The Nature of Hate

By NeoMalfoy

Published on Mar 12, 2002



Title: The Nature of Hate (1/1) Author: NeoMalfoy Rating: for the story: NC-17 adult for graphic sex, and strong language. Pairings: Harry Potter/Dudley Dursley Spoilers: GoF. Archived:, and on Veela's Inc any one want's it let me know other than that consider this permision granted.

Author's Notes/Summery: Don't ask me where it came from just noticed that there is little if not any Harry/Dudley I know It sounds repugnent but I was thinking about the reasons why Dudley hated Harry and could only come up with one, Because his parents do... And I then thought about the nature of hate stuff like racism, sexism and homophobia... can't one over come their learnt hatred? Which is what this is about perhaps... yes this story does contain some very stong language such as 'Nigger' and other such derogitory statements so if they offend anyone I appoigize in advance but they go to show the hatred that Uncle Vernon has for everything that is not Dursley.

Disclaimer: Not Mine wish they where but then they woulden't have been published.

The boys are JK Rowling's and distributed in book form by Raincoast Bloomsbury in Canada and others worldwide. The movie belongs to Warner Bros. I don't make a Cent. Just like to have them as my slaves willing to do anything I wish... Don' worry I'll Put them back nice and clean.

If you are under the legal age to read XXX or are easly offended by M/M Slash fiction then Piss Off! Yeh've been warned!

Feedback: OH YEAH let me know if ya'll want me to continue this piece of fuckered fiction...! Send comments, questions and HOWLERS to: NeoMalfoy

"Last year then?"

"HUH?" asked Harry Potter not recognising the voice that had just spoke.

"I asked if this was your last year at Hogwarts." Replied the voice.

Turning towards the voice suddenly he came face to face with his cousin Dudley. Harry stared at the other boy for a while.

"What cat got your tounge?" Asked Dudley still amicalbly.

"N-N-No Just you are talking to me right?" Harry asked even more confused.

"No I'm talking to your Quiddtich robes,"

"My Quddi... You know about Quddtich?" Asked Harry still really confused but seeming to find his voice.

"Yeah," Blushed Dudley. Stepping into the room and closing the doors.

"But how?" queried Harry.

Still blushing Dudley looked down at the floor and muttered, "I've been sneeking your books and reading them..."

"You WHAT?" exclaimed Harry.

"Sorry... I was just interested..."

"But Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia..."

"... Don't know." Replied Dudley. "Probably kill both of us if they did."

"No shit." Replied Harry, suddenly realising that here he was in his bedroom, not only having a civil converstation with his cousin that for the past 16 years had tormented him, but they were also talking about Hogwarts and Qudditch... and that Dudley had been reading, acctuly, reading his wizards books...

"Interesting game, Qudditch..." Commented Dudley.

"Okay cousin what's the payoff?" Asked Harry skepticly.

"What?" asked his cousin.

"Why are you doing this, did Uncle Vernon put you up to the this get me to talk about the "M" word then he can bust in and lock me in here again for talking about You-Know-What?" asked Harry angerly. "Well jokes on you Uncle I'm not going to do it."

Harry yelled this last part at the door and rushed over and pulled it open, revealing... nothing. "Harry have you lost it?"

"I think so..." replied Harry. "I mean here we are standing talking to each other and your not threatning to hurt me and I'm not muttering pretend spells to scare you... prehaps we've both gone to the looney-bin."

"Perhaps, or mabye over the past year at Smeltings I did a lot of thinking why do I hate you... well I came to the conclusion I don't my parents do and why do they hate you? Because they hate your parents spicificly mum hates Aunt Lilly..." replied Dudley. Harry's eyes grew wide at his cousins mention of his mothers name. "because she was jeleous of all the attention Aunt Lilly recived. And dad well Dad hates... that's all Hates everything... magic, non-magic, remember just the other day he was saying that his counter-part at ExactDrill beat him out of a deal he was working on because... 'Eveyone feels sorry for those Niggers!" and all I could do was agree cause to disagree would be un-Dursley. Harry I come home from school and I feel like such a trator to my friends I have FRIEND'S at school Harry not just lackies like before and they are far from 'Dusleyish'..."

