The Closet

By Smut Writer

Published on Jun 30, 2000



Note from the authors: Erudito: Konnichi wa minna.

Tieso: Hello, this is just a little note on who plays who in this story and the format it is written in.

Erudito: Seeing as this is the first FanFiction submitted, and was dually created by two different minds, I sincerely hope your judgement will not be too critical.

Tieso: We wrote this story in IRC (Internet Relay Chat) format, which is a real-time chat program, hence the asterisks... This story was written just as it appears; each taking turns with actions/comments. I play KevinSpacey--

Erudito: ...and I play Sadtler!! He is not, by the way, a fictional character. Can we shut up now?

Tieso: Yes... just let me add this disclaimer.... so.. enjoy!

DISCLAIMER: This story is a fictional piece of literature. It has no bearing with the actual feelings of the two people involved; it is merely fanciful writing. This event (to our knowledge) is completley unrealistic and will doubtfully ever actually occur (unforunately).


  • TedSadtler squats down eye level with the keyhole of the closet door.. peering out carefully, his hands on his knees as he tries to catch an eyeful of something helpful.. sighs.. straightening himself again.. "I can't believe I did that.."

  • KevinSpacey chuckles, "At least we found the brown shoes you swore you had."

  • KevinSpacey shrugs casually, "It's not so bad, someone will find us eventually."

  • TedSadtler shoots you a look before becoming remorseful again... eyes the shoes there on the closet floor.. rubs the fingers of one hand together.. giving the shoes a wry expression.. "The time 'eventually' encompasses is sometimes longer than I care to ponder.."

  • KevinSpacey leans relaxed against the wall, "We can find a way to pass the time. The more you dwell on it, the longer it will appear to be."

  • TedSadtler viciously grabs the knob again.. shaking it once.. then again for good measure.. groans.. "How could I do that!"

  • KevinSpacey snickers quietly to himself, "Well, most people don't have locks on the outside of their closet door. Just goes to show that it's unnecessary."

  • TedSadtler eyes you.. "What are you implying?"

  • KevinSpacey smiles sarcastically, "Why exactly do you have a lock from the inside, anyway?"

  • TedSadtler practically sneers at you.. glancing away.. "From the outside you mean? It came with the damn apartment, all right? I didn't put the thing there.."

  • KevinSpacey softly laughs, "You're entirely too uptight. You need to relax. Someone will find us."

  • TedSadtler huffs pulling away from the doorknob.. sliding down against the opposite wall.. resting his hands on his knees and staring at you.. "I know.. It's just I amaze myself with my level of stupidity sometimes."

  • TedSadtler grabs up one of the aforementioned brown shoes.. eyeing it with almost an accusing air.. shakes it at you somewhat, breaking a slight grin.. "Well.. Here it is!"

  • KevinSpacey smiles, "We all have momentary lapses in intelligence at times. Learn to laugh at yourself. Come on, we can get through this. Just... relax."

  • KevinSpacey flashes a soothing grin.

  • TedSadtler drops it.. releasing an exasperated sigh.. closing his eyes and leaning his head back against the wall.. stretches his legs out in front of him..

  • KevinSpacey picks up the discarded shoe, running a fingertip over the worn leather, "They aren't that great, anyway. Should have thrown them out years ago."

  • TedSadtler leans his head up slowly.. glaring.. "Quiet."

  • KevinSpacey quietly watches you as you rest your head against wall of the dimly lit closet, eyeing as your body relaxes with a deep exhale.

  • TedSadtler snatches his shoe back.. leaning his head back against the wall again.. clutching it to his chest in an over-bearing way.. taking another deep breath..

  • KevinSpacey unconsciously licks lightly over his bottom lip, eyes squinting as he absorbs the images of you through the soft lighting.

  • TedSadtler abruptly sits up again.. eyeing you across the dim closet.. "I hate the fact that it's incredibly warm in here."

  • TedSadtler shoves a hand into the small crevice under the door.. wiggling his fingers in the cool air beyond.. murmurs to himself.

  • KevinSpacey tilts his head ever so slightly to the side, a slow smile creeping over his lips, "Well, you are in a closet. Change out of those dress slacks and dress shirt and I'm sure you'll feel much more comfortable."

  • KevinSpacey absently raises his hand, fingering the hanging garments, "I'm sure you've got something cooler somewhere in here."

  • TedSadtler gives you a look.. then glances up.. scrutinizing his own wardrobe as if he had never once before laid eyes on it..

  • TedSadtler slowly sits up.. "Hrm.. These are mostly my dress clothes.."

*KevinSpacey grins at you, "Those momentary lapses are coming more frequently, I presume?"

  • TedSadtler smirks at you.. "More often than I'd care to admit, thanks."

  • KevinSpacey leans forward, eyeing you with mock seriousness, "Oh, and I'm sure you don't hang your casual wear or at least fold it properly and store it in labeled boxes somewhere in this closet?"

