The Genome Experiments

Published on Mar 16, 2015



The Genome Experiments

By Lady Death

The year is 1998, the U.N. peacekeeping force is in the middle of an undeclared war. It has failed to stop that war utterly. It's not that they're getting slaughtered, but that they've failed to accomplish anything of importance in this situation. Therefore the U.S. military in a desperate effort to appease the public has secretly thrown the Geneva Convention to the wind and has begun an unparalleled research project into viral and bacterial warfare. Today's technology is horrifying compared to that during the original treaty; therefore, they've reorganized the goals. No longer would they try to kill men, but they would pacify them. Make them willing and obedient slaves, even idiots, or worse. This is the story of but a few of their exploits.

Meet David Silver. Average guy in an average world. The only anomaly in his life was his total lack of family. At 37, he had no wife and no children. Just an average job (he telecommutes) with an average company. It's a shame, but his life is about to take a series of very unaverage turns.

The shrill ring of a telephone disturbs the blissful silence of a small study somewhere in the U.S.

"This is David."

"Hi Dave. It's Nick, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to come in today. There have been some changes and we need to talk."

"Uh huh. When?"

"Better make it about 4 this afternoon if you can."

"O.K. Seeya then."


"Oh God." David mutters to no one in particular. "The last time this happened, was right before a big lay off. Maybe my luck has finally run out." The rest of the morning and afternoon pass with virtually unbearable slowness.

"David. I'm sorry about having to meet with you like this. As you've probably guessed this isn't the best news in the world that I've got for you."

"That's O.K. Nick. I know that you've done everything you can for me. So, what is the final word this time? Is my presence no longer required?"

"Well, frankly Dave, you're right. I hate to be blunt about it, but honesty being the best policy and all... However, If you're willing to move I know of a job that you're just perfect for."

"Do tell."

(A little over a month passes)

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to take this opportunity to introduce, David Silver the newest member of our team. He will be replacing Sam as the Director of Information Services. I'm sure you will all find his knowledge of computers and data structuring to be quite useful. Let's all make him feel welcome and wanted while he gets up to speed on our equipment. Dave, would you care to make any comments at this time?"

"Thanks Bob. I'll keep this brief, I know how you research guys hate meetings. So here it is in the nut shell: Thank you for trusting me with your livelihood. I will do everything within my power and beyond my knowledge to ensure that your network and research run as smoothly as possible. I truly look forward to working with the state-of-the-art system you have here."

(minor applause)

Bob returns to the podium, "Well everybody, let's get back to it!"

(A few months pass)

"Dave, I've got something very important to tell you."

"O.K. Bob. What is it?"

"Well, I've got to have you sign these papers. We're being contracted to do some high level military work and all employees must agree to have a full background check run and to a fairly strict confidentiality policy. It's all here in this packet.

"Hmm. I see."

"It's worse than that. If you don't sign it, we will have to replace you. This contract is for several hundred million dollars. You know we can't turn something like that down. Think of what it will mean!"

"Tell ya what. Let me read over all the policies and I'll give you my decision tomorrow. Is that fair enough?"

"More than fair. I appreciate you considering this and for being so good about it."

That evening David spends pouring over the reams of paper that comprise the new policy. Eventually, he retires to his bedroom still pondering his decision.

"Is all this stress of secrecy really worth it? Can they really expect me to avoid all R&D documents? I'm mean, I'm bound to read some of them, just by accident. I can see that already. Surely they know that it's part of my job. I'm supposed to be trusted on such things aren't I? Ah well. And what is this about the medical release? Am I placing myself in physical danger just by working here? Is it worth it? Is it worth it? ..."

"O.K. Bob. I'll stay, but only a few conditions. First, You must realize this it would be impossible for me to do my job and totally remove the possibility of involving myself in the R&D department; therefore, according to Section 102, I'll have to be set for a higher level of clearance. Secondly, I will not submit to having video surveillance of my household. You can put as many cameras as you'd like around my desk at work, even tap that phone, but my privacy at home sacrosanct."

"I see. Anything else?"

"Yes as a matter of fact there is. Simply for the headache of dealing with this, I want a 15% raise. Effective immediately."

"Well, the raise is no problem. Not with this contract coming through. The Security level is not out of the question, we'll get the paper work started on that. As for your house? Well, honestly, I don't know that I can prevent that. I'll do everything I can to stop it, that's the best I can offer there."

"Here are the facts, Dave. You've got the security clearance, provided you agree to the information in this guidebook. Gah. I hate all this red tape, but that's how government work is you know? Anyway, they say they'll ditch the cameras from our homes unless one of us becomes suspect of leaking information. So we've got that as well."

"I'll need some ti..."

"Sorry Dave. I have to have an answer by 2 today. Please read over this quickly and get back to me. Apparently this is a very rush-rush situation and we're their best candidate for getting it done quickly."

"Yeah, O.K. I'll call you in an hour or so."

"Goddamn legalese. " Dave thinks. "I really hate lawyers. This shit is pretty strict, but with the raise and the lighter 'on the job' restrictions things should be bearable till this blows over. Still we've got a 20 year vow of silence on the matter here. Not even family. As if."

Dave punches up Bob's extension, "Hi Bob. Yeah, I'll sign the agreements."

"That's great Dave, absolutely wonderful. I'll see you in a few minutes."

"Well, the past few months have been pretty hectic, but I must say, it was fun watching all that new equipment roll in. Whatever it is those guys in R&D are working on it must be one hell of a doozie. I'll probably get axed for this, but I've just gotta know..." Dave's daydream is cut short as the file server bleeps annoyingly signaling a problem with the backup.

"Goddamn Arcserve. What a total piece of shit. Hey! That's an idea. I know how I can get at the information without getting busted. I'll pose as backup and secretly dump the files to two tape devices at once, I can do that now with the new striping drive we have. And then we smuggle the tapes past that big ugly red eye there and we're off to the house and some serious curiosity satiation."

"It's fun being the god of all things computer sometimes, ya know?" Dave snickers conspiratorially to his cat, Pounce. "In just a few short minutes I'll know what all this shit is about. Won't that be interesting?"

BEEEEEP Backup restoration of Volume Genome Complete.

"Heh. I win. Now let's see what all this is about..."

Several hours of intense reading and searching pass as David tries to absorb everything he's just placed onto his computer. Slowly David wakes from his trance and shivers. "My God. I just can't believe this. It's like they've thrown all the rules away. I knew this was military, but chemical warfare has been banned by the entire civilized world! This is totally insane."

But big brother is watching. Big brother is monitoring his computer at home. Big brother is everywhere on this one. Because this time the U.S. is breaking the Law big time and it wants to make damn sure it doesn't get caught and David is going to be the first of many innocents sacrificed to the machine.

"David Silver?" asks the man wearing the ominous black shades, at night no less.


"You know why we're here. Come with us now please. And please understand, you are not in any danger from us, we merely wish to take you to the proper authorities who can possibly put to rest some of your fears or at least try to."

David stands in the doorway in stunned silence. It had only taken them 5 hours to discover what he had done. A mere 5 hours. David is paralyzed with fear.

