The Exhibition

By Samantha Nope

Published on Feb 22, 2016



The Exhibition


Sammy had heard about the gallery from a friend of a friend, who had heard from someone else, and so on. In the end, she googled the name, and went to visit that Saturday. It was a small place in what looked like it was once a warehouse. Unfortunately, when she got there, the lights were off and the door was locked. As she was getting back into her car she heard someone call out from behind her.

"Oh, sorry! We're not open today." Sammy turned around to see a man coming out from the door she'd just tried. "We're trying to get a new exhibit set up. You see, we kind of do performance art things here, and so there's a lot of preparation that goes into it."

"That's cool. When do you plan on opening?" Sammy replied as she got back out of the car.

"Well, it was supposed to be yesterday, but one of our artists is unavailable, so we'll have to find a replacement."

"I see, can't you just put up some advertisements or something?"

The man looked around, and ran a hand through his hair. "Unfortunately not, we're a somewhat specialized gallery, so we need to find someone who's comfortable with bondage and nudity. You can't just put that on craigslist and find someone. The university art program also isn't good, because they tend to not be too supportive of things that could be controversial."

"Oh wow, I can't wait to see this then, that sounds like it could be awesome! I just thought this was a regular local art gallery, but that's even better!"

"Really? I guess I didn't expect a cute girl like you to be into weird things like that."

Sammy let out a quick giggle, "You have no idea, um...Mr...?"

"Fujioka, Tom Fujioka, sorry."

"Samantha, Sammy though," she said as she unconsciously looked down to the sidewalk.

"Nice to meet you, Sammy. If you're really into bondage stuff, would you be interested in participating in the show?"

Sammy looked back up, "I don't think so, I'm really kind of shy about things like that, and I wouldn't want to have to deal with any bad publicity or stuff like that."

"No, the position we need to fill would be completely anonymous. No one would ever know it's you in the show. The part is completely covered for the entire thing, so even if you have a tattoo or anything you think might be identifying, no one will see it. The only problem is that we plan on running all weekend, so you'd have to be able to commit full time for that entire weekend."

"Huh, ok, that's kind of a long time."

"I know, and since this is just a small art show, we can't really pay much more than minimum wage," Tom mentioned, again nervously looking around.

"How much total?" Sammy asked.

"It's $400, from 2pm on Friday to 9pm that Sunday straight. If you're interested, we could work with your schedule, but we might start losing other performers, so we're trying to push for next weekend. Are you interested?" Tom asked with a hopeful look on his face.

"Well, I'd have to take some time off at work on Friday, but I think that'd be ok. What all does it involve?"

"The idea is to suspend a set of girls in these see-through sealed plastic bags, each of them posed in different erotic positions, and then the air pulled out to hold them in place. The main artist designed the bags herself, and has thoroughly tested them to be sure they're totally safe and that they can breathe and all that."

"See-through? I thought you said that I'd be anonymous?"

"Yeah, the bag is transparent, but the position we need to fill is our 'mummy', you'd be totally covered in gauze and stuff, so you're obscured."

"I see. Huh. I didn't think about that. Well, I guess that sounds kind of interesting."

"So you're in?"

"Well, it's a bit weird to say yes standing out here on the street."

"Oh, I'm sorry, let's go inside, and I can show you the bags, and if you're ok with it, we can sort out the contract?"


"We're not some shady operation here, if we're going to pay you, we have to get all sorts of tax stuff done, and we have to do the contract to cover liability things. I used to work in a regular painting gallery, and we never had to deal with all this paperwork, but then again, paintings get boring after awhile, always looking at the same thing. With this performance art, it's different every time. But yeah, there's the contract and paperwork to sort out."

"Ok, let's go take a look," Sammy replied with a quick smile.

Tom led her into the gallery, took her back to the back room, and pulled one of the bags off the shelf to show her. It was huge, measuring six feet wide and six feet tall. There was a small black port centered about a third of the way down ("for breathing," Tom mentioned). The outer edges were much thicker than the main part, reinforcing the entire thing. There was what looked like a seam on the back along one of the long edges, offset about six inches from the edge. "That's how it releases, there's a special tool to pop open the seal, which unfortunately ruins the bag permanently. It's this one way seal that allows the whole thing to work, I guess," Tom explained with a shrug.

He stood back, letting Sammy run her hand over the material.

"I'm in. Let's do that contract," Sammy said without looking away from the bag.

"Great! I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself," said Tom as he led her from the storage room to an office to do the paperwork.


Six days later, Sammy was parking her car in the back lot that she had been told about. She'd gone home after work, and taken a long shower ("since I'm going to be stuck in that thing for the weekend," she'd said to herself). She walked around to the front of the gallery, and knocked. A few moments later, a girl about her age opened the door, "Yeah?" she said with an annoyed sigh.

"Um, I'm Sammy, and I was here last week, and I signed up to..."

The girl cut her off mid-sentence, "Come on, we don't have a lot of time to get you ready, you were supposed to be here at noon."

"Noon, no, I was told 2:00," Sammy tried to explain.

"Look, I don't care if you can't tell the damn time, I have a bunch of work to finish before the opening tonight. I don't need you making excuses as to why you're trying to screw my show."

"I don't want to do anything of the sort, I just thought it was 2:00," Sammy said as she followed the girl through the front of the gallery. "I..." at this point, Sammy noticed that there were two of the bags already hanging in the gallery, presumably the performers that had gotten there on time. Sammy had to walk quickly to keep up with the girl, but tried to study both of the bags as she walked past.

In the first, she saw a girl dressed up like a cheerleader. She was posed so that it looked like she was in mid jump, with her hair pulled up in a plume above her head. Her arms were spread out towards the corners, and she was holding a bulge of color in each hand. Sammy didn't quite understand it, but then hit on the fact that she was holding pom poms, but once the air had been removed from the bag, they'd deflated into the bulge that she could see.

Letting her gaze continue down, Sammy saw that the skirt of the cheerleader outfit was pulled up to keep up the look that she was jumping. That left her panties visible, and the pressure from the bag had forced it to conform to her body's shape, leaving nothing to imagination. The girl's feet were covered in white socks. At the very bottom, her sneakers were suspended in place, looking just like they would in a shoebox, but sealed in plastic and hovering in midair.

Moving past that bag, Sammy saw that the second bag was far more explicit. The girl in this bag was completely naked, with her hair in two pigtails that had been pulled out in a straight line from side to side. Her legs were bent in half to make a kind of W shape, with her feet up near her waist. To complete the picture, her hands were down in her crotch, with her fingers holding her labia spread wide open. Sammy kind of stumbled to a stop when she saw this, surprised that the girl was that bold.

She noticed that the girls' mouths were help open around the black ring she'd seen the previous weekend. They were suspended fairly high up, but Sammy could see the pink of the roof of their mouths as she stared.

"God, come on! You're the most complicated costume, and you're two hours late! What is your problem?" the girl shouted back when she realized Sammy had stopped following her.

"I'm sorry, I was just surprised by" Sammy started.

"Oh fuck, are you going to back out now? You are here to ruin me. Who put you up to this? What did I ever do to you?"

"No, no, no, I'm sorry, let's go, I'm not backing out, I'm sorry I'm late, what should I do?" Sammy stuttered out as she ran over to the girl.

"Fine, here, I need you to strip down in the workspace back here, and then shut up so I can get you prepared," the girl said as she led Sammy back to a large padded area in a back room. "Strip down, and put your shit in that basket," the girl ordered.

"Last week Tom said I'd need to bring my social security card for him to finish the contracts?" Sammy mentioned.

"I don't care, just put that on top of your clothes, and I'll tell him about it later."

"Ok," Sammy said as she started to take off her clothes, "So you're the artist? I'm Sammy, and"

"I said I don't fucking care, didn't I? Just get naked so I can get you done. Christ, are you dumb or something?"

Sammy immediately closed her mouth, and finished undressing. She sat in the large chair that the girl pointed to, and sat down.

"Slide forward so I can get this in place," the girl said as she pulled on rubber gloves and started pouring lube on a catheter she'd removed from its package.

"Wait, what's that for?"

"Damn it, you signed that stupid contract he made me write up. It's like 'section 5: waste issues' or some other crap like that. Look, you're going into this thing for three days. I don't want to have to get a mop when you come out to clean up your piss. This goes in the front, there's the plug for the back. Did you not read any of the details?"

"Oh," said Sammy with a start, upon realizing that she hadn't read any of the details, mostly because she was too busy keeping track of the paperwork Tom had said she needed to bring back for him to get his tax stuff done. "Yeah, sorry, I guess I forgot, sorry for interrupting again."

Sammy heard the girl mutter, "stupid bitch," under her breath while she spread Sammy's lips open to insert the catheter. There was a sharp pinch feeling as it went in, then an odd full feeling as the balloon holding it inside her inflated. "These are next, unless you don't remember that either," said the girl with a mocking imitation of Sammy's voice as she held up two metal balls. She lubed them up, and handed them to Sammy to slide into her own vagina. Once they were in place, she pulled a strip of medical tape, and used it to tape Sammy's lips closed, holding the balls inside, and forcing the catheter up against her clitoris.

"Stand up, turn around, bend over," the girl commanded. Sammy complied, and felt a lubed finger slide into her ass suddenly. She gasped, but it nearly turned into a choke when the finger pulled back out, and a large mass started pushing instead. "Relax, this has to go in. Just push like you're trying to shit it back out, and it'll go in." Sammy did as she was told, and could feel the plug slowly stretch her asshole out. "Almost there," said the girl, almost reassuringly. Sammy was starting to fear she was going to split open when she felt the plug slide home, and her ass close down around the neck of the plug. "There, now you're being a good girl." Sammy could feel her heart jump a bit at her first positive interaction with the girl.

"Final part of this step," said the girl as she pulled the rubber gloves off her hands and threw them into the trash. She pulled a rubber ring from her pile of supplies, along with a tube of something. "Sit back down and hold still," she said as she squeezed the contents of the tube into a groove along one side of the ring. Sammy sat down delicately, feeling the plug pushing into her as she put her weight on it. As the girl walked back over, she could feel each step vibrating through the floor, up the chair, through the plug, and deep into her body.

"Open up," the girl said, opening her own mouth as an example. Sammy did so, only to have the ring pushed into her mouth. The girl spun it, and used her fingers to ensure that Sammy's teeth and lips were where she wanted them. Sammy could feel the paste from the tube on her lips, and could feel that the ring encased her lips in the groove, holding them open in a circle. Beyond this, the ring had another groove for her front teeth, with a block in the back for her molars, ensuring that her mouth would stay open. "There. Maybe that'll keep you quiet so I can work," the girl said as she walked away. She went over to the door, leaving Sammy sitting on the chair. "Hey! Assholes! If this is going to be on time, I'm going to need your help."

The girl returned, and two other people walked through the door a minute later, leaving Sammy to blush and try to cover up. "You know what to do," the girl said to her assistants. "You," she said, turning to Sammy, "just need to stand exactly where I tell you to, and not move unless you're told to." Sammy nodded.

The girl and her assistants immediately went to work. They pulled out a box of gauze wrappings, and started wrapping Sammy's arms. Each finger was wrapped separately, then the gauze ran up her arms to the shoulder. While the assistants were doing this, the girl was busy working on Sammy's head. She quickly wrapped a band around Sammy's forehead, and then spiraled down to just past her nose. She flipped Sammy's hair up, and wrapped back up. Finally, she let Sammy's hair fall back down, and wrapped it again, sandwiching it all between layers of gauze on the back of her head. With that taken care of, she started to do her main wrap, spiraling up and down Sammy's head until it was covered, with the only gap being for the gag in her mouth.

The girl then continued down Sammy's neck, and worked with the assistants to blend their wrapping together. She started some new rolls, and used them to weave the gauze down around Sammy's torso. She ran the gauze between Sammy's legs, and then back up where she tucked in the ends to hold them in place.

"Next step," she said as she picked up a roll of plastic stretch wrap, and started with Sammy's left hand. She wrapped each finger individually again over the gauze, and then tucked Sammy's thumb into her hand and wrapped it into a useless flipper. She moved on to Sammy's right hand, repeating the process while her assistants finished wrapping Sammy's left arm in the wrap. Next was Sammy's head, where she repeated what she'd done with the gauze. She was careful around Sammy's neck, making sure not to constrict it. Sammy's body was done the same as well, and when they'd finished, Sammy was covered in the plastic from her crotch to her head.

