The Travelling Jew

By C Smith

Published on Oct 27, 2013



The Travelling Jew

By C Smith Copyright © 2013

Warning: If it is illegal where you live to read about teenagers that find themselves in situations, please don't read this story. Everything in the story is pure fiction, and the characters never happened and don't resemble anyone you know or have heard of before.

I should have been in high school, but I wasn't. Well, high schools weren't exactly invented just yet. Well, I guess I didn't know what I was missing but then again who does? So I should have been learning things in a school with other kids, reading and mathematics and the like but I was learning other things elsewhere. My father dragged us off to some city you've never heard of, Brixia, to trade some goods for other boring goods. He had it all figured out and spent hours at night pouring over his papers and counting his coins. I had to help with everything that included moving baskets and stuff around and general hard work until one day Dad took off to do some more business. He left Achai, our body guard slash swordsman to guard the gold and I got to go explore the city. On my own. When I was just going crazy to find out what they do in this awful pagan city. This tempting sensual city of lust and sin.

He told me to be careful though.

So I filled my coin pouch with a few bits of currency for a bite of lunch or something and headed out. Alone. To the city that was reputed to be a city of sin and pagan deities that people worshipped in every way imaginable.

Don't get me wrong, Dad did tell me to beware of the prostitutes and the way they lure young boys into their lair of tits and lust. I took it all in and hummed where I should have hummed and yes-sirred where I should have yes-sirred and told him what a good boy I been all these years and that was that.

The hot Tuscan sun of midday had mostly passed and the afternoon shops were out in full swing. The streets were not square nor understandable to foreigners. Especially since I don't speak fluent Roman the signs were somewhat tough to read, but I figured more or less where everything sort of went, where I was, and where I wanted to see.

I turned down a windy little street and came out to a square where the people walked around a group. I stopped in my tracks and my mouth dropped. I'd never seen anything like it before. The boys, all about my age, were lined up and the Roman teacher stood wrapped in his white linen robe instructing them on something. All of the kids were lined up with not a stitch of clothing on. Nothing. Not a inner garment or even an outer on. They all stood with their dusty mottled asses pointed to me.

My Roman was really bad. I thought the teacher said something about getting the horse to a green chicken but pretty sure that wasn't it. The boys then paired off and started to wrestle. Of course! I forgot about that, but the Romans, like the Greeks, wrestled naked, like it was nothing.

I stood there mesmerized as the sweating boys grabbed at each other, some boys were dead serious moving like the a snake grabbing and attempting to win but then there were some laughing and fooling around making it look nothing like wrestling. But all of them wore only their birthday suits grabbing at each other, their brown skin peeking from underneath a coat of dust and their dusty goods dangling and flopping all over the place for everyone to see.

Some of the boys had hair in between their legs, and some didn't. Most of them had their goods enlarged from boyhood and a few looked like small babes compared. But all of them had a bit of extra skin that got hacked off me just after I was born. Yah, it hurt like hell, but since I was only seven days old I don't remember any of it. I sure would like it back now that I look at what it looks like to have it, if you know what I mean.

Seeing all those boys, some of them very big and quite pleasant to look at had their foreskin flopping all over. They looked pretty awesome all muscle and sinew wrapped with smooth brown skin. I guess I was staring for a long time. I felt a tug on my sleeve. I looked over and down to see a small boy at the end of my shirt.

"You -something something join" I managed to pick out the "you" and the "join" and then when he pointed to the boys I must have turned red or something. He laughed. "Yes. You -something something something" He chattered so fast.

"No." I replied in my very odd sounding Roman, "I can't" my mind raced, for an excuse though the thought of going for it and actually wrestling with a strange boy was somehow interesting and new. I'd never thought of doing anything like that before. Ever. But the boy babbled at me and started pulling on my belt trying to take it off. I looked around and the square was littered with piles of clothes, each placed in separate heaps. The people either passed by not bothering to so much as glance or the odd person stopped to watch but most passed. All strangers. All foreigners. None looking at this as wrong, weird or unusual. Just a group of naked sweaty teenagers dust covered with chiselled abs and huge shoulders grappling.

'Who'd know?' I thought. That was my doom, I think. I was the only Jew here, or it felt that way. Dad was way off on the other side of the city, I think. He was busy, Mom was shopping and here I was staring at the group of sweaty naked boys contemplating joining them. 'Why not?'and that was that.

So it was quite a war, but the short version was that I knew it was wrong and if I got caught there would be big trouble, but the excitement and adventure over whelmed pretty much all options. I only had one. And besides, who would know?

I took off all my outer garments and placed them in a pile with my meager coin pouch on the very bottom It seemed pretty stupid now that I think about it. I mean a thief is not going to be stopped by some sweaty outer garments, but I was pretty nervous and wasn't thinking about losing my lunch money. I was shaking. No one saw me without my outer garment on. No one. And then I stopped. I didn't want to, but my inner garment didn't come off unless I had some privy work to do. Or I was sleeping. Or I was jerking my meat in secret.

