The Curious Maintenance Man

By Rob Roaa

Published on Jan 27, 2012



The usual warning, if you are under age please stop now, if you are old enough and like male to male sex please read on. Always practice safe sex, and if you like my story let me know. Feel free to e-mail me at

The Curious Maintenance Man

It was a normal Wednesday afternoon for me I was off work nursing my hangover catching up on my dvr and relaxing at home. I'd been around the net look at porn and looking for a piece of dick to hold me over for the day when I got an email saying that I had a package at my apartment's office. I threw on some shorts and a tee and walked up to the office. When I got up there I made small talk with the ladies flirted with them and let them admire my body as they love to do. The only reason for this is because they let me get away with murder as long as I show them a little attention. I grab my package and made my way back to my place. When I walk in I was surprised to see Mikey one of the maintenance men for my complex.

"Hey Mikey what are u doing here".

"Oh hey Mr. Wright, the office told me to come over and take a look at your garbage disposal."

Shit I totally forgot that I called them about that yesterday.

"Thanks for coming by so quick, its not that major" I told him.

"Well if I didn't get here the ladies would have kicked my ass, it seems they have a thing for you, no matter what's going on. If you have a problem, you are at the top of the list."

"Wow, well tell them I said thank you".

I open my package and sat down to watch more TV. I pick up my laptop and quickly realize it was on with the screen up and Xtube and craigslist were open. I really hope Mikey didn't see that. After about an hour I forget that he is even coming in and out of my place trying to fix my garbage disposal. Finally he is done and everything seems to work perfectly I look at the clock and its 455pm.

"Oh wow its your quitting time isn't it". Mikey laughs,

"yea finally ur my last stop for the day".

While he speaks I can't help but to admire his body he's about 5'11 180 almost all muscle, he has a perfect smile light brown hair with brown eyes. He always wears beat up jeans with a well pressed polo. As Mikey is walking out he turns around and gives me a look..."Hey don't worry I won't tell the girls about what saw."

HOLY SHIT did he really just say that, oh god what do I say what do I do... Mikey laughs

"...have a great day Mr. Wright" and he exits.

I am mortified when he leaves, its not that I'm in the closet its just that I keep my life as private as possible. Oh well I'm sure I'll be the butt of a few jokes and I'll get a few stares from him when I see him around but I don't have time to care, I need to find some trade online, I'm starting to get antsy. After about an hour of replying to ads and getting nothing but flakes I decide to pleasure myself. I get my lube and towel ready close the blinds find some good porn and get to bushiness. I'm 6'1 225 7.5 cut dick dark brown hair with hazel eyes, I think I'm pretty good looking and as many guys as I keep coming over it seems that they do too. I'm getting good and into my beat off session when I hear a knock on the door. WTF who is that I'm not expecting anyone and the porn was just getting really good. "One second" I yell out while I wipe my hands put my shorts back on and collect myself. I run to the door and open it without giving a thought to looking through the peep hole. To my shock it's Mikey.

"Hey Mr. Write I'm sorry to bother you, but I think I left my cell here do you mind if I come in and look". Confused with all the blood rushing back to my head I can't seem to form words. Mikey has changed out of his normal polo and into a super tight tank that shows every bit of his abs and muscles on his upper body. "Yea come on in" I move aside and let him in. He walks down the hall and pauses for a second when he hits my living room. I'm too worried about hiding my boner and now wet spot of precum slowly leaking out to pay attention. Mikey quickly makes a. B-line to the kitchen and is looking for his phone. Once I compose myself I follow him. I quickly realize I was lying on the couch, and when he walked in he can see porn playing a bttl of lube on the table and my cum rag on the floor. This has got to be the most ridicules day I've ever had. Mikey opens the cabinet and finds his phone; he picks it up checks it and goes to leave

"got it Mr. Wright thanks".

"No problem" I replied, "and please stop calling me Mr. Wright I'm 22 you are probably older than me. He laughs

"yea u you are right, but only by 3 years.

"Good just call me Luke".

