The Only Man for Me: Leo's Tale

By moc.oohay@srednuas_ineehs

Published on May 31, 1999



The Only Man for Me: Leo's Tale by Alex Saunders

Warning: This story contains male/male sex. If this offends you, tough. Turn it off and don't come here again. If it is illegal for you to read this due to various laws, than please leave also until you are of age. This story does not have any relevance on the sexuality of it's characters, although I'm sure most of you wish it were so. Any questions, comments, or suggestions can be sent to Alex Saunders at

Chapter 1

Sometimes I don't what's the real me, and what's just the part made up by my agent. It's kind of tough being who I am, I can't sneeze without the press knowing, and speculating on the cold I may or may not have gotten. But it's fun being an actor, I love my job. I've done it most of my life. But sometimes I kind of want to be less unknown. You know, the starving artist. After doing Romeo and Juliet, and Titanic, I get offered a lot of romance roles, I like them well enough, but ... I don't feel they show the extent of my ability as an actor very well. Especially since it's all with girls. (The American public can't handle homosexuality or bisexuality all that well.) I like being popular and all, but when it involves any Joe with a buck being able to see my naked body in Playgirl, that's where I draw the line. After all, my body is my property, not the public's. I don't know.

Before I became "LEONARDO DICAPRIO!!!!!!" I was, well, not exactly normal, but overlooked for the most part. I was called Leonardo Retardo for my inability to pay attention in school. I'm sure they're sorry now. At any rate I've managed to keep my friendship with Todd from back then. I hadn't talked with him in a while, so I was kind of surprised to get his phone call last night.

Todd and I are kind of close, well, as close as I can get to a straight guy that I don't talk to all that much. I think he's the first guy I came out to, he handled it fairly well. (The reason I came out to him of all people, is that I've always had a sort of crush on him. But the hetero that he is, nothing has ever come of it.) I've talked to him about almost everything, problems that I've had, etc. Including my new problem of the crush I have on Skeet Ulrich. (Boy, Is He Hot!!!!!!) From his brooding eyes, to his sexy, tousled brown hair... Anyway. To get back to the phone call. He told me about a party that's going on tonight up at Gregg's house. I guess he's going to try to get Skeet to go, and here's the shocker, apparently Skeet is a big fan of mine. I guess it's a start, well, somewhat. I might head on over there later. I don't know. I know I don't have the chance to meet him everyday, but I think he's straight. After all, rumor has it that he and his long-time girlfriend Leonora just broke up. Oh well. At least I may get a friend out of the deal. Although, I just remembered something that Todd said to me while we were on the phone. It could be taken a few different ways, one of them being that he isn't straight, another that he likes me. Maybe there really is some possibility of something here. I'll have to think about it.

I'm at the party. I ended up coming here with my friend, Marc. The first thing I do, no matter how un-cool it may seem, is to look for Skeet. I spot him at the bar talking with the barman. He turned and looked directly at me, and so I smiled (partly out of nervousness.) I leaned over and pointed him out to Marc, Marc looked kind of surprised.


"Yeah, him, Marc. That's Skeet Ulrich, you know from Scream?" I answered.

"Uh, huh. Do you want me to get him over here for you?"

"NO! I mean, uh, I'm not ready. What's that he's drinking?" I ask to change the subject.

"Oh, it looks like a Corona and lime." He said.

"Is it good?"

"You might like it, too sissy for me," he grinned.

"Could you, um, could you go get me one?"

"Chicken. Sure I'll get you one, I'll also listen to his conversation with the barman for you, how's that?"

"Uh, thanks," I said I was rather preoccupied with looking at him. He was soo sexy in person. His hair was tousled, like he'd been running his hands through it a lot. He looked kind of nervous as Marc started heading over to the bar. He smiled at me...

"Oh, Leo!" Great, it was Marci. Just what I needed now, I thought as I turned to greet her.

"Hi Marci, what's up?" I glanced over at Skeet, Marc had just gotten to the bar and from his body language Skeet was either depressed or disappointed. Damn it, Marci. I thought. Why did you have to come over now, I was just getting up the nerve to talk to him.

Marci seemed to chat on and on about a whole bunch of Hollywood gossip that I really don't pay attention to, and somewhere between Gwenyth Paltrow's dog having kittens and Pamela Anderson Lee's implant lobotomy (?) Marc brought me my drink. He was right, it is pretty good. For a beer at any rate. As you can tell, my mind was still focused on the depressed hottie sitting at the bar drinking a little too much. Was that his third? Sheesh. Must be depressed about something, I'd have to talk to Todd and find out.

I left my uneventful conversation with Marci without saying a word, and figured she'd probably be a little miffed. I was right. Girls are so predictable. She left a few minutes later in a huff. I went looking for Todd all over and it took me a while, but I found him on the patio talking with a ditzy looking future starlet hopeful. The taste of straight men, I will never understand.

"Could you excuse us a moment?" I asked the Blonde. She got a little huffy also (this must be my night for pissing chicks off, I thought.) Then she realized who I am, and left telling, "Teddy," that she'd see him later.

"Thanks, man, I owe you. That chick's as ditzy as a three dollar bill. What'd ya' want?"

"I, uh, I want to know what's bugging Skeet. He looks depressed."

"Oh, that. His boyfriend Jon dumped him today, and his ass has been draggin' ever since." Todd smiled. "Since you're staring at me slack-jawed, I'll take it you didn't know he's gay." Was I slack-jawed? I pushed my jaw back into place, and nodded at him. "He has the biggest crush on you, dude's liked you since Growing Pains."

"Oh." Now I was really confused. "But, Leonora?"

"Cover up man. Why haven't you gone over and talked to him yet?"

