The Nanny

Published on Oct 23, 1999



The Nanny Alyssa Davis

The ad said: child care person wanted, full-time, live-in position, private quarters, use of car, light housekeeping, salary commensurate with experience. This sounded like an ideal position. I would have a place to live, a place to continue work on my book, and the easy duty of taking care of a small child. The benefits sounded good...this is certainly worth investigating.

"Hello Mrs. name is Terry Parson. I'm calling in response to your ad for a child care person," I said trying to sound interested though apprehensive about applying for a traditionally female position. I wondered what her reaction would be.

"Hello uh Terry...yes, well...the position is open if you'd like to come and interview. I'm available this afternoon at 2PM," she replied. She wasn't expecting a male to call but she was obligated, by law, to consider me. I confirmed the time, got her address and made the appointment.

"Hi Mrs. Duncan...I'm Terry Parson. I'm here about your ad for the child care position."

"Oh yes...come in please," she offered, "and my name is Pam. We want to keep this very informal."

She was an attractive woman, tall and slender, about my age, very well dressed for a housewife, in my opinion--casual but expensive casual. Her hair was well coifed, her makeup, perfect. I felt an immediate attraction to her. I was escorted into the family room of this beautiful home. It was well furnished, comfortable, a brick fireplace in the corner, and a wall of windows overlooking a wonderful view of a tree-filled well-groomed backyard. We sat down and began our discussion of the advertised position as Pam poured two cups of coffee which had been previously prepared and sitting on the appropriate coffee table. It was difficult to concentrate on the purpose of this visit, but I was to learn that she wasn't a typical housewife.

"I have to admit, Terry, that I was surprised to hear a man inquiring about this position. I expected only women would apply. So, have you had much experience caring for children?"

"Ah...Well not exactly, Pam...not as a nanny, but I come from a large family where I was the middle child and had to share in the care my siblings while my mother worked to support us. But I'm confident I can care for your child as well as a woman and perform other duties equal to, or maybe even better than most women, especially when it comes to housekeeping. I've done more than my share of that too."

"Hmm, interesting point. However that remains to be seen. Really, why do you want this job?"

"To be perfectly honest, Pam, I'm an aspiring writer, and I'm working on a book. I figure I can work on it in my spare time, while this job would give me a place to live and especially a quiet place to write, and a little income to top it off. I think the domestic environment would be an excellent opportunity for me, and I know I would be a capable and responsible person to care for your child."

"An interesting attitude...I thank you for your candor, Terry. There are several points of view here. On the plus side, my child is a male, and it wouldn't hurt to have a child care provider who is also male since he doesn't have a father...I'm divorced and a single parent. So you would be a good influence on him. But, on the other hand, you don't have any experience as a Nanny, therefore you don't have child care credentials or references for me to check. Also, it is a live-in position and I think it may be a little awkward for me to have a man living here. However, let me consider the situation and get back to you. Please fill out this information form and let me review it. Thank you for stopping by."

When I completed the prepared form, Pam escorted me to the door, we shook hands, and I departed. It was a short interview so I had no feelings one way or the other about it's success, so all I could do was wait, but now I was anxious to move in with this beautiful lady. Work progressed slowly on my book, and I was running out of funds so I would need to find some form of employment very soon. After a week had passed, Pam called and invited me for another meeting.

"Hi Terry....I called you to return here for another discussion about the Nanny position and have you meet my son Jerry."

We went to his playroom and I sat with him for a little while to let him warm up to me which he did immediately. Pam observed our interaction and was impressed. After some story telling and a little playful romping, we distracted him and quietly departed.

"I'll be up front with you as you were with me. I haven't had a great deal of success with applicants. The few that applied were not eligible for various reasons I won't go into. And, I don't have a lot of time to pursue this selection...I have a busy schedule and a career to manage. I've checked your past employers and the references you gave me. In spite of the lack of formal child care experience as a Nanny, you are the best candidate so far, and Jerry seems to like you. Let me lay the position out for you in detail to see if you're still interested."

She was all business, yet I found her demeanor intriguing and still physically attractive.

