The Talk - Malcolm FR: Shatters

By moc.liamesuohgodeht@srettahS

Published on Mar 13, 2002



DISCLAIMER: This story is fictional. No real boys have been harmed in the writing. Certain characters have been based on ones created by Linwood Boomer and copyrighted by Regency Entertainment. The television show "Malcolm in the Middle" is copyright 2000 by Twentieth Century Fox Television, Regency Entertainment, and Monarchy Enterprises. This story is pure fiction, and is not intended To imply anything about the sexuality of the Actors or their Characters.

The Talk


"Malcolm!" Hal yelled from inside the house. "Malcolm, a little to the left, son!"

"Got it" came a reply from somewhere overhead. "How about now?" Hal looked at the television screen again.

"Damn!" he cursed under his breath. The picture had not only gotten worse, but now the TV was emitting a low buzz/hum. "No, that's still not right! Look, this isn't working! Come on back down!" he yelled up to his son, who was now trying to keep the roof antenna still. Sighing, Hal turned toward the door. Upon reaching it, he spun back around and pointed an accusing finger back at the television. "This isn't over yet," he hissed, "this is NOT over. You work for ME, you are MINE, and I will NOT tolerate this... this... inadequacy!"

"Whoa, what did I do?" Malcolm's voice came from behind him. Composing himself, Hal forced his voice to be calm.

"No, not you, son," Hal waved his hand toward the TV "the television. I was talking to the television." Malcolm rewarded him with one of his patent 'what-the-hell?' looks. Although, Malcolm, actually living with his Father for his entire life, didn't find this act of anthropomorposizing the TV very surprising.

"Look, why don't we just get cable?" Malcolm asked his dad, for about the thousandth time. "It's not like you and mom can't afford 30 bucks a month. This is stupid! We've been messing with that antenna since before Dewey was born!"

"That is not the point here, son. Television is the grease that oils the American machine. Just think about it! Information being shot around the globe, being beamed instantly anywhere in the world. Knowledge flowing into our society at the speed of light, and those money grubbing, tightwad cable outfits are trying to monopolize on this natural human resource. I will NOT be party to those pirates, and neither will you, or ANYbody else in this family!" At this point Malcolm was rolling his eyes. So Hal stopped, took a breath, and said, "Do you understand, son?"

Malcolm's reply was instantaneous. "Yeah, but if YOU aren't going to get cable, then YOU can be the one on the roof wrestling the stupid antenna!"

"Fine, I will!" Hal said. He stuck his nose up, turned on his heel, and walked out the front door.

After a very quick internal struggle, Malcolm decided on something. For the past few years, Malcolm and Reese had been sneaking up on to the roof to peep at the neighbors, and occasionally bomb passerby with water balloons. But mainly peep. Their favorite study was 3 doors down, at the Henderson's place. They lived in a two-story house with the perfect floor plan. Perfect, that was, for seeing right into the Henderson's daughters bedroom. The view was limited, but you could see most of the bed and partially into the small bathroom up against the wall. Reese and Malcolm had discovered the Henderson's daughter, Kathryn, about 2 years ago. She was a little older than Reese, or so they believed. Neither of them had actually ever met Kathryn until very recently, as her parents were very strict and overprotective, and didn't let her fraternize with other kids on the block. She also went to a private Catholic school; so neither of them had had an opportunity.

And boy, do they wish they had. Kathryn was stunning! About 4"8, short red hair, and cream colored skin. She always wore a plaited dress and an oversized t-shirt, giving her the "Hippie Sinead O'Connor" look. Basically, they had started peeping as soon as the Hendersons had moved in. Malcolm knew that Reese would go up there and spank it while watching her, because sometimes, late at night Reese would tie him to the bed, gag him and say "I'll be back to untie you in a bit, I gotta go beat up some kid that pissed me off today. Can't have you squealing, you understand?" or say something equally as stupid. Usually minutes later, he could hear the ladder being quietly scraped up against the bedroom wall, and then the roof would start creaking, sometimes for an hour or more. Malcolm always secretly wanted to join in, but knew his brother would probably pound him if he ever gave any hint.

This all changed about a week ago, when Reese approached Malcolm with and evil grin and what seemed another stupid Reese scheme that would never work.

"I got it all figured out. I'm going to make the big one with Kathryn. And you're going to help me do it."

"Why would I help you?" Malcolm sneered at his brother. "Besides, there's no WAY you're going to get with Kathryn. Never mind that her parents never let her leave the house, but she'd never do anything with an idiot like you."

"No, she wouldn't." Reese's smile widened "But she WOULD do it with a guy who has pictures of her with Tommy Johnson." As he finished, he whipped out a couple of Polaroids and handed them to Malcolm."

Malcolm took one look at the pictures and goggled. "Reese! Taking nudie pictures of the neighbors is wrong! I can't believe that even YOU would do something so disgusting! No, wait I take that back. I believe it." He studied the pictures some more. "I KNEW Tommy had a small penis. He never went into the showers in PE!"

"You Fag," Reese snatched the photo's back "I hand you pictures of the hottest chick on the block, and all you can do is goggle at the guy!"

"Look," Malcolm thought fast. "All I'm saying is that you just have another reason to beat Tommy up." He regretted it right after saying it, but it apparently worked.

"Hey, yeah, you're right." Thanks bro!"

"Can I see the pictures again?"

"Oh, but I thought these photo's were 'disgusting and wrong'?

"They are... But she actually has breasts! Girls her age shouldn't have breasts!"

"They're called TITS, Malcolm. Not 'breasts', or 'boobies', or 'mammaries, dude. Tits. TITS.

Malcolm, surprised that Reese knew what the word mammaries meant, asked, "So what are you planning to do?"

"Simple. I'm going to call in sick tomorrow. When Mom and Dad go to work, and Kathryn's parent's leave, I'm going to sneak in and trade her. One act of love, for one photo. It's perfect."

"But how do you know she'll be at home tomorrow? And you know Mom and Dad will be calling every half-hour to check up on you!" Malcolm didn't bother mentioning that it was almost impossible to fake sickness with their mother, but he also knew that if anyone's lying skills were up to the task, it would be Reese.

"First off, tomorrow is a staff development day at her school. I checked. And secondly, I cut the phone lines. Not just to the house, but to the whole block."


"You WHAT?! You're fucking insane!" Malcolm almost never swore, but he thought this was a good time as any. "What if you got caught?! What if someone needs to call 911? What if there's a fire?!"

"Why is that my problem?" Reese looked genuinely confused.

"Look, I don't want to hear any more. You've gone overboard, you're cracking up. YOU NEED HELP!"

"Yeah, and you're going to help me."

"Again, WHY would I help YOU?"