  • TedSadtler blinks...

  • TedSadtler sits back.. his lips twisting into a slight look of annoyance.. "What are you implying, yet again?"

  • KevinSpacey breaks into a smile, "Oh, don't give me that innocent 'I have no clue what you're referring to' look. You are far beyond organized."

  • TedSadtler tilts his head to the side, trying to hold his look of irritation before looking away and smiling somewhat self-incriminatingly.. "Yeah.. maybe."

  • KevinSpacey abruptly stands up, rummaging through the endless array of shirts and neatly pressed pants, "Come on, I know they are here.. where are they, huh??"

  • TedSadtler scowls.. getting to his feet.. "Don't rummage through my stuff!"

  • KevinSpacey continues, not heeding your exasperation, "I know they're here, 'Summer clothing: Shorts, T-shirts'. Where, huh??"

  • TedSadtler places his hands on his hips.. glowering.. "I think that's pushing it!!"

  • KevinSpacey laughs abruptly, "Oh? You think so?"

  • KevinSpacey continues riffling through your belongings.

  • TedSadtler reaches over and snatches boxes and various articles of clothing from your hands.. "Stop that!"

  • KevinSpacey finally comes across a small box, with the exact labeling, chuckles and opens it up, pulling out a dark colored t-shirt, unable to decipher the exact color in the pale light cascading inward from the tiny opening at the bottom of the door, and a pair of denim shorts, "Here, Mr. Organize-It. Put these on."

  • TedSadtler scowls darkly.. yanking them away in righteous indignation as would a child.. "Don't call me that.."

  • KevinSpacey giggles softly to himself, letting a feigned sympathetic frown cross over his lips, "Oh, did I strike a chord?"

  • TedSadtler works his fingers into his tie.. loosening it.. reaching up to wipe at his forehead with the back of his wrist.. "Emph."

  • KevinSpacey absently reaches forward, grabbing the end of your tie, "Where'd you get this tie anyway? Didn't anyone ever tell you that you shouldn't wear such tacky patterns?"

  • TedSadtler growls, batting your hand away.. "Didn't anyone teach you anything about tact?"

  • TedSadtler shoves the shirt and shorts into your arms.. "Hold these."

  • KevinSpacey smiles gently, "Tact.. not familiar with that term."

  • KevinSpacey takes the clothing, holding it absently while his eyes wander to you, discreetly watching as you fumble with the silken material of the tie.

  • TedSadtler fumbles with his tie somewhat.. finding it difficult to undo in the darkness.. murmurs.. "Yeah.. I'm well aware."

  • KevinSpacey steps forward, handing you back the clothes, "Here, let me get it."

  • TedSadtler blinks.. gripping the clothes and tilting his head up wordlessly.

  • KevinSpacey reaches his hands to your neck, gently working the knot of the tie loose.

  • TedSadtler shifts his weight from one foot to the other.. evening out his stance.. "Got it?"

  • KevinSpacey brings his eyes from the knot toward your face, "You know, you really should consider using a better knot; one that is easier to untie."

  • TedSadtler smirks slightly.. his head still tilted backward.. "I'll consider it."

  • KevinSpacey tugs the material free of its own reluctant grip, pulling it from your neck and handing it to you, "Yup. There you go."

  • TedSadtler fumbles with the clothing to grab the tie..

  • KevinSpacey smiles, taking the clothing back from your arms, "I'll hold these."

  • TedSadtler pauses.. holds it a moment then just drops it to the floor.. glances at you.. "It's not like I'm going to put it back on anytime soon."

  • KevinSpacey grins, "My, you're going to just leave that there in the floor? Who could have imagined."

  • TedSadtler gives you a slightly disgusted look.. "Oh, ha ha.. Laugh it up.."

  • TedSadtler begins to work open the buttons of his shirt.. starting from the bottom instead of the top.

  • KevinSpacey chuckles, slightly toying with the hem of the denim shorts in his hands, his eyes peering from a head tilted low, watching you in quiet wonder.

  • TedSadtler untucks the shirt from his pants.. slipping it off to let it fall to the floor.. grabs his t-shirt.. "Gimmie that."

  • KevinSpacey yanks the clothing back away from you, eyeing you playfully, "Or?"

  • TedSadtler blinks..

  • TedSadtler grabs at it.. "Or what?"

  • KevinSpacey quickly moves the clothing behind his back, "What if I don't give them to you?"

  • TedSadtler stares at you.. utterly perplexed.. "I... I stand here.. shirtless?"

  • TedSadtler tries reaching behind you.. "Give it.."

  • KevinSpacey cocks his head to the side, a sly grin flashing over his lips, "Hmmm.. now there's an idea."

  • TedSadtler pauses.. pulling back slightly to give you a questioning look..

  • KevinSpacey stands firm, returning your stare, "Yes?"