"The job involves taking care of my son full time, he's a year and a half old, and can be a bundle to handle, as well as managing the household...some cooking, and outside work as necessary. I have a part-time housekeeper for cleaning. You can hire people to help with the outside services if you wish. So, in general, you'll be expected to completely manage the house as well as provide child care. You'll get your room and board of course, free use of my cars, re- reimbursement for any household or child care expenses...just about complete autonomy, since my business requires a lot of travel and long hours away from the house, so I have to trust you. You'll get a salary of $250 per week plus medical insurance. Oh, and we will take occasional family vacation trips, at my expense, with you in charge of Jerry, my son. Does it sound OK so far?"

"Yes it does,'s a very generous offer." Too good, I thought...too good to be true, which meant there had to be a hitch.

"Now as I told you, I'm a single parent so it would be just the three of us here, and there- in lies a bit of a problem. I had expected to hire a female Nanny. I run the business out of my home and frequently have clients visiting. I obviously can't afford to tarnish my reputation by having an unmarried man living here with me so for the sake of appearances, if you accept the position, you will be required to wear a Nanny's uniform and appear as a woman at all times. No one must ever know you're not an actual female. Looking at you, I think that wouldn't be too much of a have very fine features, almost effeminate.... another reason I even considered you. If it was ever discovered that you're a male, it would mean a lot of embarrassment for me resulting in instant termination for you. I realize this is a strange request but it's the best I have to offer. What do you think...are you still interested?"

Everything was sounding great until she laid that last part on me. That was the hitch. Dress and pass as a woman in a full time position? First the job sounded too good to be true-- good salary and benefits-- then comes another side I hadn't exactly planned on. This was not a game...she was serious. But it was an ideal job offer otherwise. So what did I have to lose besides my identity, my gender, my.....?

"Gee--I don't know about passing as a woman, Pam. I...I've never even dressed as a woman."

(Well, almost never, I thought...a half truth, but it was along time ago.)

"I expected that...I'll help you with the transformation if you're willing. I'm pretty sure we can do it, with your cooperation. It's very important to me that you pass completely because you'll be in contact with other Nannies in the neighborhood as well as my clients, service people, and merchants, so you'll have to convince everybody that you are a real lady. On the other hand, you will have time to work on your writing as well as enjoy the benefits of this position," she offered as an incentive to sell me on the idea. "You might actually enjoy living as a woman," she added, smiling.

I had to make a decision so in an impetuous action I responded,

"Well, Okay, I guess...I'll give it a try. The position sounds wonderful, but I don't know about this female impersonation thing." I had to refrain from biting my tongue as I had a memory flashback. I hoped my nose wasn't growing longer.

"Very well-- it wont be so bad... I'm confident we can pull it off," she repeated. "I'll advance you your first month's pay to buy you a woman's basic wardrobe, but I'll provide the uniforms I want you to wear. In this neighbor, the Nannies wear uniforms. Yours will be a black polyester dress with a white collar, black hose, and black flat heeled shoes. One other thing, Terry. You must sign an employment contract with me as protection for both of us. I had one drawn up in case you accepted. It states that you will be employed by me only as long as your identity as a woman is maintained and kept secret to only you and I, as I mentioned. Also, you must remain in my employ until my son reaches the age of six and can start school full time. In the event of any violation, your employment shall be immediately terminated and you shall pay the balance of any salary you will have earned up to the end of this contract. On the other hand, you are guaranteed a job for the next four and a half years."

Now I was to be indentured to live as a woman for the next four and a half years! Again, it was good job security for what I considered to be ideal conditions for a writer, but under very unusual terms. With mixed emotions, I signed the contract.

