The Piercing

By R. Lee Mathieu

Published on Jun 23, 2004



One day I was in a gay bar just having a beer. This hot slender longhaired blond cute as hell sat at the bar next to me and got a beer, after a few beers he started talking to me. He asked me what I did for a living.

"I have a piercing parlor, in the Village" and I gave him my card, "Call me any time. If you want something done, no questions asked!"

We talked for a while about body piercing and told him that I would do any type of piercing but for a price. After all, that's my living, I don't care how cute you are, I just need to pay the rent and make a living. I asked him if he was pierced and he just responded with, "No, not yet, well I have no rings in me or anything else for that matter, but I think I'd like to have something done!" As we talked about getting pierced and the price, I noticed he kept rubbing his cock hanging down his leg. "Why? Thinking about getting that done?" I asked as I pointed to his cock. He just gave me a cute smile and nodded his head the sipped his beer. "Yeah, I'd love to get this cock of mine pierced sometime now that I've found someone that will do it! Fuck, I'm kinky as hell, are you?" "Yes, real kinky!" I answered. "Like I said, I'll do any piercing, for a price."

So we started to talk about what he wanted done. First on his list was his cock then his nipples. "But I'm not looking for your normal cock piercing, Man. Something different, let's say kinky." He said with his cute smile. "You see I'm a jack off freak. I need something that will slow me down. I jack about 4-5 times a day. I just need something in my cock that will make it hard for me to jack, and if I do, it must hurt. I get off better that way. Several times, while jacking off, I'd just pierce my cock head just before I cum. I also love stuffed down my piss hole. I love it while it's being done, then I hate myself for a few days after for doing it, and then I tend to jack off even more. Does that bother you, Man?"

"Fuck no, all I do is pierce, what you do with your cock or your piss hole is your business. If you like to stuff your cock, well, that's cool with me, Fuck, I'd be glad to stuff it for you and I'd love to see you jack off."

That's when he started to tell me about he and a friend. They would get together at times and fuck around with needles he called it 'Fun piercing'. They would do some cocaine and poppers and just pierce their cocks and nipples with hatpins, no metal or rings, just piercing the hell out of them selves. "Heck, I can't tell you how many times he stuck a hatpin through the head of my dick or my shaft. Once, he put one down my piss hole and poked it out just above my balls. He for that matter, would rather have his balls pierced or just his ball sack stuck. He loved to have a needle or needles through his balls, where I'd rather have a needle in or through my cock. We also got into what we called cock stuffing, just sending stuff down our piss hole. I have a set of artist paintbrushes that I love to play with and stuff down my piss hole. They come in several diameters and lengths. I love to stretch my piss hole with them."

Shit, almost anything I could think of, he wanted done to his cock and balls. He wanted his cock done in several places and his ball sack done. If he's real about this, he is kinky as hell! Shit, I was getting hard by this conversation and realized it was time for me to split. "Give me a call, Kid. I'm sure we can work something out, I'll do what ever you care to have done, no questions asked, got it?" With that note, I left the bar with that hot blond on my mind. I wonder if I'll ever see him again? I stopped for a second and almost returned to the bar. No, I have an appointment to keep and I need the money.

I got a phone call a day later from some guy, requesting the entire afternoon. Fuck, why not, let's say in about a week, on a Friday afternoon, his name was Dave. Hell, it only takes a few minutes to do a piercing; I guess this guy wants a lot done, I told him that will cost.

On that Friday, that same cute longhaired blond stud that I talked to in the bar about a week ago walked in to my shop and just stood there in the doorway. My place is just a private space I rent for body piercing; most piercing is done by appointment only. It's just a small 2-room office on the second floor in a rather old building. I have a small bed in one room and a piercing bench in the other; the place has a bath with a shower that helps with the function and a rather large walk-in closet that's rather private, well later for that.

