The Happy Accident

By Ant Pa

Published on Jun 16, 2020



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Red Shorts - Encounters

Rod and Andrew were helping Steve move into his first home. Unlike the majority of his friends trying to find a place in West Hollywood, Steve had found a house in Silverlake, just ten minutes from his old apartment complex The Lonestar.

Andrew stopped by and picked up Rod at his place, a quiet and modern apartment complex at the outskirts of West Hollywood, where Rod liked to wear little clothing while jogging through the streets, such as Muscle T-s and short spandex or running shorts that shocked the elderly community around him.

Today, Rod wore a pair of short-red running shorts and no shirt, displaying a defined chest and washboard abs, covered with true-blond hair and a treasure trail leading to a nice bulge in his shorts, along with white tennies and ankle socks to complete his outfit.

Standing at six-one, a hundred and ninety-five pounds, amber-brown eyes, light-brown hair, and a perfect tan, Rod knew he looked "Fucking Amazing."

"Well, well, well, whom are we after today?" Andrew asked.

Andrew wore a faded pair of gray sweat pants, with a white jockstrap underneath. Sitting in his truck he concealed a soft eight-inch cock, ten and half-inches when hard, an old, worn white T-shirt that strained against his muscular chest, a pair of flip-flops adorned his feet. Andrew's brown hair, sky-blue eyes, minimal, soft brown body hair, and natural dark tan complemented Rod.

"I'm not after anyone," said Rod. "Can't a guy look good because he feels good?"

"Sure, I suppose, if he wasn't trying to find cock to feed his hungry ass," was Andrew's response.

"Hey, I like to top too," Rod huffed with a smile.

"You haven't topped since eight years ago," said Andrew in a sarcastic tone, under his breath.

Rod missed the comment, but threw his ice-melting stare at one of his best friends.

A great thing about Rod and Andrew's friendship was the fact that they could rib each other, knowing that no feelings were hurt.

It helped too that they were occasional fuck buddies.

Rod hopped into Andrew's truck and while shutting the door used his left hand to massage Andrew's cock and balls, "Is he awake yet, or is he tired from some late night action?"

"Nah, the place was filled with the old trolls you're so fond of. How was the visit with your parents?"

"Me? Weren't you the one that fucked that guy last week who was, what, fifty-three? Good. They said to tell you `Hi.' They want to know when you and I will become lovers."

"He might have been fifty-three, but his bod was hot and we kept at it for three hours. You and I lovers, if they only knew how close to it we already are."

As they drove to Steve's old apartment, Andrew lowered the windows, knowing Rod's nips would get nice and hard from the wind and his cock rising to half mast.

When at stop lights or stop signs, Rod leaned over and nibbled on Andrew's earlobe, knowing this weakness got Andrew hard, quick. The little game between them was to see which of them could get the other rock hard first, while avoiding an accident, a part of the thrill of the game.

By the time they reached Steve's apartment, both Andrew and Rod were painfully hard, Rod's jockstrap slightly damp from oozed precum. They exited the car with confidence, stretching their taut bodies to magnify their hard cocks against the gym shorts and sweat pants, looking around for any guys to attract their attention, but none were on the street.

They did see one guy on his balcony three floors up, in Steve's complex, rub his own cock and balls through basketball shorts while staring at them, especially their cocks on display.

They waved at him, blew him a kiss or two, and headed for Steve's apartment.

They walked up the stairs, Andrew in front of Rod, and paused at Steve's floor when Rod pulled out his cock, leaned Andrew against the wall, and rubbed it up against Andrew's hairless ass, through his sweatpants. Andrew responded with flexing his ass muscles and turned his head so that they could lock lips.


A floor above them, the stairwell door opened. Rod grinned at Andrew and stuffed his cock back into his shorts. They exited, heading to Steve's place.

While knocking, on Steve's door, Andrew reached behind him and pulled on Rod' cock, the fabric of the shorts providing extra stimulation, a small sigh escaping Rod as he used his chin to massage between Andrew's shoulder blades.