"I'm going to pose your arms now, so don't move at all from that position," said the girl to Sammy. She grabbed Sammy's wrists, and pulled her arms up so that her hands were crossed over her heart. "There. If you can manage to not screw this up, don't move." She grabbed a larger roll of the plastic wrap, and starting from Sammy's waist, went over her body and arms, stretching and pulling the wrap to smash Sammy's arms into place. With that done, she started on her final layer. She picked up a roll of duct tape, and pulled off a large enough strip to completely encircle Sammy's body, locking the end of the wrap in place like a belt. She then started wrapping upwards, being sure to leave no gaps, and to overlap each layer by the same amount. Sammy could feel her progressing, as she could feel the slight tugs as the girl pulled off new tape to cover her. The girl continued up and up until she reached Sammy's head. She then had her assistants cut off strips of varying lengths that she'd call out, and place them one at a time. "Lights out, dummy mummy," she said as she placed the last strip, covering Sammy's eyes. Sammy could smell the duct tape covering her nose, and realized it was good her mouth was held open and clear, as she'd never be able to breathe through her nose under these layers.

"Now, we're going to lay you down, but try not to move your legs much, got it?" the girl said as Sammy was tipped over onto the padded floor. She then sat down and started wrapping each of Sammy's toes in gauze. The assistants continued up Sammy's leg, leaving the end loose at Sammy's crotch. Once the girl had finished all the toes, she switched positions, and folded and tucked the gauze into the wrap that was already in place, then switched back to the feet to do the plastic wrap. Again, each toe was wrapped separately, and then covered in a layer to hold them together. Again the assistants did the wrapping up the legs, and again the girl merged the legs and torso coverings.

The girl then forced Sammy's legs apart, and took a strip of tape, and pushed it down right over Sammy's vulva. With that one strip in place, she stood up, used her feet to push Sammy's legs back together, and then started wrapping Sammy's legs together with the larger wrap, starting with her feet and working up again, welding Sammy's legs into one. The tape was again next, and the girl had Sammy covered as quickly as she could.

"Fuck, this would have been a lot easier if I had an extra two hours to get this done!" the girl shouted loudly with a huff. "Ok, top layer, time to stand up again." The two assistants picked Sammy up off the floor, and held her upright while the girl added another layer of duct tape over the one already in place. She pulled this layer tighter, and Sammy could feel her casing squeezing down, compressing her body. The girl used roll after roll to cover Sammy, working quickly but setting up a pattern in the tape to simulate a herringbone pattern. When she got down to Sammy's feet, she had the assistants hold Sammy off the floor so her feet held down. She then used the tape to hold Sammy's feet into a pointed pose.

"Ok, let's get you in the bag with your accessories," the girl said out loud, more to herself than to Sammy. She opened the top of the bag, and slid Sammy's mummified body into the center. Sammy could feel the heavy layer of the bag over her body, and could feel the girl steering her into position, using her head as a handle. She felt fingers on her gag, and one slipped and brushed against her tongue. She felt something being manipulated, and then felt her gag click into place on the ring on the bag.

Next, Sammy felt a tug on her catheter, and felt a similar click as it was fed through connector on the bag. With those two connections in place, Sammy could feel the bag locked to her body as she was shifted around. She was then flipped over onto her stomach, and she felt the same click as the plug in her ass was locked to the bag as well. The girl then flipped her back over, and went to organize everything else that was going in the bag.

She shuffled through the basket filled with Sammy's belongings, and pulled out her driver's license, her social security card, and when she noticed the crust in Sammy's panties from her excitement on the drive over and seeing the girls already on display, pulled those out too. She quickly scribbled a note, and then went to a computer on a shelf. She selected a set of photos from the hidden cameras she'd had in the room, and had them printed out. She collected those, and went to get a copy of the contract from the office.

Finally, she had to arrange everything in the bag, which wasn't much of a problem given the size. Using a pole to arrange things, she placed them in a column along Sammy's left frame. At the top, roughly aligned with Sammy's head, she placed Sammy's panties, open so the crotch was visible through the front. Below that was Sammy's license and social security card, with her signed copy of the contract below that. The photos were set up to tell the story, showing in order as they went down: Sammy signing the contract, Sammy staring at the naked girl display, Sammy stripping naked (which the girl liked best because of the deep red blush on Sammy's face), Sammy's spread legs with the catheter being inserted, Sammy pushing the ben wa balls inside herself, and then one of Sammy standing with her top half mummified. Finally, at the very bottom was the note the girl had written to explain the piece.

"Humiliation Whore (2014)

With almost no prompting, this girl decided to be put on display for other's enjoyment. Even before I'd done anything, she'd gushed so much that you can still see her mess in her panties. 'Show me off to the world, let them know what I am,' she seemed to scream. All I could do was oblige.

You should as well. Feel free to poke and prod to your heart's content. She knows you're out here. She knows that you know she's in there. She couldn't enjoy that fact any more."

The girl pulled over a small machine, and attached it to the top right side of the bag. She then took the sealing device, and sat down on the left side. The sealing device looked like a crimping iron, with a wide bar. She turned it on to warm up, and once that was done, used it to seal the top of the bag by melting the front and back layers together. It took a few minutes to work from one edge to the other, sealing everything except the last two inches. She turned on the vacuum machine, which quickly drew the air out of the inside of the bag. The girl stood up to watch the plastic shrink down to form fit to everything inside, and made sure that the movement did not disturb her collage on the right edge.

Sammy didn't know what was happening as that collage was being organized, but once the vacuum turned on, she immediately knew it. The layer of the bag on top of her had been loosely flapping against her chest, but was instantly pulled tight to her mummified form, and then only got tighter as all the air was extracted.

Satisfied with the vacuum, the girl used her sealer to finish sealing the bag, and then turned off and disconnected the vacuum. She called her assistants back in, and the three of them attached the steel frame around the outside edge. The heavy rubber made sure there wasn't much flexing in the bag, but the frame ensured that everyone would be able to see things clearly. They then wheeled Sammy out to the display area, and attached her to the cables to suspend her from the ceiling. The girl wanted Sammy held lower than the others, so the bottom of the frame was only six inches off the floor. The final step was to connect the loose end from Sammy's catheter to a collection bag, which the girl clipped to the frame edge. Once that connection was done, Sammy immediately felt her bladder drain out. She hadn't noticed how full she was getting during the preparation, but having it all drained out of her was a surprise.


For Sammy, the next two hours alternated between random struggles against the bondage holding her firmly in place and a dull boredom. She couldn't move, and she knew that. However, she was able to wiggle just enough to send the weights in the ben wa balls in her wobbling around. She could also feel the frame drifting around in response to her actions, which was at least something.

Suddenly, she felt a tapping on her head, as if someone was knocking on her like a door. She took this as a sign that the exhibition was beginning. At first, she didn't notice anything different, but then felt someone poking her in the breast with their finger. Next, there was a tapping on her catheter tube. This was just the beginning of an evening of groping hands caressing her through the many layers separating them from Sammy's body.

This wasn't bad, but Sammy did not like the handful of people who would knock on the exposed end of her butt plug. This sent shocks through her body as it shifted slightly in place. After one round with a persistent tapper, Sammy was surprised to feel a sudden shivery orgasm. She let out a loud moan, leading to laughter from everyone attending. The laughter was so loud that Sammy could hear it through all the layers covering her head, and she knew she was the object of their ridicule.

As she was calming down, she felt her bladder swell back up, as someone was pushing on her collection bag, forcing her urine back up into her. This prompted another moan, which seemed to summon the girl back over. Sammy felt herself drain back out, and then felt the catheter be clamped shut. She swung around a bit as the girl replaced the full bag with an empty one, and then reconnected her catheter. Sammy was glad of this, as she was scared that too strong of a push would make her explode. She could feel herself drain normally, and was relieved. Unfortunately for her, she couldn't see what was happening outside of her cocoon.

The girl had climbed up on a step stool with a water bottle. It was designed like a hamster bottle, with a small ball that would let water through when pushed back from the opening. She put the tip into Sammy's mouth, and poked her in the tongue with it. This surprised Sammy, but when she tasted the water, she realized what was happening. She was grateful, as she had been stuck with her mouth held open for so long that she was dry. She flicked at the ball with her tongue, letting more water flow into her. The girl clipped the bottle tip to the gag ring, and then connected the reservoir to the top bar. As she climbed back down the stool, she fed a tube connected to the top of the reservoir down the left edge of the frame. Just above the new collection bag, she reattached the old, full one to the frame, and connected it to the tube.

"Enjoy, my friends!" she said as she walked away. Sammy continued to work the water feeder, until it ran out. The crowd started to laugh again, as one person walked up, squeezed the old bag, and forced Sammy's piss up the tube to refill her water bottle. Sammy was still dry, and pushed on the ball again, hoping to get a few last drops. Instead, she was greeted with the acrid taste of her salty urine. She let out another disappointed moan, again hearing the crowd laugh at her humiliation. She couldn't avoid her thirst though, and could do nothing but submit. A few minutes later, as she once again finished the piss that had been pushed to her water bottle, she let out a hesitant moan, "mm....mmmmmm?"

Again the crowd laughed as a volunteer squeezed her piss back up for her to drink.


The exhibition closed at 11, and by midnight, the cheerleader and the naked girl were standing in their street clothes admiring Sammy.

"I could never do that," said the now not naked girl.

"You expose yourself all the time!" replied the cheerleader.

"Yeah, but I wouldn't allow my personal information to be displayed along with me while I do it! I also think she's gross for drinking her piss like that in front of everyone," the naked girl said as she pushed on the bag to fill up the bottle again.

"That's true. I guess she really is a humiliation whore."

The artist walked back in to the gallery with a large wheeled cylinder. "Hey girls, you heading out?"

"Yep, you?"

"Just have to do one more thing," she said, as she used a small key to unlock the plug filling Sammy's ass. When she drew back the key, the center of the plug pulled out at the same time. She then took a tube from the cylinder, and extracted a smaller tube from inside it. She fed the smaller tube up into Sammy, pushing foot after foot of it, to the surprise of the other two girls. When she was satisfied, the girl shoved the larger tube into the plug, and twisted it to lock it in place.

"Whoa, what's all that?" asked the cheerleader.

"She has to get cleaned out each day, so I figured I'd do it after the exhibition. The small tube pumps water into her, which flushes out and cleans her ass out, and everything drains out the larger tube. It's basically just a continuous enema."

"You're going to leave her on that all night?"

"It has a timer when it's done, she'll be fine." With that, the girl walked with her other two models to the front door, turned off the lights and led them out.

"Besides," the girl thought to herself, "it separates out all the solids and keeps them in a bag. She'll need to eat something if I'm going to get tomorrows show to be even better than today's" The Exhibition Part 2


Sammy assumed that the show had ended. It'd been a long time since someone had poked or prodded her. She could feel herself slightly swaying on the frame, and began to wonder if she'd signed up for something more than she could handle. Sure, the orgasm that had hit her had been fun, but she couldn't quite figure out why she'd had it. She hadn't been able to get the ben wa balls to trigger one, but having someone grope her and knowing that they were doing it in front of a crowd seriously amplified the feelings.

"That's probably why the pee wasn't so bad," Sammy reasoned to herself. "It's just part of the same kind of show. Besides, it'll all be over in a day or so. Just a neat experience to try out."

At that point, Sammy felt the plug in her ass being manipulated, as the girl was unlocking the center. She could feel the tube being snaked up her ass, but had no idea what it was for. Eventually it stopped, feeling to Sammy that it was somewhere on her right side. Her plug was jostled again, and a few moments later, she felt cold water flooding into her from the small tube inside her.

She immediately felt chilly, as the icy water pushed against her insides. She could feel the pressure in her colon increase, as the water stretched her out. After just a minute or two, Sammy thought she would explode. She couldn't feel any more water entering her, but that was largely because her mind was so focused on the pain.

Sammy was frantically squealing through her gag, and trying to contort her body against her bounds. Suddenly, the pressure vanished, as she felt the water being pulled out from inside her. When she was empty, Sammy panted to catch her breath. "Is that really what an enema is like?" Sammy thought to herself. "How could that be medical?"

She had just caught her breath when she felt the tube inside her twitch, and felt the water pouring into her ass again. "Oh fuck, not again," thought Sammy as the icy water returned. She screamed as the cold turned again to pressure and then to pain, driving her out of her mind. Again the drain pulled it all out when Sammy thought she would break, leaving her a sobbing mess, suspended in her mummified bonds.

"How many of these is she going to give me?" asked Sammy silently, assuming that the girl was there, monitoring her suffering. "Is this some sort of punishment?" she wondered, feeling her vagina twitch at that thought. She tried to plead for forgiveness, but not only could her mouth not form any understandable words, the artist had left Sammy to the empty dark gallery thirty minutes ago.

Sammy was still pleading when the torture resumed, filling her up to capacity with frigid water, and then sucking it all out of her. Sammy was nearly broken after the third enema, and barely bothered to scream anymore. She waited in her tight wrappings, awaiting the next one.