"Hi, come in, have a seat on the bench. What can I do you for, you must be Dave, you requested and reserved the entire afternoon." Man this guy is cute as hell, just as I remembered him in the bar! As he walked in, he was hearing a tight very dirty T-shirt with nice pecks and dirty torn Levi's. No underwear and a nice cock hanging to the left with I'd say about a 28" waist and a nice 34"chest with a canvas bag hanging from his shoulder. I closed and locked the door and simply said, "Locking this so some ass hole doesn't barge in on us."

"Just relax, I need to wash my hands."

He sat on the bench and just looked around, like a patient waiting to get examined. "Looks like you've been working hard?" I said in jest as I returned to the room.

"Yeah, I do construction work, I'm rather sweaty and dirty, I just got off work, almost got here late, sorry!"

"Well let's get to the point, can I trust you?" He asked. "This might sound strange but I'm under orders to have this done, my Master sent me" He mentioned with his head down. "You are kinky and Gay, Right? Like you said in the bar, if not I can spilt."

"Sure you can trust me, Under orders, your Master? So, you were told to come here? Ok, what are we doing to you, and YES I'm kinky and gay. I have the entire afternoon set aside for you." Shit this guy has a Master or something, guess I'll just go along with the game.

"Ok, what does your master want done to you?"

"Well, I have a note for you from my master." He stood up and reached into his back pocket for a slip of paper and an envelope and passed it to me and lays his green canvas bag on the chair from his shoulder.

As I read the note, it's a list of things that are to be done to this guy along with five $100.00 dollar bills.

The note reads:

I want my slave returned with the following,

I want a ring through the base of his cock an another just below the head both through the shaft horizontally. He also needs a PA and his nipples done. A ring through his ball sack is also needed. Anything else you suggest would be welcomed. Keep in mind, he's only a salve, please treat him that way. Bind him if you wish, just release him in 3 days after you have enjoyed him. Please keep in mind, this new hardware will be used for torture.

He is under a hypnotic suggestion, just say "PAIN" and he will follow any instructions. To release him, just say "HOME".

After reading the note I looked up at Dave and asked, "Do you really want this done to you? Do you realize how much PAIN this will cause you?"

"Yes I have an idea and my master gave me something to help, it's in the bag for you to administer or use for yourself if you wish, Sir, it's up to you if you care to give me some."

Strange, nothing about him changed at least anything I could see.

Looking over to the chair, I saw the green canvas army bag he left as he walked in. Opening it I found a lot of cocaine and poppers.

"I will let you do whatever you care to do to my body, Sir, I am your complete slave."

"Ok, but it's going to be painful! Shall I tie you down for this?"

"If you wish, sir. I was ordered to take any pain you give me and enjoy it! I have also been ordered to obey you for you are my master till your job is done, Sir, those are my orders, I will do anything you command." Man this is strange, instant slave at best, but for the money, I'll play along.

We both did a few lines of the cocaine just to ease the tension and I know he'll need it later, As for me, hell I just like the stuff. As far as needling this guy, well it's a pleasure.

"Ok, strip first, you need to take a hot shower, use plenty of soap I need you clean and naked and dry! Oh, take this pill, it's a painkiller, you'll need it! It's a Quaalude", He just swallowed the pill and looked at me and smiled.

He started to strip off his clothes in front of me. First his boots and socks, then his T-shirt. He just looked at me with that nice cute smile. He unbuttoned his pants and just dropped them to the floor and stepped out of them. He just stood there so I could see his naked smooth body; his cock started to thicken as I looked at him. I simply pointed to the shower and he got the idea. He gathered his clothes, folded them and placed them on the chair then went off to shower as I instructed.

As he took his well-needed shower, I started to gather my tools, needles and rings. My bench is clean and a new cover is in place. Man, I can't believe the body on the guy and I'm going to pierce the daylights out of him. This must be a dream or something.

Later as he walked back in to the room naked, I couldn't help but notice his smooth naked body and nice build, fuck, I'm getting hard looking at him. He has one of those nice wide rather flat cocks, uncut. A lot of foreskin just was hanging off that wide cock. Nice chest and nipples with a flat stomach nicely rippled.

"I'm ready, Sir!" he said with a smile.

"Ok", I asked, "Where do you care to start? We have a lot to do, if you really care to do this?"