"Because I got pictures of you whacking to some of Mom's porn." Their father didn't own any pornography, or so he said, because he said that all the woman he ever needs is Lois. Lois, on the other hand, had a stash for whenever Hal was away on a business trip or something. It was basically a collection of straight 1-on-1 porn, where most of the guys had a striking resemblance to Hal. Or Fabio, her secret second love. And yes, a couple of times, Malcolm had whacked to it. Oh shit. Malcolm was totally embarrassed, but he was even more angry that his brother had outsmarted him.

Malcolm considered a bluff, but the look on his brothers face made him realize that that would just make things worse.

"What do you want me to do?" He said, Ashamed and amazed that his brother had temporarily defeated him. Apparently when sex was involved, Reese's dick contributed to his IQ level.

Reese, knowing that he had won, began "I want you to watch."

"Watch you making out?!"

NO! Watch for any trouble when I go. Because I plan to go over there quite a bit after first contact. I took, like, 30 pictures." He laughed. "And you can't tell anyone. Not even Stevie. This one has to be kept totally quiet." Malcolm had a reputation for loose lips, especially where Stevie was concerned.

So Malcolm had agreed. And it had worked! Reese's unusually thought-out plan had gone off without a hitch. He had successfully fooled Mom into believing that he had the Flu. He had gone over to Kathryn's house, told her straight out about the pictures, and had gotten promptly laid. The phone company came out and fixed the lines, thinking the perpetrator was just some random thief trying to disable the alarms. This had been going on for about a week, and Malcolm was beginning to get frustrated. Although he had been enjoying sneaking out and watching his brother and neighbor from the roof, he was getting a little jealous. That, and he was pissed about Reese blackmailing him.

Malcolm had had enough, and his telling his Dad to go "fix it himself" had been a complete betrayal of his promise to Reese. For, right now, Reese, who was supposed to be at a friend's house (Like Reese HAS any friends, why are parents so dumb?), was actually happily banging away at the neighbor, who had told her parents she was "Too sick to go to church today." I'm doing her a favor, Malcolm thought. My brother has been a totally bad influence on her.

So now, Hal was reaching the top of the ladder, when Malcolm yelled up "Hey dad! Maybe we should get a satellite dish!" Like the one the Henderson's have!"

"Satellite, Cable, its all the same! Pirates! And just because they have a dish...."

There was silence for about two minutes before Malcolm said "Dad? Dad, are you OK up there?"

More silence.

After another minute or so, Hal came stumbling down the ladder, his face pale and ashen. He started running toward the front door, seemed to think a second, and then turned back around. He grabbed the ladder, pulled it off the wall, and threw it into the garage, stumbling and fumbling with it all the way. He then turned around and stared straight at Malcolm."

"You are NOT to touch that ladder EVER again. You hear me? If you do, you will be grounded for LIFE?" He said, stopped and seemed to hear what he said, then turned back around and ran into the house. Malcolm just stared after him. After a couple of seconds, he followed his Dad into the house, and could hear him talking in a hurried whisper to their Mom.

Malcolm strained to hear what they were saying, but their talk was so muffled that he couldn't make anything out except when his Mother screamed "WHAT?!?!?!" at the top of her lungs. About an hour later they came out of the room, looking slightly rumpled. Hal looked at Malcolm and opened his mouth as if to say something, then seemed to decide against it, closed it, and walked away.

About 2 hours later, Reese swaggered into their room, and said "Guess what? Kathryn says she'll be my girlfriend. And NOT JUST because I have those pictures. Isn't that GREAT?"

"Uhm, Reese..." Malcolm looked over Reese's shoulder, where Hal's jaw was now hitting the floor.

"So THAT'S how you did it?" Was all he said, and Reese turned white. He swung around.

"Dad! Hi! Uhr.... I was just telling Malcolm about my friend, you know the photographer? Man, he really does know how to capture art on film.... um...."

"Reese, Malcolm. Sit down. I want to talk with you a minute."

Not only was Reese panicking, but Malcolm knew that hiss dad knew that he was involved in this too. Oh no, what is he going to do to us? WE'LL probably have to start going to Catholic school.

But Hal's first sentence really surprised them. "Sex feels pretty good, doesn't it?"

The boys, not knowing how to respond, just stared. "Errr..." They said together.

"Look, I know you boys are young, but I also know now that you are both sexually active. Nice technique with the tongue, by the way Reese, but you still need training. But not with the neighbors. First off, Reese, you are NEVER to have intercourse with that girl again. and you are going to BURN those pictures."

"Dad, I didn't...!"

Hal stopped his son with a raised hand, and sat down on Malcolm's bed. "Don't bother denying it, I saw you on the roof today." Reese was looking more and more horrified. Second off. What you did is wrong, VERY wrong. But... I did something similar when I was about your age. I've discussed this with your mother" Reese and Malcolm's Panic tripled, and it must have shown because Hal quickly added, "No, not that you're riding the hobby horse with a redhead, but that it's time we had a little 'talk'. The way he said "talk", it sounded like a death knell.

Hal straightened his back, and he looked as if he were sitting on the bed like a throne, and that he was giving out a decree, "In exactly 24 hours, you will cease to be boys. You will be bestowed with the wisdom of the ages, passed down through generations of our family. I know you're young, I didn't have this talk with Francis until he was eighteen, but apparently, you need to know now." He eyeballed Reese again.

"In one day, we will have..... The Talk." And he made it sound like this was going to be the most important talk in the history of mankind.

<MALCOLM INTERLUDE) - This is where time freezes, and Malcolm addresses the audience.

"Oh no! In under 24 hours, our dad... is going to talk to us... about sex! And knowing him, it's going to be an insane romp into the mind of a demented overachiever! This will ruin sex for us for possibly the rest of our lives. What are we going to do?"

Hal continued, completely unaware of Malcolm addressing the audience "Now, I'm waiting this 2 days, because I want you boys to find out as much as you can about sex and the opposite gender. You will be taking the days off of school, and you will invest ALL of your time in finding out as much as you can about sex. I'm not having MY sons go out into the world without PROPER training! There is going to be a test. I want you to prepare yourselves, "he stood up and stretched his arms out "for probably the biggest and most complicated challenge of today's world. Knowing the entirety of the Human Sexual Being. Yes boys, you will be transformed and enlightened beyond your wildest dreams, and you will use these powers for the good of ALL MANKIND!" With that he stopped and stared at them. All he said before turning and leaving was "Prepare yourselves, you who must undertake this journey. That is all."

Malcolm and Reese stared after him. Suddenly, Reese grabbed Malcolm by the shoulders. "Malcolm, you have to get me out of this!" He shook his brother with every word. "I don't think I can handle dad talking to us about sex! It will ruin it forever! I'll be with some hot girl, trying to eat her out, and Dad's voice will haunt me, giving me advice. I'll never get a boner ever again!"

