The Log of Captain Jake Hunter

Published on Jan 11, 2004



Disclaimer: Jumping Ship is owned and copyrighted by Disney.

Author's Note: This story was inspired by the Disney movie Jumping Ship and by Lady Poetess's Gentlemen's Club, the chapter entitled Joey. It is dedicated to my friend Jim who is patiently waiting for me to finish another story.


From the Log of Captain Jake Hunter


I got my first charter in a long time since my father's death, a Mr. Michael Wood and his younger cousin Tommy. They chartered this ramshackle vessel for a trip to Paradise Island. I knew they would be disappointed when the saw the condition of the vessel. That's why I ask for a non-refundable deposit. My father and I found some gold coins once, but I've used all save one to keep this ship afloat.

Mr. Wood is a gorgeous arrogant prick, who probably never worked hard a day in his life. He doesn't like me and the feeling is mutual. His cousin is cute and has cocksucker lips. He's also jailbait; so the sooner they are off my ship, the easier I'll breathe.

Mr. Wood was pick-pocketed before boarding, so the spoiled brat called his daddy to wire the money to Paradise Island. I took his watch as collateral. I also wanted something of his to sleep with tonight. This is going to be a long trip.

Day 1

Pirates were chasing us. I had to scuttle the boat to lose them. I asked Michael (Mr. Wood) and Tommy to wait for me on this island. It's been two days and I haven't found them. I've set up camp on the south side of the island and will continue to look for them tomorrow. I've also started building a raft. With or without them, I've got to get off this island.

Day 2

I found them huddled together sleeping. I could be wrong, but they looked a lot closer than cousins. My biggest clue was the way Mike was spooned around Tommy, with his hand inserted down Tommy's shorts, gently stroking him even as they slept. Tommy was snuggled up against Michael. His back to his chest, and his ass pressed firmly against Michael's crotch.

I went back to my camp and jerked off thinking about them. Some of their luggage washed up on shore earlier. I am wearing Michael's shirt. I fear it is the closest I'll ever get to him.

Day 3

I followed them through the thicket. They tried to pick bananas unsuccessfully and finally wandered into a cave. I waited for them outside and made noises to scare them. Michael was more afraid than Tommy. Michael got mad because I scared him. He got even madder when I told him what I did to the boat. I could tell that Tommy was happy to see me. I could tell that this pissed Michael off even more. He noticed I was wearing his shirt. I made some flip remark about it and persuaded them to come with me to camp. Tommy was willing, which added fuel to the fire. Michael stormed off on his own. Tommy and I spent the night talking about our lost fathers. We have a lot in common. We slept close to each other. I wonder if the island has laws about the age of consent.

Day 4

Tommy and I made out this morning, after finding some more of his bags from the wreckage. He told me Mike had taught him quite a few things about pleasing another guy. I stopped myself from finding out just how much he'd learned. I taught him to spear fish instead. Mike showed up yelling and screaming. It turned out; we were about to become crocodile food. We managed to get away from the man-eater. Mike and I mended fences, sort of. Later that night, after Mike made a wisecrack about Gilligan and the skipper's relationship, the three of us made out. Tommy slept cuddled between us.

Day 5

We climbed a mountain to find a Mast for the raft. Michael called it Mt. Everest. Mike conquered Tommy and me atop Mt. Everest. He's a more voracious man-eater than the croc we encountered.

Day 6

I think I'm falling in love with Mike and Tommy both. Each day we have a routine of eating, building, fishing and fucking. At night we sleep entwined around each other. I'm not so sure I want to leave this place.

Day 7

Tommy and I made love while Mike watched. It was the first time I'd entered Tommy. He moaned my name over and over again, as I thrust deeper and deeper into the warm, tight hole that captured my dick like a vice. Mike sat near us, stroking his long hard shaft. I could hear the slapping sounds his hand made as he expertly jacked himself from base to tip. He moaned my name as he came and I came hard inside of Tommy, who bit his beautiful pink lips and let out a gasp before he joined us in completion.

Day 8

The raft is near completion. Soon we will be leaving this paradise for the perils of the water. Neither of them knows like I do, how unkind these waters can be. We found one life jacket. Mike and I both agreed that Tommy will where it for the voyage home. Tommy told me that he loved me. I held him and we sat like that for a while. Tomorrow we will make final preparations for our journey

Day 9

We gathered as much food and water as we could to take with us. Mike sensed my concern about tomorrow's trek. While Tommy slept, we walked on the beach and talked for a while. He made love to me. I mean really made love to me. He was sweet and gentle and took his time. He explored every inch of my body, like a treasure hunter searching for spoil. His tongue, teeth and hands searched out every orifice, eliciting cries of pleasure from me. I think when I came; I told him I loved him. He didn't answer but kissed me more passionately than he ever had before.

Day 10

Sometimes Mike is such an idiot, I want to just bitch slap him. A plane flying 30,000 feet overhead flew by the island. He shot off our only flare. It was our only hope of being seen by a ship when we launch out into the deep. I called him spoiled, arrogant, and useless. He said I wasn't a good captain. We both said things we regretted. We kissed and made up though and even though neither of us was mad at Tommy, he joined in.

Later, when we were alone, I apologized to Tommy again I was just about to cum, when those dumb pirates showed up. Tommy thought they were people sent to rescue us and tried to call out to them. I covered his mouth and pulled him down on top of me. I almost did cum when I felt those two firm globes against my cock. When the coast was clear we ran and found Mike and tried to escape on the raft. Mike put the lifejacket on Tommy and we headed out to sea. Unfortunately, our attackers sank our raft. We decided to dive for one of the underwater caves where we often caught lobster, but we couldn't get the jacket off of Tommy. We left him, which was the hardest thing for us to do and vowed to come back for him.

Mike came up with plan involving the one gold coin I have left. He also told me to keep his watch. I almost feel like we're engaged. I lay in his arms tonight unable to sleep. I feared for Tommy's life. I promised Mike that no matter what happened, I would get Tommy to safety.

Day 11

Our plan worked. The fools fell for the cave of gold trick. Mike negotiated Tommy's release in exchange for leading them to a cave full of gold. I waited for Tommy nearby. He was so happy to see me that he hugged and kissed me. We managed to commandeer the boat the pirates had used to hunt us down. Mike narrowly escaped the island with his life. We picked him up and radioed for help. While we waited we celebrated our victory with what could be our last fuck before we part. The feeling of pleasure and pain is overwhelming. I don't want this to end.


Mike invested the reward money for the capture of the pirates into a new vessel for me. We named it Paradise, because that's what we found with each other on that island. Mike also told his father he was staying in Australia with me to run the company. We didn't say much more about our relationship for fear Tommy's mom wouldn't let him visit us during the summer.

Business is good and Mike is great at negotiating contracts. He'll make an excellent lawyer. Sometimes he charters the yacht for himself. We sail to the middle of nowhere, set the autopilot, and make love beneath the stars. It's some of the best sex I've ever had. I can't wait for Tommy to join us this summer. It's his sixteenth birthday, and we have special plans in store for him and this time we intend to make it to Paradise.

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