With my only possessions packed into two suitcases, I moved into my new surroundings the next day and the transformation began immediately. After taking measurements of my body as a dressmaker would, Pam, little Jerry, and I went shopping for my new wardrobe. Pam selected some basic items of assorted underclothing, narrating as we went along although I was too busy with Jerry to pay her much attention. Assorted underpants in both cotton and nylon so I could decide which I prefer, bras with padded cups, slips, both half and full, hosiery in different colors but mostly black, pantyhose, gartered, and thigh-highs. A wide variety intended to exposed me to feminine attire so I might choose my favorites later. It felt as though she was buying these things for someone else so I went along with her selections rather disinterested. We went into the ladies dresses area where she picked out several styles of dresses, skirts and tops, jeans, and shorts, occasionally asking my opinion of things. I just agreed with everything she said. I had no idea what she was muttering about. I was attending to Jerry and keeping him content. He required all my attention. Our next stop was the shoe department where she purchased some women's canvas shoes for casual wear as well as some medium heeled dress pumps and my uniform shoes. She commented that we both wore the same size in many items...which might prove convenient. We finally ended up at the cosmetic counter. Pam picked an assortment of cosmetics and makeup items for me. I had no idea what she bought, but she knew and that was all that mattered. Leaving the mall, we made one more stop at a wig salon. Pam told the sales associate that I needed a wig for a woman's part in a play I was to be in. I was fitted for a suitable wig in my own hair color. She chose a style that would be easy to maintain; a page-boy cut, short, with bangs. The wig enhanced the feminine features in my face....Pam was right. Back at the house, we unpacked our purchases and found places for everything in the closets and drawers in my room, a spare bedroom Pam had furnished as a Nanny's quarters. Expecting a female Nanny, the room was decorated effeminately. All in pink and white colors, ample lace and chiffon...lace trimmed bedcovers and skirts on the bed and furniture, chiffon curtains and lampshades. Pink flowered wallpaper with little red roses...I thought, 'how appropriate for my new lifestyle'. Even my bathroom had pink fixtures and gold trim. All rather nice. It gave me a sense of deja vu.

Prior to my gender swap, Pam advised me to bathe, shave my body hair and change into my new clothes. I was to call her if I needed help with anything but I didn't think that would be necessary since I had been raised with sisters. I took a long hot soaking bath, during which time I shaved my legs, arms, underarms, and chest clear of what little hair I had. I also shaved my face taking pains to get a very close shave. I knew she'd want me to do that in preparation for some makeup. When I was done, I gently dried myself off and applied body powder to my now baby soft skin. It felt kind of strange being so hairless again, but that was only the beginning. I stepped into a pair of nylon panties and pulled them up. The cool, smooth fabric felt good against my skin. I next selected a pair of nude colored pantyhose and, sitting down, placed a foot into one leg, gathered up the material and rolled it up my leg half way. Then, I repeated the same maneuver for the other leg, at which point I wiggled the remaining part of the hose up to my waist. I didn't remember pantyhose feeling so good, and they made my legs so shapely. I took a padded bra from the drawer and, placing my arms into the straps, gathered it around me and hooked the closure. Pam had the foresight to buy me front closure bras. Even though the cups were padded, there was still a need for more so I filled them with the breast enhancers she provided. Now I had a more feminine form and I can't say I didn't like it. I eagerly stepped into a half slip and pulled it up to my waist, followed by a skirt and a rayon blouse. The uniform dress would come later. I had no problem with the buttons on the blouse although they were backwards for me. The way the blouse conformed to my breasts excited me to a bulge under my skirt urging me to rub my sensitive manhood but I didn't want to start something I couldn't finish. Fortunately the skirt was full enough to cover it. I next stepped into a pair of pumps with 2" heels, and placing the wig on my head, I checked myself in the mirror before presenting myself to Pam. I was satisfied with my least I was presentable. I not only looked good, but I felt good. I loved the sensation of these garments. I thought I'd be shy dressed this way in front of Pam...but, strangely, I wasn't. Having to wear these things all the time isn't going to be bad, I thought. With a few practice steps around my room, I walked out to show Pam.

"Wow do make an attractive woman. I knew you could do it. How does it feel to be wearing a skirt and all the other things?"

"Surprisingly comfortable, Pam. I think I can learn to like this," I replied convincingly.

"Well, I'm glad you feel that're going to be wearing those things for a long time," she said, smiling. "Let's get some makeup on you to complete the look."

