By moc.oohay@3namasrev

Published on Nov 28, 2006




By: Misscha Kosov

For reply, inquiry or questions:

At 75 mph, Josh cruised down the Highway in his 2005 red Honda convertible. at high speed Josh's mind was exploding with naked, male images as he took a quick glance at Brett's crotch, his handsome, well-built, blond passenger. The lay of the man's big cock on his left thigh was highlighted in his tight fiting jeans. That was a tempting sight for Josh, a man who worshiped cock!

For some time Josh had his eye on his co-worker's body. He knew Brett had the right equipment because he had followed him into the men's bathroom at work whenever he could and caught a glimpse of Brett's meat. He had viewed a few nano-seconds of the man's cock hanging out of his zipped down trousers. It was a beauty. But now he had almost reached a breaking point and was getting close to being out of control with his desire to nail Brett.

Josh grabbed the gear shift and shifted down as he approached a sharp curve ahead. The reduction of the engine's RPM's caused the engine to whine and back-fire--the engine's reaction to the shift down stimulated Josh's 7" mushroom toppped stick in his pants--his cock stirred suddenly. His dick felt like it was oozing drops of pre-cum in his briefs and the pit of his stomach churned as he was becoming aroused . As Josh's cock was getting hard, he couldn't help but marvel at the sexual beauty and magic of an erect penis.

Josh was so temped to grab Brett's crotch right in the moment, but that would have been stupid--a maneuver like that would have not worked on an unexpecting man who had no idea he was gay.

The two men had never really taled about sex--man to woman or man to man. Josh began to calm himself and realized he had to plan his seduction of Breet very carefully.

"How much farther to Home Depot?" asked Brett. "About 10 minnutes. You got a list of all the stuff you need to build the shelves in your bedroom closet?"

"Yeah. I got it all written dowm. I'm a list-maker nut. Josh, I want to thank you for taking time to help me on a Satruday. Your a good buddy. I really appreciate your stepping up for me"

"It's my pleasure--I'll figure out a way for you to pay me back," Josh answered with a little, wicked smile. He knew what he wanted for his services.

"I'm sure you'll come up with something very interesting. I think I have an idea of what it will be"

Josh once again smiled as lhe istened to Brett and then said, "Pray tell and what could that be me lord?"

"I'm not telling you, me lordship, but I'll make a 5 buck bet with you that I can guess what it is is.Want to accept the bet? I trust you will tell me if I'm right or wrong. OK?"

"Count me in, buddy. I love a good bet and a challenge."

"It's a deal that's sealed," said Brett as he reached over and patted Josh on his back and then gave a liitle squeeze to his right shoulder.

Josh thought win or lose, this was a good start to the day. He thoght again about the bet and said, "Brett I want you to write what you think I want on a piece of blank paper and put it in a sealed envelope when we get to your apatment. We'll both sign the back of the envelope to prove it has not been opened. I think that's fairest and squarest way to do it. Agreed?"

"Yes, agreed. Remind me to write the note when we get back to my apartment."

"You got it."

Now Josh began to build up a curiosity about what nessage Brett would put in the sealed envelope.

Home Depot was very busy and the two men slowly made their way through the ailes picking out lumber, screws, mollies, brackets, special shoe raacks and etc. They finally completed the shopping and went to the check out counter, then grabbed two containers of coffee and sweet rolls at the Snack Shop and then headed back to the car in the crowded parking lot. Josh opened the car and they put the full shopping bags in tne small trunk.

Ir was a warm summer morning, so Josh opened the windows and the two men sat quietly for a few moments sipping coffee.

Josh started the car and turned on the air conditioning and then said, "Lets put the top down and let the wind whip up our pant legs and dry out our sweaty, hairy balls." He shut off the AC and and flipped a toggle switch and the white canvas top began to open.

"Woosh! Here's to drying our testcles in the wnd," Brett exclaimed as a man who was now expressing some freedom.

"It's going to be hot Brett-- we'll have to work with our shirts off --that OK with you?" Josh was setting up a man trap for the afternoon. He was a crafty SOB when he was going after a cock.

"That's fine with me--I like to sweat when I'm bare chested. I'm a country boy at heart-- I worked with my shirt off with my father and grandpa in the corn fields. I hope my smell of man sweat won't bother you."

"Sweat? I always liked the smell of the boys gym. But my country bumpkin will we be able to shower after finshing the work in the closet?" askded Josh. He was now beginning to maneuver his plot to get Brett in a position where he would be wearing the least amount of clothing so his body would be exposed as much as possible. He wanted to see Brett naked.

