The Kitchen

By Hessa Meena

Published on Jan 23, 2003



*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --WARNING- | This story is about two girls who make love to each other, because | they're in LUV with each other...that too much for you? Then vote for | Bush again, but don't blame me! | as always, rock harder, love more... peace, | | oh PS...should this be continued? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

*-THE KITCHEN *-Lesbian, High School

"Yum," Anna licked the spoon I handed her and tossed it into the sink. "God who would've thought that you'd be such the domestic goddess?" She laughed and sighed back down at her homework. I shrugged and shook my head. What would have been fighting words a mere month ago were now only halfhearted jabs. She gave me a conspiratorial grin and stacked her books for class.

Anna and I'd been put together due to the bake sale committee, but by October our distrust of each other had mellowed to a vague wariness. And logging in community service hours baking cookies was better than tutoring jocks any day. Besides, Anna was ok, and to be fair a hell of lot smarter and more independent than most of the other girls in my school. We had a few classes together and that year, our senior year, the same homeroom. I poured the last of the batter in the muffin molds and pressed my palms to my hips.

"You've got the wrong idea, Anna" I grinned. "I was BORN to be a housewife," we both giggled. The warning bell between classes was clanging, and I was stuck with the cleanup because Anna had class and I had another free. She stuck her finger in the last of the batter before it succumbed to the soapy water for another taste.

"Yum," she repeated. "You could be MY housewife," she smirked as she grabbed her books and escaped the cramped kitchen before she could see the surprise register on my face.

What the hell was that about?

I frowned into the sudsy pile of mixing bowls and put the cupcakes in the oven. It must be the sugar. I finished the dishes and went back to the outline I was struggling through. Strangely wishing Anna were there to help me make sense of the last chapter we'd read. We were both in AP English and spent more time making fun of the other people in the class than doing work.

Actually, I'd never thought much about Anna before that year, she wasn't one of the blow job queens who horded the mirrors and socialized in the bathroom, nor was she one of those mousy weirdoes who was perpetually too freaked out to socialize. Her reputation wasn't obvious.

Unlike mine.

Last year I found myself unceremoniously outed onto the gossip platter. I was hanging out with a girl, Kristin, I'd just met at one of the all ages rock shows, and bumped into one of the older girls from school. The older girl, Amanda told everyone that Monday that she saw me and Kristin making out, which we weren't (at least that night), but I'm sure to Amanda I was interchangeable with every other rocker girl with a bad crew cut and a baby t-shirt. So for about a week it was horrible, people wrote things on my locker, they called me names in the hall, but then after that people just treated me like they did before.

They ignored me.

But I was used to it. I had a few friends outside of school, but most of them, including the girl Amanda accused me of making out with, already escaped to college. So I just buckled down for another year of the same mess.

The next week I watched Anna measure the ingredients for cookies. This time it was oatmeal raisin and another batch of M&M cookie bar things. I sighed into my textbook and peered at her body before I realized what I was doing, it was excruciatingly hot in the kitchen, and she had her hair up in a bun and had taken her sweatshirt off. Her body seemed to glow in the fluorescent hum of the kitchen, and I wondered what it would be like to feel those warm arms wrapped around me. I gulped, trying to force the image of her flexing shoulders from my mind, and almost didn't hear her when she asked me to get another mixing bowl. I was a good two inches taller than her.

"That's why I picked you, you know." I handed her the bowl, looking in her eyes, sort of embarrassed I'd been thinking of her that way. We were becoming friends, and the last thing I wanted her to think was that I was attracted to her, but I grudgingly had to admit I was. Years of dancing gave Anna and attractive form, and a veneer of physical confidence lacking in most of the girls at our school. Anna, or at least the idea of her, was taking on a friendlier, more intimate form in my imagination: She was increasingly daring and funny when we were alone, and our antics were even traveling to our phone conversations at night.

"Picked me?" You can't control that stuff, it's all drawn out of a hat." She shrugged, but something gleamed in her eyes. The faculty controlled our community service committees so that certain social groups didn't get to control things and make other people do all the work. Anna pushed herself up onto the sink, between the dishes and me and I had to smile when she folded her arms across her chest and rolled her eyes. She was just too cute.

