The Forrester's In Yet Another Scandal

By The Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy

Published on Jan 3, 2003



Disclaimer: This story is nothing but false! It says nothing about the real life actors or their bold and beautiful characters. The Bold and the Beautiful is copyright of and produced by CBS.

The Forrester's In Yet Another Secret Scandal

Amber Moore was the centre of yet another messy situation. This time she had two guys competing for her, and to make things worse, little Eric too. Many thought C.J was only marrying Amber because it was what Becky wanted. But C.J really loved Amber, which is why he saw Rick to discuss the situation although they both hated each other.

As expected, C.J and Rick were in an argument the moment C.J entered the mansion. "Can you guys like shut up? You're scaring little Eric." Amber said angrily as she carried the little boy outside. "My your face is sticky. Have you been eating too much ice cream again?" Amber could be heard talking to the child from somewhere down by the pool. "That's not the only thing sticky around here." Rick said to himself, but accidentally loud enough that C.J heard him. "What was that?" "Nothing. I'll be right back." C.J saw the wet patch on Rick's pants and realised what he meant. "Your not going anywhere coz I aint finished with you yet." C.J said, grabbing Rick's crotch. Rick knew what was about to happen and did nothing to stop it. He had wanted C.J for as long as he could remember, but could never reveal his feelings. If C.J knew, he might have told the press as a way to humiliate the Forrester's. After all, their families were enemies, and C.J's sister Macy was married to Rick's brother Thorne.

Now that Rick was still, C.J pulled down Rick's pants along with his designer boxers to reveal an already hard 14 inch cock. He ran his tongue all over the silky smooth skin before taking it down his cock hungry throat. C.J had wanted Rick for years too, but could not reveal his feelings for the same reasons. While his cock was being sucked, Rick unbuttoned his shirt and let it fall to the floor. He was now completely naked, his hunky chest bare except for his sexy tie. He ran his hands through C.J's soft brown hair as he started to thrust his cock back and forth harder and harder, his moans of pleasure getting louder. The faster Rick thrust, the harder C.J sucked. "Suck me harder, please! I'm dying of pleasure. I need to cum, NOW! Ohhhhhhhhhhh!" That was Rick's last groan. His massive load of warm, sticky cum left his cock and entered C.J's mouth. "Fuck that was good! Where did you learn to become such a good cock sucker?" "Quite a few places." "Like where?" "I'd prefer not to say." "I'll give you a treat if you tell me." "O.K then, but don't say I didn't warn you." "You make it sound as if you've sucked my dad's cock." "Your close. I haven't sucked your dad but I've sucked other guys in your family." "I'm not he only gay Forrester? COOL! So who are the others?" "Thorne and Ridge." "Wow. So how did it happen?" "With Ridge, I caught him and my dad at it in his office one day. Dad reckons he made Ridge do it as part of the deal to buy Spectra. Ridge wanted to know all about everything at Spectra, so I invited him to check me out. With Thorne, I came across him jacking off over a picture of some guy in the limo just after he married Macy. I offered to help him out. And I've also had a go on my bro Mark. He let me practice on him in exchange for Bridget." "Well you've certainly had all the luck." "Not all of it.....yet." C.J grabbed Rick's tie and pulled him onto the chair where they kissed. While they kissed, Rick opened C.J's pants and boxers and got his 10 inch cock nice and hard, ready for the next round. Still kissing C.J, Rick put his ass on C.J's cock and began riding him, slowly at first, then quite violently. "That's it, Ricky boy. Get my big dick in that tight hole of yours. Yeah, that's they way. Good boy." As the action got more intense, Rick pulled C.J's pants down a little and let his finger find the opening to his ass. "Rick, don't. I'm not ready to go that far yet. I've had too many things up there and they've all hurt like hell." "I understand. We'll go however you like." "Thanks." "Hey, what are friends for?" "Since when were we friends?" "Since we discovered we have another thing in common."

Meanwhile at Forrester Creations......

