The lover after me

By Dannii Ree

Published on Jun 3, 2001



Disclaimer: NO, I don't know if any of the guys of NSYNC are gay. NO, I do not know them. YES, this is fiction. YES, this is a story about male/male relationships. So, if you are offended by material like this and/or if you are not 18 or older and/or if it is illegal to read such material in your area, then WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?? LEAVE!! Otherwise I'll tell your mommy... If you haven't left by now... have fun reading! This is my first attempt to write a story like this, so please be gentle! Feedback is always welcomed, I love e-mails: Bye bye bye!

And be sure to check out the following stories: - "Jamie's Romance" (mainly Justin, but also JC/Lance) by Jim - "Josh And Just" (as the title already says...) by AJ - "Secret Emotion" (Justin/JC) by Erin - "Not Until You Love Me" (Justin/JC) by Penelope - "Route 66 Rocks" (Joey) by James (the story is finished!! Great job, James!!) - "Search And Rescue" (JC) by Matt - "Devotion" (Justin/JC) by Angel (please go on writing, Angel!!!) - "Model Romance" (Justin) by Zack (you, too - please!!)

Thanks to all you guys for inspiring me!!! Did I forget anything? Hell, yeah - here's my story!!! lol

The lover after me

Lance entered the club and let his gaze wander through the room that was already filled with people of all sexes and ages, but mostly women in the age between 16 and 25. They all were here for the same reason, to see the performance of the 28 year old singer who had successfully entered the charts with his newest album a few weeks ago. The good-looking, brown-haired man with the gorgeous blue eyes, who was in the dreams of not only all the girls in this room, but in Lance's dreams as well. Every night, since he had seen him the last time, nearly two years ago. How well he remembered this moment, every second of it. The last tight embrace, his smell, how he had felt in his arms.

"It's the best like this, Lance", he had said, while the tears had streamed down his angelic face. "This can't work out. I will be on tour all the time, and you have your company here. You will travel as much as me, but we will be apart all the time."

"I know", Lance had whispered, tightening his grip around the brunet's waist. "But I will miss you."

"I'll miss you too, Lance", he had answered and had given him one last kiss on the lips, a kiss full of love and passion. Then they had parted, and Lance had turned and ran out of the airport, never looking back on his ex-boyfriend, while the tears streamed down his face and fell on the ground.

"Excuse me", the voice of a girl jerked him out of his daydream. She couldn't be older than thirteen or fourteen and smiled shyly at him.

"Yes?", he answered and smiled back at her.

"Are you... are you Lance?" His smile grew wider.

"That's my name, yes."

"You have been in NSYNC, right? Could you sign this for me, please?"

She handed him a piece of paper, and he asked her for her name.

"My name is Caroline." He wrote down greetings for her and his name and gave her the paper back. "There you go." "Thank you, Lance." "You're welcome", he answered and watched as she made her way back through all the other people to her friends. Sighing, he looked for a place where he could stand and watch the stage without being seen from there, and he found a spot at the right side of the room, close to the bar. As he stood there with his back to the wall, his mind wandered back to the moment when he had heard of the concert through the radio.


"And now, to all the girls out there... I bet you all remember JC Chasez, ex-lead-singer of the once so famous boygroup NSYNC. After the group broke up two and a half years ago, he started his career as a solo artist, very successful. His newest album "Willing to learn" entered the charts from place zero to place five, and the new single with the same title is now on place two in the charts. In two days he will give a small concert here in Orlando, at "Angel's Club". Only few tickets are left, secure yourself one and call..." Lance's heart had jumped up to his throat when he heard the announcement, and without hesitating he grabbed the phone and dialled the number the speaker said. Thirty minutes later he was on his way to the radio station to pick up his ticket, his heart still beating fast in his chest. "I'm going to see him again. Oh my god, what am I doing? I can't do this! But I have to see him, I have to!", he said out loud to himself and parked his car in front of the radio station.

End Flashback

The club was now full, people everywhere, and Lance looked at his watch. Two minutes to eight. Suddenly Lance felt panic. "What am I doing here? I can't do this, it will hurt too much, I have to go." He left his place and began to make his way through the crowd to the entrance, when suddenly the lights went out and a murmur ran through the crowd. Lance stopped dead in his tracks as he heard the words that came through the loudspeaker, a voice he knew just too well.

"Good evening, Orlando!"

Slowly Lance turned around and looked at the man who was standing on the stage, dressed in black pants and a tight black sleeveless shirt.

JC. Joshua. His Josh. The love of his life, the man that he wasn't able to forget, the man he thought of nearly every minute of every day. For a moment his heart stopped beating, his knees went weak and he had to steady himself by grabbing a bar stool he was standing next to. There he was, in all his glory, looking as amazing as always.