We went into the master bathroom which was a large room with a separate tub and shower stall and a large vanity with a lot of lights. Pam sat me down in front of the mirrored wall where she had an assortment of cosmetics arranged. She complimented me on my fresh shave as she began to apply a foundation creme with a small sponge. As she applied each item, she described what she was doing and why. She worked on one side of my face and let me do the same to the other side so I'd learn how. I tried to be amazed at the metamorphosis that was occurring. When she had finished, I was looking at a beautiful woman! I felt delightfully feminine.

"You're a natural, Terry. You're very pretty as a woman! You'll have no problem passing and I think you'll enjoy it. We don't even have to change your name. So, how do you like your new look?"

"What can I say, Pam, it's not bad...not bad at all," I said as I viewed myself from all angles. I found myself speaking very softly. Pam sensed the change in my tone of voice.

"Let's begin work on teaching you the basics," Pam said as we went into the family room. She proceeded to instruct me in how to sit properly, walk graciously, how to gesture like a lady, how a lady speaks...voice control, eye movements, facial expressions, and feminine vocabulary. I didn't remember there was so much difference between genders. Like all men, over time, I had taken women's actions for granted. But now I had a vested interest to learn, actually contractual. I made a conscious effort to practice everything Pam taught me since I looked and felt so feminine. Wearing a skirt was very different than pants. It patterned my behavior. I had to keep my legs together while sitting out of sheer modesty, and it governed the way I walked...the way it swirled around my legs. I enjoyed it. We practiced until late that first evening. At bedtime, Pam reminded herself that she had forgotten to buy me nightclothes so she loaned me a nightgown to sleep in. It was pink nylon with lace trim and a perfect fit as she knew it would be. I removed my makeup and hit the pillow. That night, I slept like a baby in this free-flowing, soft, and comfortable garment. This new lifestyle was going to be all right, I thought. For the next two weeks, each morning, I eagerly got dressed, applied my own makeup, and while taking care of Jerry, continuously practiced Pam's instructions of how to properly walk, sit, gesture. She constantly reminded me if I slipped up on anything until it became instinctive. When the specially ordered uniforms arrived, I willingly wore the new dresses. By that time I was accustomed to maneuvering in a skirt and I found them to be quite comfortable. Worn with my padded bra and black hose, they were indeed very stylish and feminine. Pam had good taste.

Pam stayed with me during that indoctrination period so we got better acquainted with each other and she established a higher level of confidence with me. We related to each other as two women as I worked to forget my recent past and concentrate on the present. Very little progress was made on my book while I focused on my transformation. I found myself really getting into learning to be a woman...wanting to be a woman--again. Pam had become very persuasive about my transition--it was total immersion. She was a good salesperson.

Finally, Pam had to go to visit a client for a meeting and I was to be alone with Jerry for the first time. That didn't bother me, but, I thought, what if someone came to the door. Was I ready? Was I passable? That concerned me because I didn't want to jeopardize my position. Pam reassured me that there would be no problem. She felt I was completely passable as a woman. As it turned out, there were no visitors that day, but all afternoon, while Jerry napped, I practiced my acting as a lady pretending I had guests. I knew I should have used the time for writing but I was too preoccupied with my appearance to concentrate on anything else. But it was paying confidence level of being a new gender was rising. One afternoon, I was preparing lunch when the doorbell rang. It was a salesman for a lawn service. He was very courteous and not the least bit suspicious, but then why should he have been. My first contact with another person as a woman and I passed. I was pleased and relieved. I told Pam what happened and she suggested we go out in public, perhaps to dinner. I changed into something appropriate, freshened my makeup, prepared Jerry for the excursion, and we went to a restaurant. Things went very well, I tried hard to be a lady, which was now easy, and didn't get a second glance from anybody, including the waitress. Pam was very pleased. I knew it was important for me to my mind, the contract was hanging over my head. As luck would have it, Sarah, the Nanny of Pam's neighbor spotted us and came over to say hello. Pam introduced me and invited her to visit us at the house. Sarah was pleased to meet me and promised to do so. This was to be my real be accepted by a genuine, unsuspecting, woman. After dinner, we returned home to put Jerry to bed and review my evening. I got a glowing report from Pam. She said I was doing a great job with my transformation, better than she had expected, and she was pleased with my Nanny performance. She had absolutely no remorse about hiring me for the job. We were becoming good friends, but it was a woman to woman friendship. She treated me as a sister as we discussed feminine things such as makeup, styles of clothing, children...girl-talk. I never burdened her about household things. I just took care of them on my own.