Steve opened the door, his mind on clearing out the apartment. "Hey guys. Thanks again for helping me. We just need to load the back of the headboard into Andrew's truck and about a dozen other things and we'll be done."

He leaned into Andrew and hugged him, feeling Andrew's cock against his thigh, a smile growing on his face, while letting a hand wander down for a quick fondle.

Steve, at six-three, towered over Andrew's five-ten frame. His black hair ruffled from scratching his head while finishing his packing, eyes as black as a star-less sky smoldered as he eyed Rod behind Andrew. He moved Andrew inside so he could hug Rod, too, eyes drawn down to Rod's nothing outfit and hard cock through the running shorts; Steve's own cock growing hard as the tufts of thick black chest hair poking out of his tank top rubbed against Rod's smooth chest, by lifting Rod up into a bear hug.

He moved his hands down Rod's back to his ass massaging both globes, the index finger of both hands gently playing with Rod's hole, lowering Rod to the ground, and finally bringing his hands to the front to fondle Rod's cock and balls.

Steve and Rod smiled at one another, exchanging a playful kiss between them, as Steve removed his hands and let his own crotch bump and grind against Rod's.

"Well, I guess I'm fucking chopped liver," said Andrew, with a smile in his voice. He came up behind Steve and let his cock tickle Steve's ass. He knew later they would clean up and have a fuck-fest. It had been a month since the three of them had played together, taking turns fucking one another while being fucked.

Steve and Rod laughed. All three of them went to work loading the last of Steve's stuff into the back of Andrew's truck.

When finished, Andrew asked, "Hey Steve, what do you have that's red to tie to the foot of the headboard sticking out the back of the truck?"

"Huh?" questioned Steve.

"You need something red tied to the foot of the headboard or I'll get a ticket," Andrew said in a loud voice, as a police car went by, the windows down, and the cop in the passenger seat slightly shifting his head.

The police car continued, a bit more slowly down the street; Andrew, Steve, and Rod locked eyes with the cop in the passenger seat from the side mirror: Rod tightening already firm stomach muscles, standing tall, while Andrew and Steve thrust their crotches out as much as possible. Each hoping deep down inside the police car would come around the block one more time and the cop giving his number to the hottest guy standing there. After all, Silverlake had a large gay employee police force.

"Why not use Rod's shorts? We can tie it to the end, will that work?" asked Steve.

"Wait a minute guys, I like showing off and take pretend risks, but you know I don't do public nudity," said Rod, as he backed towards the passenger door.

Andrew sidled up to Rod and used his hand to massage Rod's ass while saying, "Come on think about it, you between us in the car naked. We can have a little fun until later, when we get to your place."

Rod looked at both Steve and Andrew and opened the passenger car door, sat inside, tugged off his shorts, and handed them to Steve, while groping his cock and balls with his other hand, looking Andrew in his eyes.

Andrew leered, leaned forward and kissed Rod, sliding his tongue into Rod's mouth. "Gentlemen, gentlemen, or should I say sluts? Let's not draw an audience, you already have the guy on the balcony there trying to wave us up."

With that, Steve and Andrew tied the shorts to the foot of the headboard, climbed into the truck on either side of Rod, and off they went to Steve's new house.

Along the way, Steve leaned over and gently nibbled on Rod's right nipple, while Andrew cupped and massaged Rod's cock and balls, forcing Rod's cock to sprout and stand at rigid attention, bringing Rod to the edge two or three times, stopping just before Rod shot, his shaft, pubic hair, and balls covered in his faucet of pre-cum. Steve took the opportunity to scoop some and eat it and feed some to Rod.

Backing the truck up to Steve's garage, Andrew asked, "When will your place be un-tented?"

"Two days from now, Monday. As it is, I was lucky the garage wasn't attached, otherwise, it would have been tented too and I would have needed to rent a storage space for at least a week."

"Can you pull open the garage and we can unload from here?" asked Rod, his cock starting to deflate from the lack of attention.

Steve said, "No. The front and back of the garage are piled with boxes and whatnot. We need to take everything around to the side door.

"Well, get me my shorts. Let's unload the truck, go shower, then fuck around." Rod said with a gleam of sex in his eyes.