"Alright Luke thanks again, and you have fun with that video".

Shocked I couldn't help but blush "yea sorry you had to see that again, I wasn't expect anyone over"

"oh so no luck on Craiglist for you, that's a surprise"

All I can do is try to not want to hang my head in shame.

"Well don't get me wrong I've seen a few of your visitors on your days off, and you're a good looking guy, I'm surprised you don't have a line at the door waiting for you". Wow now I feel like a whore and I'm pretty sure my face says it.

"Well umm thanks I guess but no I don't keep lines at the door".

"Hey I'm sorry if I offended you I didn't mean it like that..."

"Oh no its cool I got it, I take it as a compliment trust me".

Now Mikey looks uncomfortable I feel bad maybe I said that in a snappy tone, its just that I don't know what to say about that.

"Well thanks for letting me find my phone you have a good night, and stay out of trouble". As Mikey walks toward the door I want to apologize or say something but it's just a weird situation. I walk Mikey to the door with nothing but weirdness. As mikey goes to exit he hesitates. "Hey Luke can I ask you a very personal question".

Why not you've called me a whore already is all that comes to my mind. "Sure what's up".

Mikey closes the door and turns to me face to face, he won't make eye contact with me which is weird now.

"Umm what is it be with another guy".

I am stunned, am I really about to have the straight guy gay guy conversation.

"Well the only way that I can explain the whole experience is painful enjoyment". His eye light up but I'm not sure if its intrigue or horror. The silence is deafening and it's pretty weird. When Mikey interrupts "well I'm not some weirdo or anything its just that, my girlfriend wants to have a 3 way, we've done the two girls and me thing, but now she really wants to bring another guy in, which I'm ok with but she want me to...interact with the guy also instead of all the attention being on her, and I'm not sure how I feel about it or how to do it. You probably think I'm crazy sorry for this I'm just gonna go now"

Now my interest has been peaked and I want to know more.

"Woah no its not come in have a seat I've got some beers and vodka and I'm about to order some pizza, if u want to chill and talk about it we can.

"He seems surprised "wow umm that would be cool because I don't have anyone I can talk to about this and you are really cool, let me go turn off my truck".

With that Mikey goes out side and I grab my phone to order pizza, I want to know what other sexual misconduct he and his girlfriend are into. I quickly order the pizzas and grab the beers from the fridge. Mikey comes back in and takes a seat. I want to make sure that it is as relaxed as possible I put my laptop up, and threw my towel and lube to the side before he got back in. I turned on ESPN and try to just chat it up with Mikey". So how long have you and your girl been together?"

He sighs "about 3 years, last year she decided she wanted to bring toys into the room, then she wanted to have sex in public places, then she brought up adding a girl into the mix, which I thought was a joke until my birthday and, my surprise was her getting eaten out by some sexy red head when I walked in. A few weeks ago she brought this up and I'm not sure how it's sitting with me". Now its time to get into his head, "well you've surly had circle jerks with ur buddies or helped one of your friends beat off right, I mean everyone in middle and high school does that right".

He looks at me confused "well I mean I've seen guys on the baseball team beat off but never helped them. What type of homo school did you go to?" As soon as the words left his mouth I could see the regret hit his face.

"Oh dude I didn't mean it like that I'm soo sorry shit maybe I should go". I have to think quick or I'm gonna lose him, laughing I replied "dude its cool don't worry you're the one that likes to watch guys beat off hahahaha".

He chuckles and relaxes. "I'm just saying guys do a lot of random stuff as kids I've been there done that and most others have too which you semi admitted".

"I know but I've never touch a dick that isn't my own and I definitely don't know what one feels like or tastes like".

"While we are on that what is it like to do stuff with a guy like you don't have to get detailed but I just want to know so that if I do this for my girl I know what to expect". That's when I knew I had my chance, before I could get a word out there was a knock on the door. "Ah that must be our pizza, grab more brews".

"Hey ill pay dude I feel bad I'm drinking your shit kicking it in your house let me pay for the pizza" he exclaimed.

