The-Punisher Installment 1 - Gay Authoritarian, Urination

By Mountain Dude

Published on Aug 15, 2021



The Punisher

Zak has loved punishing men for as long as he can remember. As a grade school kid, he was the one that beat up on the boys that showed weakness. When he got into high school he was immediately drawn to wrestling as he could dominate his male opponents one on one and put them in painful holds and positions. When the refs would call a pin or time, Zak would squeeze his hold extra hard for the last few seconds he could get away with to inflict as much pain as possible without being called for it. As he past his sophomore year he started getting serious boners when he was applying especially painful holds to his opponents. At first, he tried to hide it, which it's pretty darn hard to hide a boner in a singlet anyway, but... Then he came to relish it and he wanted his opponent to know he got hard from dominating them. He'd drag his hard cock across their face, ass, anywhere he could to let them know what a superior male he was.

When Zak got to college, he found himself coming out as gay. As he started to explore the gay scene and try different bars, he was astonished to learn about the whole BDSM scene. He was practically giddy to find that there were men who would let him inflict as much pain as he liked, and "they" actually got off on it too. Pretty soon Zak made it clear to hookups and dates that he would only fuck their asses if he got to lay down an ass whipping with his belt first. And even with this requirement he never lacked for an ass to fuck. The more he explored, he found that he not only got off on inflicting pain, but he also enjoyed humiliating other men in the process. It never ceased to amaze him what he could tell other men to do, and they would obey. They would drink his piss, lick his feet, arm pits, ass, and drop their pants in public to show off the red ass Zak had given them. He loved public humiliations. At the gym, after a hard sweaty workout, he'd make some guy kneel down and lick the sweat out of his ass crack in full view of everyone in the locker room. At a bar he'd take his empty beer bottle, go the restroom, fill it with piss, and come back and hand it to some guy to drink; in full view of everyone in the bar, who knew exactly what this dude was drinking. As Zak watched the submissive dude guzzle his piss, he'd feel his cock growing hard in his pants. Zak started combining punishment and public humiliation. He lived in a busy high rise apartment building. He'd have a guy over to his apartment and paddle or whip the dude's ass. He may or may not fuck the dude, but he would definitely finish by jacking his big load all over the dude's face. He'd never let them clean up but kick them out into the hall with a fresh cum load dripping down his face. Sometimes he'd kick them out naked and throw their clothes after them. Zak hoped that someone happened by in the hall and would see their red ass and their cum filled face.

Zak graduated college and got a pretty good job as an assistant manager and personal trainer at a high-end gym. By now Zak was an extremely well built, handsome, and imposing figure. He stood 6'2", 200lbs, all muscle, 5% body fat. He had dark Mediterranean looks; a hairy body which he kept nicely trimmed so as not to hide his muscled frame, but he left enough to let you know he was all man; and piercing brown eyes that caused other men to flinch when he stared them down. He had a respectable 7" cut cock, 5" around, but the way he dominated other men with that cock made them come back begging for more. Zak thought the gym was the perfect job, he particularly enjoyed being a trainer, so he could put other men through their paces and watch them squirm in pain. "No pain, no gain" was his favorite saying as a trainer.

One of Zak's new personal trainer customers was this guy Jason who was VP of Marketing at some big company. Jason in his mid 40's came in, signed up for personal training, said he wanted to get back in shape and needed a strong trainer to help him get there. Zak knew he was the guy for the job. Zak also suspected this corporate exec type had a submissive streak a mile long beneath the surface. After the first few workouts, Zak observed that the guy didn't try very hard, didn't push himself, and slacked off when Zak wasn't looking. Zak knew how to handle this situation. He scheduled Jason's next training session after the gym had closed to the public for the evening, so it was just Zak and Jason in the gym. Zak put Jason through a hard work out that he clearly wasn't ready for. Jason complained and whined that it hurt too much but Zak just kept insisting. When they finally finished an exhausted Jason and Zak went together into the locker room. The men stripped down and were about to hit the shower, when Zak intercepted Jason pushed the guy back against the lockers and said,

"We need to talk man. You are spending all this money on personal training, but you have no motivation at all. You are a big wimp, pussy, and cry baby. Unless you have a real change in your attitude you will never be more than the weak man you are today. Your, wife can bury you after you have a massive heart attack by age 50."

Then Zak spit at him. Jason was so taken back by Zak's aggressive behavior that he fumbled for words and finally said, "Let it go man, I'm going to take a shower and go home".