  • TedSadtler holds a hand up to you expectantly.. staring up at you with almost an air of innocence.. "My shirt, please?"

  • KevinSpacey holds steady, continuing to meet your eyes with his own, "You'd probably be even cooler should you just leave them off..."

  • TedSadtler drops his hand to his side.. shifting somewhat.. not looking at you but eyeing his shirt.. "Yeah.. maybe.. but.."

  • KevinSpacey lets a slow chuckle escape his lips, breaking the awkward silence; handing the clothes back at you, "Go ahead, put them on if you like, but I don't want to hear it when we sit here for hours and you begin to get warm again."

  • TedSadtler grips them.. fingering the material of his own clothes for a ponderous moment.. "Hmph.."

  • KevinSpacey blinks a moment, a thought churning in his brain, "On second thought, you do what you wish, I'm getting more comfortable."

  • KevinSpacey begins to untuck his shirt, pulling it over his head, before unfastening his belt and the button and zipper of his pants, letting them slide to his ankles; kicking his shoes off and nudging the pants to the side, remaining in only boxers.

  • TedSadtler gives you an odd look... then smiles abruptly.. "Yeah. I think I might have some-...."

  • TedSadtler stares at you.. swallows.. shifting back some.. "Umm.. Don't you feel somewhat..... nude?"

  • KevinSpacey laughs, "I still have on boxers... you've never seen another man in boxers?"

  • TedSadtler blushes.. "Well.. No.. I mean, yes.. I mean.. Well, of course I have!"

  • KevinSpacey chuckles lightly, "So, no, I don't feel nude. It's hot in this tiny space; with both of us breathing, it is bound to get hotter... might as well be prepared."

  • TedSadtler swallows.. not looking at you.. his eyes drawn to the floor, rubbing the clothes in his hands in a slightly nervous manner.. "Yeah.. I suppose."

  • KevinSpacey glances up at you, "Why, am I making you uncomfortable? I can put them back on if you'd prefer."

  • TedSadtler glances back at you sharply.. eyes wide.. "Huh? What? No. I mean.. I just thought it would be kinda weird if.. you know.. someone opened the door and we're just sitting around in... Well, anyway.."

  • KevinSpacey tilts his head back in laughter, "So? I'm sure when they open this door and the hot air pours out, hitting them like a wave of August heat, they'll understand. The sweat dripping from our half-nude bodies will probably alert them as to the reason we shed all but the necessary clothing. Why... afraid someone might get the wrong idea?"

  • TedSadtler blinks.. looking startled.. "What? No. That's not what I meant."

  • TedSadtler glances away nervously.. swallows.. takes a deep breath.. calming himself.

  • KevinSpacey steps forward a bit, reaching out and touching your shoulder with the tip of his finger, "What is it? Afraid someone might mistake us for something we're not? They might think we were in here... doing something?"

  • KevinSpacey seductively brushes the fingertip over the length of your arm, smiling in anticipation of your reaction.

  • TedSadtler stares at you.. eyes wide.. "No.. N-no, that's not what I meant. It just.. would come off weird or something.. I didn't mean..." Falls silent.. a look of irritation flitting over his face at his inability to articulate himself.. jerks back at the feeling of your fingers on his arm..

  • TedSadtler looks at you.. staring in surprise for a long moment before then breaking into a joking smile.. "all right, all right.. Anyway.."

  • KevinSpacey takes a step in closer to you, the heat of his body pressing close enough to yours that you can almost sense the warmth passing between you, still continuing to lightly stroke along your arm, "Oh? Are you sure you don't fear what someone might think? Sure you don't fear someone ever thinking you could possibly be intimate with a man?"

  • KevinSpacey casually laughs a bit, still slightly brushing his fingertip over your arm, giving you the ability to adjust to the touch.

  • TedSadtler steps back.. finding himself meeting a wall.. pulls himself back.. staring at you, his brow furrowing..

  • KevinSpacey grins, excitedly, "Well, well, it appears to me that you're feeling a bit frustrated? Is that so?"

  • TedSadtler pulls his clothing up, clutching them to his chest with one arm, the other, the one you're touching, still held stiffly to his side..

  • KevinSpacey takes the same distance step you just made, finding his body near yours again.

  • TedSadtler tries shrugging off your fingers.. scowling some.. "Fine, fine. I get your point. Now stop touching me."

  • KevinSpacey leans in a bit more, moving his face only inches away from yours, "Are you... nervous, Ted?"

  • TedSadtler glances up.. pulling himself backward stiffly.. tensed.. the back of his head meeting the wall.. "Wh-what? N-no.. Stop that.."

  • KevinSpacey eases his other hand up to your chest, tugging the clothes free and dropping them behind himself, allowing the fingertips of the hand to move to your other arm, gently gliding both hands along your arms, pressing in a small bit closer, "What's the matter... afraid you might enjoy it?"

  • TedSadtler blushes.. freezing up.. his face a-fire.. "Wh-what?..." Tries stepping back again..