"Don't you think I know that?!" Malcolm yelled back "What about ME? I wasn't due for this for YEARS, and now I have to deal with it too, because my BROTHER is a total IDIOT!"

"Look, let's not start placing blame here. We're both in this together, and you have to get both of us out of this equally."

Malcolm agreed with the sentiment of this statement, if not the exact meaning. He decided that it would be best to move on as quickly as possible, and try to find a way out. Fortunately, he had an idea.

"Francis, we have to call Francis. He is the only other person who's been through this. He'll know what to do."

But Reese was already running for the phone.

Quickly they found the number to the old Alaskan Lumberjack Cafe that Francis was currently holed up in and dialed. A gravelly voiced woman answered "Whaddya want?!"

"We'd like to speak to Francis please," Reese asked in a tone that for him passed for polite.

"He's busy!"

"She hung up, what are we going to do, what are we going to do?!"

Malcolm slapped his brother. "Snap out of it, this is no time to panic!"

"You're right, I needed that." Reese slapped Malcolm back.

"Ow! I didn't need that!"

"Yeah, but it felt good."

"Not for me!" Here, let me try. Malcolm dialed the number again.

"WHAT?!" Came the Harpy voice again.

"Hello, this is Francis' brother. I need to speak with him, it's an emergency! His... our mom died, and he needs to know!"

"Great, I'll tell him!"

"Damn, that lady is crazy!" Malcolm slammed the phone back on the receiver."

"Oh great, we're totally screwed!" Just then the phone rang. Malcolm picked it up. "Hello?

"Malcolm? Where's mom? What happened? She's not really dead, right?" Francis' panicked voice came over the receiver.

"No, no, Francis. Mom's fine... It's worse than that. It's dad, he...."

"Oh god! Dad?! What happened?!"

"No, no Dad's fine, it's..." Reese suddenly snatched the phone from Malcolm.

"Dad's going to talk to us about sex."

Silence on the other end. More silence. Way too much silence. "The Talk?" he used the same inflection that Hal had said it in. "He's giving you 'The Talk'?"

"That's what he said" Reese was almost crying "He caught me screwing some girl, and now he's going to give us his version of sex ed!

"Okay, calm down. This is worse than I thought." Francis' voice was getting more and more panicked. "Get out of the house. Run. Don't look back. Hide. Whatever you do.... No.... It won't work. He'll find you. He'll do this thing one way or another. You know how he is. Remember the Skating lessons? Remember Basketball?! Remember Potty Training?!"

"Okay stop." Reese said, "I get the picture! What can we do?!"

"Okay, okay... uhmm.... Damn! Fuck! Sorry. Look I have to think, all right?" they could almost hear Francis pacing. Finally he said. "I don't have any choice. there's only one thing to do. I have to get there and give you The Talk first. Then you can take the test, and you don't have to hear it from dad. If I already start, there's know way he'll interrupt. He thinks of this as a sacred trust, and there are rules that he HAS to abide. I'm your... Only hope. I only hope I can get to you before it's too late. Okay. Study. I'll be there soon.

Reese had tried to interrupt but all he got out was "Wha... you...." before Francis said "Look, would you rather have me do it or Dad? Yeah, I thought so.

"Well, what did he say?" Malcolm was waving his arms impatiently.

"He said 'don't panic, I'm coming'.... Malcolm.... He's going to do it. He's going to give us The Talk before Dad can. He's packing up and coming right now, can you believe it?!"

"Will that work? How can he get here fast enough?"

"It has to" Reese was staring into space. "He has to. Our sex lives depend on it...."

Malcolm stared towards the north. His brother was coming. Malcolm quietly whispered into the air, "Godspeed, Francis, Godspeed..."


So it was that that night, Malcolm and Reese couldn't sleep. And at about 1 in the morning, there was a sharp rapping on the window. It was Francis. When they saw him, he pointed at the sleeping form of Dewey. Quietly, Reese and Malcolm picked up the sleeping kid and stuffed him in the closet. He was a deep sleeper, and they doubted he would wake up before they had a chance to put him back into bed. All they needed now was to have Dewey screaming that Francis was here. Their dad would definitely know what was up.

They opened the window and Francis climbed in. He was wearing a black turtleneck and black jeans, with a black stocking cap and black gloves. He was carrying a black backpack, which jingled when he set it down.

"Why are you dressed like a burglar?" Reese asked.

"How did you get here so fast?" Malcolm asked. I thought you were holed up in Alaska.

"Look, that doesn't matter right now." Francis said. "What matters is that we have you guys trained before Dad can do it. Now let's get this ball rolling. lock the door, Malcolm."

"This is a delicate operation, we can't afford any screw ups." Look, you guys, we have to get started. We have to keep this quiet. I have to teach you EVERYthing about sex before day after tomorrow. And I mean EVERYthing. So we have to get down to business. You WILL listen to every word I tell you, you will obey my every word, and you will DO EXACTLY as I say, no matter what. Do you PROMISE to do these things?

They didn't hesitate "We promise!"

Francis started unpacking papers and pictures and all sorts of weird devices, some recognizable, like condoms, and panties, and porno mags, and some unfamiliar ones like a small, oddly shaped rubber penis, and a small leather wrist bracelet, and something resembling a bead necklace.

"So let's start off with this," Francis sat down cross-legged, and handed Reese and Malcolm each and issue of Hustler. "What do you see?"

"What do you mean?" Malcolm asked.

"I mean, what is it that you SEE? Francis leaned over and tapped the front cover of the magazine.

"A hot blond chick with big tits?" Reese hazarded.

"NO! Ooops, we have to be quiet. No!" He hissed quietly. "What you see there is one half of the most advanced Pleasure Machine in the world."

"Pleasure Machine?" Malcolm said sarcastically.

"Focus! Malcolm, remember that, focus. Pleasure Machine. Dad has it on the test.

"Pleasure Machine, pleasure machine...." Malcolm grabbed a notepad and started frantically making notes.

And the training commenced. Francis taught them first about the human body, different parts of the male and female. Different nerves, stimuli, and hormones that affect sexuality. In an amazingly short amount of time he had covered the basics of Anatomy, Physiology, and the nature and Inherent Structure of Sexual Relationships. At one point, during the study of the male anatomy, Reese snorted when Francis started discussing the male prostate. "Francis shot him a scolding look."

"Look, you have to know all of this by heart in two days, so if you don't pay attention, it's going to be Dad showing you where the prostate is." That sobered Reese up quickly, and the lessons continued.


From relationships, Francis went into courting rituals, and from there he went into female arousal, and from there, female masturbation. It was about there that Malcolm noticed a bulge in Francis's jeans. For some reason, this started arousing Malcolm, and he thought "Oh man, he's my BROTHER, what is wrong with me?" but the boner persisted, and Malcolm couldn't relieve the tenting in his pajamas, because his brothers would certainly notice him adjusting himself. So he went on, hoping they wouldn't notice. At a stopping point, Francis went out the window again to pee, and Malcolm quickly adjusted himself.