Zak yelled in his face and said, "NO! We are going to address this right here and now. Stay where you are at and don't move!"

Zak returned to his personal locker to grab something. A stunned Jason just stood there naked, slightly trembling and didn't move an inch. He saw Zak return and stand directly in front of him, still fully naked with his dominant perfect body, but Zak was holding a fraternity paddle in his hand and was aggressively smacking the paddle into his free hand to fill the room with a "smacking" sound. Zak said,

"You are going to turn around, bend over and put your hands down on this bench and stick your ass in the air. I'm going to punish you for your terrible performance and lack of motivation. Going forward at the end of each training session, I will evaluate your motivation and progress and determine if you need more punishment."

And incredulous Jason shook his head and said, "Fuck Off." Though in a terribly unconvincing squeaky voice.

Zak pushed him back into the lockers again and said,

"You are either going to bend over and take your punishment like a man or you are going to leave now and be forever banned from this gym. I will also make sure that all your coworkers and your wife and kids find out that you were too much of a pussy to handle a hard work out. So, what will it be?"

Jason was now fully in shock and wanted to yell and storm out, but then he considered the situation and he looked up at Zak who was glaring at him menacingly with that big paddle in his strong hands. Surprising himself, Jason didn't utter a word, but turned around, bent over placed his hand on the bench and exposed his ass for Jason's punishment.

Jason, smiled and said, "That's what I thought, now count them out."

"SMACK" - The paddle landed hard on Jason's upturned ass. Jason yelped but didn't move or say anything.

"SMACK" The second blow landed harder than the first and Zak said, "That's still stroke 1 because you didn't count the first one. We're going to 20 so I suggest you start counting."

Jason's mind was on fire. He had no idea why he, a corporate executive, was taking this from this gym rat. And yet he gulped, but his head down and said, "1 Sir -- Thank you Sir".

"SMACK" blows 2-20 landed in quick succession. Zak was not giving Jason any recovery time between blows and as the 20th hard blow landed the man lost his grip on the bench and briefly fell to the floor. At which, Zak yelled,

"You're not done yet; I didn't tell you to release your position now get back there."

Jason complied but not before he noticed that Zak's cock was fully hard and he was starting to pump it in his hand. Zak walked around to Jason who was still dazed following the brutal paddling he'd just received and kept jacking his big cock until he shot a huge wad all over Jason's face. Jason was so dazed and confused he couldn't quite process the humiliation and punishment he had just suffered. He looked up, cleared some cum from his eyes, and said meekly, "Now can I shower and go home?"

To which Zak said, "No the showers are closed. Get dressed and leave now and you better have that cum load on your face when you walk out the front door. Your next session will be at the same time and place. You'd better brings some better motivation and work attitude, or the next punishment will make this one look easy."

And Zak stormed out of the locker room. Needless to say, Jason was a much-improved personal training customer in the weeks ahead. There were other punishment sessions and yes Zak eventually fucked Jason, but Jason appreciated the new body he was developing and decided it was not so bad to submit to Zak's punishments and humiliations.

And so, Zak was very content with his life. He had a good job, and he just bought his first house. His first "home improvement" project was to build a punishment room in his basement, complete with a spanking bench, a stockade, a cross, and a collection of paddles, straps, and canes. He was also starting to branch out and experiment with floggers and single tail whips, though his first love would always be delivering a solid ass whooping. Now he had a place to bring his bar tricks to for a thorough punishment session before fucking them. He could also bring some of his training clients that needed advanced motivation down there.

Zak was at a leather bar one night chatting with friends about his various punishment victims. A man in leather nearby had overheard the conversation and with a grin said, "I should send my husband over to you, he could use an attitude adjustment and you might be just the guy." Zak laughed and the guy walked away, but the thought stayed in the back of his mind for the next several days.

Finally, Zak decided that was his next mission. He was going to start a "Punishment Service" for wayward men, gay or straight, and his clients would be their spouses who would send their wayward partner to Zak for a real and hard punishment session. And so, Zak set up his business, he advertised online created a website, and a punishment contract. The spouse requesting the punishment would establish how severe they wanted the punishment to be, any specific implements they wanted used or humiliations they wanted their partner to experience, and any limits or things that were out of bounds. The spouse being punished would also need to sign the contract right before there punishment began to make sure there was consent and keep it legal. But Zak was sure most of them would sign, especially if their partner made it clear that the alternative was getting kicked out of the house, lawyers, and divorce court.