Harry was staring at his cousin, Was Dudley acctuly crying? Asked Harry. The fact was yes Dudley Dursley was actuly crying...

"I want to just kill myself sometimes when I think of the things I have done to those that are 'Un-Dursleyish'..." stopping he remembered how horrid he's been to Harry over his life time. "Harry, I don't know if this will make up for all those years of tormenet I put you though but I'm sorry, really sorry about how I've treated you... I wanna start making it up to you."

Harry stared at Dudley for the first time in his life and noticed that Dudley had changed that his words were not just a joke to hurt him but he ment them, not only had is attitude changed but Harry reached for his discarded glasses on the dresser and looked at him though those glasses. Dudley had lost weight and not just a few pounds. Dudley who previously could have been easly mistaken for the Goodyear Blimp had at his lightest weighed over 290 pounds, but now... Merlins beard, He can't weigh more then 170 and then most of it had to be mucsel! And but gods he wore it well. Harry stopped not believing he just thought that.

"Dudley... When did you lose all that weight?" Asked Harry.

"Last year at Smeltings, I went to see the nurse and told her I wanted to lose weight and she helped me. She showed me how to eat right and then I joined in the workout classes that they have and before long I started to lose it and began to play Rugby too... though it's not as fun as Qudditch looks but hey for a... what term do you use..." He paused thinking, " Oh yeah... Muggle sport it's great and I am good at it I've never been good at anything in my life before... except eating..."

Harry laughed at his cousin he coulden't help it first he asked about Hogwarts, then Quidditch, admitied that he didn't hate him, had acctuly voluntarly lost weight and started playing sports and now here he was using the term Muggles.

"What did Aunt Petuenia say when she saw you?" he asked.

"I'm not to sure... I couldn't understand her though all the blubbering... I thinks she said Something about Smeltings starving me and the need to feed me." He said. "But I sernly refused to eat all the chocolate that she has been parading under my nose... I admit it's been very hard but I won't get a boyfriend looking the way I did bef..." Dudley stopped mid sentence.

"Dudley did you just say you won't get a boyfriend?" asked Harry gasping.

"Uhhh..." Stuttered Dudley, then deciding not to try and take it back said, "Yes"

"You're gay then?" asked Harry. "Does Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia know?"

"Am I dead?" asked Dudley deadpan.

"Right, stupid me, sorry"

"You're okay with it?" asked Dudley.

"Yeah, It's not something to be ashamed of," Stated Harry, "Where I come from anyway... I have gay friends at Hogwart's"


"Yeah infact your not the only gay person in this room right now." Said Harry.

"What?" Dudley shook his head.

"Come on Dudder's..."

"I wish you wouldn't call me that..." said Dudley. "It sounds to much like my parents."

"You really don't like them anymore do you?" asked Harry.

"No, I mean they'll always be my parents but I don't think that I can ever respect them anymore... Now your parents, there's some parents to look up to... trying to defend their family from Voltamort...' said Dudley.

"Voldemort... how did you know his name..."

"Looked it up in your books... do you really fear his name like that cause it took me thee books to find the name they all just kept saying He Who Must Not Be Named and You-Know-Who? Is it like if you saw his name 3 times he may come like Beetlejuice or Bloody Mary?" asked Dudley refering to the Tim Burton movie and old tale of standing infont of a mirror in a dark room and saying her name x number of times.

"No people are just still scared that's all..." he said not wanting to let Dudley know that Voldemort had returned I his 4th year at Hogwarts.

"Harry would you be really discusted if I told you that I just noticed how cute you are?" asked Dudley blushing.

"You know yesterday that would have sent my sanity out the window and me screaming along with it, but now I don't know, I'd say that you don't look too bad either... infact wow Dudley you are cute!" Harry blinked now that he thought about it he did look awfuly good now that there was less of him. His blond hair usually cut into a bowl shape had been styled differntly it was well it looked increadably simmler to Harry's not to long and styled out of place, there was the differnce where Harry's hair fell naturaly where it wanted Dudley seemed to style it in the bed-head style.