So I went out into the middle of the naked boys with my underwear on and kind of just stood there. The little kid that had talked me into this insanity had vanished. He was probably playing a joke on the foreign kid or he stole my lunch money. I'd attracted the attention of pretty much all of the kids including the teacher. There were so many things wrong with this picture, I couldn't count them all. What the hell was I doing?

Too late now.

The teacher assessed me with a raised eyebrow and an smile of amusement. The Roman words danced around the area on wings of amusement and riding giggles.

"You fight Anton." The instructor said. He said the word "fight" which, in my limited vocabulary was a word I thought I would like to avoid with all costs, but here I stood like a white albino idiot dressed only in my underpants and everyone staring at my unskilled, under muscled, pale shiny body. I think I turned red a few hundred times by this point, but I didn't run away. I still don't know why. I just walked over to a naked boy, about my size, whose name must have been Anton. He smiled a smile that reached into his brown eyes and pulled out nothing but good will and welcoming. Then he crouched down, not too low and his smile vanished. I crouched too. `When in Rome, do as the Romans do,' they say. Well, I had no clue what I was doing and I was going to wrestle Anton.

So the match was quick and I found myself on my back and Anton's firm grip on my arm bending it the wrong way and me tapping. When you tap, you lose the match, but then the hurting stops. I did know at least that much. Kind of a good deal, I thought as I rubbed my shoulder.

As we stood up from the dust his warm smile returned to his face. He reached out with his right hand and for whatever reason I put my hand out also. I don't know why, it was just a reaction, I guess, and he shook it warmly and laughed. "Good one!" He said and then he pushed me back and crouched again. I felt a little less stiff. Nothing was expected of me even though all eyes were still on me. He moved for me and I moved to the side then I found myself on my back with him pinning me again, his dusty naked body squirming on top of me. Then I squirmed and my underpants loosened. Awe shit. Yep. Naked Anton continued to work me over, or under depending on your perspective and my cut willy went free and there wasn't a damned thing I could do about it except squirm more. So I did. But it was still out and everything got real quiet. I hadn't even realized there was noise before, but now it was gone. Anton stopped squirming and just held me pinned with my drawers missing and looking up at a whole bunch of brown bodies.

Someone poked it. I was far from hard. No one but me touched my thing. Ever. I was embarrassed beyond words. My face felt scalding hot like I had turned a shade of red that only existed in flowers. I felt my eyes fill with tears and of course that just made everything worse, if there was such a thing. Anton released me and I clamoured for my undergarment like my life depended on it. The teacher babbled something in Roman and I put my dignity back on and through my tears searched for my undergarment. I managed to get it back on, backwards, I think, and walked to where I thought my outer garments were. The piles looked much the same through my tears, but eventually I found my outer garments sans lunch money; stupid rotten little thief stole it, of course.

I pulled myself back together and finished lacing up my sandals when I saw some naked brown feet standing in the dust and I looked up. Anton had his hand out again but his smile was somewhat more grim. He looked truly sorry for the whole thing. I held out my hand and he grabbed me pulling me to my feet and I found myself hugging the naked boy. "I am sorry." He whispered in my ear, "Come" something something and I heard him say something about food or a meal or something like that. I really had to get better at speaking this Roman thing.

I was certainly in uncharted waters with this whole experience. I knew he didn't really mean to embarrass me and now that I had my clothes on I felt quite a bit bolder. Plus with my lunch money stolen and my stomach beginning to talk hunger to me the idea of spending some time with food and a new friend, albeit a naked boy, started to appeal to me. "Yes." I said. He made his way to his pile of clothes and began to dress, in front of me, not turning away. This was when I actually looked at his private region. When we wrested I had felt it, I knew what it was, where it was and I had seen it, but not seen it seen it if you know what I mean. As he moved it bobbed side to side. His foreskin was definitely interesting drooping to the point of his head. His head remained covered, secretly clothed in its own right. I thought he was medium size (of course in my extremely limited exposure to the male organ what did I really know about size?) and his hair only bushed on the top of it all. He was dark and dusty and pulled his outer garment over his hot sweaty body and just like that he was done. He didn't wear any under garment! Of course these foreigners were different in every way imaginable. I shouldn't have been surprised.

Then he babbled in Roman. I had no idea. He babbled some more and I looked at him like a stunned antelope. I finally figured out when he said, "I Anton. You" and then he motioned. He wanted my name. "I Raanan." He did some more Roman and somewhere in there I heard Ran and I guess that's what he translated my name to. It was pretty tough to correct him since my Roman was so awful, so I'm now named Ran. At least for the day.