"Not so," she smirked. "I was at the drawing and made sure that we were put together." She watched my reaction, I leaned against the oven, "I also," her smile broke into a sneer "told Mrs. Davis that there's no way she could put me alone in a room with Chris Bazer for three hours a week." We both laughed. Bazer thought himself a ladies man and no one wanted to be trapped with him.

The bell rang, and I placed the cookie bars into the oven, but I stood there for a second longer, a few mere inches separating us. Anna's eyes bore into mine for a moment before she looked down. I flushed, and she looked at me like she wanted to say something. Had something happened? I looked away and walked towards the oven.

"Besides," a smirk crossed over her face as she pushed herself off the counter, "I always wanted to hang out with you." I looked up, weighing what I just heard, but like the week before she had her books and was out the door before I could see in her face what she meant.

I sat down at the small Formica table, my mind buzzing with what had happened. I had a crush on her now, that was for sure, but did Anna like me too? I didn't know what to think, because when I thought about our friendship for what it was, rather than how completely opposite we appeared I realized how different she was with me when we were alone than when she was around her friends.

Her friends tended to obsess over hairstyles and grades and university sweatshirts. She had the hair, although it was usually pulled back, and she wore one university sweatshirt, but it was her older brother's. But more to the point when we hung out we talked about things we'd read and things we thought about, and maybe it wasn't fair, but it felt a lot deeper than our other friendships.

By the time the bell rang for next class I realized that without knowing it or thinking about it, she had become my closest friend, and I never gave her the chance to be anything other than what I labeled her to be: A popular girl who barely tolerated or understood me, the outcast. My preconceived notions of what she would think when she talked to a girl like me had no room for what she might have really thought or felt.

I used it as an edge, like she might actually see my lack of confidence or social grace and use that or my attraction to her against me. I was embarrassed by my behavior, and it was worsened by the fact that she had alluded to considering me a true friend, and I was too hung up on myself to even let her in. I closed my eyes and rubbed my fingers through my short spiky hair: It was time to get a grip.

That Friday I waited by the kitchen for Anna, it was her turn to take the cookies down to the football field for the game, and I wanted to catch her alone.

"Meghan!" she looked surprised. She had a stack of books, her walkman and a heavy backpack. I offered to carry some of the books and helped her take the baked goods to the field. We talked about one of the papers we had due, and I asked her if she wanted to borrow a few CDs that weekend. She'd been pestering me to teach her more about music, and I figured this was as good of a deal as any. "Sure," she looked at me cautiously. "Why are you being so nice to me all of a sudden?"

"Dunno," I smiled and felt suddenly weird, averting her eyes. My classes were over, I didn't have to be there anymore, but I wanted to be with her. "You're nice to me, I figured I owed you one. She smiled.

"So what are you doing right now?" We'd delivered the cookies to a thankful cheerleading crew, and Anna was leaning against her locker, and for the first time I saw how truly beautiful she was. Dark brown eyes and chestnut brown hair framed a face that seemed classic and graceful enough to belong on a painting in the museum.

"Talking to you," we made eye contact for a second too long and I thought I almost saw her blush. I hoisted my backpack onto my back and soon we were on the street, heading for the bus stops.

"So what do you want to talk about?" I couldn't tell if her tone was playful or serious. I started getting nervous, Anna always seemed to be in command, and when she took my arm and pulled me past the bus stop I laughed. Without planning it we were in the diner on the corner; I had some time to kill before I had to be home, and Anna was acting out our own little debating competition. But I could barely speak, I was suddenly in awe of her, and she seemed to know it.

"Hey, you're the one who said I'd make better conversation than Bazer," I mumbled, but we both giggled. Her eyes narrowed. Unlike the time bombs before the class bells in the school kitchen, I felt this one coming and kept an eye on her response.

"Who was the girl you were kissing in that club last year?" I felt my eyebrows sputter into a raised position, but stuck to the same story I always told.

"Um, I didn't kiss anyone in a club, and that girl, by the way is named Kristin, she's in college now." I thought, sadly of the few times Kristin and I had kissed, it never went much further than that, but my reputation sure did. Anna's eyes narrowed on mine.

