By Grayhair99

Published on Aug 23, 2018



This story contains descriptions of sexual interactions between men. If you are uncomfortable or easily offended by reading such material, or not permitted to do so legally, please leave this page immediately. Read at your own risk.



By Grayhair99

After working out in the exercise room, I took a quick shower and headed for the Jacuzzi to relax. While I was gradually immersing my body in the hot water I noticed that a black-haired man about 30 years old was sitting up to his chin in the water on my (lower) tier. He looked towards me, without taking his eyes off me raised the thumb of his right hand to his lips, and furtively liked it with his tongue - he was clearly giving me a signal of invitation for oral sex! I gradually acclimated myself to the water temperature and, with eyes closed, enjoyed the water bubbling against my skin. Periodically I half-opened my eyelids and involuntarily met the stare from my neighbor sitting across from me.

At one point, he stood up and headed for the steps leading to the exit from the water. He glanced toward me and barely noticeably pointed with his head toward the exit door. I sat in the water for a few more minutes and set out after him. Usually, after sitting in the Jacuzzi, everyone goes for more warmth to one of the hot rooms. When I found no one in the sauna, I opened the neighboring door to the steam room.

Through the fog cloud I noticed a figure sitting in one of the corners, climbed up to the second shelf and sat down about a half meter away from him. The Mestizo was sitting with a towel wrapped around his lower body in such a way that the space between his thighs was completely open. My neighbor glanced toward me and lowered his gaze to the space between the edges of the towel. My gaze followed to the same place, and from what stood before my eyes I shuddered internally, as if struck by a current of electricity.

A gigantic cock was hanging between his legs. Although it was not yet completely erect (its head was still hanging down), it was already quite engorged and was about 20 cm long. Its width was that of a good- sized cucumber. The youg man again glanced toward me and clasped his circumcized cock with two fingers, raised it slightly and made several careful up-down movements along its length. Moreover, with the same nod of his head toward his equipment, he let me know that he wanted me to take care of it.

My hankering to touch that monster coincided with its owner's desire, so I reached out my hand toward my neighbor's crotch and grasped his cock somewhere in the middle with my palm. However, my hand covered only an insignificant part of this hose, and at least two more palms would be needed to grasp its entire length. Nevertheless, I began actively working with one hand grasping its girth and moving from its head toward his balls. Judging by his more rapid breathing and his sounds of approval, what I was doing clearly pleased him.

At the same time he wanted more - he put his hand on my head and directed it toward his groin. I jumped down from the upper ledge, knelt between his legs, and my mouth went down on this column. Now he was already pressing against the back of my head with both hands and I, panting, felt his cock filling not only my entire mouth but also penetrating even deeper into my throat.

Mestizo held my head for a second so that his entire cock was completely submerged in my mouth, and then began the in-out movement with ever-increasing speed, thrusting his cock into my mouth up to his balls. Fortunately, because of his extreme arousal, this did not last interminably. Overall, it took 3-4 minutes for him to reach orgasm and he shot several spurts into my mouth.

When he stopped erupting he quickly jumped down from the ledge, literally flew out of the steam room and rushed toward the shower stalls. I also headed for the showers, rinsed out my mouth and felt an irritation in my throat. Before leaving, while sitting in the bar for a cup of soothing tea, I realized that not only had I never before had an encounter with a Mestizo, but also with such huge equipment. 'Live and learn, and acquire new experience' - I thought to myself while trying to imagine the possibility of repeating an analogous situation.

And I didn't have to wait very long for that to happen. After 2-3 weeks I again met the same Mestizo in the Jacuzzi. While leaving the bubbling water he again nodded in invitation to follow him. After 5 minutes when I entered the steam room, I saw that he was sitting in the same spot, but someone was bobbing his head in lateral movements. When I got nearer and squinted through the semi-darkness I found that this head with curly hair belonged to a Latino from Peru that I had met earlier in the steam room. I knew he liked to play with guys. The Latino briefly glanced toward me and continued unabashedly sucking the Mestizo's cock.

I came nearer, stretched out my hand under the Peruvian's chin and began to fondle the Mestizo's balls with my fingers. Following his already familiar tradition, he placed his hand on my head and directed it toward his cock, gently pushing the Peruvian's head away with his other hand.

I took his enormous cock in my mouth and began the perennial action that brings pleasure. After a few minutes, I took this marvel out of my mouth and hand it over toward the Peruvian. The latter opened his mouth and greedily began to move along its length. However, he was only able to take this anaconda up to 3/4 of its length. Nevertheless, he compensated for this deficiency in providing pleasure with more speed and the circular motion of his head.

The Mestizo leaned his head against the wall, shouted something and began to shoot his sperm. The Peruvian moved slightly away and the erupting cock found itself between two pairs of lips - the Latino's and mine - both greedily courting it. As the eruption ended, the sperm began to collect on both pairs of lips embracing the cock from two sides. Our lips released the Mestizo's cock already beginning to lose its tension. When he felt that, the half-black guy stood up from the ledge and just as he had done the last time, ran to take a shower.

The Peruvian and I looked at each other, began to laugh and noticed that for both of us such a situation together, and with a gigantic cock, had happened for the first time. We both also agreed that it would not be a bad thing to repeat it somehow another time.


I am very thankful to for the artistic translation and encourage to publish the story.

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