  • KevinSpacey presses into you, the bare skin of his chest pressing against the exposed flesh of yours, "There's a wall there, Ted. No matter how many times you try and step back, it's going to remain there."

  • TedSadtler swallows.. looking up at you.. "Yes.. I-I know that.."

  • KevinSpacey moves his head down to angle his lips so they're just inches above the delicate flesh of your neck, the hot breath pouring out onto the cool skin, every word fluttering over you, "So, stop stepping back."

  • TedSadtler bites his bottom lip, pressing himself backward into the wall violently.. suppressing a gasp.. staring at you.. smiles slowly.. then laughs, trying to keep the slight tremor of nervousness from it.. "Okay.. all right.. I get it.. Maybe the thought crossed my mind.. I just didn't want people to get the wrong idea or anything..”

  • KevinSpacey slips his tongue from between his lips and very lightly laps a single time over a tiny square of your neck, slowly pushing his hips forward, letting them meet yours, "Is it the wrong idea?"

  • TedSadtler gasps.. bites down into his lip abruptly.. practically starting to slide down the wall in an effort to get away from you.. "I-I.. I don't know wh-what you're t-talking about.."

  • KevinSpacey moves his fingers from the outside of your arm to your sides, holding your body steady to prevent you from escaping his touches, gently moving his lips to your neck, sucking the skin he'd just licked ever so gently between his lips, "Oh, is that so?"

  • TedSadtler chokes on a breath.. trembling.. his face flushed a dark crimson.. reaching up to somehow push back at you without touching you.. turning his head to the side.. "St-stop that!!"

  • KevinSpacey softly wedges one knee between your legs, lifting it upward to lightly brush against the underside of your slacks, leaning further into you, nibbling gingerly at your beautiful, pale skin, "Now, do you really want me to stop, Ted?"

  • TedSadtler gasps loudly, trying to recoil but finding the wall still hindering him as it was three minutes before.. grips at your shoulders.. trying to push at you.. gasping, his head turned to the side.. eyes closed and brow furrowed.. "S-stop!"

  • KevinSpacey moves his left hand from your side to very softly stroke down your stomach, pushing it next to your body, feeling your arousal through the thin material of your pants, "I don't think you really want me to stop. At least, this doesn't indicate that."

  • TedSadtler tilts his head back into the wall, his brow furrowing.. gasping.. moaning softly and involuntarily pushing up into your touch..

  • TedSadtler jerks backward.. pushing at you.. gritting his teeth.. "N-no! Stop th-that.. I'm not.. I'm not like this!"

  • KevinSpacey bites lightly at your soft skin of your neck, moving his fingertips very lightly over you, brushing at you from over the cloth, the other hand curling over your bare skin, "But, doesn't it feel good, Ted? Can you really say it doesn't?"

  • TedSadtler gasps.. unable to keep his hips from rocking up very subtly into your touch.. pushes at you firmly.. whimpering.. "No! It.. it doesn't.. S-stop!"

  • KevinSpacey bites down a little harder, pressing the top of his thigh under you, his fingertips still busily rubbing at you from above the cool material of your slacks, "You're not being honest, Ted. Your body's reactions don't lie."

  • TedSadtler bites into his bottom lip.. firmly shoving at you now.. eager to get away.. his breath quick and uneven.. whimpers.. groans softly.. "I.. I am not.. Let.. Get off.. I'm... I'm not like.."

  • KevinSpacey grinds his hips closer to yours, eagerly stroking you, lifting his thigh to rub it firmly against the inner part of your clothed thigh, lapping and nibbling up your neck until his lips find the tender lobe of your ear, a new treasure to enjoy and taste as your body reacts against your will, "You don't have to be, Ted. Just admit what it feels like. Admit you like it."

  • TedSadtler squirms under you.. turning his head to the side.. shuddering violently at the wet feel of your mouth over his ear.. shivers.. unable to stifle a loud moan as it emits from him.. tries squirming out of your grip while pushing at you harder.. "Nooo.. No.. Stop it.. I.. I don't....." Groans..

  • KevinSpacey moves his hands over your belt, quickly unfastening it, unbuttoning and unzipping the pants and carefully working them down over your hips, continuing to press against your body, now pressing his own erection firmly into yours through the fine materials, the boxers you each wear being the only separation between the warm, reddened flesh of your bodies, sucking hard on the delicate piece of your earlobe, "You're lying to yourself, Ted. Don't you feel that heat.. that pressure between us? Can you tell me that you're not turned on right now?”

  • TedSadtler cries out.. squirming violently.. reaching down in a futile attempt to keep his pants on.. cries out, tilting his head back against the wall.. arching up into you, pressing his hips into yours.. unable to help himself.. moans loudly..

  • KevinSpacey grinds more forcefully, lapping at your earlobe, "Admit it, Ted."

