The One for Me w/ J.T. and B.M.

By moc.loa@72raebnwrB

Published on Feb 18, 1999



Disclaimer: O.K. guys you know the drill. If homosexual activity offends you don't read this. This story is fiction and is not to imply that either Justin Timberlake or Brian Mcknight is homosexual. (Although I could hope.) The same goes for all of N'SYNC and anyone else in this story. It's purely my fantasy.

Foreword: This is my first time writing a story on the net. There is some sex not much in the first two chapters. this story is going to be more emotional than sexual. so if your lookin for that please look eleswhere.


Part 1: The Awakening

Justin Timberlake woke up the morning of January 31st his birthday not knowing what the day would bring. He ran his hand through his curly blond locks wondering when his friends (N'SYNC) would spring his supposed surprise party on him. They did it every year. They would pretend they all had something else to do then show up later in the day in some specified place later in the day. Well at least he was home in Orlando this year.

There was a knock at the door as his mother reminded him that he had to meet the rest of N'SYNC at the studio at 9:00 a.m.. Justin really loved his job but it sucked having to work on his birthday. Well that's the price you pay when you're a teenage heart throb.

He got out of bed and stretched. He looked at his reflection in his full length closet mirror and started grinning from ear to ear. The three years of dancing, rehearsing and basketball had paid off. He loved the way his body had turned out. He ran his hand over his perfectly sculpted 6-pack abs. He let his hand slip into the baby blue boxer shorts that he slept in and groped his morning hard on. It throbbed at the attention. Justin stroked it through his boxers. 7.5 inches for a 18 yr. old isn't bad he thought to himself and I'm still growing.

He finally decided to take care of his problem and squeeze out his first load of the day. He took off his boxers and stoked his manhood sending shivers up his spine. He found his mind wondering back to the American Music Awards when he got a chance to meet his idol Brian Mcknight. The mear thought of the man caused his penis to throb wildly in his hand. He steadily stoked it till a clear fluid started to flow. He added some saliva for lubrication and started stroking his meat in earnest. He wondered if Brian had the same problem in the morning and if he was stroking his black manhood too. That finally pushed Justin over the edge. He shuddered as his orgasm hit him. His cock erupted all over the mirror as he thought about his black Adonis. He shot a good 8 spurts before his orgasm subsided.

Justin sat and stared at the mess he had made. He wondered why he had thought of Brian instead of the girls he normally thought off when he jacked off. Was he gay?? This had been the first time he thought of a guy and it had been one of the most intense orgasms of his life. oh well, I'll think on this later Justin thought as he went to get a towel to clean up his mess.

There was another knock on the door as Justin finished cleaning up his little mess. Justin was just about to ask who it was when J.C. burst in. "Happy B-day J-man!!!" J.C. said as he walked into the room. "Hey don't wait for me to say come in or anything" Justin replied as he tried to cover his nakedness. " Whoa calm down J-man Its not as if you got anything I ain't seen before" J.C. said smiling slyly. "Hurry up and shower or we wont be able to get breakfast before we go to rehearsal ."

Justin took a quick shower. He came out drying off and was surprised to find J.C. still there sitting on bed his reading one of his comic books. "hurry up and decide what your gonna wear Justin" Chided J.C.. Justin finished drying off and threw the towel at J.C.. "Well it is my birthday maybe I'll just wear my birthday suit" replied Justin Posing for J.C.. "Very funny Justin you should have been a stand up comedian."

Justin quickly decided on his favorite baby blue sweat suit and a tight white T-shirt to show off his body. As he was lacing up his baby blue Adidas he noticed J.C. staring at him. take a picture it'll last longer Justin replied to the stare. "Sorry, Justin " J.C. retorted "Its just that you've grown a lot since we first met and well..." "Oh wait I think I've heard this one before" Justin said stopping J.C. before he could get to the compliment. "That's one thing that has not changed about you. You never could take a compliment well" J.C. stated throwing the comic at Justin . I just wanted to say I can see why all those girls go crazy over you Justin." "Speak for yourself J.C. you get just about as much mail as I do." "There you go again shooting down my compliment Justin. Lets get downstairs before Chris and your mom come up here."

Justin and J.C. raced each other down the stairs to meet Lynn and Chris. "Happy birthday son" Lynn said as she hugged her blushing son. "Aww Ma, not in front of the guys" Justin complained." "Nonsense" Lynn replied "I went through 9 hours of labor to have you. You can at least give your mother 2 minutes out of your day." "All right Ma" Justin said giving in to the hug.