Within a week, Sarah came to visit with Jamie, her charge. We spent the afternoon talking and getting acquainted while the children played. She gave no indication that I was anything but another was all girl-talk with her also. At first, I was a little nervous, but I soon relaxed and enjoyed her company. For someone who had not worn women's clothes for a long time, I was now able to be in the company of another woman, as a woman, and feel like a real woman. It seemed so natural. For a few fleeting moments, my thoughts turned to wondering what she'd do if she knew what was under my dress, but those thoughts quickly disappeared as I mentally accepted that I was a lady. We became good friends, and through her, I met the other Nannies in the neighborhood. I was totally accepted by all of them, and in their company I honed my skills of presenting myself as a genetic woman. We met frequently for coffee and gossip which provide me with the opportunity to learn the art of communicating as a lady. I continued to make a conscious effort to learn. Sarah accompanied me to get my driver's license in my new gender . I told her I was new to the state and needed it. She never doubted otherwise....nor did the officials at the license bureau.

Within a few months, my hair was long enough to rid myself of the wig and maintain the same pageboy style. With Pam's assistance, I had groomed my eyebrows to a feminine shape. She asked me if I'd consider permanent removal of my beard and other masculine body hair, at her expense. I readily agreed to it so she arranged laser treatments for me. In one month, my beard was completely gone, my eyebrows were permanently arched, and they were working on my chest and legs. In time for a summer vacation.

I was completely acclimated to the job of managing the household and caring for Jerry as well as to my new identity. My effeminate actions were instinctive now...I think I had completely forgotten how to be a man anymore and I didn't care. Pam was right...I was quite comfortable living as a woman. So when Pam invited me to accompany her and Jerry on a trip to Cape Cod for two weeks, I eagerly accepted. Of course my Nanny duties continued, but it was still a vacation since Jerry was so little trouble. He was like my own son and I was like his mother. And I was to travel in regular street clothes.

We stayed in a hotel in Provincetown, spending time shopping, browsing the antique stores and walking on the beaches. During Jerry's nap time, I continued work on my book. Pam cared for Jerry for a few nights while she let me attend some female impersonator shows which were prevalent. The boys were quite accomplished in their presentations as women, singing, dancing, and generally enjoying themselves in their pseudo gender.. I could appreciate what they had to do to look like that, but I had no regrets about the effort I had to go through. I had the advantage of not having to switch genders every day. Even the transvestites recognized me as a genetic woman...I had fooled everyone. When I told Pam, she was delighted...and so was I. She said I had passed a test by masters of the craft of transgender.

I mustered enough confidence to purchase a swimsuit and wear it while walking on the beach. It was a rather a conservative design with a little skirt, but was still somewhat revealing...a big step for me. I had to fill the bust cups with foam forms but it looked very authentic. Pam said I looked perfectly lovely and I had to believe her. I did get a few admiring looks from men along the way, and that pleased me. I would have been disappointed if they hadn't looked. During this trip, Pam and I had a chance to talk about our pasts. I learned that she had been the victim of a bad marriage and a bitter divorce. She was really down on men now. She vowed never to have anything to do with them again. She had been burned once and that was enough. When I asked how she felt about me, she replied that she didn't see me as a man anymore and felt very comfortable with me in my new persona. She accepted me as a woman. She proved it by changing clothes in front of me in the hotel without any display of modesty. My femininity came forth when I could view this beautiful lady in her undies and not get aroused...after all, I was now wearing the same clothing as she was. I lusted for her but not as a man for a woman but as a lesbian.