One day Zak got an email from a very nice lady named Donna. Her husband Tony had cheated on here while she was home caring for their two kids. She intercepted some text messages and caught him red handed. Tony apologized and promised to never do it again. But that wasn't enough for Donna, she wanted him to be punished and suffer the way she had suffered emotionally. So, she contacted Zak. Tony was your classic blue collar, beer drinking, sports watching, in your face man's man. He was an HVAC repairman and so he would end up in many women's homes who needed their AC fixed. If she was hot Tony would flirt. At least this one-time Donna knows about, and probably some that she doesn't, flirting crossed the line and led to a full-on affair.

When Tony arrived home from work one evening Donna was ready to confront him. She told him his affair(s) were going to break up their marriage. She was packed and ready to take the kids to her Mom's, get a divorce lawyer, and sue him for everything he had plus child support for the next 20 years. Tony started trying to charm his way out of it when she held up her hand and told him that the only way she was willing to try again was if he accepted a hard physical corporal punishment from another man as payment for his cheating and insurance that it wouldn't happen again. She handed Tony a business card that read "Zak -- The Punisher" and listed an address and then written on the card was Tony's appointment time for the next day. She told Tony that Zak would text her and let her know if he showed up and fully accepted his punishment which would be severe. If he doesn't, she and the kids will be gone when he gets home. Then she stormed out of the room.

At first Tony thought she was crazy and tossed the card on the floor. But then he thought better of it. He had seen friends go through divorces and lose everything they had, have their paychecks garnished, and live in crummy little 1-bedroom apartments while the wives got the house and all their money. He'd be damned if that was going to be his future. And besides Tony was a macho tough guy, how hard could whatever this Zak guy had in mind really be. He was a former army guy and he could handle a lot. So, Tony picked up Zak's card and decided he would go.

At exactly 1pm the next day a very nervous Tony rang the doorbell at Zak's modest bungalow. Zak was shirtless in a pair of tight-fitting jeans over a pair of heavy leather boots that made his footsteps thud as he walked around. Tony was no slouch, but he definitely wasn't the muscled fit tall younger man standing in front of him. Zak extended a hand to Tony and said, "Welcome, you are here for your punishment. It will be harsh. The details of what your wife requested and the limits she imposed are here in this contract. You will need to read and sign it before we begin. This gives your consent to everything listed here. If you refuse to sign or at any time refuse to cooperate with this session, I will text Donna and tell her that you have failed. I think you know what means."

An agitated and nervous Tony grabbed the contract. He just scanned it but didn't read all its details, he saw words like "paddle", "cane", "strap", "cock and ball torture" and he took a big gulp of air to steady himself. Zak saw the reluctance building but knew just how to maneuver around an arrogant straight man like Tony, so he said, "If you think you aren't man enough to handle it, you can leave now, and I'll inform your wife.". Tony grunted, mumbled something that sounded like "I can handle what you got pretty boy", scribbled his signature on the contract and handed it back to Zak.

Zak said, "very well" and directed Tony to the basement punishment room. When tony saw the benches and crosses and all the paddles, straps, and whips on the wall, he started to back up. Zak knew now that the contract was signed he had to take charge and establish complete control. He got right in Tony's face, like a drill sergeant and yelled, "Strip Now, bitch". Tony started to resist, Zak pulled out his phone and said, "last chance before I text your wife". Tony mumbled under his breath, stepped back and began to remove his clothes. Once he was down to his baggy boxers Tony stopped. Zak yelled, "All the way -- now!". Tony pulled off his boxers and stood naked before Zak.

Tony was about 35 years old, 10 years Zak's senior. He was about 5'11", 210lbs, 6"c. He had muscled shoulders and arms from his work, but he sported a belly from too much beer and pizza and no real exercise. Tony was a very hairy man, on top of his head was a thick mess of dark hair (he looked like he just got out of bed), his face was covered in several days' worth of scruff, his chest and belly were covered in thick black fur, his arms, legs, shoulders, back, and ass were all sporting a masculine layer of hair as well. His average cock looked smaller than it really was as it was buried in a huge sea of ungroomed hair in the man's crotch. Looking at the naked, masculine, straight, hairy man that was in his basement and about to submit to a harsh punishment from him, made Zak's cock hardened in his jeans.

Zak got right back in the face of the naked man and yelled, "Spread your legs and lace your hands behind your back." Not only did Tony comply, but he also bowed his head and said, "Yes Sir". Zak knew that Tony had submitted at this point and wasn't expecting any more trouble.

