The Subway Ride

By Roof Raiser

Published on Jul 7, 2008



It was five minutes after five on Friday afternoon when I entered the subway for a 20 minute ride to my stop. I'd gotten lucky and beat the rush and managed to find the last remaining seat at the end of the subway car. It was a handicap seat that was by itself in the corner of the car, kind of tucked into it's own little alcove. I'd been using a cane for a couple of weeks after knee surgery, so I looked like I belonged there. As I settled in the seat, I glanced towards the door and saw a guy make a last minute leap to get in before the doors closed. He barely made it as the doors closed with a whoosh behind him.

The guy was probably in his late 20's to early 30's and obviously worked in construction, what with the heavy leather tool belt wrapped around his trim waist. He was wearing a plaid flannel shirt with the sleeves cut off, faded cutoff blue jeans, heavy work books and of course his hard hat. This guy was a walking wet dream! Muscles in all the right places and hairy as well. His hair was black as coal and his eyes were ice blue. His facial features were angular and sharp, with a 2 beard growth completing the 'he-man' package. Speaking a packages, his tool belt had straps that went around both legs and pulled the material of his cutoff jeans tightly around his crotch, accentuating a very large bulge in his pants. Our eyes meet for only an instant, but in that instant much was communicated. He knew I liked what I saw. He walked toward the back of the car and stood with his back against the wall, his feet only inches from my own, his beautiful crotch within arms reach. This would be a very enjoyable ride for sure!

I'd glance at him as I could without being too obvious, and admired this beautiful hunk of a man. He stood with his legs slightly apart, his hands behind his back against the wall, and had his eyes closed. He was chewing gum, occasionally flashing his pearly whites as he moved the gum from one side to the other. I'd never dreamed that watching someone chew gum could be so erotic. I watched as the muscles in his jaw flexed with each bite. I glanced down at his legs, and admired his thick thigh muscles and bulging calves, all covered with a pelt of fine black hair. Being as close as I was, I could also detect the unmistakable scent of a hardworking man.

As we approached the next stop I could see the platform was teeming with people waiting to get on. As the doors opened they flooded in, gently pushing and nudging those around them to claim their spot in the crowded car. Those of us already there were compacted together, including my guy, who had to turn sideways and step up closer toward me. He was now standing directly in front of me, his feet on either side of mine, with his crotch just inches from my face. As the train started up again, the people behind him lurched, as they had nothing to hang onto. He in turn lurched forward, his crotch pressing up against my face for just the briefest moment.

"Sorry" he said, smiling and continuing to chew his gum. I didn't respond, merely smiled and looked away. This guy knew he was torturing me!

He was hanging on to the overhead bar with one hand, his exposed armpit flashing black hair, matted with sweat. His other hand was at his waist, with his thumb hooked into his tool belt and his fingers hanging down over his crotch. Every so often I'd see his fingers lightly caress his bulge. At the next stop even more people got on, cramming everyone together even more. The guy inched his feet forward to make room which put his crotch just millimeters from my face. I could smell his sweaty crotch full-on now. His knees were between my legs now and as the car swayed, the hammer in his tool belt would tap against my leg.

Our next stop wouldn't be for a while, as we were in the tunnel going under the cities largest park topside. As we entered the tunnel the car darkened a bit, but still things still remained visible if you focused. I of course focused on what was directly in front of my nose. In the dimly lit car the guy took the opportunity to scratch an itch in his crotch that must have been driving him crazy. As he did so, his knuckles brushed against my nose. The mound in his pants expanded noticeably as he scratched away. He spread his thighs slightly to get better access and in doing so rested his leg up against mine and then left it there. Sometimes I can be pretty dense when it comes to interpreting sexual signals, but even I knew that this was an open invitation of some sort. What they hell I thought, why not give it a go and see what happens?

I leaned ahead slightly and let the side of my face rest gently against his crotch. He responded in turn by humping ever-so-lightly against my face. The car was still dark enough, and the view blocked well enough from others, that I thought I might as well go for it. I moved my mouth over the growing mound in his pants, nipping lightly as I went. He responded by laying his free hand on the back of my head, guiding me. I couldn't see well enough to see how big he might be as his cock quickly grew, but from the feel against my face, he felt huge.