"Sir?" asks the man in the shades, while gesturing towards a dark blue sedan.

"Hi David. You don't know me, so please sit and allow me to introduce myself. My name is Doctor Nicole Broughter. I am the liaison between the intelligence office and the military for the project that your company has been working on."

"Under other circumstances I'm certain I would be quite pleased with making your acquaintance." Dave somehow manages to smoothly toss out. "She's pretty good looking too" Dave's subconscious chimes in.

"Indeed. It is a shame. It seems that your company has burned down do to a strange chemical reaction and poor response from the emergency teams. It no longer even exists."

"You BITCH! How could you kill all those people?!?"

"Kill? Who said anything about killing anyone? We've merely taken over. All the important information and all the personnel have been moved to an underground sight where they will continue their work. No one was actually hurt although it will be reported that everyone directly involved in the project, including yourself, was killed in the initial explosion."

"My god. You can do that?"

"And more David. And much more. Which brings us back to you. You realize that you are the cause of all this don't you? That all the man power and monetary costs of this move are your fault? Just what are we supposed to do with you?"

Silence fills the room as David's confusion and fear overwhelm him.

"You have already signed your life away to us David. You're legally dead. I can do anything I want to you. However, I abhor killing so you can relax a bit. I also can't send you off to another project as you've already proven yourself to be a potential information leak. Therefore, I've decided to keep you on this project. But you will no longer be the Director of Information Services. Oh no. It's much more appropriate. You're going to be part of the human testing program. They're already testing it on monkeys you know. It probably will only be a matter of weeks before human testing begins."

The cell is small, but adequately furnished. There are three well rounded meals served per day and a modicum of exercise and entertainment, but life is boring.

"I guess I was expecting torture of a different nature" David muses. "But this. Sheesh. This is just plain annoying."

Life is simply a forced day to day existence with little or no variations. One day fades into another and all too soon David has lost track of how long he has been held captive.

"Good morning David!" an all to cheery Dr. Broughter chimes in. "Feeling cooperative today?"

"Like it matters, right?" David sneers. "But anyway, what brings you around? Must be 'my time' huh?"

"Oh, dear. We simply must do something about that attitude. It is really starting to annoy me. But to answer your question, no. It is not 'your time'. Not yet anyway. Today we're going to take a bit of a tour. You should feel honored, honestly. I've held them back from using you as a guinea pig. I want the process perfected before dispensing pay back for all the work you made me do."


"Lilly. Make a note, add an appropriate attitude adjustment routine to the process we're working on for dear David here. Oh yes, make sure it also contains an exceptionally strong 'will for life.' We wouldn't want our prize to damage himself now would we?" A heavy sigh interrupts Dr. Broughter from somewhere in the region of David's cell. "O.K. David. Are you going to behave? If you do, we'll go 'walkie's'."

"I'm not your pet. I'm a human being, you fucking bitch."

"Wanna bet? Anyway. I'll come back some other time when you're a bit more curious. I was going to show you some of the 'earlies', but if you don't want to know. Well, I guess it will just be a surprise then won't it? Bye!"

One last quietly mumbled, "shit" comes from the cell as the good doctor's heels click down the hall.

A large guard-like figure enters a well furnished office. "Yes ma'am. He's been on the Thorazine derivative for a bit now. He'll be very cooperative."

"Good. Just remember, that he can not be under the influence of anything when we start the program. Make sure that little twit van Moors understands that!"

"Yes ma'am!" the man replies with a quick salute.

"O.K. Let's go give our friend David his long awaited tour."

"Hello David. Feeling a bit better today are we?"

"Oh yeah. You betcha. Uh huh. Never been better."

"O.K. Well, now it's time for that tour I promised you. We'll start out in the primate area and progress from their as sobriety catches up with. Shall we?"


"Most of the initial testing we did on the chimps led to death. It took quite awhile to develop a process that was both slow enough to work and fast enough to change a body so that it retains its cohesiveness. Well, maybe that's not the best way of putting it. Functionality. That's a bit closer. Anyway, what happened initially was well, the poor intestines were no longer compatible with this, or the blood lost all its iron. Ugly things. But enough of past failures. Let's look at some of the first successes. Here, look in there."

Inside the room was a scene full of horrors that would have had the animal rights activists storming the White House. Everything imaginable had been done to the poor animals. Deformities were quite commonplace. Some were missing limbs, others just didn't quite 'look right.' But there was something that David just couldn't quite nail down. Something slightly amiss.

"Seen enough? It's really rather boring. The lower levels are much more entertaining. I may even let you interact with one or two of them."

A quickly sobering David can do nothing but stare into the chamber of abuse, until the burly man pushes him away and the long walk through the maze-like corridors begins anew.

"O.K. David. I want you to take a look in this room. This is Nathan. He's probably one of greatest successes. I'm afraid I can't let you talk with him, not yet anyway, but look nonetheless.

Inside was a cell very much like David's own. A well groomed, but rough looking individual was sitting on the bed. He was simply sitting there. Staring at the wall, smiling.

"What did you do to him?" David queried feeling increasingly uneasy.

"Nathan was a mass murder. Double Y chromosome. The whole bit. He killed 27 people, but now, well, he probably couldn't bring himself to swat a fly. We re-engineered him. He's now a normal XY chromosome with an almost non-existent testosterone level. He's adrenal gland is also a bit weak. He simply has no more aggression. Fantastic isn't it?"

David begins to shiver. "This is terrifying. What else can they do?" he thinks.

"We discovered a bit later, that we'd messed up a few combinations in his formulae, he's basically about as smart as a 5 year old. So the non-aggression formulae still needs some work, but a few of the others, well, they can only be seen. We don't want a nation of morons, although that could have its uses. We just want to be able to control them. Ready to see some of the advanced work?"

"The chimps!" David remembers, "There were more than just chimps, a few larger apes, maybe even a gorilla. And they were all coexisting. Holy shit. They're definitely further along than she's letting on."

A loud retching sound fills the hallway.

"David! I thought you had a bit more stomach than that. Hey! I made a joke! Seriously though. It's not that its disgusting or anything. Guard, radio for the cleanup crew. We wouldn't want someone to have an accident would we?"

A sputtering David finally gathers himself together enough to plead, "Tell me that was not a man. Please. Anything."

"Sorry Dave. That was. Although we're not totally sure about IS anymore," Dr. Broughter smirks.

Inside the small cell was something possibly humanoid. At first appearance anyway. A slightly closer inspection revealed something canine. Possible both. O.K. It definitely looked like a really bad movie werewolf. With mange. And puss. And cancerous growths.

"Hey. That was only our first attempt at an Anthromorph. We've gotten much, much better. O.K. I'll tell you what. We'll tone down the tour for a bit. How about something truly amazing. We've a whole segment full of 'recovering guests' that are here for legitimate medical treatments."

"Here. Look in there. That man used to be a double amputee. Now, thanks to a super high volume diet and our little miracle he's got both of his legs back. Dr. van Moors says he'll be able to walk again in a few months."