"Nope too late already put it on my card just chill its cool". I grab the pizzas and Mikey gets the beer and pop. We sit down watch some music videos and start to eat. I have to make sure not to eat too much because I'm trying my hardest to get him inside of me but I have to keep playing it cool. We chat it up about random stuff and I notice he's about 5 beers in, about half the pizza is gone and his face is red, I know this is my time.

" So what do you want to know about guy on guy". Mikey sits back, he swigs his beer "I don't know just walk me through it, what happens". "Well it's the same as with a girl but with a guy, the top likes to fuck and the bottom likes to get fucked"

Mikey looks confused. I pull out my laptop and turn on the porn I was watching earlier. I explain what's going on, who's who and Mikey seems to be relaxed and taking it in. "I have to piss ill be right back". I go to the bathroom to freshen up and pissed I can hear the porn going but nothing from Mikey. When I come back to the room mikey is really taking in the view of the porn. I sit down next to him on the couch, and just watch him. He seem mesmerized by the video, "umm hey bro, can I use ur bathroom"

"yea sure". I wait and he's in there for a few minutes and comes out. "Hey you ok? You were in there for a while". "Yea I'm good". As Mikey sits down I see that he is positioning himself oddly. He must be trying to hide a boner, and if so, I want to see. I turn off the porn because he is working hard not to look at it. "So did that make it better or worse, are you more scared to try it or more excited?" Mikey looks confused and unsure, "Umm honestly I don't know, thanks for the pizza bro I think im gonna get going, Mikey stands up and through his bummy jeans I can see the outline of a very nice chubby he has going on. "Whoa whoa if you watched the porn and got hard, its cool, you don't have to go darting out of here I have a lot more beers you need to drink and pizza for us to eat, I get it, this is new and you weren't expecting this to happen just chill we don't have to talk about it anymore besides you need to call your girl to come get you, you cant drive like that". Mikey sits back down grabs another beer and pops it open. "You know what, you're right and I'm acting crazy, my girl won't be off until about 9 though, if you want me to leave before then ill take a cab home, is that cool with you?" Mikey asked. I'm giddy with excitement I almost can't control myself. "Yea dude its cool no worries" I said calmly. We drink and watch tv for a bit longer, when Mikey looks at me oddly "You are cool as hell, why did you decide to invite me over, give me a gay sex lesson and just be soo chill with me". I got tense, what do I say to that, do I tell him I love scamming on straight guys and love to fuck them, or do I tell him he's just cool and I need more friends I really don't know. Before I could say anything else Mikey broke the silence "maybe it's the beers talking but I think you want to fuck me, that's why you've been soo cool with that it."

Im shocked, and now I think he maybe ready to bash me right now, now I'm really at a loss for words. Scared to say anything I just react "I mean you're hot, and cool, I would be an idiot not to want to fuck you, but I just wanted to hang, if you want to blow a load in me, that's totally different". Silence filled the room yet again. Neither one of us knew what to say or what was going on. I look up and see a weird look with a slight smile on Mikeys faces "well, if I'm gonna do this maybe it should be with you, what do you think" he asked

"Do what, with who, what are you talking about" I asked confused.

Mikey stands up with a glassy look in his eyes, he takes off his shirt, showing a great built body, the type of body you can only get from hard work and lifting boxes and furniture, not one of those crazy body builder bodies. It's taking everything out of me not to foam at the mouth. "so are you going to sit there and watch or are you going to give me a real lesson in guy on guy action.