I finally disclosed to Pam the secrets about my past. I was the only boy in a family of eight kids. Being a middle child and my mother being the sole support as a widow, we had limited income so I was forced to share my sibling's clothes as much as possible. For the most part, I was raised as a girl since I spent most of my early childhood in girl's clothes, going to parties, church, social events in dresses and to school in mostly androgynous limited boy's things on the outside, girl's underneath. I grew to accept being a girl since I knew no other way of life and had only girl playmates until I was too old to conceal my maleness. I even dated a few boys with my older sister's help. They had made me very effeminate. The transition to manhood was difficult. I took to writing because I had limited skills in other areas. This domestic position was a natural for me so I applied and fortunately got the job. The requirement to live as a woman was a bonus I hadn't expected. I admit, I love living as a woman again.

"I noticed you took to the transformation easily and you were a very fast learner," Pam admitted.

"I'm happy you've found yourself...I'll do whatever I can to help you, Terry."

My admission drew our friendship even closer. The second week of our stay in P-town, Pam canceled my hotel room and had me share her room and her bed. It just seemed so right. We slept as lovers. We kissed, embraced, and made love with no penetration other than orally. It was fulfilling to both of was beautiful. Our vacation ended too soon but our relationship didn't.

Our bond became intense. At home, Pam was the husband and head of the household, while I assumed the role of the wife, and of course Nanny to Jerry. I moved in with Pam, shared her bed, and satisfied her any way a wife should. It wasn't a business relationship was a marriage and I was the bride...I loved it...I loved Pam. She shared her entire wardrobe with me, dressing me in many of her fancy dresses which I modeled for her. I was completely comfortable while attending her parties wearing a short cocktail dress with high heels and dark hosiery as a maid to serve her guests. It was at one such party that a gentleman client approached me and asked me out for a date. Pam urged me to would be favorable for her I did. I had been living as a woman long enough so I wasn't worried about being fact, I was very relaxed with the prospect of dating a mature man. He made me feel very feminine, extending all the courtesies a gentleman does for his lady. I loved the attention. The evening ended with a warm kiss, my first adult kiss by a man, and I enjoyed it! That was the prelude to another date and more kisses and some petting. I liked the experience of being held and kissed by a man...but knowing it could go nowhere, I ended it before we got emotionally involved. But I did continue to casually date other men. I loved being the object of men's affections, being pursued, romanced, seduced. It was wonderful. I learned to pleasure a man in a very womanly fashion, after all, only a male knows what pleasures a man the most, and I got very good at it. And I could conceal my maleness well enough to allow them some liberties. I was very careful about that.

After my first dating encounter, I asked Pam if there was anything I could do about enlarging my breasts. I was becoming self-conscious about wearing breast forms, especially when a man was holding me. Even the good silicone forms were not enough. She suggested breast implants. We talked to her doctor friend who agreed that was the best way. Hormones were slow and critical. So the procedure was scheduled and I received a set of breast implants which allowed me to amply fill my bra's C cup with my natural breasts. They looked wonderful and I was proud of my new figure. Especially since there was so little discomfort with the surgery. Now I had genuine cleavage...not just an illusion! Pam was as happy as I was and couldn't leave her hands off of them as much as I loved her touch. I could now wear her dresses with the lowest necklines...a whole new part of her wardrobe. I loved my new body. I did start a regimen of hormones.

Jerry was getting big now, almost 4 years old. One day, I noticed him playing in our room. He was walking in my high heels, with a nylon stocking around his neck as a scarf, and had lipstick on his face. He said he was playing mommy. I asked him if he wanted to look like a little Nanny, to which he replied, yes. I cleaned his face of the smudged lipstick, removed his boy clothes, and fashioned a dress from a blouse, using a stocking as a waistband. I carefully applied fresh lipstick, blush, and eye shadow, making him into a darling little girl completed with a ribbon in his long curly hair. He happily stayed that way until Pam came home. When she saw him, she laughed and hugged him.

"I didn't know I had a little girl. You're beautiful, Jerry. Do you like those clothes?"

"Yes Mommy. Nanny dressed me. Now I can be like you and Nanny."