"That's incredible. I can't believe you'd offer that kind of service to humanity."

"Oh, come, come, Dave. Don't be naive. For everything there is a price. The U. S. A. will be the only nation with this capability. IF, and that's a serious if, we decide to continue this avenue. Yeah, yeah, better life and all that jazz, there's even the possibility of profit in this, but as soon as we reveal the capability, EVERYONE, goes ape. If we can do that, what else? That kind of thing. I'm sure you know exactly why we don't want that happening."

"Jesus. So you're just going to drop this? You're not going to help others? You ARE the bitch, queen, psychotic from Hell."

"Tsk. Tsk. David. You're not being very polite. I didn't say that we weren't did I? Why, look in this room."

"She was in a fire, David. Massive burn trauma. Now her skin is re-growing faster than anyone ever imagined. She should be recovered by the end of the week. Incredible isn't it? But boring. Hum drum. Who cares? I certainly don't."

"You fucking little whore! How can you talk about this that way! The potential good for the entire world is staggering and you, you gelatinous bit of snail dropping. YOU ought to be reduced to compost. Argh. I can't even articulate the things that should be done to you."

"Guard? Would you care to restrain Mr. Silver for a moment? Thank you. Now right this way please."

"Now David. Look out that window very, very carefully. You see that? That is where we are now. We can do it David. I'd re-think my attitude and be damn quick about it, if I were you."

"What? You mean that . . . p . . . po . . . pony? Oh, fuck me. No."

"Yes, David. Punishment can be severe. That was another uncooperative 'volunteer.' Now, he lives his life as a horse. We know that he still retains the ability to understand us, but damned if we didn't have to do some really creative brain chem. work on him. We didn't make him like or hate it, we just trapped him there. Along with the instincts of a real horse. He's just a passenger. We're fairly certain he'll be totally insane after awhile, but the horse-part will still be in control so what does it matter?" THUNK. "David? Oh David? Guard, carry Mr. Silver back to his residence please. Thank you."

"Dr. van Moors. Thank you for joining me on such short notice."

"Jah. Vhat iz it? I have much verk and little time."

"How is the Silver Formulae coming, Dr.? He's getting to be a bit of a nuisance."

"Auch! Alwayz, zis! Alwayz, vere'z my Swilver! It iz too complicated. More time! It vill take more time!"

"Fine. Give me a progress report on it, by the morning. I want to know where you are. That tiny little man has annoyed me once too often. He even curses me in his sleep now."

"Oh, zats good. Zats very vunny!"


"Auch! Mein apologiez. I vill do your report, but it yust slowz me dovn."

"Very good. And while you're at it, you might begin thinking about this little problem." A small carefully sealed folder passes between them. "Do it. And I want it done early enough to be completed before the Mr. Silver's conversion is completed."

The white haired Dr. van Moors merely nods as he exits the room.

"David!" calls the mocking voice of Dr. Nicole Broughter. "How are we today? Would you like a treat? I've got a special one for you?"

"Please don't patronize me. Why would I possibly want something that you have to offer?"

"Because your a man David. And here is Bonnie!"

A stunning specimen of womanhood enters the room. David is appropriately surprised, then he notes a few minor flaws. Bonnie, should perhaps be called Bunny. For lying down over her soft light brown hair are a pair of floppy rabbit ears.

"Oh don't worry David. She's human everywhere it counts. She actually likes being this way. Don't you dear?"

"Oh! Oh! I love it! Thank you so much!"

"Bunny, err, Bonnie, don't you know what they've done..."

"Now David. Be nice. Bonnie is going to be your roommate for awhile. I'm certain you'll think of something to do, " Nicole smirked. "Bonnie dear? I know how you can't stand that awful clothing, why don't you remove it? I know David won't object. WILL YOU DAVID."

"Oh! Oh! Thank you Nicole! I really can't stand what this stuff does to my fur!"

"Of course dear."

And so, in short order Bonnie was naked and David was mesmerized. He thought he knew what to expect. He thought that hey could deal with the situation on an intellectual level. He was mistaken. Bunny/Bonnie was indeed a gift to David. She was a gift to men everywhere. She wasn't just an Anthromorph. She was highly modified. She was grown from a pre-pubescent girl. Tailored, monitored, prodded, and altered until she became what she is. The ultimate cliche'. A fuck bunny. An accelerated growth under vastly raised hormone levels created a body in perfect health that dripped sexuality. Her five foot seven frame was definitely that of an athlete, although an unusually busty one.

"We'll just leave you two to get to know each other, then."

Even after the interruption David was drawn back to her. Each tiny detail slowly pulled itself forward and presented itself to him. Starting just below her well formed breasts a light blonde, almost invisible fur crept slowly down her body, darkening as it went to reach the same shade of brown as the hair on her head by the time it reached her navel. Her skin tone, was a complementary tan that definitely seemed natural, not something attained by exposure. Her nipples were the next thing that caught his attention. They were quite flushed, nay, excited. Approximately the diameter of this little finger the rose colored nubs reached proudly towards him as they sat upon areola which themselves seemed to rise slightly over the luxurious mounds of her breasts. David didn't have tremendous experience with the intricacies and mysteries of women's clothing but her breasts were just a bit smaller than what he guessed both of his hands together could hold. It was about this time that she turned around for him. David blinks as he realizes, "She's modeling for me!" Somewhere within him he also noted a slight tinge of disappointment when didn't spot a cotton tail. At first he thought she didn't have a tail at all, but apparently on queue a small perfectly matched brown puffball wagged back and forth punctuated by a very girlish giggle. His eyes wandered over her ass which was high and firm and probably the nicest ass he had ever seen in person. Between her gorgeous ass and her generous breasts was a diminutive waist line that would make any woman jealous. "I just, giggle looove to model. Take all the time you like, Daviepooh." Slightly started and somewhat embarrassed for getting caught staring David's gaze darts back up to her face. He then noticed that the hair on top of her head actually grew down her neck and even between her shoulders naturally shortening until it blended in with her fur. Astounding!

"Davie! Why won't you make love to me?" Bonnie sniffed. "That lump in your shorts says that you want to! Am I not good enough for you!"

"No! It's not that. I mean you're just twelve years old! It wouldn't be moral!"

"But, my body is supposed to be nineteen! That's was Dr. van Shmooz told me and besides, if I don't sleep with you, where am I going to sleep!"

"You can have the bed, I'll sleep on the floor."

"Uh Uuuh. Will not. Will not. Here. Why don't I just lie down here on the bed and you can lay next to me, O.K.? We won't do anything but sleep. I promise."

"I... I just don't... know."

"Pretty please! I'm a bit scared. I've never been alone at night before. There's always been a nurse or another like me to cuddle with."

"Oh. O.K. then. But we're just going to sleep, all right?"

If David's ears were half as sharp as hers, he'd have heard her mutter, "Sleep, uh huh. Together." What David was also unaware of was that the bunny formulae maintained the human sexual pheromone, but at the same time, strengthened it. When a bunny wanted sex, not a man in the room would be able to maintain 'his composure.'