Andrew and Steve stepped out of the truck and walked to the back of it, both looking to the foot of the headboard then up to each other, trying to stifle a growing laugh within each of them.

Rod couldn't see out the back window said, "What's the hold up? Come on guys."

"Well, we have good news and we have bad news. Which do you want?" Asked Andrew.

Peering out the passenger door, Rod said, "I'll take the good news," preparing his ice-melting stare, knowing no good was coming his way.

Steve nodded his head towards the front of the truck and Andrew walked to his side, seeing Rod lean out the door. Andrew flashed the smile he used when picking up a hot trick for the night and said, "Um. You see. The thing is. Your shorts, their gone," the smile trying to go up one more notch.

"What the fuck happened?"

"Duh, Sherlock. Obviously, the shorts came undone and fell off on the way here."

"Well, one of you loan me your shirt so I can wrap it around my waist and get into the garage and find something to wear."

"That will never do, darling. Your waist is two inches bigger than mine," Steve said, while laughing.

Andrew added, "Besides, I thought you wanted to show that hot bod of yours," he finished laughing too.

"You fuckers! Just help me get some clothes."

"Ah, poor Rod. Come on Andrew, let's get him to the garage."

"Sure thing. Let's go find him some clothes, maybe a thong or a jockstrap?"

"Either makes my ass look hot," said Rod, his assurance rebuilding itself.

Steve walked in front of Rod while Andrew walked behind him, close enough that any neighbors wouldn't be able to tell for certain what was happening.

As they reached the side of the garage where they were no longer in view, Andrew reached forward and patted Rod on his ass.

Now safe between his friends and knowing clothes were a few steps away, Rod stopped in his steps long enough for Andrew to bump into him, while reaching behind and pulling Andrew's waist forward, bringing his ass and Andrew's cock together. He did a quick bump and grind, then sprinted towards Steve who was unlocking the side door to the garage.

Rod grabbed a hold on each side of Steve's waist, slipped his shorts down to reveal a white jockstrap, and spread his cheeks to allow his cock to tease Steve's ass.

Steve stayed that way for a bit until Andrew was behind Rod and doing the same thing, then opened the door, trying to focus on the task at hand.

Steve flipped on the light, pulled up his shorts and said, "Why don't you two start looking through some boxes and I'll grab the stuff from the back of the truck."

"'Kay," said Rod.

"We're on it," said Andrew.

Steve walked back to the truck and started unloading a few of the items he could carry by himself and placed them against the garage wall.

Noticing a guy wearing sweat bottoms, no shirt, sandals, and chest and abs that shouted, "Rugged, Manly Man!" He had a thick growth of blonde chest hair that trailed down his defined chest and continued past his stomach to disappear into the sweats, all nicely trimmed. Rod would most definitely be jealous, he thought.

Steve and the guy made eye contact, and while looking at him backed into the truck, caught himself without dropping the box and nodded at the guy.

The guy smiled, waved a hand, and continued on his way.

"That is one man I have to meet up close and personal," said Steve.

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"I bet you a blow job that Steve is going to end up meeting some guy," said Rod.

"Well, first of all, what kind of blow job are we talking about here? Then, I can decide if I want to take that bet," said Andrew, as he reached down and started stroking his cock.

"Hm, let's go one step further. I bet your ass with my cock in it that he meets a guy shorter than him, with blond hair, and no body hair," said Rod, as he opened a box to find some clothes.

"I'll take that bet," said Andrew, turning to the boxes he was checking. "And when I win, my cock will be buried in your ass like it was a month ago, with you yelling for more," he finished.

They stopped the chitchat for a moment to continue the search through the boxes for clothes, Andrew on one side of the garage and Rod on the other.

Steve had divided the garage area for space purposes, creating a comfortable walk way.

Rod paused long enough to lay blanket down on the concrete behind him. "What are you doing? asked Andrew.

"Well in case I fall, I want to make sure I don't bruise the merchandise on the concrete. This way, I have some safety."

"Ah, yes. It's all about the merchandise," said Andrew, sporting a grin on his face, as he reached back and rubbed Rod's right ass cheek.