However, instead of the icy blast filling her after a few minutes of rest, she instead felt herself fill with warmer water. This warm water did not seem so bad, as it didn't fill her to such a high pressure. She could feel the water expand her colon, but it never got to the point of making her feel like she was bursting. She could feed the water draining out of her as fast as it was pumped in, continually flushing her. This seemed far better to Sammy, but she quickly realized that with the constant churn in her bowels, she'd never be able to get to sleep.

After what felt like hours to Sammy, lulled into an exhausted daze by the plumbing inside her, she finally felt the water drain out entirely. "Finally," she thought to herself, "this isn't that comfortable anymore, but at least I'll be able to sleep." She was getting used to the feeling of her colon empty except for the rubber tube when she felt that tube jerk to life once more, again with the icy water. Once again, the gallery echoed with Sammy's hoarse screams.

This pattern repeated all night long. Three icy cold enemas, one every fifteen minutes, followed by two hours of the warm flushing. The sun rose before Sammy's sightless eyes, filling the gallery with a brightening glow. This didn't stop the torture either, leaving Sammy to suffer until noon, when the girl finally returned.

"Hope you enjoyed yourself, you dumb cunt," the girl said as she walked past to put her bag in the back. When she came back out front, she took a few more photos, and went flicked a switch on the cylinder, causing it to drain Sammy for the last time. When the gauge indicated it was done, she unlocked the outer tube from the plug, and pulled the inner tube from Sammy's ass. Sammy moaned incoherently when she felt this happen, wanting to signal how happy she was, but not being able to pull her mind together enough to do so.

The girl kinked the end of the smaller tube, then coiled from the other end, pushing the water that was still in it down to the opening. She then reached up, and unkinked the tube, letting the enema water drain into Sammy's mouth. Sammy appreciated the drink, not realizing it was anything but regular water due to how much she'd been cleaned. With that done, the girl locked the core of the plug back in, and wheeled the device into the back. Sammy was asleep before she'd even left the room, finally free of the constant assault.

In the back, the girl was hard at work making breakfast for Sammy. "Let's see, we'll need this," the girl said as she opened a panel on the side of the enema machine. Inside was a plastic bag filled with all the solids the machine had strained from the waste water. She took it over the counter, and sat the bag of filth next to a blender. She went back out front, and changed the catheter collection bag, laughing to herself as she heard the rhythmic breathing of the sleeping Sammy. "Lazy whore," she muttered as she took the full bag back with her. "Let's see how you like this smoothie, bitch." She released some of the urine into the blender, then stopped the valve and set it aside. Next in was the shit, which left a dark smear along the side of the glass. She then unpeeled two bananas, and stuffed them in as well. Finally, she added two packets of smoothie mix, and let the blender turn it into a thick, dark mess.

The girl returned to the front of the gallery with the smoothie, and then climbed up on a step stool so she could access Sammy's mouth better. She could tell Sammy was still sleeping, and so she knocked on her head like it was a door. "Hey! Wake up! I have food for you, because I can't have you starving during my show!" Sammy groggily responded with a moan, which worked for the girl. "Just swallow, and try not to choke, ok? I don't want your spit up all over my shirt, got it? You're not a baby, so you don't get to act like one."

The girl had a small syringe, which she used to suck up the smoothie. She then put the syringe in Sammy's mouth, and pushed the mess out onto her tongue. It was hard for Sammy at first, but she was able to move the food to the back of her mouth, where it went down as she swallowed. She had trouble focusing due to her exhaustion, but was able to make out the banana flavor in the drink. It tasted off, but she couldn't concentrate enough to figure out why.

When the smoothie was done, the girl squeezed a bottle of water into Sammy's mouth, rinsing it clean. "There, swallow that down and you can go back to your nap, you lazy slut." Sammy moaned her thanks, and immediately drifted off again.

The girl went back to work room, and started organizing the additions for tonight's show. She took her photos of Sammy connected to the enema machine, and added to that pictures of her making the smoothie, and a close-up shot she'd taken of the smoothie being pumped out onto Sammy's tongue. In addition to this, she sat down to write a new note:

"Humiliation Whore: Day 2 (2014)

No matter what I try, I cannot find the depths of this girl's depravity. Please squeeze the bag of urine connected to her water bottle. We know it's disgusting, but she loves doing this in front of the crowd, signaling her will to be a mere toilet. So much so, that she is enjoying only one food while in this display: energy smoothies prepared with her own feces, extracted by an enema.

As much as displaying this humiliation turns her on, she does have trouble getting over that final edge, wrapped tightly as she is. To assist you in assisting her, please feel free to use the vibrators to stimulate her. Imagine the humiliation of having your own body betray you in public. This is her ideal, her paragon of virtue."

The girl quickly taped the photos and note on the back of the bag holding Sammy, and then connected two vibrators to the frame with short cables, letting them fall lose so they were available for the guests later.

A few hours later, the other girls arrived, laughing to themselves as they saw Sammy's newest additions. "I don't even want to meet her when this is over," said the cheerleader. "Make sure you let us out first tomorrow afternoon, ok?"

The artist laughed at that. "I don't blame you, she's probably going to be a smelly mess by then, won't you, you dumb whore?" she said to Sammy's oblivious form. "Ok, let's get you ready for the show." She led them into the back, returning them to the same poses they'd had the previous day.

Sammy was jolted away a bit later by the shock of having one of the vibrators crammed against her crotch on full blast. She initially couldn't figure out where she was, or what was happening, and signaled this to the entire room with her panicked squeals and shouts. Quickly it dawned on her, and she could even make out the laughter of the crowd surrounding her. The vibrator had initially been simply shocking, but the combination of its insistent buzzing and the realization that she was intentionally being pushed to cum in front of the entire exhibition made her quickly warm up.

She began to moan and pant, causing her tormentor to change techniques. Sammy was driven close to the peak by having the vibrator pushed in tightly, then taunted with the vibrator being pulled back so she could barely feel it. However, the sound of the crowd quickly became the dominant force driving her, and as their laughter swelled when the vibrator was pulled entirely away, Sammy let out a ear piercing squeal as her entire body shook. The crowd was startled by this, seeing the frame and bag shimmy as Sammy fought against them.

It was quickly over, and Sammy calmed back down, with only her pants emerging from the gag. The rest of the show went as before, with the addition of her body being constantly tormented by the vibrators. Eventually, their batteries had drained to the point where they no longer had much effect.

When that night's show had concluded, the artist again let out the other girls, and rolled the enema machine back out. Sammy was calming down after the show, trying to reconstruct how many orgasms she'd had, all of them loudly proclaimed to the anonymous people around her. However, she soon felt the key sliding into the plug in her ass, and started to struggle and scream. "Hey!" said the girl with a smack of her hand on Sammy's ass. "Shut up! This is for your own good, you dumb cunt!" She reconnected the machine despite Sammy's protests, turning it on before turning out the lights and locking up.

Sammy was crying under all of the wrapping, waiting for the cold shock to hit her. Suddenly, the water rushed in, but was warm. Sammy was relieved, hoping the cycle from the previous night was just a first time thing. She let her mind drift off with the constant flow, and was beginning to think that she might be able to sleep, even with this running.

However, two hours later, the machine drained her, and started the cycle again, freezing her with three painful punishing floods, then washing her out in a mind numbing way. By the time morning came, Sammy's brain felt like mush. The girl laughed to herself when she came in the next day, hearing Sammy making a low constant whine. She left the machine connected, and went into the back to prepare.

Sammy was in the numbing flush phase when she was jerked back to reality. Again, the vibrator was jammed in her crotch, puzzling her. "Why is the artist using the vibrator on me while I'm still getting enemas?" Unbeknownst to Sammy, outside her cocoon, the artist was adding a live component to her humiliation.

Speaking to the crowd who had gathered, the girl was saying, "I wanted to make sure everyone knew that this is real. The whore has been attached to this enema machine, so we should be able to make her meal right now." The crowd stood back as the girl switched the machine off, letting the water drain from Sammy. She again disconnected it from Sammy's plug, and drained the excess water down her mouth. The extracted the small amount of shit from the machine, "Her meal from yesterday," the girl said to the giggles in the crowd. This was added to the other ingredients, and she again syringe fed it to the moaning Sammy.

After she'd swallowed the first mouthful, Sammy realized what was happening when she heard the applause surrounding her. "Why is breakfast a big deal?" thought Sammy in confusion.

Sammy was resigned to this treatment by now, and settled in for hours of torment. By the time the exhibit was over at 6pm, Sammy was nearly out of it. After the visitors had left and the other models had been freed, the artist and her assistants unhooked Sammy's frame from the ceiling, and rolled her into the work room. The frame was removed, and the sealing strip was ripped open. Sammy felt the bag spring away from her body as the air rushed in, and felt the temperature suddenly drop on on sweat soaked skin. The girl unlocked the connectors on Sammy's catheter, gag, and plug, and then reached in to pull out Sammy and all of the photos and Sammy's panties. These the girl placed in a plastic bag and hid in her bag.

Without the thick rubber holding her closely, Sammy began to try to struggle free from her bonds. The girl used her foot to push Sammy's head back down to the floor, "Sit still, you dumb bitch! Do you just want to rip that catheter out of your crotch? I'm sure bleeding out of your peehole is really fun for you, but I'm going to be pissed if I have to wash that up!" Sammy froze, and the girl reached down, and cut carefully around the catheter, freeing it somewhat. She then used her scissors to cut the wrapping in a line straight up from Sammy's crotch. With this free to Sammy's stomach, the girl deflated the balloon holding the catheter in place, and slid it out. She then continued the cut up Sammy's chest, cutting around to release Sammy's arms from her chest.

The moment Sammy felt her arms come free, her right hand dove down to her crotch, where she started pawing at herself through the mitt her hand was wrapped in. "Christ, all that just got you warmed up, didn't it, you slut? Let me get that free for you then." The girl cut down the inside of Sammy's arm, helping Sammy free her hand at the end. Sammy's hand went back, ripping the tape off her labia, and letting the ben wa balls slide out in a wave of her slime. "You're gross, with that sloppy snatch."

The girl continued cutting, freeing Sammy's legs and feet, then releasing her left arm. Sammy was still fiercely fingering herself as the girl sat down, putting Sammy's head into her lap. She carefully cut around Sammy's neck, cutting the hood of tape, plastic, and gauze so that it would flip open to one side. When she was satisfied it was clear, she pulled it open, letting the light flood into Sammy's eyes at the very moment she reached orgasm. Sammy was looking up as her eyes adjusted, seeing the girl looking down at her. "You're a disgusting whore," the girl said with a sneer as she spit into Sammy's mouth. "Go get clean, you smelly pig," she said as she pulled that gag out of Sammy.


After showering in a tiny stall in the back, Sammy found all her clothes back in place in the basket, with the exception of her panties. She turned around to the girl and said, "Um...Miss?"

"What is it? I'm busy planning for next weekend!" the girl shouted back.

"Um...I can't seem to find my panties? Have you seen them?"

"Oh, now you're good enough that you have to wear panties? Did you even wear any when you came here?"

"Yeah, I mean, I know I did, I always do, but I can't find them," Sammy stuttered back.

"Then they were probably stolen by some creep. I'll ask around to see if anyone noticed someone sneaking back here during one of the shows."

"Oh, ok, I guess I can make due without them to get home."

"Yeah, you probably can make due, can't you?" the girl responded, mocking Sammy's voice.

Sammy got dressed, and got ready to leave. The girl stopped her before she left, "So you'll need to be here next week on Thursday, got it? And like I said before, we start at noon, so we're not rushed. Can your tiny brain process that? Should I write it down and pin it to your shirt so you won't forget? Thursday. Noon."

"No, that's ok, I got it. Noon on Thursday. I'll be here."

"You fucking better, bitch. And try not to be as dumb next time?"

"Sure, I will. Um...thanks, and I'll see you next week?" Sammy said with a smile. The girl simply waved her hand in a dismissive gesture, and continued looking down at her notes.


Sammy arrived home soon after, and although she'd intended to have a snack and maybe take another shower, she instead simply collapsed onto her bed. The next morning when she awoke, she looked over at the clock to see that it read 11AM. Panicked, Sammy stripped down, quickly showered, dressed for work, and rushed to the office.

Sammy didn't see any problems in the office when she finally arrived at noon, but just before she was about to leave for the day, she saw her boss in the hallway. "Oh, Sammy, can I have a word with you for a moment?" Sammy blushed red, and followed him back to his office.

They sat down, and he took a deep breath before starting. "I don't know if you're having problems at home or something, Samantha. I also don't care what you do on the weekends in your spare time. However, you need to understand that you need to leave all of that there, and not bring it with you to work here. You see what I'm saying, right? You can even have another job if you want, but here, we need you to be professional, and get to work on time, and keep focused. Alright?"

Sammy nodded in agreement. "Fine, fine. Let's make tomorrow a better day, alright?"