It was only after she curled into a tiny ball that David began to relax. "Finally, she's going to sleep," he thought. David was in trouble. He knew it too, but not what to do about it. He knew he was in a situation were his own body was betraying him, but he hadn't quite been able to figure out why. He just knew that ever since she walked into the room that he had maintained an embarrassingly firm erection. It was driving him to distraction. Even while pondering what to do about it, he found his gaze lingering over her tight, inviting body. He was transfixed by the rhythmic rise and fall of her rib cage and so it was that he slowly, carefully began to pet her. First, just behind the ears, then down her back, and her thigh. Some time passed with him simply stroking her fur when he realized that he felt more than heard a soft, virtually inaudible purring. The realization that it was coming from Bonnie shocked him so much that he stopped petting her.

"Oh! Oh! Please don't stop. That feels SOOOOO good. It's got my little heart just so warm and fuzzy. Like the rest of me!" she giggled.

"R...Really? It feels that good?"

"Oh yes. OH yes! Please do it some more."

"Well, O.K. So do you like what they did to you? I mean, does it feel, I mean, what's it li... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pry or bring up anything unpleasant."

"It's all right. Really. I really enjoy it. I mean, before I was just a little girl, but now I'm all grown up. So what if I don't look like other girls, there are others like me! Not to mention that everything feels SOOOO much better than it used to."

Slowly David resumed his gentle caress. Almost instantly the soft rumble once again touched his senses. "Is that a conscious action or involuntary?" he asked.

"Is what?" "Never mind. I think you just answered my question." "Oh. O.K. Is that good or bad?" "Dunno. I guess it's good." "O.K. Just keep that up... That feels delicious. Here, let me roll over and face you so you can pet my other side. It's feeling neglected." It wasn't long before David's gentle petting produced a bit more than a purr. Arousal. The full effect of her musk hit David right in the erectile tissues. A slow careful smile spread across Bonnie's face. In the dark a tiny hand slowly, carefully reaches forward. It tenuously grasps the hard, veined object it was after. A male voice quietly breaks the silence with a soft moan. Two mouths suddenly collide in a passionate embrace. Thick, callused hands begin a rough search across a tiny, trembling body. They quickly find the pliant tissue of her heaving breasts. Then slowly, almost torturously so, he drags his fingertips in ever-tightening spirals towards her heated nipples as her grasp tightens over his member and begins a slow rhythmic journey up and down its length. In between the dual moans their mouths once again do battle in passion. Slowly he pulls himself from her grasp and lowers his mouth to her nipple. Just a light flick. Next a careful spiraling lick. Goose pimples rise on her exposed flesh, like a million tiny nipples trying to imitate the rose colored diamonds on the top of breasts. He blows softly on them, further arousing her. Unexpectedly he quickly takes the entirety of one of her luscious nipples into his mouth and begins a wonderful, invigorating, suckle. The sultry female moan echoes slightly in the barren chamber. Her pumping of his shaft aligns itself with his rhythmic suckling. Soon, he pulls away and raises himself over her. With a true air of willingness and understanding, she spreads herself for him. Carefully, gently he penetrates her, not just for their first time, but for her first time ever. A sudden burst of heat assaults his senses as he feels her body give its last physical resistance. But by now, he is immune to the logic his brain is throwing before him. He is physically locked into his course of actions, primal survival urges have reduced him to nothing more than an animal in the midst of mating. Below him the once playful Bonnie writhes and wriggles and reacts to every sensation her body feels in an utterly sexual way for she too has experienced a pleasure so primal, so insatiable that for the moment it controls her. His hard, driving thrusts accentuating their mutual lust with lewd slaps. Finally, for Bonnie, the incredible fire running through her body grows to such an intensity that she orgasms in a way that she could never achieve alone. It leaves her so sensitive that she's nearly instantly rocked by a second eruption and then two more. Her world slowly begins to fade to black as her consciousness tries desperately to survive, but his unremitting thrusts slowly pull all thought from her and she passes out. Although Bonnie stops moving, the world for David still consists only of the tense bundle of muscle that is his prick and the hot, tight vault of Bonnie's pussy. And then, his waiting is over, he explodes like never before. It is so hard and powerful that his cries of ecstasy quickly melt into cries of agony. Finally a whimpering David cautiously lowers himself down beside a sleeping Bonnie. Moments later, his pulse slows and he too is sleeping the sleep of the truly content.

"Well, Dr. I would call that an arousing success wouldn't you?" Dr. Broughter gloats. "Indeed. Zee zubjectz bov reacted according to the deezine vithin Mz. Bonnie." Dr. van Moors replied. "Oh jah. I muzt ask again. Are zhou zhure zat theze zilver formulae, vell, I mean, zits ready. Unless of courz you vant more changez."

"Actually, Dr. I was thinking of saving that formulae for later. Take another sample from Mr. Silver and another from Lilly. I want to see if we can create twins out of two entirely separate people."

"Nien! Nien! Be reazonable. Now your asking me to replace his entire DNA strand." and then under his breath, "not only did my hair go vite, I vill loze it all now."

"I have every faith in your abilities Doctor. And remember Doctor, that we want to lock the processes now. No further changes."

The overworked Doctor nods his agreement as he plods slowly from the room.

Meanwhile at U.S. Marine temporary base of operations, code named, 'Dark Rage.'

A comm. speaker crackles noisily. "This is Dr. Nicole Broughter. I need to speak to the commander and the chief medical officer immediately."

"Yes Ma'am" replies the private on duty. "You're video capable I presume?"

"Of course."

"Hold please while I contact the C.O. and the Doc."

"What does the lovely Dr. Broughter want with my little military base today? Looking for a few guinea pigs or just a bit of the other kind of pork?" sneers the C.O.

"Easy. Easy. Commander. I've come to warn you! There's a terrible epidemic spreading across territories very near your operations base."

"What?! What is it?" the worried medical officer queries.

"Some new strain of the flu it would appear. Very resistant to standard inoculations and treatments. However, today is your lucky day. I've got a working inoculation and I'm having it sent by non-stop flight to your airstrip immediately. I'd like to see ALL personnel treated within twenty-four hours of it's arrival. Including yourself. We wouldn't want to loose capable command staff would we?"

"Somehow I doubt that is your concern. I take it this is an order?"

"You're a pretty smart guy. No matter what Washington says about you."


(less than 60 hours later)

"This is Alpha Male to Hunter Leader. You are cleared for launch. Over."

"Hunter leader to Alpha Male. Roger."

Engines roar and the night sky above the carrier's deck is temporarily awash with an unholy red fire as five re-instated A- 10 Warthogs launch themselves into the eastern horizon on a mission of destruction.

A mere hour later the five A-10's are flying perilously close to the tree line as they approach their target. Depleted Uranium rounds slice through the armour and A.A. cannons of the ground force below, before they can even react. Circling like angry hornets the A-10's continue to destroy vehicle and building, scattering the confused enemy troops in every direction.

"Alpha Male to Hunt Leader. Proceed to secondary target. Repeat. Proceed to secondary target."

"Hunt Leader to Alpha Male, That's a roger."