  • TedSadtler bites his bottom lip.. a drop of sweat sliding down the side of his face.. grips at your shoulders.. rocking into you gently.. "I.. No..." Shakes his head.. his eyes closed tight.. whimpering.. "No.."

  • KevinSpacey dips his fingers beneath the elastic waistband of your boxers, pushing them downward, licking faster as they slip past the length of you, hardened with eager anticipation, the light cloth of his boxers grazing against your bare skin, "Admit it, Ted."

  • TedSadtler whimpers.. arching off the wall almost completely.. gasping a lung-full of warm, closet air... buries his fingers into the flesh of your shoulders.. moans, rocking upward.. "D-dear.. God! S-stop... Pl-please!"

  • KevinSpacey pushes the material of his own boxers out of the way, leaning very slowly into you until the hot flesh of his own pulsing erection brushes gently over yours, feeling the electric sensations flutter through your body as you gasp, still licking and sucking at the base of your earlobe, moving his kisses along the underside of your chin, pressing his forehead to yours.

  • KevinSpacey presses his lips close enough to touch yours and murmurs quietly, "Admit it, Ted. Admit you're incredibly turned on or I'll stop right now, leaving your body hot and quivering with sexual desire, unable to fulfill it while we stand in this tiny closet. Admit it."

  • TedSadtler moans.. shuddering violently.. curling one hand up around your shoulder and burying it in your hair.. his body coursing with pleasure and a distinct aching need.. arches up again.. pressing into you.. kissing at your lips some.. grinds his hips to yours, shivering at the feel of his arousal pressing into yours.. whimpers a moment.. trembling.. then breaking.. "Y-yes.. Yes, dammit! Don't.. don't stop.." Runs his other hand down your back eagerly..

  • KevinSpacey smiles, continuing to press his hips into yours, rubbing at you with an immense amount of desire, meeting your kisses and allowing his tongue to dart from the confines of his own lips into yours, pushing apart your carefully shaped lips, licking at them and moving his tongue against yours, "Oh, yes, good.."

  • TedSadtler releases a muffled moan into your mouth.. reaching up.. curling both hands through your hair.. pulling himself up to where his elbows rest on both of your shoulders.. rocks into you harder.. lapping at the warm, wet, welcome intrusion that is your tongue..

  • KevinSpacey lowers his body some, gliding his arousal along the underside of you, taking his own shaky inward breaths at the feel of your beautiful body pressed against his own, dipping lower to allow himself to slip toward you, pressing against the small, uninvaded opening.

  • TedSadtler gasps, yanking his head back.. trembling in your arms.. his body tensing.. feeling unsure of himself for a moment.. a vague sense of nervousness seeping through him... "I.. I've never.."

  • KevinSpacey teases you, pressing only the tiniest bit of the tip of himself into the opening, grinding against you and quickly removing the tip, making you want it even more, leaning closer to find your lips again, speaking in broken phrases between entangling kisses, "I know... I want... to be... your... first... I want... you.. to feel... in-cred-ible."

  • TedSadtler grips at you.. kisses at your mouth eagerly.. shifts in your arms.. pulling you as close as he can for a moment.. his eyes closed tight and his body arching up into yours.. curls his fingers to grip tightly at your hair without pulling.. whimpers then moans loudly..

  • KevinSpacey slides the smallest amount of the tip inward again, feeling your body tense, holding it there, grinding his hips into you, kissing you deeply, enjoying the warm recesses of your tasty mouth, his hands roaming along the delicate flesh of your sides, enjoying every erotic moan you let escape from your lips.

  • TedSadtler gasps.. whimpers.. wincing at the first slight sensations of pain.. rocks into you.. winding his tongue around yours in a very lustful manner.. licking at it.. suckling.. moaning and unable to keep still.. squirming and rocking in your arms..

  • KevinSpacey removes the tip once again, waiting to feel your hips slide lower, your body begging for more, holding you closely, pressing against you, the warmth of your flesh mingling with the warmth of his own, the air of the small closet growing heated and dank.

  • TedSadtler whimpers.. tilting his head back... his chest heaving with an effort to breathe.. shivers in your arms.. moaning... turning his head to the side with his face contorted into a look of protest.. finding that sense of submission blanketing over him distinctly disagreeable.. "N-no.." Licks his lips.. panting.. "No.. No.."

  • KevinSpacey presses the tip gently back inward, this time sliding a small bit further than before, returning to bite softly on the warm, exposed flesh of your neck, "Yes, Ted. Yes."

  • TedSadtler moans loudly, tilting his head back completely.. his moan deep and throaty and leaving nothing of his desires to the imagination.. winces somewhat, unable to help himself from pushing into you.. down somewhat.. pushing you upward.. shivering at the feel of you on his neck again.. licks his lips.. unable to do anything but repeat himself.. "N-... No... N-no, please.."