There were no words needed after that I jumped up stripping off my shirt. I see Mikey looking at my body. "Well do you like what you see" Mikey smiled

"yea I do I didn't realize you were hiding a better body than mine under those sweats, kind of made me self conscious, but I can deal" mikey flashes an adorable smile that makes my dick jump. "So what now" Mikey asks. "let me do the work, and you jump in when you feel comfortable" Mikey stood there like a Greek statue with a smile from ear to ear. "I like to get rough that's the good thing about two guys no whining or complaining"

"Well let's see how rough we can get". Before I knew it Mikey was rushing me, we fell back on the couch, and mikey had me pinned, I wasn't sure if I should be scared or not but before I know it he was in my face kissing me soo hard but soo passionately, his hands were moving all over from pulling my hair to untying my pants and grabbing my dick through my boxers, the pain sent chills through my body that felt so good I had to return the favor. I shifted m body and pushed up to put him on his back. The sudden look of surprise made me want to get even rougher with him. I get all the way on top of him and pin his arms with mine. I started grinding while making out with him, and I could feel his cock growing under his jeans. It was driving me crazy, it felt like it was about 9 inches hard and pretty thick, I could tell mine was thicker, but I knew his could do some major damage. While lost in thought over his amazing cock, Mikey decided to take advantage he wrapped his arms around me and picked me up, before I could understand what was going on, my legs were wrapped around him and he slammed me against the wall, we tussle around for a bit and we fell to the floor. I'm so worked up I could blow right now.

Fight and kiss while trying to stand up and that's when I show him what I've got. I slam him into the wall, his eyes lit up. I grab his throat and kiss him. Mikey tries to fight me off, but I still have him pinned on the wall by the throat. I lean in close and whisper to him. "Don't fight me, you won't win. Stay still and enjoy" I nibble his ear and pull away. We are face to face and I slowly start to kiss his body. I kiss him from his lips to his neck, down his chest making sure to bite each nipple. It may have hurt but Mikey's moans said he wanted more; I keep working my way down his stomach until I get to his pelvis. Mikey's body is shaking, and he tries to move away. I grab him, by the legs and pull him down to the floor. He hard and starts laughing, "Holy hell are you ok?" I asked him. "Yea I'm good, don't stop, please"

When I heard that my mind went crazy, I went for it. I threw his legs open, and slowly licked between his balls. The sensation sent Mikey into a tizzy. He threw his pelvis up and arched his back; I grabbed his body and pulled him back down to earth.

"OMG dude what are you doing to me, I've never been ready to blow this fast" Mikey was panting and red all over

"Don't do it, no matter what I do to you, don't cum" Mikey smiled "I love a challenge" he said.

I work my way back up to his sweet lips to kiss him, and give him a second to compose himself.

I stop and look him in the eyes. "Your turn, come over to the couch with me" Mikey looks confused but he will soon see what he is about to learn to do.

I sat on the couch, and made him get on his knees.

Mikey kneels there with a worried look on his face.

"Don't worry, ill talk you through it. Slowly lick the head, then down the shaft"

Mikey looks me in the eye and is hesitant to do so, I rub the side of his face and glide him to my dick.

He licks the tip where precum is oozing out, and doesn't try to pull away. He swirls his tongue around the head and tries to slowly slide it down his throat. Mikey gets about half way down and lets out a horrible gag. I feel a little pinch"

"TEETH, watch the teeth" I yelled.

"Fuck dude I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" he looked soo sad and worried

"Don't worry" I said "let me show you how it's done"

I pull Mikey up and switch places with him.

"pay close attention, because you're doing the same".

I make sure to pull out all of my tricks, I waste no time, as I'm going in for the first deep throat action I realized that I missed that he is uncut. His foreskin isn't major; its tight and just barley covers his fat dick, I love it. His man scent from working all day attaches itself to the inside of my nose. I go in for the kill; I open my throat and shove my face all the way down until my nose is in his bushy soft pubes.

Mikey melts into the couch "Dude oh my gosh, you're so good Luke, please don't stop, please I love it"

I slowly come up, and suck the precum that is sitting on his tip, and quickly go back down while humming.

"OH MY GOSH YES!!!" Mikeys voice fills the room

I stay down and stick my tongue out, while humming on his beautiful dick I lick and suck his balls into my mouth.

I look up when I hear Mikeys heavy breathing and him trying to form words.