Sammy nodded again. "Um, sorry to ask now, but I do need to take some vacation time this week, so I can have Friday and half of Thursday off. Is that ok?"

"Sure, sure, just get the forms done, so everyone will know that you won't be here. Again, do what you want with your free time, and use all the vacation you earn. It's the structure of things that's important, alright?"

Sammy nodded again, and got up to leave.

The rest of the week went as normal, with the standard level of boring work. However, every so often, Sammy would daydream a bit, and wonder to herself, "After all that, and all the things that were done to me, why would I ever agree to do it again?"

The Exhibition Part 3


Thursday came around, and Sammy was basically useless at work that morning. She could barely concentrate on her work, and was glad when it got to be 11:45. She left and then drove back to the gallery. She parked again, and went back to the front door and knocked. She waited a few minutes, then knocked again. Finally, just as she was about to knock again, the door opened and the girl poked her head out. "What the fuck do you want? You're not dropping out, are you?"

", it's noon, so I'm here to get ready for the show," Sammy replied.

The girl just looked down and covered her eyes with her hand. Are you really this fucking dumb? Do you spend your entire life just wandering around fucking shit up? It's Thursday you stupid cunt. Thursday! What day does the show open? Fucking Friday! Do you notice how these days are named different things? That's so people like, who actually can accomplish something, can tell people like you, who can't even fucking listen, when things will happen."

"Oh, um, I could have sworn you said that it was Thursday this week, not Friday, so I was just trying to follow your instructions better this time, and I'm so sorry," Sammy mumbled back, looking down at her feet, and trying to hold back tears.

"Christ, at this point, I'm not sure I fucking trust you to drive home and come back twenty-four hours later. You'll probably forget and show up next Tuesday or something. Fine, get the fuck in here, we can get you prepped now." The girl led the way into the back, smiling silently to herself. "Or, maybe you're not as dumb as you seem, and just wanted an extra day wrapped up?"

Sammy blushed, and felt the damp spot in her panties grow. "No, really, I seriously thought that you said Thursday last week."

"I see, so you are as dumb as you seem. Got it." Sammy blushed a deeper color, wondering why she set herself up for that insult. Even more so, she was wondering why the insults kept turning her on so much. Once they were in the back, the girl sat down in a chair and stared at Sammy, who just blushed more. "Ok, dummy, anytime you want to take off your clothes, that'd be great." Sammy started stripping as the girl stared at her, dropping her clothes into the basket next to her. "Great, you can do that correctly. Wonderful. You know what's next." The girl held up the catheter to make her point. Sammy sat down on the ground, and held herself open as the girl inserted the catheter into her bladder. Once it was inflated, the girl pushed the ben wa balls into Sammy again as well. "I guess we can skip the lube this week," she muttered to herself as they slid in place. The girl took a paper towel, and used it to dry Sammy's labia before putting the strip of tape in place.

"Flip over, dummy," the girl commanded as she picked up the plug for Sammy's ass. Sammy complied, and raised her ass up into the air for the girl. She quickly felt the cold lubed tip at her anus, and felt the girl pushing and twisting it into her. She pushed back, and felt her ass expand as the plug stretched her out. She let out a brief gasp as the widest part entered her, then let out a quiet moan it it settled into place.

"Ok, face up here, bitch, let's get the ring in place." Sammy pushed up, and knelt in front of the girl, with her mouth open. The girl again prepared the gag, filling the lip groove with the paste. "Open that hole wider, dummy," the girl ordered as she started to fit it in place. Since Sammy now knew how it fit, she was able to use her tongue to push things into place.

The wrapping proceeded as before, with the girl wrapping up her hair and head first. She only wrapped the gauze down to Sammy's shoulders, then switched to the wrap, and then to the tape. This time the girl was using white colored duct tape, although Sammy couldn't tell the difference from the inside. When the girl was happy with Sammy's head, she started on her right arm. She duplicated the procedure from the previous week, wrapping each finger separately, then up Sammy's arm, weaving the gauze in with the wrappings on her head. Once the plastic wrap was done, Sammy bent her arm to put her hand back into the pose she had last week. "No, we're not doing that again, dummy. It has to be different each time, otherwise it's just the same boring thing over again. How about you let me be the artist, ok? Does that work for you?" Sammy let her arm go limp, and felt the girl doubling it up so that her hand was next to her shoulder. Next, she felt the tape wrapping around her wrist, locking it to her upper arm and in that pose.

The girl took her time wrapping Sammy's arm, turning the entire thing into a massive flipper. She repeated the process with Sammy's left arm, laughing a bit to herself as she saw Sammy kneeling in front of her, using the flippers to keep her balance. Next up was Sammy's torso, which the girl started by wrapping Sammy's neck and armpits with a snaking roll of the gauze. She wrapped and taped this up first, ensuring that the tape held Sammy's hand flat against her shoulders. Then, starting from each hand, she spiraled the gauze down both sides of Sammy's body, stopping at her crotch. Next was the plastic and tape, but she made another change for this exhibit. Instead of simply covering Sammy entirely, she made sure to keep Sammy's nipples exposed. Sammy noticed this change, and based on the number of times she felt the girl brush up against them, assumed that it wasn't accidental.

"Ok, dummy, I'm going to push you onto your back." The girl did so, and Sammy flipped her feet from underneath her so her knees were up in the air. The girl started on Sammy's legs, wrapping them as before. When they were done, she pushed Sammy's left leg back so her heel was against her ass. Again she started the tape wrap, sealing the leg up in a doubled over flipper. She repeated on Sammy's right leg, leaving her helplessly flailing her flippers around. "Roll over, dummy," the girl commanded, but as Sammy tried, she couldn't get her stumps to cooperate, and moaned as she wobbled around on her back. "Like this, stupid," the girl said as she pulled Sammy's left arm and leg flat on the ground, and then pulled on Sammy's right over the top. "Now stand up so I can finish your ass."

Sammy slowly slid up, balancing herself on her elbows and knees on the padded floor. "Very good, bitch," said the girl as she started on Sammy's ass. She quickly wrapped gauze around the top of Sammy's thigh, and then continued up and over her crotch. As before with the nipples, the girl avoided Sammy's vulva, wrapping the rest of her crotch and ass as before. "Now, hold still while I put on the top covering," the girl said as she pulled off and cut an assortment of strips. She added some strips in black, and as Sammy held still, the girl recovered Sammy with more white and black tape. Sammy couldn't tell, but by the time the girl was done, she had mimicked the skin of a dalmatian with the tape. She left Sammy's face blank, but did add two floppy ears to the top of her head.

As she finished wrapping, Sammy heard the girl's cellphone go off. She could hear her talking, but the girl had walked away, so with the wrapping covering her head, she couldn't make out any of the words. A few minutes later, she heard the girl walk back into the prep room. "Change of plans, dummy. I have to go take care of some stuff, so I can't finish you up right now. So I guess you're just going to stay like that for a little bit. Come on, I have someplace safe for you to wait." The girl stood there for a moment as Sammy started crawling in a random direction. "For fuck's sake, bitch, I have something to do, I don't have time for you to pull this shit." She picked up a leash and collar from her bag, and buckled the collar around Sammy's neck. "Now come on!" she said with a tug. Sammy plodded after her, using the constant tug on the collar to know which way to go.

The girl had led Sammy down the hallway to one of the storage rooms, and opened the door in front of her. She led Sammy to a large cage tucked under one of the shelves, and opened the door. She led Sammy to it, and then knelt down behind her. "I'd hate for you to make a mess," said the girl as she unplugged the catheter, and connected it to a collection bag. She then pushed Sammy forward, feeding the leash and bag through the bars of the door. Sammy heard the cage door shut with a slam, and heard the deadbolt lock slide shut. "You should be safe in there, dummy." Sammy noticed that the floor was padded here as well, and so she slid down onto her stomach. The girl made sure the collection bag was tucked out of the way, and then looped the leash around one of the bars. She then stood up, turned off the light, and shut the storage room door again.

Sammy did explore a bit, eventually deciding she was locked in a heavy metal box, about four feet wide and six feet deep, and after standing up and craning her neck up as much as she could, only about two and a half feet tall. Only the front seemed to be barred, with the other walls being solid. Sammy resigned herself, and let her body flop down on her side against the wall at the front of the cage. She wondered how long she would have to wait for the girl to return.


Sammy woke up with a start. She initially had no idea where she was, and struggled against her bonds in vain. She quickly realized that she was still mummified and stuck in the cage, but had no idea how long she'd been asleep. She moaned quietly, but heard no response. Hours went by, and Sammy reviewed what had happened last week in her mind, her current predicament too distracting to let her think of anything else but being tightly bound. Why had she come back? "That girl made me drink my own pee, and let people force me to orgasm. That machine is just torture. I should have stayed home, and never come back here. So why did I?" Despite turning the issue over and over in her head, Sammy never noticed the cool drop sliding down her ass. Eventually she drifted back to sleep, resigned that the girl wasn't coming back anytime soon.


It was about noon the next day when the girl finally decided that she was ready to finish Sammy up. She opened the door to the storage room, turned on the lights, and then gave the door of the cage a kick, letting it clang in its frame. Sammy jolted up, and tried to struggle to her "feet." "Wake up, bitch. Time to finish what we started yesterday. You ready?" The girl unlocked the cage, and reached in to pull Sammy out. She helped her so she could walk, and picked up the collection bag filled with Sammy's pee, depositing it onto Sammy's back. She closed the cage, and tugged on the leash. "Come on, bitch, time to get you into place."

Sammy waddled after the girl, somewhat surprised to feel the urine draining back down into her bladder. "Muh!" she shouted through her gag.

"Shut the fuck up, dummy. I know you're hungry. Once you're in place, I'll feed you like before, and then you'll feel better, ok, dumbfuck? I know you probably want to lick it up out of a dog dish since you're all wrapped up like that, but I'd really rather not take the chance that you won't fuck up my art with fucking food stains. Got it?"

Sammy simply sighed, and wallowed as fast as she could go to keep the collar from choking her. The leash suddenly went slack, and she felt the collection bag come off her back. She was about to take one more step, when she felt the girl's boot on her side, and after a quick push, toppled over onto her back. Sammy wobbled her limbs around, and then felt the girl sit down on her stomach, with her legs on either side of Sammy's body. "I came up with something new for you to try, bitch. I'm sure it'll be a popular part of the exhibition."

The girl picked up a small flat plastic card, and untangled two wires from one edge. She straightened the wires out, and then picked up an icecube from a mug on the floor next to her. She smashed the icecube into Sammy's right nipple, eliciting a quick scream from her. The girl pulled the cube away, and used her fingers to quickly dry Sammy's nipple and to pull it out as far as she could. She next took one of the wires from the plastic card, and twisted the bare end around the extended nipple, wrapping it five times before she ran out of wire. Next, she picked up a tiny rubber band, and pushed it down until it met the wire. The repeated with the other wire, using the rubber band to keep the two wires from touching. The girl repeated the process on Sammy's left nipple, before looking down and tapping the fleshy tips of both with her palms.

The girl stood up, grabbed a hand towel, and then sat down between Sammy's legs. She pulled the tape sealing Sammy's labia together off in one quick tear, and then used the towel to blot Sammy dry. She then pulled off a new strip of clear tape, and while holding it between her left thumb and index finger, used her right hand to spread Sammy open before dropping the tape in place, holding Sammy's left labia spread wide. She did the same on the right, bringing out another moan from Sammy.

The girl then slid Sammy into the outer bag, and began arranging her connectors as she had the previous week. "Ok, now I'm going to need to concentrate all your brain on this one, ok, dummy?" the girl shouted to Sammy. "I'm going to put your arms and legs in the position I want them in, and I need you to not move from there. That's it. Just hold still, no matter what. Can you do that? Can you not fuck this up?" Sammy let out a small mew, and the girl then pushed through the plastic bag to arrange Sammy's limbs. She pushed them down, and spread them around, so that each limb extended out towards the corners of the bag. "There. Don't fucking move, you slut."

The girl ensured that the two plastic cards were pulled out to the sides of Sammy, sitting nearly a foot from Sammy's armpits. The girl then picked up her stack of pictures and notes, and used the pole to place them. She picked up Sammy's panties from her basket, and arranged them showing the crust in the crotch below the card on Sammy's left, aligned with Sammy's waist. She pulled the panties she'd stolen from Sammy the previous week, and placed them in the same position on Sammy's right.