"But Amanda says she saw you two..." Her eyes closed, she seemed annoyed. I slapped my hand on the table, and Anna's eyes flew open.

"Amanda lied, ok?" My voice was rising, all I knew about Amanda was that she was some popular girl who said she saw me kissing Kristin at a club, and now seven months later it was right in my face again.

It made me sad more than anything: We never did kiss at the club, Kristin was too neurotic to even hold my hand in public, but once when she was really drunk, she planted one on me at her friend's party. It was a bad scene all around, Kristin's parents were really uptight and didn't like me over, and Kristin was a lousy liar.

In retrospect I know that if I was smart I could've played the whole thing down and let it slide, but something struck a nerve when Amanda asked me in front of her friends if I was kissing some girl in a club. Kristin's parents had already banned me from their home, I hadn't been alone with her in what seemed like weeks. And my first relationship was in ashes, even though Kristin and I had barely made out.

I closed my eyes and shook my head, embarrassed by my shitty behavior. "Look," I sighed looking in Anna's eyes. "I'm sorry, I barely know her, she was your friend, I don't mean to be a bitch." But my eyes were watering, and I knew I was going to cry.

"She had no right to do that to you." Meghan whispered, sounding strange. She looked uncharacteristically angry. I watched her in silence. Her eyes fixed on mine, I poked a French fry into some ketchup, trying to ignore my tears and the strange feeling in my stomach when Anna took my hand. "Can you keep a secret?" She looked very adult for a moment, almost strained. I nodded.

"Amanda and I were sleeping together since the end of my sophomore year." Anna was leaning close so she could whisper, and I pushed back against the booth in surprise. "She saw you at a party one night kissing some girl, and started picking on you, so her friends would forget about her." Anna sighed and finished her soda, but let go of my hand as easily as she had been holding it.

"And you?" I stared at Anna, disbelieving, and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Well...aside being the reason she had no boyfriend last year...?" I smirked. "No really," she frowned. "I wouldn't touch her while she was dating anyone else, and I couldn't when I saw what she had done to you." I blinked. Vaguely remembering rumors of a fight I'd heard she'd had with Amanda towards the end of last year.

"Whoa, Anna..." I swallowed. Not knowing what to do with the information. She rolled her eyes.

"You don't have to say anything, I just wanted you to know..." She smiled, a bit goofy again, the normal Anna not the older wiser, sexed up Anna. "You deserved better than that, and it was way fucked up, because she refused to tell anyone we were together." Anna shook her head and leaned forward, "I had it." She took another fry off the plate. "So you and this Kristin never...?" I was stunned.

"Well not in the club," Anna tried not to smile. "And not really at all," I shrugged, Anna's eyes were sympathetic. "Her parents didn't like me, they had this idea I was keeping her from meeting boys." We both laughed, but something changed after that.

"And now?" she whispered. "Are you...have you..." I nodded no, unable to ask her the same. She took my hand again, "Me either," she smiled, but my stomach dropped to the diner floor.

She liked me, Anna liked me.


While it was good to have a friend, a real one in Anna, I was totally tripped up in my physical awareness of her. The knowledge that she'd been sleeping with Amanda for longer than I'd even known Kristin scared me, honestly. I wanted Anna, and knowing that she had been sexual with a girl was too much for me to process at the time.

She was also making it increasingly obvious when we were alone how she felt about me. Once in the kitchen we were baking and a freshman came by to return one of my CDs and stammered through his thanks before leaving and shuffling off to the gym. Anna smiled with her arms across her chest and cooed.

"Someone has a crush on you, Meghan," she giggled. I sneered. A fourteen-year-old alternaboy was the least of my worries. "No really..." her tone changed, and when I didn't say anything she walked up close to me and said in a much different voice, one that hinted at promises and some primal knowledge I had yet to grasp or at least act upon. "Maybe we should collaborate on the Meghan book..." She leaned closer and whispered in my ear, "Chapter One: What To Do When Neither One Of You Has The Guts To Make The First Move." I gulped and she smiled, saying she was late for class before ducking out of the kitchen.

