The Teacher

By Marie LeClare (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Mar 14, 2009



This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously.

Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

The Teacher FFF By Marie LeClare Copyright 2009

When I retired from my modeling and acting in those lesbian films due to my health I told my Mom that I had to find some other kind of work to do. So she asked what I had experience for and I suggested "Town Crier" laughing, to which she said I was a couple of centuries too late. But she was happy that I would no longer be appearing in lesbian movies and modeling shoots.

She swore up and down that I was just going through a faze being a lesbian, and although I had told her many times it wasn't a faze, till I was blue in the face, so I just left it,

I decided that I could be a school teacher, and I had a friend with the local school board who could make up a fake teaching certificate, so I decided dat was what I was going to do and I might try my hand at writing some mystery stories.

The first day at school I met the other teachers and I knew just from looking that two of them were lesbians. So as I was introducing myself to all of the rest I winked at them, and that was the signal that we might be able to play, especially since they blushed.

As I walked back to the classroom, the students were already there and they looked like a bunch of Bible students, but wow was I in for some funning about sex with them.

I had read the book about the teaching and so after i had a hard day I was just preparing to leave when the 2 teachers came to the classroom to invite me for coffee, and I accepted.

No sooner as we had our coffee and were sitting, one teacher on one side and the other teacher on the other side, and asked me if I was a top or a bottom and I said I could be either, with a big smile.

Then the older of the two who had been staring at my chest, said, "You have a nice bust", as she took her finger and traced in a circle around my blouse covered breast, and you could see quite clearly my big nipples standing at attention.

The other teacher, as she was now cupping my breast asked me, "are you getting hot now", and I said, "oh God yes I am", so she looked at her friend the other teacher and winked and led me to the restroom so we wouldn't be bothered.

As soon as we got to the restroom both of them got me undressed in under 5 minutes, and each was sucking on a breast. Soon the older one switched to my back and started licking my back bone while the younger one was licking just under my breasts and working her way down.

I must admit I was getting so fucking hot with both of them licking and kissing me, that I started emiting a little moan. My moans got louder as the one teacher licked all the way down to my ass and parted my ass cheeks to lick my lil asshole. I knew it was going to be all over when the one who was making love to my front reached my hot wet pussy and so it was.

I was lubricating like crazy and when her tongue licked my swollen clit I had to bite my lip so I wouldn't scream. Wow did I gush. It was so much that the girl in front was almost choking and the teacher in the back was helping her by licking between my legs. It was amazing but we all said we had to get out of there because the cleaning staff would be there soon, so we got dressed as fast as we could and said our thanks and left the building.

The next day went fine with the exception that this one senior girl was like staring at me, and if I looked her way she would smile until I looked away. I really didn't know what it was other than she liked me as a teacher, so I would smile back.

After school I was locking the school room and started down the hall to my car when this beautiful girl with the sexy smile came rushing up to me, out of breath, and saying, "Oh thank goodness I caught you", and then she asked me if she could talk to me on a personal question, of course I said yes, and suggested the teachers lounge, so off we went.

When we got there and had sat down she came right out and told me, "I think that I'm a lesbian", I was astonished that she would come out like that to a stranger teacher but she went on before I could say anything. She said, "I saw you yesterday with Ms. English and Ms. Smithers, in the restroom having sex, and it got me so hot I wanted to make you cum too."

With that she placed her hand on my breast and squeezed slightly, before running her fingernail on my nipple, which has this amazing effect on me, getting me hot.

I told her we didn't have much time and she said she just wanted to suck my pussy and I didn't have to do anything, and then added please, so I told her to go for it.

With that she knelt in front of me and lifted my skirt up to my lap and had me raise my butt up a little bit so she could remove my panties, which were soaking wet by now, and after she had removed my panties she smelled them and sucked the crotch, before she got back to me.

She couldn't wait any longer and dove into my hot wet pussy and started licking furiously, in a little circle around my swollen clit, while my fingers played with her hair. I also felt one hand reach between my legs to play with my ass. Just after she plunged her tongue deep in my pussy to probe my pussy walls she plunged a finger in my pussy and was finger fucking me as she licked and moments later she plunged a finger deep in my ass. That was all it took for the volcano to run over the damn and I felt my pussy juice running as she licked, and it was amazing, all the explosions I felt, as I had multiples given to me from her.

As we hurriedly got presentable I made a date with her to come over to my apartment.

If you like this story, or have an experience that might make a good story, please write to me at

I have a lesbian story group on Yahoo, with over 1900 members. it's co-ed so men are welcome.

So if you have a filled in Yahoo profile, stating your age as being over 18, you may apply for membership. We have other lesbian writers who post their stories, as well as my own.

So join today :)

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