  • KevinSpacey places his hands on the small of your back, his fingertips trailing lower, gripping you, pressing his body against yours, kissing softly at your neck, whispering in lower mumbles, "You want it, Ted. Don't deny that."

  • KevinSpacey continues to press himself inside of you, just enough to let you feel the tightness, the pleasure mixed with a slight passing of pain.

  • TedSadtler trembles.. moaning.. wincing at your words as much as the slight stab of pain.. buries his face in your shoulder, biting down abruptly.. groaning through his gentle grip on your shoulder.. "...N-nooo.." Moans.. whimpers.. shivering in your arms.. his need becoming nearly unbearable but unable to let himself yield to what he wants..

  • KevinSpacey pulls out again, repeating the delicate process of slipping just the slightest bit of the tip inside of you, pushing firmly against your warm body, his lips eagerly encompassing the tiny flap of flesh that makes up your earlobe, his hands gently squeezing at the tender contours of your body.

  • TedSadtler bites down harder at the feel of your slow, teasing invasion.. trembling partly with pleasure and partly with anticipation as much as he would hate to admit it.. runs a hand down your back.. gripping at your shoulder with the other.. "Pl-please... No.. I... No.." Closes his eyes tight.. rocking upward.. wanting to feel you but not wanting to give in..

  • KevinSpacey grinds into you seductively, enjoying every subtle upward thrust you so painstakingly try to avoid, pulling the tip out some, almost allowing it to slip from the warm insides of you, "Say it, Ted. Admit you want it."

  • TedSadtler pulls his head back.. shaking it violently.. swallowing hard.. "No! N-no!...God.. God, no.." Feels you gently slipping from him.. pushing down somewhat as much as he hates to.. trembling.. a hard pulsing between his legs rudely reminding him he can't hold out much longer..

  • KevinSpacey thrives on your reluctancy, enjoying every bit of determination etched on your face, striving to avoid submitting to the desires you so desperately crave; pulls outward, letting his pulsing arousal slip from the warm confines of your body, waiting for you to cave, "Say it, Ted."

  • TedSadtler gasps.. almost an injured whimper.. curls one hand the cradle the back of your neck, pulling back and pressing himself into the wall... unwilling to give in.. deciding to take matters into his own hands, slipping his other hand down to grip at himself.. groaning and tilting his head forward at his own touch..

  • KevinSpacey grows frustrated at your own actions, taking your hands and forcibly removing them from you, holding them pinned against the wall beside your head, pressing into you, meeting your lips with his own again, "No, Ted. You're going to admit it."

  • TedSadtler cries out in frustration.. squirming against your grip.. arches up.. trying to rub against you.. create some friction.. anything.. gasps.. struggles.. "N-no!... S-stop.... Le.. Let go!"

  • KevinSpacey shakes his head firmly, "No. You are going to admit that you want it." Fumbling with your hands, pulling them both together above your head and locking one hand over them to secure them, moving his other hand down your stomach, very slowly, very lightly brushing his fingertips in feathery strokes along the length of your throbbing erection, briefly touching you before pulling his fingertips back away from you, just inches from your skin. "Admit you want me to touch you."

  • TedSadtler gasps.. groans.. wiggling furiously.. arching up into your touch, nearly sobbing with impatience and need.. aching to be touched.. to be soothed.. pulls one leg up trying to pull you against him in any way possible.. bites his bottom lip.. unwilling.. "I.. I'm not.. I'm not like.. like this!"

  • KevinSpacey leans into you, pressing his body against you, temporarily satisfying the urge to be touched, "No one said you were. Just admit you want it."

  • TedSadtler groans.. tilting his head forward.. pushing into you gratefully.. murmuring and licking his lips..

  • KevinSpacey quietly whispers, "Now admit it, or I'll stop, tie you up, and leave you unsatisfied."

  • TedSadtler opens his eyes for the first time in what feels like hours.. staring at you.. glances away.. moaning almost inaudibly.. gently, almost lovingly, nudges his face to your neck.. pushing himself up against you eagerly..

  • KevinSpacey very gently caresses along your side with his fingertips, pressing into you anxiously, craving the words, your submission, enjoying the gentle nudging you allow yourself to perform, knowing your will is weakening, "Admit it, Ted."

  • TedSadtler arches into you.. groaning.. needing this.. his body aching.. unable to get any other thought through his head other than his need to be satisfied.. taken.. dominated... he shivers.. settling in that long, drawn-out moment before crumbling... moans loudly, pressing up into you and licking at your ear.. trying to wiggle his hands free still..

  • KevinSpacey smiles softly to himself, pulling you closer, grinding his hips very lightly into you, brushing his own hardness against yours, his fingertips still carefully gliding over the hot, flushed skin of your side, "Say it, Ted. Say it."

  • TedSadtler takes a deep, tremulous breath.. closing his eyes tight.. swallowing.. rocks into you.. groaning at your touch.. unable to help himself anymore.. leaning up and sucking at your ear.. "Y-Yes..."