He grabbed my hand and pulled. We ran through the city and what I thought was break neck speed. The houses and markets blurred passed as we ran down streets turning at random corners down what appeared to be an alley only to open to another set of streets. It was very very confusing but it was all I could do to keep up. The cobble stone pounded under our feet and his hand grew sweaty and slippery in mine but we kept going.

Finally we came to a building that looked exactly like all the other buildings and he stopped, said something in Roman and disappeared over a stone wall. I wasn't sure what he said or what I should do so I just stood there. His head popped over the wall. "Come." And he motioned with his hand.

I jumped over the wall to find myself on a set of stairs where we climbed to a roof top. The rooftop was very nice with divans and palm trees in pots providing shade. He put his arm around my shoulders and guided me to the corner of the roof that had a wall built up creating a sort of privacy. Sort of. We were still on the roof. There was a clay pot filled with water and a smaller pot of sorts. He pulled off his outer garments over his head and stood before me wearing only his sandals. He motioned for me to do the same. I was confused. What? Did he want me to get naked again so he could laugh more? Did he want us to bathe together? Did he have something more? Did they walk naked in their house? What the hell was going on? His warm smile and Roman chattering continued as he took off his sandals standing completely naked taking the small pot, dipping it into the water and pouring it over his head. The dust spotted body with rivulets of sweat streaking down instantaneously transformed into a sheen of brown blurry flesh.

I reluctantly shucked my garments. All of them. I guess if he'd seen it once and what was the big deal of him seeing it again. It was also pretty cool being naked on a rooftop with the baking afternoon sun lowering into the horizon and it was also nice there wasn't a group of people all gathered around watching the foreign freak show. Being naked, what felt like the first time ever, was both nerve wracking and exhilarating. I guess my completely uptight family upbringing did create some inhibitions, quite a few. What was odd was that our family appeared pretty moderate considering other families who followed some very strict rules.

Being naked in front of Anton and having water poured over my tired sweaty dusty body began to relax me more than I thought possible and as my mind remembered the naked boys. Between the vessels of water Anton poured over me, then over him and back to me, my member grew stiff. I thought to hide it, but I realized I was tired of hiding. I enjoyed seeing all the boys naked. I enjoyed wrestling with Anton and having him so close to me. I opened my eyes and stared directly at Anton's face. He was looking at me with fascination. I looked down at him and saw that his member was also stiff. He looked up into my face and smiled. Then he said some Roman. I think he was asking permission and the only thing I was thinking was that he was asking for permission for a closer look. I nodded my head. He reached out and touched it. There was a rush of energy I can't really describe shoot through my loins through my stomach and bounce around my body. Nothing in my entire existence told me that there was a feeling like that. He touched and explored I felt my knees growing weak.

Just then a small boy came running in and started with his Roman. His words sounded like nothing but nonesense, but his tone sounded like any typical kid teasing his older brother. Anton's voice retaliated and the Roman argument was pretty loud and got pretty heated pretty fast ending abruptly as Anton gave the kid a whack across his ear. The boy ran into the doorway crying and by that time I was standing in the shade of a palm tree fully dressed including sandals. Anton said, "Sorry" along with a bunch more Roman. The Roman and more Roman language that I should know. I'm going to learn this fucking language. Some day.

Anyway, Anton knelt before me, still naked but his pole softened back to a regular flaccid member and untied my sandals chattering away. He flipped on his outer garment on in one quick gesture and grabbed my hand as he had in the street and ushered me into through the door. The house was pretty basic and he sat me down on a divan and found some fruit and nuts. We ate in mostly silence. He showed me the way the water just ran into the house in a pipe and the drain just let it all go out also. There was no hefting water. It came to them! I was told about the aqua ducts, but who could believe such fanciful tales?

After playing with the water for a long time his Mom came home. Anton told the story of the day and basically all I could understand was "Ran" and then the boy turned up. Anton also had a lot to say about that. Anton's Mom, I learned her name was Paxe, gave the boy whose name was Alfaeo, a stern look along with some Roman words. Alfaeo looked somewhat abash and said, "I'm sorry Ran." The incident was quickly forgotten as the main door to the outside opened and people started to arrive. All sorts of other people just kind of appeared in the room. They introduced themselves but hell if I could remember all their names. There was lots of Roman and I only the vaguest idea as what was going on. A table was set and a roasted lamb appeared with all sorts of crazy vegetables. A jug of wine made it around the table and my glass was full. It wasn't just regular wine, but a fine strong wine that had a deep red dark taste. Anton lounged beside me and my cup was never two finger widths below the rim. I would take a sip and Anton would put more in. After the lamb more fruit and cheeses were put out. It was a feast I've never had the likes of before.

Before I knew it the lamps were out and the sunlight gone. I was done for. There was no way I could make it back tonight; through the twisting streets to a house I barely knew where it was located in a strange country with barely knowing four words of the language. I was fucked.