"So who's ride are we taking in today" Chris said interrupting Lynn and Justin. "Let's take Justin's Benz." J.C. replied. "Nah I don't wanna drive today" Justin uttered. " Don't worry I can drive it" Chris said sarcastically. "Last time I let you drive I ended up with two broken arms." Justin replied. "We can take my Landrover" J.C. interrupted trying to lighten up the mood. The accident that had happened had been a sore subject for months. " We had better get going If we don't want to be late" J.C. said heading for the front door.

When the reached J.C.'s black Landrover the arguing began on where to eat. Denny and the Waffle House were quickly dismissed, they didn't have time plus they might get recognized. Finally they decided on the drive through at B.K. it was Quick and if they we lucky no one would recognize them.

They placed their order and drove to the window. When the clerk Wendy saw Justin and J.C. in the front seat she went incoherent she just kept repeating "Oh my Gawd, Oh my Gawd!!!!" Eventually the manager Keith had to help them. He was a blond short man with that sweet Orlando accent. " Sorry she has that reaction every time a celebrity comes through here." " You know who we are?" questioned J.C.. "Doesn't everybody?" Keith replied with a smile. "Here's your food Yall have a nice day." "You too" replied J.C. "Here give these tickets and backstage passes to Wendy when she regains her sanity." J.C. paused a second as he handed the tickets to Keith "Something extra was definitely in that touch" J.C. thought to himself. "Thanks again for comin in" Keith said with a wink as they drove away.

Part 2: The Rehearsal

They got to the Studio just in time. Joey and Lance were waiting impatiently out front for them with their manager Rob. "Let's go over the agenda for the day boys" stated Rob when Justin , Chris and J.C. approached "We have studio work till 11:30 , a hour and a half break for lunch and then rehearsal for tomorrow's concert from 1 to 5" Rob paused a second and looked at Justin " And thanks to this little joker You have the rest of the day off!! Happy Birthday Justin!!!" "Yeah happy birthday J- Man" Joey and Lance agreed as all the group began pushing Justin and tussling his hair. "All right enough already." Justin said breaking free. "Let get to work."

The rest of the day went pretty much as planned. They worked on three new songs at the studio. Broke for lunch at the scheduled time and then headed to the Orlando arena for rehearsal.

Even though Justin loved to dance the rehearsal today was especially grueling. They had too work extra hard because they had the night off and their manager knew they would be in no shape to rehearse in the morning. Justin sat on the edge of the stage dripping with sweat drinking his Zephyr Hills spring water Silently eyeing lance. "So what the deal for tonight Lansten??" Questioned Justin. "What are you talking about J??" replied Lance. "Don't play that game with me Lansten. Every year you guys throw me a surprise party. Now where and when is gonna be??" Justin questioned again this time more forcefully. "I don't know what your talking about J-man." Replied Lance again.

As he turned to walk away Justin leaped off the stage landing on Lance. The Two rolled around on the ground jockeying for the upper hand. They wrestled around for a minute or two when Justin finally got the upper hand. He had pinned both of Lance's arms and had him totally at his mercy. Justin knew Lances weakness. Lance was as ticklish as a little girl so Justin began to tickle Lance in his most sensitive spots. Soon Lance was Laughing histerically. "Tell me what I want to know or I'll tickle you till you pee your pants Lansten!!" Said Justin grinning from ear to ear. "All right enough....enough" Replied Lance trough his tears of laughter. "The party is tonight at the Hard Rock Cafe at Universal. Now get off of me before I piss my pants." "Not yet!!" Replied Justin devilishly. "Who's gonna be there?? And What did you guys get me for a present??" He started tickling lance again until Lance was histerical again.

"What's going on here??" J.C. Questioned from the stage behind them. Justin quickly rolled off Lance and both of them stood up laughing. 'Come on guys we still have a lot of work to do." J.C. Said in his father figure tone. "We were just playing around a little" Justin replied. "Yeah, whatever. Lets just get back to work and Lance do something about that before you come back on stage" J.C. said pointing out the obvious bulge in Lance's pants. "Hey I'm not the only one!!" Stated Lance as he pointed to the bulge in Justin's sweats. "Well you've both got 15 minutes to take care of your problems." J.C. responded with a knowing smile.

All of N'SYNC had "fooled around" at one time or another. Nothing too serious Basically just circle jerks. Joey had claimed to have grown out of it while Chris said it was getting to "weird" but J.C. Justin and Lance still occasionally got together to get themselves off.