"Hunt Leader, you are cleared for secondary weapons usage. Repeat. Engage FFAR's."

"Roger that Alpha Male."

"Hunt Leader to Alpha Male. Please confirm secondary zone coordinates."

"Hunt Leader, this is Alpha Male. Radar shows you to be in position. Carry out your orders. Underneath that village is a munitions dump that must be contained to prevent further U.S. troop losses."

"Roger that, Alpha Male. You heard 'em boys. Let 'em loose."

"Hunt Leader to Alpha Male. Hunt Leader to Alpha Male. We have a problem."

"Hunt Leader, report. What is your status?"

"Alpha Male. We're experiencing a malfunction in the FFAR pods. It looks like maybe one in ten is detonating."

"Hunt Leader. This is a primary directive. Do NOT switch to chain guns. Continue use of FFARs."

"Roger that. No return fire yet."

Below people are scattering in every direction, feeling incredibly fortunate that the majority of the rounds from the Americans seem to barely explode just enough to give somebody a good concussion. Death seems find very few victims tonight.

Soon the five A-10's bank hard away from the smoking village and begin the long ride home; Pondering the entire way, the purpose and usefulness of the strike on the secondary target.

Several days later, Marine's from 'Dark Rage' capture a small, mostly irrelevant weapons depot only taking two casualties. Both to land mines.

The load POP of a champagne cork echoes dully in the small room currently occupied by the previously sleeping pair, David and Bonnie.

"Jeezuz!" screams David as Bonnie bursts into a fit of giggles as the champagne is sprayed over both of them by a triumphant Dr. Nicole Broughter.

"Good morning you two!" she booms happily. "I've got some fantastic news. It would seem after many months of getting our asses kicked we're finally making some progress in that little military action we've been involved in."

"Oh?" queries David while a bouncing Bonnie giggles with glee! "I assume the champagne means that you're taking credit for this?"

"Well, not formally of course. But it does seem that a terrible new strain of a flu-like virus has struck hard the enemy forces. While, thanks to me of course, all of our troops have been properly inoculated with an anti-virus."

"You're non-aggression virus unless I miss my guess."

"Excellent. Sharp as ever. Bonnie? Dear? Can I get you to follow my assistant? It seems that we missed your last checkup."

"O.K." bubbles Bonnie.

Bonnie's attentions are instantly tuned to the muscle bound assistant and she follows him happily out the door.

"Well, now that we're alone ..."

"We can cut to the chase right, bitch?"

"David. David. David. What are we going to do with you? First, I'd considered making you a simple minded slave for my personal misuse, but that's not really enough of a punishment is it? I mean, you wouldn't be smart enough to care anymore. So I tossed that idea. Please David. Breathe. Yes. That's it. Now, where was I? Oh, yes. Then I thought, why not a dog? Maybe something like a German Shepherd, but no, even if I left you with your intelligence, I'd get bored of that too. Of course, it might be easier to deal with you that way... but I digress again. We even considered twinning you with Bonnie. Heh. Don't worry. Dropped that one too. Then, I thought to myself, you know self, you're just too involved in this personally. Why not let someone else come up with something? And you know what David? They did an incredible job. So subtle, so effective. You'll just love it. I know. Because you'll get to experience it first hand."

David can stand the taunting no longer and explodes in a fit of rage at the 'good' doctor. Unfortunately, the guards are doing their jobs and the stun guns knock him to the ground long before he was close enough to do even the slightest harm to Dr. Broughter.

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. David. David. David." Nicole mumbles as she shakes her head. "Dr. van Moors! He's ready!"

"Jah. Jah. Here ve go. Just von little poke! Jez. Zhats ze trick. Zleep tight. Zhure veally goink to hate me in ze morning."

"Oh God. Who the fuck kicked my nose through the back of my head." David wonders to no one in particular. "The last thing I remember was. Oh God." Quickly the figure rises from the bed and travels to the mirror. "Well. I'm still me. Although with this headache I'm not so sure that's a good thing. Maybe, yes. Definitely a bit more shuteye. No, something to eat first, then some sleep."

"What the hell are these?" David asks himself as he eyes the tray full of bar-like food stuffs. "The smell edible. I wonder if this is how they intend on poisoning me with their virus? Well, I guess I'll starve. Sleep. That'll keep my mind off the food."

"David? Would you please wake up? David!" the voice on the intercom pleaded.

"Mmm. Uh. Yeah." Muttered the still zombie-like David Silver. "Wha... what do you want?"

"David. It's Bonnie. Doc tells me that I have to get you up and have you eat something or you might die! Oh, Davie, don't die!"

David slowly sits up on his bed. He slowly rubs his temples as if that will make the pain stop. Blinking the sleep from his eyes, he surveys his meager abode noting that the only food available is the mysterious bars.

"You're crazy if you think I'm letting you poison me that way." David mutters.

"Oh my god!" Bonnie screams. "Poison?!? Where!?"

"Calm down Bonnie" the silver voice of Dr. Nicole Broughter chimes. "There no poison anywhere near David. You can tell him that can't you, Bonnie?"

"Yes, Ma'am. Davie, those are really, really good food David. I still manage to snack on a few from time to time myself, although according to Dr. van Moors, I don't need them anymore."

"There David. Satisfied? They're not harmful, as a matter of fact, they'll probably keep you alive. They're super-concentrated protein bars. Everything a growing boy needs to stay healthy. And then some."

"Go to fucking HELL, BITCH!"

"David. Please. It's too late for that. I'm asking you to do this David. It will make things infinitely easier on you in the long run. If you don't cooperate, we'll just gas you and the run an I.V. for nourishment. Is that what you want? For me to take out my frustrations on you instead of allowing the current process, devised by someone else entirely to continue?"

"No. Not that, but what are you going to do to me?"

"David. I have done nothing to you. You did this to yourself, remember?"

"Yeah, right." David states as he rises off his bed to get some food. Without even taking his first step, David teeters and falls back onto the bed with an ominous cracking of support slats.

"Oh god, I'm dizzy. Is it supposed to feel this way?"

Wetting her lips silently in the observation room, Dr. Broughter pauses before answering. "We're fairly certain that in the initial phases you'll feel very disoriented and have a difficult time with your equilibrium. Unfortunately, David. We've never tried this dramatic of a transformation on anyone conscious before. We're hoping you will enlighten us an a great many things. Please, remember, we're scientists here and need the truth so try and answer honestly any questions that the staff has for you. We'll make this reasonably quick and hopefully, more comfortable for the next person."

"Oh. Great. A guinea pig after all."

"More than you know" mutters our lovely Dr. off mike. "More than you'll understand for quite awhile. Guard, please usher Ms. Bonnie back to her permanent quarters. Thank you."

Trying again to reach the food bars mere feet away, David approaches the task with a bit more care. Using the wall to guide and support him, he half stumbles his way to the food tray and tentatively takes a bite of one of the bars. "Ack. A bit dry don't you think?" he complains. "And definitely too bland. You can't honestly expect me to cooperate by eating this shit if I don't know the outcome. Death might be preferable."