"Sure you can shower and my new apartment also has steam jets in the enclosed shower stall where we can sweat more and clean out our pores. It's a very comfortable size. You're not uncomfortable being naked around another man are you?"

"No. Nudity is fine with me," Josh said as his cock began to grow once more. He was begining to wonder who was going to be the real seducer in this budding friendship. He was normally the aggressor, but there was room in his psyche to be submissive as well.

"Next time we have coffee lets make it iced." said Brett as Josh pulled out of the parking lot and got back onto the highway to return to Brett's apartment.

In 20 minutes Josh approached the exit to Brett's Condo Complex. He drove 3 blocks and there was a large private road with a gated enterance and a security guard stationed there in his fresh pressed uniform. Jackson, the guard, was all spit and polish and checked people in and out of the HILL TOP CONDOMINIUMS.

"Hello Mr. Johnson. Having a good day?" Jackson tipped his military style hat and revealed his greying crew cut.

"Doing fine Jackson, thanks for asking," answered Brett. "My friend Josh and I are going to do some work in my bedroom closet to get things organized."

"Nice to meet you, Josh. You guys be careful while your working and don't forget to come out of the closet when your finished," Jackson said with a sly smile.

"Jackson you're a hoot--and who wants to stay in the closet anyway. Perhaps we'll have a coming out party."

"Sorry Mr. Johnson, I may be working two shifts today. But if I am free later can I call you to see if its OK to come up your place for a visit.

"Sure Jackson, that would be fine. Thanks for the hello."

"Ditto." snapped Jackson as he saluted Brett and then placed his right hand right on his crotch as the car started to head up a steep, tree-lined, asphalt road.

As the car moved slowly up the hill, Josh did a double take from the view he saw in the rear view mirror. Was that big hunk marine type putting the make on Brett? Oh well he thought, if he comes up to visit so be it. Maybe he has a big cock, too. Josh did not comment on Jackson's maneuvers. The day was young and Josh's dick was still dancing in his pants.

Brett also made no comment about Jackson putting his hand on his crotch a few moments ago. That was fine with Josh. The sexual intrigue was becoming more and more interesting. He never had sucked a Marine's cock. That's a Mlitary maneuver he could truly enjoy. Pulling a Marine's hard dick out of his britches could be a unique experience. The sexual intrigue for the day was widening.

Josh finally reached the top of the hill and pulled into a parking space in front of Brett's 2 bedroom, duplex. It was very imprfessive with a long terace in the front and had a wide picture windows for a magnificent view of the valley below. He wondered how Brett could afford this luxurious apartment on his present salary. Maybe that grandpa working in the corn field left him a bundle cash. No matter, he was going to enjoy Brett's hospitality--he rally didn't care where money came from. He was just happy to be where he was right now.

Josh popped the trunk and the two men removed the bags of hardware.

Brett opened the garage door with a key and said, "Josh, we'll take the stuff in this way--it's a lot easier."

"Cool. Brett your place is beautiful. How did did you find it"

"I found a great agent and presto he created the perfect place for me. I guess I was just lucky."

"Some good luck--hope it makes you happy and live here in te best of health."

"Thanks for the good wishes, Josh. We'lll have a toast to that later--I have a bottle of chanpaigne chilling in the frig."

"Was the champaigne on your list"?

"Right at the top. Lets get this stuff inside and we'll layout everything and get started."

"Brett, Lets do it now while I'm ready, willing and stable. No champaigne while we're workimg--it'll put me flat on my ass and fuck up my head. It's easy for me to get wasted on the bubbly."

"OK, no champaigne until we finish and are ready to party."

"Great, you're my favorite cruise director. Ever been on a cruise to nowhere?"


"Me neither," said Josh. "But I'm ready to CRUISE. How about you?'

"Raise the anchor and lets cast away on a cruise to nowhare, Captain. Sounds like fun--just like being on the "Love Boat"," said Brett as he started to walk towards the garage.

"Beep, Beep," there was a car horn tooting just outside the garage. Both men turned around and saw two very good looking young women pulling to a stop in the driveway.

"Hey fellas," called out the brunette with big breasts wearing a low cut halter top. "Need some directions. Can you help us, please?"

Brett put down his bags and walked towards the girls. "Sure, I;m Brett. What do you need to know?"

The brunette answered. "Hi Brett,my name is Leslie and this is my girl friend Kirsten. We're looking for 46 Robin Red Road. Can you lay some GPS on us so we can get to our friends place."

"No problem, Leslie. Just travel on Rock Road--that'sright behind you and ride down the hill for 6 blocks and you'll come to Robin Red. Make a right--Forty six should be the third condo on the left."

