The Middle of the Night

Published on Feb 3, 2011



The sun was hotter then anyone thought. Fortunately the water, though warm, keep everyone's body cool enough. Sam stood by the pool, water dripping from his body.

"You look good today" The man said. Bobby turned to see the host of the party, Steve Marble standing there.

"So do you" Sam smiled. It was true the man, though decades older then him looked fit, his body hair held droplets of his pool diving and tufts of hair framed his body hugging swim trunks.

"Glad you decided to get rid of those jams" Marble said.

Sam blushed. It had indeed taken him awhile to join the others who discarded their speedos and shorts.

"Feels good" Sam said mentally recalling the feeling of diving into the pool naked the first time. It was like cooling fingers enveloping his body as he slid through the water.

"Yea it does" Marble used the back of his knuckles to slide down Sam's back and over his buttocks.

"Thanks" Sam said "better stop that or I'll get a boner right here in front of everyone.

"I'd like to see that" Marble said "maybe later" he laughed so did Sam

But Sam could feel blood rushing and dove into the pool to hide the results.

"Come on" His roommate said that morning "it's just a bunch of guys" Cory urged him to join them "and it's a charity event so you'll be helping out".

"Old guys staring at young guys helps out charity?" he asked. Sam liked older men but that was his secret. Cory, Travis and the others always made fun of them and preferred partying with guys their age.

The three shared the one bedroom apartment. They turned the bedroom and living room into bedrooms...sometimes both occupied with noises of their young testosterone overloaded bodies and those they shared them with.

"Come on man" Travis said "you might get laid" he laughed. Sam's sex life wasn't as active as theirs and it was an ongoing joke in the apartment. "Besides you don't have to work tonight and tomorrow is Sunday."

Sam surfaced in the pool. He was glad he came, glad he stripped naked, glad he met the men and boys his age. He needed to be more social, he knew that.

But his days were spent in classes, acting, movement, dancing, more acting. And nights spent putting plates on tables for money.

He wasn't the only one. Even at this party he saw waiters from his restaurant..of course seeing them as he didn't see them at work. Laughing, relaxed, drinking and naked. They seemed happy to see him there too.

The many older men flirted blatantly with the younger ones even the ones that elected not to disrobe.

Sam turned in the water, drinking in the sights of the older men and others around him. It was going to be a long party.

"Pace yourself" Travis had told him "we have all night"

Sam didn't know what that meant. He hadn't planned to stay the night, but he knew his roommates would probably hook up, get drunk, pass out or whatever they wanted. And he'd have to beg a ride home or crash in a corner till they woke to go home in the morning.

He thought too much.

A splash got his attention. It was Cory.

"Stop that" he yelled.


"You're thinking..stop that, just enjoy sun, water, men everywhere" Cory said splashing him again.

Sam splashed back and a pool wide war began that made guests laugh, yell and wet.

"BURGERS!!!" came the yell and the splashing ended ands bodies removed themselves from the water to hold paper plates standing in line to get free food.

Sam thought it funny that clothed and unclothed guys were casually standing around talking, eating their burgers and drinking beer.

"You ok?" Marble appeared.

"What? Oh yea, great party man" Sam said he tried not to watch Marble's eyes looking at his crotch. But then again he liked it.

"Water polo later, got a film to screen for everyone tonight, DJ coming too, I hope you stick around" Marble said.

Sam looked into the grey eyes of the man. "Sounds like fun, you're very generous"

"Well it's a way to raise some money, you'd be amazed how much money is here" he looked around "Bank Presidents, Directors, Designers, Investors, some of these boys could meet some powerful men today" he said adding "and tonight".

"Really? Hell I'm just here for the free food" Sam said.

"I hope not" Marble said and Sam blushed. He liked being flirted with, he always did.

That first time long ago he bravely entered a bar flashed through his mind. It was on a highway miles from his boyhood hometown. Away from the judgements of the city's populace and intolerant red necks.

He went inside and blushed with heads turned toward the opening door. Nervously he sat at the bar and ordered a beer, stumbling when the bartender asked him what kind.

"First time?" the bartender could tell he was a least a gay bar one.

"Uh yea here" Sam tried to imply he was only new at this bar. But he knew the bartender knew better.

"Don't worry kid, it gets easier. And they'll be flocking around you like flys and honey before the night is over" his smile was friendly "on the house" he added.

Sam downed the bottle quickly and another one appeared before he ordered it. The bartender gave him a thumbs up.

"Hi haven't seen you here before" the deep voice made his head turn. A man who reminded him of his high school teachers was there. He stammered and the man sat on the stool. They talked easily and Sam continued to down the beers that appeared in front of him.

"My treat" the man said. "This is from the group across the bar" "Here's one from Kenny the redhead" "You ready for another? The group again."

"You should thank them" the man said and suggested Sam needed to learn the ways of a bar like this. He shared it all.

Sam felt as if he was going to fall down that first step off the stool. He approached each of his benefactors thanking them, chatting and sitting with them awhile.

"You did that very well, you're a natural" the man appeared as he sat next to the redhead Kenny. "Didn't he do well?"