"Harry I have a strange request and you can say no and I wouldn't blame you at all after all we are cousins and I have been a real asshole for a long time, but do you think that we could kiss... I've never done it before..."

Thinking that nothing could surprise him anymore Harry only walked over to Dudley and wrapping his arms around Dudley's neck and rising up on his toes as Dudley had also grown about a foot taller then Harry, pressed his lips to Dudley's, thinking about how incredably good this felt, he had never felt that with any of the other guys that he had slept with, Draco Malfoy, Seamus Finnigan or anyone.

Suddenly he needed more then just a kiss, he wanted to take Dudley to his bed... "Dudley I think I want more then..."

Dudley's lips cut Harry off midsentance and without saying another word Dudley lifted Harry from the floor and carried him to the bed and gently set him on the bed. Crawling in beside Harry he began to kiss him again, this time they both let their hands roam over eachs body feeling every nook and crany that was perviously off limits. Dudley removed Harry's glasses and put them back on the dresser beside the bed and stopped.

"Oh, Harry your eyes, I never noticed they're green, and they... they glow," gasped Dudley.

"They say I got them from my mother." Harry said then pulled Dudley back into the kiss.

They began to slowly undress each other, Harry who had done this before took the lead and began to kiss down Dudley's rippled chest and began to lick Dudley's bellybutton. Dudley began to squirm and giggle. Smiling Harry proceded to down to Dudley's track pants and with his teeth began to pull them off to complete the job he lifted Dudley's ass into the air and using his hands he slid the garment over while brushing his hands over Dudley's surprisingly defined and muscular ass, removing them from around Dudley's ankles and then he also removed the white socks that Dudley was wearing. Harry then began to fondle Dudley's feet and then placing Dudleys big toe into his mouth he began to suck, Dudley gasped, he had never realized that the foot could produce sexual feelings.

"Harry!" Dudley gasped.

Harry then began to kiss and lick the bridge of his sole and up the ball of Dudley's heel making his way up his leg which was sparsly covered in hair making his way up his inner thigh. Harry placed his mouth over Dudley's balls and began to nibble at them though his gray boxerbriefs, making Dudley moan louder.

Dudley's mind was realing he wanted to show Harry how much he was sorry by providing him with all the pleasure he could give but he was also enjoying the incredible sensations that Harry was causing in his groin. Reaching out and carressing Harry's black hair, he bagan to whisper, "Harry I'm sorry," between moans and gasps.

From below Harry heard every utterence that Dudley was making. I know. He thought. He slipped a hand into his boxerbriefs and began to caress Dudley's cockshaft with his fingers, Harry guessed that Dudley must have been packing atleast 7 inches and was of course uncut. He then began to use his mouth on that shaft though the briefs and began to taste the salty flavor of his precum which had to be pouring out of his tip.

Dudley having lost corherent thought could onlt moan and gasp now unable to form words. He then had a coherent though, to get Harry in the same state as he was. Lifting Harry off his cock he began to remove Harry's shirt and then began to undo his jeans and slipped them to his ankles, reaching out on instict he began to massage Harry's cock and then he slipped off Harry's briefs and tentivly brushed his lips across Harry's glistening head. Then without futher hesitation he swollowed it who, thinking about how his life had changed in just the last hour, he was no longer at war with his cousin infact here he was sucking his cock.

Harry who stopped Dudley long enough to get them into a sixty-nine position and then resumed his attention to Dudley. Who by now was panting. And bucking his hips... moments later Harry was swollowing Dudley's orgasam.

"Harry fuck me!" Gasped Dudley in the throws of his orgasam.

Harry didn't need to be asked twice slipping Dudley's ass into the air he began to lick the exposed hole lubing it up Dudley began to gasp again. All the sudden Harry pushed his cock into Dudley with his saliva and his precum it slid in easly. Harry though Dudley who didn't flinch must have either not been a virgin or had been using toys... either way he began to pump in and out with in moments Harry let out a final groan and thrust forward with his orgasam and shot load after load into his cousins ass.

Colapsing on Dudley Harry smiled at his cousin. "Now that we like each other I hope we can get together again..."

"Believe it!" Exclaimed Dudley and leaned into Harry.

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