"He hasn't changed one bit", Lance thought as he let his gaze roam over JC's body, taking in his legs, his slim waist, his muscular arms, the long fingers, the strong shoulders, the perfect styled hair, the piercing blue eyes and... that smile. The smile that haunted him in all his dreams. Lance didn't hear one word JC said, he just stood there and watched him, while a single tear escaped his eye and slowly found it's way down his face. Without looking away from JC, Lance made his way back to his old place at the wall, deciding to stay and watch the concert, not able to turn his look away from this heavenly creature.

JC looked over the crowd in front of him. It was so good to finally be back in Orlando, he hadn't been here for over half a year; for seven months, to be exactly. All the last month he had been touring all over the world, he had been in Australia, Asia, Europe and even in Africa, and now he was finally back in the United States. The tour had officially ended, but when he had been asked if he could give one final, small concert in his hometown Orlando, he had agreed without hesitation. And now he was here, standing in front of all these people, ready to sing his first song, and all that he could think of was Lance. Or, as JC used to call him, James. Everybody called him Lance, but JC wanted to be different, so he called him by his first name. Lance did the same to him by calling him Josh.

He'd liked it so much to hear his name coming from those soft, full lips that he always wanted to kiss. His whole body ached to hold Lance in his arms once again, to take in the smell of his skin and the taste of this perfect lips. But there was no chance, because Lance already had found somebody else to love and to hold. JC could never forget that moment, when he saw Lance, on a party JIVE had been giving about eight months ago. He didn't know that Lance was there, and is was a shock to see him, standing across the room, talking to Justin and Britney. He wanted so bad to go over there and just talk to Lance, and his legs were making the first movements in his direction, when HE appeared. JC didn't know his name, but he could clearly tell who he was, he could tell by the way Lance smiled when He gave him a soft kiss on the lips. It was Lance's new boyfriend. Lance had moved on. He didn't desire JC like JC still desired him, he didn't want JC like JC wanted him. JC had turned away and stormed out of the room, away from the party, away from Lance, and one month later he had left the United States for his world tour.

Looking once again over the crowd, JC let out a small sigh and introduced his first song.

Before Lance knew it, it was nine o'clock, and he knew that the concert would be over soon. Sadness filled his body as he watched JC drink some water from a bottle that stood next to the piano, before he once again looked at the crowd and pulled something out from under his shirt, something silver. A chain with a small pendant, it was a medallion. Lance recognized it immediately.


"Happy birthday to you," - kiss on the chin - "happy birthday to you," - kiss on the cheek - "happy birthday, dear Josh," - kiss on the nose - "happy birthday to you." JC opened his eyes, smiling, and looked in the green deeps that were Lance's eyes.

"Good morning, babe."

"Good morning, Josh. Happy birthday", Lance answered before he gave JC a tender kiss on the lips. JC sighed happily and caressed Lance's neck with one hand. He pouted when Lance pulled away from his lips.

"That wasn't a very long birthday kiss", he complained. Lance smiled at him.

"I wanted to give you your present first. After you opened it, we can kiss for the rest of the day. Deal?"

"Deal", answered JC, grinning madly. He sat up and watched as Lance pulled open the drawer of his bedside table and rummaged through it before turning back to JC and putting a small box in his hand, wrapped up in black velvet. JC looked at Lance with big eyes before opening it carefully. Inside the box was a beautiful silver medallion with a silver chain. JC took it out of the box and looked at it in awe. He turned it around and saw the tiny letters that were engraved on the back. "Eternally yours, James", it simply said. JC felt tears burning in his eyes.

"Open it", Lance said, and JC carefully did it. Inside the medallion were two small pictures, one of JC and Lance together and one of Lance alone. He closed it again and pulled Lance into a crushing embrace.

"It's beautiful", he said with a hoarse voice. Lance took the chain out of his hands and fastened it around JC's neck.

"You are beautiful, Josh."

He kissed JC again, longer this time, a kiss that promised so much more. They lay back on the pillow together, and JC moaned in Lance's mouth.

"I love you, babycakes", he said breathlessly when they pulled apart, and Lance looked at him curiously.

"Babycakes?" JC grinned again.

"Don't you like it? I think it's sweet, just like you." Lance climbed on top of JC so that his body was covering JC's completely.

"I love it. I love you." And then they kissed again, and again, and again, until their bodies ached for more...

End Flashback

Lance still stared at the medallion when JC began to speak.

"I'm going to sing one last song tonight. This song is not on one of my albums, because it is very special to me. I wrote it about eight months ago, and I decided to sing it here tonight. I wrote it for a special person who gave me this medallion." JC took a deep breath.

"I know that you can't hear me, babycakes. But I still love you, I always have and I always will. And this song is for you." His fingers began to play the first notes, and then he started to sing.