"Honestly David. Sometimes I think the same way. I really do. You try my patience more than you can possibly imagine."

"Good. At least I know I'm doing the world a favor."

"Oh. Ha. Ha. Very funny. Well, Dr. van Moors, please hand me the specs on the virus. Thank you. My, oh my. Definitely not something I would have picked. Consider yourself INCREDIBLY lucky, David. Looks like you'll get to serve your government in a more active roll after all."

"What? Are you going to make me some lap dog for a sexually frustrated homosexual general or just a two cent whore for the common walking sandbag."

"Goodness, David. I never knew you were so... twisted. I like that. However much I wish I could extinguish that spark of fire that runs through you, I can't. It would make you useless for your current assignment."

"And we still haven't gotten around to exactly what that is." David exasperatedly exclaims.

"Oh. Come on! Is that all you ever think about?"

"It's MY future. MY body that's on the line here."

"Oh all right. It says here that you're to be optimized for jungle assault and of all things, assassinations. My, my, my. Doesn't the world just love to turn everything upside down."

"Optimized how?!?" he screams.

"Hmm. Looks like we're trying something incredibly complex here. All the simms show an 87% chance of success so the odds are really good."


"Calm down. It would seem that one of our other scientists has decided to create upon the myth of lycanthrope."


"You know. Were-wolves and what not? Although looking through the specs here, there's very little lupine. Looks feline, yes... Great cat level. Perhaps Tiger or Lion. My non- human biology is bit sub-par for this job. My sincerest apologies."

"A l...l...lion?" David stutters.

"Well, not exactly. This is really fascinating. Seems what they're really proposing is something called stage two lycranthrope. We're currently underway in redefining your 'base stage' or stage one. Stage two is apparently the half-way form. All the brains and reasoning of the human side with the reflexes and senses of the Lion. Incredible. Truly incredible. Lilly? Please, find the young man responsible for this design and inform him that he is to meet me in my office at exactly two p.m."

"Yes ma'am."

"I... I guess it doesn't sound too bad. I'll still be human for the most part right?"

"Yeah, so it would seem. So it would seem."

"How long will it take? I mean, getting to my 'new stage one'?"

"David. I really need to look over this. It wasn't fully approved by me. That's what I get for delegating authority. I'll come back and talk with you after my meeting."

"Yeah. You do that." He says as he begins eyeing the tray full of food hungrily. "You do that."

"Have Dr. Koenes report to my office immediately." Dr. Broughter snaps at her assistant. A short while later a balding man in his mid forties arrives in a flurry of papers and perspiration.

"Yes Dr. Broughter?" James Koenes queries. "What can I do for you?"

"We need to go over this plan of yours, TGR19a. It has been assigned to, well, shall we say someone that has cost us a great deal of money an effort. So I want you to explain to me why I should let it continue? It looks perfect to set the patient up for future retribution."

"Um. Ah. Yes. I can see how you would think that, but if you'll let me explain how control can be..."

"That Dr. is why you are here! Did I not make myself clear on that?"

"Um. Yes. Well, here. Look. First we take the individual in question and prepare the body for transformation. In subject Silver's case, this also involves a change of gender."

"Gender? Why is that?"

"Please, let me explain." sighs the somewhat flustered Dr. Koenes. "We've run the simms and done thousands of hours of research on this one. When you're talking about male lions, you run into a serious problem with dominance. Put two male lions in a room and you're going to have problems. Now try and imagine twelve. Or a company. It doesn't work. Now, lionesses on the other hand, work together to hunt and kill by instinct. Separated from their pride, they're very eager to join another group that will take them in. We're playing upon these instincts as the first step in control."

"O.K. I can see the logic in that. But I believe you implied that there are other steps?"

"Indeed. The second is another instinctual, or hormonal, reaction. With proper pheromones we can induce 'heat' like symptoms in the subject. This gives us added control, but also ups the stakes. A lioness in heat is a nasty creature, but also, has an underlying urge to submit."

"Incredible. And how fast would the pheromones work? Not to mention, how long would they last?"

"Both excellent questions. Synthetic pheromones will almost certainly not work properly and would more likely than not lead to the injury of one of the staff. That's why we're going to create a single male version as well. That'll give us one of each for now, but we figure one male should do for somewhere between 10 and 15 females."

"This is really excellent work, but I'm afraid I'll need further reassurances."

"As a matter of fact, there is one thing more. We can induce rapid degeneration back into full human with the aid of certain brain chemistries. Essentially the body would feed upon itself for energy while rebuilding back to the basic human female form we've designed. There is a great likelyhood that without additional protein enhancements the subject will either be emaciated or possibly juvenile with weight loss varying wildly from as few as 10 to as many as 40 pounds. This was two-thirds of the battle with the design. Another two-thirds was making the change back again. Essentially we use a medium sized section of the brain to store the cell by cell make up of each form. The chemical signal is given and a new genome virus is initiated using the appropriate 'template'. The 'degeneration' back to human should only take an hour. Transforming back into the stage- two lycanthrope form will take approximately ten hours. The experience is certain to be excruciatingly painful. However the simms show us that the level of 'external' proteins available can shorten or lengthen this time. Our special bars probably subtract as much as fifteen minutes per bar. But it works on something of a logrythmic progression. A dramatic decrease in time for the first few, but diminishing effects as more bars are consumed. We also estimate that significant recovery time will be needed for functionality after transformation. A minimum of four hours. Basically, as a final ahem defense against our own weapon, we can issue a 'shutdown' that will incapacitate the subject for a minimum of 5 hours. It's a chemical inhibitor. Basic neural blocker. I'd say it's a fairly reliable fail-safe."

"Truly fascinating. I see thousands of possibilities for some of your advanced theories here. It is as amazing as the transformations themselves. Thank you Dr. Koenes. You contribution to this project is titanic. Now, for the practical side of things. What is subject Silver's schedule specifically?"

"Well, within the next hour he'll begin the most difficult part of the transformation. The gender change. It should last no longer than four hours. The virus then lies dormant until protein levels are sufficient for the next stage with a minimum of eight hours. We want the subject as aware as possible during all parts of the procedure. Purely scientific reasons."

"Yes. Of course. Not that the little shit doesn't deserve every second of pain he'll be receiving. Well, thank you Dr. Koenes. I think we'd better return to the observation room to watch the show, don't you?"

A short while later an intercomm crackles and the whispery voice of Dr. Nicole Broughter speaks. "David. It's Dr. Broughter. I think you've had enough food for now. Please, for your own safety, return to your bed. Guard. Help him if need be. Then clear and secure the room."

The guard lifts the quietly complying David Silver from his resting area near the tray of food bars and deposits him soundly on the bed. Grabbing the extra chair and the food tray he quickly makes his exit.

"Now, David." Dr. Broughter's musical voice calls. "Remember, this is for everyone's best. You'll hopefully be conscious during the entire procedure so we'd like you to feel free to verbalize anything at all about what is happening to you. With the information we hope that you will provide, we can strive to make this less painful for future recipients."