Why hadn't I? I would have learned all this from the mouth of the source. "I guess I was afraid or something."

Todd took me into a private room and told me to wait for him. I could only guess what his devilish mind was up to. I waited for what seemed like hours. I paced back and forth like a madman or something. Out of nervousness (and habit) I lit up a smoke to calm me down. Finished it within seconds. I grabbed a pen and paper off of a little stand that was in the room, and wrote Skeet a note for later. I figured I'd pull off the whole Titanic thing in real life. You know, that scene that I gave Kate the note? I figured he'd get the irony of it all, since everyone in the free world seems to have seen that movie. I folded it up and stuck it in my pocket for later. Just when I'd turned my back, they came in. I turned back around slowly.

"Leo? I'd like you to meet a friend of mine, this is--"

"Skeet Ulrich," I finished for him. "Nice to meet you, Skeet." Even though it hardly seems possible, he was even sexier right up close. I don't remember all that happened that night, I was so taken with his beauty. I just remember talking with him for hours, and it only feeling like seconds. Todd had left us at some point, and I don't think either one of us really noticed. I couldn't believe how nice he was! I mean, most of the Hollywood types I've come across were kind of like stuck-up snobs. He seemed to be a little star-struck, but I guess that's to be expected.

"It's already four!" He exclaimed.

Oh, shit. I had to run, the director would have kittens if I wasn't there on time tomorrow, well, this morning. He had to work also. While we were saying goodbye, I managed to put my hand into my pocket without him noticing, and grabbed the note.

"Well, Skeet, it was really cool to meet you," I said as I shook his hand, transferring the note without being obvious (you wouldn't know how difficult that is until you've done like a hundred takes of practice.) I left before he could say anything about it.

The whole drive home, I couldn't stop thinking about Skeet. God he is hot, and not just on the silver screen, in real life too, without camera angles, and make-up and hair artists. He was so -- I really don't know how to describe it. I suppose shy would work, intelligent, certainly, and funny. Once he'd relaxed, he'd cracked a couple jokes here and there, and they nearly brought tears to my eyes I was laughing so hard. I was pretty nervous from the whole note thing, but after years of acting I know how to play it cool. When I got to the apartment, I sat up for a while simply thinking of Skeet. I think that I'm going to have to make the first move, he's a little too reluctant about being himself and , I don't know, acting out on his feelings to make a move on me, I think. Hmm. Wonder what I'll do to get him? I guess I'll figure it out along the way.

Since I only have a couple of hours before I have to be at the set, I have decided to watch a movie to pass the time. I grab my new all time favorite movie and stick it in the VCR, I press play, and prepare to "Scream."

I kind of wonder when he's going to call, or if he's going to call at all. I hope I'm free when he does. I don't know my mind is wandering.

Chapter 2

As I suspected the director had kittens, I kind of fell asleep during the movie and slept until 11:00. As a result the director screamed, yelled, and worked me twice as hard. After what seemed like five million takes of kissing my costar I finally was able to catch a break, and ran to my dressing room/trailer thing to catch my breath and think about Skeet. A timid knock at the door woke me from the daydream I had fallen into the second the door had shut. In my little fantasy he called me and I went over to his place to watch a movie. And, well, it was just a dream.

"Come in," I kind of grumbled at whoever was dragging me out of my fantasy.

It was my friend Todd. "Hey Leo, I was waiting `til you got a break. So how'd it go?"

"How'd what go?" I asked, the picture of perfect innocence.

"You know, man. The, uh, um, the uh, talk with uh, Skeet. How'd it go, man?" Todd was still uncomfortable with anything involving homosexuality and males, so he looked away and kind of scuffed his shoes on the floor like a teen boy asking his first date out.

"Why you want to know?" I loved to tease him, he was so cute when he blushed. So was Skeet for that matter, I'd gotten him to blush quite a bit last night but I wasn't about to tell Todd that, at least, not yet.

"You know, cause, like, you're both my friends. You know?"

"It went fine, Todd."

"Could you be a little less specific here, Leo?" Sarcasm did not suit Todd at all.

"I gave him my number, Todd."

"Oh, was that the note that he wouldn't tell me anything about. I saw a piece of paper in his hand and, like, asked him about it, but he said it was nothing and stuck it in his pocket." Oh, no! I thought. What if he didn't bother to read it, what if he didn't like me `in that way'? What if he didn't call?

"Leo? You all right?" Todd brought me back to reality and away from my worrying.

"Todd. Does he, does he really like me? Do you think he'll call me? I, uh, never mind." I muttered anxiously.

"Yes he likes you, Leo. He probably won't say anything more to me `cause he doesn't really open up much, but, like, he likes you dude." Todd was noticeably embarrassed at this, but he went on. "He'll call you, man, when he, like, gets the chance. You know?"

"Thanks Todd."

"What are, uh, friends for? I guess." He was blushing a little. Of course he always did when homosexuality was mentioned in any way.

"I gotta' get back to the grind, Todd. The director is probably wondering where I am right now."

As if he heard me, there was a knock on the door, and without waiting for an `Ok' the director barged in.

"Mr. DiCaprio! I want you on the set in 5. Move it!" He left slamming the door.

"Speak of the devil," Todd said. "I'll catch you later, Leo."

"Later, man." He left and I hurried to get on the set so the director wouldn't have a heart attack or anything.

The day went by pretty slowly, I was waiting all day for my phone to ring, but it didn't. I got home at like, 9:30 and decided to take a shower.

No sooner had I stepped out than the phone rang...

_______________________________________________________________________ To be continued? It's all up to you, I need some e-mails here people if you want me to continue my stories J~ Send any comments or suggestions to Later on, Alex

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