Here I go again, I promised myself I wouldn't think of you today It's been seven months and counting You've moved on I still feel exactly the same It's just that everywhere I go, all the buildings know your name Like photographs and memories if love Steel and granite reminders The city calls your name and I can't move on

Ever since you've been gone The lights go out the same The only difference is You call another name To your love To your lover now To your love The lover after me

Am I all alone in the universe? There's no love on these streets I have given mine away to a world That didn't want it anyway So this is my new freedom It's funny I don't remember being chained But nothing seems to make sense anymore Without you I'm always twenty minutes late

Ever since you've been gone The lights go out the same The only difference is You call another name To your love To your lover now To your love The lover after me

And time goes by so slowly The nights are cold and lonely I shouldn't be holding on But I'm still holding on for you

Here I go again, I promised myself I wouldn't think of you today But I'm standing at your doorway Calling out your name because I can't move on

Ever since you've been gone The lights go out the same The only difference is You call another name To your love To your lover now To your love The lover after me The lover after me

When JC began to sing, Lance couldn't hold back his tears any longer. They streamed down his face and dropped on the floor and on his dark green turtleneck sweater. JC still loved him. He couldn't believe it. After all the time they hadn't seen each other, he still loved him.

Without listening to the complaints of the people around him, he fought his way through the crowd to the stage, the tears half-blinding him. Then he stood in the first row, gazing at JC intensively, begging him to look at him.

And JC looked.

He stumbled over a few words, but he quickly recovered and went on with the song like nothing happened, but he couldn't take his eyes off of Lance. They stared into each other's eyes, trying to read the other's thoughts, and at the end of the song, JC was crying as well.

Lance didn't know how much time had passed until he finally was outside the club, standing in front of the side entrance where the artists entered the building. Together with about twenty girls who all wanted to take a look at JC, maybe also talk with him, take pictures, get autographs. He was standing in a dark corner, so that no-one would recognize him. Only a minute had passed when suddenly the door opened and a tall black man looked outside, looking around as if he was searching for somebody. Hope filled Lance's body. "Is he looking for me?" He stepped forward, into the light, the man saw him and smiled a bit.

"Are you babycakes?"

Lance just swallowed and nodded, not able to say a word. The man waved him inside.

"He wants to see you."

Lance stepped through the door and thought he heard some girl outside gasp and say his name before the door closed behind him. Nervous he followed the man through a small corridor with several doors on each side. He stopped in the middle and pointed to one door and then, without saying another word, disappeared. Lance's heart was beating as fast as never before, his whole body was shaking, and he didn't think that he was able to raise his hand and knock, when the door was pulled open from inside.

Time stood still as the two men stood there and looked into each other's eyes. Seconds passed, but to JC and Lance it felt like minutes or hours. They didn't know who made the first move, but suddenly they found themselves in a tight embrace, their lips touched, and the kiss they shared showed all the need and passion that had built up in the last two years. When JC all of a sudden pulled himself away from Lance and took a step back, Lance looked at him confused.


"This is not right, Lance." Lance looked at him shocked.

"Not right? How can you say that, Josh? There is nothing that is more right than this! A few minutes ago you said that you still love me! And I love you too, and..."

"You can't cheat on your boyfriend, Lance", JC interrupted him with tear-filled eyes. Lance shook his head, even more confused.

"My... my what? Boyfriend? Which boyfriend?" JC stepped back into the dressing room and Lance followed him.

"I saw you, Lance. At the JIVE party eight months ago. You were talking to Curly and Brit, and he...," JC swallowed, "was there too." Lance looked at him in disbelieve.

"You had been there? Oh my god, Josh... I'm sorry. I'm sorry that you saw us. But he is not my boyfriend. He was, for a few weeks, but it just... it didn't feel right. He was not you. All I could think of was you, when he kissed me, when he touched me. I wanted to forget you, but I couldn't." Lance saw the relieve on JC's face.

"I love you, Josh. Like you said - I always have and I always will." He stepped closer to JC and softly caressed his cheek with one hand, and JC closed his eyes and leaned into the touch.

"James", he said softly and put his hand on Lance's, and he didn't open his eyes when he felt Lance's lips touch his again. He put his arms around Lance's neck, and Lance let his arms slide around JC's waist to pull him as close as possible. He opened his mouth and began to caress JC's lower lip with his tongue, until JC opened his mouth as well and let Lance's tongue slip inside. Their tongues met and began to battle playfully with each other, a battle that nobody could lose. Never breaking the kiss, JC let his hands roam over Lance's body, touching everywhere, and Lance rubbed their groins together, making them both moan into each others mouth. This time it was Lance who pushed JC away, but only to hurry over to the door and lock it. One second later they were back in each others arms, their kisses becoming more and more passionate.