Sometimes she looked at me, in class for instance, and I wondered if she could feel me tracing the hollow of her neck with my eyes. Her glance would rest on me for a second and she'd look back down at her book or papers, embarrassed, and still I couldn't do anything. Once I saw my English teacher, Mr. Andretti, watching Anna watch me. I looked down, shocked, hoping that he, or no one else for that matter, could see where my thoughts were. But realized then, if an old queen like him was picking up on our vibes above the Shakespeare sonnets, then something was up.

It was getting too hard to hide things anymore. Anna hugged me once, in front of the lockers when I loaned her a CD, and it was if we were meant to hold each other, her nose rested in my shoulder and I sighed, then made up some bullshit about not wanting to do homework instead of admitting how good she felt. She didn't say anything, but her face let me know she felt it too. She almost said something, and her eyes burned into mine, but still, I couldn't do a thing.

I realized how strong my crush was during the first cold day of the year when she put her hands on my neck to show me how chilly it was outside. I flinched not from the cold, but from her nearness. I wanted to hug her, but for no reason aside from her nearness and the need to touch her, and it made me back off from her quickly, as if in displeasure.

"Sorry," she mumbled and we barely talked till she had to go to class. That night I called her under the pretense of a question on a take home quiz, but finally got up the nerve to apologize for being so distant the last few days.

"You're funny Meghan," Anna said, but it didn't sound funny at all. "You'll tell me everything, but not if we're alone in the same space." I laughed, uncomfortably but changed the subject. Anna seemed prepared for this when she walked into the kitchen the next Monday. "What's with you?" She stormed around me mixing bowls, spoons and flour all in motion and clanging around. "How come I get the feeling you're avoiding me lately?" I had avoided her calls over the weekend, and knew that she wanted to talk to me, to be near me.

What was wrong with me?

"I'm not, I've just been ..." She shook her head and scowled, Anna was definitely going to be a lawyer and there was no getting past her when she had a point to make. She mixed the batter for a second, but had to add more flour and some of it was streaked her cheek. I stepped closer and wiped a bit off with my thumb, absently as if it's something I had the luxury of doing every day, but then I saw it. Her breath stopped and our eyes locked.

I froze in my tracks. It was as if we exhaled at the same moment. She stepped back from me, flustered and smiling nervously. I touched her face again, eyes stinging with apprehension, but with my fingertips this time resting on her cheek bones and she nodded. It was the first time, even in silence, that we acknowledged our mutual attraction, and I knew that there was no turning back.

I wanted to kiss her so bad I had to bite my lip. People were walking by the kitchen and Anna, of course, had class. To break the tension I fingered up the last of the batter on a spatula before it sunk into the soapy water and moved aside while she pushed me behind the door.

"What are you doing tonight?" she whispered. "My parents are going to be out late." I shrugged; we'd already hung out a few nights and actually studied. The class bell rang, and she shut the kitchen door, at the same time pulling me up close to her and my gooey sweet finger into her mouth. My eyes shot open and I felt a chill run over my body, Anna focused her eyes on mine and sucked the batter off while pinching my nipple, I closed my eyes and leaned up against the closed door. I moaned quietly, but enough for Anna to hear.

She held my hand and kissed the pulse in my wrist before opening the kitchen door. It had only been a moment but it felt like an eternity. "I can't wait," she murmured before leaving with her books. I stood at the table, staring at the raw pools of batter I had yet to put in the oven and grinned. I could hear my heart beating in my ears and feel it in my pants, but my mom thought Anna was a good influence on me.


However for being such an organized and brilliant mind, her room was a war zone of clothes, books and other teenage mayhem. We both sat on her bed, going over the essay topics we had \ for mid terms, but when Anna took my hands and looked into my eyes I smiled.

"Can I kiss you?" she asked? Her parents weren't home, and though she'd completely turned me on at school I promised myself to keep my mind on studying, and so far it worked.

I nodded, silently, she smiled and kissed my fingers again, then kissed me on the cheek. I smiled, she smelled like shampoo and the hot cinnamon apple tea we were drinking. She touched my face and looked into my eyes and kissed my lips for the first time. She sighed and I smiled, her lips were so soft and warm. Our kisses were slow at first, but soon Anna was kissing me harder.