"Anton. I sleep night here?" I asked hoping I'd picked the right Roman words. Through the table chatter of the meal he looked at me with puzzled brown eyes and said something in Roman. Then when he realized I didn't understand anything he said, he simply said, "Yes" followed by more Roman. I was trying to guess what all those words meant. I think maybe he expected I would stay after dark. Or maybe it was bad manners to ask such a question. I could spend all day guessing what was what, but I was going to stay in side where I wouldn't be robbed and raped. Wait, I was already robbed. Whatever. It felt safer here with these strangers of a new friend who I think would protect me.

I over think some things and then other times I don't think at all.

Whatever. Again.

I was staying inside and the wine flowed into my cup and then out again. I was merry.

I don't exactly remember how I got to bed. I don't remember much of much except being thirsty in the night. I remember someone wiping a cool moist cloth over my body, and I was naked. I remember being cold and then having a warm body snuggle up behind me and some blankets thrown over me. The next morning I was awakened by the sun rise. "Ran drank much wine." Anton said from behind me, his naked body snuggled against me. My member was hard as a rock sticking out the front as Anton's was sticking in my back crack. I could feel his member hard not wiggling, still as stone. "Yes. My head dead" I managed a Roman fragment I hope he could decipher.

"One moment." Anton said and he bolted from bed. The city sounds drifted in the window. It was going to be a bad day. Sooner or later I would have to go to the house we rented and face my father. I would tell most of the truth about being invited to dinner, having drank a bit too much and losing track of the time. Then I would spin the safety of a foreign boy in a city where I was lost and was offered hospitality from the locals. I was sure it might work out. I'd leave out all the nudity and the wrestling and I might get off sort of easy. I hoped.

Anton came back, his state of undress unconcerned him, and what was stranger was Alfaeo followed. Alfaeo must have been ten or eleven years old or so, had his big teeth but he was bare as a babe and his member sticking out, rock hard. Anton held a cup of something out to me completely ignoring the boy. My head hurt so bad I could not get up without pain. It tasted quite terrible, like a medicine or something. As soon as I drank the potion I felt Anton slip in behind me and his arms wrap around me. I didn't complain and before I knew it his hand wandered to my private regions. My head ached so bad above and loved the pleasure of his touch below.

Alfaeo watched and I said nothing.

After a few moments the potion seemed to work as my head ache dimmed, though by this time Anton was full into massaging me on my shaft and I just let go and enjoyed it. I let all the guilt go and enjoyed the touch of another. I enjoyed having Alfaeo watch. I enjoyed watching the boy massage his own uncut shaft.

Then Anton whispered some more Roman into my ear. I had not a fucking clue. I just laid there and let him do his thing to me. He stopped and got up. Before I knew his head was gone and my member was in someplace warm and excessively pleasurable. I glanced down to see the top of Anton's head bobing up and down on my shaft. The sensation of hot moist motion around my member was beyond fantastic. I could feel my bursting building and I was moments away from shooting the life into his mouth. And then he stopped.

He cuddled me from behind and kissed me tenderly on the neck. I was beyond any words. My headache was gone and totally forgotten. And he talked more Roman and then he reached over to a jar of some creamy something, grease it looked like. He took and bent me over. I had no idea what he was doing, but he was greasing up my asshole. After all the new things that were thrown my way you'd think I'd be not surprised by more.

You'd be wrong.

He fingered grease in there and I just laid and took it. I didn't know what to do, but Anton seemed to know what he was doing. Then somewhere along the way the finger stopped and I felt something much bigger pushing to get it.


Couldn't do it.

I started to panic and then struggle. In a flash Anton had me from bent over frontwards to pin me on my back. I could feel his hot member against my hot member. I was close to coming to the lust pushing point again. He smiled. He said more in Roman and then grabbed my legs. I squirmed to pull away but his grip was iron and he held on. Then his member got lined up to my ass hole and with my squirming and wiggling, before I knew it he was in and then he started rocking me hard. I stopped squirming and found out that this new sensation was painful and pleasurable. I think. He thrust about twenty times or so I blew my seed all over the bed. Anton must have been right behind me because two more thrusts and he gasped slowed his strokes to a snails pace and pulled out. He hugged me and panted in my ear a bunch of Roman. Somewhere in there was a "Thank you" a "love" and my name, Ran. I looked over to the little boy. "Out." I said to him and the boy turned and left. I think it might have been because he knew there would be no more show, well, at least the main event was spent.

The rest of the morning we cuddled, kissed and enjoyed each other in simple ways. We eventually got up had some fruit and cheese to break our night fast.

"Thank you." I said. "For everything." I turned and walked down the stairs to the hubbub of the busy street below to find my way to my family fully armed with my story, though I did walk a little funny.

----- c

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