"Thanks. Here's my cell number. Why don't you call us up if you're free later and come by for a drink and some conversation," said Kirsten. "We would like to have some company."

"Thanks for the invite ladies. We'll see how things are going later. Enjoy your day. Sorry, but we got some work to do now installing some shelves, so you'll have to excuse us. Bye," said Brett.

The girls pulled away, beeped their horn and waved goodbye.

Josh had stayed in the background as Brett talked to the girls. He thoght these gals were crusing for rich guys at the HILL TOP CONDOS. Women certainly know how to set man traps as well. Josh knew that from experience. There were women who set their sigths on converting gay men to straight.

Chicks would blow your nuts any way they could to get you into the hetro mode. It was nice sex, but never as hot as man to man.There was no doubt that men gave better blow jobs. Ir takes a man to really know how to pleasure another man's cock.

The was one exception that he discovered in hs college life. That was when he met Shirley, who was in his unversity symphony orchestra. She played the oboe, basoon, saxaphone and skin flute. She had lungs that were as strong as a high-powered leaf blower and a pair of lips to match--she could blow up a trailer truck tire or suck it flat. She was very close to giving as good a blow job as a man. In her memory Josh blessed Shirley ,the blow job queen at MACKLAND COLLEGE.

As they were carrying the supplies upstairs to the master bedroom, Brett made a comment.

"Josh, did you see Jackson put his hand on his crotch as we were driving away from the gate. What in the hell did that mean?"

Josh hesitated a few seconds and then replied," Well buddy, my guess is Mr Marine had a severe case of jock itich or was not as lucky as we were to have his sweaty balls dried and cooled by the wind blowing up his pant legs while riding in an open top convertible.What did you think the crotch salute meant? And by the way, did you dry your nuts?"

"My nuts are totally dry and yours?"

"Dry as my bone above my pair of testcless.?"

"Josh, I'm just fine--calm, cool and erected. Excuse me, I meant collected. That was some slip of the tongue, Josh," slurred Brett and he literally turned as red as a beet as he blushed with embarassment.

"Slips of the tongue can be dangerous--be careful, Brett."

They finally entered the bedroom. The bed was covered with Brett's clothing and the closet was empty and ready to work in.

Brett took off his T-shirt and revealed a well muscled chest with real blond hair around his well formed pecs. His nipples were large and at the moment were erect. Perhaps he was excited. Josh wished he could lean over and suck those nipples and tongue lash them. He just starred at Breet's chest in awe.

Josh followed suit and took off his short sleeved shirt. He was not quite as well built as Brett, but he certaily didn't look like chop liver. His chest had a nice covering of dark hair and his nips were long and were sticking out hard and ready to be tweaked, sucked and licked. Josh was so ready to play--but now he needed patience so he could move into the next phase of stimulation with Brett.

For the next 2 hours Josh and Brett work diligenly to get everything put in its place in the closet. They worked well as a team and were genuinely having a good tme working together.

Soon everything was in place and finished. The men brought the clothes on the bed into the closet and hung up all the jackets, slacks, suits and shirts. Josh was very pleassed that everything got put away--the bed was now clear and ready to be used as a playgound.

They put away all the tools in the tool kit and Brett said, "Lets go downstairs and have some champaigne. You ready to relax, Josh."

I'm more than ready. I'll follow you down to the kitchen.Then can we sit your den--that OK?"

"That's perfect."

Soon they were in the kitchen and Brett removed the chilled champaigne. He popped the cork and shouted "SALUT--HERE'S TO LIFE." Josh moved over to Brett and gave him a big hug and kiss on his cheek. He pushed his body into Brett and his growing cock brushed against Bretts right thigh. The men held the embrace for a few seconds, then separated. It seemed like Brett pulled back first because his cock was uncontroallably starting to rise. Brett was trying not to lose control of senses.

Brett led the way into the den, sat on the oversized couch and motioned with his hand for Josh to come sit next to him. The men sat very close and touched glasses once more and sipped the bubbly.

Josh said, "Brett, haw about a massage to loosen up your back. I'm a good massage man. I'm sure I can make you feel great. What do say to being treated the right way."

"That would be nice, buddy, but I'm going to write the note for the bet we're making first. Then we'll sign and then I'm ready for a nice massage."

Brett wrote the note, put it in tne envelope and sealed it. Then they each signed the back of the envelope.

"Done deal. Come over here and let me take care of you, Brett."

Brett sat down close to Josh. Josh said. "Lay down on your stomach so I can fully get my hands on your back."