Kenny toasted his beer bottle to the man, "he did great lover, can we take him home?"

Sam spent the night with the two, enjoying the friendship, the sex, learning about older younger relationships and snuggling between Kenny and his lover Matthew.

Breakfast in bed, naked had it's own benefits. Licking jam off body parts and crevices was a new experience..both feeling the tongues and using his. Relunctantly Sam went home intent on returning to the bar if not to Kenny and Matthew's bed.

The afternoon proceeded, burgers disappeared, afternoon drinking and poolside dancing commenced.

Sam saw Travis now and then with others, Cory too seemed to be socializing with others.

So Sam jumped in the pool for Marble's water polo match. Those wearing suits took them off after Marble announced it was the main rule.

Treading water beside Marble, Sam tossed the ball, swam for em, bumped into bodies, felt hands and body parts in his hands as the match continued.

"Here's a towel" Marble handed one to Sam. "This is Sol Waters" he introduced Sam to other men around them. They were trim, overweight, older, young, naked, clothed and all chatty.

Sam started to look for his suit. "Don't" Sol said to him.


"Stay that way" Sol said The man too was naked, though far from a trim body. "It'll make me feel self conscious" He laughed and Sam heard himself respond.

"You have nothing to be self conscious about. I like hair men" he smiled at his own words a smile that matched Sol's response.

"Who ARE you?" Sol put his hand on Sam's butt and squeezed "Whatever you plan to do in LA, you're going to do very well".

The movie was one that hadn't even opened in theaters yet. There were sexy men, cycle chases, a romance with a major female actress. Sam lay against the couch using pillows for comfort.

Marble sat above him. Sam could feel the man's legs on either side of his pillow propped head. Occasionally the legs would close on his years as the man's flirtations continued. Sam would raise the beer bottle to acknowledge the touch.

"You seem to be having fun" Cory snuck beside him whispering.

"Yea it's ok"

"See that guy over there"

"Sol? I didn't think you liked old guys" Sam whispered back

"He's the President of the City Bank"


"So Trav and I are gonna stick around tonight, you ok?"

"Yea I guess" Sam said thinking of snuggling with Marble later that night even though he hadn't been asked to stick around for that purpose yet.

The film ended and some people left. Others returned to the pool to enjoy the night heat and cooling water. Sam joined them talking to some other people who didn't identify themselves.

The dancing started and the sight of naked, half naked, top shirted-bottom bare guys dancing was all around the pool.

"Want to?" the voice behind him asked. Sam felt the hand on his shoulder. He turned and was surprised it wasn't the party host Marble.

Another guy smiled. Under the water his hand cupped Sam's balls. "Want to go somewhere?"

"Not uh now" Sam said deciding not to push the hand away because he did like it there. Instead he put his own hand on the guys chest.

"But we could dance"

And Sam was dripping wet, naked and dancing in the middle of the crowd with the stranger. The man wore speedos both of them simulating sex as they danced. Sam's cock liked what was going on as it hardened enough to bend it's normal way.

"You want to go somewhere?" The man whispered in his ear "to cool off?"

Sam nodded and they both dove back into the pool, splashing each others and dancing men nearby.

Drinks later, Sam was exhausted. The DJ had packed up and others had left. The living room was still full of partiers, laughing, talking and some snuggling.

Sam saw Travis, Cory and Sol leave the room. It was 3 am.

"There's bedrooms in the back" Marble said to some of the people "Big breakfast in the morning for those still here". He winked at one and the other. Sam hoped a more personal invitation would come but it didn't.

He visited the bathroom and walked the hallway clutching his retrieved jams and tee shirt...finding a small empty bedroom, he spread out on the bed. Instantly reality disappeared.

When he awoke the house was quiet, no music, no tv sounds, no pool sounds, nothing. Another visit to the bathroom to dispel alcohol and he stretched tired. The sight of the lit pool invited him to walk around the grounds.

It was cooler outside now, his naked body shivered. The frig offered bottles of water which he downed and the bed welcomed him back to it's embrace.

He heard the sounds and thought he saw the shadows but it wasn't until the hand touched his ankle that Sam knew they were there.

There were no whispers or other sounds. Instead lips touched his, fingers explored his taint and pulled his aroused nipples.

He was going to have sex with unknown people. Sam admitted to himself it felt good as the tongue in his mouth explored him and the finger was toying with his butthole.

There were more then two hands. It reminded him of that time long ago the night he spent with the couple back home.

The hands moved down his sides, over his thighs, across his cheeks, cupped his balls, gathered his buttocks.

Cocks replaced tongues in his mouth and one left to invade his butt. He felt the chest that supported his legs while the cock slid in and out of his willing lips.

Grunts, bodies moving, bed creaking, the taste of precum, hands adjusting their hold on his legs, the cock inside him.

Sam reached out to tough them, to discover more about the two fucking him but he stopped deciding anonymous was better and the sex continued until he felt the sperm filling his mouth.