David looked as if he were about to curse when something took the wind from his sails. He sank back on the pallet that the guard had placed him on holding his stomach. "Ah. You bitch! What are you doing to me? My... Ahhh. Stomach is on fire!"

Dr. Koenes nods his head solemnly in the comfortable room hidden by the one way mirrors. "O.K. Here his non-intestinal organs are reshaping themselves while at the same time relocating where necessary. Well, not the heart or the lungs or even the sexual organs. Just the panceas, liver, etc. The intestinal track will be one of the last things to change as there was a need to hold all possible sources of energy until the last moment."

The curled form of a man in the fetal position continues to cry out. Spasms run through the man as his body suddenly tosses him about. With a loud crack heard without electronic aid in the next room, David finds himself lying spread-eagle and without completely unable to move.

"Now begins the fun part." James snickers. "We'll be lucky if he stays conscious throughout this part. That crack was his lowest rib. We're giving him a matched set; Primarily because we need the calcium elsewhere. He's immobilized right now because we're going through one of the most dangerous parts of the change. The skeletal structure. Each primary limb will be shortened by a small amount and the excess calcium will be re-deposited over the entire skeleton to reinforce its strength."

The crowd in the observation room watches silently as the skin on David's body seems to slowly deflate. After several minutes, slowly and amidst the silent fall of thousands of body hairs and the pitiful whimpering of a man in intense pain, the body on the floor seems to pull into itself. Muscles begin to show themselves in the arms and legs pulling the extremities into place.

"Incredible. Absolutely astounding. It never fails to flabbergast me." chimes Dr. Broughter. "Anyone else notice that our subject has regressed to basic gender neutral?" Dr. Koenes shakes his head. "Externally yes. But internally, we're preparing to convert and consume so to speak. Also note that the subject has had all hair follicles, besides those on the upper portions of the head removed. They'll return as the intestinal track is converted. Its simply a way of ensuring no extra proteins escape during the rest of the change.

"Oh. My fucking stomach is going to explode" the figure on the bed moans. And indeed it was painfully obvious that its now more feminine stature was a tad too small for the large intestinal track its belly housed. It looked somewhat pregnant.

"Next" lectures Dr. Koenes, "will be the sexual organs and secondary characteristics. First the testicles etc. and then the virus will move on to the voice box, breasts, and a few other glands."

"What will David end up looking like?" queries one of the other doctors in attendance. Dr. Koenes eyes the questioner disdainfully before replying, "Well. We didn't do much too much to what he'd look like if he where born a girl. A few extra touches here and there, but they're mainly further optimization for field work. Higher muscle density. An extra vertebrae for more flexibility. Harder bones and nails. A bit of sculpting on the facial structure to ensure relative attractiveness. Nothing much more than that."

The groaning figure writhing on the ground below finally realizes that, yes, it can move again. Slowly, carefully, a single finger tip touches the taught skin of its stomach. Then the full hand. Slowly the hand traces the curve of the stomach downward, towards the groin, but before the curious appendage can reach its destination, an ear-splitting howl of pain reverberates throughout the room. Both hands immediately cup the groin as the figures flops onto its side, still screaming in pain.

For David, life had become an endless series of ever increasing bouts of pain. First, what felt like his stomach has been burned away. Then, he's had some kind of epileptic seizure that had left him paralyzed and unable to even utter the tiniest mew. Next he felt like he was being stuffed into the clothes of a child, but that the clothes wouldn't give or tear. Then when it finally dawned on him that he could move, he was in the middle of noticing how warm and hairless his belly was, when he was kicked in the nuts by something that felt like a semi.

As the pain continued to throb in his groin, a dawning knowledge unfolds itself to him. As a horrified hand fondles his new and still forming equipment, he screams again. Long and loudly, but doesn't seem to notice as the wailing rises slowly in pitch. First a tiny bit. Then a few whimpering breaths and the next scream was positively, undeniably feminine. Slowly, the pain in his groin begins to dull only to be replaced by a pulsing on his chest. Not unpleasant, but after as much pain as he had endured thus far, hot coals would be a welcome relief. He stares at his chest. First noticing how engorged his still vestigial nipples are. As the pulsing progresses to throbbing the areola seems to widen in diameter. The throbbing crescendos to a pounding and with each beat of his heart both nipple and areola rise upon what are obviously female breasts. A corner of his mind, overlooking the horror of his current situation ponders briefly on why they weren't bigger.

"We're almost done with this stage of the transformation" Dr. James Koenes states. "The next stage is the most dangerous and the most, how shall I put it, messy?"

"Messy? How?" asks one of the 'nurses' standing by to help out in an emergency. "You'll see." James chuckles. "You'll see. But remember, this next step is the most important. That's why we've the delay here. To give the body a breather so to speak. We'll be resizing the lungs, heart, altering a bit of brain chemistry, while processing the last of the intestinal track and well, ridding the body of any excess materials."

"Oh" sighs the nurse. "I do understand."

"Please, all emergency response staff, report to your stations. This has worked perfectly so far, but I don't want to risk loosing, uh, her."

A rush of white uniformed men and women leaves the observation room and assembles outside of David's room.

David laid there on the bed. Simply perspiring. He felt like shit and everything hurt, but it was a good pain. Like the day after a hard workout. The kind of pain you knew was going to go away after awhile. "Maybe. Just maybe. It's over." He hoped silently to himself. This unfortunate line of thinking was cut short by the realization that he couldn't breathe. As he starts to thrash ineffectually, he feels his pulse fade and the world begins to darken. A descending cloud of black, growing thicker and thicker. Bringing relief and numbness. But it is the enemy! He struggles to bring back the light. All is black when faintly but acheingly loud to his near deaf ears his heart gives a weak, but mis-timed thump-bump. Again. Better timing. Again. Again. Slowly, but regularly. It brings fire to his lungs and he realizes that he is holding his breath. A giant rush of air fills his lungs to capacity sending him into near intoxication with as sweet drug of oxygen fills his blood once more. Darkness comes again. He feels his control slip as the darkness rushes in much quicker this time, and then nothing.

Seconds. Minutes. Hours. Days. Realities later the exhausted body of one David Silver begins to sound the moans of someone being awakened against his will. The limp body suddenly starts into one tight muscle as the events of the recent past come flooding back with a vengeance.

"I'm. I'm. A woman." A simple statement of fact that up until a few hours ago would have gotten some very funny looks. As the now lithe and obviously female David Silver unfurls his body from its fetal tuck, a wave of thirst crashes over him. With uncoordinated limbs and an unsteady sense of balance the new woman stumbles over to the fountain where she begins drinking directly from the dispenser in a most unladylike fashion.

"Well, Dr. Koenes. It would appear she has recovered quite nicely and with remarkable speed" quips Dr. Broughter. "So it would seem, Nicole. So it would seem. But it also shows us that we've got another consideration in the future. Water levels. It's obvious by the color of her skin and its temperature that she's consumed drastically more water in the transformation than anticipated. It could lead to future complications."

"Indeed. If she were to ahem run out during the middle of a transformation she'd most likely die, correct?"

"Quite so." He sighs. "Quite so."