She stopped and took the books I had nervously grabbed out of my hands then shoved them off her bed and climbed into my lap so that she could straddle me. I whimpered at the feeling of her warm body on top of mine. She chuckled when I moaned as she bit then started sucking on my lower lip. I forgot how nervous I was, because she was whispering into my mouth and running her fingers through my hair. "Oh....Meghan" she'd say occasionally, "I want you," her lips were moist on my ears and the feeling of her hot in my lap was almost too much, I just wanted her to wrap herself around me for the rest of time.

My senses were overwhelmed with her loveliness. Everything was about Anna's lips: her legs enveloped me and all I could hear were the sounds of her sighs and how good it felt when we kissed. She gasped when I got up the nerve to touch her breast and her soft kisses down my neck made me lift into her body. She was tugging at my jacket with a look of desire that intimidated me: Kristin never wanted me like that. But we stopped kissing and Anna looked into my eyes.

"You're so lovely" she murmured while kissing my neck. "Please don't be scared, I want you so much." I was breathing heavily. Her tongue in my mouth was making me twitch, and I could tell she liked the results she got from me. I smiled pulling her in for another kiss and she groaned encouragement. My nerves were wearing off, she felt so good sitting on top of me like that I wanted to touch more of her, and give myself to her. After she helped me out of my top layers she pushed me back on her bed. Her hands were all over me, kisses on my nipples whispers of need in my ears. My stomach was shaking, and I wanted her to touch me, everything she was doing was so wonderful and loving. She looked at me with the sweetest most concerned eyes, we kissed again, and I rubbed her back, kissing her face, nibbling at her ears.

She placed her hands softly on my breasts and through heavy lids looked at me while she sat on my hips. My hands cupped her breasts, and all I could think of was how wonderful she was. My hips bucked into her, I was gasping now and trembling at her touch, she seemed so determined, that when she looked into my eyes and reached for my pants I didn't stop her. I wanted her, all of her. I'd never felt such a physical connection to anyone, and when she cupped her hand into my crotch I felt my last breathe push from my lungs and all my strength focused on my hips pushing into her.

"Oh Meghan," she murmured, "I think I'm falling in love with you." I swallowed. I was lost in her eyes, all sweaty, shaking stomach and the hot path of her kisses and bites trailing down my body. I was moaning into her lips, ready, wanting everything she was about. She reached for my underwear and I closed my eyes. I needed her so bad I was biting my finger. Her eyes locked onto mine and I dug my nails into her shoulder, but when I opened my eyes she had stopped, and was looking at the family dog that had his ears fully alert. Then we heard it, her parent's car in her driveway.

"Shit! What time is it?" I looked at my watch. We'd been making out for an hour, and I had to be home in ten minutes. "Oh wow, Anna I gotta go." I was still breathing heavily, as I reached for my clothes.

I was too messed up to deal with her parents, and snuck out the back door wondering if her room smelled of us the way my thoughts did. I could feel a wet spot on my underwear, and was glad the cold air would calm me down. All I could imagine was how close Anna was to touching me and how much I wanted her to.

Anna had released something in me. Although I knew I was gay since jr. high, I'd never really met anyone that made me understand, in completely physical terms, the need to be sexual with someone. Sure I'd had crushes, and I enjoyed kissing Kristin, but Anna really wanted me, and what's more, Anna was my friend. I knew from the way I was feeling that she had more than my heart.

I felt safe with her, and for that I was a lucky girl.

I smiled out the window and rung the bell for my bus stop.


The next day in school I could barely face Anna in class. We had English before we'd be able to be alone in our baking heaven, and even then the door was always open. The fire detectors went off if the doors were shut, and teachers didn't like students "avoiding the community."

We shuffled into class, and I was half relieved that Anna was sitting near the teacher, she must have known how hard it would have been for me to keep the memory of last night from our faces, or from our wandering hands. All I wanted to do was be alone with her, and the end of class and our baking session was a torturous fifty minutes later.

"Please say you can come over today." She whispered once we were alone in the kitchen. The door was wide open, and I had to swallow back the urge to unbutton her shirt and pull her towards me. I smiled and nodded handing her a mixing bowl. "Let's leave right after school."