Knowing that this could all end in an instant as the subway car came out of the tunnel exposing us to the light, I thought 'what the hell' and brazenly reached up and palmed his cock through his jeans. My first impression had been right - the guy was massive and extremely thick. I could feel a wet area forming on the material as his cock throbbed and pulsed against my hand. I gave it a squeeze and he began to grind against my hand, bending slightly at the knees. This guy was really getting into this! Suddenly the lights went out completely as the subway car came to a screeching halt, throwing the guy against me. I reached up and grabbed his hips to stop him from crushing me. His cock was smashed against my face and I was having a hard time breathing. As the car came to a complete stop, he was able to back up a little to give me room to breath. In the darkness I could sense him bending over me as he whispered "you okay"? As his hand was still cupping my head, I just nodded yes. He responded by gently patting my head and rustling my hair. What a nice guy! Through all of this, my hand never left his cock and his cock continued to expand.

We heard static over the loudspeakers as the conductor fumbled with the microphone. "Sorry folks, but there's trouble on the line and we've lost our power. Sorry for any inconvenience. We hope to be continuing shortly" A collective groan rumbled through the car. Everyone would have to wait to begin their weekend a little longer. Now that the car was at a stand still, the guy brought his other hand down from the grab rail and placed both hands on the sides of my head and began grinding his hips against my willing mouth. I moved my hand from his hips and reached around and grabbed his ass and pulled him towards me. Again the conductor came on the intercom and "Sorry folks, but it will be at least 10 minutes before we get power again". A collective 'aw fuck' could be heard throughout the car.

Upon hearing that, the stud gotten brazen and moved his hands off my head and I could hear him unzipping his pants. 'Oh shit' I thought. 'Here we go'. I felt the back of his hands against my face as he reached into his shorts and he cocked one leg up to wrangle his cock out. I couldn't see a thing but could smell everything and I smelled a hot, sweaty, engorged cock! He moved his hands back up to my head, this time gently cupping my ears as I sensed his hips move forward. His cock hit my nose and I moved my mouth to meet his cock and my lips found their target. Pre-cum dripped on my chin and ran down my neck. I opened my mouth to take him, still not knowing just how big he was. I soon found out. My lips could barely fit around his massive cock head! I relaxed my jaw as best I could, but could see that this would be near impossible to take much more of him into my hungry mouth, no matter how much I wanted to. Sensing my dilemma, I felt his hands move down the side of my face and he then began to gently massage my jaw muscles, hoping to open my mouth wider to allow more of his massive dick. It worked a little bit. His hips began to sway back and forth, pistoning that massive cock-head and an inch or so of his fat cock into my mouth. Leaving one hand on his ass, I moved the other up to check out his balls. I was not disappointed. They were as huge as the rest of him. I could hear his heavy breathing and could sense an urgency in his movements. He wasn't going to last long at this rate. It was a question if we could finish before the lights came back on.

I wanted more of that delicious cock and struggled to take in more of him, but my lips just couldn't open wider. He must have sensed what I wanted and moved both hands to my face. As his fingers stroked my cheeks, I felt his thumbs come in alongside his cock and slide into my mouth on either side of his cock. He gently tugged at the corners of my lips, using his thumbs like shoe-horns, opening my mouth wider. I managed to get half of his massive cock down my thought with his help and that sent him off the deep end. I felt those huge nuts pull up and his cock expand as he bucked his hips into my face. His legs vibrated as his cum flowed into me. There was no swallowing - it went straight down my throat, every last drop. As his cock softened, I could take in more of him, until his crotch hair started to tickle my nose. He held my head still as he slowly pulled his cock out of my mouth, just as the lights began to flicker. He quickly zipped up his pants, just as the lights came fully on and the train stared to move.

As the train lurched forward, he reached up with one hand to grab the hand rail to steady himself. His other hand remained on my head, as he softly stoked my hair. I looked up to see him smiling down at me. I returned his smile as I mouthed 'thank you' up at him. He flashed his pearly whites at me, still chewing on that piece of gum. The muscles in his jaw flexed as he chewed. He raised one hand to his mouth and deposited the wad of gum on the tip of his thumb and winked at me. He brought it down to my mouth and pushed it against my lips, gently forcing them apart. I opened and allowed his thumb into my mouth as he deposited the gum on my tongue. I closed my lips around this thumb and sucked gently as he slowly pulled back his hand. His hand now caressed my cheek, then moved down to my chin, lifting it up toward him as he leaned down. My heart was beating out of my chest as I thought he was actually going to kiss me! He stopped just short of doing so and raised halfway back up, just as the was train was pulling into the station. The doors opened and everyone started to file out. As he began turning toward the door, he reached down and grabbed me by the hand and gently pulled me up till I was standing right next to him and he began to walk towards the exit, pulling me along with him!

"Um, sorry, but this isn't my stop" I said.

"Don't care" he said, leading me off to who knows where. Oh well, I thought, it is the weekend and I've got nowhere I need to be.....

The end.

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