When she was satisfied, she flipped on the sealing iron to warm up, and connected the vacuum. A few minutes later, she had completed the process, and stood up. She had her assistants help her connect the bag up to the frame, and they wheeled her out to the gallery. Once she was satisfied with the height, she connected the last things on the outside of the frame. The first was a new collection bag for Sammy's catheter, which she again placed on the left side. The old bag was hooked above it, and she snaked the "return tube" back up to top, and connected it to the water bottle. She had redesigned this, and it now had a bent tube on the spigot, so it cleanly curved into Sammy's mouth. Before twisting it into place, she fed the end through a tight rubber hole in the side of a circular plug. Once she was happy that it was securely attached, she spun it into place, which put the plug over Sammy's mouth opening. The girl then twisted a ring on the plug, locking it to Sammy's gag. The plug stuck out only an inch or so from the gag's edge, and Sammy could tell when it was locked on, as her mouth was no longer drying out as much as it had been the previous week. Although the air was moister, she didn't have any trouble breathing with it in place.

The girl then used a bit of glue to attach two more plastic cards in position over the two cards encased in the bag with Sammy. She ran the wires over to the right edge of the frame, and unspooled another wire to match those two, and ran the three down to a small box with three red buttons labeled "L", "R", and "M". The connected the other end of the third wire to the plug on Sammy's gag, and then stepped back to survey her display. Satisfied with her creation, she went to the back to prepare Sammy's lunch.

Without any of the "special ingredient" for the smoothie, the girl decided to simply add a couple of extra bananas. Once it was done, she took it back to the gallery, and climbed up to feed it to Sammy. She unscrewed the locking ring on the plug, and let it rotate away from Sammy's mouth. "Good job, slut. You are able to concentrate on one thing long enough to not fuck up my art. Now, here's your lunch, and then you can relax before the show. Since, you know, you have to do so much work to get this thing done, it's not like I've been planning it and buying all the parts. Lazy cunt." Sammy moaned apologetically, although she wasn't quite sure why. The girl fed her as before, but Sammy could tell that something was different, as it seemed to have a stronger banana flavor. When she was done, the girl swung the plug back into place, locking it back into position. The girl squeezed the "water" bag, filling up the bottle. "There, now you can have your favorite drink, you filthy whore." Sammy blushed under all the wrapping, but still licked at the tap, letting her cold piss wash over her tongue. The girl looked closely, and was happy to see that Sammy's spread pussy was nicely becoming cloudy through the plastic, as her slime oozed out onto the inner surface.

The Exhibition Part 4


Two hours later, the show opened, revealing Sammy to the crowd once again. She faintly heard the artist addressing them. "Welcome to the second weekend of my exhibition! It's nice to see so many familiar faces returning! I expected something like this might happen, so I took care to update the main display with a number of new features. Feel free to play around as much as you'd like, I've put some explanations down in the corner, but come and find me if you have and specific questions. Have a great evening, everybody, and enjoy!"

Sammy heard the crowd clapping, and blushed deeply while she felt her crotch leak even more. "They're clapping for me, displayed like this."

Outside her shell, the crowd was investigating the new display. Along the left edge, the girl had arranged a series of photos. She had used some of the same from the previous week, along with some additions. At the top, she had the photo of Sammy signing the contract. Below that, the story from the last week: Sammy stripping naked, Sammy's spread crotch with the catheter sticking out, Sammy half mummified, Sammy on display the previous week, Sammy connected to the enema machine, the blender with Sammy's shit on top, Sammy's tongue extending to accept the blended smoothie, and then at the very bottom, an overhead shot of Sammy sprawled on the floor, still partially mummified attempting to masturbate with her useless hand.

On the backside, more photos were arranged, showing Sammy from this week. Again it started with a photo of Sammy stripping, taken at the point where she was letting the panties that were now on display with her slide past her knees. Next, Sammy half mummified with her arms folded over, then Sammy fully mummified, flailing around on her back. The next four showed Sammy being collared, walking down the hallway, entering the cage, and then sleeping curled in the corner. The next two showed Sammy walking back from the cage with her collection bag bulging on her back, and then finally was another closeup shot of Sammy's wrapped head and the water bottle filled with dark yellow urine, as Sammy's tongue was flicking the end of the tube to let it drain into her mouth.

Next to the set of photos, the girl had again inserted Sammy's driver's license and social security card, above the contract signed by Sammy. Below that, she had typed up a letter "from Sammy," using one of the contract pages she'd manipulated. This left Sammy's signature at the bottom, making it look completely authentic. The letter read:

"Hi Everybody!

You're probably wondering who I am, and what I'm doing here. I'm Samantha Kahele, but you can just call me Sammy. During the week, I work at Smith and Company doing boring stuff. However, I've always wanted to do something more, and having the opportunity to be part of a great art project like this has been a dream come true.

Yes, it is very humiliating to be exposed and shown like a piece of meat. That's actually what makes it so great! Knowing that you're outside watching me as I orgasm, or drink my own pee, or eat milkshakes of my own shit. That's what drives me up that cliff to those orgasms!

I know that I'm disgusting, but I don't care. Enjoy my humiliation as much as I do, and I hope you take advantage of everything I can offer you!

Love, Sammy"

Along the right side of the panel, the artist had put her own note.

"Humiliation Whore 2 (2014)

I really couldn't believe how desperate she was to get back on display. She returned a day early, and begged me to wrap her up so she could feel the bondage that much longer. When I suggested that she was like a dog in heat, I immediately know what position she would enjoy. The only problem dealing with material like her is scavenging my mind to come up with ever greater humiliations to keep up with her debauched enjoyment.

I hope your enjoyment is also spurred by my creation, as you assist her in those humiliations."

The visitors also saw that the collar around Sammy's neck had a large tag on it, arranged perfectly against the outer plastic so it could be clearly read. "Samantha Kahele: Humiliation Whore."


The crowd quickly started in, investigating the new display. One person started by simply poking at the plastic over Sammy's spread cunt. Sammy moaned as this happened, and the crowd laughed as they saw her slime move under the cover. Another saw the buttons on the box, and pushed the "L" button on top. To the crowd, the result of this was Sammy letting out a ear piercing scream. She struggled against her bonds, but this only resulted in a slight wobble of the frame that moved the button away from the finger pushing it. Sammy panted through her gag, relieved that the electric shock that had shot through her left breast had stopped.

"Oh, I see you've found her electric nipples," the artist said with a smile. Sammy was recovering from this sudden attack when her right breast felt the shock, followed by both breasts at once. "Don't worry," the artist said to the guest. "There's a limit that ensures she gets some rest."

"And the M?" the guest asked as Sammy panted through her gag.

"Give it a try," she responded. Sammy continued to pant, but felt the gag shake once, and felt her air completely cut off. No matter what she did, she couldn't breathe. She quickly felt her chest shaking as she panicked. Seconds later, the air suddenly returned, leaving Sammy to make a loud gasping breath. "It inflates a tiny balloon in her gag, forcing her to conserve her air better than she just did," the artist said to the guest. "Again, the whole thing has protections built in. She can't be choked or shocked faster than a certain rate, and the durations and levels are somewhat randomized, just to keep things active for her."

Sammy hadn't expected that there would be more things to deal with. She wasn't sure how much she'd be able to take of things like this. Just then, her nipples lit up again, but at a much lower intensity. She yelped through the gag, and felt someone poking the vibrator into her left breast, which did little more than modulate her moaning.

The show seemed a constant barrage of sensations. Vibrations, shocks, panicked moments without air, all the while recycling her own piss for the amusement of the crowd. The effect this had had on her was increasingly visible to that crowd, as her cunt perpetually oozed onto the plastic screen separating them.

Toward the end of the show, she felt completely drained. Again the crowd had discovered that they could push her urine back up into her body from the mostly full collection bag, and she whined as this happened. The whining brought the artist back over, who switched it out with a new one, and connected the full one to her water bottle, pushing the twice recycled pee back up for her to drink again.

Sammy was recovering from this, she felt the vibrator jammed roughly against her cunt, and held there firmly. Although she'd been teased throughout the evening, none of the sensations had been consistent enough to push her over the edge. This was different, and Sammy could quickly feel herself warming up, as her breathing picked up until she was panting through the gag. Just as she reached the peak, the gag sealed shut, and the vibrator was drawn away, replaced with the shocking of her left nipple. The assault of sensations battered Sammy's mind, but as she struggled to fill her lungs, she felt her insides quake with the orgasm that was causing her to shake the entire frame.

From outside, the crowd saw the frame wobble wildly, and then suddenly stop, as Sammy went completely slack. Without hearing much breathing when the gag reopened, someone pushed the "R" button, sending another massive shock to Sammy's right nipple. The sudden pain of this jolted Sammy back to consciousness, and she immediately started gasping for air. She could hear the applause from outside the bag over her own frantic breathing, and felt yet another orgasm rock her at this realization.

At the end of the show, Sammy was barely lucid. She slowly realized that the din of the crowd had died out, and the various attacks had subsided. She was dreading the enema machine, but the girl left with only a slap on Sammy's ass. Sammy was surprised by this change, but took the opportunity to settle into a deep sleep.


The next morning, Sammy was awoken when she felt her catheter shake when the collection bag was changed. Her mind slowly cleared as she fully woke up, at which point she realized that she didn't feel well. She was very hungry, and could feel her stomach gurgling, but quickly realized that part of the problem was that she'd been plugged for nearly two days, and needed to poop badly. She moaned weakly as she felt her bowels cramp and twitch, and quickly came to the conclusion that this was nearly as bad as the enemas.

By the time the show opened, Sammy was already in tears from the pain. She wasn't sure she'd be able to deal with this added pain in addition to the rest of the tortures. She heard the crowd entering, and felt the first few gropes and prods. She heard the artist welcoming the audience, and quickly explaining the buttons and rest of the exhibit. One thing that Sammy couldn't hear was the enema machine being rolled up next to her. After about an hour, she was able to hear the artist again through the haze in her head.

"Ladies and gentlemen, there have been some questions about the smoothies, and in the interest of clearing this up, we'll have a live presentation!" Sammy had no idea what this meant, but soon felt the key slide in place in her plug, followed by the inner tube pushing inside her. A few moments later, the felt the outer tube locking into place. Outside, the artist showed the empty solids collection bag to the crowd, then closed the cover, and flipped on the system.

At first, Sammy didn't feel anything except for a twitch as the inner tube flexed as the water filled it. Soon, though, Sammy could feel the icy chill as the water inflated her. With the added volume filled by the extra shit, Sammy thought for sure that she would rupture as the pressure increased. She felt her body break out in a cold sweat as she was filled, further chilling her. After the fifteen minute holding time, she felt the suction pulling the filthy water out of her. She sighed through her gag, glad to have the pressure released, and glad that she no longer felt like she was cramping.

However, Sammy knew this wasn't the end, and felt the cold water flood back into her. Without the panic that she had felt on the first one, the realization that Sammy could still hear the crowd outside laughing and talking to each other, as they watched her having her shit flushed out of her. By the end of the third flush, Sammy could feel that she had been largely cleaned out. She was anticipating the constant warm cycling to begin, but the artist had other plans.

She had spent the last cycle filling up the blender with the bananas and mix, and then climbing up to drain some of the pee into the carafe. When the cycle finished, she opened the side panel of the machine, pulled out the stuffed bag of shit, and added that in as well. After a quick pulse, she drained the mess into a large syringe, and climbed back up the ladder. She unscrewed the gag cap, and placed the tip of the syringe on Sammy's tongue, and squirted some of the smoothie into her mouth.

Sammy was initially confused by this change in the schedule, especially with the interruption of the enemas, even though she could still feel the tubes in her ass. She swallowed quickly due to her hunger, and it was only when the artist stepped down to refill the syringe that she came to the sudden realization. The previous smoothies had been dominated by the bananas and the smoothie mix flavor. However, the mass of shit that had been extracted from her and mixed in dominated the flavor in this batch. This allowed Sammy to realize what that faint odd flavor had been in the previous ones. She was being force fed her own shit as well as her piss. She squealed loudly through the open gag as this thought passed through her mind.

"I think our little humiliation whore has finally realized what she's been eating," said the artist to the crowd. Sammy could hear the roar of the crowd as they laughed at her, prompting her to let her squeal fade to a soft mewling. When she felt the second syringe ooze out the rest of her meal, she slowly swallowed it to fill her stomach.

Once her meal demonstration was finished, the girl sealed her gag again, and Sammy washed the last taste of her shit out of her mouth with her piss bottle. She was swallowing when the enema machine started up again, nearly causing her to choke.

The show continued with Sammy being filled and drained on her now expected schedule. The combination of this with the torments from the guests quickly reduced Sammy to a mindless blob. The constant bombardment of sensations left her unable to concentrate on anything for too long, and she was left releasing a nearly constant moan, which was occasionally punctuated by a scream when the shocks hit her on high.

After all the guests had left, the girl gave Sammy a quick slap on her ass, and then turned out the lights and left, leaving her to be assaulted internally all night long. The next day was barely noticed by Sammy, as her sleep deprived mind could do nothing but poke at her piss bottle when she felt thirsty, and swallow her shit smoothie when it was squirted onto her tongue. Outside, however, the crowd enjoyed watching the smashed puddle of slime that had spread down between the plastic between her legs.