"What's wrong there, bro? Are your glands producing too many hormones to make your penis engorge with blood." Reese asked, teasing Malcolm with his newfound knowledge.

"Oh shut up." Malcolm retorted. Francis came back in and the lesson resumed.

Francis continued on masturbation, showing them several images from straight porn mags, where guys were jacking all over the women. He explained everything, and when he was done, he quizzed the boys. The seemed to have a good grasp of things, so he moved on.

"And now for the straight sex." Francis stood up and pulled a tape out of his bag, and popped it into the VCR. A scene where a man and a woman were fucking away filled the screen. Francis started narrating it like he was on National Geographic, and explaining the mating rituals of Gazelles. He went into every detail, from the muscles being used, to the techniques of oral, vaginal, and anal sex. He covered blue balls, fellatio, titfucking, asphyxiation, fetishes, scat, EVERYTHING. All while this couple fucked their brains out on the screen. Malcolm was scribbling notes madly, but Reese's eyes were fixed on the screen.

After about an hour, the video ended, and so did Francis' lecture. He ejected the tape and put it back into his backpack. He turned around and started quizzing the boys. Reese missed a few questions and Francis started lecturing again. After another half hour, they were quizzed again, and Francis, apparently satisfied, moved on to the next topic.

"Gay sex. What is it? How do you do it? Why would anyone do it? I'm sorry, I don't have any gay porn, because I had such short notice about this. It's a little difficult to find gay porn in an airport, or at midnight in the suburbs." Malcolm was skeptical about this, because he had seen Playgirl magazines that they sold down at the 24-hour mini-mart.

"So I'm actually going to have to show you some stuff. that means audience participation, kids."

"What!" Shouted Reese

"No Way" Shouted Malcolm.

"SSShhhhhhhh!!! Now listen... I can show you this stuff, but it never leaves this room, and it's the only way to really show you what I'm talking about. You can't explain a feeling, and of course, you can always wait for DAD to show you....."

Malcolm and Reese shot each other looks, and Malcolm said "No way, Francis. I'm not gay, and I'm not going to do anything gay, and I'm NOT going to be incestuous!"

"What's insess-tu-us mean?" Reese asked.

"It means having sex with a family member" Francis said. "And this isn't going to be like that. We're not going to fuck or anything, I just need to be able to show you the different things that gay guys do. Look, it's a part of sex. About 10 percent of the population is gay, and a speculated 50 to 90 percent of all men have done it. It's a Huge part of the test, and if you fail....."

"Dad'll never let us out of the house again." Reese's shoulders slumped, and he said "Okay. But I'm not going to go anything gay."

"Look, do you think I want to do this? Francis asked. You think this is easy for ME? No, I'm doing this because I have 2 brothers who are in some serious shit. Remember, you promised to do eVERYthing I tell, you, and if you want to ever have sex again, you're gonna have to make some sacrifices. Besides, no one will EVER know about this, so it didn't happen.

"All right, all right already" Reese had a disgusted look. "Just try not to involve me in any stupid gay stuff. If you have to do it, do it to Malcolm."

"Oh, sure, just make me do all the work. you know what Reese, you're an ass hole." Malcolm refrained from mentioning that he really wouldn't mind doing all of the work, especially with Francis.

<MALCOLM INTERLUDE) - This is where time freezes, and Malcolm addresses the audience.

"Oh my god! I can't believe I thought that! And here I am, about to be instructed in Gay sex by my brother, of all people. I can't believe I'm doing this. I am not going to do this. I am NOT going to do this.

"All right, lets do this." Francis sighed resignedly. First, lets go back over the basics of male anatomy..." And he went on for another half hour with a biology/anatomy session. From there he went on to the psychology, the theories on what makes a person gay, and from there he went on about how gay sex usually begins.

"All right guys, time for a little role-playing." Francis stood up. "Reese, come here and stand across from me. I need to show you something."

"What? No way! Why didn't we do role-playing for the straight sex?!"

"Because we don't have a girl, stupid." Malcolm said.

"All right Reese, but you get to do the next demonstration, Reese. Malcolm, come here." Malcolm moved over to where Francis was standing. "Okay, now just stand there, you don't have to do anything." Francis moved in closer to Malcolm, and put his hand on his shoulder. "now look, I won't do this if you don't want to. I don't really want to either, but I know it's the right thing to do. You ok?

Malcolm looked up into his brother's eyes, and saw the concern there, but he also saw something else. Francis was lying. He really DID want to do this. Maybe he wanted to do this enough to make stuff up. Their dad wouldn't ever make them fool around with each other, would he? Malcolm thought about this for a minute, and finally decided. Yeah, he really did want to do this. "I mean," he thought "we're not really doing this... No one will ever find out. Reese sure won't tell anyone, and Dewey will sleep until next afternoon if we let him." So he said, "Yeah, I'm ok. Just, be gentle...."

"That's the point, bro..." Francis' hand moved down to encircle Malcolm's waist, and he wrapped his arms around Malcolm's middle. "Now pay attention Reese, the first lesson is about stimulation. Under the right circumstances, stimulating the right nerve endings can arouse anyone. As with straight sex, a lot is involved with taste, sound, and touch, but smell and sight are important too. You can stimulate a man pretty much the same way you can a woman. Observe." And with that, Francis pressed himself full up against Malcolm, and pressed his lips against his.

The effect was instantaneous, and electric. Pleasure started rippling down the back of Malcolm's spine as he was passionately kissed his brother. He was further aroused when Francis started gently rubbing up and down on him as they kissed.

"Ewwwwwwwwww!" Reese looked disgusted, and covered his eyes. But Malcolm wasn't paying any attention, he was more interested in the fact that Francis' tongue had gotten into his mouth, and he didn't care. He actually started pushing back with his own tongue, until they were wrestling back and forth. Malcolm didn't care that he had a woody now, because he wasn't the only one. He could feel a hard pressing against him from Francis' own penis, which had gotten rock-hard during the kiss. After what seemed like an eternity, Francis pulled away from Malcolm. They stared at each other for a second, Francis' eyes seemed to be searching for something.

"Damn, Malcolm. Where'd you learn to kiss like that?"

Malcolm gave a nervous laugh. "From you, actually."

"Fast learner." Francis shook his head, pulled away from Malcolm, and started rubbing his hands together. "Hey, you can take your hands away now, Reese." Francis told him. "But you get the next lesson."

"No Fucking way, Francis. I'm not gay like boner boy Malcolm here." He pointed to Malcolm's now obvious bulge.

"Look, apparently this isn't working out. I'm sorry, but you're just going to have to deal with dad. I'm sorry I couldn't help." With that, he grabbed his bag, and turned for the window.