"Let's do another line before we start this". I suggested and we both did another line, then told him to sit on the bench.

As he sat on the bench ready for what ever I wanted to give him. He just stretched back and stroked his cock for a second and gave me his cute smile. "What ever you care to do, my body is up to you, I am your complete slave at this."

"Ok, I hate to tell you this Dave, but your nipples are last. I'll have to tie you up for the cock piercing. You are going to go through hell with this."

"I know, Sir, But I'm ready for what ever you care to do."

I but his back down on the bench, make him ready for his binding. His cock started to get hard as I started to bind his arms below the bench with rope and he just smiled at me, next were his feet. I again bound his feet under the bench with rope as I bound his arms his cock became rock hard. His perfect chest and cock was wide open. Just ready for what I needed to do. My fist thought was to pierce his chest, so I just took a needle and pierced his skin just below his pecks. He flinched some as I did it, but in no time I had a 1- inch ring in place. Now for his nice wide cock! Hell, his body is just lying there, waiting to be tormented by me.

"I can't do you cock if your hard, Dave! All you'll do is bleed."

"So? Let it bleed, Sir!" he says with his cute smile.

"I'll bet your going to like this, aren't you?" Dave."

"Yes SIR, I was told to!"

A cock piercing tends to be bloody due to the amount of blood in the cock. So I placed his cock over a small tray before I started to work on it. In order not to puncture the piss or cum path I placed a rather large silver sounder down his cock. To secure it, I put a thin needle through his cock head through the eye of the sounder. This caused some minor pain and some bleeding but I could tell he enjoyed it. "We have several piercing to be done to this cock of yours." With a long needle (3 gauge) I started to pierce the base of his cock (I just put the needle through the outer skin). As I started to enter the needle he flinched some and a few tears came to his eyes and rolled down his cheek.

"Need help with the pain, Dave?" I asked.

"Well, some poppers would help, Sir."

"Sure!" I gave him several hits and he just closed his eyes. "Ready! Sir!"

"Ok, take a deep breath, Dave, and don't move!" I started to shove the needle through the base of his nice wide cock. I'd say about 1/2 inch up from the base of his cock. With his cock in my left hand, I pushed the needle through. "Don't move man!" I yelled. Half way through he started to squirm. With luck, the needle went through his cock as I intended. Luck for both of us, almost no blood. Now for the ring, I found a large 31/2-inch ring that's perfect for the job. Taking the ring, I just followed the needle through with a ring and closed the ring.

"Well that's done! Dave."

Dave was shaking slightly, so I decided to give his a break for a time. I did notice something strange, all this time he kept a hard on and still has one after I rammed his cock with a good sized needle and put a ring through it. I removed the bindings and released him from the bench.

"Care for another line, Dave?"

"Please, yes Sir." We both did a few more lines. Then he jumped up from the bench so he could check out his new ring that was just placed through his cock. He ran to the wall mirror to look at it. "My master will be pleased!" as he looked at himself, he took one of his balls and put it through the ring then the other. I know that piercing was painful as hell, but it didn't seem to bother him.

"What's next? Sir."

"Please Sir, can I have another hit of Poppers first?" I gave him a real good hit before I started.

Dave placed himself back on the bench. "What are you going to do next?" He asked with excitement and that great smile.

"Well, according to the instructions, you need a ring behind your cock head. Shall I bind you again?"

"No, I can take it, Sir!"

He willfully sat on the bench, and just sat back, legs spread over the bench with his cock ready with it in the pan. With another hit of poppers up his nose, I again put his cock in my left hand and took up the needle. As soon as I touched his cock it started to get hard again.

"Do you want this fast or slow?" I asked in jest.

"Please, Sir, slow, I was instructed to enjoy this and I am."