When the exhibition finally closed, the artist rolled Sammy back to the work room, and released her from the plastic bag. She then started cutting Sammy out of her mummification. Sammy laid perfectly still, eventually curling up and shivering as the final parts were removed. She was so tired and over stimulated, that the idea of masturbating again was the last thing on her mind. The girl finally dragged Sammy over to the bathroom and into the shower, using the duct tape cocoon as a sled to slide her easily. She then turned the shower on warm, and left Sammy to recover.

Sammy slowly warmed up, and as she did, stood up and slowly washed the grime from her skin. She was more tired than she could ever remember, and kept nodding off with her head against the wall of the shower. She dried off, and then went back to the work room to get dressed. As she was on her way out the door, the artist shouted over to her. "Hey, you didn't fuck it up as much this week as I was afraid you would! Maybe with some more practice, you could even get to a level of actually being good at this."

"" replied Sammy with a dazed face.

"Whatever, go home, dummy." Sammy complied, driving home, walking in to her apartment, and collapsing on top of her bed fully dressed.


Sammy woke up to the alarm on her phone, and reached over to shut it off. She stared at the screen, and tried to force the colors into recognizable shapes. "8:02 AM Tuesday," she eventually made out.

"TUESDAY!" Sammy shouted as she jerked awake. "HOLY SHIT I SLEPT THROUGH ALL OF MONDAY!" She quickly stripped off the messy clothes she'd slept in, and rushed to the shower. Forty-five minutes later, she was walking in to her office dressed like it was just a normal day at work.

In her head, she was quietly going over the story if anyone asked, "Ok, I woke up on Sunday feeling dizzy, and by that evening I had a really bad fever, and couldn't hardly move. I was going to call in, but when I checked my phone call log, I'd switched some numbers around, so my sick notice went to some random person instead. I felt far better this morning, so I'm back! Perfect!"

Sammy was stuck in her planning, but once she had her story straight in her head, she noticed that everyone else in the office was completely quiet, without any of the usual morning gossip. She also felt like everyone was avoiding her gaze when she'd glance over at them. When she got to her desk, she saw there was a note to see her boss in his office.

She knocked softly, and heard his voice inside telling her to enter. She did so, and sat in the chair he gestured towards while he picked up the phone. He dialed it, simply said, "She's here, let's do this now," to the person on the other end, and hung up.

"Um, sir, I'm sorry about missing yesterday, but..." Sammy started.

"Wait for that. We need to wait for everyone else to arrive," he replied.

"Everyone...else?" Sammy asked to no reply. A few minutes later, there was a knock and the door opened and two more people entered.

"Ok, we can start now," Sammy's boss began, "This is Beth Marcus, head of HR, and Samuel Tenaka, lead council."

"But I was just sick yesterday, and I tried to call, but I guess I dialed wrong, but I was so confused from the fever that I didn't notice until today, and..." Sammy blurted out her carefully prepared excuse, but came to a sudden stop when she saw the pages of pictures that the HR director had pulled from an envelope and spread across the desk.

Her eyes bulged as she saw the series of pictures of her being put into the mummification and vacuum bag, as well as the stills from her various tortures. She was trying to conceive how they had gotten these, and was just barely listening to her boss.

"...and we don't care what you do outside of work on your own time, and you're certainly free to take vacation time for whatever purpose you want. But, you have to understand Ms. Kahele, there needs to be a separation between your home and work lives. You can't bring us into this by advertising that you work for this company when you do"

"How.....where..." Sammy mindlessly asked as she flipped through the photos.

"They were anonymously emailed last night to myself and a wide range of the upper management. We immediately called Beth and Samuel in, and made sure that there were no additional forwarding, and set up this meeting with you. We've checked, and although there aren't any rules that we can find that you've broken, we hope you understand the position this has put the company in. If this leaks out further, it could seriously jeopardize the contracts we have with the state. You understand right?"

"I'm...fired?" Sammy said as she looked up from the photos for the first time.

"No, Samantha dear, you misunderstood me. Mr. Tenaka's drawn up a document for you, if you'd like to sign, and then we'll tally up your remaining vacation days and a small extra fee, and go our separate ways." Sammy looked down at the document as it was slid towards her.

"This notice serves as my letter of resignation, effective immediately," was the line that Sammy's eyes locked on to. She could feel her hand shaking as she reached across for a pen, and then signed at the bottom as tears welled up in her eyes.

"I'm really sorry, Samantha, you were such a wonderful employee, but we just can't have this kind of publicity."

Sammy walked out of the office, and, accompanied by a security guard, emptied out her desk into a box, and went out to the parking lot to get in to her car. Sammy had no idea what she was going to do, and after driving aimlessly for an hour, found herself parking her car behind the gallery.

After pounding on the door for ten minutes, the girl finally came to open it. "Do you just get progressively dumber? It's fucking Tuesday, bitch! I don't need you today!" she shouted as she opened it.

"THEY FIRED ME!" Sammy shouted hysterically back.

"Who did what?"

"Someone took pictures of me last weekend, and emailed them to my boss! They made me resign!"

"Well, then technically they didn't fire you, did they?"

Sammy just let her jaw drop, and started sobbing.

"Fuck, come in, I can't have you making a scene out on the sidewalk." They walked back to the work room, and the girl sat down in a chair. "Have a seat, and tell me what's going on, ok?"

Sammy didn't see any other chairs in the room, and so she dropped down to sit on the floor. "They had pictures of everything, and closeups of my....and then there was this letter that I didn't write, but it mentioned where I work, and you could see me drinking my own piss, and it was everything. And they sent it to my boss, and now I don't have a job, and I'll lose my apartment, and I'll have to live on the street, and my life is ruined!"

The girl just let out a small chuckle. "Ruined? Come over here," the girl gestured, and Sammy crawled over to her. The girl spread her legs, and used her hand to push Sammy's hair out of her face, and then wiped the tears off her cheeks before letting her head rest on her left thigh. "Didn't you enjoy yourself? I assume you did, and that's why you came back for the second show. You could have left at anytime."

"Yeah, but..."

"But it's not fun when other people know you enjoy it?"

"No, that's not it, it's just..."

"Why do you care what they think? I know you enjoy being humiliated in front of other people. They don't get a say in anything. It's what you like. It's not their place to say being a humiliation whore is wrong."

"But...what am I going to do now?"

"Well, I was thinking about taking the exhibition on tour. Would you be interested in that? Going from town to town, doing this full time?"

"But my stuff here, I'd need to put it in storage, and sell my car," Sammy said, listing off a thousand things that she was concerned about.

The girl stood up, stepped away from Sammy, and walked over to the desk on the other side of the room. She opened the desk, and pulled out the collar. "It's your choice if you want it, Sammy."

Sammy thought about it, and then stood up to walk over. "No. Like a bitch," shouted the girl. Sammy froze, and then dropped down to her knees to crawl. "No, you dumb whore, do it right." Sammy looked up at her, and the girl made an exaggerated look to Sammy's right, where the basket was sitting. Sammy instantly understood, and stripped naked, putting all of her belongings into the basket. She then crawled over to the girl, who wrapped the collar around her neck.

As she led Sammy back to put her into the cage, the girl said, "Now you don't need to worry about anything. I'll deal with your property, and I'll get a new contract drawn up for you to sign." She opened the cage door, allowing Sammy to crawl in. "I think you'll have a good time with me, dummy," the girl said as she closed and locked the massive door. "I'll take good care of you." Sammy curled up on the floor as the girl turned off the light and closed and locked the storage room door.


The Exhibition: The Candle


Sammy woke up in her cage as usual. "Must be morning," she thought to herself. She rolled over, and felt her tummy grumble at her. "I wish I knew what was wrong." The last few days, Sammy had been fed less and less, with last night's dinner being only a small can of shake Annie had rolled in front of the cage from the storage room door.

Sammy'd been locked in the cage a lot more than usual as well. She had gotten used to spending most days curled up on the floor of the work room while Annie worked on her computer and drawings. Then, a couple of weeks ago, she only seemed to be let out when Annie wanted to take measurements of her, stretching her out in all sorts of ways and wrapping bits of string around her that she then slid off and carefully labeled them with weird codes. After the measurements were done, Sammy was led back to her cage to sit and be bored some more.

Sammy rolled over onto her back, and stretched out, pushing her arms through the bars of the cage. She heard the door open, and slid forward to push her face to the bars. "Come on, pet, today's a big day," Annie said as she stepped over and unlocked the cage. She swung the door open, and attached Sammy's leash as she crawled out. "We have to get you ready for today's show!"

They walked out of the room, Sammy crawling along to the tug on her collar, and returned to the work room. Sammy looked up, and nearly collapsed to the ground. The hated enema machine was sitting in the middle of the room. Tears began to well up in her eyes as she saw it, but the pull on her leash didn't let up, so she padded over next to it. "I know you don't like it, pet, but this is really the best solution. Why do you think I've had you on a diet this past week? Would you rather I let lots of shit build up in your dirty hole, and leave you plugged in all afternoon? This way you should be reasonably clean already, so you won't have to deal with it for that long."

"Thank you, Miss," Sammy replied through the tears on her face. She knelt quietly as her leash was tied to a handle, and the plug lubed up. She grunted as she felt the cold slimy metal push against her, and then again as she felt it slide into place.

"Good girl. I'll be back in a bit, so just sit tight." Annie flipped the machine on and walked out, leaving Sammy braced for the harsh attack. Instead, the water that rushed into her ass was merely slightly cool, and pumping at a easy to handle rate. The water soon filled her up, prompting a few cramps as she felt her body strain against the pressure. Then, soon enough, the water flushed out of her. This pattern repeated for the next hour or so, giving Sammy a much gentler cleaning than she was expecting.

When Annie returned, Sammy was lying curled up on her left side, moaning softly. "Come on, pet, get up," she said as she set the machine to drain. Sammy jumped up to her hands and knees, and when the machine was finished, Annie slid the plug out of her ass , and clipped it to a nearby rack. She then unclipped the leash from Sammy's collar and said, "Ok, now go back and get clean. You need to wash all the dirt and grime off of yourself. Understand?"

Sammy nodded, and padded down the hallway to the bathroom. She stood up, and walked over to the large washing area. She turned on the water, and stood under the water for a few minutes. Suddenly, she felt two arms slide around her waist and pull her into a tight hug. "I knew I would have to check on you, you stupid lazy cunt," she heard Annie whispering into her ear. Sammy immediately attempted to drop down, but the pull around her waist and the quickly hissed, "no!" made her stop. She could feel Annie's chin on her left shoulder, and was suddenly stunned to realize that Annie seemed a lot shorter when she wasn't standing high above her.

"I'm sorry, Miss, I know I should hurry to get myself prepared for you, I'll try to be better in the future," Sammy quickly blurted out. "I-" she stopped as she felt the finger push against her lips.

"I had this planned the whole time, pet, you don't have to get so worried. I need you as clean as possible, so why would I leave that as something you could fuck up?" Sammy felt the finger on her lips push harder as she started to open to speak again. "You are to be silent unless I ask you a question, slut. Today's show is going to be difficult for you. I know you can handle it, but I won't be surprised if you start to panic. The only thing you need to have in this empty head of yours is that I'm in control, and that I would never let something bad happen to you. Do you understand that, my dumb little whore?"

"Yes, Miss," Sammy responded.

"Do you like it when I talk to you like this, cunt?" Annie whispered directly into Sammy's ear.

"Yes, Miss."

"I'm glad, you stupid cunt. Now, let's get you clean." Annie picked up a bottle from the floor, and pulled Sammy out of the shower stream. She first unlatched and removed Sammy's collar, squirted a liquid from the bottle onto Sammy's shoulders and arms, and then grabbed a cloth. She scrubbed the soap into Sammy's skin, pushing deeply in her flesh, leaving red marks behind. She continued on, soaping and scrubbing Sammy's back and chest, before moving down her legs. When that was finished, she simply said, "kneel." Sammy dropped down to her knees, as Annie scrubbed Sammy's face and lathered up her hair. Sammy was looking directly at Annie's stomach, and realized that this was the first time she'd ever seen her naked.

As she was thinking about this, she heard her next instruction, "Go rinse off, you clean cunt." Sammy stood back up and stepped back under the flowing water, and washed off the suds that covered her. When she was done, she stood to one side as Annie stepped under the water to rinse herself off. Annie then shut off the water, and grabbed a towel from the rack. Sammy was about to do the same when she was stopped by Annie. "No! Just stand there, dummy. I'll dry you off when I'm ready."

She stood there as the water dripped off her body while Annie patted herself dry and wrapped the towel around her. "Come this way, pet," Annie commanded as she led Sammy back to the work room. She walked over to one side of the room, and grabbed a nozzle attached to a hose. "Stand there, and spread your arms and legs," she said as she pointed to a spot on the floor. Sammy did so, stretching herself wide. Annie them pulled the trigger on the nozzle, and a hard blast of air shot out at Sammy, who immediately stepped back and covered herself with her arms. "Come the fuck on, bitch, I'm trying to get you dry! Stand still!"