"Wait! I didn't mean it! I mean, I will do ANYthing not to have my life ruined by The Talk. Please, I didn't mean it, I swear. This isn't really happening. Come on! You said I was next, let's get this over with" With each word, he coaxed Francis back from the windowsill.

After a moment, Francis said. "All right, but no more whining from you. We're straight men, secure in our sexuality. I told you about natural exploration ,and this is perfectly normal behavior. Now, not another peep out of you." Francis' voice had taken a military edge, not surprising considering he had, up until a few months ago he had been attending military academy. "Okay, Reese, take off your shirt."

Surprisingly, Reese didn't complain. He just took hold of his nightshirt, and pulled it off. Malcolm couldn't help admiring his brother's sleek, slim body. He had had hundreds of opportunities to admire his brother naked (his family didn't really care about silly thinks like modesty), but it was never as hot as this scene where Francis was basically ordering him to strip. It added a whole new lever of feeling that Malcolm had never quite experienced.

"Now what?" Reese asked bravely, tossing his shirt onto the floor.

"Now, lie on the bed." Francis ordered.

Reese hesitated only a moment, then went over to the bed. "Hey, that's MY bed!" Malcolm said, "Use your own." but Francis gave him a hard look and he dropped the issue. Reese laid down on the bed, nonchalantly resting his head on his hands. "Like this?"

"Perfect" Francis said, and he sat down next to Reese. "Now we're going to cover erogenous zones, and how to stimulate them. Pay attention, Malcolm, this is a big part of the test.

"Okay, now the first one, and the most obvious choice here is the nipple. Few parts of the body have such a sensitive and delicate nerve cluster. If you rub it just so...." Francis started stroking Reese's left nipple, which immediately got hard and bumpy. "And then this one...." he proceeded to do the same to the other one... Reese let out a low moan, which he immediately stifled. Malcolm's cock, which had started to go soft again, immediately sprang to full hardness again. "And if you use your mouth...." And he lowered his head to suck on Reese's nipple. Reese was staring at the ceiling, trying to hide the fact that he was obviously enjoying this. When Francis got back up, he looked almost disappointed.

"Now you try it Malcolm" he said, and then pulled Malcolm aside. Reese, still staring at the ceiling, had a funny expression on his face, like he was confused and slightly upset. Francis lowered his voice so only Malcolm could hear. "Now, when you lick the nipples, I want you to take your tongue, and travel upwards with it, and trace a path from the nipple to the side of the neck, and then to the bottom of the earlobe, here." Francis pointed at the spot on his own ear. "Then I want you to nibble right.... here, just for a few seconds, and then back away. got it?"

"Got it." Malcolm said, and turned around. Reese was looking at him, and his expression had softened a bit. "You're going to try to turn me on now, bro? No way. I am now in complete control."

"Remember you said that, and now, don't move. Malcolm?" He nodded, and Malcolm nodded back. Malcolm then moved up and sat in the same way that Francis did. Looking down on his brother, with his deep green eyes, short brown hair, and petulant expression, Malcolm realized that he was going to have a lot of fun with this. So without preamble, Malcolm went down on his brothers' tits.

This wasn't the way Francis did it, and Reese gave out a yelp and tried to push Malcolm away, but Francis was there instantly, and stared Reese down, back into position on the bed. With a nod to Malcolm, he stepped back "Continue." Was all he said. Malcolm noticed the bulge in Francis' pants again, smiled, and turned back to Reese. With a start, he realized that Reese was also sporting a woody. It was starting to tent in his pajamas, and again Malcolm marveled about what was happening to him.

He couldn't resist patting Reese's boner and saying "Who's the fag now?" Before he went back down on his brother.

Reese groaned, but otherwise didn't move, and soon his tits were rock hard again. After a couple of seconds, Malcolm started moving further and further outward with his tongue, and then slowly upwards. Reese looked over at Francis, but otherwise did nothing. As soon as Malcolm hit the spot under his ear, though, Reese gasped and grabbed his brother's head. "Don't.... don't stop." he whispered.

With that, Frances sidled up to the other side of the bed, and sat down opposite Malcolm. "Now this is how it feels when 2 people do it, and quickly started nibbling on Reese's other ear. Reese's groaning increased. Malcolm felt a hand grab his, and looked down. It was Reese, and he was guiding Malcolm's hand to his groin, where Francis had already started fondling Reese's dick through his pajamas. Malcolm and Francis' hands touched, and then separated, sliding up and down Reese's tight little body. While Francis continued to rub Reese's now-thrusting groin, Malcolm let his hand slide up and down Reese's chest, torso, and legs.

After a few minutes, Francis told Malcolm to stop, and told Reese to get up. Reese got off the bed, and Francis took his place. Before lying down, Francis stripped off his shirt and unbuttoned his pants. "Okay, now that we're all into this, I think we can move a level up. "This," He said, taking a hand and rubbing each of the boy's crotches, is the most sensitive erogenous zone, next to the prostate. The cock, (He emphasizes with a hard rub on each boner) the penis, (another rub) the dong, schlong, pecker, peter, penis, or rod. (each with another rub, the boys now humping his hand while listening raptly) It has a million names, and 2 major purposes. The one we will cover here? Pleasure." And with that, he gave each little boner a little squeeze. "Now," he said, looking each boy in the eye, "show me what you've learned." And with that he laid back on Malcolm's bed, shirtless and erect, and closed his eyes.

Malcolm and Reese looked at each other, and for a second, it was as if they had first met. "Let's do it." And for the first time since the beginning of 'The Talk', Reese smiled. Then they went down on their big brother.


Malcolm went straight on to French kissing Francis again, and as he did so, tousled his curly blond hair. Reese went for the nipple, and his hand went straight down into his brothers' pants. The outline of Francis' cock was clearly visible through his boxer shorts, which was visible since his pants were undone and hanging open. A small bit of moisture was dabbed at the center of the bulging white triangle, and Reese said, "This is called Pre-Cum, right?" he asked, fingering the spot, but the only response he got was a faint gurgle behind Malcolm's mouth. Reese got in closer so he could study it, and then took a firm grip of his brothers cock through the fabric. He started pumping slowly up and down, and it wasn't long before Francis started humping his hand. Reese and Malcolm were both now stroking their own boners through their shorts. Reese actually had one of his hands down his own pants and was jacking his boydick at full force.

After a few moments, they switched again. This time it was Malcolm Massaging Francis' cock, and Reese was immersed in his first gay kiss. Francis noticed that Reese was jacking off, and carefully slid his own hand into and under Reese's underwear. He moved away Reese's hand and grabbed his rod himself. As he began stroking, Reese's kiss became harder and more passionate, and soon he was full on fucking his brothers hand. Then Francis pushed Reese away, and took his other hand and put it down Reese's pants. As Francis sat up, he cupped his little brothers tiny nut sack with his left hand, and jacked him off with his right.