Brett put his champaigne glass on the coffee table and Josh did the same. Josh rubbed his hands together to warm them amd then he placed them on the man's shoulders. He began to manipulate the muscles and flesh of the man he desired. His skin was warm and silky and he rubbed harder. Small moans began to come from Brett's mouth--small senual moans of pleasure. Josh slid his hands down Brett's back and his fingers were mext to his spine--the spine began to tingle. Soon fingers reached Brett's belt line and Josh slid his fingers and then his hands down towrds the top of the man's fine ass. More moans--more on going pleaseure for Brett.

Josh whispered in Brett's ear, "Can I remove your trousers so can do your legs, calves and thighs?" He ran his hands down the man's thighs and calves and softly asked," Let me take your pants off, baby. You'll love it. No woman can make you feel like I can make you feel. Let me massage your tight ass, baby. Let go and enjoy all of it. I'll turn you ass into a raging inferno--finger your butt 'til you cry with sexual joy."

Josh put his hands on Brett's butt again and slid his fingers up and down the man's ass crack through the cotton material.

"Yes, baby, Oh yes, I want your hands on my butt. Part my cheeks and play with my virgin ass."

Brett's body quivered and his heart beat raced--he was finally beginning to lose control. He rolled over to his back, opened his pants and was pulling down his zipper.

Joshy took Brett's hand away from his zipper. "Let me do that for you. I'll free your cock qucicky so you can enjoy more."

Josh lowered his head and placed his mouth on Brett's crotch and pulled the ziper down slowly and kissed the man's damp, skimpy white briefs at the same time. Brett was breathig rapidly and lifted his butt off the couch and pushed his pubic area into Josh's face.

Brett exhaled and said, "This is the first man to man sex for me. Josh, I'm scared and nervous."

Josh leaned down and kissed the man lightly on his parted lips and then licked Brett's lips with his tongue and made tiny bites on his upper lip. Brett pulled Josh in closer and and sucked on the man's tounge into his anxious mouth. They kissed deeply and had a tongue lashing war. Tongues darting like dueling swords. Brett had never before experienced a kisses like these--so deep and penetrating. So pleasingly different.

"Oh sweettheart you're my passion--you're my lust--you're my desire--I want every inch of your body." Josh said with ultimate passion.

The seducer began to slide the pants down Brett's legs. The heat from Brett's body reflected on Josh's face like a sexual furnace. Josh removed the man's sneakers and removed the trousers completely. He leaned down and kissed the blond's adonis chest and sucked his nipples. Oh did they rise to the occasion. Josh sucked until they were so erect and hard. Jash lavished Brett's pecs wildly--he nibbled on the nipples and bit them lightly with his front teeth. They were experiencing a primative sexual act!

"Oh you make feel so unihibited. You're rght, no woman has ever turned me on like this. Kiss me you fucking bastard. Kiss me all over my hot body" exclaimed Brett.

Josh kissed Brett so deep this time and then he began to run his tongue up and down Brett's chest. Sucking in skin on the belly--he ran his tongue over the top of Brett's cock that was still caged in his moist, pre-cum briefs. Josh pulled down the top of the briefs and buried his face in Brett's blond pubic hair. A full blond, hairy bush so soft, yet so manly. He sucked on the hair making it wet with gobs of saliva.

The moment had arrived--he took the elastic band in his fingers and began to lower his new lover's underwear. He paused for a flash and sucked on the cock through the cotton. It was so hard and the man smell was heavenly. He sucked the hard cotton covered cock into his mouth and sucked and sucked making the cotton enshrined cock drip with more precum.

Josh could wait no longer and pulled down the briefs all the way. Eureka! Holy shit--there it was. Bold, rigid and available. It loomed god-like--the cock of royalty--it was at least 9 inches long--thick in circumfance--and classically uncut with a massive foreskin hood covering its manificent succulent head.

"Oh, what a beautiful, monsterous cock. It's the most beautiful piece of love meat I have ever seen."

"Josh do you really like it? I want you to like it."

"Like it, baby--I love it. I worship your cock." and he stuck his tongue in tne man's navel and wiggled it playfully. The men giggled.

Josh kissed his way down Brett's stomach--the cock's crown was just begining to be exposed--he gently pulled back the foreskin all the way and the luscious red knob came all the way out. The head glistened with a covering of precum as the sunlight filtered in through the picture window at the side of the den. He was viewing a sexual work of art--the eternal phallus that epitimized the power of masculinity--the bonding of hot men.

The ccoksucker pulled back the foreskin again and slowly sucked the head into his open mouth--the head streched his jaws so he could accomodate it.

The man began sucking deeply. He placed Brett's firm, big balls in his right hand and squeesed them as he sucked harder--and afer each suck he pulled more of the cock into his hot mouth.