Andrew went back to the boxes. The next box Andrew opened was filled with Steve's sex paraphernalia: lube, cock rings, three or four varying dildos, in their individual packages, a blindfold, wrist restraints, a feather, and some condoms. Although most guys were on PReP like Andrew, Rod, and Steve, some guys just wanted the extra protection.

With a wicked smile on his face, Andrew gently slipped one of the dildos from its packaging. He pulled off his sweatpants with a practiced quietness, then fit a cockring around the base of his cock and balls, the tightness of the cockring getting his cock semi-hard.

He grabbed a bottle of lube, looked over his shoulder and saw that Rod was still trying to find some clothes.

"Hey Rod, you might want to spread your feet a bit farther apart for balance, while you check the boxes farther back. Remember, you don't want to bruise the merchandise."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever."

Andrew walked over to Rod, the dildo nice and lubed, hidden behind his back, in his left hand. "Here, let me balance you. Then I can get back to my boxes."

"Thanks man."

As Rod stretched farther to check one of the boxes, Andrew moved the dildo from behind his back and started guiding it towards Rod's unexpecting ass.

When Rod had finally stretched to the balls of his feet, Andrew guided the dildo towards Rod's ass. The flesh of Rod's hole seemed to pucker, as if saying, "Fuck Me Mister!"

In a quick movement, before Rod could react, Andrew slid the head of the dildo into Rod's hole.

Rod froze in mid-motion, as tingles of sensual pleasure started from his ass and spread down to his toes and to the top of his head. "Oh, yeah," Rod moaned, as he wiggled his ass, working more of the dildo into himself.

Andrew smiled at Rod's reaction, his own cock now hard from the cockring and the scene of his buddy's ass in front of him getting pleasured.

Rod looked over his shoulder and said, "Slide it farther in me man. Damn that feels good," while lowering himself to the soles of his feet, and reached down and started stroking his rock hard cock.

Andrew slid the dildo farther into Rod and went to his knees, massaging his own cock and balls with his other hand.

Rod laid his chest across the boxes, losing himself to the pleasure of his ass; the indescribable pleasure brought forth moans and grunts.

Andrew leaned forward on his knees, nibbled on Rod's right ass cheek, working his way to Rod's balls, and with practiced ease, took one in his mouth, rolling it over his tongue, between his teeth-bringing further moans of pleasure from Rod. At the same time, he began a slow steady rhythm of sliding the dildo in and out of Rod's ass.

Behind them, Steve walked in and without missing a beat took in the action in front of him. He set the box down with stealth and removed his clothes, his cock growing hard as his mind processed the hot man-on-man action in front of him.

Andrew released Rod's ball from his mouth, stood up, leaned forward, and nibbled on Rod's back, while increasing the tempo of the dildo sliding in and out of Rod.

Rod was moaning with pure pleasure. "Fuck man that feels awesome. Come on fuck me. Stick your cock in me man. I want the real thing!"

Andrew turned to reach for lube when he heard, "Here let me help you."

Steve walked up behind Andrew lube in one hand the other a pool of it to grease Andrew's hard, hard cock. Steve rubbed the pool of lube up and down Andrew's shaft, while Andrew slid the dildo from Rod's hole replacing it with two of his fingers, and Steve ground his cock against Andrew's ass, letting the left strap of the jockstrap snap against Andrew's ass, getting a moan from the man he was going to fuck very soon.

Andrew slid his lubed cock against and into Rod's ass, as he started pulling his fingers from Rod's hole, at one point both his fingers and hard cock were buried in Rod's hot ass.

"Fuck man, that feels so fucking good," groaned Rod.

"Pucker your ass Andrew. Show me you want my cock," said Steve, as Andrew slid his cock to the hilt into Rod.

"Ah man, come on fuck my ass. Shove it in me man. Make me feel good," begged Rod, as he alternately tightened and relaxed his ass when Andrew was as far in him as possible.

Andrew expertly worked his cock in Rod, while reaching down and rubbing their balls together, as Steve knelt down behind him and started rimming his ass.

