The Royal

By Robert e Sides III

Published on Apr 9, 2002



This story is fiction and not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of any member of the British royal family.

Copyright 2001 Robert E Sides III. All Rights Reserved

CHAPTER ONE: The Start of Something Special

I had just returned home after a tiring trip from US, As I pulled into the driveway I noticed a young man standing in the rain at my door waiting. As I approached he introduced him self as David a collage student interested in writing a story about my life and will. I invited him in we went to the study he continued to tell me about himself, and how me and will inspired him, inspired a nation, and changed the way the world would look upon the royal family. I was indeed flattered by his comments but the truth was it was just our love for each other.

Everything had started in January the year 2001. The Disneyland resort in Southern California was ready to unveil their newest addiction Disney's California Adventure. Myself being a stockholder was invited by Disney to experience the park before its opening some two weeks away. The Prince of Wales was upon the invited guests of Disney, as to my luck my room was adjacent to his. I had run into him several times through out that first day, and I mean literally running into him. Neither one of us never seemed to be paying attention but this last time he smiled at me, and jokingly ask me to going him or we probably end up in the hospital. I happily agreed and for the next two days it was non-stop Disney entertainment. In those two days we learned so much about eachother. Although I knew there was something there, I was afraid for anything to happen. No country would ever allow their future monarch to be gay, and our lives would never be the same. That evening William have invited me to his room, and asked if I would accompany him to dinner. I accepted but was distraught about this situation. We talked more, but William knew there was something bothering me, but was afraid to ask. When dinner was over we just walked around Disneyland enjoying the lights, and music. Standing my waterfront of the Rivers of America he looked at me ask what was wrong. I just shook my head as said nothing. But William knew better. he took my hand, and I knew then I had to tell him. We talked what seemed for hours but only a matter on minutes passed. He squeezed my hand and smiled saying that no matter what happens we have these last two days to look back on. I knew at that point I was in love, but also knew this could never be. We walked back to his room after closing the door we were finely along. He turned and kissed me, I was then in tears as he held me tight and told me no matter what we would make this work. His voice was so comforting, I was secure in his arms as if nothing would ever or could come between us.

We had fallen asleep together on the couch watching television. This was the day we had to say our good byes for me I had to return to work that next day and for him to return to England. Once we had awakened, He just held me, and gave me that silly little grin. I was happy and sad at the same time; here I am in the arms of the man of my dreams. But I would probably never see him again after today or so I though. We went out separate ways I returned home to Arizona I pulled into the drive was but noticed a black car out side, When I walked though the door William had beaten me home. I was shocked when I came in my mother was talking with him as he looked up and said you did not think I would leave you? Did you? Once again I was in tears he come to me, put his arms around me, and told me he loved me. My mother like me was in tears she knew there was something between us, and she knew I was happy and that's all that mattered.

I never returned to work, for the next two weeks William and me were together and happy, but over the last couple of days something had happened he became distant and something or someone had gotten to him.

That night as we lay in bed I asked him what was wrong he looked at me with a concerned expression he had to return home, and he was afraid of what his family would react to him being with me. He held me tight once again and assured me we would get through this, but he wanted me to come back to England with him.


After 10 hours in a jet I was rather restless even though being a privet jet being confined in a room for that much times was too much. We arrived at Heathrow Airport and I had to adjust to indeed a different life style the red carpet was rolled out and the Royal limousine were waiting to transport us to Buckingham Palace. I was nervous and William knew this he just held my hand to our new home. Upon arrival to the palace the queen's lady in waiting greeted us as we or rather he was expected. He put his arm around me and at that point I think I could have heard a pin drop there was total silence, and I was even more nervous then before. We walked into this large room I believe the lounge, there was pictures everywhere and there she was her Majesty the Queen siting talking with William's Father Charles. William was in front of me I was just hoping for some excuse to get out of this but I knew I was stuck. We approached them and Will introduce me to them; Charles was late for something I understood so left now it was just I, William, and the Queen. William was talking to his Grandmother in the mean time I was getting strange looks from her. William then moved sat next to me and held my hand if looks could kill both me and Will would defiantly be goners. She pretended not to notice, but she could not take it, she suddenly changed the conversation and asked what was going on. William told her that he loved me, and wanted to spend the rest of his life with me. I was defiantly not prepared for what was to happen; as if she knew William was gay all along she smiled and asked when might we be getting married. Me and William just looking at each other in utter disbelieve. She was giggling about this time and I knew then I would be welcomed into this family with open arms. The rest of the day the three of us talk and got to know one another, now I was one of the family and the palace my home.