Justin and Lance raced for the tour bus outside the arena. Although they were home in Orlando their bus still went with them. Lance and Justin both reached the back of the bus panting heavily. "We better hurry up we don't have much time." Lance suggested. Justin reached under the couch to get one of the groups "special" videos. He popped it into the VCR and dropped his pants. They both worked their meat as they watched the video. Lance massaged his 6.8 inches with hand lotion while Justin used saliva and "natural lubricant." The video showed a girl getting done by 2 guys then another guy joined them by shoving his 10 inches down the woman's throat.

"Justin, we've been friends along time, right??" "Shut up lance your breaking my concentration." "No, really Justin I wanna try something..." "Lance I don't care what you try just SHUT UP!!!" "Justin just listen to me for a second PLEASE!!!" "Allright Lance, What do you want??" "Well .. It's just... we've... been friends.. for...." "Lance please get to the point we don't have time for this!!" "I wanna suck you Justin."

Justin was shocked that Lance had wanted to do that to him. Sure Justin had thought about getting sucked off before but by a girl not by his best friend. What did this mean about Lance??? Was he gay or just curious ?? The only time he had let another man touch him was when he had broken both arms in the accident. J.C. had been kind enough to lend a "hand" to Justin when he needed to get off. "Well I might as well get my first blow job from a friend than a stranger." Justin thought to himself.

While Justin was thinking an akward silence hung in the air. Lance was just getting ready to say forget it and play it off as a joke when Justin said "Go ahead Lance, if you really want too." Justin watched as Lance got on his knees in front of him. Lance reached out and tentatively stroked Justin's rock hard manhood sending a shiver up Justin's spine. He stuck out his tongue and licked the tip of Justin's cock. Lance tasted the salty mixture of pre-cum and sweat and instinctively knew he wanted more. He then took the head into his mouth eliciting a moan of pleasure from Justin's lips. Lance stated sucking and swallowing as much of Justin as he could. Justin grabbed Lance's head and guided him down his dick to his brown pubic hair but Lance couldn't take it all and pulled off gagging. "Shit, are you allright Lance I didn't mean..." "Don't worry about me Justin. I just tought I could take it all. I guess that's just some thing I'll have to work on" Lance said with a smile. "Any time you want Lance." "Well threre's no time like the present" replied Lance as he once again went down on Justin.

Justin's hands again went to Lance's Blond hair. "I have to be more gentle this time." Justin tought to himself as he guided Lances bobbing head into his own rhythm. Lance had relaxed enough to get most of Justin's meat down his throat. "This is about a thousand times better than a hand job" Justin thought to himself as the warmness of Justin's throat engulfed him. Lance had about a half inch to go when Justin warned him he was close and exploded in his mouth.

Justin closed his eyes as orgasm over came him. He began to see visions in his minds eye as if in a dream. Him and Brian Mcknight together, his friends in N'SYNC conspiring against him, A black and gold diamond ring falling trough space, another ring just the opposite of the first ring on a black mans hand, Brian and him arguing over something, a party somewhere with N'SYNC, a Black 4x4 running a red and crashing into...

"Justin, are you allright??" Questioned Lance. "Yeah I'm fine. It's just I'm a little confused by all this. I've never had a climax like that before." "Neither have I." Replied Lance "And I'm sorry about your sweats." Justin looked down to see his favorite sweats covered with Lance's juices. "Guess I'll have to chance now." Justin said smirking at Lance. "Maybe I should change to." noted Lance as he pointed out the stains on his shirt and shorts.

They had just finished changing when there was a bang on the door. "Yo Justin you in dare" Asked Joey in his Brooklyn accent. "Yeah Joey come in." Justin responded. "What have you two been doing in here??" Questioned Joey. "We were playing video games." Lance responded. " Yeah, sorry we kinda lost track of the time." Justin apologized. "Yeah I guess you did lose track of time." Joey replied smiling as he looked at the t.v. still playing the porno tape. "Well I guess we should get back to rehearsal." Lance said as he turned off the t.v.. "Great just as I was getting into it" Joey responded squeezing his meat trough his pants.

"Where were you two?" Asked Jason the choreographer. " We were in the tour bus playing video games and lost track of time" replied Lance. "Hey were you two wearing different clothes before??" Questioned Chris as Justin, Lance and Joey returned to the stage. "Yeah the other clothes were to sweaty." Justin replied not making eye contact with anyone. "Well now we will have to work extra hard for the last hour and a half" Said Jason. "O.K. everybody "Tearin up my heart" From the top".

next the party...

O.k. that's it the beginning of my first story on the net. I hope you liked it. Please e-mail me to tell me: The next two chapters will be out in another two weeks, Hopefully.

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