With the sudden realization that oxygen is required to breath and not water, David spasms into a coughing fit that pulls his mouth away from the spigot, spilling unpleasantly chill water all over his exposed skin.

The crackling intercom interrupts David's silent examination of the after effects of his little accident.

"David." Chimes Dr. Broughter. "I believe, you'll find that there are more food bars over by the bed. Why don't you sit down and have a few while we go over some questions?"

His first instinct was defiance. Then rage. Then realization dawns and slowly David Silver, once man, now woman stumbles over to the nearby bed.

"O.K. David. First let me tell you, congratulations! You've done something very few have done so far and done it oh, so, very well. Current medical data shows that other than a bit of dehydration you're in perfect health. But if you're ready, we do need to go over a few things. Now you've been out of it for a little over four hours, that means that in about four or five more hours we'll be done with the worst of it. Now let's get down to pressing business." A slightly curious look crosses David's face, but very little else.

"During the early part of your transformation, you said that you're stomach was on fire. How long did this last?"

"No." states David.

"Pardon?" both Dr. Broughter and Dr. Koenes answer in unison. "What did you say?"

"I said, NO! Why should I help you? You've, you've..."

"I see" sighs Dr. Broughter. "I should have guessed that you'd quit cooperating. At least eat some of the food bars and have some more water. It's not over yet." Releasing the intercom, she turns to Dr. Koenes, "Find Dr. van Moors and have him meet me in my office immediately."

"Well, maybe I pushed my luck this time" he ponders to himself. As he lays back on the bed, mindlessly chewing bits of sawdust bars; His mind, unable to concentrate on anything else, begins a mental inventory. "Well, for one thing, I'm fucking cold." Looking down at his tan, trim, and hairless chest, "Hell. I'm also still a guy inside. It's such a weird vantage point, but if I imagine a little, yeah. Guess I should have gotten out a bit more, all of this flesh is mine now, but it still kind of. Fuck. I'm lusting after my own tits. Great. Won't this be one for the psyches. Now, now, now. Let's try this again. Toes, check." He thinks to himself as all ten little piglets wiggle furiously. Shit. I can't do it. It's killing me." Standing up carefully, he looks at himself again, carefully noting each detail. Skin. Soft. Very soft. Apparently, naturally tan as he hadn't been this dark since his last vacation to the islands. Nipples. Also brown. But much darker than his skin and larger than he preferred on his past romantic encounters. Perhaps three eighths of an inch in diameter the dark nubs probed forward over his puffy areola something closer to half of an inch. Bumps, like dozens of the goose variety poked up on those same miniature hillocks atop each breast. Looking at the whole picture, the breasts appear to each be the tiniest bit larger than he can fully encompass with his feminized hands. I can't believe I thought that these things needed to be bigger. They're so impossible. Every twist of my body, every hop, hell, even every step I'm reminded of their presence. It's so weird. Sighing the inventory continues with a vast flat stomach tapering to an incredibly diminutive waist. Below the waist, he wasn't really ready to handle. He could see the slight cleft in the golden-brown down that hid his new genitalia. Take a deep breath, he looks past to long, muscled legs. Dancer's legs ending in tiny little feet with to what appeared to him as miniature toes. Nah, they're the right size, I just remember mine being bigger. Mine. No, David, these ARE yours. This IS your body. Even if it isn't the one you were born with." He scolds himself. Sitting back down on the bed he turns his introspection on his mind. "Is anything different? Would I know if it was? Am I still straight?" Closing his eyes, he begins to fantasize. His first thoughts are strictly male-female, he playing the dominate male role of course, but as he releases conscious control over his daydream, his partners become more indistinct. He plays both the dominate role and the passive one. Curiosity. He tries to imagine what it would be like to be entered. At some level all of this excited him, but eventually, he came to the conclusion that he was still male, at least, intellectually.

"Hmm. Thirsty again." Rising he slowly makes his way over to the water fountain. "It's different, but not much. If anything I feel better, even if every muscle in this body aches. It's like I lost a thousand pounds. Flexing and stretching his new body in all the old 'workout' ways, produced some interesting results. Some things just didn't work any more, but the pain that always accompanied some of the more strenuous leg stretches was completely absent. Then he tried the splits. Oh, he was successful, but it hurt. BIG TIME. After carefully laying himself down on the cold ground and whimpering for a few moments the pain began to dull. "My god. Everything is so much more. It's like having a hypersensitive allergy. Just a little is a lot. I wonder, if pain hurts so much." He shakes himself out of that line of thought. While laying their on his side on the cold ground he notes with no small bit of interest the tingling sensation in his nipples. "Fuck me." Shaking his head again and sitting up, he brings a trembling hand up to touch the offending object. "It's so. Big. His hand gently touches the engorged nipple which causes the tingling to warm slightly. "It's almost like I can feel the blood in them." Goose pimples begin to rise over his flesh both from the cold, hard floor and the chilling realization that like it or not, he is now a woman. With a body that reacts like a woman. Looks like a woman. Sounds like a woman. "Therefore I'm a duck" he laughs to himself.

She catches a glimpse of someone moving on the other side of the room and it jolts her into action. With a speed and swiftness that surprises her, she bolts to the bed and promptly rolls right over it and back onto the floor on the other side. Snatching a cover off of the bed she demurely tries to cover herself, but just as quickly drops the sheet as there is no one else in the room. A mirror. A fucking mirror. They're probably the one-way type. She cautiously rises and walks over to the mirror grabbing another food bar on the way. "What the hell. I must have already given them one hell of a show during my little gymnast routine" she sighs. Her eyes lock on their reflection, lightly brown, almost gold eyes, nothing even close to their original hazel. She stays that way for several minutes as if trying to find himself within this new shell. A simple blink shatters the world of reflections and the self-examination continues. "Well. I don't look like me any more that's for sure. Or do I? Maybe. If you trimmed the cheek bones and filled out this button of a nose, I might look something like Mom. Maybe." Stepping backward from the mirror, she regards her new body in its entirety. "Attractive. But not overly so. Attainable. That's what I'd term it. The kind of girl a guy can..." he stops short. Unable to stem the tide of new chemicals coursing through her brain, she sits down hard on the cold floor. Tears begin to draw glistening trails down nutmeg cheeks. Like veins of glittering silver in the dry desert sand.

"Dr. van Moors. Thank you for joining me so quickly. We have much new business to work on." The strange doctor nods his head rigorously amidst a floating cloud of white hair. "Jah. Go von."

"First Dr. I would like to apologize for the sudden tabling of your ideas. It was extremely unprofessional of me and I am truly sorry." "Vhat! Vhat do you want? Dat you bothzer and old man with idiotic liez und vlatteries."

"Astute as always Dr. van Moors. You are quite correct of course. I do want something. I need the Silver formula. But with a new base DNA. If I give you the sample can you have it ready in about two weeks?"

"Jah. It cand ve done."

"Thank you Dr. Thank you very much. I'll have the sample delivered within the hour."

A short time later, a phone rings in another part of the complex. "Personnel" the secretary states. "Yes. Yes we do. Right away Dr. Broughter."

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