Once we were in her bedroom she started pulling off my sweater. I laughed and she grinned, but almost lost my footing when she scraped her thumb over my collarbone and pulled me into her lips. We broke our kiss and I started unbuttoning Anna's shirt. Soon we were topless, Anna's beautiful nipples in my mouth and the sounds of her need in my ears were driving me to a certain peak. Then she stood up and reached for my pants.

"Is this ok?" she asked? It was the most we'd spoken since we left class, but I could tell Anna wasn't about to take "no" as an answer after last night. She looked so hot, and I could tell from the way her glassy eyes focused on my belt buckle and she kept licking her slack jawed lips that she wanted me. Her hips were pressed against me, and I could feel my own labored breathe tense as I reached for her pants. Soon we were completely naked, thighs pushing against each other, inviting, tempting, wanting.

I gasped when I felt her wetness on my thigh, she took my face in her hands and kissed me deeply, her stomach trembling and her eyes glazed over. I couldn't believe I was making this beautiful girl so happy by barely touching her, and started stroking her back, wanting to touch her where she was wet for me.

Since Anna was on top of me I rolled over and kissed her hard, so that I could lean over her. I wanted to feel her so much, I kissed her again, and pulled us around till we were out of breath, but I was on top, and our breasts were touching. I had to have her. She was so beautiful and giving herself to me. I'd never felt so much from another human, and the fact that she was in my arms, whispering her encouragement was beyond a turn on.

Her nipples were hard in my lips and her wetness was pressed into my thigh, I saw her eyes flash and brushed a hand over her curls making us both stop. She grabbed my hand. "No, I want you first." She kept kissing me and pinching my nipples, distracting me with desire until she had me on my back again and panting. My legs were spread and my hips were bucking off her sheets. "Meghan, I need this." She put her fingertips on my hips and looked into my eyes. "I almost had you last night," she cooed, and I gasped when I felt her fingers brushing into me. "Oh you beautiful girl." She moaned almost louder than I did when her two fingers entered me. "Oh my god, you're so wet." She leaned over so she could look into my eyes and I saw the pleasure and fascination in them. My hips bucked off her sheets and I was yelping and moaning her name. Anna kissed me, but wouldn't let me touch her. "No Meg," she panted, "I want you, let me have you." She groaned in my ear, biting my ear lobe. "I can't concentrate on two things at once." Anna kept pumping me with so much of her love I couldn't move.

Just when I thought I was going to wrap myself around her and just melt into her bed, she stopped thrusting into me, cupping my wet cunt and catching her breathe.

"What?" I gasped I'd die if her parents were coming home, but it was too early still. When Anna looked in my eyes I saw that look again, the soft lust that made her lids heavy and her voice ragged. She pushed herself off her bed and kneeled down beside it, when I caught her eyes she smiled up at me with a look that shone with desire and reached around my hips as she scooted in between my legs. My breathing caught, was this happening? I'd imagined it, but had never had the opportunity and now Anna was making her own hungry noises and I felt her hot breathe on me.

"Holy shit!" I gasped when she pulled my hips into her mouth and found me. Anna moaned again and I felt the softest, loveliest sensation tracing up and around my clit. Within minutes I was writhing and trembling as I cried out her name, soon Anna made it even better, if that was possible, by putting her fingers in me and fucking me back into the rhythm we had danced before. It was over too soon, and I collapsed into her bed, a sweaty mess, pulling the covers up around me.

"Oh, wow." I managed.

"Anna, I can't move." She kissed my forehead and lay down beside me, I sighed. We lay there for a few minutes and I wanted to touch her, but looking at the clock we knew her parents would be home any minute, and once again, it was time for me to leave. "Anna, you're so beautiful." I whispered, overcome. "Tomorrow Anna," I grinned, pulling my sweater over my head as she made her bed and hair look less overcome by lust. "Tomorrow, I need you." She smiled for a minute and kissed my hand.

"I love you Meghan," she said. I kissed her cheek knowing that if I touched her lips again I wouldn't be able to leave.