Andrew gripped Rod's waist and started a slow rhythm of fucking.

After making Andrew's ass as slick as possible with spit, Steve started kissing his way up Andrew's back finishing with the right earlobe, causing Andrew to moan, "Steve, fuck me man! Lube your fuck tool and drill me." Andrew liked being in the middle of the two men.

Steve lubed his cock and penetrated Andrew's fuck hole. "Oh fuck! Yeah, man!" And in one smooth motion had buried his shaft to the hilt in Andrew's hole.

While this was happening, Rod raised his feet until his toes just reached the floor and started bouncing up and down on Andrew's cock. "Oh, man. Fuck me. Bury your cock deep inside me."

"Doing it now man. Your ass is always nice and tight."

Andrew moved his hands to the top of Rod's shoulders and kneaded his way down to his butt, spreading the cheeks wide to get a better view of his cock sliding in and out, noticing that Steve was doing the same thing to him.

"Damn Andrew, your ass is as good as ever," said Steve.

Andrew lifted Rod's legs, bent them in and turned him over onto his back on the boxes behind Rod while continuing his thrusting. Never once did Andrew or Steve lose their piston action.

Steve increased his action and reached down to fondle Andrew's balls.

"Nice move," said Rod. "That was fucking hot. Now lean down and kiss me."

"Beg for it. Tell me you need to be fucked and maybe I'll kiss you," said Andrew, smiling, keeping his thrusts at a steady pace.

"Yeah, beg for it you hot bottom. Tell him how much you need to be fucked," ordered Steve.

"Please, fuck me man. Plow my ass. Come on fuck me harder." With that, Andrew leaned down and slid his tongue into Rod's mouth. The two of them tongue dueled while Andrew gripped Rod's cock and started jacking him at the pace of his fucking.

Steve caught on and made sure his rhythm synced up with Andrew's.

"Oh, fuck man. This is so fucking incredible. Fucking and getting fucked. Drill me Steve," said Andrew.

Rod moved Andrew's hand from his cock and started his own jacking motion, using his legs and feet as a hint to Andrew to go faster.

Andrew got the hint and started ramming Rod as fast and hard as he could. Steve caught the signal and also increased his fucking motion in Andrew.

Their breaths were getting heavier, sweat started dripping from all of them from the hot fucking.

Rod's ass muscles started clenching tighter. Andrew knew he was moments from exploding and felt his own orgasm build and moaned, "I'm coming. Come on guys. Shoot your load with me. Shoot Rod. Shoot you're cum all over your chest."

"Fuck yeah. Here I cum." Rod started unloading his man juice, first on his face and in his mouth, then the rest of it all over is chest and abs.

He kept jacking until his cum just oozed from him.

At the same time, Andrew started coming too, "Oh fuck! Yeah, man," he yelled, as he filled Rod's hole and lined his inner walls with his hot cum.

He liked swallowing his own cum, but waited until Steve filled him so he could bend over and eat out Rod's hole and swallow his own cum.

His cock didn't go soft as he lost himself to the pleasure of his ass being fucked by Steve.

Steve was finally at his limit, after watching his two friends shoot their loads. "Oh fuck man, I'm coming!" With that, he let his first two shots explode in Andrew, then pulled out, kept jacking his cock as his next five or so shots trailed the back of Andrew's neck down to the top of his ass cheeks.

Rod was scooping his cum with his fingers to eat as he licked his tongue around his mouth to swallow what he could from his face.

Andrew leaned down and started coaxing his cum from Rod's hole, to eat and tongue what was just inside, as Steve licked his way down Andrew's back eating his own cum, until kneeling at Andrew's cum-filled-hole to suck out his hot seed.

After a few moments of quiet pleasure, Rod said, "Man that was fucking hot."

"Oh yeah it was," said Andrew."

"Guys, I don't want to move it felt so good," commented Rod.

"How `bout we get the rest of the boxes in here, then go to Rod's to shower, nap, and prepare for a night of more, hot man-sex? This time I'm in the middle," said Steve.

"Perfect," and, "you're on man," was Andrew and Rod's response.

End. For now.

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