Being in the country less than a week the press had already started their rumors. My mother and the Queen the only two people that know about us. The press had already started to add there own stories although we never showed out affection for eachother in public just the fact we were together all the time, raised some eye brows, and I at this point I could see there was a storm farming over the palace. All the palace could do was "no comment" and all me and Will could do was hope for the best. The Queen had called the Prime Minister, and members of the royal family. It was now clear the closet doors would be ripped off the wall and both of us dragged out into the open. Although it was no ones business of our lives together the fact remained he is the Future King of England and he has a responsibility to the British people.

The following day it was as if it was my final day on earth. Once again I was nervous even more so than I have ever been before. William clearly saw this and wanted me to just stay here in our room and relax. But unfortunately this involved both of us. William's sectary notified us that the Family and P.M. would be arriving shortly so we made our way to the grand hall. Her Majesty was already there and waiting; I sat next to Will's Grandmother and Will on the other side of her. She took my hand, smiled, and told me how happy she was that William and me was together, but was concerned about our welfare, as was I. After everyone had arrived William's Grandmother confronted stories that the press had made up about William, and myself. She then continued to explain that me and Will were together, and that she would support us no matter what. As if the she had declared WWIII the room was silent, everyone was in disbelief and all I could do was sit silently and look at the floor. The Prime Minister was the first to speak; he congratulated William and me and wished us well. But expressed his concern as the nature of our relationship. If only the rest of the family felt this way, several bit there tong and walked out of the room others I think were still in shock. Williams Grandmother Elizabeth started talking about what we should do next go public, or keep it quiet for now.

CHAPTER THREE: A Royal Announcement

Three days had now passed since Elizabeth, William, and myself had openly discussed our relationship with some members of the royal family and the Prime Minister. It was decided and we all agreed upon to make out relationship out into the open. By no means this was going to be easy in hundreds of generations of Kings, and Queens, Princes and Princesses, no member of the Royal Family was ever gay, or publicly open anyway. This was indeed history, and our lives would change dramatically. No one could honestly say what would happen but we knew it would not be good. Buckingham Palace has made an announcement that Queen would be address her subjects in an hour. William had decided he would also speak shortly after. This announcement certainly got the attention of the press; news stations from around the world were setting up to cover the event I just decided I need to get out for a while. So I took a drive around London to relieve some stress. I was able to catch the Queen on the radio she started her speech telling of her life with Philip, then her son Charles, and now William. She again confronted propaganda the press had released about William, she then said that William had met someone special. She told the story of me and William meeting in the States, gave us her blessing, and telling the people that she has never seen two people love each other as we do. A short time later Will came on and stated that he had found the love of his life, he had asked for people to respect our privacy and not judge us on what we are but who we truly are... two people in love.

Only hours had pasted and criticism was already coming in from anywhere and everywhere. We indeed had to ride this out, and we knew this would not end any time soon. Days had past, weeks, and soon a few months. It was now September things had calmed down, and people started to adjust to our relationship. The next day the world would forget about us, and turn their eyes to the United States. It was September 11th.

David sat in his chair as I told my story; he now understood William and myself was soul mates. Only knowing each other for a short time being in love, and caring for each other. That was now 60 years since we first met, and never once have I thought less of him. He was my life, my love.

To be continued...

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