" your them down my dick you hungry little bitch"

Holy fuck is this dude really does want to get wild. I relax my jaw and position my teeth just right and slowly run them up and down the top and bottom of his dick,

"yea bitch do that a little more, and I'm going to fuck your face off"

All his talking is making me really want to blow, "Do it, fuck my face straight boy"

I open my mouth and I feel Mikeys huge hands palm each side of the back of my head.

Before I know it, Mikey is pulling my head down on his dick. After a quick minute of this I look up and Mikey is getting into it, he stands up and takes a good stance, I look him in his eyes, and he holds my head still. I open my throat, and close my eyes, and that's when it happens, Mikey starts to plow the hell out of my throat, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, building more and more speed each time. I cant catch my breath but I refuse to cough. He keeps pumping and humping and grinding his dick in and out my mouth.

"oh really you little whore, you don't want to gag, come on baby gag for me, couch for daddy"

As much as he wants me to I refuse to do it, I almost have to, my gag reflex is trying its hardest to show it self.

"fuck yea dude, I can feel it, come on gag for me, you know you need to come on let it out for me"

I couldn't hold it any more id held my breath for way too long and and if I tried to any more I was going to vomit or pass out, that's when it happen, I tried to pull back, but mark wouldn't let my head go, he kept slamming my throat, until I had to push him off to gasp for air.

Mikey laughed, and pulled me off the floor, we kissed again, it was hard wet and nasty, but soo full of passion, and that's when it happen, Mikey went down to his knees. Since he was a newby I didn't want to try to kill him, but I was damn sure going to make him suffer, I slowly fucked his mouth so that he could get used to it. Mikey's mouth wasn't as big as mine, so he had trouble taking my fat cock, and I didn't care, Mikey came off my dick gasping for air, "yea you little faggot, you see how that feels straight boy, you like the taste of my cock, open up bitch" just then I rammed my dick to the back of his mouth, tears quickly welled up in his eye, his head shook, and tongue quivered on my dick as I raped his mouth depriving him of his much needed air. His gagging got stronger and harder, so I pulled out for a second, he coughed and coughed trying to catch his breath, but I wouldn't let him, I shoved my dick down his mouth again, this time fish hooking his cheeks to slide even more of my thick dick down his mouth, tears fell down his cheeks, his eyes closed and face red as an apple i pulled out again.

Gasping for air, Mikey says something to me

", I want you to fuck me"

I was shocked, the main reason is because I'm a bottom, but for this hot piece of ass, im going to do it, I pull him up to and shove him on the couch.

I go to look for a condom, and he stops me

"fuck that, you're clean I'm clean, fuck me raw, give it to me hard and dirty".

Now normally I am the safest person you will ever meet, I would never think of fucking anyone bareback, but this time was different the moment was right, and the mood was amazing I looked over and saw the lube, and said fuck it.

"Turn around and bend over" I commanded him

he anxiously turned, I moved my coffee table further back from the couch, got on my knees and got my mouth good and wet.

Mikey turned around and was surprised to see me kneeling, before he could ask what I was doing, I had his cheeks spread and I was broad stroking his hole with my tongue. Mikey jumped from the feeling then settles back into it. My tongue swirled and probed, licked and tasted every part of his man pussy and he loved it. The moans that came from him were pure melodic ecstasy. Until his voice broke through

"omg dude that feel soo fucken good, please, please fuck me before I cum please"

I knew I had him, I pulled him up so that his back was on my chest, he was hot, he felt like he was about 100 degrees, I pulled open his cheeks and nestled my dick right in between his cheeks.

"You're my little bitch boy now understand"

I waited for his answer

"oh fuck yes I am your bitch boy"

"beg me you little bitch, beg me to fuck you, straight boy, beg me to flood your fucken hole with my hot seed"

"please please please breed my tight fucken hole, I am your bitch boy and I want all your babies right up my tight fucken hole"

God this boy knows how to get my juices going, I grab the lube that I had earlier, and lubed my dick and his hole up really good. I pull him into me again,

"you want it you got it, I want to hear you moan, and I want to hear you scream, I want to know how it feels, get ready bitch".