Zak stepped back and pointed to a leather spanking bench in the center of the room and told Tony to get on the bench with this chest and belly on the main bench, his ass hanging off the end, and his arms and legs on the pads to each side. Tony complied and got on the bench. Zak quickly secured Tony to the bench using wrist and ankle cuffs and leather belts that secured his torso and upper legs to the bench. Tony was now locked down and exposed for his punishment. Zak looked at Tony and said, "We are now ready, there are several cameras mounted around the room to record this session. Your wife is live streaming from that camera in front of you and she will be provided all the material of our session when we are through."

Zak stepped away and grabbed a thick maple fraternity paddle with holes drilled through it. He walked in front of Tony and ominously slapped the paddle into his hands so Tony could see what was coming. Zak's cock was rock hard in his tight jeans, which he also made sure Tony saw. Tony's cock and balls had shriveled away somewhere deep inside him.

Zak stepped behind Tony and said, "After each stroke, I want you to look straight into the camera, and say `Donna, I'm sorry -- please Sir may I have another'."

"SMACK" -- The first stroke landed hard and brutal on Tony's defenseless ass, there was no warmup. Tony hollered and swore but did not look into the camera or follow instructions.

"SMACK" -- The next stroke landed harder than the first and before Tony could do anything, Zak yelled, "You're getting 25 of these but we're not going to start counting until you look into the camera and do as you were told."

"SMACK" -- Another hard blow but this time Tony look into the camera and quickly said "Donna I'm sorry -- please Sir may I have another'. Zak smiled and said, "That's one", before landing his next brutal blow.

"SMACK" -- "Donna, I'm sorry -- please Sir may I have another"

By the time "SMACK" number 25 landed Tony really did sound like he was sorry, and the words barely came out between his tears and blubbering.

Zak was nowhere near done with Tony's punishment, but he decided it was time to switch to humiliation and give Tony's ass a break for a while. Zak walked in front of a distraught Tony and opened up his jeans and let his hard cock plop out as he approached Tony. As if his total dominance of Tony wasn't already complete, he took his cock and smacked Tony in the face with it a few times. Tony opened his mouth and started to protest, when Zak yelled, "One word and I'll grab that paddle for 25 more right now." Tony immediately went silent.

Tony was afraid at this point Zak was going to force him to suck that hard cock, but that was not at all what Zak had in mind. If he wanted a blow job, he could get a much better one than this guy would be capable of. Zak looked down at his captive and said, "What a low man you are. You leave a wife at home with two small kids you knocked her up with and you go around and have sex with random women you find on the job. You probably don't even use condoms so you may be making more kids you plan to abandon along the way." Seeming to read Tony's mind, Zak continued, "You aren't man enough to deserve to suck my cock, that's a privilege. Here's all you deserve." With that Zak pointed his cock at Tony's face and began pissing all over the man's face. Tony opened his mouth to protest, but Zak was ready for that and aimed his stream straight in the man's mouth as soon as it opened. Tony immediately shut his trap and kept it tightly closed while Zak continued to fully empty his bladder all over the man's face, soaking his hair and making sure all Tony could smell was Zak's rank piss all over his face. Finally, Zak's stream trickled out and a thoroughly disgusted Tony spit and looked up at Zak and said, "Fucking Faggot". Zak laughed, grabbed Tony by his thick head of hair, yanked the bound man's head up, spit right on his face and said, "You will regret that my friend, now we don't need to hear from you for the rest of your punishment." Zak grabbed a large red ball gag and stuffed it into Tony's mouth fastening the straps tightly behind his head, muzzling the degraded macho man.

Zak grabbed a thick rattan cane and began swishing it through the air with broad strokes so that Tony could see and hear what's coming next. Zak said in a professorial tone, "The rattan cane has been used for generations from schoolboys to prisoners as an effective tool for corporal punishment. You will now experience why, as I apply 25 hard strokes to your ass."

Zak stepped behind the bound man who was trying unsuccessfully to please for mercy through his tightly gagged mouth. He raised the cane high over his head and swished it through the air and it landed with a loud "THWACK" dead center across Tony's already red ass. The crack echoed through the room and despite the gag a loud scream could be heard coming from Tony. Zak didn't hesitate and immediately landed another "THWACK" right above that one, eliciting more of a gasp than a scream.


Zak realized if he applied all 25 strokes to Tony's ass, he was going to break the skin and that wasn't his goal, so he moved lower and landed strokes across Tony's upper thighs. He focused on the area right as the ass cheeks meet the thighs, which will make it particularly painful for Tony to sit for the next week or so. Then he laid cuts across the man's upper legs stressing his hamstrings.