  • KevinSpacey presses his thigh between your legs, brushing along the underside of you, grinding his warmth against yours, still eagerly roaming your side with his fingertips, allowing his tongue to lick lightly at your ear, his breath hot on the wet skin, "Say it, Ted. Say it."

  • TedSadtler groans.. pushes up into you frantically.. rocking into you.. needing this.. his body aching, flushed, and needful... bites into his bottom lip.. tilting his head back.. grunting in pure frustration then leaning up to suck at your ear hungrily.. just releasing himself into your arms.. "Y-yes.. Yes, dammit! I.. Christ, I want this.. Pl-please! Oh, God.." Sucks at your earlobe.. bites down on it.. "Christ, fuck me! Just.. God.. Fuck me... I want this.." Rocks upward almost viciously.. gasping..

  • KevinSpacey moans, the words floating to his ears in the sweltering heat of the confined space; lower his body, pressing the tip of his aching arousal along the opening of you, lightly pushing it inward until your body rocks beneath him and then lifting upward almost abruptly, thrusting into you, filling you as you halt, unable to breathe at the new feeling, licking at your neck, finding your lips in a passionate haze, kissing you and wanting you, just like this.. in complete submission.

  • TedSadtler cries out, pain shooting through him so hot and sharp that streaks of red pass through his gaze before being followed by an immense wave of pleasure and want.. moans loudly.. his body shivering.. not knowing quite what to do having never known this sort of pleasure.. this sort of submission.. this sort of domination of himself... closes his eyes and just clutches you.. gasping painfully for breath.. licking at your ear, unable to keep everything in now.. "Yes.. Yes, please.. Take me.. I want this.."

  • KevinSpacey pants, overcome by the delicious tightness of you, holding himself in you for a long moment, enjoying the sensations wrapping themselves around his body, before very slowly pulling downward, lingering as every muscle in your body contracts, forcing you to clench the hardness inside of you tighter, restricting the inward thrusts though he no longer cares that it hinders the fluid movements, still pushing upward again, plunging back into you, taking your body, biting at your neck, freely roaming over your body with feathery strokes of his hands.

  • TedSadtler turns his head to bite down into your shoulder.. hard.. sobbing more than moaning.. his body shaking with the intense pleasure of you being so deeply pressed in him.. gasping at the way your slow retreat makes him tremble just as your quick reentry makes him cry out for more.. feels himself tight and heated about you.. reaching down his free hand to violently stroke at himself.. trembling and shuddering and moaning uncontrollably.. "Yes, yes, oh God yes.. Please.. "

  • TedSadtler tilts his head back from your shoulder, reveling in the feel of you pressing him up against the wall.. gasping.. rocking his hips involuntarily downward.. forcing you up into him as far as he can manage.. crying out.. moaning so loud it's the only sound he can hear.. "Yes.. God, yes.. Fuck me.. Please! Harder.. Please, oh, please! Emph.. Uhn!"

  • KevinSpacey slides in and out of you, eager to fill you, control you, depurify you; his hands frantically pressing near your body, gripping at the warm hardness lying flat to your stomach, wrapping his fingers around you, replacing your hand with his own and touching you, pulling gently at the heated flesh as you moan indecipherable sounds, still eagerly kissing at your neck and earlobe.

*KevinSpacey pushes into you harder, faster, gripping your soft, hot skin, the other hand locking behind your neck, pressing his fingertips into the skin doused with a light layering of sweat, curling into the soft strands of hair, moistened by the salty liquid, biting at your neck, moaning with you, enjoying the wonderful screams and pleadings you so erotically utter.

*TedSadtler just lets himself be taken.. his words blending into incoherent moans and gasps.. rocking against you.. unable to think of anything but this incredibly intense, pleasurable heat sliding in and out of him.. the only thoughts consuming him being how much he's enjoying this and how he might die if it should stop now.. rocks up into your hand.. groaning wildly.. incapable of breathing or thinking..

  • KevinSpacey tilts his head back, the pleasure intensifying, the overwhelming sensations of your tightness, new to the unthinkable pleasures you currently indulge in, melting his body, the heat growing unbearable, sliding into you, craving your every move, wanting to feel the warm wetness of you spilling over his own pale fingertips, wanting to feel the wetness of himself sliding back along the length from inside of you, wanting to hear your amazing pants, the shocked gasps, the desperate moans...

  • TedSadtler lifts his head from the wall to bite down into your shoulder again... clutching you.. hanging on as tightly as possible.. one hand gripping at your hair, the other at your shoulder.. gasping and moaning loudly and uncontrollably.. emitting almost a scream or two as you shove deeply back into the tight heat he never knew could be so passionately ravaged.. shivers and cries.. wanting this more than anything..

*TedSadtler vaguely registers that he has never felt like this.. never experienced this while pressed into the warmth of a woman.. this was something wholly new and extremely passionate and intense.. something he couldn't get enough of..