I push Mikey over, and grab and run his shoulders; my dick is soo hard and ready to break this boy open.

I press my tip on his hole, and slowly start to push, as soon as I start, Mikey starts to wiggle and squirm. I hold him still while still rubbing his shoulders to relax him, and all I hear is his heavy breathing.

`What the fuck did I tell you, I want to hear you, tell me how it feels bitch"

I push in a little more, im about 3 inches in, and there's still a good 4.5 inches to go, but im not sure if he can take it, he is whimpering pretty loudly

"uughhh it hurts it hurts just push it in man just push it in" he whimpers

I know that if I just shove it in, we can have some major problems so unfortunately the torture must continue. I keep moving into him slowly and once I was about ¾ of the way in, I did it, I got a good grip on Mikeys shoulders and did one good last push into him, he screamed out and hit my wall with his fist. I pulled out and squirt more lube on my dick, Mikey was shacking while I lubed up. I worked my way back in, Mikey took it a lot easier this time. And that's when I knew it was time to go to work on his tight hole, I slammed him and rammed him, until he couldn't take it anymore, he squealed like a woman, and loved every bit of it, I could feel myself on the edge of explosion, but I wouldn't do it. I pulled out and Mikey yelped

"Man I fel just open I don't know how much more I can take, im about to cum all over. But I want you to cum inside of me. I couldn't wait I moved him of the couch, and I sat down, I pulled Mikey in, his knees on each side of me, his ass hovered over my dick pulsating and waiting for my dick to enter him again.

He slowly sat on my waiting dick the warmth and tightness of his hole was incredible.

We locked eyes, and kissed as I pushed my way deep inside of him. We moaned in unison never looking away from each other, our breath seem to circulate out of me into him, out of him into me, I grabbed his dick and pulled it as hard and fast as I could, Mikey let out the most sinuous yell, and rode me harder and faster, I could feel my dick starting to swell. I grabbed Mikey throat with my free hand and trashed about harder than I have ever done before, The sounds of him gasping for air turned me on even more, I humped harder and harder while pulling at his dick even faster. As his eye rolled in the back of his head, he didn't fight me, he just moved in sync with me. I could feel his dick growing in my hand, and it set me off, I moved as hard and as deep into as I could and blew what could possibly the biggest load I have ever released, as I was in my height of climax, I felt Mikey lean back and spray all over my chest and stomach. Again we moaned and breathed as one, letting out yells like mountain men. I bring mikey into me by his throat and we kiss again with so much force I thought I was going to lose my teeth. We collapsed my dick still inside of him. Panting like dying animals. The euphoric feelings over came us and we slipped off into a quiet and beautiful slumber. Until the sound of a phone ringing woke us both.

"Hello, hey babe, sorry did a little day drinking and passed out at my friends house, ill be home in about 20mins don't worry."

He hung up the phone and laid his head back on my chest, not what I was expecting. Silence filled the room. I decided it was time to break it.

"So what did you think, is guy on guy on girl for you"?

"I have to get going, and I don't know if guy on guy is for me, but you on me and me on you, is for sure for me"

He sat up and kissed me softly. When he got up, I realized I was still inside of him. My semi soft dick slipped out of him. And a rush of cum came spilling out behind it.

"Well you said you wanted me to flood you, I think I can call you Katrina now bitch boy" We laughed as he put his clothes on.

"well thanks Luke this has been fun, and I cant wait to tell my girl about it"

"I'm glad you liked it, let me know what she thinks"

Luke goes to walk out he opens the door and turns around we lock eye

"Hey ill be calling the office tomorrow because I some how got a hole the size of your fist in my wall, just wanted to give you a heads up" I told him

"well when I come fix that, itll be me inside of you, I hope you are ready"

Mikey walked out, I laid back on the couch, in many wet spots, naked, and taking in the scent of man and sex in the room. As I started to slip off to sleep, the only thing I could think about was how good it was going to feel to have him inside me.

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