With Lance in his arms JC walked over to the couch that was standing in a corner of the dressing room. Slowly he sat down an pulled Lance in his lap, their erections rubbing together through their pants. Lance slid his hands to the front of JC's silk shirt and began to unbutton it, and when it was open he brushed it down his shoulders and threw it to the side. he pushed JC back so that he was laying on the couch and allowed himself to just look at him for a minute.

"Like what you see?", JC whispered, and Lance just nodded and began to give him small kisses all over his face before he gentle closed his lips over one of JC's earlobes. His tongue flicked out and softly licked over the ear, and JC couldn't suppress a loud moan. He wanted to feel Lance's skin against his own, so he grabbed the bottom of his turtleneck sweater and began to slowly push it up to his chest. Lance sat up a bit, and JC pushed the sweater over his head and threw it on the floor. Lance laid back down, and their naked chests touched. Both let out a deep sigh, and their gazes locked again.

"I love you, James."

"I love you too, Josh."

Sliding down a bit, Lance kissed JC on the neck, and JC tilted his head to give Lance better access to his neck. He ran his fingers through Lance's silky hair, while Lance moved over to his collarbone and kissed it. His hands drew small patterns on JC's chest and belly. His lips and tongue followed the path of his hands, and when he stuck his tongue in JC's navel, JC moaned again, louder this time, and arched his back.

"James", he hissed, when Lance's hands reached the waistband of his pants. "James... please..."

Lance looked up at him and grinned. His eyes were dark with desire.

"I want you, Josh." His fingers brushed slightly over the growing bulge in JC's pants.

"I... want you... too", JC managed to say before he pulled Lance up and met his mouth in a crushing kiss, leaving them both gasping for air. Quickly, they took of the rest of their clothes, and Lance laid down on JC again, skin to skin, their erections trapped between their bodies, rubbing against each other.

They rolled over so that JC was on top, and he began kissing down Lance's body, slowly, teasing the man beneath him. When he reaches his right nipple, he stuck his tongue out and lightly licked around and across it before biting down gently and nibbling on it until it stood fully erect. He did the same to the left nipple before he moved further down, kissing and licking every inch of Lance's skin until he reached the small trail of hair that lead to Lance's fully erect cock. He let out a sigh and took it in his hands, stroking it softly, watching it throbbing and pulsating, then he leaned down and licked up the drops of precum that were forming on the tip of Lance's cock before taking the whole shaft in his mouth, gently sucking and licking the under-side with his tongue. He bobbed up and down a few times, coating all 8 inches with his saliva, then he laid back on the couch beside Lance who lay there with his eyes shut, panting. JC moved his mouth to Lance's ear.

"I want you now", he breathed, making Lance shudder. "Fuck me, James."

Within one second Lance was on top of him again, looking him straight in the eyes for one moment, before he carefully spread JC's legs and moved between them. He placed his cock at JC's entrance and looked at him.

"Ready?" JC nodded.

"As ready as can be." Slowly Lance began to push his cock into JC, and after a few moments it slid all the way in. Lance lay down on JC and kissed him softly, waiting for a sign to go on. Finally JC nodded, and Lance began to carefully pull himself out of JC and then push in again, finding a slow rhythm that made them both moan breathlessly. JC wrapped his legs around Lance's waist to pull them closer together.

"Harder, please", he groaned. "Fuck me harder." Lance picked up the speed and began to thrust harder, constantly poking JC's prostate with every jab. He reached between them and ran his fingertips over the head of JC's cock, then stroked it firmly, bringing JC closer to orgasm.

"God, Josh, you're so tight", he groaned and picked up the speed again.

"I'm close, James", JC panted as he felt his orgasm build deep down inside him. "I want you to come with me." He flexed his ass muscles, and Lance shut his eyes at the tight feeling around his cock. The feeling sent him over the edge, and he began to thrust forcefully into JC with each load of cum and brought him over the edge as well. JC shot his cum all over his chest and stomach before Lance collapsed down on him and nuzzled his face in JC's neck.

"I love you, Josh."

"I love you too, James.", JC panted. "I never stopped loving you, and I never will. I'm so sorry that we broke up. I thought it would hurt too much when we are apart most of the time and only see each other every few weeks. But now I know that I was wrong. I can't live without you anymore. I love you."

Both were crying now, and Lance kissed JC softly on the lips, again and again. He grabbed JC's hands and let their fingers entwine.

"I love you so much, Josh, and I will never let you go again. We will work things out, I promise." JC wrapped his arms tightly around him and closed his eyes.

"And we will be together forever."

"Yes", Lance sighed before he laid his head back down on JC's shoulder.


****************************** Notes: "The Lover After Me" by Savage Garden (Darren Hayes/Daniel Jones) I hope you like the story! Please drop me a line! I hope I will be back soon with a longer one. Take care!

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