  • TedSadtler rocks his body down onto you.. practically plunging himself downward onto you as you thrust upward.. working against you.. his heart pounding, his blood churning with desire and pleasure.. his thoughts erratic.. powerless to keep the hot, desperate moans from being elicited from himself.. being utterly taken and dominated and controlled.. but not caring as long as it lasts..

  • KevinSpacey moves with a desperate passion, filling you as his body screams in its own intense wonder, his grunts mingling with your pleas, taking you to a new level, exploring the undiscovered areas of your body you undeniably crave at this very moment, lusting after you, pushing deeper into you, groaning in your ear and gripping you harder with each thrust.

  • KevinSpacey rocks over you, moaning loudly, grinding against you, his body bursting with sensations as they flutter through the hot blood that pulses through his veins, needing you, enjoying your every downward motion, the perfect pressure building, pushing you over the limit you never imagined you could feel, whispering into your ear in uncontrolled grunts, "Yes, let me fuck you, Ted."

  • TedSadtler gasps.. screams abruptly.. digging his fingers into your back and practically thrusting himself down onto you.. feeling his body surge with so many intense, heavenly sensations as he cums.. violently.. shivering and shaking and gasping for breath only to end up moaning again.. frantically rocking against you those last few times.. feeling his own hot release against his stomach, a streak of sweat down his face.. crying out into your ear.. "God! Emph! Uhn.. Fuck me! Pl-pleas-.." Chokes for air..

  • TedSadtler shivers in you arms.. his body still rocking and unable to stop moving.. his fingers tightly pressing into your skin.. a complete and utter throbbing passing through him.. unable to see or think.. just feel..

  • KevinSpacey feels his body tense, the warm wetness of you spilling over the top pushing him into his own climactic eruption... his body weak, the strength exiting as every sensation intensifies, pushing into you, orgasming so violently in your warm tightness that everything blurs a moment as the last few thrusts grind to a halt..

  • TedSadtler whimpers into your ear desperately.. his arms pulling up... grasping at you.. pressing his face into your neck, pulling you close to him.. groaning.. his body thrumming.. feeling that warm, searing heat filling him as you hit climax.. spilling over into him so intensely.. so deliciously.. shuddering.. shivering.. trembling..

  • KevinSpacey sucks in a lung-full of breath, collapsing his body into yours, resting his forehead against the wall, weakened and warm, enjoying the sticky heat between your body and his.. inhaling slowly to return his breathing to normal from the lustful pants.

  • TedSadtler tries to breathe slowly.. still gasping for air.. still whimpering involuntarily.. his body pulsing.. feeling you still pressed up inside of him so deeply.. intimately.. still keeping that liquid evidence of his domination pressed in him along with yourself.. curls the fingers of both hands into your hair..

  • TedSadtler shifts slightly.. resting his head on your shoulder.. shivering still.. licking at his bottom lip.. still succumbing to the tender rippling waves of aftershock pleasure..

  • KevinSpacey wraps his arms around your waist, pressing his hands into the wall and leaning against you for support, still shaking the cloudy haze of sultry perfection from his mind, reveling in this amazing warmth and pleasure.

  • TedSadtler abruptly pulls his head back.. kissing at your shoulder and neck over and over again.. still lost in sensations faintly coursing through him.. kisses you gently and repeatedly.. not even realizing he's speaking nor even giving heed to his words.. "Thank you, thank you.. Thank you.."

  • KevinSpacey presses into you warmly, returning your soft kisses, softly stroking along your back, "Mmm, no need."

  • TedSadtler warmly laps at your neck.. growing silent.. just letting his thoughts collect.. his body stop tingling.. enjoying the heat of you on him.. and in him...

  • KevinSpacey kisses very lightly at your neck, breathing slowly on each patch of skin he brings wetness to, softly whispering, "If you find me an empty hanger, I can get that door unlocked.."

  • TedSadtler pulls back to look at you.. blinking groggily for a moment.. absorbing your words.. turning slightly in your arms.. reaching up obediently with one hand and getting a hanger.. still clutching you to him as close as possible..

  • KevinSpacey meets your eyes, smiling warmly, "Or would you rather just stay here a bit longer?"

  • TedSadtler pulls back... falling against the wall for support.. handing you the hanger.. looking dazed.. his pale skin flushed.. his hair tousled and disarrayed.. blinking stupidly with glossy eyes..

  • KevinSpacey leans forward, kissing your pale lips and wrapping his arms back around you, dropping the hanger to the side, "Yeah, let's stay a little longer."

  • TedSadtler parts his lips some.. kissing you back.. his eyes drifting closed and wrapping his arms around you securely if still somewhat weak.. murmuring.. "Emmhmm.."

  • KevinSpacey holds you tightly, kissing you and enjoying your submission and the willful desires you suddenly have allowed yourself to experience, pressing into you more, "I knew you'd submit...."


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