Sammy returned to her position, and closed her eyes and gritted her teeth as the air once again exploded out at her. She could feel it stripping the water from her body, at the expense of chilling her skin. Still, she had to admit that this was drying her off far faster than a towel would. Just then, Annie switched from drying Sammy's arms and legs and shot her in the right breast, forcing it to squish in and ripple under the pressure. Sammy felt the air being shifted around, knocking her breast all over to dry it. The air jumped to her left breast, repeating the process. Next, it passed down her stomach, before finally reaching her crotch. She felt her labia flapping around in the wind, only to stop suddenly. "I'm just wasting my time there, aren't I, pet?" Sammy responded by blushing a dark red, making Annie laugh. "Bend over and touch your toes, bitch," was her next command. Annie started the air again, forcing air down her ass, and then down her back. She used short quick blasts when she got to Sammy's head, using the pulses to shake Sammy's hair. After a minute or two of that, Sammy was dry, and Annie put the air hose back.

Sammy stayed in place, bent over and spread while Annie picked up a dry towel, and finished drying her hair. When she was done, she picked up a box and sat in a chair. "You didn't have to stand like that looking like you're waiting to get fucked, slut. You could have stood up when I was done drying you, you stupid whore. Now come over here." Sammy quickly stood up and walked over, but before she was able to kneel down she was stopped by Annie. "No, stay standing. Put your foot here on my knee, pet." Sammy did so, and Annie took a black leather bootie from the box, and slid it onto Sammy's foot. It had a large ring sown onto the toe, and a simple buckle at the ankle. Annie closed this, and pushed the finished foot down. "Next!" Sammy switched her weight, and nearly fell over. Under the arch, the bootie had a hard plastic lump which pushed painfully into her foot when she tried to stand with her foot flat on the floor. She immediately raised up to balance on her toes, and when she looked down, she saw Annie simply staring up at her with a bored look on her face. Sammy found a good balance, and then put her other foot up. This got it's own bootie, and then Annie stood up as Sammy wobbled on her toes.

"Arms out!" She connected a cuff to each of Sammy's arms, buckling them just above Sammy's elbow. Each cuff had a similar ring that was positioned towards the back. Sammy stayed in position as Annie slid black mitts onto each of her hands. She pulled them tight, forcing Sammy's hands into fists before buckling them closed.

"Ok, last part of your outfit, pet." Annie held up a large black leather hood using a ring at the top, and Sammy could see that it had a very large mouth hole. "Well, nearly last part," Annie corrected herself, holding up the plastic gag connector that Sammy recognized from her previous exhibitions. "Open up!" Sammy did so, and felt Annie slide the gag in, and lock her teeth and lips in place. The hood was then pulled over her head, and Annie secured the hole to the corresponding grove on the gag. She pulled a zipper down the back of Sammy's head, pulling the hood even tighter to Sammy's face, finally covering the zipper beneath the buckle around Sammy's neck.

Sammy next felt Annie's finger on her labia, and automatically spread her legs wider. "You're such a whore," she heard only slightly muffled by the hood. She felt a pinch, and knew Annie was sliding a catheter into her urethra. Once it was in place, her bladder emptied automatically. The fingers were next at her anus, and she felt a finger covered with lube slide inside her. A fat plug was next, pushed in so quickly that Sammy didn't have a chance to tense or relax at all. Finally, she felt a dildo that seemed even wider slide into her vagina. It kept being pushed in, and just as it started to become uncomfortable, Sammy felt her lips closing down on the other end. It was held in place by one of Annie's finger, which was soon replaced as a strip of tape was spread down, taping her shut and locking the plug in place.

"I need to get ready, pet, so I want you stand over here out of the way." Sammy felt herself being led by the right hand over, as Annie moved her to the corner of the room where a chain was hanging from the ceiling. Annie then pulled Sammy's hands up to the top of her head, and locked the rings on her hands and hood to the chain. Sammy jangled her hands when she felt Annie's hands drop away, and realized that she was stuck with her hands on her head. Moments later, Sammy felt a hard jerk on her right arm, and due to the pressure on her bladder, realized that Annie had clipped her urine bag to the ring on her arm cuff.

Annie stepped back, and smiled as she watched her nearly naked toy testing out her freedom while facing the corner of the room. She walked over to a shelf, and pulled a dry cleaning bag and a small purse off it. She walked over to her chair, and began preparing herself. A few minutes later, she was dressed in her suit, and was working on her makeup.

In the corner, Sammy could feel the weight of the bag on her arm pulling down. She slowly let it drop, but that caused her arm to pull on her head, pulling it to the side. In addition, the continuing struggle to keep up on her toes was causing her calves to strain. She hoped that she wouldn't have to keep this position for the entire exhibit.

When Annie was ready, she walked over to Sammy, picking up a riding crop along the way. She gently slid the crop over Sammy's tummy as she approached, reaching around with her left hand to grab it. Pulling Sammy tight against her, she whispered into Sammy's ear, "Are you ready to start the show, pet?"

"Aah!" Sammy cooed from behind her gag.

"I just want to warn you again, my pretty whore, this is going to be a challenge for you. I know you can do it though, and I'm sure you'll enjoy it. You trust me, don't you, cunt?"


"Ok then, let's get moving." Annie unlocked Sammy's hood from the chain to the ceiling, but quickly relocked everything to the end of a leather leash. "Follow my lead, pet," Annie said as she pulled backward on the leash. Sammy slowly stepped backwards, soon feeling the crop on her left hip. "The crop will guide you, slut. Turn in the direction you feel it." Sammy slowly turned to the left, and when the crop slid away, she stopped. The crop lightly swung up to catch her ass, as she heard Annie simply say "forward, whore."

Using this system, Annie guided Sammy into the hall, and back to the front of the gallery. As they walked down the hallway, Sammy could hear the murmur of a crowd in front of her. Her heart begin to pound in her chest, as she realized that she was walking to meet them, wearing nearly nothing, and holding a bag of her own piss attached to her elbow. She shivered as a chilly breeze poured down the hallway toward her. "Aaah!" Sammy moaned in increasing panic.

The crop quickly lashed out to kiss her ass. "Silence, cunt. The show is beginning, and I will not have you ruin things." A mirror image of the first welt began to turn pink as Annie reinforced the word "ruin." Then, gentle as a kitten, the crop slid to Sammy's right hip, spinning her to meet her audience.

As Sammy stepped beyond the thick curtain that had been set up, the crowd erupted in wild applause. Sammy continued forward, spun to the left as the crop demanded, and then came to a stop as the leash sent a quick tug to her head. Sammy thought that the crowd grew even louder at this exhibition of her submission. She could feel her face in flames due to shame, and hoped that the tape Annie had used on her crotch was waterproof.

"Give your crowd a bow, Samantha!" Annie's voice boomed over the crowd, clearly amplified. Sammy was afraid that she would topple over with her bonds, so she did a small curtsey instead. "Thank you, dear. If you will all give me a few moments to get Sammy into position, I'll explain the apparatus, and we can begin the show!"

Sammy felt the crop again, and walked forward and to her left again before finally stepping up onto a low platform. "Stay, cunt," she heard whispered directly into her ear, standing out above the low hum of the crowd's conversations. The urine bag was unhooked from her elbow, and she felt it being dropped down between her feet. Her feet were then adjusted into place, and when she felt Annie's hands depart, she knew that the rings at the toes had been fastened to the floor of the platform, holding her legs shoulder width apart.

The lock on her hood was released, and her arms pulled down to her sides. Next, she felt something pulling on her elbow cuffs, pulling her arms back slightly. Finally, her hands were pulled forward, and Sammy felt them loosely being bound by something, pulling them away from her body. The combination of the two forced Sammy's forearms to be basically flat at her sides. As she was getting used to this, she gave her head a shake, realizing that her hood had been loosely bound as well, preventing her from dropping her head down too much. She felt Annie's hand on her chin, and held still as something was attached to her gag, forcing her to inhale slightly harder to breathe.

Without her senses, Sammy was at a loss trying to figure out what was going on. She seemed to be bound far less strictly than she was last time, with far wider range of movement than she expected. However, the crowd had a much different view of things. Sammy had stepped up onto a circular plexiglass platform about four feet across. Her collection bag had been passed through a small hatch under the floor she was standing on, and then her toe rings secured to the floor with steel cables that Annie crimped closed from underneath.

Another steel cable was used to secure her elbows, but this cable had one end secured to a tall plexiglass cylinder suspended above Sammy's head. Sammy's hands each had a steel cable already attached to the cylinder, and Annie gestured to her crew to lower the cylinder about halfway as she was binding Sammy. She fed the free ends of the cables through their own holes, and then stepped under and out of the cylinder. It was lowered the rest of the way, locking into the platform with a quiet thud. Annie climbed a ladder, and made sure that the tube connected to Sammy's gag was attached to a matching connector on the cylinder. She then fed a single cable through the ring on Sammy's hood, and crimped it ensuring Sammy could move around, but not completely freely.

With Sammy in place, Annie began tightening the cables. She pulled Sammy's elbows back first, crimping the free end, locking that into place. Sammy's hands were treated the same way, tightened to the point Annie thought was correct and then crimped off.

Annie stepped back, and a spotlight flashed on, pointing above Sammy. The crowd saw illuminated a large red cylinder wrapped tightly around the outside with ropes. The cylinder was centered above Sammy, and was somewhat narrower than the plastic tube she was trapped in. Annie snapped her fingers, and the rope burst into flames, causing the crowd to gasp in awe.

Sammy heard this, but wasn't sure why it sounded so odd to her. Moments later, she felt a searing pain on her right forearm. She pulled away, and felt the spot slowly cool. Another hit her on her shoulder, causing her to whine through her gag. Another hit her right breast, and after shaking in her bonds, she felt something flake off from that spot. It was at this point that Sammy realized that Annie had been talking the entire time. However, she couldn't keep track of what she was saying, as more and more spots erupted across her body.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Samantha and I welcome you to our Candle. You can see above you the wax for the candle. The ropes serve as the wick, and although it's a bit inside-out, it works largely in the same way. As long as the ropes stay in contact with the wax, they melt it and the wax keeps the rope from burning up. The trick is to keep the ropes in contact with the wax. This is were our dear Samantha comes in." Annie gave a flourish, and the platform and tube holding Sammy raised into the air on four more steel cables. "These cables are connected to the ends of the rope, and so Samantha's weight will keep the ropes tight and in contact with the wax. Of course, there's an issue in making sure that the wax doesn't make a mess, but Samantha was insistent that she could help with that as well." The crowd chuckled at her joke. "Feel free to wander around the gallery as the candle melts, but please, try not to tap on the glass. Samantha does have to concentrate on her performance."

At the moment, Sammy wasn't concentrating on much of anything. She was struggling and pulling at her bonds, panicking as the drops of wax coated her skin. She could feel it building up on her shoulders and arms, but it was slowly dripping down the rest of her body. The crowd outside was cycling around her tube, watching her wild gyrations. After about ten minutes of this, Sammy had been coated enough that she wasn't constantly feeling the painful drops directly. She panted through the tube as she stood still and caught her breath, letting her thoughts collect again. She couldn't see or hear them, but she knew that the crowd was watching her and enjoying her suffering in the wax.

Annie stepped over next to the tube, and smiled to the crowd. She pulled a small remote from a pocket in her blazer, and pushed the button. The crowd applauded as they saw Sammy jerk wildly inside the tube. "Samantha knew that she'd need some stimulation for this performance. Although I wasn't sure, she thought that having a nice strong vibrator inside her would do. Looks like she was right!" Annie explained as the crowd laughed.

Inside the tube, Sammy was wishing she didn't have that stimulation. When the vibrator sprung to life, it caused her to flex her muscles. This shattered a lot of the wax attached to her, allowing fresh hot drops to hit her skin. The return of the painful attack combined with the vibrator and the knowledge that everyone was watching her prompted a orgasm that washed over Sammy. She let out a scream through the tube, much to the delight of those watching her.

As the wax built up again, Sammy could feel the vibrator humming slowly inside of her still. Every time she moved, she could feel the wax crack and break, sometimes falling off, and sometimes simply allowing new wax to seep through towards her. The vibrator ramped up every few minutes, but Sammy was getting somewhat better at holding her position. The first couple of times the vibrator pushed her, she winced, but kept herself calm and didn't flail. However, the third time, just as she was nearing orgasm, the air in her breathing tube suddenly became harder to obtain. Sammy gasped for breath, and this disruption and the sudden taste in her throat was all it took for her to lose control as the vibrator shook her. As she pulled back and forth shattering her shield, Sammy could tell that she was locked in place from the ankle down. The wax had solidified into a chunk at the bottom of the tube, encasing her feet.