Deacon had gone back to his office and sat at his desk after a brief meeting with the board to discuss the Ambrosia line's new jingle. While Deacon was gone, Whip snuck into his office and was hiding in the corner where Deacon couldn't see him. He continued emailing Brooke when he felt something slide across the back of his neck and up the side of his face. He turned to see Whip's fat 11 inch cock in front if his face. "Is this some kind of sick joke?" "No bar tender. Now suck my cock or else your dirty little secret will be exposed and the world will know what a bastard you really are. Then my wife and I can live in peace." "Who are you calling a bastard? You blackmailed Brooke into marrying you and now you think you can blackmail me into doing fag's business?" "You'd still have friends and respect if people thought you were gay. Come on, there's millions of gay men out there who are more accepted today than before. But if the world knew you slept with your wife's mother, you'd have no friends and certainly no respect. Now which would you prefer?" "I'd rather die than give you sexual pleasure." "I'm not the devil you make me out to be bar tender. This is for your own good. I'm a nice guy and would rather keep your secret to myself. But I can't do that unless you do as I say." Whip grabbed Deacon's head with both hands and held it in place while he rammed his cock into Deacon's mouth and started face fucking him. Deacon struggled all he could but Whip was too strong for him. Deacon couldn't believe what a fool Whip was. Deacon only had to tell Brooke about this and she'd divorce him and probably throw him out of her company. Whip had obviously had heaps of practise, he held off from cumming for nearly 3 hours. Despite his protesting, Deacon actually enjoyed every moment of it. He hated Whip but loved his cock. Deacon loved all cock, including his own. But Deacon stopped sucking his own cock once he started work at Forrester. Until he got the job, he'd never tasted a cock as young and smooth as Rick's. On the night before Deacon's wedding to Bridget, he'd ordered a male stripper to satisfy his male desires for the final time, seeing as he had to become straight after the wedding. Rick was the stripper. As a young boy Rick had seen Dylan during his stripping routines and thought it would be a cool job. But the family would never allow it, so Rick took on the job secretly at night after his daytime job at Forrester. Before Rick arrived at the apartment he had no idea who he was stripping for, but once he learned who Deacon was, lust took over everything. The Forrester's were all the same; they felt more powerful when they seduced a relative's partner.

"Fuck Me." Whip whispered in Deacon's ear. Whip leaned against the large desk while Deacon fucked him standing up. "What's that bar tender? I hear no protest this time? Is it possible you enjoy this?" "More than you could ever imagine." "Good to hear. Now harder, fuck me like you would fuck Brooke."

There was a knock at the door. "Come in" Whip shouted. "Are you crazy? Do you want everyone to know your real sexuality?" And mine for that matter?" "You never know, it could be one of the models or even Rick." "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm Rick." "What's all this?" a man's voice said, sounding a little shocked. "What does it look like we're doing? Having a tea party? Now what do you want? And make it fast or get your annoying self out of here!" Deacon growled. "I was looking for an Erica Lovejoy. Her mother asked me to give her something." "Well she's not here O.K. And who are you anyway, Mr. Lovejoy?" "No my name is Ziggy, I'm Erica's landlord. By the way, can I join you guys? I haven't had any good action since my boyfriend Lance died." "Go ahead."

By this stage, Whip was on the floor fucking Deacon. Ziggy unzipped his jeans and wanked his cock before letting Deacon suck it. "Ohhhhhhhhhhh that's good. You suck much better than Lance." "He's glad to be of service." Whip said with a wink. Ziggy was like Whip and could hold off from cumming too soon, although he came in half the time Deacon did. "Thanks you guys that was great. But I gotta go now. Perhaps we can do this another time?" "Of course."

Once Ziggy left, Whip spoke to Deacon. "I'd better let you go now, you've had enough for one day. You'll need plenty for tonight." "Tonight?" "I'm sick of the charade. I'm divorcing Brooke and relocating to Paris. She's all yours now." "But I want you." "That can never happen. This was a one off."

Both men dressed and Whip left. Deacon was also leaving, but not the office. He was leaving L.A. There was nothing left for him here anymore. The only other place he'd been happy was Furnace Creek. It looks like that's where he was headed.

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