"Nice member there." Francis pulled Reese's cock out of its shorts and started examining it. Malcolm was still stroking Francis' cock through his underwear, but was now watching Reese's raging hard on with interest. You seem a little bigger than I was at your age. How big is it now?

"Uhm.... I dunno..."

"you mean you never measured it?" Francis looked genuinely surprised. "Hold on a sec." Frances got up and walked over to his black bag, his boner bobbing, and rummaged in it, looking for something. In the meantime, Malcolm was still looking at Reese's hard-on with fascination.

Reese noticed this and said, "go ahead, touch it." Apparently, Reese had gotten over his fear of "Gay Stuff" and Malcolm was beginning to wonder if the whole thing had just been pretense." In any case, Malcolm took the opportunity and wrapped his hand around Reese's dick. Reese reached over and put his hand into Malcolm's underwear, groping his bone as well. "Ugh.... that feels real good, bro... Yeah... Oh, man.... Why didn't we do this before? This is better than Kathryn's handjobs. Oh, oh, you'd better stop." Reese pulled Malcolm's hand away, "I almost squirted." He smiled. Malcolm Smiled back.

"Aha!" Francis' said, and came back with a typical 12-inch ruler. "Okay, now first. Let me tell you, size doesn't really matter. Any man will tell you that. It is both true and untrue. Both have their advantages and drawbacks. A small cock will be easier to fit in a pussy or an ass, so you can fuck harder, but a big dick will hit the G-spot or the prostate better. So don't worry about it, either way."

That seemed to relax the boys, who were staring at the ruler with a mix of anxiety and excitement. "Okay," Francis smiled, "Who wants to go first?" Both boys pointed at the other.

Francis laughed and said, "Okay, I'll go first. Then you, Malcolm, and then Reese. But you don't measure yourself. Reese, would you do the honor?' He extended the ruler to Reese, and then pointed to his crotch. "You might want to get these pants off of me, it'll make it easier." They all laughed at that.

Reese went up to Francis, and just pulled his pants right down. A professional pants-er, since kindergarten, this was no real challenge. Before Francis was even finished stepping out of them, Reese was pulling down Francis' Boxers. His cock sprung out instantly, but was only half erect.

"It's gotta be totally hard, otherwise you won't get an accurate measurement." Francis told him, and Reese obliged by grappling his boner with one hand, and grabbing Francis' ass with the other.

"Nice, dude! I didn't even have to teach you that one.' Francis said. But he was quickly silenced when Reese started pumping his cock. Reese was now on his knees, in front of Francis, stroking his boner, his face only inches away from the throbbing member. Francis became fully erect quite quickly, because the sight of his little brother, down there, stroking his cock, and looking soulfully up at him, was almost too much. Reese gave Francis an innocent puppy dog look, biting his lip, as he stroked the big member.

"Okay, I'm totally hard now." Reese gave him a blank look. "The Ruler?"

"Oh, yeah. Right." Reese picked up the ruler, and pressed it up against Francis' dick. "Uhm.... 7 1/2 inches. Whoa!" Malcolm and Reese said in unison.

Reese seemed about to go on jacking, when Francis said "That's a little bigger than average. Your turn, Malcolm. I'll do this one." he took the ruler from Reese and walked over to Malcolm, who up to this point, had been sitting on the edge of the bed stroking himself through his pajama bottoms.

"Lie back again, we need to get your pants off." Francis grinned. When Malcolm went to pull them down, Francis smacked his hand away. "I'll do it. Reese, come over here. It's time for the next lesson." Reese moved up to the bed and watched as Francis grabbed Malcolm's pants and pulled them down, revealing Malcolm's smooth legs, and cock-pressed tidy-whiteys. When the pants were all the way down, Francis moved his head up so he was eye level and centimeters from Malcolm's hard bulge. With one hand, he started inching his hand up malcolms shirt, and with the other started slipping his hand into Malcolm's underwear. Not from the top, but from the leg hole, he slipped his hand up and grabbed malcolms boner. His other hand strayed down from Malcolm's hairless chest, and pulled down the underwear. A thin, but long little circumcised dick sprung up, and was instantly devoured by Francis.

"Oh, shit! Malcolm yelled, and his legs and arms jerked up and out. Without warning, Francis had wrapped his mouth around Malcolms hard tool and started sucking. Reese looked almost as surprised, but recovered immediately and began jacking himself with new determination. After a couple of seconds, Francis came back up for air, and immediately applied the ruler.

"Four and a half inches, buddy! Not bad, not bad. And as if he hadn't just been slurping on his underage little brothers cock, he said, "Your turn, Reese." Reese instantly jumped up and yanked down his pajamas and underwear, and almost leapt onto the bed. Malcolm looked disappointed until Francis said "Remember, you get to do this one." Malcolm smiled then, and before Reese could sit down completely, Malcolm was already swallowing his member. He gagged at first, and Francis said "Slow down, you don't have to take it all at once. Try sucking on the tip a bit." Malcolm took the advice, and sucked on the tip a bit. Reese seemed to like it, because he was moaning.. "Ohhhhh, unghhh...... yeah... Malcolm.... yeah... go bro... Unhhhhhh..." It wasn't long before Malcolm was taking the whole thing without gagging, and when his face hit Reese's soft tiny bush of pubes, Reese grabbed Malcolms head and thrust. Malcolm was surprised and tried to pull away, but Reese's hands on the back of his head held him in place. Francis watched Reese face- fuck Malcolm, and once again thanked god for hot, horny brothers. He watched without doing anything for a good thirty seconds, and when it looked like Malcolm was about to choke on Reese's load, he broke in.

"Okay, time to measure." He said quickly, pulling Reese's hands off of Malcolm's head. Surprisingly, Malcolm didn't come up for air, he just kept sucking. Francis had to pull him off and hand him the ruler.

"Oh, wo-oow. That was actually pretty fun," Malcolm said. Reese was still lying there, wearing only his shirt, and humping the air. His eyes were glazed over with need as Malcolm pressed the ruler against his dick.

"Six inches, shit!" Malcolm was flabbergasted. It didn't seem that big to him, but numbers didn't lie.

"Wow, you're a lot bigger than I was when I was your age. You might end up with a real monster someday. Maybe even an 8 incher."

"Oh great," Malcolm said. "Just what Reese needs. Another reason to be arrogant."

"Suck my dick, Malcolm!

"Already Did, Reese." Malcolm shot back.

"Okay, boys. Now it's time for review, come over here." They gathered in a rough triangle in the middle of the room, and for a while, just stood there jacking themselves off, staring at one another. Francis, who had a hard, lean muscled body, a tan, and patches of fuzzy black hair, was stroking his dick, and massaging a spot under his ballsack. Reese, who had always been gangly and scrawny, looked like a young man, with a bit of peach fuzz above his dick. He was jacking off with the other hand, but was otherwise trying to mimic Francis with one hand massaging under the balls, supposedly where the prostate started. Malcolm was smaller and even ganglier than Reese, and he didn't sport any hair on his body at all. He was jacking off too, but he was using first one hand, then the other.