I apologized to Pam for doing that but she smiled and said it was clever. It made me happy wearing those clothes...maybe Jerry would be happy, too. She was in no hurry for Jerry to change. She let him play it out, but he stayed that way till bedtime. I told Pam it was Jerry's idea to cross-dress. He had played with my things before, but this time he dressed himself so I helped a little. We wondered if he wanted to do more of it. The next morning, he asked me if he could do it again, but I told him my clothes don't really fit very well and that we'd buy him his own things. He accepted that. Later, I again found him wearing my lipstick and shoes. I called Pam to tell her what happened. When she came home that day, she had bought Jerry some things. She figured he would just secretly wear our clothes anyway so let him get it out of his system now. She bought him little girl's panties, petticoats, a dress, hose, and shoes which he immediately put on and came out to proudly model for us. With his long curly hair, he did indeed look like a little girl. He continued to dress that way for the next few days and played as a girl until I was able to discourage him by making him do girl's chores.

I talked with the other Nannies, during our routine coffee sessions, about Jerry's behavior towards cross-dressing. Some of the others had heard of it, but none had first hand experience. They thought maybe because there were no male figures in the household. But then some had girls who never wore dresses and played with boy's toys and games and never thought anything unusual of it. So why were we so disturbed about Jerry? He'll likely outgrow it as the girls will. Somehow, I wasn't so sure....I never did.

Pam wasn't helping...she continued to buy Jerry girl's clothes. She thought it was fun, the things being so cute. Jerry loved them...I'm not sure whether because they were just new items or because they were pretty, and he continued to wear them and slowly began to act very effeminate while Pam encouraged it.. My threats of doing girl's work no longer worked...he jumped right into the tasks at the mention of it. I think Pam was allowing this to happen as her way of getting back at men. She had made me into a woman, now she was doing the same to her son, and I was helping her.

For Jerry's fifth birthday party, we invited the neighbor's female children and their Nannies, of course. Jerry was now wearing girl's things routinely and behaving accordingly. Since all of the other children were girls, he fit right in with them and they played together so well. He was receiving no male role model support...certainly not from me. Trying as hard as I could, well, not too hard, I couldn't prevent Jerry from wanting to be a girl so I gave up completely. Pam and I discussed taking him for counseling as a last resort to ease my conscience, but she wanted to wait until it was closer to him starting school....another year. At that time, my contract would be up and I could leave, although I don't know where I'd go. I was happy here, I loved Pam, and I loved being a woman...I knew I couldn't be a man anymore nor did I want to be one. We continued to let Jerry behave as a girl or a boy, whichever he chose, not unlike the genetic girls. He played only with the other girls and they treated him as one especially when he dressed the part. Pam let him...encouraged him to wear makeup and play dressup, complete with jewelry, nylons, pretty dresses. she bought him everything including feminine toys and games. She was completely feminizing her little boy, I think to get back at Jerry's father. Whenever I'd remind Jerry that he was a little boy, he'd cry, deny it, and if I pushed it, he'd say he wished he was a girl...he didn't want to be a boy. I knew we were in trouble.

I finally convinced Pam to take Jerry to a counselor who decided, after extensive testing, that Jerry was indeed confused about his gender. Of course I didn't mention about Pam's encouragement for him to be a girl. He had developed all the characteristics and attitudes of a female, and to regress back would be very difficult and harmful to his interpersonal relations with other children of both genders. Pam talked to her Doctor friend about Jerry, seeking medical advice...perhaps a sex reassignment to make the body fit the mind. The Doctor said that because Jerry was so young, nothing radical should be done now except to continue raising him as a girl. When he approaches puberty, they could block his male physical development and cause him to develop as a female. Later, surgery would finish the re-assignment. So, Pam agreed to that and made plans for Jerry to attend private school as a female.

In the Fall of Jerry's 5th year, Jerry was enrolled and started a private school as a little girl. His name was changed to Jeri. My contract with Pam as Jeri's Nanny was finished and I was free to leave. Pam extended the offer for me to stay with her as her female assistant in her business with the same terms as before, which I readily accepted. I would have married her but she would have no part of that so we stayed together as lesbian lovers. I was a total woman and would never change back to life as a man.

Jeri developed into a young lady and, upon reaching puberty, was started on hormones to allow her body to become that of a woman. She became a beautiful teenage girl. After high school, she had sex reassignment surgery to become a legal female. She never learned my true gender, but always considered me a woman....her Nanny.

I never did complete work on my book.

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