justin praised, "Maybe we could shoot hoops someday soon."

"There are a few good courts on campus I've heard." Aaron offered.

"Great. One on one is anticipated, and I had better warn you; I play dirty!" Justin grinned.

Aaron returned the smile, but didn't know if his brain was processing the information in sense it had been intended.

"What do you think of Clearview so far?" Aaron asked politely.

"It seems okay." He said off-handed, and then turned his head to look at Aaron squarely, changing his tone, "I lied; I have a feeling it's gonna be great." He smiled warmly, and then returned his attention back to unpacking, adding, "However, too many late nights here alone could drive you to suicide."

A high, piercing scream met their shocked ears, followed by an irregular series of thuds and groans. They both rushed out of the room and down a few of the stairs before they reached Mrs Simmons lying prostrate on the floor of the hall.

So, what do you think? Email me and make me happy


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