"Well, we seem to have already jumped ahead to blowjobs, but there's more ahead. You guys can take off your shirts now, I hate being totally naked alone."

"You're not totally naked Francis, you're still wearing your socks."

"Ha, ha. Now your turn Reese, come over here and suck my dick. No, lie on your back, let me show you something. Malcolm, come over here, stand above Reese's head, like... yeah... Okay. ready?

Reese, who was laying on the floor on his back, fount himself staring into the monster cock of his big brother, swinging between his legs like a pendulum. Francis straddled Reese's face, and told him to suck it. "What, you think I'm some sort of fag?" Reese joked before he grabbed Francis' cock, and slowly started sucking on it. Francis, now kneeling and bent over Reese's head, slowly started thrusting, ever so lightly fucking Reese's mouth. There was no complaint from Reese. Or from Francis, Reese was a natural cocksucker. He even knew how to swirl his tongue around for maximum effect!

"Come over here Malcolm. Stand here", and while Francis was humping Reese's face, he took Malcolms member in his mouth once again. It wasn't long before Francis started feeling a tingling in his balls, and he took his mouth off of Malcolm's dick and said, "uNh... I....m gonna.... cum... you might wanna... Oooh... oh... OOOOOOOOOuuungh." And that was as far as he got, because Reese had Deep Throated his fucking shlong at the last minute. All Francis could do was watch as He sputzed load after creamy load down his little brothers throat. And Reese was swallowing every drop! It felt like the boy was sucking every ounce of spoo out of him. When he was done, drained, Francis toppled over on his side.

Reese kept stroking his boner, his eyes locked on his brothers naked, limp body. But Malcolm went over to Francis and asked "Are you all right?" Francis reached up, and stroked Malcolms hair, a tranquil smile on his face.

"I've gotta recharge, but you two need to... practice up... on each other. I assume you know what a 69 is?"

"Yeah, sounds good. Malcolm said, rubbing his cock and looking over and the now frantically jacking Reese.

"You better hurry before he finishes without you," Francis said, also glancing over at Reese. "And Malcolm," Francis said, motioning him closer. "When you're sucking, I want you to massage the prostate."

"What, stick my finger up his butt? Eww, no way!"

"No, not if you don't want to. But just start out at the spot that I've been massaging, right here," And Francis showed Malcolm on his own body. "And the more he humps and moans, move closer and closer to his butthole. You don't have to put the finger in, but at least massage the outer rim. Trust me."

"All right, but I'm not promising anything." With that, Malcolm moved over to his brother and Francis instructed him to lie on his side. He told Malcolm to lay down opposite and inverted from him, and gave him a few quick tips. Where to lay your arm, where to put your leg, and soon enough, Reese and Malcolm were 69'ing like porn stars.


"Mmmmm... you guys are starting to get me hard again," Francis murmured. And it was true. This was the hottest fucking thing Francis had ever seen. Who would have believed that this would have happened. He really didn't have any intention of having an incestuous orgy with his little brothers, but when he got here, and he saw what the porno was doing to their little hot rods... well... he didn't know what to do. So he had made up the lie of not having any gay porno to show them, and, well.. One thing led to another, and, hell, he was glad! He watched the two little boys fucking each other's faces, grabbing each other's asses, and rubbing each other like lovers. He also noted with satisfaction that Malcolm was already rubbing Reese's asshole, and by the bucking and moaning, Reese was really enjoying it.

Now Francis was totally hard again, and he moved over to the boys. He started rubbing hid hands all over their tight bodies, thinking how young and fresh they were, only scolding himself for the thought for a second. Then he licked his middle finger and moved his hand toward Reese's ass. Neither boy could see what he was doing, because their faces were buried in each others crotches, but when Francis' moist finger touched the outer flower of Rees's bumhole, he gave a little jump. That was all the objection he got though, and soon both Francis and Malcolm were fingering the outer rim of Reese's tight little rosebud.

Francis licked his finger again and put it back on Reese's ass. He ever so gently started pushing a little, up, and down. up, and down. Malcolm was feeling this happening with his own hand, and both boys moaned when Reese started moving with the rhythm of Francis' finger.

Reese took his mouth off Malcolms dick long enough to say, "just stick it in already, jeez!" and then went down again. Francis smiled, licked his finger one more time, noting the clean, salty boy-tang, and put his middle finger directly on the anus. He started slowly, pushing in millimeter by millimeter, watching close up as his finger penetrated the most annoying, violent, stupid, arrogant little shit this side of Wisconsin. Before he knew it, he was up to the joint, and then the finger was entirely in. Francis traced the inside of the tight little cavity, already imagining what it would be like to have his dick in there. "No," he thought you can't do that. You'd hurt the poor kid... wouldn't you?" Francis came back, and noticed that he had slipped in another finger without thinking about it. He moved the 2 fingers until he found the hard, round spot he was looking for. He pushed.

"OOoohhh! Yeah, fucking do that! Oh, shit... can't wake up... mom and... uh.... yeah... I can't believe... oh god.... fuck it... "

With that, Reese pulled away from Malcolm and sat up. He stared at Francis so intensely that Francis thought he had done something wrong.

"Uhhhh, everything all right?" Francis asked, unsure about this whole thing.

"You have condoms there, right?" Reese asked directly.

"Yes, I do. What, you want me to fuck you?" Francis said half-jokingly, "But what about Malcolm?" He grinned.

"I'm serious, Francis. I want you inside of me. Right now. I want you to... man, I can't believe I'm saying this to my own brother. I want you to blow another load in me, dude. God that sounds so gay."

<MALCOLM INTERLUDE) - This is where time freezes, and Malcolm addresses the audience.

"Wow, oh wow. First, Francis sucks my dick, then Reese sucks my dick, and now I get to watch him being bottomed by Francis. Getting the good fucking that he so richly deserves?! This is the best damn sex ed I ever had! Thanks, Dad!

"Look," Francis said, "I don't know if that'll work. I mean, you have an asshole about this big," he showed a circle with his index finger and thumb about the size of a dime, "and my dick is this big, the circle grew to about the size of a half dollar. I might really hurt you. Maybe Malcolm could..."

"No, Francis." And for a second, there was a pleading in Reese's voice that had never been there before, "I need you inside me. I need to feel you, I... uhm... oh, dude, just lets try it. I can always tell you to 'pull out' or something."

Francis sat there, Malcolm sat there, and Reese sat there. All of them still had raging boners and now, apparently, they were going to the next level of their training. Without another word, Francis got up and headed once again toward his black bag.