Moisture landed on his hot skin and Sam knew the cock in his but had left to shoot on him...though his hole still felt like the cock remained.

"Shit" he heard the whisper "fucking hot" the bodies made sounds. Sam relunctantly realized they were gone.

He lay there trying to decide if he should go wash himself. He moved on the bed to his side and found a cock waiting for me. No sounds had revealed it's owner's arrivel. He licked it and soon began nursing on it.

The hand on his hips told him there was another there and soon easily slid in the dilated and wet butthold. He felt the chest against his back and the arm around him fumbling for his own cock.

It milked him while fucking him. Sam adjusted to the mixture of sensations. His jaws and butt hurt from the first encounter but he didn't stop what was happening. It seemed to take a long time.

He didn't know if it was the same couple or others. Were they in the room when the first two double fucked him? Would they be the last ones?

The cock in his mouth pulled away and Sam felt the splattered jism spill onto his face. His own body exploded and Sam bucked against the cock his body was impaled on.

Exhausted he lay there. A hand patted his butt. They left. Sam wondered if others were in the room but no hand or cock appeared.

He was sore. Deciding to go to the bathroom, Sam moved stumbling across a couple in the hallway.

He kept the light turned off but found the toilet to piss in.

"Get in the shower" a voice said "I need to piss"

Sam thought the guy just wanted him to get out of the way, so he moved and stepped as the person suggested in the shower.

Hands pressed him down to the floor. Sam assumed he'd soon be sucking another cock. He wasn't sure he could handle it.

But instead of cock, he felt the stream of warm water. "Close your eyes" the voice said and Sam complied not wanting to refuse and cause a problem in the middle of the night.

Another stream landed on him and a third. He was being treated to golden showers. Sam had never done this or even thought about it. But it felt odd, it felt good. He raised his arms and thrilled at the water that landed on his shaven armpits.

The hot water from the shower felt good. The light went on.

"Hey man you ok?" Travis opened the shower curtain.

"Yea, how's it goin?"

"Still goin, that old man is insatiable. You get any?" Travis held his penis peeing into the toilet.

Sam had stories to tell but his roommates weren't the ones he wanted to tell them too.

"Not much" he lied.

"Well the night isn't over and hell we gonna stay another day and maybe night too" Travis said. "Cory is on a sex binge" He shook his cock "me too I guess".

Dried, Sam turned the light off and went back to the bedroom. He thought about leaving, walking home, but Marble said something about a big breakfast and there was that pool he enjoyed.

"Waiting for you" the voice said. Hands encircled Sam. Again he didn't know who it was only that they kissed great and held him so close he could feel the guys cock with his own.

He was there when the morning sun awoke him. Sam recognized him as one of the guys in the pool, the one he danced with. He bent over and kissed the cock that had ridden him and the balls that had swung against him.

The cock hardened. He didn't know if the guy was alive or not but Sam straddled him and positioned the cock so he could sit on it. It filled him up and Sam rocked closing his eyes to enjoy the self fuck.

The hand that gripped his own cock began to move..Sam was fucking the fist and himself on the cock. Whatever soreness he had from the amazing night didn't matter. He couldn't stop, the pleasure was too intense and when he came it was like an explosion that took all energy out of him.

He came and heard the guy curse. Sam opened his eyes seeing his cum had shot across the guys face, but that wasn't why he cursed. From the expression on his face, Sam knew the guy was shooting his morning load up into Sam's ass.

Almost simultaneously, moisture hit Sam's back, arm, chest, face and the guys face and chest.

Around them stood other party guests who had enjoyed the morning show enough to jack their loads all over the two. He saw Sol, Travis, Cory among them, even Marble was among the others stuffed into he small bedroom.

"Breakfast in a half hour" Marble announced as comments, laughter and even applause greeted everyone's recovery.

The day was full of pool fun, drinking, volleyball, dancing and an evening of bar hopping.

"Stick around" Marble said to Sam as his roommates and others left saying they'd be back.

"You having a good time?" He asked

"Yea, better then I thought" Sam said "Sorry about uh this morning, I uh thought that you and I ... but things just happened"

"No apology necessary. As long as you and everyone had a good time. You gonna stay tonight?"

"I could" Sam said knowing he didn't have to be at work until Sunday Brunch shift.

"Good I think tonight will be less people but some new ones. You should get some sleep now".

Sam was disappointed. Marble hadn't moved him to his bedroom for the romance and passion he hoped for. Instead he wanted Sam to accommodate those that wanted sex as he had the night before...perhaps he that's what he thought Sam was.

"Hey I just want to tell you, this, last night, this morning, it's not what I do usually, I'm kind of not you know" Sam stammered. He cared what the man thought of him.

"It's just a party, not life" Marble said "maybe when it's all over, you'll come back, just you know us so we can get to know each other better" Marble had turned back and kissed him.

It was a familiar kiss. Sam knew he had felt it in the middle of the night before.

And he hoped that despite the darkness and the anonymity, he might feel it before "next time" perhaps that night.

He lay on the same bed to sleep. Sam needed to get ready for whatever would happen that night, in the middle of the night.

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