After pulling his foreskin back, I started to place the needle just behind his cock head and slowly started to push on it slowly. About half way through his cock, I noticed pre-cum oozing from his piss hole. I slowly put the needle through his wide cock. Now to follow with the ring, because of the width of his cock, a 2-inch ring would service. Pre-cum was still oozing from his cock. I grabbed a finger full just for the taste, nice and sweet then grabbed another lick on my finger and let him lick his pre-cum off my finger! All the time he just grabbed the edge of the bench and gave a slight moan at times. While I was sticking the needle through his cock he grabbed the needle from my hand and shook it and shook with the pain he is inflicting on himself. Now I know he enjoyed this!

"Well Dave, the hard part is over, now for a simple PA."

We both did another line of coke and again I reached for his cock. His cock started to get hard again as I put my hand around it. Looking at the two rings in his cock started to get me hard and Dave noticed my hard cock in my Levi's.

"Looks nice, Master, are you pierced?" As he grabbed my crotch.

"Yes, I have a PA also, but a greater gauge."

"Can I see yours?" I pulled my cock out from my pants so he could see my PA. He looked at it and started to jack me off then jumped off the bench and went down on me and started to suck my cock as he rested on his knees.

"Can I have the same, Sir?" He said as he looked up at me with my cock in his hand and jacking it slowly.

With out hesitation, he jumped back onto the bench. I put the head of his cock into the small tray again and with my hand gave the head of his cock some pressure to help stop the bleeding. After a short time he stopped bleeding, there was quite amount of blood in the pan. He looked at the blood in the tray and smiled up at me. "Can I?" he asked. Before I could say anything, he just grabbed the pan and drank his blood.

Now for the PA! Dave just sat on the bench with his legs wide open and his cock ready for my next torment. I reached for a 1-gauge needle and entered it down his piss hole. With my finger on the underside of his cock, I could feel the point of the needle just passing below the head of his cock as I ran it down his piss hole. It's a given that his master will be using this ring for torment, so I decided to go a bit deeper. About 1/2 inch past his crown, I pushed the needle through the thin skin of the under side of his cock he gave a slight jerk as I pierced his cock shaft. Again, I followed the needle through with a huge ring and closed it. The PA was done.

"Well almost done, Dave. I think you should take a rest before the next piercing. Go take another hot shower and take a rest on the bed in the back for a while. I'll let you know when I'm ready for you, I have another customer."

Dave went off to take a shower as instructed. After his shower, I put some ointment on his rings and turned them. "It will help you heal, go get some rest."

The truth is I lied, I had no other customers I just needed a break. This guy has me hot as hell, shame he has a master, I'd like him for me. Well his cock is done, now for the rest.

While he's resting, let me tell you about him. I've mentioned his nice wide cock with a lot of foreskin. He's clean cut and smooth. He has a nice set of peck's and s firm body. I'd say about a 28" waist and a 38 " chest.

About an hour later, I got him up. "Ok time for the rest!" I stated.

"All we have left are you nipples, get onto the bench."

He quickly jumped onto the bench; "Can I have more poppers? Sir" he said with a smile.

"Sure", as I gave him a good hit.

He has a nice set of well-developed pecks. I have a curved needle just for the task. With another hit of poppers, I dug deep into his right nipple, into the muscle. I know these nipples are going to be pulled on. As I dug deeply into his peck his eyes squinted a bit, he just looked at me and smiled. As usual, I just followed through with a ring, then did the other nipple as the first. He jerked slightly as I did the piercing but this was mild in comparison to what I did to his cock, again as I dug into his nipple, he just smiled at me.

"Well we are all done, I've done as instructed."

"Not yet, Sir! You need to do your pleasure with me (as instructed anything else you suggest) Sir! And you forgot the ball sack, Sir!"

"Fuck! Your right." I told him just to sit on the edge of the bench and let his balls hang over so I could grab them. I jokingly slapped his cock out of the way as I started to grab his nut sack. "Well we have two options here. I can either put a ring through with one hole, or I can make two holes. Two holes will be much stronger." He just looked at me, gave me another cute smile and raised two fingers. I had a 1-1/2 inch 1 gauge ring on hand and bragged his sack between his balls, just under his cock. I placed the needle through the sack toward the back then came back toward the front. Well I took my time doing this as Dave started to get hard again. I then slipped a ring through and closed it.