Malcolm looked over at Reese. "Are you sure you want to try this? It's probably going to hurt. I mean, I could do you.... or ... you do me or... something." Malcolm felt as though his tongue had turned to lead. He couldn't believe he had just offered his ass up to Reese, of all people. Beat down, punk, troublemaking Reese! What had gotten into him?!


Reese couldn't believe that Malcolm had just offered to let him fuck him! Nerdy, snoot-nosed, smartmouth little brown-noser just offered up some butt-sex! "We'll get to that," Reese said to Malcolm, "But right now I want Francis. I mean, we might not see him again for ages. I can't believe he took time off just to come help us out.

"Don't you mean 'cum' help us out?" Malcolm asked with a smile. They both laughed, but stopped when Francis came back. He had a condom on his dick, and he was currently smearing it with something called "Astral Slick". Ever the keen teacher, he explained to them about water vs. silicon based lubricants, and the correct usage of a condom and lubricant for gay sex."

As he talked, he told Reese to get on all fours, and that doggie style would probably be the easiest, and explained why as he started rubbing the astralslick on Reeses crack, without much ceremony. Malcolm was rubbing on Reese, and tweaking his cock and nipples. When Francis finally slipped one of his digits in, Malcolm kissed Reese, Muffling his moans of pleasure.

"oh, man! You are so tight! Okay, now loosen up. Relax...." Francis slipped in another finger and waited while Reese's asshole adjusted. Finding Reese's prostate and rubbing again, Reese started humping his hand, moving back and forth. "Okay, now make like you're going to take a crap. that'll loosen the sphincter muscles." As he said it, he slipped in another finger, bringing the total to 3. Reese's ass started tensing, and pushing in, fighting the invader, but Francis kept massaging the walls out, occasionally adding more astralslick. Reese's groans became louder, and Malcolm pulled back.

"Do it now! oh, uhhhhh.....Put it in, put it in.." With that, Francis took his dick and started rubbing the tip up against Reese's hole. He then slipped the head in, and Reese yelled "Ow! Take it out, take it out!" Francis immediately retreated, and waited. Reese laid there and his arms collapsed, his but in the air and his face on the carpet. Francis moaned as he watched this tight little but stuck up in the air and right in front of him, but possibly now, forever out of reach. Would he still be this tight a few years down the road? Not after tonight, Francis guessed. Malcolm will probably be the one to pop his cherry. Oh, well.....

"Okay, put it in again," Reese said, surprising his big brother.

"Are you sure, little bro.?

""Yeah, just... go... sloow..." Reese wiggled his butt at his brother, inviting him for a second try. And try he did. Francis once again mounted the little boy, once again opening him up finger by finger. Then slowly, ever slow slowly, put the head in again.

"Is it in yet?" Malcolm asked, almost like a kid on Christmas.

"ungh, yea... yea...." Reese didn't seem to be having a problem this time, so Francis put it in another few centimeters, "Uh.... hold on a sec." Francis could feel the inner membrane of Reese's ass working to accommodate him, and he had to resist the urge to bury himself in to the hilt. "Ok, a little more..." And Francis did... "ohhhh.... ow.... fuck... Goddamn, this hurts. but it's starting to feel better.. A little more, bro..." But this time, instead of pushing in further, Francis started lightly humping. Pulling a little bit out, and then a little bit in....

"You are so fucking hot, bro" Francis said to Reese's back... "Oh.... man your ass is tight...." Francis wiped away the sweat that was beginning to form on his brow... "Can I go in more?"

"Do it, go in... go in man... Fuck me, bro!" Reese suddenly pushed back, burying more than three quarters of Francis' 7 1/2 inch dick up his butt. "Oh! Oh, yeah man! Fuck me, yeah, fuck my ass, Francis!"

"Malcolm, on the sidelines, was jacking himself hard, unable to believe what he was seeing. Here was Francis, His way older brother, practically raping his other older brother-but-not-by-much. Malcolm was starting to feel a little left out, but decided that he liked watching, for now... Maybe a little motivation? "Yeah, fuck him Francis. Fuck him good. He deserves it. He needs it. Don't you, Reese?"

"ohhh... yeah... he's right.... Fuck me, I'm bad. I deserve it......." Now, Francis WAS buried up to the hilt, and he could feel the tip of his cock hitting Reese's sweet spot, and his ass tightening with every thrust. No woman, not even his Asian mail-order bride, had ever been this tight. And she had been a virgin! No, this was tight, willing, boy-ass at it's best. This little punk had wanted this all along, and now he has it!

"oHhhh... yeah... fuckme.... fuckme...." Reese was jacking himself, face pressed against the floor, tears at the corners of his eyes."

While Francis could be heard muttering under his breath "Yeah, take that.... ohh.... you're so fucking tight. I love you, bro. I love you're tight hole. I wanna fuck you, oh, yeah... OooOOhhhhh! Francis grabbed Reese's hips, and started thrusting like crazy, slamming his dick all the way in with every thrust. Stopping only for a second when he was all the way in sometimes to enjoy the tight boy-ass feeling. More groans and grunts came from Reese, who was pushing back to impale himself on Francis' boner.

And then, Reese screamed "Yeaaah! Oh! oh! Here it comes. I'm coming, oh shit.... yeaaaaaaaaaah...." And Francis could feel his ass muscles tighten like never before, and it was too much. While Reese jacked a load of boy-spunk all over the floor, Francis shot his second load into his little brother, from the other end. Now Reese really was crying, but not out of sadness. He was saying "I love you too, Francis... I love you too...

Malcolm, watching the whole thing up close, was rewarded by the looks on his brothers faces as they simultaneously orgasmed. Watching Francis shoot a load up his troublemaking brother's but while Reese basically sputzed all over the floor, was too much. Malcolm, frenzied, shot a load of sperm almost 2 feet into the air. Most landed on his chest, but some got into his hair and on his face.

All three boys almost simultaneously collapsed. Francis had to keep from crushing Reese, who seemed to have fallen asleep in a puddle of his on boyjuice. Francis kept his limp dick in Reese's but for several minutes, enjoying the feeling, and wondering if he'd be able to do this again. Slowly he turned himself and Reese on their sides, being careful to keep his soft dick in Reese's ass. He wrapped his arms around the young boy, and squeezed a warm, sticky hug. They cuddled like that for several minutes.

Malcolm, ever the practical son, got up and fetched one of the shirts and started wiping himself off. For a moment he just admired Francis and Reese, curled up and cozy, and wondered if he might ever let Francis fuck him too sometime. Hmmm.... He thought that he might like it better the other way around. Oh well.

Malcolm looked at the clock. 3:30. Hmm... Still enough time for some more quality time with their favorite brother. Thanks to him, Malcolm thought. They'll ace Dad's little sex ed test, and then they can do whatever they want

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