"Samantha is big into reduce, reuse, and recycling," Annie was explaining the bottle she was holding to the crowd. "This device helps her meet those goals. Since she has to inhale deeply to draw air through this pipe that goes below the liquid inside, it helps her reduce how much air she's using. This one also lets the liquid drip down her air pipe to keep her hydrated. By filling it up like this," Annie reached down and swapped out the collection bag below Sammy's feet for an empty one. She then drained the piss from the old bag into the bottle. "We can help her reuse the water she had earlier, and let her recycle as much as she wants." The crowd laughed with her as she slid the drip hose down towards Sammy's mouth, and then locked the bottle to force Sammy to breathe through the device. The urine inside bubbled as Sammy took her first breath, and then seemed to boil as Sammy's orgasm forced her to hyperventilate.

Over the next hour, the ropes continued to tighten around the block of wax, melting enough to encase Sammy up to her waist. Sammy could feel her lower body locked in place, and each time the vibrator came to life, the lack of mobility seemed to drive the power deeper into her body. She could taste the piss dripping into her mouth, and simply let herself hang in her bonds as much as she could, reveling in the fact that the guests were watching her humiliation.

As the wax climbed up Sammy's body, she wondered how high it would go. She was starting to have even more trouble breathing as it crossed her belly button, as she could no longer inhale as deeply. She began to panic as the solid mass started to reach her breasts, but at this point the vibrator simply switched on a constant driving buzz. The lack of air had made her slightly light-headed, and the vibrator's assault pushed the thoughts of the wax out of her mind. Still, the wax continued on, and by the end of her second hour in the tube, Sammy could no longer move at all, as the wax sealed itself over the top of her head.

The crowd broke out in applause as this happened, and Annie gave them a deep bow as the last of the wax melted and the rope dropped down. A quick burst with a fire-extinguisher put it out, and Annie had an assistant take it away. "Now, ladies and gentlemen, Samantha is nearly completely encased in wax. However, those steel cables ruin the purity, don't you think?" She had her assistants cut off one end of each cable, and working one at a time, attached them to a winch. The winch pulled the cables out of the wax, leaving narrow tunnels in their place. Next, Annie took a small funnel and a small pot of molten wax from an assistant. A quick pour into each hole, and the tunnels made by the cables were filled with wax as well.

"There now, everyone, Samantha is wonderfully sealed safely away, where she can work on her recycling as much as she wishes. I hope you all enjoyed her performance." The crowd lingered a bit longer, walking around and inspecting the red monolith. The breathing bottle bubbled with a slow steady pace. Annie had shut off the vibrator, shutting out Sammy's main source of stimulation. Wrapped in the wax's embrace, Sammy couldn't move, and had effectively no sensations beyond the moisture of the piss dripping into her mouth. After her struggles earlier, this lack of sensation gave her a change to settle into a deep sleep.

After the crowd had left, Annie swapped out an empty collection bag, and used the filled one to refill Sammy's bottle. The wax tomb was then lifted into a crate just large enough to fit it. She had the bottle positioned into the corner, and after checking that everything was firmly in place, she screwed the top onto the crate. She then shut off the lights, and left.

Sammy drifted in and out of consciousness, but with no stimulus, she had no idea how much time had passed and nothing to keep her mind occupied. Nothing but the taste of her own piss slowly drip into her mouth. With the catheter in place, she couldn't even feel it coming out of her. Trapped in the block, Sammy soon began to hallucinate sounds and flashes before her eyes. She periodically thought that the vibrator had come to life within her, but when she focused on the feeling, knew that it was just a delusion. Eventually, she assumed that Annie had forgotten about her, and that she would just die in the block, forgotten and discarded.


Sammy woke up when the light flashed over her eyes. She immediately panicked, and flailed around wildly, stunned at the sudden sensations. She sat upright, hitting her head on the ceiling just about a two feet up from the floor. She looked around, and saw that the source of the light was the sun rising outside, shining through the window that made up the wall to her left. She gazed out, and saw a cityscape she didn't recognize sprawling out below her. The wall to her right was a series of inch thick steel bars, constraining her to the low three-feet wide cage. She shuffled around to look at the far end, when she saw something at the bars of the door at the end.

"Mr. Floppykins?" said Sammy as she saw the small stuffed bunny standing against one of the bars.

"Oh, is that his name?" Annie said from somewhere in the room beyond the cage.


"I'm here, pet," Annie said as she knelt down at the cage door. "I found Mr. Floppy there in a box when I was cleaning out your apartment. Most of your stuff I just tossed, but I thought that you might want to have a friend to keep you company."

"I've had him since I was a kid....Thank you, Miss."

"Besides, you deserve a reward after that last show. I told you it would be quite a challenge, but you performed well, and worked out wonderfully."

"Yes, Miss. Um...where are we?"

"It was time to move on, and since traveling could be a bit tricky with you, I figured that it would be best to keep you safe and sound during the move. We'll live here now, and this will be your home. You have a wonderful view, and I'm sure you'll like it." Annie unlocked the cage, and helped Sammy crawl out. She picked up a collar from the bench that made up the roof of Sammy's cage, and held it open. Sammy pushed her neck into position, and Annie buckled and snapped a small lock to hold it in place. "'Pet Sammy'" Annie read the front of the tag and then flipped it over. "'If found, return to owner: Annie XXX, (123) 456-7890'".

"Thank you, Miss."

"Now, go get clean, pet, and then we'll have some breakfast, and we'll get the day started."

"Yes, Miss." Sammy padded off in the direction Annie had pointed, noticing that the giant living room of the apartment had a unique piece of art against one wall. The wax tomb had been split perfectly in two, and the outer surfaces painted a glossy black. Inside, Sammy could see the impression of her naked and bound body permanently etched into the bright red surface.


The Exhibition: Breakfast

Sammy got out of the shower, and dried herself off with the towel sitting on a shelf. She blow dried her hair, and then brushed her teeth with the fresh toothbrush she found sitting on the counter. After a few breathes to calm herself, she opened the bathroom door, and strolled out, down the hall, and across the living room to the table sitting next to her cage.

Annie was sitting at the table, drinking a cup of coffee, stabbing her finger at her tablet. Sammy walked over, and kneeled down next to her. "Your food is on the table. Use a fucking chair, pet," Annie told her without looking up from the tablet.

Sammy stood up and walked over, and sat down on the chair. She looked down at the plate of eggs, bacon, and toast, and slowly started to eat. She had a sip of juice, and then looked up at Annie. "Miss...I love you, Miss."

"No you don't, you stupid cunt."

Sammy immediately looked down at her plate and panicked at the thoughts racing through her mind. How had she misread things so wrong? What had she done wrong? Her eyes misted over as tears filled her eyes, and she let her arms fall to her sides as sobs racked her body.

"Oh for fuck's sake, pet," Annie responded, looking up from the tablet. "Get your stupid ass over here." Sammy obeyed, crawling over to Annie's side. "You met me, what? Two weeks ago? And then I treat you like shit, and sell all your belongings, and your going to claim you love me? You don't love me. You love that I got you out of a situation you didn't want to live in. That's all. You're obsessed with me. Infatuated. I don't love you either, at least not yet. You're my pet, and although I think we match well, I'm not sure if you'll work out with me forever. I like you, sure. You're exactly the kind of submissive obedient slut I've needed to make my art come true. You're my brush, cunt. You're the tool I use to make my imagination real."

"Do you understand this?"

Sammy tried to pull in her breath, but instead just howled onto Annie's left thigh.

"Calm down, you stupid cow. I'm not going to get rid of you, or abandon you, or anything like that. You have a place in the household that's very useful. You're to live in the cage, and when I need you, I'll let you out. You do what I tell you, and we'll all be happier. If you're ever not happy to the point you want to leave, you let me know. Let's give you a word." Annie paused and looked up. "Licorice. That's your word. You say that, and you can be free again. I'll pay you what you deserve, and you can go away forever."

"NOOO!" cried Sammy.

"Christ, pet, this is just if you want it. I'm not telling you you have to leave. Seriously, calm the fuck down." Annie reached down and grabbed Sammy's chin, pulling it up so she could look her in the eyes. Sammy continued to cry, only to stop when Annie smacked her three times with her right hand. "Shut. The. Fuck. Up." Sammy tried to pull away, but the grip on her head was too firm. "Look at me, cunt." Annie raised her hand, and adjusted her grip to hold Sammy by the throat, slightly choking her as she raised her up from her knees. "We're going to make this work, but you can't be fucking flighty and all lovey dovey all the time. I'm going to do horrible things to you. You're going to suffer to make me happy. When it's over, you'll be happy it's done, and you'll be happy that you did it. Isn't that right?"

"Yes, Miss."

"Shout it, bitch."


"Did you like me humiliating you in front of all those people?"

"Yes, Miss!"

"What did you like?"

"I liked when you made all those people watch me drink my piss and cum when you wanted!"

"And the wax?"

"I liked when you made me suffer in front of everyone!"

"There." Annie pushed down, letting Sammy collapse on the floor. "Now. Here are the rules we're going to live by, ok, cunt? Sit up." Sammy scrambled to her knees, and folded her hands in her lap.

"Yes, Miss."

"First, I will never do something to you that I don't think you can handle. You'll always be taken care of by me. You're my pet, and I treat my pets well. Do you understand, cunt?"

"Yes, Miss. Thank you."

"Second, if you are supposed to wear clothes, I will give them to you and tell you. Otherwise, you'll live here naked all the time. Got it?"

"Yes, Miss."

"Third, if I bring someone to the apartment, you will be polite to them, and if in your cage, stay quiet. I do not want you being a distraction. I will present you to people I want you to see, and you will obey me in all things. Understood?"

"Yes, of course, Miss."

"Fourth, you will stop being so worried that I don't like you. I do, and I care for you, and I will fucking beat your insecurity out of you if I have to. Ok?"

"Thank you, Miss."

"Fucking fifth. You can just fucking call me Annie, you stupid bitch. Fucking dumb cunt."

"Thank you, Miss Annie."

"Whatever. Now. Stop crying like an idiot and eat your stupid breakfast. I made those damn eggs, and they're probably fucking cold by now. I mean, seriously. Who gets out of the shower and starts crying like a moron before they've had breakfast. I couldn't replace you if I searched. Stupid cunt." Annie let out a giggle.

Sammy caught it and giggled as well, wiping the tears from her eyes.

"Don't think that you're going to get breakfast cooked for you everyday. This is a 'hey, welcome to your new life, ok?' kind of thing. I didn't expect that you'd break down and fucking crumple on me right away."

Sammy padded to her chair and climbed back on. "Sorry, Annie. Miss. Annie. Sorry."

"I'd fucking gag you if I didn't want you to eat the fucking food I spent thirty minutes cooking for you to let get cold." Annie slid her tablet across the table to Sammy. "Hey, this dude. Do you know this dude?"

Sammy looked down to see a picture of her old boss, being pulled back by two very large men. "That's...that's my boss?"

"Really? That's the dude we had to kick out of the candle show. After it was all done, he pushed through the crowd with his pants down, pounded on the side of the tube, and started jacking off. Terry and Keahi there saw him, and threw him into the street. He got up again, but you can see Keahi." Annie waved her hand to the left side. "There was a bit of a scuffle." Annie gestured a "flick to the next picture." Sammy looked down at the tablet and saw her old boss with a bloody nose, and his dick sticking out, sitting in a pile of trash and let out a laugh. "He was convinced not to come back in."

Sammy tucked her legs up, pulling into a ball to laugh. "I bet that fucker was the the first day, wasn't he?" Sammy thought to herself. She kept laughing, only stopping when she felt two hands reach over and cup her breasts. She looked up and saw Annie staring down at her.

"I saw him on Sunday, but didn't sort it out until he came back the next week. He was kind of inappropriately creepy, and at a show like that, you have to be disturbingly creepy to make an impression. I googled him while I was setting up the move, and discovered he was your boss. When the candle show came, and he did that, I told the boys to make him regret things."

Sammy kept laughing, and bent her head back over the back of the chair to kiss Annie on the stomach. "Thank you, Miss. Annie. Sorry."

"Don't worry, pet. I know you're fucked up, and I don't care, and I won't ever care. You just do the best you can, and I'll be there to correct you when you screw shit up, ok?"

"Yes, Annie."

"Now," Annie grabbed Sammy's nipples with her finger and pinched them as hard as possible and used them as handles to twist Sammy's breasts. "I told you to eat your fucking breakfast, you stupid fucking cunt! I fucking worked hard on that and you let it all get cold as fucking ice! What is wrong with you?"

Sammy screamed out in pain as she had her right hand reach for the fork and the left for her moistening cunt.

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