"And about MY pleasure", first I need to measure your cock while it's hard. Hell that was no problem; he's always hard. I simply measured the circumference around his cock just behind his head. I found a ring about 1/4 inch smaller. "Ok, Dave, you need to loose your hardon for this, go take a cold shower or something!"

A while later Dave emerged with a towel over his shoulder and a soft cock hanging. "Time to get back on the bench, stud." He quickly jumped onto the bench with his legs wide open. Just behind the lower crown of his head, we all have some skin that attaches the head to the rest of the foreskin. I entered a needle deep through it and put the ring I selected through the hole and around his cock just behind the head and secured it. "There Dave, this is a real cock ring. The next time you get hard, I'm sure you will think of me!"

"Ok, Dave, we are all done. I need to ask you a question? What is your Master like?"

"Well, the truth is this, I wrote the note and it's my money, I have no master, Sir. I just wanted you to pierce me this way. I was just afraid to ask you to do all of this, thought you might think I was crazy or something."

"Look man, my business is piercing, I will do what ever you care to have done." At this point he started to get hard again as he fondled his cock as we were talking. The last ring I placed around his cock shaft was starting to take effect, it got good and tight around his swollen cock. I could see the pure discomfort in his eyes as his cock started to swell the ring just got tighter around his cock as it grew fatter, he just looked at me and smiled. He dropped to his knees and continued to stroke his cock to get it even thicker and harder. At that point, he grabbed my crotch.

"Please Sir, pierce me again anywhere and make me your slave as he looked up at me, wanting more pain."

At this point I started to think about him as my slave. Fuck, what do you do with a salve? Ok, he's good for sex, but what do I do with him after?

"Let's go have a beer and talk." I said. "You need a break. I've done enough for one day."

He just walked over to the chair where he put his clothes and started to get dressed. I could tell just putting his pants on was rather painful. I'm sure his cock was rather sore at this point. Then he put his T-shirt on over his pierced nipples, rubbed then and gave me his cute smile.

"Nice!" He said.

I noticed he left his green bag on the chair.

"That's for you, Sir."

We walked around the corner to the bar and got a beer and sat at a remote table in a corner and we started to talk about him being my slave. "Dave, I hate to tell you this but I have no idea as to what to do with a slave."

"Well neither do I." He said jokingly and with his cute smile. "I guess I just like it rough, I'm willing to pay my way and all of that. I'm just looking for a real top that's all."

I asked him where he lived and found out he just got in from the West Coast and was living in a hotel room.

"What about your jack off problem? I can fix that in time." I said with a smile.

"How?" as his eyes open widely, "Can you really?"

"If you still looking for more piercing, let's go to my place."

We went to my apartment for more work on Dave's cock. This time I knew what he needed and I knew what I needed.

"Well you have two choices, I can either put your cock in a cage, or I can bind your cock using the rings you have in place, It's up to you? In either case, I'll have the key to your chastity. You can only jack off if I let you. Your choice."

"Guess I'd rather have it put in a cage, Sir. It's still rather soar."

"You can stay here if you wish, you can pay half the rent. We can fix your jack off problem after these piercings heal."

Dave agreed to pay half the rent and started to live with me. But we still had his jack off problem to deal with. He would jack off 6-9 times a day. Actually it was rather strange at times, all of a sudden he would take his dick out and start to jack off despite that his piercings hadn't healed yet.

"Sorry man. I need to do it!" he'd say and start to jack off into his hand then eat his cum.

Once we were just having morning coffee and he suddenly had the need to jack. He came in his coffee and drank it!

Two weeks later...

Well Dave, it's time we address your problem.

"How sir?" he asked.

I'm going to do another piercing on you. This time it's going to be rather major. That's when I presented the lock, his eyes opened and he started to smile.

(It's a very thin silver padlock with a 2-inch steel cable, the lock itself is less that 1/4", easily hidden when dressed)

"Where are you going to put that?" I'm going to pierce your cock head and padlock it to your ball sack that way, all you can do with your cock is to piss and you will need to be sitting. We need to go to the studio for this; all my tools are there.