Then for the grand finale he returned to the ass and laid down 5 final strokes, that actually weren't quite as hard as the original, but the rapid-fire succession of them left Tony screaming through his gag.


Zak dropped the cane loudly on the floor, so that Tony could hear he was done. The defeated straight man slumped in his bondage and sobbed.

Zak slowly undid Tony's bonds and told the man to stand up. Tony gingerly did so, his ass and legs were on fire, and he hadn't forgotten the humiliation of Zak pissing on him. He thought for a moment about charging and throwing a punch at his tormentor. But he realized he was in no condition to mount a successful attack and the younger stronger man would surely inflict more vicious pain on him. So, he just stood and bowed his head in defeat.

Zak led Tony to his Saint Andrew's Cross and tied the man facing outward arms and legs spread eagle. Tony was apprehensive about what was next. A still naked and still rock-hard Zak got in Tony's face and said, "We need to clean you up before we send you home to your wife, you stink! But before we do that there is just one little matter to take care of". Without warning, Zak stepped back and drove his knee with all his might into Tony's exposed cock & balls. Tony roared in pain through his gag. Zak spit in his face and said, "That's for calling me a faggot, you worthless bitch. If you're ever back here again, and I'd lay money that you will be, I'd suggest you never be that stupid again."

With that Zak grabbed a cold bucket of soapy water he had nearby and through it all over Tony and rinsed it off with a cold garden hose. While the cold water was shivering, Tony actually felt it as a relief to his other sources of pain, his now black and blue aching ass and the cock balls that were still on fire.

Zak said, "I'm not sending you home to Donna with that matt of unkept stinking hair. Besides body hair is for real men, not pussy boys like you."

Zak smeared some shaving cream all over Tony's body and flipped out a straight razor. Tony wanted to struggle and object, but he had no flight left and accepted that he had no choice but to close his eyes and let Zak do what he was going to do. And Zak expertly shaved every hair off Tony's body that wasn't on his head. His hairy chest was gone, his armpits were cleaned like a woman's, and his crotch was denuded of its thick bush, leaving his average cock looking like a school boy's before puberty. To complete Tony's new look Zak gave him a military style buzz cut removing his big mop of wavy hair. Zak then grabbed the hose and gave Tony another big rinse with its jet of ice-cold water.

Zak came back front and center and glared at Tony. Tony could see he had a small metal object in his right hand. Zak scanned the defeated Tony and said, "That's better you look like the thoroughly whipped pussy boy that you are. Now I'm going to lock that little boy cock of yours in this cold, tight, steel cage that will make that cock as useless as the rest of you." Zak installed the cock cage on Tony, which wasn't hard as the harsh punishment and the cold water had cause his cock to shrivel up like a small boy's. Once fully locked into the steel cage, Zak said, "I'm going to mail the key to this cage to Donna in a week -- when and if she lets you out is entirely up to her. So, if I were you, I'd be on my best behavior."

Zak unhooked a sagging Tony who had no fight left from the cross, locked his wrists behind his back and put him on his knees. Zak approached the fully punished man, still naked and started jacking his rock-hard cock. Zak said to Tony,

"I hope today's little punishment session has helped you to learn the consequences of cheating and bad behavior. Your arrogant little pussy ass was well overdue for the kind of taking down you got today. I hope that blistered ass and sore cock will remind to respect Donna and your female customers. If not the next time I have you down here you won't get off so easy."

With that Zak launched spurt after spurt of a massive cum load all over Tony's face. He'd been saving this load for a week for this purpose. He fired shots at Tony's eyes, because he knew that burned, soaked his forehead and cheeks, and covered Tony's lips and nose in his man spunk. Tony was so defeated he accepted it without complaint. With that Zak said,

"Now put on your clothes and get out of my house. If you aren't wearing that load of cum when Donna sees you back at your house, we'll do this all over again tomorrow."

Tony didn't need to be told to leave twice. He grabbed his clothes, got half-dressed and ran out of Zak's house face still dripping with fresh come. When he got home with the cum drying on his face, he pleaded with his wife to take him back and promised he wouldn't cheat again. Donna told him he was on probation, and she would see how things go. And he could wear that cock cage for a while as a reminder of what got him in trouble in the first place.

And so, Zak now had three outlets, the bars, the gym, and his personal Punishment business. The three would surely keep him with a non-stop supply of submissive asses to punish and fuck.

The End

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