The next day was torture. I dreamt of her smell and the sounds of her lusty encouragements all night. I was out to my parents and friends, but my libido had never made such an appearance in my life, and when I read the note she wrote in my locker telling me her mom was home with a cold I beat my head on my locker. We had to go to my place, which was fine, but if my parents came home there was no back door escape, and it would be all questions.

Was I ready to deal with my parents assuming Anna was my girlfriend?

I caught her eye in English class, and something stirred in me. I wanted to feel her wetness, and my body betrayed me I blushed when the teacher raised his eyebrows at us, as if he knew we were making plans to go home and sink into each other's bodies. I lowered my eyes. I didn't care what my parents or my English teacher thought anymore. I just wanted to be with her.


Anna giggled as she pretended to play my guitar. I grinned and put it back in its stand and locked my door. My room was at the end of the apartment, nothing like the huge house her parents had, but it gave us at least a minute to get clothed if my mom came home if we were naked.

Anna traced the smile on my face with her fingers and kissed me. I felt her warmth and energy radiating from her eyes. I pushed her down onto my bed and kissed her jaw and ran along her ear with my tongue. "Anna do you know how gorgeous you are?" I nibbled at her neck. "I love you so much," I whispered, on the verge of tears, adoring her smell. She smiled and it spilled between us.

I pulled her sweatshirt over her head. I wanted to show her how much pleasure she'd shown me. Something, a heat and need started to build in me. She must have seen it in me and her eyes narrowed on mine. She shimmied out of her pants and soon I had a naked girl underneath me.

"I need you Meghan," she panted. "I need you next to me." She mumbled pulling at the clothing that kept our skin from joining. Soon we were naked, kisses and hard nipples sweating all over our stomachs and chests, and Anna grinned. "I swear Mr. Andretti knows," she smirked. "I was looking at you today and he was watching me, and I think he knows." Anna stopped me from rolling my eyes by taking my hand and bringing it down between her legs. "Now," I gasped when my fingers felt her. "Can we discuss how much I need you?"

I'd never been this far with Kristin, and Anna's confidence was so contagious that I was hardly surprised when I felt how wet and hot she was, but we both groaned when I pushed deeper into her and found no resistance, only her delicate heat. "Oh," she moaned into my neck. "Mmmmf, Meghan..."

"Yeah?" I wanted to make sure I wasn't hurting her, but my own lust got the better of me. I pushed in deeper wanting to feel all of her. She was so velvety sweet and yummy, it took over my brain. All I could smell was her tangy aroma as her essence took over my bedroom and her body writhed on my bed.

"Oh god," Anna panted, trying to keep herself on my bed. Her hips were rolling into me in waves and I felt more wetness around my fingers, and the delicious twitch of her body clamping down on me. "Mmmmore," she exhaled... "Ohhh, MmmmmMeghan..." I was so turned on by the need: I could hear and feel what her body told me.

Every time I touched her clit she'd beg me to stay inside her, and when my fingers were as deep in as I could go Anna's hips ceased mid-motion and her eyes locked on mine. Inside her wonderful warmth, deep as I could reach, I felt a different texture: like a little nugget or tiny spongy bump. She groaned when I touched it, and when my fingertips reached it again she whimpered and her hips bucked.

"Yessssssss" she was sweating and her eyes were clamped closed. "Yeah," her stomach shook and I watched the sweat beading in between her breasts. "Oh, Mmmmmmeg, ooooooh, yeah.... what ..." Anna's hair was wet with sweat. Her eyes rolled back in her head again as her jaw dropped. "What...IS...that?" she barely managed. Her enjoyment only fueled my lust, and I murmured into her hair, we were both sweating, and Anna grabbed my face. "Meg," she was panting, her stomach clenching and unclenching, her head barely able to lift from my pillow. "Kiss me, oh.....please?" Our lips met and I gave her clit a few tentative strokes. Anna arched and tensed, her stomach heaved and she bit my neck while pulling me down with her as she collapsed.

"Meghan," she was damp and crumpled as she lay in my bed, exhausted. "I've wanted that for so long." I smiled into her eyes, hoping she knew how much I loved and trusted her. I curled up next to her and kissed her cheek. I had made this beautiful girl next to me call my name and I knew that I wanted more.

(to be continued?)

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