At the studio, Dave quickly got naked and jumped onto the bench in anticipation of his new piercing, his cock getting hard as he sat there.

"Can't I jack off once more before you do this?" He asked.

"OK, but make it count, It's the last time unless I let you."

David started to jack off; his eyes fixed on the lock I was about to install in his cock just laying there on the bench. He came in his hand and ate it, then just looked at me and smiled.

"Ready SIR!"

I got a rather large cutting needle out and started to clean off David's cock with alcohol and gave him a hit of popper.

Again, I tied David down to the piercing table as before. I tied his arms back under the table and his ankles again under the table. His cock and body was mine to torment. I knew this was the only way to treat this slave.

(I have a plastic device I use for large piercing, it's like a small tube that I can cut at the length I need. It helps with the bleeding and healing)

"OK David, relax!"

I started to insert the needle through his cock head his pain was rather severe. Yet, I knew he liked it! I could see tears in his eyes and a grunt on his beautiful face. About half way through, I gave him another hit of poppers then I continued the task. The needle was through his cock head. I just cut a 1/4" hole through his cock head side to side.

The next step was to insert the plastic tube through the hole I just cut in his cock. As I pushed the needle through, I slid in the plastic tube. Success!

David passed out from the pain.

An hour later David awoke and came to while still naked but tied to my bench. While he was passed out, I had placed the cable through his head and then under his balls and locked it. Now he can't jack off. His cock head was tied to his ball sack. Only I had the key to release him.

The next day in my apartment, David came to me naked and in tears with his bent cock tied to his balls.

"Please sir, I need to cum!"

"Well let's see Dave, first you need to get me hard." I said.

Dave got down on his knees and started to suck my cock to the point where I was about to get my rocks off. I stopped for a moment then I decided to fuck his ass. At that point I just put him on the floor rolled him over no his back put his legs up and started to ram his ass. As I was fucking him, he started to slap his cock tied to his balls. Harder and harder he hit his bent cock. As his cock started to get hard it only increased the pain it had no place to go. I refused to let him cum as I shot my load up his hot ass. David didn't cum! I wanted it that way.

Not needing to work, David was a perfect slave, he needed me. I could do with him as I pleased. He loved being my slave. I could keep him in my place where no one knew he was there I could keep him for as long as I wish. This thought kept me rather hot.

As I still had to work in my piercing pallor, I knew David was locked into my apartment as my slave. I would bind and gag him before I left for work then released him after work when I got home.

After a week of not cumin, David was going crazy. He had to cum!

"Please Sir, I need to cum! Please!" The boy had tears in his eyes.

"OK, But at a price!" I said.

"Anything! Just let me cum! Please sir."

I unlocked the cable and removed it from his cock, knowing I could replace the cable through his cock at my will. David's cock was now free. He got down on his knees and started to jack off with no hesitation. I could see the splendor in his face as he started to get hard. I reached over and grabbed a jar.

"Cum in this, David. I want to save it for you."

He just looked at me with his fantastic smile, knowing what I expected. He jacked his cock and started to suck mine. Several times he just slapped his cock head and his balls on the wooded floor for his self-induced pain and enjoyment. He was jacking his cock like a madman while sucking my cock. About to cum, he shot several weeks of saved up cum in to the jar. I also added my cum to the jar as David jacked me off after he came.

After David came, he asked me to replace the cable through his cock, so I did but just a bit tighter around his ball sack than before. David flinched a bit as I locked ever thing in place.

"Thank You master, I needed that."

"Hmm, what should we do with this jar of cum, David?"

"I don't know, Master." As David responded still on his knees looking up at me. Still with that great smile. "I'm sure you'll figure something out Sir."

I reached for a bottle of Vodka and poured enough to well cover the amount of cum in the jar, then just shook it gently. The cum in the jar just entered the Vodka, just as a fog. I filled two rock glasses with the mix and offered one to David. He just gave me his fantastic smile and gulped it down.

"Now that's a CUM SHOT!" he said.

The end

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