"My god," screamed Brett. "No pussy or woman's mouth was ever as good as your mouth. Suck my love meat--suck it deeper, baby. Swallow all of it...every inch if it....balls to the wall you crazy fucker..suck my prick."

Josh took a few seconds to take of his pants and shorts and his raging, stiff penis popped into view. He layed on ton top of Brett and let him feel his naked body against his. Brett felt the man's hard cock next to his meat and pulled Josh to him very tightly and kissed his mouth and then he grabbed the man's cock with both hand. It throbed in his grip with a life of its own as he drove his tongue deep into Josh's mouth. They Fench Kissed and stroked each other's cocks.

Josh pulled himself off Brett's body and turned around and placed his mouth right next to Brett's prick. He was getting in a 69 position and his hard 7 incher was now next to Brett's mouth. He took Brett's meat into his mouth and began sucking again and playing with the man's bull -sized nuts. Josh licked and sucked one ball into his mouth. He literally felt the man's cum was ready to erupt like hot cum lava. He wantsd to take every drop of his cum when Brett was ready to shoot his load.

"Josh you're going to make me cum--not so fast--slow it down-- let me me taste your cock first. We'll both come soon. Hopefully together."

"Don't be frightend, Brett. Just do what comes naturally and I'm sure you'll learn the pleasures of cock playing and cock sucking with no problem."

Brett lay there motionless, breathing heavily, as he was trying to absorb what Josh had just said. There before his eyes and mouth was a real, yes real, beutuful cock. He had fantasized many times about sucking a hard cock--here it was--his opportunity to live his dream had arrived. He closed his eyes, took Josh's cock in both of his hands, stuck out his tongue and then began gently licking the cut mushroom-shaped head.

Brett had never tasted anyting like a cock head--nothing. It was firm, hot, yet velvety. It molded to his tongue in a special way. The taste was musky, male and he was compelled to taste more of the precum coated dick--he sucked harder and began to roll his tongue around the head.

Josh panted and said, "That's it baby--you suck good, so good you blond bastard. Suck more--suck it deep."

The novice opened his mouth wider--wider than any time he could remember--more of the hard rod moved into his mouth towards his throat. He began to suck with no mercy--more precum was gushing out. This real sucking was better than any fantasy he possibly could imagine. Better than porn videos and drawings. At this momemnt both men were devouring the very essence of each other. The slurping sound of their deep sucking was music to each man's ears.They were oblivios to everything else except each other.

Josh slipped a tip of his middle finger in Brett's ass crack. That anal move caused Brett to respond quciky--his ass wiggle involuntarily. Josh knew the man was overwhelmed by the sensitivity of this anal area, so he put another finger in and massaged the outside of the anal opening. Brett pressed his ass against the fingers and humped his butt into those penetrating digits.

He cried out, "Fuck my ass with your fingers--pop my glory hole, baby. Play with my butt cheeks and finger fuck my rear. Do it now and make me pop my load--let me give you my cum. I love what you do to me."

Josh responded to Bretts desire and began sliding his middle finger into Brett's anus. As is finger went deeper into the man's ass, he sucked on the uncut penis faster and deeper.

Brett shouted,"Suck it faster--pump fingers in my ass--make me cum--I can't last much longer---more..more..suck it....suck baby, here it comes....take it all... ahh..ugg...oh shit..,take every drop..

Josh sucked every drop of cum out of Brett's huge rod and pushed his finger against his prostate for greater pleasure. It was as close as anybody could come to perfect blowjob. The perfect the The Perfect Blowjob.

Brett's heart pumped vigorously as he layed back. He was exhausted for the moment. Josh kept his penis in his mouch and then licked the outside of the shaft clean. He had swallowed the whole load. He sat up and looked at Brett lyaying on his back with his eyes closed. He leaned down and kissed his friend lightly on his lips.

Brett opened his eyes and said softly, "That was one of the greatest experiences I have ever had. Josh you know every inch of my body--you brought me such pleasure. Do you want me to make you cum now. I'd love to do it for you."

'No, Brett we'll take care of me later. Lets go upstairs, shower and take a vigorating steam bath and we can get into bed for some rest or more sex, whatever you like."

"You're a cool man, Josh. The shower and steam sounds great. You want to open the envelope to see who won the bet?"

"No ,that won't be necessary. I won and you won, so we'll call it even. OK?"

"Yes, we both won, Josh. Lets go upstairs and let me take all of this experience in and begin to digest it."

The men embraced and walked with arms around their shoulders and headed to bedroom upstairs.

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